Guga vs Nick DiGiovanni FOOD BATTLE #1

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Thanks Trade for sponsoring this video.  What's up guys this is Nick Digiovanni I've made several videos with him he's a good friend  of mine. He came over to Miami and he said Guga  I challenge you, let's make a video together. What  are you gonna cook Nick? -I'm making a Peruvian   ceviche. We're gonna make Angel eat fish today.  -You're gonna go against me with a fish? I'm making   a wagyu tomahawk with some basted butter and some  roasted potatoes. Do you think you have any chance? Exactly! -Oh come on! -Who's going to be the judge? -I think  we just have these guys do it. -Oh okay all   right enough talking and let's get it done. -Nick, Nick, are you scared? -Don't,  don't you know I get nervous. -Nick you got any thoughts going into this? -Gives me  flashbacks to Masterchef actually. -I got no chance.   I gotta do here start with the seasoning because  it's a beautiful steak I'm gonna go real simple,   salt, pepper, and garlic powder nothing else. -Start  with my snapper here everything from scratch. I   got my nice fillet knife it's nice and bendy which  is important. -A lot of people make a huge mistake   because they don't season their steak properly. You  know what i mean Nick? -Australian wagyu why do you pick   it? -I think it's better in some way and somehow  from the Japanese because sometimes Japanese   wagyu fat gets a little bit -Too much. -Too rich. -Totally agree. I'm kind of curious if this is a   high quality fish that Angel got me here. -Guga  did you tell angel to take this out of a dumpster?   -Maybe! All right I got my steak ready to go that's  all I needed to do. Now i'm going to let it just   chill for a little bit while we prep the other  ingredients. Potatoes real simple everybody just   cut your potatoes in fourth just like this no  big deal. -Angel what kind of fish did you buy me?   I think we can safely say this is a pretty  clean filet. -Chopped them all up now we're   gonna get them seasoned. Just a little bit of  olive oil just so that the seasoning will stick.   Toss them around. -So I filleted the first side  of my fish. I'm gonna cut this into nice little   cubes for my ceviche. I'm gonna do a small  portion compared to your big old meat and. -Hey   we're big guys we eat a lot. -I know but this is all  about tasting. -Oh really? This right here is a real   meal. Let's say I'm making the appetizer you're  making the entree. -I'm making a real meal he's   making a little appetizer everybody, that's the  difference. All right for my potato good amount   of salt, garlic, powder a little bit of smoked  paprika. -I'm going fish into bowl and then I'm   gonna be cooking this fish. -Yeah I can see. -With  acid. -That's right. -We're gonna go in with about   five limes to really get this nice and acidic in  there. -Now I just put it on a tray like this make   sure they're not stacked on top of each other  and into the oven at 400 degrees fahrenheit for   about 40 minutes they go. -And then once I've  let this kind of mix around a little bit we   want to keep this super, super cold for about  30 minutes or so to really let the fish cook   through. It's essentially going to turn a little  bit more white instead of this translucent look   that we have right now, but this is all I need  right now to cook my fish and then I start to   work on that flavor. Are you a knifes sharp? -Yeah  they're okay. -Wait what? They're okay? seriously Wow! Now we're gonna make some brown butter  a whole stick of Nick's favorite butter.   All I'm trying to do here everybody just combine  these ingredients together so we can brown up the   butter together with a little bit of thyme and garlic.  It's really really easy to burn the butter but   this is all I really want right here. -I'm gonna  take these torn up cilantro stems, I'm gonna go   add them to that fish to get some cilantro flavor  in there, and then here I'm gonna make a cilantro   oil to go on top of the ceviche a little  bit. In goes my cilantro and then I take this   almost immediately so I don't lose too much of the  color, boom. -Look how more bright it is that's what   I'm talking about. -Beautiful right? -Beautiful. I like  that you appreciate what's happening. -Of course. -I'm   happy to have you here. -You're in my house and  you were saying that you're happy to be here?   -It's time to chop up the last few things  for my recipe here so first things first,   we do need a little bit of garlic. Gonna  give us a nice pop but we want to not put   too much of it because we're not trying to totally  ruin anyone's breath and you don't want to smell   Guga's breath on a bad day. Am I right Angel?  For my habaneros only a tiny bit no seeds, Guga says he's a baby with spice so I'm gonna put just  a hint. And then last thing here is a couple of my   red onions in there, and then a teeny bit of lime  zest. So coconut milk goes in and that's gonna be   this flavorful, flavorful coconut. -Creaminess as  well. -Coconut broth almost we're basically making   a soup and kind of seasoning it all up right. We'll  go a little bit more lime juice. It's fresh, it's   light that's what i'm looking for. I want as smooth  as possible, after it's gotten all that flavor I'm   going one spoon at a time. -Nick's doing all his  thing over here, the only thing left I gotta do   is to grill that beautiful steak. So I say at  least for me that is enough talking. While he'll   continue and i'm gonna grill some beautiful steaks.  Let's do it! -Let's do it! Let's, let's, let's do it! [rock music] Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Trade. If you're like me and you're   tired of that same old coffee in your grocery  store you see every single day, it's time to try   something new and that's why I got Trade. Trade is  a subscription service that sends you freshly and   sustainably sourced coffee from the best roasters  in the world and up to 30% cheaper than grocery   store prices. That means I get the freshest  highest quality coffee for a great price   and delivered straight to my door. It just does not  get easier than that man. Just take the coffee quiz   to get started. 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That's for 20 off   your first three bags. Thanks Trade for sponsoring  this video but now let's get right back to it. -I'm not a fan. You can you go for that first for the  steak. -Yeah cause then you can wash it off. I'm just   kidding. -Let's go for the fish first. I know  you don't like it but let's try it cheers, let's go. That's actually really good. -That is very good. -I've  had ceviche with Nick in Ecuador before and this   is actually way better than that. Better. -I like  this a lot. -Better than you thought it would be?   -Yeah. Nick, I'm proud of you man you're the  best. -Good job yeah. -All right so -All right   let's go to the steak. -Steak time? Let's do  it. -Let's put some salt in there some Osmo. -A little dip, little dip. -Ready? -That was a huge dip. -That was a big dip. That was a lot of salt. -Allright cheers. -Alright let's do it. Ready? Wow! Super juicy with the wagyu you know you're  going to get tons of like that fat that just   makes it more juicy than any steak. -Wagyu is  you know, pretty damn good. -It's hard to beat.   -It's pretty damn good. -It's hard to beat. -I want to try  the. -All right with the potatoes.   Im going to get a little bit more salt. -More salt?  -No a little bit less, a little bit less. -Cheers! -Guga it's amazing. -I love it. There's an amazing crust  like all around, tons of flavor. I mean it's just   really hard to beat, it's incredible. -It's got  a really good amount of medium rare. -Yeah. -The   gray band is kind of small too so you can tell  that it was pretty hot. -That's like one of the   best tomahawks I've had. I love steak and this is  awesome and I don't love fish at all but that was   really good. -There's a guy that doesn't like fish  and he really likes it. All right the verdict, Angel   we gotta pick one that we like the most. Three, two, one. -Stake. -Wow I didn't think you'd pick the fish.   -You know why? Because fish is really bad to me  so if it tastes good I gotta i gotta give it.   -It says a lot. -I gotta give it its you know  little shine. -For someone that doesn't like fish.   -And I eat steak all the time so I'm going with  fish. Maybe it's because I don't get spoiled   like this and have amazing steaks all the time  but this is this is amazing. -Nick that was a tie.   -I know. -Good job -Right -I must say your ceviche  look incredible. Our camera guys we're both traitors.  -I know right? -What's up with  that? -That's the bigger problem.   -I'm excited to try yours thank you so much for  coming to my house appreciate it. You all right?   -I'm good, I'm good. -You're nervous? -I'm always happy  to be here. -Good. Which one you want to go first? Now   we got to try each other's dish. I'm excited  for this I'll be honest. -Then let's go you grab it cheers Nick. We've been filming for a while, it's  been sitting down but the juiciness   as soon as you take a bite it's ridiculous. No  one knows Australia is on the map with wagyu but   they're some of the best in the world probably  number two with Japan right? -100% and sometimes I   really prefer the Australian because you know  even though the Japanese is better it can be   a little bit too rich. -You could eat a half this  tomahawk if you were really hungry, but if this   were Japanese wagyu I eat one piece like this -And  we're good. -Done for the day. -This is fantastic.   -Thank you. -I see why Manny gave you the win. It's  pretty good not gonna lie. -He's still fired though.   -Okay i'm excited to go for your ceviche.  -Ceviche. -I must say it looks real pretty. -It's   pretty, it's a very giant contrast. We got  hot, we got cold, we got big, we got small.   -And you got edible flowers. Come on. -I got a  little flower. -Oh come on guys. You ready?Cheers. -That's good. -That's delicious you know what I  mean. -So much flavor. -Refreshing because it's hot   outside. -That with some plantain chips like it's  just hard to beat for me. -Absolutely. That's good!   -Which one would you guys prefer? Let us know on the comments. Guys I hope you enjoyed this video, if   you did enjoy make sure to give it a thumbs up,  if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe   for future videos. Remember if you are interested  in anything I use, it's always in the description   down below. Thank you so much for watching. Make  sure you guys go check out Nick's channel we   did several videos together we even did some  crazy brisket, we did some insane stuff together   make sure you guys go check them out. See you  guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 2,256,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, challenge, wagyu, cooking, grilling, master chef, nick digiovani, gordon ramsay, best steak, cooking challenge
Id: WrPHapOF0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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