I Traded for a SECRET BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!

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anything it's a weird coincidence that when I decide to leave this Minecraft world because I complete everything that you can do without dying but Mojang just keep bringing out these awesome updates I don't think that said he seeker Mojang I see you wanted me to finish the series you always continuing don't you well I got you back welcome back to Minecraft hardcore survival the original series and behind me is my beautiful new castle which was built in snapshots something-something Oh 8a and today we're playing in oh nine a because we've got some brand-new stuff to discover but before we do that let me just go over what we did last time so last time we replaced my entire hardcore Castle like I took it apart block by block and replaced it with the new stuff in the nether so what we have is we've replaced all the stone bricks with basalt which is part of the new nether update in Minecraft that's a brand new block they spawning columns we took them apart and put in here we've got the green stuff I don't know what it's called it's the green mushroom stuff from the nether we replaced all the cloud wool blocks with that and then underneath we've got the red mushroom stuff which is going to cover the floor now after we did that we added in some beacons we took the beacons back from over like over here where Gwen was keeping the beacons hostage we took that all apart as well and now underneath here we have ourselves four complete beacons with their pyramids all made out of solid iron blocks I don't even want to do the math that's a lot of iron blocks but this is the first time we have had four beacons surrounding our castle we've only ever had three before so now permanently we have jump boost to speed to strength two and haste to so we're a boss basically look how far second sprint it's ridiculous I'm fast as anything let's go slow horse slowed us don't feel sad maybe you'll be a bit out okay let's go let's go it's dangerous to be out here I'm going I know where I'm not wanted all we get is that just went straight past my head I'm going to bed I got I took the hint okay I took the hint oh geez I'm panicking I'm panicking I'm not used to having a new staircase but we did build the staircase we'll read to make it actually functional we use the new words and as you can hear we have a lodger and he's right here apparently a wandering trader thought it'd be a great idea to spawn here and now he's stuck he won't leave I don't know how long he's gonna stay here for but I think he's been here for a good like five buying craft days I don't know if he's gonna leave but he might by the force of my own sword he might have to leave permanently because he's pretty loud after listening to him going huh an Apple listen to is llamas going I'm threatening to spit at me so am I have to go soon right I got a little bit of tracted talking about last time because we need to talk about now in the future let me just drop all this stuff off because this is not what we're gonna need we're gonna need lots of gold shiny stuff because we'd say a little prayer real quickly for the humble zombie pigman they don't exist anymore they've been fully replaced by the pig Lynn's so they're our Pig Lynn's but there's now also zombie pig Lynn's we're gonna go and take a look at those and you can now trade with the normal Pig Lynn's which is awesome apparently you can get this brand-new block that is only obtainable by trading with them but you're gonna need lots of this stuff shiny gold luckily we do have lots of it let's take at least one sugar box because we always seem to leave with a lot of stuff I'm gonna be doing some bartering anyway but what we're gonna be looking for today is a special block called crying obsidian yeah you heard me correctly crying obsidian so it's basically this stuff over here but it looks cooler no offence obsidian no offense and it cries it actually like sweats and cries true tears I haven't seen any in real life yet so excited to see it and the only way you can get it is by trading with these new mobs so oh wait I forgot there's something else we don't quite look right we're not ready because the pig lines are hostile mobs the only way you can stop them being hostile is if you're wearing gold now some of you guys told me that you can just wear one piece of golden armor but no offense I don't believe you so we're gonna make some golden armor do I really only have that did I not grind any away I must have ground some away surely absolutely no gold chest plates fantastic I'm gonna have to make that an ax so it is gonna be a little bit touch-and-go running around the nether with just gold armor protecting me but I'm gonna have to deal with it this is for science and the good stuff the good rare blocks so let's go ahead and look that's a helmet for me and that is a chest plate for me I'll have to get changed get all this stuff put this stuff on I'm gonna take this armor with me just in case the things get a little bit crazy I don't feel like dying to be honest and I think we're ready how do we look we look pretty special with the speed stuff my thing is like so zoomed out because we've got all these buffs how do I look though I think I'm looking spicy I've also got the extra totem which is a bit more gold actually should I make a golden sword does that matter how'd you don't know I don't want to offend them we're going into their domain now I'm gonna make a golden sword just in case again this is the only time you'll ever see me make a golden sword that might actually be the only time ever that I've made a golden sword but I'm gonna take it just in case our golden carats just in case as well I think we're ready to go I think we should just go and do this I might have to do a little bit of flying to find the pig Linds but we're looking nether ready I think we're ready to go and make some new friends Wow I forgot I don't have had the feather falling I just half died well good one this is gonna go great this is gonna go great sir buddy so buddy's ready as well look at him glistening let's go oh wait there's also another new block as well there's a target block which I do want to try out as well I think you craft it we've redstone in a hay bale so we need to try that out as well and make something cool with it oh wait a second is he one of the new ones there's one of the new new ones oh I can see him look at his ear hello you look rest in peace zombie Pigman welcome the zombie pig Lyn they actually look really different he's got a flappy ear but I think he's only got it on one side the normal pig lines have it on both sides as you can see this crossbow guy he's threatened me multiple times as you guys have seen so hopefully my new outfit pleases him yeah look they haven't got one on this side because it's all skeleton I think they've got a snout now as well they they do look that actually looks really cool so today's mission is to talk to this guy hello he's actually attracted to me I'm not sure if I'm I wasn't looking for a girlfriend oh he's really attracted to me hold up you're getting real close okay buddy are those nice noises are those nice noises I come in peace Nicole the gold I'm carrying apart from my cape but my cape can't be golden let's throw a peace offering Oh Oh what's he doing what are you doing is for obsidian at me five obsidian wait hold it eh come back here sir excuse me come back please so you can kind of guide them where to go look at this dude he's not attacking me and he's giving me stuff what was that nether bricks dude you can come here come right here I need to try and trap this guy let's trap him come here I'm gonna try and trap you what you're gonna get me this time huh I want the good stuff okay that's an end of all that that's for enderpearls okay hold on a second this guy is pretty good this is really good holy cow what's let me build a little shack for you was that Streamlight yeah got shroom lights as well - got shroom lights obsidian no no no come here come here I need you to go there hey buddy where are you going come here look follow the shiny thing the shiny thing is me come here and I'll put that there dude come on you can't be that stupid hey I can see your flappy is I know you okay he's gone he's definitely gone he's coming he's coming he's coming I'm teasing him I'm not sure I should tease him when he's got a crossbow in his hand but he's pretty dumb otherwise come here okay I'm gonna block this up you can't get through there I'm gonna put this here this is this here then that I don't actually know what he just gave me what did you give me leather okay think of leather - right you're gonna go there give me something else and then you're gonna go over there right in the middle go for that over there go in yes yes yes yes yes got him okay no I have like a little trading post if I sell a few of them you just want a mushroom a price up a few of them I think is another piece of gold in there buddy if you want it there's another piece do they take more than one at you know nothing about these guys they're pretty cool though I like them I've only been attacked by them before let me see I do one too three four five let me see if it would be more than one I think I only took one there must be baby variants of these guys too magma creams if you just shove a whole stack in there I think they'll just go through it or string yeah look he's doing it what else we got quartz oh dude this guy's a Geo let's put the that there was he trying to tag me what did I do why are you trying to tag me I didn't do anything I'm not quite sure why he's mad at me guys how can he killed your ad you're gonna get me killed I got the sword please don't attack me please don't stop stop give it a peace offering do they attack you if you're not holding gold cuz that's gonna be a big issue for me he just gave me out of nowhere that's crying obsidian that is crying obsidian look at that oh look at it cry it kind of glows as well that's more than one - that's rare you gon smoke from my least favorite person - my favorite thank you for this gift we got for that's so good okay so for those of you that are old jeez and I mean serious oh geez in Minecraft you will already know about crying obsidian I don't look it up minecraft history lesson coming up oh boy I just looked it up this blog crying obsidian right here this block was introduced in beta 1.3 that's probably before even some of you were alive let alone playing this game that's so long ago and now it's finally back in the game in the oh nine snapshot and I'm not sure of its function right now I just know that this is the only way to get it and it looks like obsidian again but it cries but this is an OG item this is probably the oldest thing in Minecraft one of the oldest things in Minecraft now in the game and this is the only way to get it by trading with these guys now what I want to try and do is I want to try and light a portal of crying obsidian I don't actually know if it works I have no idea but um I'm gonna need some more of it I need six more if you could be so kind maybe it's because I what is that okay now he's giving me gravel you kidding me so made me throw this back in your face well if I do five again you 1 2 3 4 5 he seems to go through it one by one didn't he come on give me the good stuff it's like a lucky block it's kind of cool okay quartz I wonder if the more gold you give him in a row the more he gives you in value in return that was some warps nye Liam what else you got more warps now Liam thank you sir this has cost to be a lot in gold though so it is kind of a risk but considering you get this stuff in return it's actually pretty nice like the end opposed that's nice a potion is give me a fire resistance potion leather is actually really annoying to get sometimes as well let's put all the crying I'm sitting and going there gravel you know I'm not gonna put that in there gravel is useless come on give me the potion quartz so you've got six quarts in total that's an 8 never mind snake and this piece of gravel which I'm not fond of are you okay I'm kind of scared as to why you um why you tried to hit me before let's do one two three four five five more please raku my buddy come your best trades I need six of these bad boys please also we're gonna find baby ones of these and then take a closer look at the normal zombie pig limb as well and string okay oh just not like using a shocker box I don't know if that's intentional but it's it's scary either way I'm just gonna take this and leave though shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me ha ha ha do not shoot me I see you over there what do you think you're doing put that down put that down this instant oK we've got some more testing to do it's so scary being in the nether with gas and stuff I've got none of my enchantments I've got no feather falling as we've already tested out oh nothing to protect me if things go seriously wrong oh look at these guys oh it's so weird they've removed something but not removed they've just changed they've evolved hello friends how are you I know we've had our issues in the past but now you're looking this good I don't think we're gonna have that problem again say I'd like a 3d snout now I don't think they had that before floppy ear which they definitely didn't have I'm assuming they behaved the same way and when he attacked me actually I didn't attack its so these zombie ones and the normal ones don't kind of attack you at the same time when you're looking cool I'm liking it now I need to see a baby one of you guys which I think I can see over there I can see it I can see it and I want to see a baby's are normal pig Lin oh hold on this is a normal Pig Lin it's a normal one look at it it's so fast look how fast you are you say my gold can I trade with you hello where are your parents he takes it he takes it takes it were you gonna give me in return huh don't you steal it you're gonna give me something I think I've just been robbed you better be taking that to your parents get me a cool item you kidding me no take take this take that take this are you gonna take another one let me see what he does with it well there we go there we go he's got one you just took another one you're taking three taking three of my gold off me no this guy's a thief this guy's an actual feet are you kidding look me in the eyes tell me where your parents are where are they to be honest um I'm not gonna do anything even if you tell me where your parents are because they're scary you know what you can keep that it's a gift from me to you if your parents do decide to attack me just just remember just remember give them a little sweet nothing in their ear saying that a dantdm that's me gave you that one day yeah you think about it think about it what am I talking about I'm talking through a weird Pig okay I need to find more of no no no no no no not now why are you here why are you here is that two of you you kidding me or there's two of you no I'm gonna die please don't why are you here of all the days you never attack me here ever and I mean ever you never do it I'm gonna have to just keep throwing these back go off I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'll great there's two of them oh this is this is really nice I'm so pleased well golden armor over here I'm gonna melt the pieces no oh I'm out I'm out I need to leave I need to leave instantly the scaring me no no no no I need to find some more pig Lin's wool I need to remember no feather falling death could happen do I have I do have this on me Oh hold up hold up you guys are in trouble the only replacement I have for um the shoot right now isla tude and I don't think it one shots which is a big problem oh now you run away oh great that's fantastic news well I will find some more ease oh wait there's another baby pig man oh they're not even called pig Mans anymore it's kind of sad okay here's the baby zombie big Lin's and they're looking fresh I like you do you do anything with gold completely disinterested okay you do nothing with God I want some more that's crying obsidian then I'm gonna place it in the world I don't actually know how long it takes to mine I want some other pig Lin's to trade with I couldn't find the baby ones and they're just straight-up thief in my gold was it just that one guy oh no he's gonna despawn isn't he I didn't even think about that I travel this sum over there i trapped him and didn't even think about getting him a nametag I'm an idiot it'll be really good if that was one of the things that they traded oh here they are here the parents he's got gold on oh wait hold on actually got loads of gold on I come in peace I come in peace well if I trade with the gold ones you've got a gold hat on I haven't seen one of those before trade with me barter I don't think I can have much bartering power I just accept whatever they give me but I really want some more of the crying obsidian please if I feel like you're Santa and I'm I'm writing a little list for you to string you kidding me if you weren't so scary I'd be laying the beat down right now leather okay I don't even know if like you can build up a rapport with them maybe like if you trade them more stuff then they're more likely to give you the good stuff I'll go log old buddy I can be here all day we're gonna double we can do two at a time look at these guys I love how they like read it it's like they're reading a book grapple great that's nice thank you here they go they're thinking about it they're talking about deals that they can give me I want more crying obsidian oh no way no freaking way nine they just love nine of me I'm out bye we're done here whoa uh-oh the other thing I want to try actually probably not the best things try around here because they do hate when I use the shoulder box for some reason let's put that in there let's put everything they gave me in here and then we can see what we got so I didn't use that much in terms of gold ingots let's pick this up I want to see how much army you can get away with wearing could I just wear I'm gonna put this in my hot but just in case I need to do the quick switcheroo could I just take my pants off and wear a hat and not even hold the sword I'm in a hold of karat hello guys I come in peace I look exactly like you I think they I think they vibe and then we can just wear pants I think they're vibing they might be jealous actually because they're anywhere in hats but if I took this off oh jeez that was a bad idea why did I think I was gloating it huh oh no wait wait wait vibe with me vibe with me I'm vibing I want full gold on don't hurt me yeah you back up oh that's got a wig I like these guys I like all you guys I'm not even gonna test if the zombie pig lines have the same gang behavior I'm gonna assume they do but now it's time to have a look at our brand new block we got me some crying I'm sitting I got a lot of it as well the fact that I asked oh wait he's still here the fact I asked for it and got it was insane from both of them the odds of that happening is so small you have no idea all right let's take all this off we don't need it anymore let's pop this bad boy stuff back on I don't even want this golden sword gross I can make another armor stand and that can be our nether thing let's do that a car member how I got arms on it though I think I used a mod which I definitely cannot do again who remembers how it's making armor stands I'm a stern bap bap sweep okay right we should be able to do this actually one of these armor stands doesn't have everything at all they're still holding hands it's still really cute I'm gonna put this one I could put it next to my nether portal I could do that I think I'm gonna do that I'm gonna put it next to the nether portal just because no oh oh I had our attack midair I thought I didn't have my my normal armor on then for a second oh my goodness I'm way too comfortable I need to be careful right then this is gonna go here and this is gonna have our stuff so that goes there there there there unfortunately I don't think I can I can put this songs it doesn't have arms that's annoying that's really annoying anyway let's continue with our little quest we got crying obsidian now let's take a look at what it looks like whoa is it actually cry - it's supposed to let's put it hanging from somewhere gone cry weep in front of me tell me your deepest darkest feelings it drips like it's dripping it's dripping purple I didn't expect it to be dripping purple I thought it was gonna be like actually crying it's kind of although really cool how long does it take to mine a decent amount okay it's not as bad as normal obsidian though like by far and then when I got haste it's not too bad either right I want to see if I can light a portal of this I don't think I'm gonna be able to actually don't think it has any kind of use whatsoever but I am gonna put it in front of my portal just so it looks completely amazing I mean look at that how cool does that look yeah there we go sweet look at that that looks so good at is dripping around Oh beautiful let's go and get friends dear I don't know if I said this before I might have said it already but I wish that I could bring a piggelin back to the overworld but unfortunately if you bring a normal Pig Lyn cuz I could have like a whole trade thing set up exactly like this I guess you already need one of them but I could still have that set up but the problem with that is every time you bring a normal Pig Lyn into the overworld it turns into a zombie pig Lyn so that's just annoying it doesn't work let me grab this let's see if it likes okay that is a solid no that is not light okay it definitely doesn't have a purpose right now so we're just gonna mine this up and I'm gonna put it in front of my normal portal just because I think it's gonna look really cool we got it I don't know how rare this is I might look it up but I don't think anyone's worked out the odds yet but the fact that we got it from two Pigman at the same time just by asking politely and wearing the same clothes of them I feel like that's pretty swell let us fill in that hole real quick bat bat and then let's see if this odd she looks good it might just not I think that looks cool look at that crying obsidian bro I like that I like that a lot it does look like a crying obsidian portal and then we can even go like one extra just because we've got the extra yes I kind of like the way port was look without it but it's fine and we've got normal City in here to put in the gaps and if I double up I can actually make it all the way around so I could encase this portal in the crying obsidian but that's gonna cost me a lot of gold I feel like a lot of gold now we just need like a purple block we've got perper which is in the end city but like a purple version of these would look so nice and yeah I think if I go all the way around the edge with this make it a real beefy portal go around the backside as well that's that's pretty much a crying obsidian portal even though it doesn't do anything in the future crying obsidian is obviously gonna have a use we just don't know what it is yet could you guys even guess what it would be for I have no idea right let's go look at one more new block which is the target block I'm gonna need some hay for this so let's go and borrow some wheats from the worst farm in the world it's this one right here I just need nine don't even I don't even want to talk to you up there I think I killed him actually today did I kill him pretty sure I did right boying let's go oh man this job ruse I forgot that someone blew up the cloud as well man we've got lots of repairing to do but at least the inside of here looks good let us use this wheat it up apparently this is just redstone yeah there we go top right got a new target block target yeah 4 redstone 1 hay bale makes a target block I'm just gonna keep this redstone it's empty are the rest of my redstone is at the oh it's in the end oh why is it the end why do I leave these things in random places that I'm never gonna find again or it's just I will find it it's just so much effort you kidding me I just need a item frame but the sword I really wish that there was a cool way to display your weapons we've got a cool way to display armor stands I'm armor on armor stands you can't get the in Java edition you can't get the arms without a mod and apparently they stay without the mod which is quite nice but like a pedestal or something like that would be extra cool I think we should be able to do that right then haven't got more I've got one crying obsidian this book crying obsidian down here I will make this look much more better but for now it's just practical usage I'm gonna have to trade for ages to get some more crying obsidian but we got how much like that's 10 11 12 13 that's not bad from three trades in about 20 minutes I guess it's not as rare as I thought anyway target block that's uh you okay are you good you're just gonna who's gonna bother my horses are you again this is not very practical either they've been here for ages I'm just gonna punch it this oh I've angered the Beast I'm angered the Beast stop just stop this right now there we go ah okay target block look at this bad boy so depending on where you hit the arrow depends on how much redstone signal comes up so if we use the two right now and go to the edge it does like one redstone signal for a little bit but if we go square in the middle we got a full redstone pulse so you could use this for some cool stuff like a secret doorway that just requires skill to unlock I've had more redstone than I would show you how far it goes but I think it goes to like eight or nine but I like this I really want to stop a shooting range now and I also want to make it so that this bit just looks better cuz at the moment the terraforming of my article worlds leave a little bit to be desired doesn't it it doesn't look too great I'm pretty sure actually you can hit these with eggs and stuff as well so there used to be a chicken up here I don't know if I think you're did you kill did what have you guys killed the chicken there was a chicken up here where did he go guys guys you can't just kill our friends like this I'm glad I didn't name him was it it was you wasn't it evil cat I can't believe it okay I have one egg this is the testing egg so we should be able to see I think it still depends on where you hit it yeah so you can use it with eggs as well that's quite cool anything you can throw I think snowballs work too there you go there's a brand new block and I think that's everything that's new so far now one thing that we haven't tested is nether right because it's so rare and I think that leads a little bit more preparation so let me just see real fast how many diamonds I have because I'm thinking another set of diamond armor is gonna be needed so how much is a new set so 24 diamonds makes a full set of armor and then we need some blast protection because what I plan to do is I plan to use beds in the nether to find nether Wright's nether rites for those of you that don't know is another new block that was added in the previous snapshot which is better than diamond I have no idea what you can do with it I know that it can survive larvae so if you throw it in larvae it won't die you can do a sword I don't know if you can do a pickaxe and I don't know if you can enchant it so what we need next is we need a new villager to be able to get blast protection as a book unfortunately some of ours passed away don't really know how that happened but um if we have blast protection I need to make a certain set of armor just for next episode because I don't feel like dying anytime soon especially because we're so far ahead the baby launcher it's definitely gonna be used in the next episode and then we're gonna have to re-roll for a new villager but guys that's gonna pretty much wrap up today that is the new piglets and I think they're really cool I like I'm a bit sad that the zombie pigmen are gone but the pig lines are just as cool and with the trading stuff I need to get something that looks really nice in the nether to keep a piglet in there we need a name tag as well but I think they're really cool this is how to use them it's another way to use your goal to trade them for cool items like ender poles and stuff gold used to be useless now it's actually pretty good and you have to have the gold items for them to like you in the first place otherwise they're just gonna hack you down so I'm gonna wait these snapshots every week and hopefully they have some new stuff oh wait a second oh hit the bullseye of a target block with an arrow I'll hold on we haven't completed minecraft we haven't completed minecraft hold the phone did I not hit the bull's eye earlier are you kidding me guys you're about to witness greatness here we go okay he might not be so happy about this can you move excuse me excuse me sir thank you how did I miss I actually missed was that not it yes haha you swear your very own eyes hundred percent complete minecraft whew that was a close one I was almost a fraud for a second and I almost got my butt beat down by a golem but that's it that's finally it guys thank you so it's rochet hope you enjoyed I'm gonna keep up with these snapshots because apparently they're uploading them every week which is pretty sick if there's new blocks I'll find them I'll use them and we still won't be dying die in the series you die in real life guys thank you so much watching I'm gonna go search for some nether right in the next one if you enjoyed this video please leave a like that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well if you haven't done so yet by using the big red button just below this video I'll see you all in the next one give eye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,509,608
Rating: 4.9315763 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly
Id: tP0zE642-58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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