I Transformed the OVERWORLD into the NETHER in Minecraft Hardcore

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so this world is really starting to look great I've built every biome collected every block and transformed this amazing cat so instead of building just the new portal I'm gonna transform this whole place into The Nether because it's not an easy video unless I do something that takes way too long like for example removing this entire Mountainside and replacing all this water with lava and changing everything to another rack and you know what let's just begin [Music] stop starting my videos like this basically the reason I'm doing this massive well it's not a tunnel it's actually like half the Mountainside is going to be removed so I'm going to open all of this up and then we're going to have like a big nether fortress bridge going out towards the outside and another area is going to kind of like infect the Overworld almost it's not just going to be contained to the cave what the where exactly where did you come there we go that's opened it up quite a lot more there's gonna be a cool bridge going across the water well the lava as I said I'm going to replace it with lava same thing over there we're gonna have like Striders and stuff another rack and the different nether biomes and this build is going to require a lot of talent for someone that sucks at building should be interesting to see what I come up with but yeah the first step to this massive thing is removing all of this it is all opened up now however I do need to do a bit of nether racking that's not a word so that I can see what it looks like and then keep transforming based on that [Music] I just need a bit of a smoother transition to the outside than just this you know you get that explanation [Music] and as I said I want to build some kind of nether fortress type thing so this is kind of what it looks like it's obviously five blocks wide with one of them on each Edge being the fence type thing the pillars look very wide as well how wide are these one two three four five six this way they are one two three four five [Music] No One's Gonna know what this looks like from the inside it's fine that pillow takes up a lot of space maybe we just push the pillar inside more okay well there we go except uh fences pop them there there we go so we've got the outside area of the bridges complete here's this pillar that'll go into the lava that'll look pretty cool and then I need to do the other two pillars even got this end here looking roughed up just like the real thing I'm so good at building and then in here we can have a secret little room I don't know exactly what I would put in here but there there's that and now I can use this bridge to make the rest of the wall look better so I'm gonna do that [Music] thank you [Music] down the bottom here on this side we'll have another pillar kind of like that one in the cave then later on we'll obviously sprinkle in tons of like gold and quartz and probably a few blocks of ancient debris as well there we go the wall is looking a lot better that part right there needs a couple more blocks and then what if I get creative here and pretend like this Fortress has been kind of like taken over by the illness of the Netherrack was it looks stupid no no you know what I'm not I'm just gonna quickly replace a lot of this with Netherrack here because I feel like I've said this before but obviously there's a lot of trial and error you have to kind of see what it looks like to then adjust what it looks like it makes sense actually since the walls and a lot of this in here are slash is going to be Netherrack I could do the Warped in Crimson biomes out here all right so I've got my shulker box and we are off to collect the blocks you need some of these I'm gonna attempt to get like four stacks of the nylium I think I need some weeping Vines get the Warped stuff as well I have an odd feeling no matter how much I get it will not be enough yep would you believe this has five stacks of blocks here what the [Music] and there we go obviously it's not perfect and it's not going to be for a little while but we could add a little bit of some like raised parts so we can make the place look like it has a bit more texture have some trees here one there one here maybe maybe even another one right here then have like a little path leading right through there plenty of these uh Crimson Roots all over you know what why don't I just do that that's way better something like that and then on this side we really quickly what what why now that there has to be a reason or anything but I ruined my transition again thanks a lot guys now I can say we just need to do this which looks pretty cool again it's not finalized it's still a bit rough because we're just getting a feel for what it'll be like so if I start bone mealing bone meal a couple of these one now one whoa another one here nice one here okay nice looking pretty good except that looks really small and stupid okay it's gonna look crazy at the end of the video I promise stop the cap oh no the inside is where it's gonna look very very cool like all of this is lava which is the next step by the way oh man first thing to do is just Mark out the perimeter of this place like so wow so that then I can differentiate the stone that I put one layer down because that's where the lava is going to go is on top of the stone because I'm not doing the whole lake I'm just doing the top layer because that would take weeks all right there we go now after you get out of here you go grab my sponges they're just we will do some dirt layouts like this and like this and like this now we place these sponge blocks down that should hopefully drain this pretty nicely [Music] boom so there's the easy part done now Begins the ridiculously tough pot okay there we go I do have a lava farm with lots of lava right up okay not that much actually [Music] [Applause] now we have lots of a lot this is like five percent of what I need probably my prediction is I'm going to fill up like this here and that's it is that there has to be a better way to do this right there has to be what why would you why'd you just do that it's really difficult to see which spots you have filled in and which ones you haven't no yeah see I've already done that one I didn't know that sorry that's okay how did I fill it with lava they said it'll be fun place I'm the one that said that okay hang on that was just a game of back and forth that's it for the lava that I have on me we filled up a little decent part here but if we're gonna do all of this um I should probably do more buckets per trip so I've got four shulker boxes and plenty of buckets in there that hopefully should be enough let's get this done brilliant foreign What If instead of randomly just placing it everywhere like that I could maybe do a dirt Bridge every two blocks like this and then I can just place the lava there and there and there and there and there and there and then I go all the way down like so right and then I can do the same thing on the other side I think I'm on to something here all right let me get some more dirt and let's get to it I'm actually really excited this looks like it's well it doesn't prevent you from needing more lava but it is 10 times easier I don't why why was I doing what I was doing earlier [Music] I don't have space at moment foreign here we are it is pretty much all done apart from this one spot right here there we go every single spot here is full of lava ah that did not take forever at all okay so this is what I've done so far and I've decided that here is going to be a Soul Sand Valley kind of area leading up to the portal you know how there's those big bone areas lying around in the Soul Sand Valley I'm gonna create something like that but instead of just it being a showpiece it's actually going to be a bridge leading up to there that is genius let's try that out real quick uh no stop it collect some of these actually probably I'm gonna need well let's be real this is Minecraft I'm gonna need more than what I think I am did I say that right so I'm going to try and go for about three stacks I think oh that guy's War hacking for sure [Music] need to also collect some soul soil and Soul Sand this is I'm so slow and then I didn't actually know this but you've got plenty of these in this biome as well considering I already have some I don't need to collect them so I'm just gonna okay so the bridge is going to start from let's say about here so down here can be the Soul Sand because I'm never gonna really walk on here [Music] I should probably add some texture to the place with some soul soil make it look a little bit nicer just keep talking because then it looks like you know what you're doing but in reality you have no clue what's going on I've encountered a bit of a how am I going to do that up there I think I'm gonna need to Mark out the actual ceiling first and I think right there is a good spot to make it the cutoff point so this feels really weird I actually do feel like a construction worker right now [Music] what is with the bats and flying into the lava in this video I don't I don't get it okay there we go I think we've got it all connected now I need to decide where it's going to end on this side near the portal and then I try and somewhat replicate what's down there up here actually wait hang on I'm outlining this for no reason I mean all this whole wall and ceiling here needs to be turned into I'm an idiot oh okay I missed so all right I'm gonna get to work and there we are I'm really happy with the way this has turned out it does look like a mess but what are you gonna do now I need to try and put some of the bones down so I've made that shape there which is the most normal looking one there's that one and then there's this big one which I think looks kind of cool and then right here going up there we are going to have a Basalt pillar because I feel like there's Basalt pillars in the salsan valley right so let's do that wait [Music] what I do actually need to build this biome in the project so I'm gonna need to collect a lot of this let's see what we can do try and face them in different directions Hiller red up as usual oh well it's a pillar so I'm gonna make it look as natural as possible how does this look should probably add a bit more I think yeah that looks a bit better I really need Soul speed on these you know what matter of fact why don't I just go get it [Music] oh did we yes perfect if I should probably keep moving let's grab a flint and steel and start lighting this place on fire we'll have like little portions that have more fire than others [Music] wow now we're finally gonna do the Bone Bridge from I'd say right here to up there let's see how this looks okay this fovs make it what I'm gonna throw up okay it's looking pretty good definitely need to um thicken it up a bit and for the slabs I think I'm going to use quartz here because it kind of matches up nicely somewhat let's see if this works out as nicely as I'd hoped this is a bit too uniform hang on I'm gonna change that up there we go looks pretty good except for the fact that I need to add some of these here there we go we've got some of those we need some at the bottom as well and I am out of bone blocks good thing I have a bridge leading up to my nether port tell you what running around Sultan Valley now doesn't actually feel like a chore wow this is actually I'm really impressed with this and once all of this is never this whole part of the cave this is and the portal oh man this is gonna look great I got to put some of these down actually uh where's my scaffolding there we go again round two [Music] there's water here I didn't replace with lava um [Music] there we go looking all right looking a bit better [Music] no no no no no no dude I hate creepers I don't remember the pattern that I had I I was in a good spot dude nope that's not it see now I can't really put my finger on it but it looks stupid maybe maybe I spread the bones out a little bit to the side here you know what we'll just maybe I'm being too critical we'll just leave it like that no it doesn't look right all right that doesn't look too bad now back to the terraforming or whatever you want to call it oh we've got a couple of these guys how do I can I make sure that you guys don't despawn somehow I need name tags I don't know if there's any point to this because they might just [Music] all right well I've added some golden quartz and now to just get rid of these and I almost forgot to change this water now into one okay I did not think that through at all there we go all right looks good now we've got this place starting to look like it means business portal still looks kind of silly in the midst of all that but we'll fix that at the end of the video but now we've got this side here which I've actually thought of something this another Fortress type thing well it's a bridge it's not a type thing I need to learn how to speak for real we can bring that through and have one of the legs of the nether fortress come down into the lava and then we're gonna have stuff around it like Striders and little assault blocks and and oh man okay let's go and then this upper area here is also gonna have to be turned into another rack because well it doesn't really make sense for this bridge to be going through Stone there's another Bridge not a Stone [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me what does this actually look like in the nether are there blocks up here are this the top part is nether okay okay I can do that hey what nice one same thing's gonna happen with these ones let's try and prevent that from happening real quick oh my god let's try and build this up I have a strong suspicion that I'm gonna need more than this oh would you look at that [Music] yo he's my yo let's run let's go [Music] so the bridge is finished now when I turn this whole area into Netherrack it should look even better which I think it does now I have left this area here everyone's favorite biome the basalt Deltas everyone loves that place it's like you fall into lava every two steps but I also did get a zombified piglet and I put the name tag on him but I have no idea where he's gone I'm assuming that guy is the culprit maybe not enjoyable to Traverse and un enjoyable to build either there you go you just randomly kind of stopped placing these and then eventually it'll look like Basalt Deltas a little bit [Music] oh my God even in a fake Basalt biome it still happens this guy clearly feels right at home so I'm gonna take that as a sign that I've done a pretty good job anyway here we are I've done all the walls there's creepers up on okay hang on there we go all the scaffolding is gone and I've finished the entire wall on the inside it looks pretty brilliant there's this tiny Basalt biome here which I actually don't mind considering how much I don't like this biome it doesn't look too bad enough and I've even done a little bit of this outside area right here so above the bridge next to the bridge and stuff done some terraforming there speaking of these two biomes need to be extended out that one to there and then that one to Under the Bridge because right now this looks pretty uh pathetic so uh let me get to that [Music] anyway here's the area which looks I mean ah wait hang on yeah that looks 10 times better wow now we're just gonna run around here and bone meal everything that we can [Music] ah okay my whole life just flashed before my eyes what was that the one right here in the middle one right here okay it happened again we definitely should not be shy with these because these biomes have a lot of trees usually oh nice I think we could liven it up with a few animals though so before we move on to the Warped I'm gonna try and get a couple of hoglands in here hello guys I can just can I just grab the two of you these guys get zombified do they continue growing into like the adult ones or let's hope so I haven't actually finished construction of the bridge so can you just bear with me for a moment please okay okay yep well that's what you got that's what you get it would be cool if they could not be on leads and then they just like roam around and stuff make it seem really cool but I don't think that is an option what if I do this does this work can I put a fence there and then are you to that fence put this back on so that way the fence is invisible in the meantime though whilst we finish the rest of the project I will leave these guys here and see if they actually do grow up now I've got the Warped area that I need to try and outline now I'm gonna have it go past this side down to there and then I might just do it all the way to the lake to be honest oh I need to get rid of all these trees feels really really wrong to leave all this Spruce here but there's actually a time and place where warp nylium is more valuable than Spruce now this time I might actually actually have enough I have all this here and then I have all of this in the shulker box so for all of this beneath me that should definitely be enough right all right let's do it there we go it looks pretty good this tree randomly for some reason went super tall into the air and you know what we're just gonna leave it there because if that's how the events unfold then that's how they unfold and I've put a lot of trees in this biome as well because that's kind of what it feels like in the real thing right like there's just a lot of trees everywhere and speaking of actually I need to put down lots of these because I've kind of forgotten about them but they are a pretty big part of this biome let me just run around and place some of these haha and then I can run back and bone meal them even though I'm definitely gonna miss some that I placed and there we are there's the outside done I do need to light it up so that stuff stops spawning because the cave is now exposed they can just come through here but I'm really happy with the way that this turned out this looks very cool uh let me know what should go in here because I'd actually do that some other time what is he doing he's beginning to believe [Music] now there's just a few more things that I need to do all the nether waste Parts I need to light on fire so that up there and this in here now when I say light on fire I don't mean just light everything on fire I mean just put down some packs of a pack of fire pockets of fire so that the place actually has that nice nethery fiery nether of fiery I should stop oh tree's on fire you know what maybe that adds to it having like half burnt or fully burnt trees around the nether because I guess it kind of wouldn't actually make sense for the trees to stay completely fine next door next up before we move on to the portal I just need to do some finishing touches and I'm gonna try and recreate this exact pillar on the lava and now if I take a look from up here they're kind of at the same height which is pretty unfortunate I wanted one to be higher than the other I'm trying so hard not to be lazy I'm gonna push this one in just a little bit here so that I can go up there to that ceiling nice okay there we go there though now they're a little bit too close together you know what dude if you're just walking through here I'm gonna I thought the zoglins would have stayed because of the leads but clearly they haven't so I'm gonna do the bridge so that I can bring more of them over [Music] thank you for slabs on top there we go [Music] double whammy this guy's gonna follow me up and he's gonna come through the portal as well I should have left this guy without the saddle because now you cannot take it off so it looks a little bit stupid but uh what are you gonna do am I really getting fired upon right now you've got to be joking me and an hour later I've got the mobs in the lava pit as well as some zoglins so there we go oh my I've completely forgotten about a pretty important aspect of this whole nether area it's a glowstone we need like a couple of packs of Glowstone one there one up there one there oh wow I mean I am doing the final touches of the builds technically so I could just pretend I didn't forget it yeah let's just pretend I didn't forget the glowstone I never did no no it's um I left them until now because I need to put some ancient debris down as well oh one there some in the corner as well and also gonna make a little oh like that and I think yeah looks nice but there we go this place is looking pretty epic we've got the Soul Sand another waste a little tiny Basalt Deltas biome we've got Striders and piglens and zoglins over here as well as our two outside biomes and then our nether fortress that actually go goes into the inside of the cave which this is definitely one of my favorite features now this looks great and all but if you look at the nether portal it just looks really out of place because it's terrible so let me just fix that foreign this is ridiculous comparing that to this I mean there's just no competition what am I even looking at I mean the outside is pretty cool right but if if you just look at this whole inside Area together what's that new portal that looks incredible oh wow and then I can just fly through here if I really feel like it and there's no benefit to that but now this place looks really terrible um this guy is still just walking around the cave I thought you would have been killed by the [Music]
Channel: ezY
Views: 1,273,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ezyyhd, ezy, ezyy, ezy minecraft, I Rebuilt the NETHER in Minecraft Hardcore, I Recreated the NETHER in Minecraft Hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, I transformed the overworld into the nether, in minecraft hardcore, minecraft ezy
Id: -Ts6ZKoFy3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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