I Collected EVERY Block in Minecraft Hardcore

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so in this episode of doing annoyingly difficult things in Minecraft hardcore I'm going to dig out a tunnel similar to the one I built for the different biomes and I'm going to collect every single block that exists in survival so not bad rock as you might guess we'll start with things like the grass block and then later on I'm gonna need to collect every single mob head and so on So speaking of grass blocks let's get the variety of dirt blocks out of the way like podzol Forest dirt through the dirt and just dirt so this is obviously going to be the Overworld portion of this Museum and then after we finish that we can move on to the other areas of the game whilst I do the next wooden blocks I shall explain the rules for this challenge it's pretty basic if I can both obtain the Block in my inventory and then also place it onto the ground then I need to collect it and put it in here for example I can't obtain the path block so it's not going in the museum anyway we've got the plain old log the stripped log just the wood variation and then the stripped wood the oak leaf and then we need to place the sapling on dirt grass would probably be nicer actually we've got the plank the plank stair the plank slab the fence the fence gate a button a pressure plate a door a trapdoor a sign that says nothing essential but recommended so that I think is every placeable block slash I guess entity I don't know this kind of looks stupid should I bother doing the boats maybe I'll do a special area for the boats or something but this is every placeable Oak block now we need to move on to Spruce just like so and now honestly I'm starting to realize this is gonna take up a lot of space there's a lot of blocks we need to get through I don't think I have a single bit of birch wood and I have to collect some of this I think this time we'll just go on the other side over here or else one side is going to be wood and then the other's not gonna be okay this one is gonna say Birch rules because I don't think Bush gets enough respect honestly I think too many people hate on it comment section is going to be interesting with this one anyway the next wood variation is Jungle which I also need to collect so I was going to do one of those boom transitions but alas jungle is just it's such a weird looking block anyway I'm sure you've seen enough of the wood stuff so here's the acacia dark oak and I still need to find the mangrove swamp because I not only want the wood variation but also frogs for the blocks that we'll be making later on let's pretend like I haven't already flown 10 000 blocks and not found one yep okay I don't know how or why these generate in regular Villages but take some of that because I'm going to need it now I'm going to go back to the mangrove swamp that I found a few episodes ago even though I don't really know where it is I do remember going past this that's just a regular oh whoa whoa wait this don't tell me this I need to Google this you can find frogs in regular swamps it's like I don't even play this game what a giant waste of time and effort I could have just gone to any of the regular ones and I'm back home after an hour also I can just do this I need to decorate this place as well once I'm done with all the blocks all right we've got some Basics like the chest crafting table and furnace and I know the furnace might not be an Overworld block but at the same time it kind of is because on your first day of Minecraft you usually acquire it by doing this outside so yeah it's an Overworld block I think these ones are gonna need some assistance from grass why can this not grow there we go now I should be able to do it and put some kelp down also found some cocoa beans that I should probably put down before I forget now we've got the Jukebox and the note block now if you take a look at the crafting recipe that is majority wood not diamond or Redstone so they are going in the Overworld boom bang and bang and I've got the Note Block audio off now we've got under the next category sand stuff how do you get smooth Sandstone I forget that's not it I need to smelt it so sand Sandstone chiseled Sandstone cut Sandstone smooth Sandstone then we go for the stale and the wall and then the three different types of slabs right there here we need to play some scent oh no how are we gonna plant a cactus we might just need to leave a gap I don't think there's any two ways about it let me get to my farm here that's probably overflowing yep I'll have to somehow work this into the build later on but for now we need the red variation just like that and I've also realized there's two types of stairs so I've added that to the regular sand as well something that's a bit similar to scent is one of the most boring blocks on the planet is gravel we've got wet sponge and just sponge we've got regular eye switch we need to turn into packed ice that then turns into blue ice so we've got those three there next to the ice we've also got a snow block and some stacked snow we'll stack that up close to the end there then we've got clay and next to the clay the brick we've got the brick variation of stuff the stair the wall the slab so then we've got a melon a pumpkin a carved pumpkin and a Jack-o-Lantern that looks pretty cool time to dig out some more lovely space you know we're actually accumulating quite a few blocks here this is Thunder look pretty cool I also need some gloss one of them being tinted so that I can place it next to the sand what the what is this anyway let's do all the ocean stuff we got the sea lantern where is it and ah damn it dude all right we need to make a bone block because we're actually not gonna place it I just realized this is more common in the nether than it is in the Overworld so I'm gonna leave that for the nether next to the prismarine stuff I'm also going to put some Coral down which I need to collect luckily it's raining so that I can just oh my God and they are unfortunately all going to die but that's the point because we're saving the actual colored ones for the colorful section of blocks I think these look better on the wall so I'm gonna go ahead and do that real quick yeah it looks a bit better like that anyway we've got one more Ocean Block which is of course the one and only dried kelp which I I this is the first time I'm ever using this block in my life and boom almost done with the Overworld section which is actually the biggest one I've realized got some flowering Azalea pop star right there we also need a fun and some grass not tall phones because when you break them they go into two so you cannot actually obtain a tall Fern or a big fun or whatever it's called same with grass fun grass and I don't have any dead bushes do I foreign through some of these blocks that I need do I have paintings yes I do do I really not have any bricks not a single brick boom glowing item frame almost stand I mean dude if anyone actually remembers how to make these I applaud you because what is this pattern dude what is that so I've got the mushroom blocks some Vines which are probably gonna grow everywhere and a lily pad I don't know how I constructed this list but the important thing is is that I did like scaffold how scaffolding should be next to the bamboo I just we've got a painting oh we need to restrict that actually there we've got the two item frame variations a flower pot and an armor stand right there pickle can go here seagrass however needs a bit of help put some water down behind the trapdoor which is gonna go everywhere and then I can place it dude this build is going to be gigantic and I haven't even finished the Overworld speaking of so there's that side done these are pretty much all like the Villager blocks I think you can find every one of these in a village if I'm not mistaken and then there's this side here which we have a few select blocks for like so and as you can see here these two sides are even but I have one more block to place which is the level and if I place it they are uneven so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna place it here and give everyone anxiety anyway that is the Overworld portion done as is signaled by this weird Archway thing as I've said this tunnel is going to have some mad decorations next up is the cave portion of things which believe it or not is not actually that big we have a stone cutter right here and the first set of blocks is the stone ones so that should be easy wow that button Blends in and then the other types of stone really the place that I decide to place the granite has Granite below it there we go that's better and next up after these we've got our oars so let's start it off with coal and then the others some of them are actually pretty rare So this should be interesting let's oh we've got some iron right here we actually need to collect all the different types of blocks that every ore has oh there's a little bit of lapis hang on got some Redstone here don't mind if I do gold too wow okay I'm getting pretty lucky foreign diamonds and emeralds and I'm not going to find them this far down nor do I need these what am I supposed to do just walk past them that did not work I actually do need one of these and there it goes okay we're back out onto the surface and I think I can see a cave over there does that count as a mountain now am I maybe gonna find an emerald in here oh yes not just one but two of them oh there's three there's four there's so much all right we found some emeralds now we just need some regular diamonds which I think are going to be a struggle unfortunately but I will persevere until I find some I think most of that stone diamond stuff happens in the crossover from Stone to deep slay right so I'm actually kind of neither I'm actually neither okay there is too many skeletons in this game okay I thought that was diamonds is that what I is that what I think it is oh my goodness yes this could have taken a lot longer luckily though I found them in cave number three not cave number 57 or something and I just realized I am missing deep slate coal I'll go collect that in a minute but for now let's just finish this I'm gonna make them Ascend in value goes from coal to iron so we've got Stone iron then deep slight iron then a block of raw iron then a block of actual iron and I didn't collect any deep slate lapis either it's all right you always gotta expect some bumps in the road and then we go for some nice gold like that that looks really nice wow looks even better without this stupid Gap then we'll go for Emerald deep slate emerald and an emerald block diamond deep slate diamond and a block of diamond look at that wow uh okay let me fill in these gaps that deep dark dude I flew so far away for deep dark a few episodes ago and you're telling me that this I'm not gonna find coal down here I don't even know why I'm doing this foreign is black why was my whole screen black just that it still is can someone explain like what oh they played lapis right there I shall take a little bit of this oh oh there it is let me get up here not sure if me finding these is to be considered lucky or not I was gonna put this in the rear blocks section but didn't even take me 10 minutes to find so yeah you're just going with the other oars my friend and here's your home too there we go that's that looks great this is the best looking part of the whole thing so far I would say so we've done the regular Stone we've done the oars we did a little bit of deep slate so I feel like it now makes sense to do deep slate along here I brought a whole stack of cobbled and regular deep slate so we'll put that there now let me just create like a lot of these the play does have quite a few different types so we've got that one that one that one that one that one they all have different names I don't know I think this is bricks this is chiseled this is polished then we'll do the stair variations like this slabs put the walls in just like that is fracked deep slate thing it is okay right there seems like the only logical option which means we're gonna need to push everything down one there we go that's better all right so next up we've got tough which is one block that nobody really cares about then we've got all the copper blocks which I actually need to mine out quickly I shouldn't have even put down this much let's craft one of these now make an actual block of copper which I need some honey for and wax oh we need cut copper and all the different stages as well and this stairs as well yep great so what do I just have to sit here and watch this obsidian I've got on the list as well lucky I have no shortage of that I don't know why I just placed that so this is where the copper is going to go after all the other oars over on this side we'll go for some calcite then amethyst then the small medium and large buds followed by the cluster followed by a little bit of obsidian that is like the underground block we've got the Moss block followed by the carpet the Azalea which I cannot plant oh just a little bit of reordering I guess which doesn't look the best but it's gonna have to do for now spoil Blossom has to go there it's going to create a nice little vibe in here with floating slime looking particles low berries as well still waiting on the copper blocks this these these blocks have not changed at all anyway I've got several blocks here to put down but I'm looking for one more before I can move on to those and I'm actually not sure how to find this one oh right there wow well there you go thankfully that did not take too long hanging Roots there we go we've got a cobweb some iron bars and a chain and then we've got some lovely skulk kind of stuff you know this is gonna be really annoying lichen is what I forgot and obviously a skull catalyst is missing but that is going to go in the rear block section just because I've decided so the list is weird already speaking of an anvil comes after this stuff and now we've already got enough torches in this place but you know we have to place it there or else it doesn't count and then my Lantern here that I placed a little while ago place that there finally I can place down all the copper blocks that were oxidizing for ages as well as the lightning rod now next to this we've got all the Redstone so I need to dig out some more space here because this is a lot of stuff regular Redstone deep slate block of redstone redstone lamp maybe that's lit up as well which is pretty cool this Spencer you know what I don't need a list every single one how about I just do that and there are all the random redstone blocks we've even got the rails here and we've got space for one more block which is the lodestone for the lovely lodestone you need a netherrite Ingot and I don't think I have a single piece of wow look at all that netherite we have dude that's great and while I'm here for the last cave block let's collect the nether stuff as well so we've got another gold ore we've got quartz ore we've got another rack now the nether doesn't actually have too many blocks so this shouldn't be too complicated I need to collect a fair few of these actually because then we need to make things like some stairs slabs walls need a bit of Soul Sand one of these like some of this as well well I need some of these here just realized I got to collect quite a bit of quartz because we need to make all the blocks as wow that was okay let's find a nice little pocket of Blackstone we can mine up like this one and I also just realized I'm gonna need some more Soul Sand kind of stuff because of these Soul torch and Lantern and campfire and all that I think this should be enough he has some lovely gilded Blackstone that we also need uh and last but not least I need to get some netherrite for that lodestone that I wanted all right okay go this way foreign [Music] there we go we found some here is some netherite and nice got our lodestone and we Mark another section complete but now we've got a few nether blocks and as I said it's not many so let's just do that real quick almost forgot about red and other bricks which I think are more annoying to get than they need to be like I don't know why you have to have Nether Bricks and warts to make red another like and now on this other side we've got some Crimson wood and the layout is similar to The Wooden stuff all the way over there except for the fact that I'm going to put the leaf things here and connect the two like so and now we're going to do the Warped blocks in like a backwards kind of fashion so hopefully this looks pretty cool dude I actually really like how this it's like mirrored and well that was that's exactly what I was trying to go for now I need to fill up this side here and you saw me collect pretty much every block apart from the soul torch Lantern and campfire put those down next to the Soul Sand stuff right there we've got Basalt uh polished basalta now we also need smooth Basalt I should maybe have some in I was about to say my fridge there we go let's go play some smooth Basalt and all these quartz blocks I'm saying all these as if there's just not five of them glowstone as well as I surprisingly haven't done that yet now let's do all the Blackstone stuff so we've got the slab the stair the wall the yep okay you know what we've also ran into a cave with lava so I need to fix that up real quick or the bridge that goes across the Ravine now how do you make a re ah okay that's easy pop one of those down and add a Wither there we go and now we have one two three blocks available which is even to place the Frog lights now I don't I don't actually how do I get these I know they have to go into The Nether and they have something to do with Magma blocks okay so I'm gonna need some slime balls for breeding the frogs that should hopefully be enough doesn't seem to be any frogs here I know of one other swamp where my witch Farm is and here's some frogs okay well there's one oh there we go there's two so I've brought a few frogs we have three frog spawns we've got some buckets and I'll need to take them to different biomes to spawn the different colors of frog and then take them into the nether please don't die somehow find some magma cubes get them to eat those magma cubes and voila there's one there's two there's three and those four that's actually very funny all right well you can just chill here try not to die though yeah okay and now for the other two this is a cold enough biome right [Music] all right my friends come on it's your turn get what the why will you not get in the portal this is probably why because there's no portal on the other side do not fall off please oh my goodness this place is so dangerous I did not even see that before it has already taken long enough man come on there's a green one another one yep there we go we've got two green ones all right warm frog let's do it okay sweet now get in the portal oh there's one right here how do I get you in there can you just dude oh my what is your problem dude wow see you chump yo stop venturing away quick quick please help me I don't need to go in here actually this is I'll be that dude did not want to stay here at all here we are the three frog lights I'm on these honestly belong in the app these honestly I feel like belong in the rear block section because they are not that easy to get and with that the end of the nether phase is marked so we're gonna put our wooden planks down and it's time to move on now out of the three that are left the next one is the end and let's be real how many blocks actually exist in the end all right [Music] and now I know you're probably thinking surely that can't be it right like this is this all the blocks that are in the end the answer is no no we place this and then we place uh this and now that's all the blocks that's all the end has to offer let's split off this spot here trying not to hit that I probably should have put it down later but I like to live life on the edge sometimes you know now when it comes to the colorful blocks we are going to do every item that you can die that means banners Wool Wool carpets concrete and concrete powder and so on oh lastly also the colored Coral but that's not really dyed so it's a little bit different I'm gonna make 10 of each die so that I know I have enough so uh let's get Crossing foreign [Music] of every die here considering I need wool for the banners plus the actual wall block it's uh wow I'm overflowing um okay let me just get 10 of every wall so I can make the banners and then place the banners and there we go that's the banners and now we do that on the other side in another block and then we do another block over there and there and there and there and that this this one's gonna take up a bit of space so we've got banners on this side and they're a bit abstract obviously they're not an actual block and we'll try and match that with some flowers on this side and unfortunately the colors don't really match the other side because there is no every color flower that's not [Music] boom I need how many one two three four sixteen shulker boxes which means we need 32 shocker shells okay sure [Music] that was a pretty big one [Music] 43 shelter shells not bad oh this place is gonna look so nice man I already have some things in mind and it's gonna be amazing white light gray black brown then we've got red orange yellow lime and green just like that and last but not least we've got cyan blue light blue pink magenta and purple that is our color scheme because I don't think I've actually said it up until now anyway we've got just a few more to go so here's the gloss and gloss panes and both of these will look better once we have like a good wall behind them now how do I make glazed terracotta you need to smelt it that is really easy considering I already have pretty much every color 15 and 16. all right perfect I feel like this tunnel never ends this is my first time actually using glazed terracotta and there's that on the other side we need to put down some candles I was gonna throw that into a montage of me making the candles and placing them but as you saw I only have four Honeycombs so now I've been forced to pretty much just put shears in every one of these and now I have to wait luckily you don't have to wait though because after that transition I now have just over a stack of honeycomb this way so this way there we go got it 64k I don't even think I need that many magenta red white gray light gray brown this is definitely the coolest pot like I don't know what it is about these candles but they look much cooler than any of the other ones and last but not least the Beds which I have to split across the two sides are also is going to be incredibly uneven but let's not forget about the final colored Coral now obviously this does look a bit weird but they have to be submerged in water and this whole thing will soon look a lot better and at my friends marks the end of the colored area I can't believe I used 16 shulker boxes on this and now we're on to the final piece of the puzzle which is all the rail blocks not all these blocks are actually rare per se but it's more just like what I felt like belongs in that area for example the Ender Chest isn't incredibly rare but I'm still gonna put it there on the list was also a crying obsidian but I realized that the respawn anchor is probably the more rare one out of the two anyway here's our first set of rare blocks yes I did forget that I placed the dragon head in the end area so let's just pretend that this didn't happen one two and three now listen I know these blocks might not be rare but the mycelium I feel like is pretty rare okay anyway let's get on to the real rare blocks first of all I need to collect 36 ancient debris for the netherride block I'm gonna put them right here so we have a counter at the bottom of the screen and let's get to work [Music] foreign [Music] I've been here before [Music] fantastic all right now let me get out of here oh and I'm in the middle of a look okay we've got our 36 netherride scrap that combined with the 36 gold that we have is nine another ride ingots if I did the math wrong there I would have been pretty annoyed but we now have a block of netherite and you're telling me wazzy made a whole beak oh dude what so ancient debris and another right and now there's a few more for us to go for we've got a conduit a Wither skull from my lovely Wither Skull Farm a dragon egg which I will have to take from the uh oh well this is not ideal which I will have to take from the bio Museum which we can place down right here I feel like the egg belongs kind of in the middle it is the Showcase piece and now finally we've got three blocks left and we all know what they are let's be on our way to go and get them nice dude that's actually very good now I just need to wait for a storm which shouldn't take too long right a 1.5 a nine oh all right here we are I don't know why I flew back in the base I should be looking for creepers oh there's a creeper other mobs hello get away from me no oh not the Phantoms as well okay here we go did it did I get the yes I got it all right sweet here's another one is there a skeleton oh zombie oh that does a lot of damage but we've got a zombie head as well okay this is actually not as difficult as I expected no oh dude come on and you killed him oh look at me what the heck let's get some more zombie heads why not yeah they come again is there a single skeleton anywhere okay now there's two skeletons but no creeper I love this game here we go that's not what I was looking for at all that's another zombie head I mean I'll take it short there we go okay we've we've got another skeleton in there nope I need you to be out in the rain maybe is that what it is not okay it's because I hit you before yep skeleton's still here oh there we go he's in did you what happened one skull per explosion yeah all right please it's gonna stop raining soon I can feel it yes okay we've got one where's the other creeper oh there's a disc brilliant I've got an idea here I've got an idea here oh you just fell in I've got a totem I'm okay let's go okay all right oh skeleton skull oh boy see look at that not only have I collected one type of chest but I've collected the special edition Christmas chest that only pops up like a few days per year so I suppose these skeleton skull instead of the dragon egg has earned its spots as the most rare block that was annoying to obtain wow and the final thing to do would be to decorate all of this we have a nicer entrance the boats are still out here because why not I've added the packed mod blocks here opposite the dirt because that makes sense right and this is obviously the Overworld we have grass and wood here the cave area that has deep slate and stone another area that has quartz another rack this is probably my favorite one it looks kind of like colosseumi I is that what no it's not we've got the very small end portion and one thing that's actually criminal that I forgot to do is this like all of these and now it looks even better however I forgot two pretty important blocks collect one and make the other one and with that we are done and dusted there are the rare blocks in the game in my opinion of course and now we're flying past pretty much every other Block in the game [Music]
Channel: ezY
Views: 5,669,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ezyyhd, ezy, ezyy, ezzy, ezy minecraft, I Collected EVERY Block in Minecraft Hardcore, I collected every single block in minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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