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let's get started today we're gonna try and slay siren head yeah he's over there we're all decked out with the best gear let's take yeah let's do this I'll take Point cover me with arrows JJ okay be careful Mikey don't worry leave it to me take him down well if you say so I'll hang back got this Ironhead is done for it Mikey go he's stronger than I expected help me out you okay oh right cover fire thanks be careful of Mikey I can do this thank you what siren head eight monkey how dare you hang on Mikey how could you do that to Mikey give him back I can't do it he's too strong whoa huh what is this where hang on am I inside siren head with Mikey so siren had ate you too JJ I lost all my weapons and armor oh this is crazy Mikey we need to find a way out of here if we don't escape siren head quickly we're gonna get digested what I don't want to be digested which way should we go I'm not sure hmm well let's try this way sure let's try it ah I hope we can escape what is this place huh it's so weird I'm not sure hmm what's this green stuff I think it's what acid what we must be in his stomach you'll be digested if you fall in oh you have to be super careful that's right where do you think we should go Mikey forward looks like we have to reach the other side the bones are safe I wonder what's on the other side yuck look at all these skeletons [Music] that huh what is this skeleton holding whoa it's some kind of weapon that skeleton has one too it's just a guess but maybe these skeletons were people who tried to kill siren head just like us but they failed these people were eaten by siren head and the acid digested them the skeletons are all that's left those poor people that's terrible yeah it's up to us to avenge them and slay siren head ourselves with these guns of course too bad huh you're right oh well maybe we'll find some ammo if we search the skeletons they probably had some I'll check out these ones careful okay find anything nice what's that what carefully hey that's ammo but it fell in the acid there's more though I got some see hey they had a lot of ammo whoa time to go back yeah made it here's half the ammo thanks how do I reload this thing oh like that whoa this thing's powerful we did it now he's down a chance against siren head yeah well Mikey what do you say we keep moving yeah yeah hold on what there's something up there what is it it looks like we can climb the spine to get up there let's go yeah what's up here let's go climb the spine what's at the top let's find out hang on this is bad whoa [Music] so many slimes kill them all why are there so use your blaster keep your distance be careful we're winning so many we're gonna be okay Mikey get every last one yeah you can if we work together who'd have thought that siren head would have so many slimes inside of them okay I think we got them all finally yes we did it great work Mikey good thing we found these blasters now what do you say we keep moving and leave siren head's body I'm way ahead of you let's see this is a fork in the path yep left or right we have to choose red or blue then hop into that Minecart which way should we go Mikey I don't know maybe red red is good right TJ I have no idea I hate making choices let's choose red hey Mikey I think blue will be safer let's go okay I hope you're right three two one click whoa here we go nice we're safe you chose the right way hey look the red track goes straight into the acid whoa call we got lucky anyway let's move on yeah let's go what's next what's this more acid yeah it looks like it yikes that looks like an exit let's go that way hurry before we're digested it's like parkour let's go yeah they're fast come on come on we're going as fast as I can yes nice good job be careful Mikey don't fall in the acid now what we have to go over there that exit is our goal we need to cross this thin bar to get there be careful and try not to fall off now turn back nope let's go okay I can do this we're so high up you good I am if I don't look down almost there Mikey great job nice awesome we've gone far we've got to be getting close to the exit let's move I think we're close now let's go it's been easy so far something's after us which way do we go that's a dead end I'm going this way in here I made it they can't follow us that was close yeah yeah what is that thing I'm not sure I don't think we'd ever escape if that thing caught us so it's so scary seriously but we're okay yeah what's this I don't know huh it doesn't seem like more acid hey Mikey what I think what is it I think it might be the spinal cord oh a spinal cord yeah what could be up there I have an idea what well we could swim up the spinal fluid then then what it should take us to the brain siren head's brain is up there oh then we can kill siren head by destroying his brain from the inside that's a great idea JJ let's go yeah hold your breath okay all right Mikey you have your blaster yep siren head is done for he won't know what hit him I wonder what his brain looks like same think we can kill it are we there yet I think so we've come a long way siren head is huge yeah come on is that it we're almost there we made it to the top is that it whoa that's definitely the brain Mikey kill it bring it on whoa it's attacking that brain is strong keep firing corners do this Mikey it's dead we did it brain has been killed we won I can't believe it huh hold on we did it behind you huh a portal appeared whoa what's it for maybe it leaves ironhead's body let's try it yeah let's go okay here I go I'm right behind you oh wow huh wow what's happening I don't know something about siren head seems messed up whoa what's it doing I think it's done watch out [Music] it's over we won we beat siren head JJ great work Mikey if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time foreign
Channel: Maizen
Views: 2,996,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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