SPIDERMAN Speedrunner VS Hunter in Minecraft

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[Music] well let's get started check this out today we're playing Spider-Man speedrunner versus Hunter if I can slay the Ender Dragon I win that's so cool by the way Mikey I can use Spider-Man's Powers isn't that amazing whoa really I'm gonna chase you with superpowers too huh look whoa I'm really strong yeah no kidding well Mikey you know what I'm gonna say let's get started yes I need to slay the Ender Dragon without dying yep Ready okay starts I'll get you DJ oh I can grapple around like this yeah me too huh what here I go whoa you're fast watch out I didn't know you could move that fast where'd you go hurts oh I took more damage than I thought I lost you let's huh go where are you all right that's better yes did I finally lose Mikey nice whoa he caught up with me already I found you where is he huh oh that's not good [Music] I'm hunting you no all right I need to get away nope I just need to run yeah nope yes okay I think I lost Mikey finally Mikey is strong today I'm gonna put some distance between us like this [Music] look for a village [Music] whoa wait hang on hang on check it out wow this is perfect it's a village yes where there's a village there's bound to be lots of food I'll stock up as much as I can while I'm here I need lots of food any more over here oh look another Farm nice foreign I'll make some bread perfect oh look there's a pizza yummy whoa what's that okay let's check this chest over here there's all sorts of useful stuff inside sweet what a good find not too bad for a random Village who'd have expected that huh wait is that no no it's Mikey huh how'd he get here this is bad then I need to hide but where I need to find a spot um I have an idea I'll hide here I'll just shoot some webbing and hang from there [Music] see how I can hang like this just watch hmm I don't think you'll see me if I'm hanging here like this let's see here's JJ I doubt he'd think to check up here I'll hide quietly for a while okay I know you're in this Village I'm definitely gonna find you where where is he not over here where he has to be here somewhere maybe this way or over here oh Mikey where's TJ hmm oh he's coming this way nope not there well maybe he's not here is Mikey gonna leave I'll check this other Village phew that was close but I made it all right let's drop down whoa somehow I wasn't spotted now I can finally go to the nether but I'll need to gather a few things first awesome I have everything I need to enter the nether now let's build the portal okay the portal is built all that's left is to light it sweet to the nether I need to collect blaze rods to be able to slay the Ender Dragon and win here we go all right I made it to the nether huh where should I start looking blaze rods are hard to find so [Music] I can sling my way around while I search this is awesome [Music] careful of the lava if I fall in it's all over for me I'd lose where are the blazes I fell in huh that was dangerous it almost killed me well back to searching I can't seem to find any this is tough I don't think this has ever happened before huh huh yes I got you oh wait take this this is bad Mikey's got me yeah hey [Music] look he keeps hitting me with his attacks I have a secret weapon it's time to use it taste that wait what watch out whoa that was dangerous I attacked him with my webs but that was way too close oh no he's coming you're not getting away I'm catching up to you yeah oh I gotta run oh Mikey found me again but all I can do now is run but he's so fast here I come yeah no [Music] way that was way too close for comfort I froze up when Mikey grabbed me I didn't know he could attack me like that I was almost done for well I've gotten rid of Mikey for now so now I'm gonna go look for those blaze rods where are they foreign [Music] oh wait hang on is that that looks like another Fortress there have to be blaze rods somewhere inside if that's the case I need to find my way in all right let's break in okay so hmm oh there they are I found them those are blazes let's fight they should drop blaze rods yes nice this is it this is what I want I still need nine more so I'll keep going until I have enough yes sweet awesome okay that makes ten I gathered all the blaze rods I need now let's go back foreign now that I have 10 blaze rods I can combine them to make an item called an Eye of Ender let's see nice I have a bunch I can toss the Eye of Ender into the air and okay that way let's go oh it shattered if I follow where it goes it will lead me to the Ender Dragon so let's keep throwing them like this okay up we go [Music] yeah watch this I'm going to toss this eye vendor into the air and see that it's shot into the ground which means the way to the Ender Dragon is right below me I have to dig and find it just keep digging will I find the Ender Dragon like this huh no way what ow I'm already in the portal room well that's incredible I can't believe this this is amazing wow my first room is the end portal room I just need to fill these slots with Eyes of Ender like this if I jump in I'll be in the end wow I'm going to fight the Ender Dragon way sooner than I thought huh [Applause] I've got you now you're cornered Mikey oh no I'll blind you with this oh okay straight into battle I'll ignore Mikey and focus on the Ender Dragon I have to slay the dragon before Mikey recovers now the first thing I need to do to win is get rid of the end crystals these end crystals are like weird bombs you need to destroy otherwise the dragon can heal itself and that's no good oh wait I can see the Ender Dragon [Music] I'm going to catch you you I won't let you win huh that sounds like Mikey whoa he's around here somewhere no there he is where are you here fast oh man I need to fight while running away from Mikey let's do this the Ender Dragon and Mikey too where are you look at Mikey go come out I gotta keep moving Mikey went past me okay you're too fast no he's getting close I need to destroy all the end crystals Mikey is around here somewhere okay what now I think I got them all now I just need to fight the Ender Dragon with my web shots here it comes yes I just need to focus on defeating the Ender Dragon I'll keep an eye out for Mikey and attack him when I can yeah oh it's working there's Mikey run too fast come on the Ender Dragon is almost done so close almost wow I did it you even grabbed me it was so close but I did it oh man I won I lost speedrunner vs Hunter was fun yeah if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 3,456,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: vvAM8qD4upk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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