Minecraft Ultra Hardcore is BACK!

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it's been a while but it's uh it's back i finally booted up the old minecraft the hardcore ultra what what do i call it ultra hardcore world which if you if you don't know or can't remember because it's been so long it's minecraft hardcore but with 350 plus mods it's crazy we've got machines mobs villagers loads of different stuff in here it's cool so i decided to revisit it and boot it up for a stream and this is what happened we almost got killed by a villager we set up some new machines and we work towards creating a mob duplicator which turned out to be a lot harder than we thought anyway if you're excited to watch this then please leave a like to be greatly appreciated and we are so close to hitting a million subs on this channel so if you could help out check below this video see if you're subscribed if you're not if you could tap it or click the sub button that'd be greatly appreciated come and check out the streams live at twitch.tv forward slash dantdm we'd love to have you and enjoy the video there we are hello welcome back to minecraft ultra hardcore if you have no idea what this is uh welcome this is my modded world which is 350 mods uh we have an extra few things down like here which is extra health so currently i have 28 hearts but i can i can fully die in this i can fully die but there's 300 oh geez i've got a jet pack as well completely forgot i forgot i had the jet pack oh i need to remember anything that could kill me i don't know what these books are materials and oh this is like acting like it's the first time i've played isn't it okay that's fair enough uh lucky egg so one thing i do remember is oh it's working this is mining right oh it's mining oh it's definitely mining i can't zoom that's gonna be annoying as well so it's mining up blocks or it should be yeah only mining ores and then when these are mined it goes through to here but it's only mining cool stuff okay that's good why is the super flat this isn't the actual world wait there's like is there christmas lights over there what what is wait what is this actually what is that i don't remember this being where's my oh no uh guys where's my portal um where is it uh is it down here how do i get home this better be it this better be it please let me go home please so the what the one problem with that machine is it doesn't work when i'm in a different dimension so i might have to move it to the overworld hey we made it i think some things have moved here it is look the lab is back the lab that we built in another stream ages ago yo i'm definitely gonna have to get used to these boots uh let's turn this down to eight yeah should be fine i can't get used to this here we go oh doggo yes okay i remember this now let me go sleep the lav we did it it's back alex thank you the hundred bits crazy thing with the prime lily thank you the 300 bits baking again nice tasty emily thank you london bits as well oh nice yeah the just science video should be fun paige think 100 bits as well jonathan thank you for the hundo fortnight i gotta thank you for the tier one lily thank you for the five gifteds as well and grace thank you for the three months did we name the dog i don't think we did name the dog wait why am i my frames are so bad maybe i'm just used to it being silky smooth it ain't going to be silky smooth on this uh this thing i wanted to change as well better fps options there is oh can you not toggle sprint oh free guys how do you toggle sprint in old versions of minecraft do you actually know i have no idea you can't oh no we're gonna have to get used to that that's bad what have we got in all this i can't even remember what project we were working on factory blocks cobblestone oh man this is a zombie heart beautiful all right let's go back to um let's go over oh i keep forgetting about the the jet pack stop stop i might take how can i take the joke off it's being a bit annoying welcome to the lab there was a dog here and i can hear the dog and i can hear a chicken as well but i don't actually know where they are they're here somewhere but yeah i made the old lab here this is a fake lab it is i made the fake lab in this uh in this game in this world and all it has is a generator an electric furnace oh this is still outside as well though this is good news i think this is what we were working on potentially there was something over here but this is what took me ages um to make in the last episode oh no some of it's disappeared unless i borrowed some of the wires maybe but i made this empowerer which empowers certain blocks we made this laser thing as well didn't we watch this oh that actually maybe that made me jump oh my goodness don't you didn't see nothing guys nothing at all neither did you sheep uh do you have any food i feel like food is one thing we haven't really had a lot of okay mind you there's lots of food here what am i complaining about we need to figure out what we were actually doing i feel like i need to look up my old videos ultra hardcore i think we might have built that mining machine guys we got yeah i've done i built a mining machine yeah that's the last one okay uh that's literally the last one that i did okay you can just hide from everyone you didn't hear that at all no one was speaking okay we need to just think of a new project what i ideally would like to do is move the mining machine back to this dimension because like i said it doesn't work unless it's in the other dimension all these boots these boots are going to get me killed 100 so let's go into here oh i have to press shift don't i okay i'm i'm getting back there the problem is my waypoints have been deleted so i'm not quite sure what the waypoint key is um i can't remember what it is let me try and find the waypoint key but my waypoints have been deleted that's not helpful uh chisels and bits client tweaks crafting tweaks look all this stuff man it's insane control and b i don't trust that don't trust that at all oh here we go create waypoint is b oh you're right controller b i'm sorry i'm sorry i called you a liar narrator narrates all nah narrator narrates chat hello narrator narrate close go away whatever what this stuff is i feel like i'm learning the game all over again it's awful right now we can put the the backpack the jet pack on i remember this definitely remember this i think i'm gonna have to disassemble this entire thing which i don't think is going to be the best oh no i need to get rid of this as well there must be like a chest transport or something chest something to move chests treasure chest like a way to pick up a chest there must be something in here uh chest uh definitely not that chest there must be something can you think of anything a dolly what is the dolly yeah that ain't it that is not it i might have to move the items myself that's a big chest though this is a gold chest but i need to move this this has crystal so much crystal flux in it as well and i think that is from here because it's got 17 coal in it i don't want to move the um a backpack yeah i guess i could do a backpack i don't know if i have enough for a backpack and they cost more than you think because it needs tanned leather tan leather is bound leather see what i mean what is uh wow okay oh that's loud that's definitely allowed to stop that do i just pick this up i don't want to lose all the rf that i've got in here i might just have to do it do you have cardboard boxes in this good question [Music] sawdust how do i get sawdust i can get it from a lumber mill a precision sawmill a pulverizer and that's it see this is why um this is why this whole thing is ridiculous because you want something really simple like oh sawdust i'll just grind down a tree now you need a whole different um a whole system machine thing going on to be able to even get it but that's why this series is fun only mine was i might have to i'm gonna pick it up i'm gonna do it this diamond doesn't have silk touch or anything i'm just gonna do it if it breaks it breaks okay but tickle digger i don't know why i said it like that uh let's put some of this away uh this can go as well let's pick up the rest this better not all break i'll be really mad so i have to make sure that this goes on first these transfer mode things oh and then i need yeah i remember this stuff now oh that's cause i was sending coal backwards oh yeah i remember now all right let's take this let's grab this grab this and this swings thing's gonna attack me let's go and set this up in the other let's set this up in the other dimension but i need to be careful because i've got these boots on they do take full damage if you don't do it properly i need like a decent the food source as well hey justin how's it going hope you're doing good i'm gonna build this back in my over world vertical digger yes indeed that's exactly what it is wait what is that who's this hello why are you yellow um okay i'll take how did this happen what did you do to this chicken what did you dip him in i probably don't want to know hello sir how's it going okay i need to put this somewhere so my idea what's this texture pack zero texture pack it's just uh modded items this is concrete it just looks like this i hate to decide where to put this mining machine um so i need the coal generator i need the vertical digger yeah i don't know what happened to this chicken mustard yeah yeah mustard that's what came to mind first for me as well gonna put it i'm gonna put it over here over here should be fine right work tickle digger oh it's actually has it started mining i'm scared i need to move some what is that oh it's an owl scared me look at this this axe is trash wow i've always been obsessed so the reason why i started this is because i like the challenge because it's in hardcore but also i'm obsessed with the idea of having like massive machines in minecraft for some reason and this is my opportunity to do that right then i need to power oh that's already powered yes it kept all this stuff let's go dude let's go i need to figure out these things again transfer node so i need to transfer the stuff from this to this right is this correct that should transfer rf to this old generator i don't want that much in there yo if this blows up i'm gonna be mad apparently this is mining oh no it's it's energy is going down wrong cables oh he has different one tin cables wait a second can it blow up some stuff in here can blow up so i am a little bit nervous i know i need the transfer node to the chest transfer pipe chest and wrong cables okay these are the wrong ones why have i only got two of these insulated cables why did i do that well what was that amber what is uh oh oh it's happening we're getting stuff from here i see so do i need a transfer node you need to connect the digger in the generator so place them between it use a totem i don't have a totem guys i don't have one oh let's go to that now why do i only have two of these oh these don't connect uh do i not need these outer things maybe maybe i don't need to let me just put this straight across ah oh it just burnt up it just but it just burnt up what no dude that's annoying yellow chicken i blame you did you see that use the tn wire to transfer power yeah but it just burnt in my hands i can do that here insulating cable to a generator it's working i've never seen that happen before that's crazy to me unless i need this that's an items transfer though i don't know i don't think that's what i need [Music] because this thing's already mining and it's grabbing stuff right now it's got lots of coal maybe it's too powerful it shouldn't be try it again there needs to be two walks ah i need to be two blocks away this better be right see all this stuff i would normally do off camera so two blocks okay that worked that worked i now need another tin cable though because i messed that up i need oh yeah i remember this stuff oh it's so complicated to make anything why would anyone play this modpack car we need to protect oh no look away look away look away you need to keep an eye on these guys they're misbehaving uh let's put some stuff away so i have the cutters i need tin tin oh i have some sweet exotic butter chicken that might be it oh i need to charge my jet pack let's quickly do that oh where do i put it in doesn't go in there there it goes we're charging our backpack our jetpack is being charged and then this is not making anything is it going up oh that goes in there okay we have a lot of calls there's behind there it's making it but it's charging straight away okay sweet let's go my house is a complete mess all right let's see if this burns up it didn't hey so if you look up here the rf is going up that's how that works okay so next up is we need the chest that takes stuff out of this it's because i had it i had it set up to be self-sufficient so the coal went in here and the i remember now i see to pick up that chest but all the stuff is gonna come out it'll be real annoying is that sushi i don't think it's sushi i need to close this so i keep the chicken alive guys do you make do you make yellow chickens we'll never find out give me that okay there is slight changes here um you have proteins and stuff as well that's wild actually crazy what was i looking [Music] i was looking for oh i was gonna make a chest that's what i was gonna do so i make one more chest dump all my stuff in it then we'll go and get the other one it's a really annoying way to do it i know but we're gonna have to do it probably worth a clear out anyway we definitely don't want to go to the nether because the nether is scary in this golden apple chicken it could be who knows let's go flying uh here it is i want to know what that is as well i'm pretty sure that wasn't there before it's a bit more than an imagery's worth but that should be ah that broke so quick the gold chest sweet we need to check durability these boots i don't think die either which is really cool [Music] so the idea is i will make the testing chamber through here by uh i want to make it massive because ogs will know that this is not complete yet not complete at all but it will be it will be at some point so now we need the items to come out of this because it's blocking it up oh we got black quartz that's actually dope um to come out of this and go into let's keep them as far apart as we can i've got rid of all my nose but let's put all that in there because it's a bit it's a big old chest it should be fine it's so weird using all these mods and stuff it feels odd it feels cheaty so we definitely need um [Music] this this the cables i think that's it because we only want one thing to go through it pretty sure search dolly as in d-o-l-i-e oh wait i might explain it wrong no i don't have it in here i'll be sick though it's fine it's fine so we need items to come out of here and into here i remembered how to work it now and then out of here into here but we only want coal to come out i think we only want coal to come out there i'm not sure how to test that let's see if this works is that not going in uh anderson in there that's obviously not working then is it i only want coal to come out of there oh no wait it might work let me grab this call and see if it comes out ready lap hey [Music] so that's filtering into there but i needed to go out this is hard name the yellow chicken bloggers maybe if you behave yourselves this needs to go into there no i need that to grab the coal for sure i have sawdust really do you need the two nodes what is that only the two nodes on the chest oh you you're putting tubes under the chest yeah i don't think maybe i don't need these two transfer nodes i'm pretty sure i had them though uh okay so that's disappearing yeah okay that's working it's going into here beautiful nicole should go into there and it's getting stuck there maybe i don't need this node here sweet yeah so i got it to work okay sweet so only coal is gonna go into here as soon as this transfers out of there should go into here yes pog fog but now so this is mining but it's like down here somewhere i can't actually remember i'll see the laser that's cool but it's only mining ores it's not mining the actual thing i just want to make this a visual representation of what is going on it's also jump on disgusting bit exaggerated but it's not good watch the laser come out should be mine in all it's gone mine it zap it zap it i saw the laser come out oh it's probably because it hasn't found an ore yet it definitely zaps though a hundred percent so now we've got that machine working what do i want to do next we could do some exploring but i am scared that i'm going to die we do have totems in here uh and there is a way i zapped it zapped oh i was behind there there's a way to craft them but i oh we have a we have a lady for that wait a second there's a there's a trader in here she better not have disappeared like my waypoints please no i'm pretty sure she's over here he's not there i don't know what this is about is it you it might be you yes uh trade yeah here we go so if we get emeralds we can trade for um different totems which i think should be our goal for today so there's different we use a mod in this um in this mod pack obviously that has different totems and let's go and sleep and i'll show you what they do so they do different things which is cool oh that was embarrassing oh yeah i started to build a moat as well which went horribly wrong and i need monsters oh no i'm gonna have to fight steak i think food is hard to get here what is that over there can you see that what is that what are you what is this where's this creature oh hello no way is that a reindeer hello you're kind of cute you should not be out here by yourself do you eat what do you eat i'm gonna save you definitely i'm definitely safe you give me seeds ah where'd you come from stop stop this is instant get out of here wow do you eat seeds you do not eat seeds okay never mind um and i need this maybe i'll eat wheat maybe wheat there we go i'm gonna snatch it come here yes there's another one over here as well though that i really want to keep yes where's the other one kill it oh you're crazy there's rudolph we're capturing rudolph this is happening let's go come on fellas let's go what is happening did you guys crash or something is santa nearby are you guys okay do you need help it doesn't matter i'm going to save you either way come on rudolph i know i know you can fly i'll come this way be very careful though this is a treacherous land i'm definitely keeping these come here you yeah there must be something you can do with rudolph come this way fellas rudolph don't ignore me bro hey come here boy rudolph rudolph don't be stupid now don't make a mistake rudolph don't fall down you're so annoying you're already annoying why would you do that oh now you want to come up as well nice oh now you're gonna leave rudolph come here now you're both down here you're idiots come up here it's this way stupids because i'm actually ripping this apart if i get killed for you guys now what are you doing come on this way don't make me report you i will rebore you i've heard the songs about you this way put them in a box i could put them in a box come this way why are you so dumb there must be something to capture animals in this i don't know if we have that much string i mean they're kind of safe in there to be honest i don't have any strings string is kind of annoying to get come up here are they following they're following yes i remember the following in minecraft 1.12 which is what we're playing right now is so bad where is that over there okay i'm gonna get you safe and i need to go and see what that is there's like a black pig or sheep over there i'm over here come here oh you can't get through the door come on there we go yeah that's actually good because then that means it can't leave this is perfect are you staying oh no go away you're gone you idiot what is this oh i i don't think i should go go over there but i'm going to okay we should be able to what is what is that it's a shadow pig i need to get used to actually being perishable in this because in my normal hardcore i am not perishable what is that it says it's a normal pig but that ain't a normal pig where did you guys come from oh this is bad this is bad this is bad i don't want to die remember if i die it's over oh this pig might come up behind and just shank him oh no that was bad oh i don't really have that much armor either i need to attract a pig pig i don't think there's carrots in this game yet you need to follow me you must okay this is bad this is bad oh no oh no we're gonna go and sleep then we're gonna get the shadow pig shadow pig don't leave us when i left the door open this deer didn't leave where's the chicken where's the oh no why are they underneath oh they're here what are you doing stop that oh i take the string though definitely oh how they're more monsters i don't understand i want that picture oh oh you're stupid you're really stupid a villager just got slain by a zombie did you see it i don't know where the chicken went bro oh my goodness all right here the chicken i think it's invisible i don't see any more zombies or anything what's still here we've got rudolph rudolf in a zombie so i just like can't sleep anymore it can't be that up there surely what's your skin it's i'm still the thickness skin it's the same in this one but let's see if it's this creeper i don't think it is because that's too far away but we'll kill it anyway oh there's a shadow chicken as well what is with all you guys having like yeah that's going to be a normal chicken too yeah definitely wasn't but is ow oh no oh what is that a cow i don't call the cow where's the cow gonna attack me oh he's shooting the cow that's so mean don't be that guy i need to be careful i need to remember i can't remember what happens with the hearts i do regen but i can't remember how i earned them there's a way to earn hearts how are there monsters nearby there's literally none they must be underneath what must be underneath that's annoying though i want my shadow pig and my rudolph oh there he is there he is there is is there carrots in this there is carrots but i'm pretty oh wait they might be they might be in this version i need this pig desperately hello sir can i tempt you with some real luscious seeds look at it it's insane let's just push it when you're coming with me boy you're coming with me don't mind this flower at all no no no don't fight it there's a muddy pig well i'm learning things i put stuff in this pod pack not everything but i put some stuff in this and i'm kind of amazed if any of you guys got carrots over here i bet you don't carrots carrots carrots this is a flower farm what there must be carrots somewhere what's the mod pack it is oh there's some yes the one pack is called all the mods 3 remix it's a little bit old now actually just could we spend so long not playing it still right this pig is gonna be mine hello sir that's right you come over here you go over here right now hey come here come on lad we got this oh we've got another pig too maybe we could breed them and see if they make another one i don't think they can fit through this poor fellas no come on now come here it is really glitchy in one point 1.12 i remember this looks like potatoes this man likes yeah there you go this one likes carrots oh god chanel you may never leave so now we have rudolph an invisible chicken that's yellow i can hear it can you hear it we've got some string that we wanted i need to cook this because i don't have that much in terms of food at all solidified experience this is kind of crazy because even iron is hard to get i think that's why i needed and that's why i needed the drill actually but we captured the black pig let's go we got it i don't know what and why that that pig is that color but well why that chicken is that color but it's happening we've got some more diamonds nice we got black quartz which is good i don't think we've got any iron yet oh we do have iron nice it's working perfectly perfectly it's self-sufficient that machine too which is nice right let's work out the best way for us to get emeralds oh i want to breed these two pigs as well actually pigs come here that's you that's you go make a tiny gone make a tiny black one no what are you doing it's stupid as well never mind there's always next time okay i can take the call out there so i'm gonna need a sawing system as well which is way easier with a modded client um forge hammer okay i need emeralds is there a way i'm gonna i'm gonna sound really dumb a way to craft emeralds there actually is look at this dude so you can get into like mystical agriculture and stuff it's craziness actually crazy i feel like the best way is seeing what other people have for trade we don't really know our locals that well so let's go and talk to them hello you are two people in one apparently interesting everyone is two people in one you have no trades because you're a warrior uh you have no trace you're a hero i need to make some emeralds because i need some of that um i need some of that good totem energy archers don't trade warriors any of you trades hello you do one emerald for oh that's actually pretty good hey this is really good how would you make a laser wrench that sounds fancy i feel like there's a decent trade anore crystals and stuff anyway oh i need to catch up on jeez i need to catch up on this stuff sorry i got way too into this wyatt thank you for the prime dented helm thank you the gifted sub this kid odd thank you for the prime codes to think of the two hundo thing with the prime uh kayleigh thing with the five months koala kit thingy with the tier one dan's brownie thing with 100 bits uh i i can't do personal names because i always forget them no offense uh say hi to carson hey carson how's it going dented helm thing with the two months resub jjw gamerboy thing with the tier one just for me i'm seeing you the prime no twitch happy birthday tbnr frags a thousand bits dan i love you can we play minecraft sometime together love preston yes preston we can what do you want to do though what would be your preferred uh minecraft experience together sergeant hanson thank you thank you uh lily hello sorry it took me 25 minutes to get you that's really bad stella thank you for the hundred bits as well oh captain marvel she actually looks sick in fortnite so i'll try and grab her uh cutie mark thingy laundry bits how are you doing gnarly game i think the 10 months agent demonic thank you for the prime hannah thank you for the 14 months 14 months that's crazy thank you hand sewed thing in thunderbirds as well uh uncontent thinking of the tier one dizzy think you for three months jillian thank you for the nine months will we see your yearly christmas just dance i filmed it today i filmed it today it's gonna be a fun one crazy thing with the three months dan's brownie thing with 100 bits as well oh no you don't annoy me you don't know me at all not at all you should definitely talk to someone about that uh a trusted friend trusted teacher or parent something like that you should definitely talk about it uh seiko panda thank you very much waffle they face thank you for the prime burns either with five months and mxcch i think in the nine months nine out of 12. oh nice thank you right let's go back to this what's it doing i was trading wasn't like yeah you're there's a reason i put you in a hole isn't there pretty sure i want trades the other way around though so i don't think i don't think any of these warriors and stuff are gonna have trades it's gonna be like shopkeepers are you okay what's happening here let's try and fix this for you shall we if that isn't fixing it is it at all this water is just here forever apparently how can i get rid of this it's so weird it's like eternal water almost pickaxed that guy to death you need to watch out buddy yeah i mean you i mean you've got trade drug on please leave yeah this water's like this water bends the elements there we go oh hello oh demarcus i remember you emeralds for kubara jam cracker bar jam that's fantastic my guy oh it actually has stuff in here i'm gonna eat some of your homecode jam yo imagine if that killed me regeneration water breathing and toughness [Music] that's kind of nice oh yeah i remember this house too are these crates oh this has stuff in it oh they're like christmas crates that's cute blueprints i need to remember this stuff's in here definitely a bone why have you got a bone in here or you can make guns what is going on you probably should not dabble in that unless things get real crazy in here i'm trying to find another trait cause i need to make emeralds i don't wanna i wanna trade emeralds i wanna make emeralds oh there's a coffee machine in here we've got canola there is a black quartz ore in here see look look at this you can't just make bone meal you have to crush it i think our priority should be to make a totem because i don't know what can kill me here there's a generator here i could have just used this it's got 60 000 flux as well that's insane i need to remember that's there yeah i need a totem but i need emeralds and i'm not quite sure how i'm gonna get them because no one will trade me and all of the villagers are replaced in this mod there's not normal villages all completely new hmm well no one trade me oh i forgot we can zip around like that as well nice this is a dungeon i'm pretty sure i probably don't want to go there just yet anyone else willing to trade me ah williams how are you sir oh he does it wrong flesh for an emerald gold for an emerald that's not bad oh it's popping off in here leather leather pants pelt what on earth is that a blue coffee bean antlers oh you sicko you actually want antlers rotten flesh gold no blocks okay you guys are where it's at we could probably do gold but i don't even know if we have enough gold to do that or whether gold is like a renewable source to be able to do that hello rotten flesh oh he's got eight gold that ain't bad librarian paper yes you you no no no no i didn't oh jeez no i'm flying i'm flying out of here bro i'm so sorry i didn't mean to do that he's actually gonna kill me he's going to kill me um what do i do now if they all start hurting me i'm so dead oh he's after me he's after me i didn't mean it i i was trying to mine the block below please trust me please it wasn't me i don't want to have to kill you please don't make me kill you oh look that cow is really gray the cow variations are beautiful but that is not the um oh he big mad she big mad are all of these guys gonna kill me now i'm gonna see if i can trust this person over here well you're a hero so you're kind of okay i think i'm actually terrified low-key terrified she's gonna hate me now as well oh i think i'm gonna have to kill her i'm gonna have to lure away this gonna happen okay right you're coming over here come over here i don't even know if i'm gonna be able to kill her though she's gonna be really powerful you have two different colored eyes do you forgive me chat i suppose the weather is nice today that's funny did you hear the one about the cows okay she's forgiving me yes let's go right now can i try and put you in a hole it was that was my bad that was definitely my bad i'm watching you where's she gone no no no i don't know what this thing is by the way this huge thing here let's try this properly this time in the hole yes okay sweet the only problem is if she oh man what if she gets attacked we've got emeralds though and i feel like her the the totem ladies trades are really low wait i can make her follow me she can live with me she can live with me let's go that's how this is going to work i'll protect you look at what is wrong with this guy what happened to you oh raw pork chops raw chicken oh hold on a second this could be a whole thing right i am not going to attack you i promise uh follow me where's that leather guy where's the leather we should probably just go follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me you gonna come over here we go oh no what are you doing in here bro how did you get in she's hitting him she's she's insane she's actually insane stay here oh what did how did you get in here that's not okay are these closed definitely closed well that was weird i don't know what the end particles are about either oh here's the chicken where's my yellow chicken what have you guys done with yellow chicken yellow chicken's dead yellow chicken's gone oh no oh no uh dan's brownie thing with 100 bits no worries jack fisher thank you under 50 bits as well you're giving early questions oh nice i say hi to you younger brother for me doggo thank you for the tier one penguin thank you 110 bits sack thank you for i hope i said that right my goodness thank you for the 10 months okay all we've really done today is capture people and animals we should probably fix that are you okay i don't think you're okay we'll be out your misery i'll take the wrong flesh as well there was something what is that oh okay i'll take that too i need to go and get that the leather worker guys i feel like if we can make like an auto breeder or something we could also breed chickens and kill them for emeralds where are you leatherman butch uh oh this guy is it him it is him uh follow me buddy follow me you're good you're gonna make a great life for yourself so what are you doing on the roof are you okay do you need some help these guys are insane when's the just dance video coming out i'm gonna put out on christmas day christmas day is when your eyes will be blessed right then israel i'm not sure i trust this man because look at him he could be insane yeah she's insane too she's talking to a pig oh no right i feel like there's one more guy i should bring over and i can't remember oh the totem lady we should bring the totem lady over ignore that too how are we doing over here more iron ore okay this is good it'll be good if we can make more than one of those but unless we have a way to clone things it's not going to be it's not gonna work all right let's get the totem lady over and let's see if we can figure out a way to get unlimited totems in this cause that would be pretty sick if there's a way we can like automatically breed chickens with all these mods there must be a way right hello uh can you come over here bit closer a little bit closer my axe follow me let us ride into the night oh geez that was fast okay uh stay here we now have the gang we've got natalia lee ann and israel israel actually israel and this pig who is looking a little bit sketch yeah i don't know where the um the chicken there you are i knew you were here we need to make sure these guys stay here though um right you are one of the best people here because look one emerald is a totem base and with this i can't even craft that nevermind oh 16 for that oh man we need to set this up see if breed spider breed ah there must be a way that we can like i have toughness let's go there must be a way that i can auto breed chickens and the reason i want to do that is because this man right here will trade me raw chickens for emeralds that could be an option do any of you guys know if that is possible there must be a block or is there a block in any other mod packs that you um you have played i don't know tiny mob palm mob no what have we've got here excuse me excuse me except adult filters that sounds a little bit weird that sounds not sure about the syringes we've accidentally found a mob slaughter factory what how is there different ways to make it oh the the thing in the middle steel casing machine frame i feel like this isn't too bad to craft one of these um stained glass tin gear we could do that reigns of infinity what the i'm gonna try this block of redstone oh this is mad easy okay yeah we definitely do this so we need a machine case let's get a machine case me and you israel we're gonna be buddies in a very strange business together uh we need four of these well this guy's pumping out chickens wait man maybe next time uh wood we need wood and redstone block restaurant looks weird in this all right let's see if this even makes it that's not what it's forward redstone iron this should make it there we go machine case let's go uh can we craft the name tag actually that'd be that'd be pretty helpful oh it tells you where you get it from that's sick so on top of a machine case which is what we just crafted we need these which we can get oh no we need a gold gear so we need four gold do we have gold oh we have gold let's go i feel like plastic might be hard to get though you can make gold shears i speak gold shears by accident for those let's make the gold gear i don't even know how this thing works it might be really hard to power up uh mob i this is gonna be in my my history now i've just googled mob slaughter factory that's awful that's in my internet history now it's a machine added it's to process mobs and animals into liquid meat and pink slime oh wait what can we do with liquid meat oh i don't think this is our thing i want something that kills mobs i know i've crafted the stuff now liquid meat is a fluid it is created by processing mobs in the slaughter factory liquid meat can be used in the meat feeder to automatically feed the player that's gross i need some do it for the content i mean if plastic isn't too hard to get hold of dry rubber um is that the only thing oh this is kind of cool right okay i think i'm still gonna i think i'm still gonna make it because that sounds fun in a weird way is it like a breeder though uh minecraft reader oh feed the beast wiki we'll breed all animals in a 5x5 range oh we don't have it no what else could we use that would have been so sick as well and it isn't even that hard to make i i need something that can ah man but i put them books there must be something in the books show me the books not that not that strange dreams interesting maybe this not that okay we haven't got any options oh wait i don't think this is what i want that's definitely not what i want genetics no i don't want that see how this stuff can get crazy though is there anything mob farmer i think that's what i was yeah that's what i was looking at maybe just farmer basin harvest is a peat bog maybe there's farmer actually additions it automatically plants and harvests crops that's quite cool actually bring us upstairs unlike on the coffee table thanks thanks can we get a tea delivery soon transmutational table basically i need a block what about you and a sword yeah i don't want to do this myself transmutation table oh i thought that pig was coming to kill me no joke i actually thought it was gonna kill me mob imprisonments mob imprisonment tool it can use to store and transport mobs that's sick and we can duplicate them as well we could duplicate chickens please say that's the thing we could duplicate golden chickens oh yeah and we can use a machine case as well this is dope we need emeralds though nether wart magma cream we still need plastic i think we should do this a mob duplicator would be so sick i'm making this one before actually i've got i've got the stuff for it already i've got the machine case i just need magma cream one redstone this can be step one this is step one for our farm this is why i love like modded yeah exactly mad scientist that's exactly why this is so fun so i've got the redstone this way as well [Music] i might need to go to the nether which is kind of scary because the nether is not a nice place to be at all uh i need magma queens this will search for it for me i don't have magma creams i might have it over here have a look i have loads of random chests over here i have decent stuff in here though i have a carrot in there oh i have some heads of totems already your back up so i will take this bread these berries okay i have no magma cream which is a problem i can craft them though in this we need to go and find a magma cube bro and i really don't want to i'm going to charge my backpack and then go in but i don't think it's a good idea i might have to leave pretty quickly afterwards let's charge this yeah charge it up baby duplication tree yeah i don't know if they're in this no use this charge to duplicate items oh that looks sick too i want this though first we need plastic we need so we need netherwart and a magma cream oh does that mean let's go and see what happens let's just see what happens this could be an awful awful idea like really bad it sounds like it would be so sick though yes it'll be so good and then we'll have infinite food and friends right let's go let's see if uh we're going to get attacked and killed by stuff let me eat real fast here we go the thing is you also need a balanced diet in this i know it sounds stupid but you do dan's brain new thing with 100 bits did you that's wild okay see there's random stuff that could definitely kill us here um oh wait yeah let's do this uh another [Music] uh why is this lava going upwards it's a bit strange so i need oh wait can we grind something [Music] you might be able to make this because remember the magma can be grinded or just with a blaze powder as well pulverizer yeah grinder he's walking he's walking oh hello are you here to protect me or to slay me who knows this needs oh geez okay we've made these before refined iron might be hard i kind of want to go and find one but these things terrify me actually terrify me i don't know because if i'm fine if things don't come near me oh jeez those are blazes but we can use blaze we can use blaze rods we can use base rods right i'm going in oh no oh no oh no they missed let's go i just i'm gonna have to concentrate guys i'm sorry no rods okay i got it right i got right i got rod yo those fox things are terrifying okay we got one we got one it makes two blazers though this could be it wait uh magma cuz i've got loads of slimes this could be it i think we're good let's get out of here i think we got it the nether looks old it's like a mishmash of everything it's got biomes and stuff it's ridiculous it's got loads superchip thank you for the three months dan's brownie thing with a hundred oh you did that's crazy say hi to your brother for me this is all to duplicate golden chickens in minecraft this is this is ridiculous all right we've got the blaze powder we should have slimes here slime for some reason is like quite easy to get because of this yeah look two slime balls i don't know which ones to use i think i'll use the green ones thank you it's tea let's go pogba okay so we should be able to make yes let's go okay we cheated that a little bit so now we need the emeralds so we need it's a trade who is it to trade with it was you wasn't it you take paper we need 48 paper so i basically need sugarcane neither i did why did my map reset wait um narrator no ain't all no narrator star rate oh that's annoying we should be able to find some down here though i would have thought so narrator narrates everything all these slime boots they're so good all right we got any sugar cane down here any sugar cane golden chicken in the lab let's go there's no sugarcane here let's go on a little adventure let's see these boots are insane what is this hello anyone in here oh wait maybe i've been here yeah i might have been here that's weird oh how is that no sugar cane down here maybe it doesn't spawn what is this look at these christmas lights it's well cute this looks like the other dimension hmm this is strange oh wait that might be on this village did i see it oh here's some i'm so dumb i'm gonna go over to that village though definitely so i can make certain villages with good trades just follow me up how much we're gonna need though we need a lot right over here chubby raging i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry use the mob duplicate that's the plan so we're going to try and do i want to go over to oh look there's more reindeers here cute there's loads of them what goodness this thing's so fast let's see what's in here because i don't remember what actually was in here better not be a trap he's gonna be a trap oh that's a trap might be a trap no whoa sorcerer leggings they're better than my leggings now show me these okay a bucket plenty of gunpowder and ender pearl is pretty nice i'm say the saddle too if i could ride that um the black pig we've got we've got dark boots too oh slime boots are pretty pog though aren't they what can we get rid of i probably don't need these feathers iridium shards sounds pretty nice i should probably take those that was decent oh no it's getting to night time right let's go and steal a bed not a lot of um sugarcane around though that's pretty sick beds do any of you oh it's you lupe he takes 17 any of you have beds or maybe none of you have beds actually if none of you have beds this is gonna be oh i don't want to go near that it's gonna be incredibly awkward because i need beds or a bed decent stuff to steal i borrow around here steel axe taking that definitely taking that bed i need a bed can you help a man who needs a bed steel pickaxe is pretty good as well actually if i can make one wait if i steal the top bit of their floor i can make one why did i bring all this stuff with me what am i doing see big brain big brain do none of you sleep do none of you sleep that's what i'm looking for there we go oh i'm sleeping in front of a man who has blood all over him that doesn't look fun nine leather for emerald's pretty nice antlers might be pretty good as well but i feel like we're gonna have to kill and truly try not to to hurt these guys by accident i feel like if they're that for a trade it's not gonna be that good or are you cheaper oh you're cheaper you might have different ones as well but that's kind of cool they're really expensive though right she has different ones uh you're gonna follow me we need you we need you for our what do we call it for our own society chickens got one of those hey gold i could get the emeralds already actually i think so i've got gold um what else do we need i guess we just see if we can borrow some stuff i said yeah man it's a jam man maybe we should just head back actually if we've got we've got this lady now tina who's gonna be working look at this that's insane there's a house up there that's crazy uh nimbus thank you for the 11 months why'd you have your gui so small because i feel like when it's big it just covers up too much of the screen do you guys find this small is it weird oh what is this too i mean i'm not asking questions i'm gonna go back because all i wanted was sugar cane and paper but i feel like we might have the emeralds we need is that what we needed we needed emeralds right uh duplicator yeah we just need two emeralds oh and the plastic as well we should be able to get that pretty easy you following sweep oh wait go how did i just find that on the floor let's say time you're coming home with us i think my home is this way i haven't got it way pointed actually which is bad we're here yeah we just go straight look at the lav on here that looks kind of cool sweet what kind of minecraft is this heavily modded there's 300 more mods in this oh bug but there's so much to do and we haven't even scratched the surface we're still trying to i'm just trying to make unlimited golden chickens that's my goal for today and if we succeed that'd be great you coming with me hopefully she can go over this water coming over oh she she is let's go okay she's definitely gonna be able to just fly over she's a witch doctor after all i guess this jet pack is insane i don't even know if i crafted it or not we have stolen so many people this person was literally stolen though because we took her from another village okay we're gonna build we're gonna build a better future for everyone everyone but mainly for me hello everyone welcome uh tina welcome your fellow witch doctor we've got two witch doctors here now because what does she sell oh it might be the same wait 16. oh she's way cheaper oh that's embarrassing for you that's so embarrassing for you wow right pause next on my agenda emeralds that was next to my agenda i wanted to trade gold i can trade gold i feel like it might it's gold rare am i making mistake by doing this i can't remember who trades gold you craft paper with anything else in this oh you might not even have to craft paper okay you can what is this sawdust rice and all this crazy stuff as well someone said i had sawdust by the way you might be lying definitely lying because all i need is a two emeralds and this mob duplicator is ready to go let me see if i have any more gold up here actually gold nugget head of a totem here as well nice no no no i just want to double check because there's so many items unlock blocked at villagers trades and cure zombie villages oh that's kind of nice to have too okay what is your job but you're a librarian too 34 paper that's a joke absolute joke i just need sugarcane that's all i need and i have eight i know i could grow it but that's gonna take way too long um oh maybe over here would be good i feel like i've been that way oh no i've been this way behind the lab like up here i guess so i can travel pretty fast for this just let it bounce me there's another black pig sweet shadow pig it's ridiculous sugarcane oh what is this oh i should not have done that that could have been awful uh what is this biome we are in obtania the mangrove i don't know what mangrove is from like lion king or something it's getting dark what is this over here i have to be so careful because if i go in somewhere that definitely was designing for someone who's much more equipped than i am like that i could be in trouble big trouble i'm gonna see what this is though let's see you pass some i'll get something to say i want to see what this is hold on what is this going to be this is going to be some kind of dungeon or something isn't it let's go it seems like a terrible idea i don't have good armor at all either i do have my sorcerer leggings now though oh boy i'm gonna go down did i swear i just heard that doesn't freak me out don't freak me out oh yeah this is a dungeon descend to the depths this is a this is a bad idea oh it is it's one of these like actual dungeons uh oh hello what are you there's one floating over there as well oh what is this this is such a bad idea such a bad idea oh look a lever yeah definitely shouldn't press that i'm scared still the soul stand that's probably a good shout out goes deeper i'm way too curious oh there's there's a spawner over there yep i'm out i'm definitely out yeah you ain't coming over here no no no no no no nothing else down here okay i might grab the soul sand real quick and then dip so i don't feel like dying as well this saves me another trip to the nether too and i've come so far in this hardcore that i don't really want to do it again you have no idea how long it took me to get some of this stuff to do the main machines it was so much work i might go down here actually just real quick but i don't plan on dying oh geez what is this [Music] i know where they're going oh oh no no did you see them they were so stacked oh my goodness no absolutely not did you see that that was unreal they were like full enchanted oh no okay we're gonna have to sleep here they were like full enchanted armor there's no way i'm doing that zombies with that no no no no no no no no no definitely not okay i got distracted there's some sugar came that's literally all we wanted as well sugarcane's what we came for all of this for some emeralds kind of crazy it'll be worth it though we'll be duplicating golden chickens in no time i don't see any more currently um oh we're all the way up here we've traveled let me hop injuries i need to check how much okay i should be all right hey check how much charge my jet pack has because if i run out of charge that'd be bad that's gonna be so much longer to get home oh oh i know what that is if i go near that i am dead do you remember the first video i made on this i went near one of those it traps you into sorcerers and you die there's no getting out of that no no no no i'll just go in the opposite direction ain't no way i'm going near that i was in like a previous world that i had when it took me like this is take three i think so i've died twice already in the early stages of the world but i'm not losing it now there's no way no way i've got another one of these definitely worth looking into that baby horse whoa it's cute i'm gonna have to leave you here i just heard a witch didn't i i hear a witch yeah yeah there's a witch in here there's a witch in here hello you missed some yeah i'm busy at the minute [Music] can't reach oh it's just it's one too high uh can i wait a second i might be able to grab the chest from here [Music] i can't i might be able to though wait yeah i got this bro and that's in the system um let's see if this works i've got a jet pack to get out of there so oh a name tag oh this is dope and this i'm fully safe finessed consider yourself finessed we have got a lot of cool stuff in here gila boots my slime boots don't give any oh tin is good as well it's gold sweet i don't oh i kind of need to keep that gravel i don't need so i'll grab that i've got a music disc oh never mind that is definitely copyright we've got quartz we've got redstone [Music] mushroom i'm gonna take the tin gold wolf armor a wooden gear i thought i want the string as well um what do i get rid of all of this stuff's kind of that's the thing in a mod pack i need and i need stuff i need a backpack oh they're threatening me [Music] i don't need the bars i'm taking the name tag i kind of do the quartz as well but i think we get i don't need the water bucket i feel like this could be quite good as well all right let's go up here let's let's mark this uh which dungeon good luck that's the beauty of waypoints that was decent okay you guys said i missed some sugarcane as well i mean if i missed it i missed it how is there like no sugarcane around it's really it's usually so easy to find a llama family over here why'd i bring so much stuff i don't know i do it all the time you know i'm just gonna grow this i think i need to head back i feel like we're way too far away where am i i'm here i need to go like this way back i don't want to run out of jet pack that would be that would be bad i'm gonna find any sugarcane that we missed which way you need to go now the right how am i not seeing any you guys just be like you missed it you missed it and you'll be correct yeah sugarcane at the village it's growing in one of the farms oh that's really handy which one because there's a couple villages where am i this is mine do you mean this one i need to go slightly to the left and forwards this place is nice good job like it's not like an elytra where you can just get absolutely ironed this is my home oh i'm back that was sweet i was quick what is this hops um don't know about that all right i'm back guys i'm back and i got goodies i got 10 more gold i've got string i need to put stuff away because i keep forgetting to put stuff away iridium shot i feel like is good you could only find them in end cities and dungeons and stuff yeah that's a great find the gunpowder away i got two pickaxes for some reason redstone can go away these have like no durability left protection against bees let's see what happens we got two of these wait oh these are kind of cool but the slime boots are just so op and we've got our name tags we can name this bad boy but we need a um i need an anvil why is auto jump on get off he was turning itself back on right then i still need two emeralds i could trade gold for it let's see if we've got any gold over here i'm guessing we don't oh yeah no gold that's the thing with so many overworld ores it's really hard to find it's really hard to find um just one specific one you're looking for backpack i do need to make a backpack as well but the problem with that is i need leather but not just normal leather that's the problem let me catch up on some of these venomous player thank you for the eight months dimble timbers thing of the prime mikey thank you for four months fat guy bro thank you for the tier one dance brownie no worries see you soon uh master builder thank you the tier one uh maj thank you for the two months nimbus thank you for the 11 months as well uh taiyo thank you for the gifted sub ocean thank you hundred bits as well say hi to assistant for me flower girl baseball roblox vips and recon thank you for your tier ones oats tastes good thank you for the 100 as well hellcat thing in the two months and ninja thank you 100 as well okay we will make this if we make this it's gonna be sick so if you've just tuned in by the way we're trying to make ourselves a duplication a mob duplicator which should work we've got the magma cream we just need the emeralds we've got some fellas to trade with namely leanne what about item dupes how could you do items let me show you a backpack guys so we've got different backpacks that we can make oh these ones wait a second woven cloth yes you need a lot of string for that oh didn't we make this hold on we made the piggy back pack didn't we i'm sure we didn't no i don't mean like proper item dupes i mean a wet like a structured way to do it like there was i kind of wanted blood magic or something that we could do in a previous one right small backpack requires tanned leather and an iron frame 34 string to make one bound leather so how many bound leather would we need we need eight bound leather that's a lot of string that's rough oh rudolph see it i don't know how we going in that's a bit sauce that's a bit sauce i'll just spill tea dummy very sad name the chicken casey i might do i'm gonna have plenty of these chickens to give all of them names all of them you died in this i did twice but we're in a new world now perfect okay next challenge grow sugarcane if there's a way that we could throw this a little bit faster you know i'm saying i'm gonna go get some sand let's grab some of this i don't know if you can bone me a little that'd be insane [Applause] [Music] i feel like we just have i think i said this when i got this originally but i think the way we travel is just ridiculously overpowered i kind of don't mind it there's plenty in here as well in case i lose them somehow i'm still popping out eggs i'll take them someone popped out an egg who was it it was you ah we're going to the gold one randomly let's go hello it's gone there it is it's so cute so cute you don't need santa cruz sugarcane don't you why'd i always think you did does it have to be next to water or no i don't even remember those are torches friend wait wait you do need to be near water right let's make a little bit here it's gonna be a bit gross for a sec but it's it's for a thing on actually we'll do it yeah this side i can do grass how does you know that i've always just assumed that it would um just because you always kind of find it anyway i need a bucket i got rid of my bucket and the bucket was actually kind of kind of expensive because the iron is pretty hard to find in this mod pack do i have a bucket the new one i know i had one i know it's long gone it's okay we'll be read soon it doesn't matter we'll be rich we'll have all the iron we need mob imprisonment tool i don't think i need that actually i mean i will eventually but i don't need it yet you see the growth of it now i don't know if we just straight up make bone meal or not i know it doesn't work in vanilla minecraft but it's worth a try and modded oh it does work oh no flipping way does this work normally i feel like that doesn't work normally right it does how did i not know that that's wild so bouncing donald bones i might have some more up here we got a gang going on in here should be three high not two well that's probably where they've changed it right bones [Music] i need 48 paper ready let me just move out here he wants to get up here watch you she's making a bed queen absolute queen absolute queen wow isn't it crazy that ellie's been on like on the channel since she was born basically and now she's seven seven that's insane well i'm distracted i've forgotten what i was gonna do oh yeah it's a bit crude but it's gonna work do you do one dirt or does it have to be grass has to be grass right more sand it is then so we need this to be able to trade with uh the lady and then we can get our emeralds then we get our duplicator which is going to be so sick there's a spider down here what is there a dungeon under here what is this hey there might be a dungeon under here or just a cave it could just be a boring cave i don't want to find out though let's get closer there's something going on down here what is it i think i'll be able to find out it's too deep okay let's just go let's go this i need to keep i keep forgetting i mean hardcore there's so many things that just randomly kill us we could do all of this stuff and make all this random nonsense and just die because in minecraft you know what to expect right you know what's what could potentially kill you and what couldn't but in this you have no idea at all right ah he's water okay that's not cool and now we just need to wait for this to grow though it's gonna take so long there must be another trade that we can do find another one someone said there was a a farm maybe at well there's lots of oh these npcs never mind at this village so i might quickly take a trip over there it's the right direction okay let's go and let's go and see if we can see anything over here that's sugarcane like now let's collect some on the way as well these trees are mega pretty sure this way now the bad thing is these boots are insane will never die from full damage with these on but if we don't have them we'll be in big trouble because you can never get they they don't last they don't have any durability no armor points whatsoever okay there's one of these these have no armor points someone said there was sugar cane here i think you might have lied to me oh you know sugarcane big trees yeah big trees oh there's one of these so now we can oh wait if we use one level we can teleport between that's sick all right sorry lady i only need uh only the emeralds sugarcane next to the river next to the village and that's the kind of description i like what like down here we should be able to travel between villages now i don't see it let me see if i can travel between villages one sec oh it might be up here you good bro what is this oh he's a cleric i might have to just cave and do the gold for now i might have to do that just for now this is cool yeah i might do the uh i do the cave cave god go home yeah i'm gonna try it right let's see what happens here that's so cool it cuts the level but that is so cool oh my goodness yes that's sick food yeah i need to do that right i might just use the gold i think i'm gonna do it sweet i see a steak let's see some berries solved try spamming shift by your sugarcane i don't think so i can see how much it's grown six 20 53 not great with the gold trade i think it's gonna cost 18 gold i have 27. i don't know if i want to let it if i want to trade it though there's no other real way to get emeralds 17 pigs 16 chickens yeah the venison is that deer try the lucky eggs you don't give anything which songs don't give anything but librarian it's all about that paper 24. what's 24 divided by three don't trade the gold ready yeah really 8 8 16 24. wait so i only need no no that doesn't matter that doesn't matter shift and unshift repeatedly as part of them want to make it grow no no no there's not thank you for the the quick math so no i literally need 20 something sugarcane because it's it's like one for oh wait paper from books wait wait wait hold on a second there's there's bookshelves in one of these i think it might be where we stole her from yes i have an axe too oh let's take this joint yes let's go okay never mind we have got what we needed easy yes israel i can kind of fly okay sweet trades oh that's so sick all right did you get another did you get another trade you did compass roofed forest pathfinder map or a savannah pathfinder map what is a pathfinder um [Music] the pathfinder map oh it just shows you how to find biomes okay that's pretty boring actually i need 24 more paper though is there any more any more bookshelves there will be in the other village for sure oh calm down there this is a jam shop does not have any let's quick travel to the other village it costs a level but it's still fine do you have any books yes you do hopefully they don't see me stealing i only need 24 so i don't need to put everything in here i'm going to keep the books and then go back gold under the temple i don't think there will be i mean i can try it might be worth a try i mean what else is it here for okay wait you might be onto something here let's get rid of uh let's get rid of this hold on a second what is this this is a trap right this is a trap that's a normal chest what is this mind the sides there's nothing here oh yes i actually need bones as well floating crystal i kind of don't want to break it just in case oh i'll do one of these oh wait no it didn't mean to do that narrator no no no stop narrator narrates chat let's edit this one just in case we need one of these it's for a certain mod but i i'm not using it yet that's sick though that looks insane for minecraft as well looks sick right let's head back i'm using all my levels i kind of don't care it's so much bigger we have enough for our emeralds now which means our mob duplicator is about to work it's going to be so sick okay who are we training with training with you two emeralds do you get another trade i don't think she's gonna get another trade actually okay sweet quick work my friends quick work oh let's pull this stuff okay let's try duplicator this is what we're working towards we need this i think we have oh netherwarts we need netherwarts fatal oversight faith under the pillars there's gold under the teleport thing how do i get this yeah i'm not gonna be able to do that why another why netherwarts why out of all the things why that to the nether i'm doing it i'm going to get it whether it kills me or not let's go uh i need does that mean i need to find a um does that mean i need to find a fortress i have to find a fortress right oh boy oh boy oh i if i could find one that'll be sick uh bad hedgehog thank you 100 bits uh one but there you go you got it bad hedgehog alive uh one point thank you for the prime minecraft player i think 10 months as well glad you like the new merch uh lucky sun thank you for 100 bits blued thank you for the prime goat thank you for the hundred bits as well my friend's door would do oh no i'm sorry about that hi lucy lucy hello hope you um i hope you feel better soon and happy christmas too emily thank you underbits as well oh nice oh keep tagging me in them because i haven't checked most of instagram for a while because i keep i was locked out of it for a while so i forgot keep telling me i'll see if i can see them uh that dude think you don't even simply sally think of hundreds as well if you're okay if makes you feel better australia was covered free until thursday now we're on lockdown well they lock you down for just like one case that's crazy yeah well down for christmas too sucks blackout thank you for the nine months king crimson thank you for the prime but um sally i hope you i'll be doing okay though it's a really rough time for everyone i don't even know what to say at this point it just sucks oh actually i've seen if there was like a um there are seeds invalid seeds i don't know where i'm doing this okay we're have to try and find one without dying it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting we do have the ability to fly though so if we just remember that we're good draconian ore oh what does that do conium oh dracone oh that sounds not nice oh no oh geez no stay away no no no no no no no no why is it following me whoa look at this it still following me whoa maybe there's a way i could find netherwart down here because remember there's so many different ways to find certain things in this in these biomes because we're in a mod back i'm scared though i can't die here ramble yeah this can be spiky isn't it let's not go that way oh this is scary i'm actually terrified there's anywhere i die it's gonna be here i didn't recharge my um my jet pack either oh not these dogs okay i feel like those dogs have a lot of health i don't have a ranged weapon either which is the problem um oh it's gonna have to be a fortress i really don't want to find one i just don't think i'm going to be able to oh no way no way no way there's one right here there's one right here pog charge your jet pack oh i don't need to anymore okay we need to get in here without dying though that's gonna be the real challenge do you have a all shield let's just avoid all these easier said than done and i can just grow it at home remember because this is modded you have no idea what could be in these fortresses either they could have modded it with extra stuff right that's so good oh that's so lucky so lucky i shouldn't be pushing my luck right now but i i know the chests here are gonna be sick oh netherwar in here use the mouse was oh okay i'll take the diamonds a withered rib you can craft wither skulls with that displacement wand right click to push blocks forward what something i'm going to take these right we need to go on uh let me see if we can find this stuff take the soul stand i kind of don't need it right now i had some already there's a blaze there oh yes we need to be really careful oh my goodness a teleportation wand brass infinity bimetal gear holy oh these stack yes we've got electrum as well molten core why did i bring all this stuff to me let's take the teleportation wand [Music] bro like no magical marvel oh this is wild there's bees in there oh what's that raft and iron gear oh yeah definitely crafted this fortresses are kind of good like really good oh this isn't anywhere to go okay i think we might be pushing our luck if we go any further this would be hive i feel like this is oh there's a bit down there [Music] nether pool isn't that far away i don't have a lot of jet pack left i think i'm just going to cut my losses and go i'm gonna have to go i can't get caught short here if i get if i get beat up on now it'll be awful i'd lose all of this and my and my world obviously oh no how do i get out how do i get out i'm so nervous we just need to get out just so we can do this uh this jetpack is so opie it's the best thing i've crafted did i craft it or did i find it i actually don't know okay we're here we're here we're here let's go let's go get me out of here get me out of here this mod has tinkers yes yes it does oh let's go sleepy's hello my friends oh man let's go uh okay we might need another chest actually so let's craft one of those i know i can get upgrades and stuff but i'm lazy i'm lazy for now anyway i'm always lazy right we got a ridiculous amount of stuff to play with we've got a teleportation wand right click to teleport forward until a block is hit or maximum distance is reached sneak to teleport through walls that's insane and we've got displacement one right click to push blocks forwards i will try those out definitely we've got more diamonds as well uh let's go to these i'm gonna keep these ones the teleportation one can go there i don't need the four channel i keep keeping things on me that i don't actually need right them actually flinders still just in case we should be able to make this now so let me see what else we needed oh man that's so good blackout thank you for the gifted uh gifted subs two gifted subs simply sally not one case with 20 still though yeah it's definitely hard i say christmas is yep it's happening lily thank you the 200 bits i hope you have a very merry christmas yeah you too he is excited he's he's sneakily seen some of his presence he's definitely excited uh routi and lazy boy thank you the tier one minimum brain thing of the prime and dr quesadilla i think with 100 bits that's a great name right we needs oh we need plastic dry rubber we always need something more all right so two magma cream we definitely have the two magma cream we don't need the gold gear i thought we did well there's two emeralds let's like mock it up here one piece of redstone nether walk got top and then we just need the plastic where do we get this uh tiny dry rubber how'd you get dry rubber let me just find out i always pause it by the way because we're in hardcore oh no it's actually long to get it you need latex oh no yeah you can get rubber from there but you can't get dry rubber from there so you need to make it in the latex processing unit oh buddy actually you might be able to do this we have latex though latex is a fluid creating the tree fluid extract only two more machines i think we can afford this actually when a log is placed in front of the black side of the tree okay we can do this we can definitely do this so we need a tree fluid extractor three smooth stone i have an iron gear so i stole one um didn't i oh no see this is this is where this pack gets wild because you think you can do something really simple and they need 5 000 machines to do it oh no tree fluid extractor so you mean iron gear oh yeah see never mind panic over iron gear is literally just this oh no no that did not just happen i wanted this how did that just happen oh fat rip what gear working die casting metal press what is a gear working oh yeah we don't need that how did that just happen how do i get an iron gear right i'm gonna go and pee i'll be right back let me put some music on for you you can behave yourselves enjoy i'll be back in a second did you behave yourself [Music] oh if you did i hope you behaved yourselves right so i'm not sure why it won't let me make an iron gear by crafting it i guess it just made it harder on purpose i think this is a tinkers i think this is a tinkers maybe we just need the gear blurry oh it should be fine it just takes a minute sometimes so i think the easiest way is through a metal press uh fluid influenza see what you need oh my goodness dude just to get all this stuff oh oh wait don't push me piggo don't push me okay i need to think of a better way to do this so we need let's let's work backwards so for this we need plastic um and to make plastic we need dry rubber yeah we need dry rubber let's say here to get started you need to place a tree fluid extractor in front of a log to collect yeah we need a tree fluid extractor sorry if that was loud sorry my bad uh it's rich legend thank you for the hundred bits thank you i appreciate that red lab thank you for the laundry bits as well how are you doing you streams the first time nice you don't have to save you can depending on what you use to stream on um obs you can use um you can stream and record at the same time i hope it went well though case thank you for the tier one casey you think on your bits as well uh what mods am i using this 350 so i'm using a mod pack called all the mods three remix you can check that out and check out the list of mods true night thank you thunderbits uh i need to i thought they take token off the membership i need to check that out i need to take it off um because the discord does not exist anymore i'm sorry i will get someone to take that off though you should be refunded uh right tree fluid i just need that iron gear dude if i could have crafted that i've been so much easier that should be an easy recipe but because of this mod pack it's harder [Music] oil oil um oh it's railcrafts treated wood minecraft treated wood oh make a tinker's crafting bench is that what we need what do you mean is there a specific crafting bench is it this tinkering table or no no that's not yet what do you mean by a crafting bench i don't think there's anything here that's different a crafting table inside the crafting table what but now what why do i need that is it not exactly the same oh wait oh no that doesn't work that'd have been so sick if that worked oh if that works you've been so good it's a chest next to it what guys is going on it saves what you put in it oh okay i put that in there oh that's kind of cool yeah that's way better actually okay i like that that's cool way between the chests i mean let's see what happens hog that's actually sick that's actually a table it's called they should change the names of these okay that's cool that's very cool i'm glad i got that but it still is a problem so i need i need my plastic i wonder if i could use this these are like really powerful inhibitor obelisk or if there's a way you could find iron gears in loot tables there must be a way i need creosote oil though do you need a coke oven for creosote oh man and then for coke bricks i remember making coke bricks before they're really annoying so hugely technical right what is this ritual tinker you definitely don't need that what time is it it's 11 30 i probably should sleep concerned al thank you 100 casey no worries thank you for joining thank you for the i think three or four hundred bits you you you gave i appreciate you thank you a true night thank you mandy bits as well thank you dude glad you get through it i'm glad i could help gamers thank you 100 mcd thank you for the 200 as well it wasn't going to make this duplication thing easy was it it must be an easier way to make plastic i feel like there is but what's it called a tree fluid see if there's another way to get latex i don't think i can it's just this iron gear is being really annoying because i can't craft it crafting table what a stick no way that's hilarious molten iron just to make a gear it makes the iron frame that's really annoying well that's cool that's cool as well i like all those buttons and stuff oh i feel like we could have made it if we could have made it oh i was going to check gears wasn't i there was a way somewhere where you could check like the drops for them uh what's it called iron uh oh it's actually an issue with the modpack interesting i can't really do anything about it though i'm just gonna have to go through the process to do it so to get a tree fluid one with iron gear then again iron gear we need to either cast it or do it in a metal press so metal press oh we need the treated wood planks don't we so we need the creosote oil so we need coke bricks uh coke bricks so we need bricks sandstone and clay we need three of those each bricks sandstone and clay okay let's go this might have to be another stream i was really hoping to do it wait what is this oh are you okay chicken probably shouldn't go near that oh yeah grab this yoink oh where you going where you going okay okay down here right in this how much of this we're gonna need actually oh this is plenty oh this is definitely funny oh oh oh oh that's chill okay oh i need to charge my backpack i think i keep calling it a backpack it's not a backpack it is a jet pack is much cooler all right we should be able to smell this here let's do that it's kind of loud by the way so we need three because we need nine coke bricks i think three by three by three so nobody nine eighteen twenty-seven twenty-seven quotes so we need sandstone as well is there even a before sand makes sandstone is there even a what's it called nearby there's no deserts nearby either guys you know what i think it might be best just to start this we'll finish this another time so it's going to take a little bit longer than i planned because we're going to need the creosote oil read the bricks and then we need the we need the bricks then the creosot creosote oil from that and then we need to infuse the wood oh man it's it's it's a thing it's a whole thing tree fluid extractor because we just need one of these man a metal press that's all we needed for one single treated wood planks and that's what i'm gonna have to do we made an insane amount of progress on the first ultra hardcore back then you get an iron hold on hold on this could save the day this could save the day don't go anywhere don't go anywhere oh that was it then you're right i do remember a gear being somewhere maybe i'm being i'm remembering it all right it's a wooden gear we got a stone one tin gear bronze gear oh you can't make it up to another one wait wait wait wait wait i'm sure there's a gear somewhere no i didn't make an iron gear no i never made one maybe there's one like in one of these chests over here i'm sure i've seen one aluminium no see one somewhere i know it i know it i just don't know where minting barrel that does not sound pleasant there's the black quartz oh generator no i've definitely seen one somewhere but wait the house is treated wood wait wait hold us hold on a second hold on a second ah metal press this one i need metal brass oh my goodness the glass is fine we need a lantern now though that's insane that is insane we've got a gold gear but those don't like those don't go down to anything else i'm sure we had a gear from somewhere but i don't know where it is that's actually sick that we just found that but now i need a lantern iron plates so three iron ingots makes an iron plate this better work okay that works i could use the four chamber that have been cheap but i know that i'm in the same same a glowstone and two glass panes that's [Music] hold on a second oh lantern only one glass block gonna have one of those but it's okay it's okay we got our thermal thing going where'd this brown chicken come from there's a random chickens everywhere we did it okay sweet hopefully not many of you uh left we we got the goods so now i want to make a keep forgetting what i'm supposed to make the name of it metal breasts oh we have enough for it however this is called a projector metal press projector that's called horizontal package okay that should be fine this makes a projector but i don't want to do it wrong through the roof there ain't no roof uh oh it actually gets more complicated you need steel because afterwards you need steel redstone engineering block piston heavy engineering block and then conveyor belts as well all of this to make the flipping thing let's see what happens let's just make it let's just do it and see what happens this could look pretty sick craft with engineers manual you left an iron gear in the nether in some chest did i really no it's not as did i leave an iron gear in the nether i've got an engineer's manual somewhere maybe i don't i should have one of these i might not picked up at the beginning it's in the nether are you kidding me in the fortress is that is that where it is i'm so dumb it is still good stretchy pretty quiet to use actually uh yes grab these they're way better i need to charge my backpack the gold one i've got the gold one i think hey another little gold chicken [Music] okay let's put this away this away play man we've used so much just random stuff today this is why i can't find anything i got the achievement yeah i thought so it's here look craft and iron gear but i don't have it that's because i found it i thought it um was this one the bi-metal gear i thought it was this one i can check the nether though definitely check the nether first red light because uh yeah addicted to tick tock i know it's bad but good at the same time i thank you for the 100 bits gamers uh bing nom thing with the four months mcd thank you laundry bits chris gordon thank you for the prime charlie thank you 100 bits as well banana bullet thank you for 150. marcus thank you for the gifted sub and the hundred bits gods and heroes thank you 100 bits there's five gears right there in the double yeah they're different ones so these are different ones i need the the other gears thank you though dan's brownie thank you for the 100 bits how's the stream where you gone stressful but we made progress should be enough uh where is it right let's see if we can go and find this you smell a stop can you get rubber i need different rubber eat it everyone my face comes like weirdly off fixed okay we ride again i don't mind my auto jump keeps turning on as well it's really annoying now i know where it is actually really easy to get to look at that it's so good fly right past you and hopefully to go and get what is rightfully mine is it gonna be in here no it could be in the other one though there was another one somewhere if not it could be in the witch's place [Music] guys are trolls i'm take that though i'm gonna take these might as well take that you guys are absolute trolls no you did not just do this to me you know i will go it's by the witch's loot box really do do you seriously believe that oh i have no food oh hey give me a second i'm just gonna go over here oh this is bad yeah this was a terrible decision okay yeah i'm out i'm out i'm going home if it's not the witch's place i'm done what are those nether spike things okay those are crazy i thought those dog fox things were crazy but did you see those oh my goodness i have mastered this by the way no you cannot spawn here no no no no no let me out let me out let me out let me out oh okay one last check whether i put this there it is i have no right it's over here you have chests on your dog i don't know if um there's anything in them but if this doesn't work then it will i just want to locate it so i feel like i feel like i just feel like i've seen one in my chest before so it would make sense i just didn't realize they'd be so hard to um so hard to make all right then we are back hello it's not here i'll take some of these though uh why not why not why not why not this literally does not exist you can find an iron gear in a dungeon yeah i i feel like it'd just be better to work towards actually making the gears because i'm obviously gonna need some more we got the achievement i think it was for those other ones wait this is the wrong way i don't want my house have i i'm an idiot it's the right way anyway i think it was for those other ones you know the five that i've already got i can see if they work in the recipe but i don't think they will and also the ones that i've got are really rare i don't want to use them if i don't have to okay i mean we got an extra wooden gear though just in case so this one [Music] no they're definitely gonna work they're like ridiculous different ones need grains of all kinds of nonsense there so guys i'm gonna end it here i'm gonna do some more research for next time and then we'll figure out what earth is going on all right well guys thank you so much for watching i appreciate you all dan's brownie thank you 100 bits oh really that's cool uh charlie is festive thank you 100 grain thingy 100 and rg cheats thing 100 as well thanks for all the support buddy guys i will see you in the next one that was a good three hour session of ultra hardcore let's go dude
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 1,729,313
Rating: 4.9256196 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, minecraft
Id: UmI3Rkpps9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 18sec (9798 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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