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hey guys welcome to a brand-new minecraft video where today justin has found something incredible minecraft but every drop is random he explains it in the video over basically me James and Justin open up a fresh hard cool world and everything that you break regardless of whether it's like grass or a diamond door everything drops something completely random so your grass could drop nether bricks your your oak woods could drop nether stars it literally could be anything what we try and do is try and get the furthest we can inside Minecraft trying to get to the end of Dragon can we do it you have to find out if you're going to enjoy the video please leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new and enjoy alright guys here we are in Minecraft hardcore randomizer mode now I downloaded a script from sethbling and his program makes it so every single block piece of grass mob everything drops a random item it could be anything like this grass break it allows go ahead and then planks drop will drops nothing okay so they can like this is amazing Oh lots don't let all grass wait no no cuz it's always different different isn't it yeah it drops lapis oh that's cool unfortunately is not great I was to say you could make a lapis block then work it and then it would drop something but anyway yeah so the crafting recipes work as normal so I'm gonna break this grass yeah ha ha its string but if we desert Oh Flint does Flynn oh so it's grass block its yeah that's right lad trapped how'd you get where you have to break one of these Polly flowers let's get kpop amazing star to get flowers before we start apparently food is quite hard to get right yeah yeah and as well we'll each of these different logs will break different stuff too here I'm doing jungle here we go jungle okay zero what yay okay so that happens sometimes apparently so oak planks will drop something different than birch so no way yeah I sort of ever would pop out yours actually was three emeralds I don't know it came out of that yeah there you got it you got it so this must be cuz it can get the like the the rolls of a chest con it like a dungeon chest that's why and it's random that the that those are in there oh wait leaf blocks let's try the okay oh wait no ender pearls do nice yeah we might be eight be able to find if we get blaze powder from somewhere yeah I got end the stone here oak logs are in the stone Oh so yeah mops as well there's some squid down here only once James Curtis squid it seemed like a good ball close stone dusts I don't know did you see it yeah it's right underneath you sugar cane fish hook Oh Lucy grass turned a black Congress daughter saddling the salmon this is my hold on a quiet do you get iron you got iron something guys yeah you gotta come over here I want to show you something pretty cool pink I have no idea double tall's these things oh wow I think it's lilac break these one woo wait did you got it right yeah you got it you got it oh yeah it's got iron and oh this is crazy we can break stone and done that yet oh yeah now what statics prismarine slab yes we don't worry about tools food isn't too bad gravel is leather let's go over to the there was a village yeah I was gonna say what they have because they have a lot of stuff we can break ooh what happens when you kill a pig parents see this it actually drops chicken I'm sorry I'm sorry oh I'm so sorry eat job sir it's a grindstone yeah oh I wonder if different villages drop different ones - yeah drop one of these all torches Oh what torch is on creeks on cobblestone is it good to drop a yellow glass pane breaking this I think this is terracotta gives you dead tube coral block Oh looks like cobblestone is broken again like I would have thought it was cobble sand that gives you a trapdoor I know pretty soon lots lots what who's gonna come and break the bow I killed the villager come on this is up to you I'm gonna test this different villager theory wait if I smack this guy is the iron gold I'm gonna come get me yeah I've just remembered we're in um did you see that one gold dropped gold and emerald yeah well this one already because is it because it's like a different yeah different stages yes we've got lapis from the grass here oh my god I do I can make one pumpkins are golden apples no where's where did you find pumpkins well no we're not calenus no up the hill cows drop puffer fish cool so should we sleep yeah baby [ __ ] oh why does have a creeper yeah I just think oh pause the door we did it first night survives yeah this was is terrible a jumping okay guys so I'm kind of thinking do we go like underground or do we try and go to the nether or do we try and find like another village in a different biome for the different blocks yeah just wherever we can find different blocks that we haven't undifferenced fences nice is the water okay [Music] over across the Oh orange juleps yes we live in forever that was from Lyon or though I own or jac yeah I own or drops the tulips the tulips drop that's home you can turn iron ore into dying everything yeah look at this magnatag's oh you know Wars this is fishing oh it is like kids scuba Daniel I've got enough okay so we just do some underground take fishing for a little bit efficiency protection and not back on a book power I got mending on mine what do you have yeah what do you have I just follow you guys around inspect hey I guess that's what we're doing it does it lets you right yeah well you could I guess you could scout out new blocks too oh yeah it's actually pretty good I get a really good view doing this I'm just gonna quickly grab these totems okay I think I wanna keep the Flint you inventory gets so full it does and especially with all these totems which I'm not throwing out a single one how many animals do you have 13 that's make that into a block and they break it oh you have iron picks I'll do them roadblock I'll do at the same time who wins I need some gold already to do one line go oh let's race ever whoa whoa whoa what's with these birch leaves whoa how's it going helmet helmets I don't even know dude it was quite a big cave system down here so we maybe we can find diamond ore and see what it gives us yeah come on this is asking for diamonds oh I found diamond no way yeah yeah look oh nice find it's kind of a problem there yeah we need to wall it off a little bit and we need to get underneath it too here we go ready what is it what did I miss got us 15 table there's still hope at least it wasn't nothing so if we come now pick that up and try again yeah which turns in down yeah if you put the tripwire hook nothing oh wait yeah that's a button which we've got the proof yeah yeah I think whatever books we need we could do if we go to nether this so many more to go the courts yeah you tree everything let's see if we can like okay and you had at some point ah we made it back in the swamp we've emerged great okay so I can plant that let's try the spruce a play oh yeah which gives us what is this block of coal prismarine presbury brick I don't know I would like 11 or so how did you get those I remember just broke it for coal blocks yeah and then how do we get the saplings oh yeah Oh No hey go enjoy the diamonds thank you yay guys like the same color as oh that's cool so we have how many times you got one I got one 11 I scored diamond from something oh the pink leaves the pink things flowers you did 100 percent yeah how's a baby zombie little punk wait do we know where lava is perhaps I can I can make a bucket so we can mine obsidian but we don't know what it is we don't know what it'll turn into by that's a block we haven't tried yet so something has to drop up Cydia it has to we just need the only thing is it could be snowing in the nether okay I can make obsidian I got buckles so wait so then we could we could we can go to the nether or we can next week like in the old hallway yeah so where should we build it like just right next to this thing yeah might as well first one done get out here we got our first piece I might do another bit of obsidian just to see what he gets wait but you need a diamond pickaxe oh okay go and give us something amazing that's a sign a jungle sign alright literally breaks isn't nothing too Hey yes complete I'm going to the nether no chestplate let's do this I probably could have cropped it once be honest Oh what oh my goodness a pillar in the middle of nowhere we are going okay I know we do this and soul sand drops a weird yeah yeah can you calm Plan C netherrack does nothing nothing mag whole thing magma below close do not thing oh wait we got another quartz nether quartz is a pink carpet which is then a jungle slab I had such high hopes for this same and the two easy blocks the later II give nothing oh no one more shot a bird hold on I'm trying I'm trying to distract him I don't know what art oh geez nice what did you get I didn't have I didn't have my turns in my own flock here it is okay slab okay rotten flesh oh my goodness during that stray off the edge go away where are you oh there you go oh dude oh you got him you got him nice alright let's break my sword so that's annoying it's just a red tulip what about growing nether wart there's a blaze spawner all right all right I've got one like stuck in a one by one tunnel or somehow [Laughter] did they drop anything for you Dan oh no I didn't drop anything at all characters I have read Shoeless wait do you have do you happen to have a crafting table there's one thing I can make one yeah this is gonna be extremely painful Oh No [Laughter] I will lose my mind Oh bookshelf we make a bookshelf with those books how many did it drop I've got three if you've got a bookshelf yeah there we go here we go I've really can't think of anything else there's so much we did a little crafting anvil I got one did you did you not break one no I thought you did no I put it down but we didn't break it now if that was the blaze powder [Laughter] [Music] is our swing wagon candles campus or for fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,793,454
Rating: 4.9400864 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft randomiser, minecraft randomizer
Id: qjW1WvUrFwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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