I Played Subnautica: Below Zero For 24 Hours Straight!

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hey i'm skies and welcome back to subnautica below zero i played this game for 24 hours straight why don't ask what's up nautica below zero it's a different version of the original subnautica game you've landed on a planet covered in water and some ice with a few islands you're trying to figure out what happened to the last crew on the planet i think i didn't know anything about this game before playing i had to learn everything on the fly you could build a base submarine a grabby mech suit make farms kidnap the natives and put them in aquariums which i might have done so here's my story and everything i managed to do in 24 hours also here's some freaky penguins on the main menu what the hell are though those are not paying wins what is this after seeing that i clicked on start a new game and notice there's a hardcore mode if y'all want 10 000 likes and i'll play the hardcore mode for 24 hours and i know this is annoying but only 13 percent of people that watch are subscribed would mean a lot to me if you click the subscribe button it's free and i'm trying to hit a million subscribers in 2021 also what other game would you like to see me play for 24 hours straight now i clicked on survival and the new world was created where's the any button first challenge it was done in looked like i accidentally started playing halo infinite i left the ship in my submarine and never mind it looks like i'm playing halo 2. i began flying in behind this giant meteor not like they explode once they enter a planet's atmosphere oh well at least i can go for a smooth landing oh okay but at least the spacecraft isn't on fire after escaping my spacecraft i had no idea what to do for an ocean exploring survival game it was very lacking of an ocean also not sure why i landed with a planetary bombardment going on annoying games that give you a nice little starting area i export it just like how i like to explore the internet nice and safe want to know how to explore the internet safely by today's sponsor i'm kidding i don't get sponsored figured i would get a lot of important beginning items and it's not like a meteor could hit me completely safe in the open then the game told me to open up about my public display of affection it's a good thing i can't read or i'd get real snappy at it i was exploring then saw this weird flower thing that heated me up played with it for a bit but after a few minutes i made it to the coast now given this is basically the arctic i figured the water would be too cold for me so i tried to dodge it whoa whoa what are you i take it oh so apparently the arctic water will keep me warm and i found some weird fish i'm a menace to society so i kept on catching every fish that i could but this is a 24-hour video and i've only shown you 10 minutes of gameplay so far so i'm going to cut through or we'll be here forever after about four minutes i luckily found the draw pod that luckily landed safely i went inside and found the fabricator basically a minecraft crafting table that doofenshmirtz made that i used to make almost everything in the game turning around i found the storage unit it's basically a unit that lets you store everything in it like a storage unit that's everything to the drop pod a cozy little home oh and it warms me up and replenishes my oxygen to cut through the boring stuff i found some mores to collect also some plants and fish again i returned to the base to see what i could make and somehow made a battery oh no way i could turn a fish into plastic mo again oh this is incredible oh i'm living every american corporation's dream oh i'm very easily entertained after being gordon ramsay i made the scanner it's a tool that scans things and tells me what they are and can unlock other crafting recipes and so i went around scanning everything that i could at the time i didn't know it would unlock recipes i just like scanning things because i'm a completionist then i found the demons of the game i was cautious when approaching them then find out i can pick them up and um they're um something i guess they're cute but being a menace to society i definitely didn't go around and stuff their babies in my pockets that's weird are you coming at me i'm gonna keep taking your babies apparently adults don't like their kids being kidnapped i don't know is this what you want huh huh do you want your baby okay i'll release them psych i'm taking them back and i could never taunt them that would be insanely cruel gathered more things with my new kids and looked around for a weapon i can make a survival knife that'll work except it needs something called the creep vine to make it most likely a product from a school predator with a name like that was looking around at the foliage then found an oxygen plant whisper it'll come in handy a lot throughout the video let's go back in there so apparently there's creepers in fish form in this game nice and begin the process of unlocking a nice little underwater vehicle and yes i did go back sea monkey-ness i know that sound no no no no no no no no no not to be dramatic or anything but i'd die for those exploding fish also the oxygen plant came in clutch and i'm glad it came back to this hell hole the nest had another part of the sea glide blueprint nearly there but nothing could have prepared me for this nightmare the underwater predator the game will say it's a sea monkey but that's a sea offender if i've ever seen one i had no idea what to do or what i was looking for but i kept on collecting oars and was in awe of the graphics yeah this game is absolutely beautiful and i was pleasantly surprised with the aurora borealis which wasn't that common throughout my playthrough and then after searching for a while i finished the sea glide blueprint a tiny machine that will help me swim through the water a lot faster allowing me to venture lower and find new resources and blueprints i found the creepy vine again and was mortified to see it again but i rushed home i finally gathered the creep fine i needed and made the survival knife finally allowing me to hurt the weird ones and made an air bladder which when activated will shoot me straight up towards the surface whenever i'm low on oxygen and with those done i just need to make the better oxygen tank and get the c-glide obviously though i tackle the more important thing first i swim around and found the sea monkey again and tried to give them a better cut my g and then found out they love to steal items i became offended because only i can rob others not vice versa i luckily got my knife back but i left him alone since i'm the better man with the knife i'm able to collect the fiber mesh and craft the oxygen tank that i've been needing and my first vehicle the sea glide this little baddie has a 3d map of the train around me which i immediately turned off because it's annoying and really not that useful in the light so now i can see at night and see what i'm doing when i swim to lower depths while exploring lower i came up upon the first third of the sea truck blueprint a very very fun vehicle that'll allow me to do so much more in this game but that won't happen for a while i came upon this abandoned scientist craft thingy but to be honest it didn't have anything just a blueprint furniture and some food kind of a disappointing find now i thought the sea monkey would be the most terrifying enemy in this game oh my god what are you oh apparently they're not thank god for the air bladder or that would have gone differently not to fear though i learned the greatest way to tackle them later on now i found this cave that looked like the flood from halo took it over this entire place was a gold mine blueprint mine had loads of new blueprints for me to unlock and had a lot of new foliage to scan but i was being greedy i kept finding stuff to loot and you know what happens when you become greedy oh let's go let's go yes oh my gosh yeah never mind my insane luck for minecraft came to this game wasn't even close now everything you've just watched was my first hour of playing i wanted to show you everything to help you get familiar with the game and show me learning stuff in the game you know build a bond but if i continue at this rate the video will easily be a few hours long and i know none of you want that we still have 23 hours to go so from now on i'm only going to show you the major events i don't think you care to watch me mine and scan items now my public display of affection told me there's a base nearby the beginning of the storyline i swam over there and this place was a gold mine a lot of blueprints and items for me also stole the beacon i began exploring the land and this voice told me to leave like a reasonable adult i ignored her and kept on exploring the island i almost made it to the top then this gilf jumped me she said how amazing i am and how much she admired my braveness and gaming skills or how she thought i was a part of the bad guys and wanted me to leave her land who really knows she told me to leave again or else and again like a reasonable adult i ignored her and began to loot this building that probably belonged to her absolute menace to society vibes i took everything in there that the game would let me and listen to a lot of dialogue apparently this was a base for a group of scientists doing something that i don't know because i didn't pay attention also found this tower but that'll come in handy later on i was returning home but then an android user tried to talk to me no idea what they said after a little bit at the base i made the vehicle bay where i can make the c truck and another vehicle later on making nice progress the beacon for the android user popped up a bit later on and i began to head to it also the game's really beautiful the android beacon however it's in a really bad place the second deadliest area i'd be visiting in this game i couldn't go deep enough for the beacon yet so i tried to explore the sunken spaceship which also proved to be way too deep for me i caught my losses and returned home i had to make the sea truck before continuing on i went back to the halo flood cave and looked around some more since i can explore more with the sea glide and then i accidentally found this alien artifact not sure if i was supposed to find it yet but i scanned it there wasn't much else on the cave and i went back to scanning blueprints also had this douchebag come after me but i embarrassed it by swimming faster than it somehow once i was finished bullying it i found all the parts of the sea truck so i rushed back to the pod and made a habitat builder i made a new pod about 20 feet from the drop pod and was in love there's glass tubes and compartments you can make and the ocean look beautiful until this place needed power to give me oxygen so i made some solar panels and now i was able to sit around and enjoy this beautiful place until i realized how dog water this spot is and how little i can build i began to tear down the blaze and was amazed that you get refunded all the building items once i was done i swam roughly 150 meters and find a nice open space to build my base i only did the first room and got everything organized also this battery recharging station completely removes all difficulty from the game i love this station so much after a little gathering i had the items for the sea truck all prepared and wow it was incredible watching the bots make the sea truck fantastic watch once it was made this is a machine that only a mother could love but this unlocks a huge part of the game now at the top it'll show how deep every machine can go the sea truck can currently only go 150 meters deep until it'll start getting damaged and break i went to the pilot location spot and when as deep as the sea truck could go then after going through a confusing tunnel and nearly dying i found her base a little spot kind of deep down and well protected started scanning then i got jumped by a car salesman we're here to contact you about your car's extended warranty deny it now and welcome back we always do she was talking to me about how amazing i am and how impressed she was at my gaming capabilities or how she doesn't trust me because she thinks i'm a part of some bad organization and wants me to turn off this one tower thingy to prove that i'm innocent but who really knows she was a real grumpy old hag with wrinkles like those can't blame her so i robbed her of everything and made the journey back to my sea truck i had to make some kind of anti-tower box thingy so i returned home to find out how to make it also i have an aquarium of baby penguins now i looked at sea truck upgrades i can't make and found the box thingy for this campaign and um this is going to take a while i don't know how to make the parallel processing unit and like any genius with an iq of 217 i most definitely didn't look on google on how to make it with the coordinates magically in my head i made my way over found this big sunken spaceship and began to explore it until i found out i needed the laser cutter tool to open up some doors and boxes i made my way back to my sea truck headed home tiny base found out i need diamonds to make the laser cutter made a tool that will tell me where items are in a close range said hi to a sea offender and went to the location where the diamonds are well as close as a sea truck would go i was looking for the diamond cavern but found these weird buzzing green machines and accidentally found this alien ruin i can breathe in here so i was happy and had this alien ai talk to me until i found him i called him a nerd and he forced his way into my brain jokes on him he's the one being tortured not me i sang baby shark in my mind for the rest of the duration that i played this game i like to fight fire with fire i left and found the diamond cave god diamonds died lost the diamonds went back to the diamonds got multiple diamonds made it back to my sea truck made it home made a sea truck depth upgrade now i can go to 300 meters instead of 150. made the laser cutter tool said hi to a dirt bag made it back to the ship went cuddy cuddy then skinny skinny thought i found all the parts i needed for the blueprint said hi to the dirtbag again made it home thinking i unlocked this something something blueprint found out i didn't unlock the parallel processing unit i think i need one more went back to the sea truck back to the lovely ship that i missed so much and then found a door that i somehow missed shortly after that i found the last parallel parking cylinder and unlocked the blueprint hopefully for the last time i returned home from the ship and made the test module for the story mission but it took me so long to make that thing that i completely forgot where the island was i think it took me about 30 minutes to find it once i did though i rushed to the tower plugged in my nintendo switch and broke it the old had called me shortly after and said i did a good job she then wanted to meet me i'm sure this won't be hard to find her though two hours later i'm gonna kill her i looked up tutorials the wiki followed her directions exactly and couldn't find her place at all but after finding random islands in places that i don't know if i should have i found her greenhouse it was the greatest feeling in the world walking through that door and continuing on with the story mission until i realized i can't kill her i hate you i don't know what she was talking about i wasn't in the mood to listen to her but i went around the place scanning items and gathering food now i can cook the best meal in the game so there was some reward for spending two hours finding this place now i have to rush since foliage in the game decays fairly quickly and i was over a thousand meters from my base i ran into this cutie who wanted a hug or something along the way home but i had no time for that once inside i immediately got to work with my newly learned blueprints and made a farm it was incredibly crowded in here but it did work and yeah this food item is absolutely incredible it also doesn't decay at all i've now eliminated batteries water and food from the game i wanted to beautify my base and add some windows now it's too cramped in there but while looking for the windows blueprint i accidentally found this alien artifact spot and now i had an itching for more of those so i went and find another which was inside of this giant mine shaft but i didn't take anything in there i swear after the expiration was done i returned home and wanted to check out the compartments i can make for my c truck i decided on all of them since i can apparently make this into a mobile station with some movie magic making i completed the entire set and made the prong suit last it's an exosuit that lets me breathe in there and i can collect whatever and kill the baddies very nice also let me go down to 400 meters really nice and inside the sea truck station i can fall asleep in here which i didn't know was a thing in this game play music but i think it's copyrighted so i won't craft items in here store stuff have the prawn suit attached to it it's amazing and i love the sea trucks so much now with my new mobile station complete i wanted to explore everything see everything and do it all first up was learning the prawns you'd think you'd be easy since it's the same exact controls as when you're walking on land but no this thing felt weird like playing with both of your arms asleep it took me a few minutes but i felt comfortable with it it was getting late so i fell asleep and i love this feature after my beauty rest i found the location of the window scan the bad boy and you already know what's going to happen next i immediately went alien artifact hunting now remember this i'll have my prawn suit here at 384 meters its max depth is 400 i went and found the alien place and scanned the artifact nothing weird so far but when i was returning to my prawn suit it vanished it went avatar the last airbender on me i didn't even have its beacon anymore i looked around and had no idea where it went i stopped for a while while returning home and i wanted to work on my base to cheer up basebuilding always helps out and this little baby base it's turning out pretty nice still a lot to add to it but i'm loving it so far once a building session was over i made the second prawn suit and spoiler i don't lose this one i went back out to explore some more and i upgraded this prawn suit to dive down to 700 meters with that i wanted to explore everything and i had two alien artifacts left i got the first one insanely easy and then went to the spooky second one i got into my prawn suit and saw my snake of an axe i had to be fast now this artifact was very weird i felt like i missed something but i checked everywhere also the notification for the spot would never go away but that was my last thing to explore in this game i didn't know what to do now maybe more will pop up at a later time and i just had to wait so i went home and got organized figured i'd do whatever until another spot popped up looked at my pretty base and decided to add on to it gotta make it bigger and better i got hungry after an hour of it and took a 20 minute break here's a pleasing time lapse and the longer i speak the more of it you get to see got back to work on the base and then a new alien artifact finally popped up but here's my base so far and i'm still not done with it really enjoying building in this game now i hopped into my prawn suit and headed off to the alien artifact i got distracted along the way with these weird one-eyed jellyfish things in had to mess with them i arrived at the location and gone into my prawn suit i explored the area for a short while then made it to this bridge and found out i need to craft some fuel to make it work so i went back home crafted the fuel went all the way back to the location loaded up the fuel extended the bridge then retracted the bridge because i can't let my hitters catch me lacking and went on with exploring the land until i found out that the alien artifact isn't over there and i wasted my time on the bridge to find out that i could have gone to the artifact this entire time i wouldn't scan the artifact was it not with how beautiful the glowworms were in the cave and made it back to my seed truck to return home again i was at around 21 hours at this point and i was running out of stuff to do i didn't however really dive into the building in this game yet i found that you can make a remote controlled penguin bot obviously had to do it i placed my first one outside of my base to see how it works then found out that for some reason it can't work underwater and you can't repair it without disappointing this thing was i now know how my teachers felt i made a second one and placed it on the tower island thing place and tried it out it worked but this thing has a super short range i got closer and started messing around with it this thing is kind of all right to play with for like five minutes but it's really not useful at all except for taking bomb selfies every time you look away your character does a new pose hashtag surviving in a frozen wasteland after that fun vacation i returned home we had more building stuff to discover i started with the scanner room which has the easiest to understand holographic display of the land in here you can select on this handy dandy list of almost anything you want couldn't find my mother's love on this to make it all usable you can craft a controllable camera which actually works underwater unlike the other controllable thing then select what you want and boom it'll appear on your camera's display for you to go hunt down kind of tedious though also you can have the rap bastards come by and steal your camera because they think it's their egg love them after that i made a bioreactor which i actually wish i made in the beginning this thing is incredible and lasts forever next i made the control room which has a beacon built into it so i also wish i made this in the beginning too and here you can see your power status your entire base and how much power and structural integrity each room has a fun thing you can change the color of your base which i did i changed everything to black with a gold adjacent color i think it looks absolutely beautiful too bad i did all this at the end and not the beginning or middle oh and i love this observatory i wanted to build this in the beginning but forgot about it now for all of those eggs that i was hoarding this entire time i made this giant aquarium i generally placed the eggs around it and waited for them to hatch i am now the proud parent of 20 fish and that's everything i did in 24 hours on subnautica below zero i know this isn't minecraft but i hope you all enjoyed the video i'm going to start branching out to other games don't worry i'll continue doing minecraft if this video can get 10 000 likes i'll do another 24 hours video on another game if you enjoyed it would mean a lot if you click subscribe thank you all for watching and i hope you enjoyed my video follow me on twitter and twitch for live streams link down below i hope you all have a great day and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Skyes
Views: 674,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subnautica Below Zero 24 Hours Challenge, I played subnautica for 24 hours straight, i played subnautica below zero for 24 hours straight, i played below zero for 24 hours straight, i survived subnautica for 24 hours straight, i spent 24 hours in subnautica, i spent 24 hours in subnautica below zero, i survived 24 hours in subnautica below zero, i survived 100 days in subnautica, i survived 100 days in subnautica below zero, playing subnautica for 24 hours straight, subnautica mods
Id: maezF-aI9no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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