I Played 7 "LOST MEDIA" Subnautica Prototypes You CAN'T ACCESS Anymore

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access to seven early development prototype builds was sold within the earliest access campaign contained with the subnautica special edition there is no known way to access these prototypes and as a result these builds are considered lost media well what do you know hello my friends let's take a little stroll down history Lane subnautica fully released on January 23 2018 after spending several years in Early Access since late 2014. since that time the game has received many changes updates and patches that have built towards the experience you can have today while playing it I is a game developer myself have however always been more fascinated by the road it took to get there the various steps turns and changes that shape the amazing game we all love and adore on the channel we've done a solid job going back in time through various Early Access builds peeling back the layers and exploring the niche in little known elements that once existed in this game such as the back rooms or Firelands but there is only so far you can get on Steam the earliest axis build is as the name suggests the earliest version of the game you can get your hands on and honestly I thought that was it but then one day when scrolling through the wiki I stumbled upon something these so-called prototype builds developed before the earliest axis before PAX East even there was a set of seven prototype builds released to people who purchased subnautica special edition through Humble Bundle originally the plan was to make these free DLC at some point but that never happened so the only way anyone could get their hands on these is if they were one of the few original buyers and they somehow hadn't deleted the files from their PC since the Humble Bundle ones are no longer available now right off the bat I was hooked and started looking you can find some videos of these on YouTube but getting your hands on them is a whole different Beast the wiki wasn't kidding when he called them lost media I messaged the YouTubers who did the videos originally but none of them had the files anymore I even reached out to the devs who weren't sure if they still had the files and then I was basically left on red but when all hope was lost an amazing member of my Discord by the name of foxy Fox a girl massive shout out by the way reached out since they were on the hunt for the prototypes as well and well let's just say they found them so today we're going to jump in play through this piece of seemingly lost subnautica history and see where this game really came from foreign wait a minute this doesn't say subnautica does it well we're here in Prototype one and as it turns out the game originally had a very different name descent as you can see now this menu also looks very different from what you probably expect I mean the fact that it's like off center is a really really messing with me but let's just jump into a new game and see what we can find and what on Earth um welcome to a submarine I think we can remove this room why would I want to do that or build a room let's start building one what about a diving room okay I need scrap to build that okay can I get some how do I exit use the dive hatch oh here we go okay I have a minute of oxygen left but boy do I swim slow how am I gonna get this in one minute now this is gonna be pretty tight actually oh this is gonna be really tight oh I'm stressed what on Earth okay so we have some scrap metal can I now build a new room diving room oh this is interesting okay and now we have a propeller here the ballast and then we have another propeller here so let's say I want to go this way on both engines does it rotate the thing oh it does whoa hey look at that okay what happens if I tilt it all the way oh we're sinking down look at this world it looks so weird doesn't it so when I picked these up will this give me oxygen this looks so uncanny I mean I don't have an inventory I don't have anything of course it's just this world I don't even know what to do with the oxygen tank I just picked up well there seems to be another biome here but there's no way I can possibly reach it I'm guessing this is the start to a kelp forest oh that is strange okay I want to see what happens if I run out of oxygen okay we're running out of time any second now we're gonna basically drown oh no and we just jump out wow okay that was that was really something [Applause] so as we move through these prototypes as far as I understand the numbers kind of correspond to the order in which these were developed so with each of them we're gonna see slightly more progress on the game as you can see in Prototype 2 we're still dealing with descent not subnautica and pretty much the same looking menu but I'm guessing once we jump into the game it will be different whoa yeah no kidding it's different okay so we now have a very different looking base the world around looks about the same honestly even though that looks like a new bio maybe okay we have throttle from two engines and we can build walls or destroy stuff okay what if I destroy this okay get some scrap metal in return there is a dive hatch how many walls can I destroy oh this is kind of cool so the way you would build walls was kind of like this where you would basically be able to build your own rooms presumably like box yourself in I don't know why I did that and you were kind of left free to create the compartments of the sub however you wanted okay that's cool man this is still really freaky there's a bunch of stuff floating around let's see if I can get to the surface we can maybe at least take a look at our submarine okay look at this thing wow that's cool it looks so strange doesn't it and then there is this what Incarnation even is this don't know it's all kind of suspended in the air I like that you can kind of see some of the unity debug stuff okay let's get back into this sub and I actually want to explore the map a little bit let's go Full Throttle wow look at these biomes what's that supposed to be you guys thought the far lines were cursed look at this this is making me very uncomfortable there's some like blueprint or something you can pick up down there going into the void oh this is so cursed oh yeah I know that is actually the edge of the map the terrain doesn't render nothing happens but very interesting so I suppose in this one we basically learned how they originally envisioned or maybe how they thought might be a good idea to have you build a submarine I mean much more player dependent I kind of like it it's almost a shame something like this wasn't kept in the final version even though I understand how it could be causing confusion to players and maybe you know not being optimal you know somehow the fact that this is completely Uncharted Territory makes this way worse let's check the next prototype uh-huh would you look at that the name has officially changed so somewhere between the first two prototypes and this one it actually became subnautica now I'm curious if you're gonna see any other changes as well oh a new loading screen very nice whoa gone are the options to build stuff we're still in the same submarine we now have two different indicators for ship depth and very different controls and whoa the map looks different as well oh I see so this is how you would do depth Ah that's kind of interesting tab toggles map oh look at that we have a map so you can just pull one to Turin or you can pull both to either reverse or go forward okay again very interesting movement let me stop for a sec ooh the oxygen cheat now works okay so I'm able to actually use console commands look at this we have scrap metal it's a big yellow ball in the Sky What's this Ox what on Earth some sort of oxide now we we have to go deeper this is the only way to go well we definitely swim faster so I'm guessing this would eventually become the grassy plateaus which is very strange to think about so this prototype kind of reworked the submarine controls seemingly added a bunch of stuff including the map but I don't have it on person yet I still can't open a PDA I don't have any sort of inventory I could open I guess another thing that this kind of shows is how ship-centric the game was supposed to be like it seems that you were really supposed to go to places with your ship and only ever leave it for short bits also did we just enter sector zero because this looks like ice there are no creatures to really speak of at least none that I could see if I see something I will actually poop my pants what on Earth look at that and is it is this the edge of the map okay I guess so wait how deep can we go this is like some strange liminal nightmare it looks so strange I mean I know you're not supposed to be here but still oh oh look at this we found the bottom oh and this is actually a thing holy moly that was an actual bottom to the void but look at this we can see whatever this is these chests grab a treasure what what okay look at this we Dove to the bottom of the void and we found treasure see I always thought the real treasure was the Friendship we built along the way man swimming through these empty areas fills me with such a strange feeling both nostalgic and creepy at the same time now there used to be theories back then that who knows what kind of creature these devs might be hiding out there in the void I mean they were planning to do it originally it's like somebody's Twisted nightmare of the game oh did we find the actual end of the map now I think we did yep here it is guys this one makes me really uncomfortable huh well let's move on the menu still looks very similar still has that slight bit of Animation going on oh okay I think I see what this one is about oh and look at that the oxygen has now changed to be in minutes you know these fish they look like tiny bloops I can pull this up cannot craft while diving oh interesting okay let's see what's Beyond the Edge oh did you guys see that what is happening here whoa look at these things it's like narwhals hi there little carrotfish this is pretty crazy oh and there's a dead one look at that they're emitting some sort of um effect okay I'm gonna increase the speed if I can and see if there are any other creatures now that we have creatures around I'm not as confident going down there and look at this so this is sort of the Arctic biome it's so easy to get lost around here okay so this is literally meant to be a different biome just deep in the void this is so freaky I'm sorry what look at this this map is so weird now let's see how the crafting works now can I build any sort of tool okay knife okay so I can make neoprene whoa look at this I have a knife I have no way to really use it I don't think can I slice oh maybe on these things oh look at that I can Harvest kelp now see this is already really taking shape obviously these prototypes are built as very short small demos just to see if things work oh and I can build the small storage let's see oh and I can move stuff over this is pretty neat actually impressive wow [Applause] well the menu has now is somehow progressed even more to the right not sure how that happened but let's see what prototype 5 has in store oh look at this okay let's just do normal whoa oh this is cool my oxygen is in bars this is kind of odd we have ship computer find computer get dive suit is that freaking Spiderman what on Earth get metal if you have like objectives now first sub cost 25. um 25 of what exactly okay so let's get some metal whoa this goes deep get out of the water and press e to craft a tank I also love this little floating bit kind of reminds me of the lily pad Islands you know how some of the rocks are suspended okay let's go we have a tank so it looks like this one and maybe even the previous one as far as the prototypes go we're kind of set to explore the crafting system which you know makes sense I guess it's one of the most important bits of a survival game what is this well hey hello what did this thing just bug onto my screen I would love to craft one of the submarines but it costs 25 something or maybe every everything combined oh absolutely okay let's build it first sub and I want to try both look at this guys it's our first sub whoa and we get a freaking revolving chair this is very cool I mean I guess we have to go explore what kind of biomes there are but before we do I actually also want to try what the other submarine looks like so this would have been the precursor to the Cyclops and I'm guessing whatever we're gonna build now would be the precursor to the Sea moth look at this this that is so cool why did we never keep this the batty sphere oh this is awesome it's like a tiny little UFO I love it okay we're gonna explore the map in this I can't really see much over the edge that is proving to be tricky oh look at this some strange jellyfish I mean this is kind of beautiful I'm just kind of curious what we can find I wish the render distance was a tiny bit further yeah this is definitely a new biome we haven't seen this before it's it's a bit like um like what the bottom of the mushroom Forest looks like some more jellyfish so we got one new creature in this one they're also different color this is really trippy also kinda terrifying just these random super deep caves what a strange biome you know I wonder sometimes with these prototypes if any of them were actually used to test whoa okay terrain generation because I know some of these were supposed to have been built with that purpose there's certainly a lot to see here though obviously very simple in its nature still but the crafting system works pretty good this is fascinating there's definitely more to be found here but I think we should probably move on [Applause] and we're still at this same menu hasn't really changed that much okay let's see oh and now we're getting legit [Music] okay subnautica in a very tiny font whoa first of all those things are seriously chunky second of all I'm gonna boat with Spider-Man you can get the dive suit you get the computer use fabricator so you can't access it here anymore I guess I don't pilot this in any way okay so this time you start on a boat I also want to note that these files have been getting like exponentially larger oh this is kind of cool this is actually new I believe this effect on the ocean floor what I was trying to say is that these have been getting a lot larger even though it looks like these might not be changing as much from prototype to prototype no crash fish yet no crash fish man these were good days we still have a map these things seem to be fighting I like this I I kind of wish the final version had more of these just massive Cliffs I mean you can still find some but like look how deep this goes very interesting terrain this looks like the floating islands whoa that is so trippy look at this I wonder what this was supposed to be whether this is just some tool to test terrain generation this is so so strange almost looks like a skeleton of something humongous this has to be some strange terrain generation test right here and there's no way you would just build all of these manually for no reason this is a strange one well on Earth or what's on planet 4546b it's really like you're looking at something that you're not meant to be looking at you know it is so freaking cool to explore okay so in this one essentially they put you on a boat instead of a submarine and the map is changed quite a bit now being covered in these massive spiers tell me that doesn't look like a face there for a sec okay well I think we've seen about everything this one has to offer it's very strange and now finally on to prototype 8. now you might be wondering hold on a second if this was Prototype 6 what happened to prototype 7 well the thing is prototype 7 is a complete mystery so much so that it looks like it never even released for the original Humble Bundle backers one player asked about it on the subnautica forums back in 2014 and one of the devs of braxus responded saying that the build had been lost to the Sea so presumably it's some file that even the developers themselves don't have access to anymore and it's actually proper lost media I honestly don't know if there is any way you can get your hands on it but unfortunately I couldn't find it with that let's just jump into the last one we have okay let's see lava test okay let's try a lava test what on Earth holy crap if it looks choppy for you guys that's not just for you it is incredibly choppy for me as well I think my computer might be melting okay so I'm in some vehicle probably like a prawn suit and I'm on a world that is entirely made of lava oh and I just found the edge this is really not doing good for my computer my God it's just a tiny little island of lava okay let's let's try again okay so let's not do the lava test let's just do normal what there's a bunch of guys standing around what what oh my God this is so cursed I am a pair of floating arms whoa look at this we have arms now oh these are you know what these are from natural selection another game made by the same developers why is there so many just standing around it's so creepy the map has definitely received some changes we have now some actually high quality rocks this looks nicer at least yeah there's a lot more different plans all of these things now have grass on them what oh this is a volcano I mean we all know the crater was supposed to take place on a massive volcano but look at this this is so creepy and the map also used to be so freaking deep back then and I just left spawn and I'm 500 600 meters deep if I told you guys this is subnautica would you believe me what am I doing this is so bizarre this is making me very uneasy I don't know why it's just this massive wall of glowy material what game am I even playing right now oh well look at that found the bottom at just around 4 000 meters man I I wish we could just know why but anyways guys I think that's a good place to end this let me know if you would like me to look a bit more into the fascinating world of this Mega early subnautica the user foxy on Discord has managed to dig up all kinds of weird things which I think you guys might find really interesting so please let me know if you would be interested in hey I can make another part looking into all of this crazy stuff but with that I wouldn't say I really hope you guys enjoyed and if you did maybe consider leaving a like commenting or subscribing all those would be very much appreciated with that I'm gonna wish you a beautiful rest of the day and I'll see you in whatever next video I make bye bye
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 266,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, Last Bacon, subnautica, subnautica early access, early access, subnautica gameplay, subnautica early access trailer, steam early access, subnautica prototypes, subnautica part 1, subnautica game, subnautica update, subnautica trailer, subnautica ending, subnautica cyclops, subnautica episode 1, subnautica beta, subnautica alpha, subnautica guide, subnautica update 7
Id: QQl8XrxxvGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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