Climbing the Aurora in Subnautica with NO WATER! (Part 2)

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well hello there my fine viewers how's it going it's been 47 years or at least that's the way it has felt but we are finally back with the no water playthrough part two today you can be looking forward to such exciting things as running running running running flying and more running so why don't we get started before we begin though i would like to do a little something called the can you guess how i put down the mobile vehicle bay because after the ending of the last video well let's just say that every single one of you left a guest down in the comments and so first i actually at least want to go through the majority of the attempts i tried and just tell you that they don't work maybe if i spam the bell button a lot maybe if i build in the alien moon pool maybe if i build inside of my own alien containment tank maybe if i flood my base and build it there maybe if i build it in the lost river grime maybe if i build in a lava maybe if i build in dc emperor's tank maybe if i do the water glitch so that i'm technically not in water even though i am in water and then deploy it maybe if i flood a moon pool yeah so um no no no and no unfortunately there does not seem to be any method to 100 legit use the mobile vehicle bait without water one of the modders in my server actually even went into the game's code to look for any sort of loophole that we could find and even though we do have this one cursed image technically the base is flooded there so it is using water anyway and thus if you want to this is technically the point where you could say no subnautica cannot be completed without water before you go and do that there is kind of a way to make it work so step one find a nice place on the map and prepare to deploy step two quit the game and disable the mod step three jump in smash that left mouse button to deploy immediately quit out step four uh and step five profit there we go so yes technically you could say that there were some use of water but look it's about as good as it's gonna get and i really want to continue this series so let's just move on oh yeah by the way while i was doing all of this i somehow managed to open my build menu while loading uh don't question that too much alright so with the mobile vehicle base deployed the first order of business that i wanted to do was actually go collect parts for the cyclops submarine and hopefully also for the propulsion cannon both of which will come in very handy later in the game the journey there was as you could expect perilous but also quite uneventful mostly just walking get ready for a lot of that as well as dodging a couple of tiger plants along the way but nothing too bad that was up until the point where i actually realized that the aurora was still intact and thus i did not have the blueprints for the radiation suit and thus i couldn't actually go up to it so um okay um are there any other places where the cyclops might be found as it turns out there are and it's in the mushroom forests i went in found the cured peeper took it and of course released it because i'm not a monster and i looked as hard as i could for any cyclops parts around and let me tell you this was definitely not easy i mean it's even quite hard in the base game when you can actually float above the place and look down but having to just walk and basically only see within like the 10 meter radius around you made this exceptionally challenging at one point or another i also made my way all the way to the mountain island i was really scared because i was thinking that the reaper that usually hangs around there would ambush me at any point but for some reason they just didn't show up i'm not really sure what happened to it maybe it fell through the map but it was not there so i skyroomed around a little bit just to be safe and then get on the way that's very close there was the red light okay so the aurora has officially exploded now which means i have the radiation suit awesome but i still wanted parts for the propulsion cannon and i was told those are around the floating islands now you can imagine but this is more than a surprise when i arrived there and realized that because they're floating they're basically completely off limits and i wouldn't be able to get on them anyway so um okay the list just keeps getting longer okay um why don't we instead go into the alien gun if i'm already here i put the tablet in explore the insides and took all of the iron cubes those will definitely come in handy later i also went through telepathically levitating my alien key and unlocked the final room which we would need to get into anyways eventually so i figured we might as well do it and i also got stabbed which is nice i do have to note that with all of this running i was actually getting a lot better at the parkour aspect of everything which definitely showed also on the inside of these bases all right having returned to my personal base the next task was the radiation suit now for that i would need some fiber mesh so it was back into the legendary kelp forest chop chop chop and there goes my radiation suit all right with this bad boy equipped it was time to head out for the big guns and by that i mean actually just the aurora my plan here was to go to the back of the aurora try to find more cyclops parts and hopefully even find the more stuff for the propulsion cannon so i walked and walked and i walked some more i found this cool wreck but unfortunately it seems like the aliens had already looted it before me because there's absolutely nothing there and then i approached the legendary mountains now many sonata players have had i'm sure very traumatic experiences around these mountains so let's just say my butt cheeks were definitely clenched as i approached the edge seeing the reaper in the distance was definitely not something that gave me a lot of confidence but luckily the closer i got the more they just appeared to fall through the ground and at the end of the day none of them actually ended up posing any real danger now granted this area does have some pretty funky collision on a bunch of these rocks not sure why that is happening but it made the initial part of the exploration quite difficult and the night fell i mean again this felt more like fallout than subnautica because of all the wreckage i mean if you told me this is some cool glowing sea mod i might even believe you but at last i was able to get these cyclops bridge i continued exploring around getting a ton of batteries but nothing really exciting happened so i'm just gonna skip on past it at this point i was considering whether i would actually be able to make my way around the aurora from the back since i knew that area would have a few more resources funny enough some of the crevices there certainly made it seem like it was intended to be navigated on foot but then some of the funky collisions definitely made sure you knew that it wasn't man okay that's a pretty big drop should i really go down there i don't think i'd be able to get back up and then i saw it a deeper polishing cannon which immediately changed my mind from i'm not going down there too we're definitely going down there okay so the key to success in this kind of situation is to be very gentle and not slide down there we go nice and easy and completely safe okay and that's the proportion cannon with this bad boy finally in my hands i made my way back to my base and i figured we'd be ready to explore the rest of the aurora in the interest of time why don't you enjoy this bit of footage of me walking back to my base with some calming music in the background [Applause] [Music] beat boopbop and there was the propulsion cannon and i also figured it might actually be a good idea to craft the laser cutter since we would probably need to get through a whole bunch of doors over there in the aurora with water and provisions out of the way i was finally ready to embark on the epic adventure to explore the large ship with absolutely no water in the world now as i walked into the sunset towards the aurora i started asking myself the one question i'm sure all of you are asking yourselves as well how in the heck am i going to get into the aurora without water well i worry not i have a plan approaching the aurora really puts this ship into perspective i feel like when you're swimming around it feels smaller but actually having to walk the distance really made you appreciate just how big some of these hunks of metal were to get off of the ground i started climbing this little cage if you will that wraps around the whole of the aurora and this actually turned out pretty easy it has solid collision and i was able to make it onto the first platform now at this point you might be thinking that's it i mean there's no way to proceed further you can't keep climbing the cage and there's no way to jump up that high well you see there's one more thing i crafted besides the propulsion cannon before coming here and that is an air bladder why would i craft this well you see if you position yourself just right with the propulsion cannon and you send newton packing you can do this [Laughter] [Applause] yup ladies and gentlemen i present you with flying in the world of subnautica with no water how about that now once in the aurora the exploration was actually not too difficult i mean this ship was meant to be explored mostly on foot so i didn't really encounter any big obstacles well at least not just yet extinguished some fires jumped a few boxes scanned a few blueprints oh my niece they're really taking a beating at one point while cutting a steel door i even started floating on a bleeder for some reason uh don't ask any questions i i don't even know myself but then oh no disaster struck remember how we couldn't fit into a vent because riley isn't in the swimming animation well it appears that the exact same thing is true for doors you open with the laser cutter now this really sucks because we have to get through this door to get the prawn bay to get to the captain's quarters and get blueprints for the rocket will this be possible is this the thing that's going to completely break to run well to find out you're gonna have to wait for the next episode sorry for the cliffhanger but i think the next one should be really exciting where we try to get the blueprint for the rocket and then most likely finally embark on the epic adventure down into the depths but with that i really hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did maybe consider leaving a like commenting or subscribing all those be very much appreciated and if you want to talk to me while this challenge is going on make sure to follow my socials which you can also find down in the description namely the discord or my twitter at the latest bacon and with that i'm gonna wish you all a beautiful rest of the day and i'm gonna see you in whatever next video i make bye bye
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 444,339
Rating: 4.9232554 out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, Last Bacon, subnautica modded, modded subnautica, subnautica gameplay, subnautica, subnautica game, subnautica update, subnautica mods, subnautica with mods, lets play subnautica, subnautica sea base, subnautica base building, subnautica base, subnautica mod, subnautica tips, modded subnautica playlist, subnautica mods no water, subnautica no water, subnautica tips and tricks, subnautica with no water, subnautica no water challenge
Id: qPjRL24Riic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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