Why Minecraft Isn't Fun Anymore

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Minecraft used to be simple but it's not anymore what did that just do oh there's chess boats it's no secret that Minecraft has added a lot of features since it was released they've revamped entire Dimensions created new bosses and even added fully automatic weapons so why is it that through all of these new features Minecraft still feels boring you would think that with so many new items to collect and so many new Mobs to explore that Minecraft would be as interesting as ever but it all just feels stale we all remembered that feeling of booting up the game for the first time opening your first world and having no idea what you're supposed to do but maybe that's what made Minecraft fun maybe having to find out how to play the game and discover features for the first time is why we liked it in the first place and while this might be one factor I think there's actually something more something deeper the real reason why Minecraft isn't fun anymore is all because of Chess boats every game has something called progression a course of action that a player must complete to move forward I actually didn't know that I had to look it up in GTA you rob people to increase your wealth in Pokemon you battle trainers to get Badges and in fortnite please don't make me talk about fortnite but in Minecraft's case the progression is a little Bare Bones mostly consisting of mining oars and crafting tools but over time it's this small system that I believe has started to cause major problems the first of which being that the game is just way too simple you see Minecraft's main progression currently looks like this you upgrade through each armor set kill the ender dragon and if you want to get an elytra you can also fight this guy but he's just a second and although this system is meant to be simple there hasn't been anything big added to it in a long time besides one key thing that we'll talk about later the last major change to progression was in 2011 with the addition of the Ender Dragon that was 12 years ago in that time people have been born raised and are probably out vaping at this exact moment yes we've gotten the Wither but like I said you don't really have to fight things like Guardians and the warden are cool but there's no real reason to seek them out most features added to the game nowadays are just meant to stall the player rather than having a meaningful purpose so that's issue number one but issue number two is a little bit more interesting because it's the fact that Minecraft is getting easier like a lot easier 2011 Minecraft had just passed 1 million sales and it started to get its first batch of fans dedicated Wham I should have to server I really hate this kid Notch was in dire need to add something to the game so the first thing he thought of was bets I could make so many jokes here but I'm gonna have self-control beds were craftable with wool and would allow you to skip the night the most dangerous stretch of the game you could literally just avoid all the mobs in danger of the game and just skip straight to the daytime but Hey listen there's still mobs underground the game is hard enough it's not like they're letting us fly or anything 2016. a lot of things happened in 2016 but among them was the 1.9 combat update which was the most controversial update in Minecraft history alongside completely changing the PVP system it also added the elytra which allowed you to fly in survival this made traveling around extremely easy removed the need to walk and made exploration effortless but come on they're pretty hard to get it's not like they're giving away diamonds okay 2019. this time they updated villagers which literally sell you diamonds not only do you not have to mine for pretty much anything anymore you also don't have to inject because the villagers sell that too I don't need to do anything I could just be a slave owner you could see the common Trend with these updates Mojang adds something that makes the game easier without adding anything to balance it out this explains why Minecraft feels much shorter than it used to since there's so many new features to make the game easier players can find ways to beat it faster and faster and faster and yes I did learn how to speed one specifically for those four seconds but there's one update that never did any of this it made the game harder made progression longer and is also hailed as one of the greatest updates of all time I'm of course talking about Buzzy beats another update was released in 2020 and it changed the game in two huge ways first of all it added netherrite a completely new material better than Diamond to get it you would have to mine in another for the extremely rare ore type ancient debris and combine it with your existing diamond armor not only does this add an entirely new step to progression but it also prevents you from skipping straight to it since you have to upgrade your old armor rather than replace it kind of like how I can't replace my terminal brain Illness but there's one more thing another update did that's even more important and that is making fortresses much harder to find before the nether update you could just kind of walk around without really having to fight anything and eventually find a fortress since they were pretty common but after the nether update you had to Traverse through four different dangerous biomes while constantly fighting hordes of piglets just go through huge Bastards of fruits that will one shot you and on top of that fortresses are three times as rare Jesus with fortresses down much harder to find completing the game was not only more difficult but also more time consuming which in turn lengthens the progression of the game and makes it much more enjoyable to play another update as a whole was a huge turn in the right direction for Minecraft it made the game harder lengthen the main progression and overall improve the game in many different ways so we're good right we can just sit back relax let Mojang do their thing and they can keep pumping out updates just like this one no why the hell would you think that next update Mojang released was caves and cliffs which went right back to making Minecraft easy now don't get me wrong this update did a lot especially for the ambience of mountains and caves but when it comes to progression it had some seriously negative effects when Mojang was revamping caves they made a ton of changes to how ores generate one being that diamond veins now generated much more often in addition to this Mojang made caves especially those found deeper underground much larger which in turn exposes even more diamonds than the smaller caves found before 1.18 this makes diamonds a lot less rare than they used to be allowing players to speed through progression even faster than they were before but don't worry because luckily Mojang noticed this issue and created an all-new or type to mitigate it in the form of copper it has so many possibilities it could be used to make new tools useful in the early game or unique armor with special abilities I mean it could fix the diamond problem add to progression and make the game even more interesting than it was before lightning rods we got lightning rod the Wild update was even worse it didn't add anything to directly affect the player's journey and the one thing that actually does is locked away in the most dangerous area of the game which by the time you're able to get to doesn't serve any use anymore now don't get me wrong not every feature has to have major effects on the game adding things simply for the sake of Ambience can do a lot to improve immersion but if Mojang continues to shorten the length of progression and almost never add anything to it over time people are just going to get bored which is the reason why many are saying Minecraft isn't fun anymore so how do we fix it [Music] one of my favorite games ever made is Terraria people say it's like 2D Minecraft it's a little more complicated starts off pretty similar to Minecraft you mine some auras craft some armor but after that it slowly descends in the map but the main takeaway is that Terraria utilizes level scale developer concept where the game gets harder as you get stronger in Terraria after you defeat whatever the hell that thing was from earlier your world is plunged into hard mode causing stronger enemies to spawn around you in more powerful ores to generate as well looking over at Minecraft there isn't really anything like this the player can get stronger anytime they like but the enemies of the Overworld stay exactly the same throughout the entire playthrough so let's fix that let's say that after defeating the Ender Dragon a few new stronger enemies are able to spawn naturally in the oval they don't need to be anything insane but just enough to add a little more challenge to the late game once you're decently geared up in addition to that let's make it so that netherrite only starts generating after you defeat the anderjack not only does this fix some of the difficulty scaling because let's face it now that it is way too op to have before you fought the dragon but it also gives players a legitimate reason to then go out and find netherrite since they're now going to be stronger enemies in your world if we wanted to go even further we could also make it so that the deep dark only generates after the drag this just makes a little more sense with how hard it is and now that the game is more difficult it finally gives a use to the recovery cup since you might die a little more due to the stronger enemies I am so good at this dude don't get me wrong this would be changing a lot so it would probably be better if they added these things little by lip but I think it could genuinely make an impact on the game's enjoyability and make Minecraft more interesting that or I'm just really high right now but there's one other thing that Terraria does amazingly and that is employ split progression split progression is when you offer different options to the player depending on their unique play style in Terraria if you like ranged weapons they have a specific armor set for you which will give you certain range related Buffs if you prefer using melee weapons they have a set that'll give you more defense and finally if you like chess boats you should end your life sorry that slipped in the point is in Terraria different players can have different experiences depending on what they like to do most so let's apply this to Minecraft let's bring back that copper armor idea from early we'll make it so that copper armor is weaker than iron but each piece you wear will give you a small speed boat this is because copper can conduct electricity and everybody knows that electricity equals speed I learned that from the Sonic movie now instead of just making iron armor without a second thought you would be able to choose between having more defense and having slightly faster movement speed we can also up this to enchantment similar to how you can't have mending and Infinity on the same boat when it chasing your sword you would have to choose between more damage with sharpness or faster hit cooldown with quick stretch choices like this make the game much more interactive and allow players to express their own specific play style similarly to how your mother expresses her play style in bed now again all of this would be changing a lot and many of you are probably going to disagree with some of these suggestions but that's okay one thing we can all agree on is that Minecraft is different for every person that plays it what may make the game more interesting for one person makes it way too complicated for another and at the end of the day it's really up to us the community to make the game fun yes we can have cool new armor sets or enchantments or a lightning rod if you really want to but at its core Minecraft is what you make it to be what you want it to be and that's what makes it special the only question is what will you choose which is why I wanted to talk about the penis update when I tell you this video was annoying to make I mean it okay the script almost turned into my goddamn suicide mode
Channel: JetStarfish
Views: 2,851,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft survival, minecraft mods, minecraft history, minecraft mod, minecraft isnt special anymore, minecraft 1.19, gaming isn't fun anymore, a tribute to minecraft, the reason gaming isn't fun anymore, why i don't like minecraft, minecraft analysis, old minecraft, minecraft 1.18
Id: 5mZs01p7pVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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