I Spent 200 Days on a DESERTED ISLAND in Minecraft Pixelmon!

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it was just too easy you know i caught all the best pokemon maybe and became the best trainer out there also maybe uh you all hit the light goal and here we are i spent 200 days on pixelmon there wasn't much to do anymore on the blaze realm so today we're conquering the blast realm i'm playing on the pokey saga pixelmon's server again and if you'd like to play with me and build your base right next to me there's a link to a tutorial that i created on how to join this server i hope to see you all on there so first uh before i joined the blast roman conqueror at all i needed to check up on my base and see what you all did around it and unsurprising to me you all built a massive village around me the lane was completely changed and i saw that one of you built a miniature version of my base it was incredibly adorable and speaking of adorable i'm really close to hitting 10 million subscribers and it would mean a lot to me if you'd subscribed and helped me reach it and if this video can hit um 20 000 likes i'll do another 100 days video now uh for the main villain of this story deathblade8 you see this dude this dude he just had to build right next to my house and had the audacity to uh build me like just look at this it's all beautiful you know i wasn't expecting this or you know else i would have forced davis to do a better job even though it was me who built the house but that's besides the point and you know what i like now that i have a goal i went over and i joined the blast realm i i now have a goal to beat deathblade 8. i went to the custom starters again and a lot of you are shocked that i didn't choose the penguin starter so this time to make you all happy i chose the penguin starter and picked bag on bag on d nuts another one of my favorite pokemon uh before setting out on an adventure though i looked round spawn the blast realm was a different spawn design than blaze and it was a really fancy medieval town design was a cute area and then i got to teleporting around my background was a low level and i needed to get him to one shotting power asap but first you know my friend sir squids he joined me to help me take over the world um however there was this random person that spawned throwing away stuff and i got four rare candies and some balls after that i remember the gift hunting things and well we kind of did that all day and got to 5 500 and it was kind of addicting so today we also found another 11 gifts and got another 5 500 but we didn't want to choose the server too much we got a pretty good amount of starting cash and it was time to get our starter pokemon stronger also catch some pokemon up first i wanted to get a fire type and i captured this thing called the growl ice i wanted to go for some new pokemon from my last team and then there was a river in this desert and obviously i caught this deep water sharp fish thingy and then almost sacrificed my entire team to catch a scorpio so this entire time i've been playing with my friend squids and he went away from his computer right under this blimp thing so i just left it there for him you know i i didn't get a key from it nor did i go to the chest and redeem it and then get 64 rare candies from it uh also i i definitely didn't use the candy on my bag on to level them up from level 10 to you know 74. uh that would be rude if i did um now that i somehow have a high level pokemon i need to get an experience all item so i can just use my salamance and level up all my pokemon at once so back to the spawn we went we had to find about five more of these presents for money and after a little while i gathered up the fifteen thousand dollars that i needed and bought and experience all now i'm ready to power level my team but then by the divine pokemon gods i was teleported to some house and i didn't go through and steal the call from their furnaces and some other items i i i left that place empty-handed and i also didn't go to another house and most definitely didn't take anything or upgrade anything in my inventory while in there that that would just be so incredibly rude you know but uh right next to that house i found this ice gym i went through some back entrance and was immediately thrown into a battle with jinx but um it wouldn't kill my pokemon and i also couldn't kill it i was just stuck in an endless battle so i just forced closed minecraft and went back into the server i headed over to the warp place and began to teleport around again and as you see i have five out of six slots filled on my team i really want to find some kind of grass pokemon to complete my team and while searching for one i randomly found the shulker on the ground i know i know it looks fake but i swear on your mom's life i didn't put this here it's a pretty nice storage unit to have and i got back to looking and then i remembered one of the best things about this server the kits i went into the pokey menu went to the kits on the left side and i collected every single thing i could ending up with a lot of pokeballs peeling stuff from my pokemon and 38 rare candies but i don't want to cheese this too fast it's only been 12 days and my salamance is almost level 100. so i'm just going to hold on to those rare candies for squids i kind of became a lot stronger than him and i want to help him out with leveling up his pokemon now i don't know what kind of grasshoppe that i want but i can't find it if that makes sense so i just decided to begin leveling up my team might as well stay here and see if a grass type that i want will come by which the farming was going great today also i started tiered quests so i need to defeat 250 pokemon with them constantly spawning around me and my salamand's being so strong it was just a slaughter but after two days of farming there i noticed how it was mainly just some bug types but mostly normal types i do need to level up my team but there's no point in being there if there's no grass types a nice goal that i said is i want the lowest level pokemon on my team to be level 30 which at this rate should only take a few days of constant grinding and then i found it a beautiful site for low health salamand's eyes what uh a random building with a healing station a perfect place to farm levels and i know i know i could just teleport to the pokey center and heal there and then random teleport out but by being here it lets pokemon constantly spawn in so i can battle even faster i barely had to move around at all to find more pokemon but there's still no grass type now i don't know if this is correct but i think i figured out something for farming pokemon the average level of your entire party will influence the world pokemon levels around you because as i kept on farming i noticed that the pokemon's levels kept on going up resulting in me leveling up kind of faster but none of that mattered because this epic boss spawned in and well i think my game glitched again because all of my pokemon ran out of health it uh one shot every single pokemon i now really miss my legendaries from the blaze realm oh and um i kind of forgot to record this day but i finished the defeat 250 pokemon tiered quest and began the defeat 500 pokemon tiered quest just love doing this wholesome questline so much and after a couple days of grinding i got my party to level 30 and above and i miss exploring some i got back to it i got among us i i i mean fungus for the grass type mainly because i was impatient and tired of searching oh and i i remembered the eevees this time i think those were the important ones and uh this gym is all right now more importantly i found this village and i kept on hearing a magikarp but no matter where i looked i couldn't find it this thing was a ghost or something and then it kind of made sense because i found this cult member and then some kind of cult party inside of the house they were busy doing something and as i left the boss i wiped out my team was back so i calmly ran out of there as fast as i could and then flew away to some other area which i found another village but this one looked looted and nothing important inside of it since i farmed levels from my pokemon all those days i got three keys from it so my went to the spawn got 15 000 from the first crate 75 tokens from the second crate and then i got 20 extra large candies from the last crate which is like rare candies just a lot better but i'm saving those for squids too i'm too kind after that i saw something called the nexus which is a player built shops and when i went to some my god the themes of these shops the buildings in them you know just especially this galaxy roof one and the void floor it's giving me so many ideas for my hardcore world that i'm definitely taking especially for my autonator i think i'll build a galaxy ceiling for it now and then the following day i found this witch's house with a ton of cats a really cool and bright pure white building dome some farms just a lot of established shops which all looked unique and really cool the following day squids got back on and i showed him everything i got but before he used the candies on his pokemon i wanted to battle him i thought it would be a fair fight but he kept on complaining and then ran away something about my salamance being like 70 levels ahead of his entire team so i let him actually race his squirtle's level but this dude squids oh my god he clicked so slow it took him over half the day to just use the rare candies on his one pokemon i got so bored at points where i just went around and fought some pokemon and then we found out that the extra-large candies are a lot better than rare candies and his squirtle got to a higher level than my salamance so i took some of them back and used them on my salamance after all of that we got back to exploring because he also needed to level up his squad not so tough are we huh you just write letters and like give it to people what was that oh i guess i'm going around buying people i get it i'm so confused wait it's gone you collected it i just got robbed no that was supposed to be a key in there oh you found a boss pincer level 130 ah he's no match for my blo uh-huh no no you're you're saying no no you can continue but shot oh now i want you i want you you're trying to beat her you trying to flirt with it so i just got a friendship ball and i kind of want to use it but i don't know any pokemon to use in it on oh well hello contestant number one i don't catch you you're dying by the way so i i heavily suggest that you stay in there oh he listened oh i'm a chop yo what's up are you into vore uh never mind i don't have any more crunch your fungus evolved into a moon among us wait a minute oh god no he's figuring out about my monologuing how is he hearing me nah nah i'm not and then after all of that farming and memeing around squids found a village and we began to terrorize it i farmed some pokemon in here and then we found some very difficult bosses on this stone structure place there was a healing station in this town some it didn't matter how many times we died we just kept going back to them but we started to not gain any experience from them and the pokemon were barely spawning in so i randomly teleported somewhere and we ended up right at another village which uh it was quite interesting uh especially this building was definitely not a weird looking pillar once entering the village i honestly don't know why but uh we went to all the villagers and put them into holes yep you know just went to the villagers and dug them straight down and then put a block above them after that fun adventure we went to another base and didn't take anything again in fact we uh we actually left stuff just don't check our inventories up next we did another pokemon battle which i wiped the floor with him again and then he ran away before the battle could finish like usual then he found out because the base is protected that we can break this glass panel and then use their healing station allowing us to farm here at ease well i did but squids couldn't stay still at all so he went off somewhere and to be honest i really want to explore too so off i went i teleported to squids because he found some big village we uh we could load up some of the chest it had a healing station there so we could farm here for a bit too which wasn't bad but i think squids was making the average pokemon level here lower and then it happened my first legendary in this realm spawned in right next to us i sprinted over there got into battle with it so squids couldn't steal it and then used my master ball and caught it i don't really know the pokemon on the newer gens but i believe this is the brother more other version of one of the legendaries that i caught on blaze realm and oh man am i happy that i got a legendary after that i had a lot of keys again so i used them all mainly got money rare candies and some more balls and so with my new legendary pokemon i went around fighting with him and here's a strange thing that i've noticed with the legendaries when you normally use a pokemon in a battle their moves pp will go down but not my legendary is pp no matter how many times i used to move his pp would always refill and stay up i don't know if it's a bug but i love it and then a legendary boss just had to spawn in it took me three times but i finally figured out how to three shot it and then one after getting free candy from the strange boss i also got shades and uh the shades are gucci i did a tiny bit of farming and then squids was wanting to get offline so for some unknown reason he made this dirt pillar and tried to jump into the water below he missed so i had to show him how to do it so i did a 360 720 1080 no scope yui ladder stall into the water wow he tried to mess up my landing with a block i'm literally just too insane at minecraft bro i can't be stopped he was insanely embarrassed and got offline for the night once he was gone it was time to find a base spot and after looking around for a little bit i found this very nice spot that needed a little bit of terraforming but the location of it was very beautiful alrighty so first off what i want to do actually instead of tearing down all of the grass let's clear out an area first so i can actually see what i'm working on that's weird seems like a hot area so yeah we need to get to claiming land really fast and then if we come over here start clearing out these trees i can actually make my way towards the river so yeah this first was incredibly done someone came by with a lot of saplings playing them everywhere so that that took a lot longer than i was expecting about a day so uh yeah so now i actually like the look at like that the thought of this leading up like a staircase up to here it's like the the main building and then a nice view of the river which we actually like we're at like the very end of the river so we have like you know we can go all the way out there really nice we like that design so then next what i want to do is i want to level it out kind of to the back of the mountain i kind of want to level this down all about there fill this and i think i want a lot more building room so i think i'm going to start from this layer i'm going to push it all the way back to that mountain oh boy i'm not looking forward to this at all okay so i actually cleared out a fair good amount of this place now i'm seeing this tree over here this is kind of bugging me you you gotta go bud you don't look right and uh yeah before i actually go through go all the way back to the mountains that's just gonna be a lot more work even though it doesn't look like much i feel like i should actually see how much i can clean this okay so i can do 1260 blocks so if we do [Music] oh yes oh yes i finally did it oh i finally did i finally did it mark you i don't know why i can't break these i i have ghost blocks in here now for whatever reason i they they don't break they always come back to me they uh the blocks love me a little bit too much yeah and see they always come back so i i don't know why but now i have four floating dirt blocks because i put them there before to like mark down like oh yeah this is my territory but they they don't go away this works so much better for me like it's a little bit bigger but i like it it's a lot more to work with so i'm just gonna bring back the mountain up to here and then i'll just leave it all natural and then i'm gonna raise up that area over there i wonder if i need to relog that might that might help aha i think it fixed it so zama and salamanca level 100 the next person just because i like this pokemon so much so i don't mind putting rare candies into him even if i don't use them later on like if i get rid of him later on i really don't mind i just like this pokemon so much no way yep this is how i would expect to write him not sitting behind the fin okay so one thing i want to do before i start building the base oh i could just shot from here okay nevermind i thought i had to actually go to the shop so there's a place in here what do you do with all these i could buy it so i think if i buy everything and then oh i can actually craft poor bro i i swear i guessed on that i had no idea that i can actually craft them wait no way okay wait i have to capture it i mean we can do this easy way or the hard way porygon i have a lot of pokeballs okay uh honestly i'm way too impatient uh masterbot i have six of them uh yeah i i really do not mind them i just want this pokemon because this pokemon is actually really really cool and then let's put the pc here and then we'll put a trade machine here wow that is huge that's what she said i now have a pory guy that's sick all righty let's heal up everyone and now to wait for the group to get on so we can actually start building because uh i don't feel like building it all by myself i'd rather just have workers do it for me and one of the workers i i mean friends joined the server it was time to get to building my plan is working i'm driving him insane now i can use him to do all of my hard labor you literally sound like a villain so do you want to help me out with the building i'll help you out i'm totally not going to help them out okay so like look look right here in this chest oh you see all that wood and that one cobblestone okay now can you build me a house oh yeah sure i got you i got you here give me more cobblestone like there's like no coppers in here yeah i know i said there's only one follow me follow me okay i have some magical place just uh to show you okay i want to show you to my minds and uh there you go there's nothing here good luck after a bit i went back to the mines and he just made it a mess you know i i had to light it up i collected some mores and just man you just a terrible unpaid intern but we explored the caves and this abandoned mine shaft after that the base was nearly ready to begin but then davis went around hunting down every single rattata for a full ratata party i don't know either and i mined on some trees after that i began to make a wall around the entire base but once it was all done i really didn't like it i couldn't remember how deathblade 8 did their wall so i forced davis to go around and clear out the wall and then we went back to the blaze server and checked out their base but uh i'm definitely not going to copy exactly how death blade ate's wall is but after writing down notes for absolutely no reason and just checking out the rest of the base with davis it was time to get to work i had to cook up a ton of cobblestone and get items ready for the wall and i sent davis back into the mines for more resources also so i didn't have to listen to him anymore and while waiting for stuff to grow and cook i went down there to pester him anyways the wall was coming along alright it's just trees take forever to grow and then davis also took forever to give me cobblestone i gotta do everything around here but on day 166 the wall was done a completely original design that i came up with and definitely didn't get it from anywhere else davis came out from the mines again and threw up everything he collected which the server proceeded to delete because it was clearing up items on the floor while he was throwing items on the floor he's a smart man first up on the base creation is the entrance kind of hard to have a base without one and i went for this feng shui design you're welcome death play date then it was time to start on a house and at first i was thinking of some kind of skinny tower build but while making the outline for it it uh kind of looks like something else balls made up it looks like balls so i tore that down and tried another tower design but i just wasn't feeling it so i thought let's go for a treehouse you know i don't think i've ever made one of those yet and i think it would be a fun base to have and after a short while of building it it uh looks like shrek shack i don't want to see any of you on my swamp but i raised up the trunk thinned it out a bit and then began to add some branches to the tree after that i added leaves and left a fairly small area inside of the tree to walk around in i didn't want to make that huge of a base since it isn't really needed and i'm just using this to hold my items in machines and after a few days of building the treehouse voila a pretty decent looking tree house and finally squids came back he logged on to the server and i waited forever for him to teleport to me and see the new base he hasn't seen any of it yet so i showed him around and showed off my amazing building skills then we kind of slacked off for a bit and farmed some pokemon uh first up i need to decorate the outside of the base now it's too plain but davis logged off with all of our iron so i can't make buckets or mops for this what um uh future pond so i sent davis off to the mines to get some mores which went well i made two buckets got water and then made the pond after that i added some water to the tree house and then created a pathway from the tree to the entrance a simple but nice one then squid showed me how he somehow got a fossil uh he probably stole it knowing him so i bought a fossil cleaner thingy and slapped it in there it was going to take a while so i got back to building while i cleaned it up i made this boulder it's a very nice boulder and it's my favorite after that like i always say add leaves to make a build look nice i made this random bush and added leaves to the pathway the fossil cleaner finished and it popped out of kranidos i stole it from squids because i'm the main character and wanted to do another fossil so i bought a random one and out came a nightmare like genuinely what is this thing it's the scariest thing i've ever seen with the scary stuff out of the way i just did some final touches to the base i added two trees some grass flowers made it all look lush and beautiful like me now i know death blade a can't one-up me and all that's left is to move everything inside of the tree well uh first light up the place and i just remembered to do that and now it's time to bring all the machines and chests into the tree except for the healing station it breaks when you break it kind of weird so i brought in all the machines spread them around it's a tight fit in here and then we brought in all the items which took about two minutes longer than forever and now the base is completely done and looks beautiful but there was some place i wanted to check out the nether i haven't been here yet so we teleported here and explored around it there was a bit of dark pokemon and some fire types but nothing really special jumped out at me to catch but there was some excitement i don't know how but squids died in the nether and in here this is the only place or one of the only ones where if you die you lose all of your items so i maybe laughed at him for like 20 seconds so other than that i collected some glowstone while in here man replaced all of my torches with it it just looks so much better now since squids is a loser and he died in another he lost his experience all so it'll make farming for him a lot more annoying but i remember that in one of the player's shops i saw an experience all for like half of what others are selling it for on the gts but the owner was sadly out of stock and then i somehow found someone selling one for like one third of the price that i bought mine for some i was kind and bought it for squids i i'm just so generous i know and after all of that there was a few bosses lots of pokemon new lands it was just a huge exploring adventure for us now my team is pretty good on levels you know i'm quite happy with them all don't really need to do anything else but squids on the other hand you know so i i let him farm up i wanted him to get a bit stronger for our final duel the fight to end off the movie an epic battle to show the server who's the strongest alrighty nerd so we're back at our base sorry i'll start it off easy okay so here's my weakest pokemon okay this could be a tough one okay okay oh man that was a close one you almost got my pokemon there gonna bite them oh okay that one worked pretty well one of these did really good last time uh tackle i think it was this one [Music] what please just survive one hit oh please oh man please that was a tough one oh man you're almost there oh that was that was a good one that was pretty good i'm very proud of you for that one he was very good i supposed to let me down blast joyce you let me down oh it's like that what my one pokemon in your entire team that that was a closed medal [Music] i just wish you understood [Music]
Channel: Skyes
Views: 502,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyes, I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon... This is What Happened - Pokemon - Skyes, I survived 200 days in pixelmon, i spent 200 days in pokemon minecraft, i spent 200 days in minecraft pokemon and this is what happened, i spent 200 days in pixelmon minecraft, i spent 200 days in minecraft pixelmon... this is what happened, I Spent 100 Days on a DESERTED ISLAND in Minecraft Pixelmon... This is What Happened, i spent 100 days getting as rich as possible in minecraft
Id: dZ3dniJIT3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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