I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Skyblock...

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hello everyone and welcome back to another minecraft video today we are going to be taking on a challenge i want to see what it is like to survive 100 days up in the sky on a little block where we have to generate everything ourselves the skyblock map is amazing and i'll be linking it down below if you would like to play along let's get into it the beginning of skyblock we're going to start off on day one by simply punching a tree and getting some wood to expand the island not gonna lie getting this first sapling is probably the most stressful event in any sky block start but we did it now it's time to make a cobblestone generator this is gonna be really slow to start but it'll do the trick i will eventually upgrade this cobblestone generator later on but i obviously cannot do it until i expand my island i love this first day of skyblock because you really have nothing to work with you just have to plant these saplings and hope that it works out we're gonna focus today on just getting some blocks and some more materials so that we can begin expanding our base day two on our little block in the sky and i begin with enough blocks to bridge to a neighboring island it is a snowy island which is great because we really need some more resources we're going to choose to ignore the fact that i punched this tree instead of using my axe and once back on my own island i continue the generator gathering blocks to expand my own platform honestly is it even a sky block island world if you don't spend hours of your life sitting in a cobblestone generator no no it's not once we gathered enough it was finally time to begin building the island i use wood slabs to expand out the base of my island and i also create a cobblestone bridge that would eventually allow mobs to spawn speaking of which it's mob spiner time it's actually a little early in the game for us to be making a mob spawner we don't have quite everything that we need which i very quickly realized but it's a good start on it because we're gonna need a lot of materials such as string for a bed day four begins with the beautiful sight of a zombie burning and this gives me hope that the spawner will in fact work so i begin building once again i also have the brilliant idea to use a snowman to gather more snow except i forgot it requires shears so it's back to the mob farm which by the way is looking great it's bombs mobs though mobs are dangerous uh careful out there gamers humbled by the events of day four on day five i decided i would just lay low expand the base chill we're chilling day six began with more material gathering it was also the day that i learned fire spread was in fact turned on so there's that everything's fine though i got it all under control i'm it's great a week into the island and there so far has not been any major disasters so i'm gonna call that a success we're starting day seven strong with a lovely spruce tree ready to go these are gonna be a great source of materials going forward for the rest of the building process of the spawn and also of my you know general island today we're laying out the spawner by the way it has platforms now look at that it can spawn things oh speaking of spawning things yep children i don't like when the children spawn i also realize in order to finish this mob spawner we do need infinite water which is unfortunate but luckily there is an island nearby that appears to be a swamp and i was really hoping that there would be water over there luckily there was seemed obvious i'm sure but i really needed this and i was so glad it was actually there also fun quick thing uh phantom spawn now so that's cool really really needed some string for a bed at this point but i also just really needed a house to be honest or anything at all besides trees and a cobble grinder um my priorities may not be perfect but honestly i think we are starting day nine very strong although insomnia must be setting in because nine days without sleep is a bit much regardless though we press on finishing up the main parts of the mob spawner and getting it functioning obviously i also had to make it pretty but this structure is a great phantom deterrent as well and i would like to grind this mob grinder all night if at all possible to get stripped day 10 and we now officially have easy access to mob drops and after almost dying to my own stupidity yep i continue on ego slightly bruised and finished the job once and for all ending the day with some island expansions speaking of island expansions it's finally time for a house day 11 is the day we finally make our home it's kind of simple but i love it building in skyblock is such an important focus for me it's really kind of what it's all about building up the base building up the island that's the entire fun of it for me to be completely honest we also managed to get some iron from zombie drops and that means our snow golem is now officially useful again thank goodness because i love getting new blocks i'm using some of this snow for our house but i think it's going to be great for future building most of the hard early game work is nearly complete and now it's time to focus on farming and moving into the next stages such as the nether i gather lots of crops mine cobble chop wood and collect mob drops just generally vibing on the island to be honest although my island is feeling a bit small so a tree farm is in order a little circle one out on the edge will do the trick i think and we'll be able to get all our different types of trees out here which mainly at the moment just oak and spruce that's really all i care about i like building out of them though after a little bit more gathering it was time to venture out of my humble island and into the unknown i'm being dramatic i just wanted mushrooms for no other reason than to have them i did nothing with these good few though on day 16 the world woke up and chose violence against me i was planning to build a storage area uh but instead i decided to be a silly goose and delete my own lava source so i thought you know a quick trip to another will solve that super easy however in order to go to the nether need flint and steel emphasis on steel i just used my steel to access snow blocks so that was good but anyways we can get more from zombies which is great because i have a mob spawner right yes yep that creeper did just blow up this was not my favorite of these to be honest with you i decided i would just casually watch the chaos below and ponder life for a moment before completely cleaning up this mess yeah that was a challenge to fix but uh we got it done in the end and now we're moving on to day 17. i don't know what was wrong with me this week but for some reason on day 17 i just decided to die again nothing killed me just myself again so that's that's that uh i've taken up carrot farming it's a much better hobby to be honest anyways focus again now on day 18. today is the day we will get iron and once i have it the nether unlocks for it which is fantastic because if i build out using wood because i don't have cobble using wood in the nether i branch to a basalt island a bucket of lava awaits me there and we are back in business for day 19. look at that a brand new shiny cobble generator i love it all is well in the world again and we're moving on to day 20. day 20 begins with grinding the cobble generator oh how i missed it cobble is important to prepare to take advantage of the nether this skyblock map has a very cool nether fortress island which i will be taking full advantage of of course so i spent a few days in a row working out how to farm the area without dying another fortress allows access to blaze rods and wither skellies and other nether mobs which will be important and there are also other islands in the nether like the crimson one i'm stealing some vines here so that i can get down into the void and make a quick gold farm area nothing in this world kills me more than my own stupidity i swear anyways i do eventually get the job started this gold farm platform is inspired by pixel riffs if you haven't seen his skyblock series i'll link it down below it's fantastic i would not know how to make any of these farms without him thank you pixel riffs with the gold farm well underway i now have a new gold villagers i can access brewing for weakness potions and gold for golden apples so villagers should be fair game assuming i can get one to spawn speaking of i build a small room off to the side to attempt to spawn in a zombie villager and collect it without getting myself hurt it takes a while but i'm patient so it's okay just more resource gathering in the meantime and finally on day 31 i wake up and am surprised by the presence of a lovely zombie villager who i quickly heal and begin making a makeshift area for this villager will be a cleric because let's be real i have way too much rotten flesh and nothing to do with it so this is a great relationship our amazing new cleric is put to work right away and i of course spend a good bit of time making sure there is no possible way it can heat itself off the island access to trading is going to be a game changer for this world though so this is where i realized my farming game really is really weak it's not great it's fine though we'll fix it on day 33 i bridge to a new island and we gain access to the jungle wonderful isn't it i then spend some time cleaning up around the place and trying to make it safe while i wait for another villager to spawn it is at this point where i realize most of my life now is just spent in the cobble generator and on the inside of spurs trees really just constantly grinding in this game skyblock is is a constant grid it's okay though it's fine i'm okay with it we do end up having great success and despite my struggle a second villager is eventually obtained these lovely villager friends can now create a child and we are well on our way to a fully functioning village my main focus in this early game of trading is around tools and armor of the diamond variety because i obviously can't go mine diamonds so it makes a lot of sense that i would focus my trades around this also this villager's sword has a looting one enchant i want that obviously then on day 38 i remember that you can multiply dirt using gravel um which is why the zombies on this map drop gravel duh you would think i would have thought of this earlier but anyways here we are this means we can now spread grass on my island further and also expand my farms both of which i plan to do i also expand the village adding more beds and shocking food at the villagers in hopes that they will mate they do and they spawn an iron golem which leads me to my next job iron golem permit kind of multitasking here for a few days but basically i set up my villagers with trades and also build a makeshift golem farm basically i just need three villagers some beds and a zombie to scare them easy right no no nothing nothing is easy in skyblock it's all suffering all the time a zombie does eventually walk through though and pick up an item which is a vital detail in keeping the zombie around to scare my villagers a spawning pad is also created and with that job done i now have to just convince the villagers to walk right into the farm for their eternal suffering that's a lie well not the suffering part but they do not walk anywhere except directly into trouble so on day 49 i fought with the villagers all day slowly pushing them towards the bubble column and into the farm the farm by the way is going absolutely fantastic zombie is in place holding an arrow it can never despawn iron golem pad is ready and accepting iron golems the soul fire ready to kill the iron golems if they spawn and the beds are set up in a formation so the villagers are constantly in terror it's all good all is well in the world and by day 50 we wake up and have a fully functioning iron farm crazy how a simple trip to the nether unlocks all this with the new access to iron unlocked we can now easily trade with the tool villagers which may seem like a waste at first but with infinite iron there is really no reason not to at this stage i'm really just focused on getting access to better tools and armor i mean look at that diamond hoe the next few days are really just going to be spent trading with our lovely friends and using our iron hoppers make collecting mob drops a lot easier so they get placed under my mob grinder with some mild difficulty and i also managed to find some time to actually decorate and clean up around the island look at this adorable new well things are just looking up looking brighter everything's cleaning up the farms are looking great the trading is going well the iron farm is up and running as life is good on day 55. speaking of day 55 today i realized that the villagers really do need to go somewhere a little safer they are making children at a rapid rate and i should really deal with that so we're going to build them an area this is going to take a little while though and quite a lot of resources so in the meantime we're also just going to do like a bunch of other stuff really multitasking but i found the stage of the game to be the most enjoyable honestly i spent a lot of time just farming gathering resources you know grinding at the cobble generator making a bunch of dirt all the general work that goes into skyblock but it was really easy to get into a nice rhythm and just enjoy playing the game i was usually playing the game right now after a long day at work just chilling vibing coming home talking to the villagers honestly such a good time and look at that we unlocked diamond tools finally we can officially have a diamond pickaxe and also a diamond shovel axe and sword were soon on their way as well as some armor as we slowly got upgrades for the rest of these villagers more grinding in the nether then getting some more blaze rods as well as hoping for a few things from the wither skully's not quite getting lucky though and then of course more trading are you getting the trend here lots and lots of trading so much trading and then building we're gonna start building i planned this little area out behind my main little starter house there for the villagers right kind of near the jungle area i wanted it to be far enough away from the iron farm to not really cause us any trouble but i also wanted to build it at a stone brick so it was a little bit of a longer project than i originally anticipated it's fine though i got lots of carrot farming to do in the meantime speaking of carrot farming i have dirt now so why not expand the farms underground i should really automate them since i have access to redstone and stuff now but i decide not to and instead i automate my mob farm which is great because we don't really need xp for anything since we can't get diamonds and do that so automating this just makes sense honestly and look at that it works great now i can properly focus on building and not have to turn around every five seconds and work on my farms so on day 62 we finally get a really good start at building i decide that i want the villagers to have this really cool like fortress area so i plan that out and then get started on making this walkway look so much more fancy we also have this eyesore over here which is where i originally was allowing some mobs to spawn but i decide instead i would like to decorate it so i get started on a little kind of aesthetic farming area it's just for looks it's not really a lot of function there but i decide that i would like to build a windmill on it we get our cobble together we get our bone blocks together and we get started on this lovely circular base of course we are going to need lots of dirt for this project and the villagers are sort of judging me but of course i'm keeping up with my trading on them as i go day 65 and the rest of this dirt is in fact going in place i am at this stage kind of realizing i don't have a lot to build out of though because i've been kind of focused on villager trading and not that focused on resource gathering so i branch out to this dark oak island over here and grab some saplings to start grinding at a new type of wood very exciting for this builder i know then we can finally get to work on this windmill yet no it's an odd looking windmill but it's my windmill so that's fine i like it and once again as things in skyblock go we are back at the cobble generator seems to never end all of this cobble generating fun but the windmill is nearly complete just a few more details and on day69 yep little surprise there creepers can't kill me though only i can kill me in this game so that's that's good to know at least on day 69 it's finally time to get back to work on this villager area i wanted this to be an area that was very safe for them so i positioned the build in a way that sort of walled off parts of the platform then i used fences to fence off the rest this is a very resource intensive project though so there's lots of going back and forth to the nether to collect more stuff to trade with and then get back to work with this all too well-known villager proofing of an island oh villager-proofing luckily it's not too difficult though as long as i managed to light everything up properly and fence it in they should not be able to jump off and die in theory i hope anyways more blocks are required so this time i'm heading out to this birch island over here i'm hoping to eventually be able to get bees off of this but for now i'm just coming back with some saplings to potentially plant a creeper has unfortunately taken over my windmill but on day 74 i persist in this farming area and look at it isn't it absolutely glorious the villagers are judging me a little bit but they do still accept my crops which is fantastic we get the birch planted out here and we are good to go in this area absolutely stunning it was not stunning this weird contraption i got going here yeah it's it's to smelt swords but it's a bit of an eyesore this villager right here i decided i needed a librarian yeah that's a mending trade it spawned with a mending trade i've never had that happen before but i actually didn't need mending so i ended up re-rolling it it's the first time in my minecraft career that i have ever intentionally rerolled mending but it's fine because we ended up getting efficiency 4 which i think is going to be way more useful on our tools for doing all of this resource grinding now comes the more difficult part soon as soon as i have this place properly villager proofed and built up to adequate standards it's time to start thinking about transferring some villagers so i began kind of moving over their beds and workstations first in hopes that they may just kind of wander over on their own this i had high expectations honestly they were not going to wander anywhere that i wanted them to wander but i placed some red beds just in case it would entice them spoiler alert it really didn't even trading with them really couldn't couldn't get them to cooperate so alas i continued my building project all on my own with no villagers present at all and once it was up to adequate villager standards i began just simply nudging them in the correct direction this does take a little while but shout out to that blacksmith who actually did manage to just walk into the village very helpful librarian not so helpful not so helpful at all it's fine though because i eventually figured out that boats were in fact the best method of villager transport 10 out of 10 recommend doing this if you need to move villagers i'm actually proud of the fact that i pretty much got all of the villagers moved in day 78 and once they got over there they pretty much seemed to enjoy it the cleric was the most difficult one to move over but it's alright the cleric is a free thinker i guess it's it's fine they didn't want to move it's all good anyways once the villagers were all in i was left to just clean up their mess that they had left behind take down all the safety railing and i had the spot next to my house back which was lovely because i was really wanting to create some dirt after all that stress it just really gets the stress out dirt and villager grinding aside i now had a little bit more space to work with so i decided that i would love to have some grass growing out towards that farm area so that's what all of these weird dirt paths everywhere is oh my island looks absolutely ridiculous but it is fine because we're having a good time more villager trading happening and i realized that i never actually completed my very odd looking windmill here so i take my extra dirt and i create some dirt propellers as if the windmill didn't look weird enough jim come on all right it's sure that it looks kind of better a little bit all right hey i just leave it like that for the rest of the series it's fine i'm fine odd looking windmill aside it's time to get to work on the rest of the village taking some more of our blocks and beginning more building all around the place starting with the villager area this is where the building part gets really real i feel like i've been focusing on the villager trading a lot because that is a good way to get focused and go to the end with actual diamond armor since i'm not very good at pvp that was a focus but now we're back to building i built a little platform down to the void which is what you just saw i don't actually use that but it is there uh just in case whoever wants it and then i go back to detailing the villager area villager area is looking amazing at this stage and the villagers are actually getting quite a lot smarter allowing me to now have a diamond axe we are slowly getting our way towards a lot more exciting enchants and then our old friend the skeleton comes back and unfortunately uh yeah that happened but it's okay because at this stage honestly it's pretty easy to recover since we can easily trade with our lovely villagers and look at that a diamond sword for one emerald might i add very epic diamond tools are now unlocked for us as we have access to all of the diamond tools so that's great that's it's easy mode now from here on out just kidding not really not really at all but that was a big part of the game that is now complete now on to some more building i'm going to be following some tutorials from the lovely youtuber goldrobin who does some awesome simple tutorials of these like villager-esque statues i think they're really cute and they really dress up the island i'm also sort of having like a day 85 crisis right now so i took down my starter house and then took down the portal and then rebuilt both of them switching the positions this this was a weird thing for me to spend my time on but i spent it anyways and honestly it does look quite a lot better i'm one of those people who's very very particular over where things are built so sometimes i struggle with that perfectionist side of things but i do think the island is really coming to life i love these little street posts that i've added the details along the paths are looking great and this area is just ah it's perfect speaking of perfect look at this lovely armorer who's getting an upgrade soon we shall have diamond armor from this journeyman and i am very excited for that day and since we are so excited on day 88 we get a head start on the day by doing some farming and preparing for those villagers and then then i decide that i'm very frustrated by my current cobble farm and i actually discover on youtube a much better design for a smooth stone generator and i go with that one if you'd like the design i'm gonna have the link down in the description below um this one 10 out of 10. way better way more lossless this allows me to gather materials so quickly i should have built this from the start to be honest and at this point i am getting very sick of chucking vegetables at my villagers and telling them to create children so i pass the job over to the farmer and then i decide it's time to decorate this lovely cobblestone generator and i do so with another tutorial from gold robin and another one of these sort of villager-esque statues this one being more like an iron golem but i think it really matches the theme we have going on and i i love the addition of these statues around the island and of course on day 90 i am once again farming dirt because obviously as we are nearing day 100 farming dirt is like the most important thing ever right i'm right don't even worry about it no for real though i do need to prepare to fight the ender dragon so one of those things i'm doing to prepare is actually get myself a golden apple just in case i need it i smelt down all of these swords into little golden nuggets and then i get enough to create a golden apple perfect i'm also in the process of hunting phantoms if you haven't noticed i've been staying awake every night and luckily these phantoms are not at all too hard to kill so using my looting one sword on them and getting lots of their lovely delicious membranes to make into potions honestly with a potion of slow falling you can pretty much do anything that you want in the end you're a little bit invincible from the dragon but that and the combination of this amazing diamond armor that we are collecting from our villagers now is definitely gonna seal the deal very very proud of this collection of course then there is more farming luckily the lovely farmer has not yet gotten sick of me giving them potatoes i hope they never will but anyways more potion burn now this time we're going to be creating some splash potions of healing just in case i i probably won't need them but like i like to be really over prepared i don't know i figure it's better to be over prepared than under prepared then on day 91 we're finishing off the day with a little bit more building i decided i wanted to add some details and sort of finish off this villager area once and for all get it to a place where i'm really happy with it before day 100 hits so here i am building up the wall and unfortunately fighting phantoms on the wall it's all good though i'm i'm fine i handled it well on day 92 i am once again still working on this final tower i wanted to add this little detail of a house in it so that we could add some more interior and honestly i think it worked out i think it's really really cute simple but we didn't have that much time then i create an anvil so that i can upgrade my tools a little bit using these bows that i got from my mob spawner a while back i can combine them and create a half decent bow to fight the dragon with it doesn't have to be super impressive to be honest then back at some cobble grinding look at how satisfying the smooth generator is ah i love it i could spend all day here honestly the amount of footage that i have of myself carrot farming is astounding it's i've actually i've cut so much footage of me carrot farming i i spent 100 days carrot farming is what i'm telling you it was intense luckily though they're very easy to trade and they allow me to access the final pieces of armor that i need to complete my full set on day 93 the full set of armor is complete and i have all of my potions my arrows my bow and my sword ready to go to the end on this skyblock map the end is actually in the nether it's just up on top of the fortress you always have access to it i just decided i would get prepared before i actually win it and here we go it is time for the ender dragon fight a pretty good spawn if i do say so myself and i'm not too intimidating end island this dragon fight went pretty much like any other i mined up onto the surface of the island made myself a little enderman kind of hobby i i never ended up using this but i'm a wimp so i like having it and then all we had to do was shoot at all of these crystals knocking them all down i really i i'm not a good shot with a bow but i'm impressed at how well i made it work for these this fight this fight overall although i have it cut down here for the sake of this video this fight only took six minutes i wasn't attempting to go fast it just it wasn't an eventful fight i don't have a lot to report on here i just knocked it the crystals killed the dragon real straight forward some of these crystals were very very high up though which did prove to at least be a little bit of a challenge and i managed to get through it without looking at any enderman which is the real miracle of this entire thing once the dragon lands of course it is a very easy hit you just slap it on the tail and for some reason that kills it love it very impressed with these shots by the way i left this in just to show you i'm actually improving with a bow i i don't claim to be very good at pve or pvp but uh you know but i'm practicing i'm getting better i like to think every now and then maybe anyways this dragon gets taken down fairly easily and we get the very dramatic end shot as per usual free the ends and of course to finish it off we do have to collect the egg and take that proudly back to our island we can now access other parts of the end to collect a lot better goodies like diamonds and lava buckets but for right now in these 100 days i'm gonna head back to our island and finish off at home back at home i decide that we need to put the egg directly in the middle where we originally spawned in so that's what i go ahead and do surrounding it with a little bit of end stone and some black stone to kind of accent this entire area and then i spend the final six days of my journey on this skyblock world just sort of decorating i decide that i really want to have a proper theme on this island and although i didn't get time to do all of the builds that i may have wanted to do in 100 days because honestly the biggest thing that i learned in these 100 days is that 100 days in minecraft is not actually very long didn't get near as much done as i thought that i was going to but anyways i expand some tree farms off to the side so i can get more resources and i decide the theme that i would like to go forward with is sort of an overgrown foresty type vibe so i spent the last few days sort of decorating with that theme kept in mind if you would like to see me continue this island definitely show some support on this video hit that like button and subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this i had a lot of fun making it and i genuinely love playing skyblock it is my favorite game mode of all and i really enjoyed making this it took me two months to record this because i'm a student right now and i'm very busy but i like the way the island came out right now we are going off to finally collect this jungle tree because i never did i saw that there was a bird up there and i really got my hopes up that i was finally going to have a pet but unfortunately up at the top there was there was no bird so i was very sad but anyways i get to continue my dreams of becoming an overgrown forest elf so that's good lots of trees lots of vines lots of greenery just generally loving the decorations i also expand the sugarcane farm because even though we fought the dragon there is still lots of villager trading to be done and then to end off the final day i create my very first and very last custom tree of this 100 day challenge i think that it's beautiful over here by the farm and i would love to be able to kind of expand on this idea as the world goes on day 100 we did it diamond armor beautiful villager area and the island in general is just looking absolutely gorgeous i love the way that it turned out and i think with a bit more time i could do even more with these builds the center island is totally transformed from how it looked on day one and i'm so proud of the progress we made the iron golem and villager statues look absolutely fantastic and the pathway up to the mob farm is just as dramatic and green as i wanted it to be absolutely love it and i hope that you do too [Music] you
Channel: GeminiTay
Views: 1,739,838
Rating: 4.9489388 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, GeminiTay, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, i spent 100 days in one block skyblock, i survived 100 days in minecraft, skyblock with one block, Minecraft skyblock 100 days, 100 days minecraft skyblock, 100 days skyblock classic, minecraft skyblock 1.16, I spent 100 days in minecraft skyblock, I spent 100 days in skyblock, Surviving 100 days skyblock minecraft, surviving 100 days in skyblock
Id: tqFC2uGxRu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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