I Played 400 Days In Stardew Valley (Finale)

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Hey everyone! Welcome, welcome. My name's Charlie   and today I'm gonna be playing  to 400 days in Stardew Valley. If you haven't seen the first  three videos of this series,   you should definitely go check them out. I  added some links in the description below. It has been quite a journey in this  world and this is gonna be my final   video on Barley farm which is a little sad,  but I've got some big plans for this 100 days. For one, I wanna collect one of every color slime   egg and just try to create some cool  colored slimes, it seems kind of fun. Secondly, I'd like to purchase a matching  rainbow cowboy hat for my horse, Nala, because...   I just think that'd be kinda sick,  we'd be like boolin I don't know. In terms of perfection, I need to cook the STUPID  bean hot pot, it's the last recipe I have left.   I also have to craft one of every recipe, ship  one of every item, get Abergel to 8 hearts,   and last but not least, essentially make  10,000,000 gollars in the next 100 days. I'm legitimately starting this  challenge at 300,000 gollars because   I'm an idiot and I bought the movie theater  so... definitely stay tuned to see if I can   pull it off and also to watching me spiral  into insanity, you're not gonna wanna miss it. So day 301, I started things off by tending to  the fish ponds and adding a sprinkler to the slime   hutch. You guys left a bunch of helpful comments  on the last video so thank you so much for that. I didn't even know those squares were for  water. I don't even water my cat to be honest. Afterward, I headed to Pierre's and bought a TON  of fairy seeds. My big money making strategy that   I came up with was crafting a bunch of fairy  dust to instantly make ancient fruit wine.   So I set up some sprinklers on my Ginger  Island farm and planted about 50 seeds. The next day, I got all my animal products  going, filled the jars in jam city, and then   went to Skull Caverns to look for omni geodes to  buy the rainbow hat and also purple slime eggs. The third day was my first ancient fruit harvest  of the challenge so I picked all of them up and   collected all the finished wine from the  quarry. I also decided to put some wine in   the casks in my basement just to experiment and  see how much they'd sell for at iridium quality. Then, I returned to the infested Skull Caverns and   basically had a panic attack  for ten minutes straight. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF  THEM. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD,   OH MY GOD. NONONONONONO WHY ARE THERE SO MANY?! The next morning, I set my feelings aside  and gave my first gift to Abigail... You're the best? I literally tried to blow  you up like a week ago, you must be concussed. After another night of just... pure terror,  I ended up with a bunch of gems, cloth,   and some other items to chuck in the shipping bin. I got impatient and sped up one of the  iridium wines to sell along with all   the pickled veggies and jelly  that I'd gotten from jam city. At this point, I felt like  the easiest thing to do in   order to progress toward perfection was  finish finding all the golden walnuts. So, I cracked open these mussel  rocks on the beach and headed to   the pirate's cove for a couple games of  darts. Now, I'm not gonna lie to you,   I had no idea what I was doing. But it  seemed like no matter where I threw the dart,   it just ended up a bullseye so after a couple  minutes, I ended up with all three walnuts. I placed more slime egg making machines that  night and then sold all my food that I cooked   last time because... let's be real, I'm never  gonna use any of this and I'd rather have money. On day 306, I returned to Skull  Caverns and found not one,   but TWO purple slime eggs. I also sold a ton of  ancient fruit wine and made some decent profits,   but I was hoping to get a lot more  from my wine business in the future. I started off the next morning by  selling a ton of extra fishing lures,   weapons, and armor because I was really desperate. Ooga had grown into a full child  overnight so I could now yeet her,   which made me really, really happy.   The rest of the day was spent in the volcano mines  trying to get a ginger slime egg but with no luck. On day 309, I tossed a couple  items into the shipping bin,   but I still had a bunch more that I had  to grind for like the large white egg,   mead, and juice so it would be a bit  before we could complete that goal. After, I brought all my extra geodes to Clint and  opened up every. single. one of them to sell the   minerals and gems inside. I figured that maybe  I could get a good amount of money from them,   so I essentially spent the day running back  and forth between the blacksmith and the farm. Also, for some reason I didn't realize you  needed sprinklers to grow green beans so after   ALL THIS TIME I FINALLY got my  beans and cooked bean hotpot. The next morning, I decided I was getting really  fed up with the slimes bouncing all over the place   so I built some enclosures to trap them in, which  proved to be much more difficult than I thought. After a couple in-game hours, I was  able to maneuver them into separate   pens and then... I found this raccoon... squirrel  thing.. and gave him some fried mushrooms. [monch] It was also around this time that I realized  I needed to craft all the recipes from Mr. Qi   as well, which meant I'd have to  save up the Qi gems to buy them. In order to do this, I accepted the mine invasion  quest and started to make my way down the floors. On day 312, I brought more food to the  raccoon-squirrel guy and he straight up just   turned into Totoro and flew away so I returned  to the volcano and got my first tiger slime eggs. These eggs sell for 8,000 gollars each, but I  decided that I wanted to breed the green slimes   and the tiger slimes to try and get WHITE  slimes and create some sort of diamond farm. Funny enough, I ended up getting  a green slime egg the next day,   which would allow me to begin my experiment. The next day was spent going through the mines as  well as harvesting and replanting my fairy roses. I was racking up a decent  amount of diamonds everyday,   so I decided to make some more fairy dust  to expedite some of the ancient fruit wine. Although the setup for my Ginger  Island farm was SUPER inefficient,   I was kind of in love with it and  I REALLY didn't wanna tear it down. I liked the fact that I had any crop available  to me at all times and I thought the way it was   set up was really pretty so I decided to  keep it, even if it was bad for business. For the rest of the night and into  the next morning, I mostly ran around   Ginger Island and checked all the golden walnut  locations. I ended up getting every single one,   so I crafted some more items and purchased  the recipe for the desert warp totem. On day 318, I did something... very shameful.  I deforested the entirety of Ginger Island...   in the name of kegs. But look, it had been a  month and I only had 1.4 million gollars and   I desperately needed to increase my earnings  and wine was definitely the best way to do it. After harvesting all my artisan products  and ancient fruit the next morning,   I added some more kegs to jam city,  enclosed my tiger slimes in their own pen,   and decided to change my mining profession.  I realized that for the past month,   I'd been an "excavator" but that as the  "gemologist," I would make 30% more for my gems. So that was pretty frustrating, I definitely lost  out on a bunch of money there. But I couldn't stay   mad long because the next day was the feast of  the winter star and y'know that's a time for   cheeer and happinesss and like... egg nog. I  don't know, just makes me think of egg nog. I gave Elliot some crab cakes and ended up getting  Alex as my secret santa who gifted me the tea set.   Isn't this rare or something? I think it's  rare. I have no clue at all, but I consume   probably dangerous amounts of tea so I found it  fitting and I placed it on my living room table. ...when did this chair get here?! Oh, I also had a bit of a mental  breakdown that night and sold most   of my gems so... yeah. That was  definitely a decision that I made. I kept chronically forgetting about Abigails  existence, but I remembered to bring her a   gift the next morning and purchased  the heavy tapper recipe from Mr. Qi.   I crafted some more recipes and then spent the  rest of the day deforesting the entire desert. On day 322, I made a second slime incubator  and returned to skull caverns to try and get   more cloth and gems to sell for profit and  the next day was pretty much the same thing. Ooooh chest. Guys....   how many of these have we gotten? 3? 4? ...  Is this NORMAL? This doesn't feel normal??? Day 324 was the first day of Spring and  I was so happy that everything was green   and beautiful again, but I was ALSO cripplingly  stressed because I only had 1.6 million gollars.   So, I got all my animal products going and then  worked on making more kegs to place in the quarry. Also.. I walked into this cut scene with  Jas and Vincent and I'm not gonna say   anything that happened, but... Look at this  picture. It is actually impossible to hold   a spring onion this way. I've provided  a reference photo of me trying to hold   a leek like this to show that it simply does  not work. At the same time though, I do have   very small hands that people constantly  tease me about so maybe it's just me 😔 After witnessing that atrocity, I headed  to Ginger Island and realized that in   order to get the recipe for deluxe retaining soil,  I need 50 cinder shards because.. I sold all mine. So, the next day I returned to the volcano and got   two more tiger slime eggs as well as exactly 50  cinder shards, allowing me to buy the recipe. When I got back to the farm, I realized a couple  of the green slimes had hatched so I released the   tiger ones and officially started my white  slime experiment to try and farm diamonds. I also got desperate again and decided  to start making and selling iridium bars   because... I had like 800 iridium  ore or something crazy like that. I was ecstatic to find that the next  morning, Ooga had started crawling,   even if she was getting...  a little close to the fire. While I was collecting slime that morning, I  also noticed there was a pale looking slime   that had appeared, but I wasn't 100% sure if  it was a white slime, so I just let him be. I also harvested and replanted my  fairy roses again, allowing me to   craft around 25 fairy dusts  to make ancient fruit wine. Because I kept getting SO many blue cowboy hats,   I decided to convert all my  sea urchins into tiny cowboys. Oh my gosh, what are you doing? I was getting pretty annoyed  with my slimes just running free,   so I decided to make another pen for the  green slimes and tiger slimes to breed. That was much easier said than done, though,   and after a long time trying to get them  all corralled, I decided to just give up. That afternoon, I rifled through a  garbage can that reminded me of Abigail,   so I headed into Pierre's to  give her a tasty rock snack. What is this? Oh my god, we're  actually playing together. Oh no. Maybe I can sacrifice her? No. Oh my gosh, I've never played this game. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Okay. Yeah, that's my bad. Why are you not doing any of the work? You're  not even shooting in the right direction.   You are so bad at games. Ummmmmm EXCUSE ME. You're really bad. After that experience, I decided  to harvest all the crops in the   greenhouse and on Ginger Island  just to lower my heart rate. I also spent the next day on Ginger Island  hoping to get more tiger slime eggs.   I was making some big bucks selling my iridium  bars, but I was also starting to run out of ore   so I decided to spend day 330 in  Skull Caverns to collect some iridium. It must have been a pretty lucky day,  because I ended up getting a TON of cloth,   a prismatic shard, AND some purple slime  eggs which sell for 5,000 gollars each. Because I'd been spending the past couple days  mining, I had a lot of farm chores to catch   up on so I spent the next day collecting slime  as well as harvesting and restocking jam city. I ended up making a bunch of money that  night which boosted me to almost 2.5   million gollars which... still wasn't great,  but was much better than I was doing before. Now that I was starting to see some returns,   I had a clear conscience while deforesting Ginger  Island again because...... I need more kegs. In the past month, I'd done a lot of  selling so most of the items were complete,   but I still had to ship kale, juice,  large goat milk, mead, and a tulip. Okay, we're gonna leave some fruits here...   ohhhh nonono, we are not gonna  leave any bombs here. Nuh uh uh. The next day, I checked up on my wine and then  I sold a bunch of artisan goods, begrudgingly   gave Abigail a gift, and bought the seeds I  needed from Pierre's to plant on Ginger Island. Okay guys. We need to ramp. things. up around  here. We are getting rid of this LOVELY path   and replacing it with ANCIENT FRUIT. I don't  even care anymore, we are falling behind. Yeahh this was pretty much around the time  where I started to spiral into insanity. It was day 335, which meant I had 65  days left to make over 7 million gollars.   I felt like I could definitely get to 10 million,   but I just really needed to start  grinding and trying to be more productive. So first things first, I made a couple  more kegs and added them to the quarry.   Then, I started smelting gold bars to sell  in addition to iridium bars and I spent the   whole night filling the top part of my  Ginger Island farm with ancient fruit.   I decided to craft some bone mills as well  as a cheap and easy way to get hyper gro,   so I hopefully I could start  harvesting it a bit faster. I also did a bit of redecorating as well. Just   wanted to keep the interior  fresh and exciting, y'know. I began day 336, by adding some hyper gro to the  ancient fruit and then I continued to deforest   every area on the map in the name of jam city  before spending the night in Skull Caverns. At this point, I was just anxious to  see some profits so I used a bit of   fairy dust on my ancient fruit wine  to bring it up to iridium quality. I was also disappointed to see that after all  this time, there were still no white slimes,   but I couldn't be bothered too much because I  was planning a secret operation for that night. Excuse me sir, I need to borrow this. I read that if you wear a pirate  hat or a deluxe pirate hat and   talk to the bartender in the pirate's  cove, he'll give you some free mead,   which I can then sell to check that  off my list for the perfection quest. Don't worry, I looked some pirate  lingo up before doing this. All hand hoy! Avast ye, batten down the  hatches you bilge-sucking booty bounties. Gosh, let's do a chanty and  get a clap of thun-- AHOY. Yeah I think that went really well,  I don't think anybody noticed. As I was going through my  routine the next morning,   my phone rang which... I  did not know could happen. Just wanted to check up and see if Barley  farm is doing well? uhhh... good, good,   not good,... wait. I don't think  he's ever gonna call me again. After scaring the bejesus out of Lewis, the  day was pretty normal. I mostly harvested fairy   roses and smelted metal bars to sell and the  next day, I finally reached 3 million gollars. After harvesting some island crops, I adventured  in Skull Caverns for the rest of the night.   For pretty much the entirety of day 340,   I literally ran around town just collecting  salmonberries and trying to find Abigail. I went on the mountain, I went in Robin's house,   near the Wizard tower, but I  just could not find her anywhere. FINALLY, there you are. Just standing  here being creepy, of course. I also shipped the kale and  the tulip that I had grown,   so when I woke up the next morning,  I got the full shipment achievement. I also found this very odd  cinder shard that glitched   into the center of the water  and that was pretty exciting. On day 342, I crafted a couple more kegs and  added those bad boys to the quarry. At this point,   I think that jam city is evolving into wine  city and that honestly makes me very proud. Jam city walked so wine city could run :') Is this your guinea pig? What's his name, David? ..why do I remember that. It'd be a shame if something  were to.... happen to him. I continued to craft recipes  the next day and also headed to   Robin's to purchase the remaining  braz- brazier? Braz-bray-brazier? Brazier. What the heck. There was sTiLl no white  slimes in the slime hutch,   so I decided to thin out  the population a little bit.   I spent all of day 344 in Skull Caverns to collect  and iridium and then on day 345, I accepted the   Mr. Qi quest to give 50 loved gifts in a week  because I REALLy, REALLY needed some Qi gems. And just like that, I was back to running  around town like the Great Value Santa that   I am delivering gifts to every person  in Pelican town for the next few days. Here, have a gift. Also, can you PLEASE stop   placing random furniture in the house  because it's ruining my feng shui. oHp. I feel a sensation in my body, is this platonic  love? No, I honestly think that's just me. OOGA IS WALKING, I'm so proud :') Although I didn't want to, I was forced to  attend the flower dance on day 347 because   I needed to purchase the crafting recipe for  a tub of flowers. I decided to shake things up   and dance with Sam this year because...  he's a pretty chill dude, we like Sam. While I was running around  shuttling gifts the next day,   I walked into yet another cut scene with Abigail. What is this? Why is she fluting?? And why  am I just creepily watching, Ooh a leek! I would like to leave now- oh. What is that!?  A mini harp. Ah yes, good thing I always carry   my MINI HARP with me. You're full of surprises,  yeah quite frankly I'm pretty surprised as well. After a couple days of suffering, I gave  Krobus a wild horseradish completing the   quest and earning me 40 Qi gems. This allowed  me to purchase the recipe for the hopper,   which meant I only had the  hyper speed gro left to buy. On day 349, wine city got a MASSIVE upgrade.  I crafted a ton of kegs and I reorganized the   quarry a little bit so I could produce  ancient fruit wine more efficiently. I also made another pair of Lewis' shorts. Mostly  because so many of you guys kept telling me to in   the comments. I'm still not giving them back to  him, though, so I'll just place them right here. What did I do wrong? I started off the next morning by  tending to the fish ponds and then   restocked wine city and started panic  selling more of my expensive items. I don't need this, right? Like I already have  the infinity blade, I can always get more.   It's fine, it's fine. I also thought that I'd created a  white slime, but when I killed it,   he only dropped stone so... I'm assuming that  it was more of a... very light gray slime. After that disappointment, I just spent the night  in Skull Caverns to collect more cloth and gems. Something I forgot to mention is that for  two of the crafting recipes on the list,   the quality bobber and solar panels,  I need to complete community projects   before I can get them so I'd been  checking the board every single day. ....   why am I putting a pomegranate in the mayonnaise  maker!? Oh my god, I'm getting so stressed out. I got really lucky on day 352 and  ended up getting the ~juicy bug~ quest,   which gives you the quality bobber. So, for the rest of the day I went through  the early floors of the mines killing bugs. Within a day, I'd gotten all the bug  meat that I needed and left it in the   barrel next to Willy's house completing the quest. The next morning, I received the  recipe for the bobber from Willy   and... what on this good, sweet Earth  is this. Is this the bug meat???   That was in my pocket??? And there's a  BONE in it? Bugs don't even have bones???! Fitting with the theme of fishing,   I also accepted the quest to catch all the  relatives of the legendary fish so I spent   the rest of the day heading to each of  the locations and fishing them all up. Most of them. I hate the glacierfish so much. Ohhh noo. That seems very not good.   Does this mean they won't be able to breed white  slimes now? Wait actually these look kinda sick. Although all my slimes had been  cursed, I had bigger fish to fry.   Literally. Why is this glacierfish so TERRIBLE!? Oh my god. Everytime. It's painful  everytime, I hate this fish. What on earth, me sell gud hats? Is this  that little rat near the Wizard tower?   How does everybody get this  number, stop calling me?? I decided it would be really cool to  display the original legendary fish   as well as the relatives so I emptied  out the fish tank in the living room. Unfortunately, I didn't have the  upgraded fish tank from Mr. Qi,   so I put the son of crimsonfish here for safe  keeping until I'd saved up the gems for it. Then, I crafted the quality  bobber and the next day,   I purchased the recipe for hyper speed  gro and spent the night collecting cloth. By day 357, I was honestly starting to  panic a little. I actually spent an entire   real life day taking stock of  every single item I owned and   calculating the money I could make  if I sold all my earthly possessions. So here's my spreadsheet, I split  everything up into sections. So this is the   fruits and veggies and such. And then  we've got... the fish. The materials,   and then a category just called  "other" for everything else. So for the fruits and veggies, I  counted how many of each quality   I had and then calculated how much money  I'd get for just selling them outright,   and then also how much money I'd get for  selling them in a preserve jar or a keg. I did the same thing for the fish  and I also calculated those based on   whether I had the fisher or the angler profession. Then I also calculated how much I'd  make if I made all of the ore that   I had into bars and sold those with the  blacksmith profession vs. just normally. So with everything said and done, I'd basically  make a little bit over a million if I sold   absolutely everything I have. So that's gonna  be my backup plan if things look like they're   going south a little bit, we're  gonna keep that in our back pocket. With all that disgusting math aside,  I continued to chip away at all the   crafting recipes, collected more slime,  and had something a little odd happen. Why is sashimi a cooking option? I don't  have a single fish in my inventory.   Like the closest thing would be white algae but...  that's not a fish. I guess I'll just.. make it??? I'm so confused. *realization* OH NO....... GUYS. THIS IS THE CRIMSONFISH JR, I MADE HIM  INTO SASHIMI. HE WAS IN THE FRIDGE. I decided to just place it.. here.  The legendary sashimi, we can call it. After collecting all my finished iridium wine  from the cellar, I got super lucky again and   ended up getting the island ingredients quest,  which would allow me to craft solar panels. So with that quest accepted, I spent the  next couple days in the volcano mines   killing tiger slimes to collect ginger. At  this point, I was starting to get really   stressed out because we were over halfway  through and only had 4.5 million gollars. I harvested some ancient fruit to calm  myself, and then continued to collect   ginger for the ingredient quest and that's  pretty much all I did for the next couple days. Because my main source of revenue was ancient  fruit wine, I was still making some decent money   everyday even though I was mostly just hoeing up  ginger. And exploding a bunch of slimes, that too. I took some time off in between ginger  collections to be cheese in my casks and   replant my fairy roses. But, I was back  to the grind on day 367 and by day 368,   I'd finally finished the quest and  unlocked the recipe for the solar panel. I decided to accept the Mr. Qi mine  quest once again in the hopes that   I'd find some rare items I could  sell. In between aging my cheese,   I headed to the mines and just killed all the  monsters I could to try and get some rare drops. I also fixed up my farm and started to make slime  eggs more consistently with the slime press,   meaning I got the green, blue, and  the red slime eggs fairly easily.   At this point, I also realized that rushing  Skull Caverns was a much better use of my   time because the rare drops there like  batteries and energy tonic sell for a   bunch of money and I hadn't really been  having much luck in the regular mines. I also get purple slime eggs pretty  frequently, which sell for a lot. The next day I FINALLYY got  to 8 hearts with Abigail,   which meant I never had to  speak to her.. ever again :'D Then, I took the Skull Cavern invasion  quest to try and get better items. Come to my room after dark around 8pm- that is the  creepiest letter I've EVER received, no THANK you. I really ended up liking the pastel slimes that   I'd created so I decided to give up on  my white slime idea for the time being. I also made a couple more kegs, opened up  more of my extra geodes to sell some minerals,   and purchased a matching hat for  Ooga. Why are you guys so creepy. On day 377, I continued to do some  mining and also traded my emeralds   for cheese because I realized if I aged  them to iridium, I'd get more money. And yeah, for the last day of Summer, I was  just going full speed ahead in wine city and   also I died. Which is kind of a rip off,  this guy barely breathed on me but WHATEVER. I LOST MY YAM. I don't actually  remember what that was for. The cheese I'd put into the casks a little while  ago was just starting to finish up, so I sold   those and saw that Lewis had sent me 500 gollars  which.... I'm pretty sure this is hush money. I'd started to run out of  wood again so on day 381,   I continued to deforest the  town in the name of wine city. Most of my time over the next couple days was  spent mining for prismatic shards and harvesting.   On day 383, I sold a bunch of my cranberries for   a quick buck and then headed  back to Skull Caverns and... I don't mean to flex or anything,  but everybody keeps commenting   saying they've never found a dinosaur egg  and that I have insane luck, but like... I'm pretty sure I get at least two almost  every single time I go. On this day alone,   I got four. I don't know why I get so many, maybe  you guys just need the burglar ring, I don't know. The grind continued for the  next couple days and by day 386,   I'd reached 7 million gollars. I decided to play  until the Spirit's Eve Festival because I still   needed the jack o' lantern recipe, so this meant  that I had 20 days to make 3 million gollars. I was not about to fail this challenge so I  kicked everything into high gear. I'm talkin   ingot making, I'm talkin Skull Cavern runs, honey  collecting, deforestation. I sold weapons and   armor, harvested blackberries, and continued  to make more and more ancient fruit wine. I was not messing around and I was  ready to do anything it took to   make that 3 million gollars, even  if the means were unconventional. Like turning mussels into sashimi.  It doesn't even make that much money,   but I was getting extremely desperate here. Most of those things were  just supplementary income,   though. The real money maker was  the ancient fruit wine so I also   continued to produce fairy dust, which  would allow me to finish it instantly. I also made some extra preserve jars on my farm so   that I could process all my extra  fruits and veggies a lot quicker. I got so desperate I started killing my  own slimes to try and get tiger slime eggs,   but I think I just killed all my  favorite pastel slimes in the process. Every single day was spent squeezing  as much profit as I could out of all my   streams of revenue and every single night was  spent selling pretty much everything I owned. If you remember, I'd calculated that  selling all my earthly possessions   would give me over 1 million gollars  and I very much needed that money so   I said goodbye to all the items  I had gotten over the 400 days. We're at 8 million, only 2 MILLION  more to go, we can do this!! So far, going full speed ahead was yielding good   results so I continued to just try  and get as much money as I could. One good thing was that it had been thundering  pretty often which meant I could sell the   batteries for 500 gollars each. Generally  the storms produce around 10-15 batteries,   too, so that in itself is a  pretty solid source of money. Also, I read that past level 120 in the mines,  the chance of enemies dropping prismatic shards   DRAMATICALLY increases, so I gathered all my stone  and started planning a trip deep into the mines. I didn't wanna go until I had an extremely  lucky day so for the next couple days I   just did some normal caving and made  even more kegs for ancient fruit wine. As it was, I was consistently getting  over 150,000 gollars a night, so there   was still a really good chance of reaching 10  million. It would just be really, really tight. But with the amount of gems and  slime eggs that I was getting,   I was pretty confident that if I just grinded  non-stop for the last week, I could do it. Okay this is getting ridiculous,  can somebody actually tell me   what the odds are of getting this  hat like.. what, five times now?! Oh my god>!!? On day 399, I decided to take the leap and started   to staircase my way past level 120. I  made it all the way to floor 127, but   I only ended up getting two prismatic  shards so it ended up being kind of a bust. That's okay, though, because the next day I added  more furnaces to make ingots and harvested all of   wine city raking in a total of 165 bottles of  ancient fruit wine. That's absolutely nuts. I'd also stopped selling my ingots  because I realized it would be a lot   more profitable to hold onto them and then  ship them once I'd changed my profession   to the blacksmith. That meant that I'd be  getting 50% more money for the metal bars. Oh my god, that's insane. That is so  much money, we can actually do it!!!!! By day 401, we'd reached 9 million gollars so with  5 days left, we only had 1 more million to get. I was actually getting legitimately  stressed out so I decided to take the   day to just open up some geodes and sell minerals. I also gave all 50 of my cowboy hats  to the sea urchins because I felt   like it was much more fitting than  the other hats they'd been wearing. The next day, I continued to grind and  spent pretty much the entire day repeatedly   smelting gold bars and instantly making  ancient fruit wine with the fairy dust. On day 403, I harvested and sold all my Ginger  Island crops because I knew that at this point,   I didn't have the time to  put them in preserve jars. 9.6 million with two days left was pretty  close, but I was confident we had it in the bag. The next day was nothing but chores. I collected  batteries, made a bunch more furnaces, sold the   rest of my possessions, and went to the spooky  sewer dog to change my profession that night. bork bork And so, with nothing left to my name, I grabbed  my 400 metal bars and headed over to Clint's. Oh my gosh we did it, I could have gotten  this so much sooner I have so many bars left 😐 I was so relieved, I can't  even describe it in words. I purchased the gold clock and immediately started  to add some decorations to make it look nice. I'd also kind of let the rest of the farm...  decay, because I was just so stressed out   so I decided to slow it down and spend  the rest of the day doing repairs. I also added some more lights to the  farm, and then on day 407 I purchased   the recipe for the jack o' lantern  and also the furniture catalogue. Before I crafted the jack o' lantern  and reached full perfection, I wanted   to decorate the area with my golden clock.  I ended up adding some benches and furniture   trees. I put mahogany trees in between  them, but they didn't grow fast enough. I actually got the inspiration  for this from my aquarium video   because I was super happy with how that  turned out and I thought it would frame   the clock really nicely and add a  little bit more life to the farm. Then on the morning of day 408, I  completed the last crafting recipe.... and nothing happened. Oh  god did I mess something up. I'M AT 100%, OH MY GOD, I was so scared  that I missed something I'm so happy. You feel it in your heart somewhere,  somehow.... Grandpa is beaming with pride. The legacy of Barley farm is eternal. Oh my god, why am I getting emotional. I've  never actually reached perfection before. Woahhhhh. Is this the way to the summit. Wow, I did it! Why are the trees glitching out. And who is this, is that--- IS THAT MORRIS. Oh my god. No. Charlie, my favorite Joja member. This sucks. This feels so bad.   I don't support you, I just didn't have time  to collect bundle items. This feels so wrong. Oh my god, that's my husband. So I did it. I reached perfection and I   accomplished all the things  that I wanted to on my farm. I met the love of my life, had two  kids, made over 10,000,000 gollars,   befriended everyone in the town and yet... somehow it doesn't feel like enough.  As much as I find Lewis fun to bully,   it didn't feel right that he wasn't the one  waiting for me at the top of the mountain. Like this isn't even a bit,  I feel legitimately guilty. I feel like I've been wanting to  do a perfection run, but instead   of becoming a slave to capitalism I'll  complete the community center instead. If you'd be interested in watching that, let  me know. And also let me know if you like the   format of the 100 days videos or if you'd maybe  wanna watch it more as like weekly episodes.   So less of a challenge video and  more of a ~gradual grind~ I guess. Thank you guys so much for sticking around  with me for all 400..ish days of this journey. I've had so much fun in this world and I  genuinely appreciate all your love and support. If you enjoyed the video, feel free to  leave a like or subscribe to the channel-   i'd absolutely love to have you here. And with that, I'll be signing off of Barley farm   for the last time. I'll see  you guys next time. Byyeeeeee 💙 Arrgh, ahoy me hearties. Batten  down the hatches you bilge-sucking..   uh... uhh... buccaneers. You little buckos. You son of a biscuit eater.
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 566,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stardew Valley, Stardew, Valley, Stardew Valley 1.5, 100 Days, Stardew Valley 100 Days, I Played 100 Days in Stardew Valley, 100 Days Challenge, Stardew Valley Gameplay, Stardew Valley Playthrough, Stardew 100 Days, I Spent 100 Days in Stardew Valley, Charlie Barley, 400 Days, I Played 400 Days in Stardew Valley, 400 Days Challenge, Stardew Valley Challenge, Charlie Barley Stardew, Krobus Roommate Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley 100 Percent, Stardew Valley Perfection
Id: 99Sm5K82qeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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