I Ruined My Child's Life... Again | Stardew Expanded

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Hello everyone! Welcome, welcome My name's Charlie And today we’re hopping back into  some more Stardew Valley Expanded! And look how beautiful my house is I’m sorry, but if you missed it, Last time, I did a BUNCH of decorating I got the furniture catalog And- this is like the BEST house I’ve ever had It’s so pretty~ I just lo- Hello son… Why… Is this.. Wait, is this.. Why is he large??? Wait tREVOR come BACK Where are you RUNNING TO!?? TREVOR NOOO NOOOOOooOOOoO My SOoOOoN WHYyyYYy!??? It’s been five seconds.. What… He was never normal We knew this about him Now, it IS the first of fall Which I believe Pierre’s birthday is coming up But ALSO means that our pomegranates are growing! So, Elliot, who is my favorite bachelor  and normally at full hearts by this point,  Is finally gonna get some gifts It is literally not Pierre’s birthday at any time I don’t know what I was thinking But this is good because now I know  it’s Elliot’s birthday on the 5th And we NEED to capitalize on that  because we are NOT very good friends I will say.. Now just looking at our fish collection, I’m seeing a LOT of fish  that we can get really easily Like, we haven’t even caught a white algae yet?? How much fishing have I even been doing?? And seeing as it’s fall, I think  we should really really quickly Go get the Leeeegeeend- is this new?? That looks really pretty~ But yes, catching the angler fish  is gonna be my objective right now Let’s just cast our line and see what happens! Throw caution to the wind, y’know? OH MY GOD Ok… easy?? You’re actually kind of- it’s  laughable how easy this is? Did you even try??? Oh my god Angler caught Our first legendary fish I think too Which is uhhh.. it’s been three years, we’ll just say And I mean because we’re on such a roll Let’s just get the mutant carp real fast And a slime jack even! Got it! EASY beans So now we have the mutant carp We need the slime jack and I’m not  sure if there’s another fish in here? OH We needed that too! I’m not sure if there’s another fish  in here that’s new to Stardew Expanded I should definitely look into that Like, I can’t tell if the slime jack  is kinda hard or if this is a new fish… It might just be that I’m bad OH my god! Stop that’s so rude YES RADIOACTIVE BASS!?? That is a Stardew Expanded fish I’ve never seen that before WHAT!?? That’s SO FRICKIN’ COOL YES okay So that is all the sewer fish I believe At least the ones I know of What is- okay I do not understand why  tREVOR is like suddenly a million years old I don’ know when that happened I missed a lot apparently Look at him! He’s a whole guy! Hello… sir Okay, I think that something else I wanted  to do is continue upgrading all of my tools And I now have enough money I believe so I’m  gonna just try and upgrade like my ax most likely Just a quick stop, hello Clint Upgrade… YES I have just enough Oh this is really upsetting, that’s all my money Oh no I wanted to go to Ginger Island but I’m   now just realizing I’m probably  not gonna have enough money.. Maybe if I forage all the stuff from the  beach, Willy will give me the money to go?? Sell…. Oh OH MY GOSH That coral sells for SO MUCH Why have I not been getting that?? Well we definitely have enough to go now Ginger Island… my old stomping grounds Okay, now the reason I came to Ginger  Island is because as you can see I have 47 taro tubers And I’m hoping that if I just grow these very  passively, I’ll make a good amount of money I’m also not sure if there’s any new fish here  or if I’ve gotten all the Ginger Island fish so that might be a good thing to investigate OH!? What the heck? I just got a sea sponge? Well, that’s definitely new,  it’s also very adorable~ Baby lunaloo???? That’s so precious~~ Oh this one seems a little feistier Oh please be something good… OH it’s a regular lunaloo!! That’s so cool!! Okay, before I head back to the farm, something  I want to do is grab maybe five crab pots?? Ehhhhhhh six crab pots from Willy Because I’ve realized that a lot of the  fish we have yet to get are crab pot things So I’m gonna place these down here and  try to make the effort to refill them so we can get all of those fish I’m also gonna donate this  scapula because you didn’t   need it on Ginger Island but we DO need it here Okay! Looking good! OH my gosh we have every mineral,  we just need a couple more artifacts And I don’t know why it says  I don’t have that scroll?? When I’m pretty sure I have all four?? Okay??? Well… that’s weird I think in terms of perfection goals  that I wanna complete for today, Getting the rest of those  artifacts would be pretty good If we could do that I just don’t know how likely it is,   but we’ll head to skull caverns  tomorrow and get some omni geodes and We’ll see how it goes OKAY another day another  look at our weird son tREVOR What do we have going on for today? It is ELLIOT’s birthday!! YES perfect Okay, let’s go give Elliot his birthday present How is it possible that I got- OH NO NO NO Pam you- this is why you can’t walk in front of me  while I’m trying to get my snails out of the thing I’ve told you a million times! NOOOO we lost a heart with PAM That is honestly so devastating Good morning Elliot~ Here’s your birthday gift I’m really hoping that Pam is  gonna be at the bus stop today because most of what I wanna do right now is  go to the desert, try to get some omni geodes And hopefully get enough artifact  troves to get the stuff we still need Pam, please be at the bus stop Please be at the bus stop WHERE ARE YOU!?? This is your JOB Okay, I’ll wait another day Oh I forgot to put bait in these After the whole Pam-
 OH MY GOD This is horrible This is horrible this is a bad place to put these Who decided on this? I don’t know who made that choice  that was- that was the stupidest thing Okay, I’m putting them here Nobody walks here right? I don’t know I’m just really going through  it in Pelican Town right now Oh my GOSH what is going on HERE!? I’ve never seen the saloon so packed A Lunar Horizon please. Okay Maru Charlie! Over here dear! Oh this is so cool~ Is this an Olivia cut scene? It’s a full house at the saloon tonight I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this packed Emily will take your order soon I’ll wave her down for you when she sees us Thank you… mother Uhhhhh no If you ever require a home-cooked meal,  don’t hesitate to drop by my residence I mean, I feel like you know  why that’s awkward for us Sorry, Charlie! I’ve had my hands  full tonight. There are SO MNAY people What would you like to drink? A juicy juice perhaps- what the  frick Stardrop Saloon cocktail menu? Do you have a Shirley Temple?? Orange juice, lemon juice, soda, grena- OH this is a Shirley Temple! This is Stardew Shirley Temple!  I’ll have a ~Hazy Sunrise~ Oh my gosh, now I want a Shirley Temple I frickin’ love Shirley Temples And WOW people cleared outta here real fast Oh my. That was AWESOME! Alright, I’m gonna do my chores on the farm And if Pam is not at the bus stop,  I’m probably gonna lose my mind And that’s a good ol Charlie guarantee Oh is today Morgan’s birthday? Oh it is!! Okay, hold on We have to give a gift to Morgan Is this a new jacket?? I feel like you were wearing  something different yesterday… I’m creeped out It’s only 8:20 so we do have some time I’m just gonna quickly give a gift to Morgan  so we can get a couple hearts hopefully Happy birthday to you, cha cha chaaaa I am praying that Pam comes PLEASE PAM Yesssss oh my gosh this is amazing Here, have this Alright, FINALLY after like- I’ve been  waiting this whole time practically To the desert!! Before we do anything, of course we have  to give a flower to the lovely Sandy Hello Okay, it’s 5 omni geodes per artifact trove I’m gonna try and get as many omni geodes as I can While also just trying to get  stuff that would sell or a lot Or other useful materials Ah, feels good to be back~ I feel like we’re on Skull Caverns,  let’s have a Skull Cavern chit chat I feel like I’ve had good things  happening, I’ve had bad things happening On the bad side of things, I have been sick  for like.. probably two weeks at this point I don’t know WHY But on the good side of  things, guess what everybody? Spiderman Across the Spiderverse has come out! As you may know, Spiderman Into the Spiderverse  is one of my favorite movies of all time And I thought that this one was very good I don’t think that it’s AS good as the first one I don’t think I like it as much, But I love it in a different way Like, they’re good in different ways Oh my GOD it’s a serpent party  down here what is going on? Oh no we’re gonna die Oh gosh we’re gonna die We got to level 48 in Skull Caverns,  we also got a decent amount of stuff And I mean the thing we originally went  there for we only got 12 omni geodes…. Not the BEST haul I’ve ever seen But I’ll take it! Oh and it’s CLAIRE’s birthday today! Okay, this is not a drill We NEED to do that We need to see what does Claire like?? Green tea I knew, energy tonic! Oh my god  I can go buy that from Harvey’s RIGHT NOW OH this is so good! We have absolutely ZERO hearts  with Claire and that’s not a joke Okay, now the better question is: where is Claire? And I think she works at the movie theater  now so we might have to see a little movie We’ll head in here… Hello Harvey Energy tonic YES Dang, does anybody actually  buy those things from Harvey? Like, even in vanilla Stardew? Let me know because I’m honestly curious I have never once purchased from Harvey That was my first time I mean, I DID steal from him  when I was doing the Stardew   You Choose series but I THINK that doesn’t count Okay, a thousand dollar birthday gift Actually- two thousand dollars because  I had to get the muscle tonic too Oh is this a cut scene? C’mon kiddo I don’t got all day Okay, don’t be mean to Martin If those fancy stars on your name tag mean good  customer service, I’m not getting any of it Oh my gosh Pam CHILL I feel like again this is a hazard Why are there just birds running around? I feel like that was just a glimpse into  the life of a customer service worker And… boy have I been there Energy tonic! A birthday gift!  That’s very kind of you I love it YES- leaves keep finding their  way inside and I have to sweep It’s an extra responsibility..  maybe if you handled the pest   problem you’ve got going on that might help I don’t know I also never get to play the  crane game what the heck?? Let’s play the crane game I kinda want a junimo… I’ll go for… EnGH
 YES Oh my god OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I’VE NEVER PLAYED THIS GAME BEFORE And I just GOT that on my FIRST TRY?? What the heck I’m CRACKED!? Okay let’s see if I can do it again Let’s see if I can work my magic AGHHHH Oh my god I’m absolutely insane What the frick?? Oh my gosh I’m kinda CRACKED  at that game what the heck You sure you wanna leave without seeing the movie? I did not intend on seeing the movie, thank you I don’t even like Mysterium, it’s the worst one OH I forgot to go to Clint’s oh NOOO Oh this is the worst OH god he’s closing like now??  Or is he’s already closed Who knows… A golden ax! Perfect, and now I’m gonna upgrade to a copper hoe I also need to give a bomb  to Marlon, your daily bomb Perfect *gasp* NO NO. Oh my GOD Oh I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t Please tell me I can buy it back… Oh god That was the worst thing  that’s ever happened to me For a second there my heart absolutely sank Just a quick little heart  attack just to wake you up Love that.. I don’t know what to do with the Junimos  that I got from the movie theater Maybe- I’ll put one there… It’ll be like tREVOR’s little toys I’m not sure oH? Oh it’s another Martin cut scene Let’s GOOO Oh my GOD that was so creepy Oh Charlie, I didn’t see you there I was just checking out ummmm What are you reading? That’s uhh I’m doing some research it’s… Okay, I guess I’ll level with you Charlie I’d say we’re friends now right? I’m scared about what you’re gonna say… See this book here? It’s a book of genealogy. There are a lot of old families in the family. Bet you didn’t know this,  but Pelican Town has some   of the best records of families  in the area of any library around I guess it’s kind of a weird hobby  for a guy my age to have, huh? No, that’s kinda cool I mean, definitely a little  weird but I’ve got a good reason I’m adopted. It’s not a big deal but  I don’t know who my birth parents are And sometimes I come in here and just poke  around, thinking I might learn something Thanks for listening, and for  making me feel at home here I’ll get back to reading now Ohhhh that’s such an interesting back story Why are all of these characters SO COOL I do like Martin I’m glad that by giving him two things of potato  juice and an ice cream cone, he feels welcomed The bar is low but I appreciate that Okay, I’m gonna go to Skull Caverns again  but let me just take the omni geodes I have I have 112??? Oh my gosh I’m LOADED First of all, I just wanna get like 4 desert totes And then… I think- OH that’s so expensive I’m just gonna get 15 artifact troves???? Oh god That is QUITE an investment  into finishing up the museum so Hopefully it pans out Still working on your copper hoe Oh my god I forgot I couldn’t even… That’s really annoying.. of you Clint Wait hold the phone I really like this flooring… I didn’t expect Pierre to like pop off  and sell the exact flooring that I needed Hold the phone OH I really like this floor And I could put this in here… OHHHhhhhhh it’s all coming togetherrrr YES oh my gosh the wine is DONE I really need to start making more kegs I’m- UGH this is so much to DO So first things first, let me try  and put some more kegs in there Fourteen more kegs to put down, let’s see Boop Boop Boop Boop Beautiful! And now we must go and get our  copper hoe and open the artifact troves I am so excited, I’m really hoping  we can get the ones that we need If we don’t, I’ll cry and  it’ll be all Clint’s fault But we’ll see! Yayyyyy!! My copper hoe Finally, after three years, I’ve upgraded it Think I need- Chicken statue. Definitely no. OH I actually do need that! Oh my gosh And I think that’s one… Okay, so we literally have one more got get?? Am I mistaken?? Chicken statue. So sorry I doubted  you, that was very rude of me And this… OH we need two more. I don’t know what this is…. Uhhh probably the little frog fossil thing This is so exciting! I need to go get more artifact troves! I REALLy hope Pam’s at the bus stop PLEASE be at the bus stop…. She’s not at the bus stop Of course she’s not… Okay, well we’ll have to get more artifact troves  tomorrow because I do have some omni geodes left- OH I bought the desert warps! I’m so smart Okay, I have five more PLEASE let them be in these artifact  troves PLEASE

I just need ONE thing I can get that scroll myself PLEeeEEAaaASsEeEEeEE Okay, I’ve begged sufficiently Let’s see if it pays off Oh my god, the last one Clint this is why nobody likes you I’ll be the first to say, that sucked Well I guess we’ll have to go to Skull Caverns  tomorrow and try to get more omni geodes Like I don’t know how many we can  get but we only have days left And I REALLY REALLY want it Also a Morgan cut scene! Love that! I’m studying for my exam next week It’s on the arcane history of  mages from other continents Ummm did you know you’re the only person  who says hello to me in the tower? Ohhh what?? We got some visitors but they all ignore me They come in and walk right  by me to talk to Magnus And there’s this witch from castle village  but I try my best to stay away from her Oh me too, honey, me too I wish Jaz and Vincent visited me in the tower Their parents don’t let them I’m in a strange place far  away from home and family I miss my Mom and Dad… Oh my GOSH You know, your visits and gifts  mean more to me than you know OohhhHH my GOOOD Thank you! Thank YOU Morgan, I love you What a little sweetheart I’m so glad I came here to give you a gift! You’re amazing? No, YOU’re amazing Morgan I love these characters, I love these characters It’s gonna kill me OKAY happy birthday Jodi!! Here’s an ice cream cone! I honestly thing that we’ve made some substantial   progress getting to full hearts  with everybody in this episode Because we’ve got a lot of birthdays Okay, is there anything else we need to buy from- OHHH seaweed salad Okay, yeah I have to buy that because  we have to cook all the recipes Which I assume includes like the new ones too And… just like that, we’ve lost 5,000 dollars Good job me! Hold on, I’m gonna use the  warp to get to the desert And we’ve gotta try and get some omni geodes Because we NEED to get the last artifact If we don’t get the last artifact, I’m gonna cry I feel like the only way for  me to get a good amount of omni   geodes ‘cause I don’t really have that many bombs Is to just find either ghost levels  or to get to floors where there’s a   bunch of enemies that I can use to blow up rocks A few moments later Okay, from that entire  expedition, we got 12 omni geodes Which is literally only two artifact troves But I will take it Refill the crab pots on our way And PLEASE can we PLEASE get  the last artifact we need PLEASE PLEASE- where’s Clint What? You’ve gotta be kidding Okay, I’m panicking a little How do I get that last artifact? Well... okay First of all, I just had a big brain blast We should probably go to the mines  to try and get the red scroll At the very least, it would be nice to get that I believe that you can get the scrolls by just  sort of exploding the dirt patches?? In the mines? Okay, this is the one OH you- what? I’m gonna pretend I knew that that  was a thing you could do with the hoe Because uhhh my job is  essentially playing this game I will now use the special function of my hoe And hoe this dirt Wow! I knew was a feature so  this is not at all shocking to me Oh my GOD that’s the one we need! No WAY Okay, literally the only thing I  wanna do is open these artifact troves Clint, can you pLEASE be there PLEASE be doing your job YESSS okay Process… IIII hate my life Maybe if I find a really good fishing  spot, I can get one in a treasure chest And it’ll be like none of this  struggle ever happened, y’know? Right seagull? It actually responded, which  was not what I was expecting I’m gonna make myself a  treasure hunter fishing tackle Because that actually increases the  chance that you get the treasure boxes It only costs 2 gold to make but  uhh we do not have 2 gold bars So I’m just gonna have to make them tonight And hope for the best tomorrow During the night, YOUUUU gave birth— I gave BIRTH?!!? Oh my GOD WHAT DO WE NAME HER!? Uhhhh uhhhhhh Uhhhhhhh I am- I am- I am- I am fumbling the ball I don’t know I don’t know I’m doing the first thing that comes to my head God that was a horrible name Who put me in charge of this?? Oh GOD I’m sorry to anyone named Gertrude but that’s  really not what I wanted my kid to be called Oh NO no no gERTRUDE Sorry, gERTRUDE That was really not… that was… I…. There’s so many names out there Two beautiful children. We’ve  come a long way haven’t we? Ohh that was really cute okay Maybe gERTRUDE’s not that bad It is our LAST day for this  little episode in Stardew Expanded And what do we wanna do? We gotta get that amphibian fossil And if we don’t?? Then we cry Together To do this, I’m gonna make  two treasure hunter tackles And I think that if we just  go to the beach or something And fish, hopefully we’ll be able to get it? I don’t- it’s like a 2% chance  or something even lower probably But it’s the only idea I have right now And so it begins! Oh my god Okay, now it begins Okay, maybe this one??? Nooo That is an artifact, not the one I want I’m begging. I’m beggggginnggg you fish Look at you, you look like a lovely  fish, c’mon now pleaaaaseee???????? Ooookay I’m so upset For some reason, I really  thought that it was gonna happen I mean, at least we only have one thing left We can still get that done within  a reasonable amount of time Like, next episode, oh 100% we can get that I feel I’ll always whole-heartedly and  unconditionally love our beautiful children They will grow and change over the years and  we will be with them every step of the way That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard,   especially when one of your  children’s name is gERTRUDE Think that means a lot more Alright, well that is all I have for today We actually got a lot of stuff done Even though we didn’t get our  final artifact like we wanted to, We did end up increasing a lot  of people’s friendship points, Seeing A LOT of cool heart events and getting to   know characters like Claire and  Martin just a little bit more Our son is already weird  now, AND we have a daughter Oh my gosh I gave BIRTH Yeah, that’s- that’s pretty big I’d say I am so excited to keep playing this and  I hope you’re excited to watch it to,   so I will see you guys next time! Byeeeee~
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 68,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, stardew valley, stardew valley playthrough, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley lets play, stardew valley expanded, stardew valley modded playthrough, stardew valley mods, stardew valley playthrough ep 18, stardew valley playthrough 1.5, charlie barley stardew, charlie barley, stardew valley expanded lets play, stardew valley expanded sophia, stardew valley expanded playthrough, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley expanded lance, ridgeside, stardew children
Id: G3NkwRW13e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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