Stardew Valley... But I'm Shrek

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Hello everyone! Welcome welcome, my name’s Shreklie and welcome to my swamp. For today’s video, I decided to play Stardew Valley but as Shrek the ogre I feel like I’m most qualified to do this because Shrek and I are really close in real life I mean— I don’t wanna start rumors, but things are a bit serious I spent CHRISTMAS at the swamp this year Just sayin’ But today, I will not stop playing Stardew Valley until I become SHREK How does one do this? You may ask VERY SIMPLE By achieving THESE goals Number one Get my donkeh, a.k.a the horse stable Because without my loyal side kick I am nothing but… An onion man Number two Marry Penny, basically Fiona, we can pretend Just let it go And finally end off my journey with a juicy stack of waffles that are definitely not pancakes and a nice eyeball martini Alright, without further ado, let’s get right into it First order of business, let’s plant our parsnips because we really, really need to start getting some money if we’re gonna marry Penny a.k.a. Fiona I’m gonna call her Fiona from now on, you know who I’m talking about But yes, that’s probably gonna be the hardest thing for us to do in this run What is THAT Hello?? Oh my god, is this the outhouse? *gasp* I’m going to the bathroom! This is… bigger on the inside, it’s like the TARDIS Hold on, hold on, hold on Some… BODY ONCE TOLD ME That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done Okay, so along with the goals that I had mentioned in the beginning of this video, I have some smaller sub-goals that I would like to accomplish My first one being I need to go get some spring onions because, if you don’t know, onions are like ogres because ogres have layers So thus I must eat… myself It’s not cannibalism, don’t think about it *gasp* TWO JUICY OGRES IN THE GROUND Oh my gosh, there is a large amount of spring onions and I think it’s because we’re Shrek today And now that I’m in the Shrek mindset, I have an issue with Eric Barone Why didn’t you put onions in this game??? What the heck!?? I don’t know how many layers spring onions have, but it’s definitely less than a regular onion Okay, I’m also gonna be collecting these dandelions because they’re an okay gift that we can give to Penny before we get too deep in the mines and get some EMERALDS for her because that’s what she really loves, but… I do not have access to those And oh my gosh, emeralds are green… JUST LIKE ME Maybe we were meant to be all along? Maybe Penny really is Fiona??? Okay besides Penny, our other goal is going to be to get the stable and we need 10,000 gollars as well as 100 hardwood and 6 iron bars so we really need to prioritize upgrading our axe and getting into the mines and getting some money So basically everything Every part of the game we need to prioritize FIONA!! Aye… Hark?? I don’t know What does Shrek say to Fiona? Here, have this. Alright, we’re good We’re making some swift moves Its been a really long time since I watched Shrek, I probably should have watched Shrek before I did this just so I would have more THINGS to say That’s my bad, that’s on me Okay, we have a good amount of energy I’m actually gonna go to the beach and do some clay farming because that’s a pretty solid way to get money pretty early in the game And like I said, we definitely need some money so let’s just do that real quick OH CRUD Okay, ignore Ignore So there and then eH, eh… I’m amazing?? Once again I forget how many to go… You go one, two, three— Umm… *ogre frustration* Should I have gone here— You know what, I don’t care anymore I have ten clay and that’s just enough for me Day two in my life as an ogre and GOD does it feel great What is this, just got— Oh WILLY We can get our fishing rod today! Do ogres fish, I feel like Shrek never fished… Or wait, he DID He did the thing where he killed the fish and they floated to the surface Wasn’t that a thing? Did I imagine that??? That was DEFINITELY a thing Okay, crops: watered LET’S GO Good morning, sweet Fiona I love you You’re amazing Okay BACK TO THE CLAY FARMING GRIND Let’s see if I can get more than three pieces today, wouldn’t THAT be crazy?? I’m out of my trance, I hate this YES Okay, success ungh un unnngh Oh my god it’s actually working? Hello??
Okay so we do it once… Two, three, four, five, SIX TIMES So one more time ungh un… uNGH I hate my LIFE WHAT?!?? No I love my life, I’m an OGRE in this life How could I hate my life? Continuing on!! And then I go to the tops of them, correct? Oh my god I’m so GOOD I’m actually just using Joetg’s guide on how to do clay farming so if you wanna know how to do this, definitely go check that out— FRICK I hate it uGhhGH *Five Minutes Later* I’m bad, I messed it up but that’s okay because we got 105 pieces of clay and that is gonna be so much money, I can’t even express to you Look at this juicy stack of clay, let’s toss that in the shipping bin— alright And go to bed Goodnight! Okay PERFECT It’s day 3 so it’s raining today and now I can do one of my other sub-quests which is to find Fiona’s father— The frog king, if you’re not familiar I feel like this is very important, if I wanna gain Fiona’s favor… i.e. Penny’s favor I need to find her father… Just to say I did, I guess I can’t really show him to her or anything, but you know… The thought’s there OH!! MY LIEGE!!! That was so easy BEAUTIFUL. Task complete So majestic as he bounded away into the outhouse *gasp* Oh my god, PERFECT Buying one seaweed at three times the market value I don’t even need the money I just need your LOVE Okay, let’s fish up a piece of seaweed for her just real fast and then we’ll go back to the clay farming Get some more moneyyy It’s ALL coming together! Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Hello? Oh… Beautiful Here is your seaweed Here’s your payment— Oh… thank you You’re too kind, you didn’t have to REALLY Okay. Back to the grind There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, this is not cannibalism, don’t worry about it Okay, we’re finishing off the day with 133 clay That’s pretty good! And also a sardine… Don’t forget about the sardine Are we perhaps at one heart with Penny— Oh my god we ARE??? Fiona, I will marry you yet I actually really wasn’t expecting that honestly, this is fantastic news Okay, it is day 5 which— OH MY GOD IT’S PUSS *gasp* Hello Shreklie, you see this cat— I DO!! That’s my best friend, Puss in Boots!!! Antonio Banderas! This is the greatest day in my life I would love to adopt this cat… Puss… Why are you doing— Oh it’s because of the auto hotkey Okay okay Hold on, hold on… Ohh I’m so confused I’m not even kidding you its been like 20 minutes and I cannot figure out how to turn the script off sooo You know what? It’s just gonna be Puss. Puss in Boots! Okay, today just so happens to be the day that the mine opens and we really, really need to get started on that so I’m just gonna very quickly gather some wood to make a chest and then put a bunch of my stuff in it and then head over there OKAY We are in the mines I have my rusty sword, I have a BUNCH of food This can’t… go wrong Right? Now one thing I especially wanna focus on is collecting enough copper to upgrade our axe because I DO have the amount of money that’s needed, but I just need the copper bars And we should be good! A geode!! Ogres first geodeee You know, now that I’m thinking about it… I feel like canonically Vincent fits really well for the kid that goes “do the roar” DO THE ROAR Like he just seems like the kind of person that would say that, you know? Who else would be in the Shrek universe… I guess… Sam would probably be Arty, right? That makes sense to me… I think Mayor Lewis would be Fiona’s dad even though that doesn’t make any sense… Why do I kinda feel like Pam would be the fairy godmother from Shrek 2? It just fits in my head for some reason I don’t know if anybody else has seen that extra Shrek thing— It’s called “Far Far Away Idol” and they have like Simon Cowell and it’s really weird But I used to watch that all the time as a kid and… I don’t know, the song that the fairy godmother sings is just kind of banger If you have seen the Far Far Away Idol extra thing, let me know who your favorite performance was because I’m actually genuinely curious Also I’m probably about to be deceased so tell me before I die please, thanks. *ogre panic*
Oh my god, I’m GREEN More than I always am Okay that was actually really terrifying *ogre cronch* Leather booties!!! These actually DO look like Shrek’s boots Not even gonna lie That is literally the same… Okay. We’re a little bit dead so I think I’m gonna go home for now and we’ll come back to this tomorrow Okay It’s another dayyy wwwWHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP Get outta here CLINT You are not allowed… But actually thank you for the furnace recipe, I really appreciate that Okay We got our FURNACE Let’s go back to the mines, get some more copper, make those bars, UPGRADE our pickaxe And then do other stuff Like I said, copper is a priority we need to upgrade our axe so that we can collect the hardwood for the stable… And also emeralds Emeralds! nnnot at all LEVEL TWENTY Okay I just want one emerald Is that really too much to ask? Just one emerald for a humble ogre? Emerald NO OH We actually need that for the stable, I’ll take it I would love if there was an emerald in here pLEASE Yyyou’re kidding me I did get a forest sword, though, which I think is MUCH better than the one we have now Alright I’ll take that, I’ll take that I won’t be greedy Good morning It is a beautiful Sunday morning and I am so happy because it means we can give Fiona another gift What that gift will be? I’m not sure I’m also just gonna make these bars here real quick just so that we can go to Clint’s and upgrade our axe And then I’ll probably just go back to the mines and try to find more emeralds I say more as if I’ve ever gotten ONE, but I haven’t so just… Just EMERALDS in general Okay, princess fiONA Where are you??? Oh there you are! Hello, okay. I’m gonna go inside, I just wanted a quiet moment Well how about… a lovely parsnip for your quiet moment What are we at? STILL ONE HEART You are so hard to please, oh my god Okay, next order of business HeLLO CLINT We’re going to upgrade our axe… perfect And I didn’t open my geodesss okay We’ll do that another day Maybe you have something of value?? Pancakes! I’m gonna take that for at the end when I’ve done everything successfully I think that I need to upgrade my pickaxe before going through these ice levels so I’ll probably be done for today We did not get anything, this should come as no surprise but hopefully tomorrow will be a different story Alright You know what? I made it to floor 50, but… It very much was the same story as yesterday I take it all back and… you know what? Us ogres have a word for that— stealing stories and it’s called PLAGIARISM and I’m very upset Penny, I’m sorry fair maiden Do you want something? YOUR LOVE Ugh we’re at ONE HEART?? How am I supposed to get married, I’m gonna be here for like 20 years Oh BEAUTIFUL Okay my copper axe is ready so we can go ahead and go grab that… Hello Clint! YESSSS Okay Now… we’re COOKIN’ While I’m here, I think I’m just gonna upgrade my pickaxe as well and we can just kinda forage and stuff for the next couple days I do need it to get further in the mines and I think the emeralds are deeper on at the lower levels, so… That’ll definitely be essential OUR PICKAXE IS READY Okay before I go and get my axe, I’m just gonna cut down some of the stumps on this farm I know it’s not totally essential to upgrade it to an iron one, but it just— You can get these bigger hardwood tree things and it’s a lot easier Like you only get two from these stumps, I think but from the bigger ones you can get like nine… And we DO need a lot of it, so… ohh cLINT I’m bACK Beautiful Thank you thank you so much And ONE more commission a steel axe Okay NOW… What the heck I don’t care OH WAIT that was a Penny cutscene A FIONA cutscene How close are we getting? We’re at TWO hearts?? This is going so splendidly Please be an emerald… OH a diamond! That actually works too, Penny does love those I will take it Okay, I have finally made it to the fiery bottom floors of the mines Let’s see if THIS is where the emeralds are because there has been a distinct lack of emeralds But my tiny ogre patience is running out I think my axe should be done today, I’m not actually sure about that, though, so I wanna go check on that and of course I wanna go see… OH it’s the EGG FESTIVAL Ohhhhh yeah I’m not going to that I’m an OGRE I stay in my swamp, I tell people to get out of it, y’know? I don’t go to festivals, I’m not a community guy Let me just hop back on in BED I’m not going to that AT ALL Goodnight! Okay yes, my axe is ready… Okay let’s give Penny this diamond I’m so excited Good morning, Princess Fiona You’re not very good at small talk, but that’s okay I still love you Iiiii The first loved gift— my heart I’M STILL AT TWO HEARTS oh my gosh She is a princess, she’s so high maintenance I don’t know why nothing I give her makes her happy I’m fine My axe Is done Let’s go cut down some hardwood stumps, shall we? Now to construct the stable we actually need 100 pieces of hardwood, and I think I have around like 30 or something— Ugh I don’t wanna see children, I’m an ogre I think I have around 30 or something like that so I’m gonna go get all the stuff from the secret woods and my farm and hopefully we’ll be somewhere near that number— 100 It is a BIG number But winning over Princess Fiona is proving a lot more difficult than I thought so maybe I just need my dashing steed Maybe that’ll make me feel better Look at that EIGHT pieces of hardwood, you just can’t beat it really So worth it Versus a measly two Okay, we have exactly 100 hardwood Now I think I put an iron bar into the furnace this morning so we can just grab that… And it’s actually too late to go to Robin’s today so first thing tomorrow morning that is what we’ll be doing Oh my god, I also need 10,000 GOLLARS I totally forgot What am I supposed to do about that??
 I think it’s back to the clay farming for this young ogre Okay, only 122 clay today— Not that great, but let’s see how much money that is probably like 2,600 maybe??? 2,400 I’ll take it I’m not sure if there’s a way we can make the money today Maybe if we sell stuff to Clint? If we can make some extra iron bars to sell to him??? Maybe if we go open these geodes they’ll have good gems in them and then we can sell them BACK to him and it’ll be great That’s malachite, I KNOW that from my last Stardew Expanded episode, that’s what I was waiting on Please tell me you buy these for a lot 100… 75… Ugh okAY Oh okay petrified slime, that’s pretty good— I really don’t think we’re gonna get enough to do the stable today, though, I should probably just go clay farming if I’m being honest It’s just so BORING I don’t wanna clay farmmmm Ugh It’s fine… It’s FINE It’s just the life of an ogre, that’s what I signed up for And I can’t find any EMERALDS, and I’m just mining ALL THE TIME SO GOOD I only have 4,800 dollars, I need HORSE MONEY Or Donkeh money! OH!! Oh my gosh THANK YOU Our first emerald!! This is such a blessing I am honestly so happy, I cannot wait to give that to Penny today… I mean Fiona Okay… These essences… all this clay, which isn’t that much Gold ore and a bar That BETTER be enough to get the stable YES!!! OH MY GOD We have enough This is actually fantastic news, oh my god oh my god MY STARDROP Thank you I found a stardrop, my mind is filled with thoughts of oignons I forgot that’s what I wrote Self-love it’s important, okay everybody?
Even as an ogre OKAY The moment of truth The STABLE— Oh it looks so cute now! I like it! Let’s see, we’ve gotta put Donkeh right here Right near the swamp house Oh I’m so excited!! Okay, okay that’s one task down Alright now all we really need to do is just get diamonds and emeralds If we can do that, getting to full hearts with Penny-Fiona is gonna be a lot easier But that’s a big “if” because I’ve literally only gotten ONE emerald and one diamond this whole time, so… We’ll see! One of these up here has GOTTA be an emerald or a diamond, y’know? It’s just GOTTA be *ogre gasp* Oh my gosh it actually was!!! I was just bluffing wow I am so happy OHH No way We now have three emeralds, that’s like practically— We’re married already! Alright, let’s see… is Penny in here? Yes! Hello!! If you dig in the dirt you can find interesting things I— Thank you for that Here you go We’re at THREE hearts!! That is… *ogre calculation* A third of the way there pretty much! Life couldn’t be better OH MY GOD DONKEH!! Oh my god no way!!!! This is fantastic! *ogre joy* Oh my god DONKEY AND SHREK This is amazing!! I am so happy, let’s go give Fiona an emerald Wait, wait, wait… Let’s recreate that scene of Prince Charming… hold on, hold on… IT WAS HE WHO ENCHANTS THE PERILOUS JOURNEY THROUGH BLISTERING… COLD? AND WIND AND SCORCHING DESERT Oh— No, no… no, I don’t do that I’m an ogre, sorry TRAVELING MANY DAYS AND NIGHTS RISKING LIFE AND LIMB Oh my god HELLO FAIR MAIDEN Wow Swept her off her feet, huh? *ogre singing* Oh my goodness, don’t mind if I do OHH two of them even, thank you! I’m using the strategy of just resetting the floor and seeing if there’s gems I honestly— Oh my god I honestly think that’ll be more efficient It is the 24th and for those who know… And also for those who don’t That means that it’s the Flower Dance today Now as an ogre, I don’t like to go to public events I like to stay in my swamp and tell people to get out of it But today I think is a different story Today I must go to the Flower Dance and woo Princess Fiona so that Arty… doesn’t? First?? Canonically that doesn’t really make much sense, but it’s okay HERE WE ARE A lone ogre out of her natural habitat SHREKLET HAS ARRIVED Ask Penny to be your dance partner… YESS!!! Oh… this is the start of something beautiful I’d love to! Oh my gosh I cannot wait, this is fantastic! Look at me! I’m the only ogre there and yet I’m so dashing and… and… Graceful, and… No we all look stupid There’s no going around it this is horrible This is not dancing, if anything this is like the flower shuffle Yay!! Aww she’s so prettyyy That was fun! Time to go home… BACK TO THE SWAMP We have— OH MY GOD We have FIVE hearts with Penny, okay This may be a breeze… honestly *ogre seduction* Now today is the Luau I know what you’re thinking— Shreklie You’ve ruined this opportunity, you could’ve gotten a lot of friendship points! Well GUESS WHAT I have a CACTUS FRUIT And I’m going to put it in the Luau pot and then I’m going to briskly evacuate the area because… I’m an… ogre BUT putting this in the Luau pot should give me a pretty decent amount of friendship points with Penny and I am very excited for this, so let’s freaking go The Luau has begun… RAR Fear meee Except Princess Fiona… Oh… HEY HEY WOAH WhAT is going on over here I don’t know why I said that like a YouTube intro WHAT IS GOING ON OVER HERE EVERYBODYYY, IT’SS CHARLIEE Okay Anyway, I added the cactus fruit I’m pretty sure that the governor will like this, but I’m also a little scared because I actually don’t know that 100% But I THINK it’s something that’s good in the pot! Ooh, those little rosy cheeks! *ogre gasp* YES!!! I did it! For once! Oh my gosh, it’s a very pleasant soup I’m so glad to hear it, sir governor Actually… I’m not glad to hear it because I’m an ogre… Rar? I don’t know Maybe now Princess Fiona will love me! NOPE Alright, cool. Okay, we are finally full hearts with Fiona Now we must buy the bouquet… And let us go gift it to her, our sweet Princess Here you are… I’ll accept this, thank you! I didn’t know you felt the same Of course I do! How could I not? We’re destined to BE TOGETHER Now I just have to gift you a bunch more so I can propose, this is... ONE MORE HEART oh my god, oh my god I could cry little ogre tears Okay, good news is that Penny-Fiona’s birthday is actually TOMORROW which means we are DEFINITELY gonna be getting this last heart But the bad news is that I need to upgrade my house and I need to get the mermaid pendant and I also need to get enough wood to fix the bridge to the tidal pool place… before I can marry her I kinda forgot there was other requirements, but I do have the stuff for the house I just basically need to go and get it Hello Robin, I’d like to upgrade my house And then just a little more tree chopping… Okay and now the bridge is good… Oh that sweet, sweet building WOOWWW It looks so good Happy birthday Fiona!!! My sweet… pickled shallot? Just— Forget I said that, BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Ohhh baby Oh my gosh I need to go to bed and I need to get the mermaid pendant and then bada bing, bada boom I’m Shrek Oh the house upgrade is done! Ohhh Fiona’s gonna love this Penniona! We can call her Penniona I feel weird saying Penny and I feel weird saying Fiona— Like we need an in between Meet me in the bath house after dark?? *ogre gasp* That’s so saucy, I’ve never seen that before Okay, I’ll do it Once I get your fricking proposal ring shell thing You need 5,000g don’t you… You need 5,000 gollars to get it oh my god I’m going to scream and cry That’s okay, that’s okay we can make this happen I think I can actually sell my wood and stuff to Robin Am I wrong? Am I lying? No— I can OHHH YES We JUST made it Thank you Robin! Thank you so much! Now let’s go get that mermaid pendant oh my god YES Hello! I can see it in yer eyes, there be a special someone in yer heart Just so happens I’m sellin’ a mermaid’s pendant THANK YOU Oh my god, oh my god Okay okay So Penny said to meet her at the bath house— Penniona Sorry Penniona said to meet her at the bath house after dark? I don’t know what qualifies as after dark, I guess like… newish? Maybe 6? I don’t know So I’m gonna head up there and we’ll see what the heck that cut scene is because I don’t think I’ve ever watched it I think it’s after dark if I’m not mistaken— Hello??? Oh IN the bath house, I’m a stupid ogre Ooh that Shrek bathing suit, though, that Shroutfit Okay, I see now My bad, Penny, you just didn’t really specify and it was kind of confusing, but it’s find There you are! I was worried you didn’t get my note Looks like we’re alone The water feels so good after being out in the cold of night, doesn’t it? Oh Do you know why I asked you here tonight? Oh my GOD I’m not exactly sure Really? I thought you’d have noticed by now Um, how do I say this… I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now… about how I feel I can’t stop thinking about you— Aren’t we dating?? I’m confused I’ve never felt this way about anyone I feel the same way about you Oh SHREKLIE I don’t know why that caught me so off guard Oh Shreklie… I thought you did, but I wasn’t sure Like when I asked you to be my girlfriend was that not clear— I’m… Okay… You look so beautiful tonight, I’m… *gasp* OOOOHHH myyyy gooosh PENNIONA That was so SAUCY I wish I could propose to her tonight, I wish I could have just done it in that cutscene!! Oh she goes to bed so early Okay okay We’ll do it tomorrow Today is the day This is so exciting Come on Donkeh… Let’s go propose! I will wait here on my noble steed Wait I’m pretty sure that she goes to this little place to read on Sundays so I’m actually gonna hide here because I think that would be cuter This is just a cuter place to propose, y’know? Maybe it’s just me that thinks that I don’t know I just like it Good morning, my Princess Will you… marry this little… ogre, that— Uh… I should have thought this through, hold on a minute Usually you think these things through before you propose Ummm um um Will you peel back my layers and get to know me… like an onion That was even worse, okay OH MY GOSH I accept! I’ll set everything up, we’ll have the ceremony in three days Oh my gosh I am so excited! Donkey… We dun did it Let’s go sleep for three days straight as an ogre would until my ogre wedding Wow… When Shreklie first arrived in Pelican Town, no one knew if she’d fit in with our community— And I still don’t, I don’t think I’ve even done ANYTHING in the community center I haven’t even walked NEAR the community center, but that’s okay But from this day forward, Shreklie is going to be as much a part of this town as any us? Hold on, I did not agree to that, but… Alright It is my great honor on this day 10 of Fall to unite Shreklie and Penny in the bonds of marriage Shreklie… Penniona… As the mayor of Pelican Town and the regional bearer of the matrimonial seal I now pronounce you wife and… OGRE You may kiss. Wowwww Where’s Donkey? Why is Donkey not here?? That’s okay, it’s probably for the best Life is gonna be different from now on, but the future looks bright! Wow… *gasp* AND SHE’S ON THE SWAMP NOW This is so fantastic! Oh my gosh we have the whole gang here! I can’t get Puss in Boots over here, but we have at least me and Penny and Donkey oh my god This is actually the best thing that has ever happened to me I am so happy about this My beautiful wife, Penniona And my best friend, Donkeh And now to complete our third goal, I have with me here… The best I could do, it’s waffles and an eyeball martini but the waffles are pancakes and the martini is a cranberry drink Thank you guys so much for watching, I really hope you enjoyed and if you did feel free to leave a like or subscribe to the channel I’d love to have you here! I can confidently say that over the many, many months that I embarked on this journey I became closer to Shrek than I ever thought I would That is all I have for today, but I will see you guys next time As a changed ogre Byyyyyeeee c:
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 146,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley speedrun, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley mods, stardew valley 100 days, stardew valley playthrough, 100 days of stardew valley, charliebarley 100 days, shrek, stardew valley shrek mod, stardew valley shrek, donkey shrek, stardew valley penny, stardew valley modded, stardew valley challenge, stardew valley expanded, 100 days in stardew valley, stardew valley farm tour, stardew valley tips, charlie barley
Id: pc9Ckz8IoQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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