Stardew Valley, But EVERYTHING Is Mayonnaise...

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The year is 2019. You’ve got your popcorn and your walmart  candy that you smuggled into the movie theater and you watch Avengers Endgame little did you know that it would be the last  GOOD MCU movie that your eyeballs would suck in I mean Thor Love and Thunder Multiverse of Madness… ETERNALS!?? Well Spiderman was a good movie that was… that was actually a good movie But an empty hole had opened up where the  MCU once was and it was time for a NEW MCY Little did we know that we would  be SAVED by one in particular the Mayonnaise Content Universe of Stardew Valley It has everything, mayonnaise [oh my god, Pierre only sells mayo!!] larger mayonnaise [can I eat this?] turbo mayonnaise boost… [WHAT IS GOING ON] And given that I play a lot of Stardew mods, I  thought it was only right that I give it a look so without further ado welcome to the new, BETTER, MCU So I’ve been left with a very vague list of   instructions that just say like  “don’t skip the intro” “press 1” I don’t know what they mean But we’re just gonna go through,  and yeah it should be a good time! So first off, I’m gonna name us May because I love that meme where it’s like… I’m gonna name my kid May and nobodies  gonna know that it’s short for Mayonnaise that’s our character I think I’m gonna make the  farm name “Hellmans” beCAUSE I actually am allergic to most mayonnaise  except Hellmans mayonnaise and I don’t know why Favorite thing… has gotta be aol- Aioleee- Aioili- I don’t know- What’s the fancy mayonnaise called? Aioli? ~Aioli~ What do we wanna look like? I feel like we wanna look like  mayonnaise as much as possible. Eyes? 
The BLUE of the mayonnaise lid. Hair must be blue I just wanna look like a jar of mayonnaise. Aioli is spelled like that??? Oh frick, oh whatever that’s *AILOLILOI* that’s fine, I don’t care anymore We’ll be the mayonnaise ourselves,  and our clothing is the ~jar~ This is good, this is good, this is good okay. Now the first instruction on my  list is “do NOT skip the intro” so for the first time ever, we’re gonna be  watching the intro of Stardew Valley together Let’s go!! Let’s dive in! *dying* oH mY gOd WhA- TAKE IN THE SCENE What’s going on!? Wait, wait woah, woah Okay, there’s like a stack of mayonnaise I think that’s my inheritance  in the corner over there Grandpa’s a jar of mayonnaise which… I think means canonically I really am mayonnaise. 
I see where the mayo comes from… Yeah it’s- It really passes down through the family Even YOBA is mayonnaise-ified Anyway, okay that was a lot to take  in in the first two seconds like… oh my gosh. When that happens, my dear,  you’ll be ready for this gift. I legitimately think it’s just  like a letter full of mayonnaise,   just an envelope full of mayonnaise. And, you know, if it’s not  Hellmans I’ll probably die Oh my gosh look at all these hard workers I bet if they just chugged some mayonnaise, they’d  probably be a little bit happier than they are now OH MY GOSH this person’s mayonnaise too!!! Oh wait that’s- Is that me? Okay that’s really  embarrassing, I never said that. This is what happens if you  don’t drink mayonnaise, people. Just so you know, everybody drink- No don’t drink mayonnaise, please do not. I’m opening the drawer, it’s the MAYONNAISE LETTER Dear May… onnaise If you’re reading this, you  must be in dire need of change… Oh you’re so right, thank you grandpa… Mayonnaise grandpa… Oh my gosh, if Lewis is still alive  say hi to the old guy for me, will ya? I don’t remember that part ALRIGHT Stardew Valley… Mayonnaise Land let’s GOOOOOO Sorry, I’m really excited about the mayonnaise Make it called mayo town? Yeah, yeah. Hello! You must be May! pffbt She doesn’t even know my real  name is Mayonnaise, pffttt I’m Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis, who is apparently  alive, love to see it sent me here to fetch you  and show you your new home. It’s- it’s- I- It’s nICE but I’m just saying, Hellmans farm it’s not… mayonnaise-y enough. Like, look at the expression,  yeah, that’s what I’m feeling it’s just not- It doesn’t have enough maaaayyonnaise, y’know? We are gonna clean this place up. We are going to have a Mayonnaise Manor. Here we are your new home. Oh we should have named it “Mayonnaise Manor” *dying* Sorry I just literally  choked, I was in the middle- I was thinking about mayonnaise manor,   I was feeling disappointed and  then that thing popped out. Oh god, his head is so cylindrical. It’s like in pre-calc when they’d be like  “calculate the rate of the liquid in a cylinder” Like do that but for man- man- I almost said Mayonnaise Lewis OH. Mayor… Mayonnaise Lewis… MAYO LEWIS, OH MY GOD! I’m Lewis, mayo of Pelican Town. The resemblance between us, and WAIT- Grandpa was a mayonnaise can… Does that mean I’m related to MAYO LEWIS?? Let that sink in. Let that sink in! Let that sink in like a layer  of mayonnaise on your skin. Proceed. I’m ready to make mayonnaise, let’s go. Okay, oH!! We have such- *babbling* We have a cute little house, I love this. Parsnip seeds: ACQUIRED. Sorry, I just am so excited about this. I kinda wish the goals were all  mayonnaise related where it’s like make 5 things of mayonnaise, y’know? That would make me feel- the immersion is broken a little bit with that one like that frog, could’ve been like a little  droplet of mayonnaise but y’know it’s okay. 
What the, hUH? Mayonnaise it looks spreadable- Did this just come out of the GROUND?? Why does it have -1 magnetism,  what does that do for me? I literally don’t know what’s going,   I didn’t compile this, but… We’re just gonna move on. Mayonnaise?? CLAY. -1 magnetism because your hands get slippy oh… god, I hate that. I hate that SO much. Oh it’s the mayo POOP mod I think??
How  did you just say that so casually? Ew, why am I so happy about it? Wait, does this sell for the normal price,  am I about to be rich from my own pOop? Do you want some of my poop? Oh GOODNESS, are you sure? Oh, he’s kind of into it he’s like oOooh Shane looks like mayo kinda… Oh gosh, does that mean we have to marry Shane? Nothing abnormal here… OOH is this a bin of mayo, can I dive in?? WAIT, everything’s mayo. How did I not notice that, oh  my god Pierre ONLY sells mayo. This is fantastic. It’s crazy to me- WAIT. We have to check the yoba shrine. Oh I guess not, alright that was a  little disappointing but it’s okay Sorry left my poop in the living room, my bad. Ohh I hate that… I just have a very vague- Like I said, a vague list of things to do. OH I can do one of them! The third thing says “press 1”… It made me poop? No, that was just a coincidence okay perfect 1… what was that?? OH. WHAT WHAT!? WHAT!!! WHAT IS GOING ON Oh my god, I’m so fast!! The mayo is fueling me! Oh come now, wHAT??? Can I walk across water… I might as well be  Jesus at this point, come on look at this. I can’t, I can’t. UM UMMM It’s giving you the RUNS?? Oh- left my poop. I mean, in a sense? Look it, I’m faster than that  bunny I can win any race! This is fantastic- Mayo???? Mayomart… Mayo cola? Life’s better with Mayo. Welcome to Mayo Mart, how are you doing? I’m Morris, Mayo Customer  Satisfaction Representative. When you decide you wanna become a Mayo Member,   I’ll be delighted to help make your  transition a joyous experience. Thank you! OH my god wait, everything’s mayonnaise oh no. Mayo… mayo… This mayonnaise is 7.50… This mayonnaise is on sale. This is like- Why does it LOOK this way like I- I wish I would stop pooping. JojaDiet, low fat beans in a sugar sauce. And all they sell is mayonnaise, perfect. Unfortunately I have a genetic condition where  I poop it out, so I won’t be requiring that. Oh my god, I LOVE mayo turbo mode. Look at me GO!!! 
Oh this is SO great,   I’m sorry but this is my favorite Stardew mod  pack I’ve ever played before is the MAYO pack. I’m zipping into Robin’s. Oh my, too fast, too fast. It says on my list, “Go to  Robin’s, Buy… Something” Lookin’ through… ~groovy chair~ Wait, okay, spray can? This is too much math for my  brain, what does this mean? Everybody’s screaming paint bucket, paint?? Okay, I’ll get a paint bucket. It’s kinda pretty, it reminds me of Neopets where  you got the little paint buckets or whatever. OH. WHAT?? Okay. So your farm is FINALLY producing mayo, isn’t it? No, like my BUTT’S producing mayo I don’t have anything on this farm I just got it. You’ll be needing this… There is now a mug in my wallet? EXCUSE ME?? This mug is special, it won’t  take room in your inventory…   and will perhaps open the door to new experiences. I really don’t know. How does… What is the physics… like the logistics of that? I don’t see a mug anywhere,  I think that guy’s a liar. I think he’s a competing mayonnaise brand. I don’t know what this paint bucket’s  for either, I think I might’ve seen this… can I like- How do I use this… OH woAh OH!! Hellmans farm is in business, baby!! Oh that’s fantastic! I wanna turn everything into mayonnaise,  but I feel limited and stifled. Now it really is Mayo Manor,  oh my gosh you’re right! You need to get the other paint stuff? Okay. Is that how I put it on other stuff? I would like every tree on this farm  to look like mayonnaise, if possible. Had an idea, we should start getting the chicken coop. We should make the chicken  coop mayonnaise manor part TWO and then make the chickens out of mayonnaise. You see my VISION for this? I’m producing so much, do I even need a farm? 2,800 gollars from simply pooping!? This is like the DREAM scenario!! Ooh, okay I have to get my fishing rod for sure. This is a real King Midas situation  where the value of mayonnaise should   be tanking due to the overabundance of supply… Exactly! I’m also seeing on my list… “Get chickens and horse” which,  okay would have done anyway. And then “visit Harvey” and “visit Gus”? 9am, I have other things to do so it’s fine. So I basically I want a  chicken, I need to get a coop. We need actually multiple chickens  because this is our livelihood here. Let’s just cut down some trees! I don’t even have food, can I EAT the mayonnaise?? It says -12 energy, I can’t even eat my own poop! Okay no, that makes sense. That  makes a lot of sense right there. Intense wood chopping music, let’s go!! Are you allergic to Lewis? I mean, usually, but in this case  unless he’s Hellmans brand probably. Eat it anyway? Eat it, eat it, eat it? Okay, just for science ready… One, two, three, DOWN THE HATCH I’m throwing up, is this what you wanted? Oh my god I was so close to  death, I wasn’t even looking. Well now we’re in a situation  where I don’t have food, let’s go find some leeks and stuff. I wonder if the turbo mayo boost works if  I’m sluggish, like can I still just run? Oh, backroad has two leeks? We’ll get that too. Uh… I?? UuUuuhhEHh? Sorry, I just did NOT notice that for a hot second what is THIS? What am I making a mayonnaise farm for if  this is just a thing in the woods, like wHAT? What is this, can I do- OH! Climb? I’m covered in mayo- WHAT??! What is going ON am I- Oh I am!!! I’m getting energy, this is fanTASTIC oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, wait what? No, no no no no no I’m about to dive in… OoOoOohOhOhhhhHhhh I’m divin’ in the mayo I’m gettin’ that energy forGET the leeks, forget the leeks this is the new… NO! Okay, nevermind on the forageable front we just got- OOH We just got everything we needed from that jar of  mayonnaise and I should’ve expected nothing less. Can I move this to my farm? I want this on my farm. I feel like it would be a good tourist attraction… Oh shoot! Oh- oOOh AH I didn’t turn off turbo mode now I- Okay. Hello May, I’m glad you’ve stopped  by. I’ve been meaning to talk to you- is it because of my conDITION? Or conditionS, I’m pooping mayo and  I have this like… cloud of mayo. I’ve heard a great deal about this new Mayo  Plan, and I understand your farm produces mayo? I’m doubtful it’s part of a healthy  lifestyle, please look after yourself?   And if you have any questions about proper  nutrition, feel free to stop in at any time?? That’s so RUDE. I mean I have a couple questions  actually, I am pooping mayonnaise. Okay I want a chicken so bad. WAIT now we have the mayonnaise in  the secret woods or the, the… Cindersap woods. Now that we have that big mayonnaise,  we can just cut down infinite trees… So let’s do that! Ooh, let me get this out of the way for you… my liege. I don’t know why I’ve decided  that this is like Yoba right here. Oh- Oh no. Oh… Oh no. I hate it here. It’s FINE. Mayo poop is a blessing, not a curse. Harvey  recognizes that, you’re right you’re right. Create a mayo shrine… I should do that I mean.. I feel like our whole  farm is gonna be a mayo shrine We have 176 wood Only about.. 100 more! “I wrote that event days  before mayo poop was written Sorry about that!” OH my GOSH thank you for being here jayjaydub! Jayjaydub is actually one of the people  that created these wonderful.. chaotic mods So thank you for making this  ‘cause it’s- it’s making my day And my week And my month But yeah, if you wanna download these  mods and experience them for yourselves Which I would highly recommend because… I don’t know, yeah join the mayo  cult I guess that we’re making It’s a lot of fun But I have them all in the description I see Elizabeth, you’re a genius A horse must be named ‘mayo-neighs’ Oh my gosh we SHOULD That’s a FANTASTIC idea- oHP low on energy Lemme just uhhh hop into  the… GIANT mayonnaise haHA I’m SWIMMING in mayonnaise Could life be better? No. Weak knees? Just bathe in mayo Tonsils? Just bathe in mayo I don’t know I can’t think of anything right now Okay we have enough wood Now we need.. 100 stone So let us go and get it I think with our mayonnaise poop, we’ll have  enough money to get the chicken coop tomorrow We got a lot of rocks on this island Look at this I’m gonna try getting sluggish and use turbo  mode and see if I’m like a normal speed OH I’m just turbo Doesn’t even MATTER This is such a weird site I’m just gliding through my farm Fun fact: Barack Obama hates mayonnaise? Oohhhh is that real? Obama if you’re watching this,  I’m so sorry I didn’t know Oh YES Rain day So... we’ve gotta get the stable thing today We have SO MUCH money right now We almost have enough rocks Fun fact: mayonnaise was Spanish but the  French won a literal battle against them, Stole the recipe, and claimed they invented it? I’m excited about this fact Being in my noggin Construct farm buildings Let us build our very first chicken coop For our… our mayonnaise empire I kinda like the look of it here Tell me if I’m crazy But I love that OH also I have to talk with Gus I forgot about Gus While we’re heading to Gus’,   let’s look at mayo facts that are  not related to Mayo county in Ireland NO not Cinco de Mayo! Why- OH Barack Obama hates  mayonnaise is a mayo fact Oh that’s so upsetting Oh I need a silo… Mmm mm-hmm mm-hmm The US consumes $2 million  worth of mayonnaise a year?? Is that true??? Oh- there’s a cutscene On the count of three One…. Hi there May Two…. They’re both gonna…. POOP  mayonnaise at the same time on three What are the two of you doing? I heard a cup of mayo is good for you! So a whole pint gotta be great, right? Not in my bar! Take that nonsense somewhere else LAYING down the LAW Gus let’s gooo Except also, why? It’s just mayonnaise :( Fine, let’s go to Haley’s house Maybe she’ll join us Ok why don’t I get an invitation? I literally… am like a descendant of mayonnaise Interesting, you sell mayonnaise? No of course You HATE mayonnaise Okay, I kinda want a second coop Is that just me that’s feeling this way? I feel like we can do it I just want a lot of chickens I also could probably like  cheat in the money for this But I feel like with the  amount of mayo I’m pooping Like the velocity at which  mayonnaise is exiting my body I almost don’t need to Mayo poop velocity was not something  I was prepared to think about today I think I need to lay down I’m so sorry We’ve actually got a lot of wood We have 220 Did I miss something? I blinked and your coop is alright built? Wait it is?? Did I miss something? OH my god WHAT!?? I am literally so confused but… Okay Well I wanna try painting it! I was NOT expecting that at ALL Mayonnaise coop…. Mayonnaise coop- Oop… Mayonnaise POOP NOOOOOOoOO I can’t make a mayonnaise coop??? Let’s go to bed, let’s get some chickens And let’s get level 1 mining and level 2 foraging And let’s frickin’ go, y’know? Paint your coop mayo colors at Robin’s? Wait, I might have to do that. I didn’t know you could paint buildings Whattt? I should do that I should do that But I don’t think Robin works on Thursday Oh my gosh, life is dreadfully slow- Ooohhh hello Shane~ I wish I had something to give Shane I feel like we have to marry him a little bit I don’t know why He just looks like mayonnaise It’s like we’re meant to BE Marnie… I love you for this Okay… 800 gollars!? What do we name the first chicken? The first one that I see in the chat  that has been repeated like three times I’ll do that Whip… Mayo… Mayo… Mayo… okay.. Mayo is not a very creative name All I’m seeing is Mayo and Whip I did say one that is repeated  and every single person said Mayo So I feel like I just have to name it Mayo And the second chicken… Kewpie? Aw let’s name it Kewpie That’s so cute And we can get one more chicken Ketchup, ketchup… ketchup?? Ke… what? Okay, we’ll name it Ketchup WAIT I have enough for one more chicken Eggy!??? Oh my gosh we HAVE to name one Eggy I love Eggy I know- a lot of people say Eggy to like mock me But honestly, I think that’s  like the funniest thing ever And for context, I did like… Seanie Dew?? Sea- Sea- Dew? Seanie Dew? I  don’t know if you know… y’know? Seanie Dew did a stream  like… last year at some point Where it was like “can you name what’s  wrong with these pictures” or whatever I was like super jet-lagged and tired And I’m also kinda not… not the kind of  person that would notice that stuff I guess For one of the pictures There was just an egg in the inventory- Like the inventory slots down here And I just like, beeped in and I was like: “Eggy????” And it is now just a thing It’s just a thing now But let’s go see our chickens! And I was told that you could  only paint them when they’re big- Big… BIG chickens! But I’m gonna try and paint them as babies And if it doesn’t work, we’ll paint them later Okay, you’re right, I can’t paint them That’s fine OH I needed a silo OH NUGGETS My priorities were so skewed We should’ve been getting a silo, not a COOP I don’t even think Robin’s here?? OH she is! Love that Okay, stone, clay, copper bar Oh my GOSH You’re so NEEDY Robin GOODNESS Okay, oh this is a disaster I’ve 19 dollars to my name And we can’t even get the copper  bar because the mine opens TOMORROW So, I can just open the door for now OH that’s true I don’t even NEED to feed them Who cares? I’m not gonna be playing in the- OH my poop I’m probably not gonna be  playing into the winter anyway so OH they’re so cute~ OHHHH they’re so cute look at them I kinda want a second coop I don’t really know why OH I need a horse I’ve been told And we need to name it Mayo-neighs That is all we have, we just need  to make a little horse stable Which is actually easier said than done Because we need to get the steel ax.. So… uh-oh I think you need to collect all  the different mayo to make a shrine Very true, very true I DO… I can- I’m just gonna go  buy them from Joja right now And we can start crafting our shrine  while we wait to get stuff in progress With what money? OH my GOD you’re right I’m poor Can I sell to Pierre?? WOoahHH 22!??? That’s definitely enough for  some mayonnaise I would say We got all the mayonnaise types I love how stocked up Mayo Mart is They have EVERYTHING We COULD have our mayo shrine up here and  it would be kind of beautiful and pict- Picturesque I haven’t used that word in like 20 years My mouth was like “what are you doing??” Uh which of these reminds you of mayo more? Okay we’ll choose…. OH…. OH NO Oh I- I needed that We have the regular mayonnaise Is the front and center MASTERPIECE of this place And this one looks a little too similar next to it Let’s go void.. We can start going outward I’m trying to make a shrine and I keep POOPING And it’s so obnoxious And then… uh hold on… I’ve done something very wrong I’ll just put that there See, if I didn’t have turbo mayonnaise mode I would’ve been very upset about that But look at this! Look at me! Look at me now! Ok so this is like.. the-  the OUTSIDE of the shrine And then, I don’t know do we have a chest? I feel like every chest needs like a shrine And maybe like two torches around it? The chest will be mayonnaise flavored One of each type of mayonnaise I feel like we’re summoning something I feel like we’re summoning the large  mayonnaise on our farm right now I don’t know why And I HONESTLY feel like this is going… splendidly OOOH parsnips! I have literally no idea if I’ve seen  all the mayo cut-scene lore things So if anybody knows We definitely need to get  more stuff for the next coop Okay, stone. Oooh OOOH I was so happy about that  stone I pooped a little bit I’m just gonna go and get every piece of stone Because we need 100.. 100 pieces of stone! This is MUCH easier than going around the farm I love this You can always buy hay from Marnie That’s true, I probably should’ve, but I  didn’t really have the brain cells because.. Much like Lewis, my head is full of mayonnaise *gasp* wait- This is so good We need these for the mayonnaise makers I need to take a dip in the mayonnaise hold on I’m pooping I’m so happy This is going great Mayo lubricates the brain folds for higher IQ? I hate that I hate that I’m smart too My folds are lubricated! Thank you very much Rocks rocks rocks I have 110 rocks But now I don’t have any wood Oh my gosh I got a message from  Jayjaydub who’s in the chat The modder team is watching from the background We’re absolutely making more mayo mods?? Oh NO This is what Stardew’s all about: MAYONNAISE I think we’re doing really well on this farm OH look at that Level 1 farming?? Don’t mind if I do So today, we must make our second coop Mayonnaise maniacs? Oh my gosh  that’s such a good club name I’m a mayonnaise maniac I’m a self-proclaimed mayonnaise maniac I just love mayonnaise- 
FRICK how did that splash in the water!? It was on the LAND Coop time We can have our second coop Right here Allows you to copy and texture and apply  it to other objects of the same type Okay wait maybe this is what we wanted all along The scissors.. okay, okay I’ll  go back and get the scissors I don’t understand the  difference between these things I feel like I need to go to  college just to use these tools But it’s okay OH it’s DONE already!?? I forgot that it’s instant building Do I have like cheats on or something? OOHHH my god I DO!??? Don’t tell anybody Don’t tell anybody we’re not  going to talk about it, okay? Right click to copy texture Wait, okay how about if I scissor it? I don’t know what the scissors do I’m so stupid Okay, let’s go get chickens I can’t take it anymore I need the chicken names Oh yeah, a lot of people we’re saying Jimmy Okay the first chicken will be Jimmy Our next chicken.. OH- OH NO Okay, it’s Shoni I didn’t mean to do that Next chicken?? Oh my gosh Beetlejuice? That’s so like ominous Jamie, but  something speaks to me about it One more chicken Mayo Lewis? I’ve seen Mayo Lewis  getting thrown around a lot Let’s- let’s make- na- ughhHHGH Okay, perfect Mayonator… I just saw that and I think that’s FANTASTIC WOAh why are these ones mayonnaisey? MAYONATORRR I don’t know why these ones are all… mayonnaisey OH- scissors… Oh I can make them all mayonnaise! Oh my gosh this is so exciting! Guys guys guys guys They’re all mayonnaise chickens now! Oh get back here you Ohhh this is so great! MAYONNAISE CHICKENS LET’S GOOOOOO Look at all the chickens we have! Look at all our lil mayo makers! I feel like now our next goal is to just  have mayonnaise machines kinda everywhere And now that I know cheats are on, we can maybe… I don’t know they can  magically get upgraded I don’t… I don’t know We don’t even have the recipe  for the mayonnaise maker yet Farming level 2… I’m just gonna uhhhh Uhhhhh OH MY GOD woah farming level 2 What the heck I just pooped out  farming level 2 that’s crazy!! Was that convincing? Okay I think it’s Lewis’ birthday today maybe  so we have to give him a mayonnaise OH that’s so much materials Cheater cheater pumpkin eater?? Y’know what? Just ‘cause you said that I’m gonna go ahead and just uhhhhhhhhh Do that Cheater cheater mayo eater Y’know what? I am a mayo eater SUE ME I have- I have the resolve or whatever- The backbone of a green slime Okay, I’m a green slime Hello- oh god Happy Birthday to youuuu I kinda hate him… Okay, so we’re gonna put one here… Put one here.. We can put some.. it just like- Wherever they fit I feel like we can go by- *gasp* OH my gosh I don’t know if you’ve seen my tour video  where I toured my first ever Stardew farm But I made- I had this invention Mayonnaise fences It’s gonna be a thing okay? It’s gonna be a thing We’re coming back around to that idea Mayonnaise fences, it’s the next big thing people OH this looks so much better than  any other farm I’ve ever made What the FRICK? Okay, horse… Stardew I need 100 hardwood, 5 iron bars OOPS I pooped It’s like mayonnaise grandpa  wanted us to have this stable! Oh it looks so GOOD Oh my GOD it looks so good I’m sorry I’m geeking out a little bit I just love it Okay, Hellmann’s farm is POPPING OFF It’s so bright! I love it! I’m actually kind of in love with this farm Is that just me or am I just- I’m too mayonnaised up? Oh- OH Our mayonnaise chickens Hello preciouses! And with these eggs, our first mayonnaise  that has not come out of my butt So now we need to go get the stable Upgrade the coops probably as well ‘Cause I really wanna make  those mayonnaise-colored I’m a little disappointed that they’re not Okay, construct farm building Big coop Incorrect building type? What? Hello? OH- oh now there’s a paintbrush *gasp* mayonnaise waaaa- I didn’t even know you could DO this Oh my GOSH why did nobody tell meee Can I not make it white? What the HEEECK?? Okay they’ll have to be  like dino mayo or something oOHHH my GOD Oh it looks a little poopy but that’s okay And then the trim also- OHHH…. It’s a dinosaur mayonnaise…. House. And then we’ll do a void mayonnaise one too, yeah Yeah ‘cause- oh my gosh it works so well Because MY house is regular  mayo, that coop’s dinosaur mayo And then we’re gonna have VOID mayo And duck mayo looks kinda the same  so we don’t care about the duck mayo So the thing is is that void mayonnaise is like.. Red lid, red polka dots, and then black inside So I feel like we should do  the building as the black So this is actually kinda voice mayonnaisey You know I started off the stream by saying  that the mayo corporation was our rival But I think actually they’re just- they just  want all mayo enjoyers to live a good life YESSS okay okay What should the- what should the horse stable be? What kind of mayonnaise? I guess this could be the duck one It’s kinda like.. that!??? I don’t really knowwww? Oh that’s it. That’s it! OH it looks so GOOD Guys, I’m obsessed with this farm My gosh, could it be better?? It really couldn’t be That’s actually SUCH a good name I can’t believe the genius Thank you Elizabeth Just us.. mayonnaise, and  all our mayonnaise chickens This is my favorite farm And with this ride on my mayoneighs We have pretty much accomplished  everything in terms of farm decoration Now the last thing for us to  do is to head to the egg hunt and destroy Abigail with  our turbo mayonnaise power If we get anything less than every  single egg, I’ll probably cry oH OH today’s the festival I almost slept past it I’m nervous guys, I’m nervous I’m actually genuinely nervous I feel like we have to just like study for  a second because I legitimately don’t know So this is the map of all of the eggs OH this is gonna be really difficult okay okay Okay I’m really nervous I’m  actually genuinely so nervous MAYONNAISE DONUT MAYONNAISE DONUT Dip into the mayonnaise pot for good luck? Oh my gosh you’re so right You know, this was a good idea This calms my nerves it really does soothe me Let’s make Abigail regrul??- REGRET like ever looking at an egg You have maYOBA’s blessing… MAYOba *gasp* Here we go AHHHH okay OH NOOOOOOo It doesn’t WORK WHO DID THIS WHO KNEW I am so upset Now I still just have to win Otherwise it’s just embarrassing for us all OH I was so excited I was gonna get all 26 eggs and look at me now I’m just a sad little mayonnaise pooping loser I just got 14 eggs You definitely look like you’re going fast At least I look COOL And now, the wiinner of this year’s egg hunt… MAY- onnaise!!! Nobody knows that my name is  really mayonnaise but guess what? I’m the EGG QUEEN It’s okay, I still stomped Abigail I want a cat so bad I want a mayonnaise cat We’re gonna name it Meownnaise and  it’s gonna make my life incredible Hello May You see this cat here? I found it sitting outside  the entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray… I’ll adopt this cat Is there anything special about this cat? Maybe if we use the paint bucket on it I have to use shears or something? Whatever.. Eh-hEH? Oh.... My-y GOD HAhahHAHA No way WHY-yeeeeeeeEEEE *dying* The way it- it’s LAYING on the- Oh my GOD Marnie this isn’t a cat this is like a piece  of POOP that was just laying in the town square Why is it jump- BOUNCING like this?? I absolutely ADORE when this is laying on its side Do it again. Do it again OHH-hoh OH this is fantastic It does bring up some very  troubling questions though Like, am I pooping out cats? That- that was just the icing on top OH cutie hello~ Well I think that’s everything??? I believe? This is our mayonnaise farm We’ve got Mayoneighs, our lovely horse Our jar of mayonnaise that’s just rolling around A bunch of mayonnaise chickens  that apparently hate us And it turned out splendidly I love this farm I love everything about it I love mayonnaise now I’ve been converted But YEAH Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me I had literally so much fun today If there are more mayonnaise mods made We will return to mayonnaise  manor and Hellmann’s farm WAIT There’s one last thing. OHHhHHHohH it came out so- Oh my GOD
 Oh WOW That really comes out in waves Well anyway… Thank you guys again for hanging out This was literally so much fun I’m really excited to see what other  cursed mayonnaise mods come out And yeah, goodbyeeee~
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 109,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, charliebarley, charliebarley stardew valley, charliebarley 100 days, charliebarley animal crossing, mayonnaise content universe, stardew valley mayonnaise, stardew mayonnaise mods, stardew valley mayo lewis, stardew valley cursed mods, stardew valley mayonnaise mods, charliebarley stardew, stardew valley mods, stardew valley mod, stardew valley modded playthrough, stardew valley mayonnaise content universe, stardew valley charliebarley, stardew mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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