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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story my last day at work was a wonderful day this happened several years ago but it still stays in my memory as what was my best last day on a job ever i was a department manager at a major toy store that went out of business in the early 90s the customers were horrible and i really was starting to hate the job i was trying to decide to stay or to go and if i left what to do next i decided to join the military and had several months before i was due to report i decided to work until just before the holidays then enjoy a nice holiday season with my family we had one customer who was a real nasty witch she routinely brought our teenage employees to tears but the store manager would not allow us to trespass her we appealed to corporate and they stated that she could only be trespassed if she assaulted someone my last day finally arrives and we are short-handed and i ended up staying late when the store manager failed to show up on time to relieve me to say i was pissed was a major understatement he finally showed up four hours later i clocked out and headed for the door i was still wearing my store shirt and i turned the corner and there she was the customer from hell she had cornered our sweetest teenage cashier and katie was crying i was done i yelled at her to get away from her she spun on me and stomped towards me yelling who i think i am i told her i was tired of her nonsense and she was going to leave the kids who work in this store alone that she needed to pick on someone her own size we ended up nose to nose yelling at each other i just went off i told her everything i always wanted to say to a customer i honestly don't know how long we were yelling at her but then she did it she shoved me and then tried to punch me i blocked the punch and took her to the ground i told katie to call the police and after they viewed the video and saw that she had assaulted me she was trespassed from the store i told the police i wanted to press charges as the police started to walk her to the front of the store i got on the loud speaker and told all the employees to get to the front of the store they rushed up just in time to see her in cuffs being led out by the police i yelled over the loud speaker that she formally trespassed merry christmas she yelled back that she was calling corporate and would get me fired the last thing she heard as she went out the front door was me yelling good luck with that i don't work here lady other employees told me when i came to pick up my last check that it was awesome to watch next story another department's manager doesn't know my name rages when i don't answer her this isn't the usual i don't work here lady story where a member of the public demands you serve them but it is in the same spirit when i was a teenager i worked in the general merchandise department of a major uk supermarket ietvs cds homeware etc basically anything other than food toiletries and cleaning stuff this roll meant i was trained to use the till but the majority of my work was stocking shelves and recording stock in the warehouse in this supermarket as i'm sure is the case with most others when things got busy the checkout manager would call over the tannoy to request help from all till trained staff or specific staff members by name when this happened you normally had to drop what you were doing to go and sit on the tills until the queues were reduced one saturday afternoon i heard a call over the tannoy for someone whose name was vaguely similar to mine but not the same let's say adam instead of andrew not my actual name i paid no attention to it and continued working on my stock check in the warehouse when i returned to the shop floor about 20 minutes later the checkout manager marched up to me and yelled that she told me to come down and i have to do what she says i told her i never heard her call me at which point she says something along the lines of don't lie adam you must have heard me at this point it clicks that she doesn't know my name despite me having worked there for six months regularly interacted with her and had my name on her list of till-trained staff so i calmly tell her my name is andrew not adam she doesn't accept this and we get into a bit of an argument where she is convinced my name is adam and that i'm messing her around i told her to check with the duty manager my line manager or any of the supervisors in her team as i knew them all i then walked off to resume my work at age 17 it felt a bit dangerous to walk away from a manager who was having a go at you but i was in the right and knew i could easily get one of the other managers on my side if she tried to punish me i worked at that place for about a year after this incident and at least once every couple of weeks i would hear adam to the checkouts i knew full well that she was asking for me but never once answered the call out of principal and when she inevitably had a go at me i inevitably told her she didn't ask for me after a few months of this she finally spoke to my manager about disciplining me to which my manager obviously told her she had it wrong she started using my actual name after that but spoke to me like i was a piece of dirt every time she saw me gotta love it when vindictive incompetent people get into small positions of power next story lady i'm about the same height as their freezers i really don't work here i'm in a wheelchair but i'm not paralyzed this is relevant to the story i can stand and walk for brief and often painful periods but mostly i'm in a chair while i can't drive i can use cars which aren't kitted out for wheelchairs because i can get myself from wheelchair to seat and my chair folds up and fits in the back of most cars i rely on friends family public transportation and occasionally taxis to get me places to do my shopping i can get most places by myself but getting back with shopping proves an issue today i was in my local town at a shop which specializes in frozen foods it's set out with rows of large freezers and then shelves above those the tops of the freezers are about level with my shoulders and i can't reach anything on the shelves they wear a uniform which is red and black with the shop's name on them i'm wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt i've done my shopping when i get a message from the friend who has been my lift into town her car's battery is dead she's had to call her mechanic to come and give her a jump start i realize i probably can't get from the shop to the car park before her mechanic gets there and jump starts it so i tell her i'll wait in the shop if she could swing around and pick me up from there the chapa is understandably colder than outside and i have frozen food in my bag which is how i came to be sitting in my chair by the exit with my smaller shopping bag next to me playing on my phone and waiting for a message to tell me the car is working random woman i need some help here the staff are doing some kind of large restocking so there's only someone at the checkouts when there are people to check out she's just come up to the checkout and hasn't been noticed yet i assume she's talking to one of the staff random woman on a louder tone hey i need to be checked out i was still playing on my phone random woman stop playing on your phone and start helping me i look up and there are approximately zero staff in sight also she's looking at me me what i don't care if you're on your break it's unprofessional to just sit there and play on your phone when there's a customer i don't work here i gesture at my chair and my shopping bag random woman well why would you be sitting there if you didn't do your job i don't work here and i'm in a wheelchair i don't think they'd hire me when i can't reach the shelves at that moment my phone goes the car is working again my friend is on her way my little bag goes on my lap my brakes go off and i turn to lee she storms over and grabs my handles rule one of dealing with people in wheelchairs don't touch the chair if it's life or death or they've asked you to push them that's okay otherwise don't touch my chair especially not when i've been shopping and my bigger shopping bag is hanging between the handles so my balance is a little different i slam my brakes back on and there's some awkward squeaking between my tires and the floor random woman you're not leaving until you do your job this commotion has thankfully attracted someone who actually does work there staff member are these yours do you still want them random woman has left her items on the checkout to come and assault me me look someone who actually works here now you can get lost i want to see a manager i want her gesturing at me fired staff member i she we the poor kid was probably trying to articulate that they probably couldn't hire someone in a wheelchair to stock shelves she doesn't work here there's a horn honking from outside and my friend is there so i wheeled off as fast as i could and left the poor staff member to argue with the random crazy person over whether i was employed or not who knows maybe i got fired just to placate her next story complain about me on my last day go for it so it's my last day at my most recent restaurant job now the restaurant i work in requires all customers wear masks when they're not at the table i try to explain that it comes from a corporate level and i have no say in the matter but i end up dealing with a lot of angry people i'm a host and a large party comes in i tell the party that everyone needs to wear masks until they get to the table a younger pregnant lady tells me she is not required because she's pregnant and has a medical exemption i explain that our restaurant does not recognize medical exemptions and she will be required to wear one just until she gets to the table the whole group gives me the usual snark legal arguments conspiracy theories etc but eventually they all put on their masks and are seated well about an hour later the party is leaving the pregnant woman comes back to the host stand she thanks us for excellent service and asks me in a tone that was polite but laced with contempt what my name is now it's my last day at this restaurant the next day i will be in my pajamas sipping coffee and working from home without a care in the world with my mask hiding my grin i tell her my name proudly my real name is unique and very easy to misspell so i spell it out for her letter by letter and make sure she knows it right i'm the only one with my name in the whole restaurant in a tone that says i'm gonna get you in so much trouble she says thank you and leaves all my coworkers joke about it being my last day and how much trouble i'm not going to be in as soon as she calls to complain and finds out i no longer work there i'm keeping up with yelp and google reviews to see if my name pops up but nothing yet next story no i'm not your co-worker i have been a long time lurker but today it finally happened to me i went out today to do some early christmas shopping i know it's not even thanksgiving yet but i love christmas i went to an outdoor store that was having a sale on cozy socks i thought my mother-in-law might like i was browsing all the different patterns when this interaction happened store manager hello can i help you find anything me no thank you i'm just browsing do you need me to bring more socks out from the back no that's all right i'm fine with what i have well the shelves won't be very stocked with just those few pairs what aren't you stocking these shelves you really shouldn't be shopping while you're working i look down at the green sweater and jeans i'm wearing that look nothing like the blue uniform no i don't work here if you don't work here then why are you stocking these shelves i'm not i'm shopping this circular argument went on for another few minutes until i finally walked away i'm not sure he ever got that i didn't work for him how can a manager not know his own employees next story i have dark skin obviously i'm haitian and don't speak english i would like to preface this by saying i was 13 when this happened so i couldn't even legally work my problem was that at the age of 13 i was in ac cup and i was 5 foot 6 inches 167 centimeters for those using the metric system i also looked 16 according to most people at the time i'm just your average black chick but for some reason people constantly mistake me for haitian and either assume i speak creole and slash or don't speak any english i was wearing a dark green polo and khakis because i'd just gotten out of school early release so on weekends i was allowed to walk to the mall by my house so long as it was late morning to early afternoon and i had to call my mom when i got to the store and when i was leaving however as stated above it was early release day at my school and i got permission to go shopping from my mom when she picked me up i'm at a place where shopping is a pleasure also known as florida's respawn point and i'm looking for cake mix i have my headphones blasting because i was beginning my teen angst stage and i hated strangers still kinda do apparently this couple had been yelling at me for a while and at some point the lady yanks my headphones so hard that my mp3 player goes flying and breaks before i can even say anything she starts screaming annoying lady tell me where the bread is i stay silent answer me i i her husband oh let me guess you're one of those dumb haitian black people who can't speak any english well why don't you go back home to where you belong she used an offensive slur for black people i'm used to being called that slur for having the audacity to be born with dark skin doesn't mean i appreciate it me first of all i'm 13 years old i can't legally work yet second of all i'm not haitian i was born and raised in state x third of all before you go yelling at anyone who doesn't have light skin to go back home why don't you hop the next plane back to england because if i remember history class correctly white people weren't here first i pick up my sadly broken mp3 player and headphones and give them a final glare me oh and by the way you owe me a new mp3 player because i don't have 80 bucks to replace it with that i walked back home without buying my cake mix i told my mom what happened and she hugged me and said she'd buy the cake mix and a new mp3 player the next day after that i didn't go shopping by myself until i was 18. next story i've got no explanation for this one i had just left another disappointing job interview and decided to get some mickey d's as a pick-me-up i placed my order got my food ingested my calories and clogged my arteries all around good times to paint the picture mcdonald's employees wear all black i was wearing khaki slacks and a blue button-down shirt i've got a bag over my shoulder and my very noticeable bluetooth earphones and as i'm listening to my music i finished eating and cleared my tray throwing out the garbage and leaving the tray then as i turned around to head out the door a lady and her friend blocked my way i had my earphones in so at first i didn't understand what they wanted but after a few seconds i took them out to hear what they wanted the first lady asked me to clean their table so they could sit i thought that maybe i had left something behind and looked at the table i had just vacated but it was clean and they were pointing to another section i gave them both a puzzled look put my earphones back in and just walked between the two of them and left probably anticlimactic but i just wasn't mentally equipped to deal with the absurdity and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 73,165
Rating: 4.8932915 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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