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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story my father sued my sister for my mother's house a bit of backstory my parents got divorced 33 years ago oh and at the time they both owned several houses when they separated their assets my mother got the home she lives in now and my father got the home he lives in now but he tried to still take the home she lives in by not paying the mortgage payments and not telling her he hadn't paid the mortgage had it not been for my godfather loaning my mom the money to get the payments up to date my father would have put my mother and his three kids out on the street fast forward 28 years later my father owned his own business and he was looking for someone to buy it and so my sister offered to buy it from him they agreed on the price and signed the contract now here's the rub the business was actually a business that was losing customers because it's a dying industry and my father never told my sister that my sister is one of the hardest workers i know and she put everything she had into this business and nothing she was doing was working and that wasn't because she wasn't doing the right thing it was because the business in and of itself was a dying medium for that industry during the course of all this after my father had finally retired they got into an argument about a financial matter in dealing with the company and my father was completely disrespectful in the way he handled it towards my sister and he did that in front of her employees my sister stopped talking to him at that point over the next couple of months despite my sister's extensive hard work the company went under and my sister had to close the business after it had been open for 38 years my sister was devastated by this because not only did she put all of her hard work her blood sweat and tears into it but she also put all of her financial resources which meant that she was financially devastated as well my father was really upset because the company that he had created and nurtured over 38 years had been closed through what he saw is no fault of his own clearly because the business closed my sister could not continue to pay my dads a payment she was paying him for his business then she found out that the business had already been dying in fact my father had taken money out of his own account to put into the business because he knew it was dying when he sold it to her he literally scammed his own daughter in the sale for lack of a better way of saying it because she stopped paying him he decided that he was going to sue her in court with a judge and everything now for context a few years before all of this happened my mom had gotten sick and gone to the hospital and at the time i lived across the country and my brother lived across the country and the only one who lived in the same state was my sister my mother was afraid that if something happened to her we wouldn't get the house so she put the house in my sister's name since my sister lived the closest oh the house was still in my mother's name as well but my sister's name was added to it after my mom got out of the hospital she never got around to changing it so when my father started threatening to sue my sister went through her assets and realized that my mother's house was still in her name and switched it back over to just my mother's name in our state however we have a law that if you think someone fraudulently switches an asset out of their name in order to avoid being sued for it you can sue them for that asset still and it's up to them to prove that it wasn't fraudulently transferred so when my father decided to sue my sister he added my mother's house to the lawsuit as one of the things he wanted he didn't sue my sister for the house that she owns in her name with her husband in a whole other city he sued her for a house she hasn't lived in in over 25 years and a house that she has not put any money into ever in her life now when he first filed the suit i thought he was just trying to force my sister to talk to him because i couldn't imagine any parent let alone my parents actually suing their child but he actually went through with it he initially told me that he was suing for my mother's house because the lawyer told him he had to sue for all of her assets and since my mother's house had been in her name he had to sue for that as well as her house but then i found out he wasn't suing her for her house he was suing her only for my mother's house he's still mad that he didn't get my mother's house 33 years ago when they got a divorce so mad that he lost in that case that he decided to go after her house the first chance he got and this was it 33 years later but the even more messed up thing is that when i found out he was going after my mother's house i myself told him if you go through with this lawsuit and you win my mother's house and you take her house away from her i will never forgive you i will never talk to you again you will lose me and losing me will also mean you lose your grandchild your only grandchild so you need to think about whether or not this is worth it to you and he still went through with it he still went through with it knowing that he would not only lose my sister but me as well he filed this lawsuit five years ago and they just got through going to court so for the last five years he's forced his daughter his princess his baby girl to suffer under the weight of knowing that her father a screwed her over b was putting money before her and c apparently felt no real remorse or sadness to hurting his own child emotionally mentally and financially the worst part is he didn't just teach her that he taught all three of his kids with this one act he did all of this because he thinks that even though he got everything in the divorce with the exception of primary custody of us kids and that one house that he is entitled to take my mom's house after 33 years of her living there putting all of her time and energy into making it a home for us kids and putting her own money into improving it and her paying off the mortgage on her own as a single mother while raising three teenage children on what would be considered poverty wages today we grew up in the late 80s early 90s he hasn't put a dime into that property since 1988 and yet he somehow feels like he's entitled to take it away from my mother without even caring about the damage it would do to his own children and you know how some people have some idea in their head that it's okay to mistreat your kid if they're not your biological kids like a stepchild or foster child or an adoptive child which i think is disgusting in its own right but there are people out there who actually believe that so for those out there who actually believe that it's okay to mistreat your child if they're not your biological child i say this it's not like we're like his step-children foster children children he adopted or any other random crazy excuse that some random people try to use to justify their own abuse of their children we're his biological flesh and blood and there's no denying it because we look very similar to him and his family i just can't stop thinking what kind of sick jerk sues their own kid update a lot of people here have said that my sister needed to do her due diligence in examining the business my sister did examine all of the business records for the last 10 years and she had a lawyer go over the contract with a fine tooth comb it wasn't a matter of her not doing her due diligence it was a matter of the business records that she was given were very different from the business records that held the actual information necessary for lack of a better way to say it he cooked the books and for those wondering the outcome she actually did file a countersuit for him selling her a business that was unviable she was able to prove in court that the business was failing before he sold it to her and that the equipment he sold her was equipment that he had bought 20 years ago and was no longer usable when it came to the technology of today also i was already pretty sure that no jury worth their salt would give him a house that my sister never put a dime in and hadn't lived in for over 25 years especially when he wasn't going after any of her other assets i was right when they got to court my sister told the judge and the jury that she didn't want anything from him in her countersuit she didn't want money she didn't want anything from him but for this to be over he told the court and the jury he just wanted my mother's house in lieu of the three hundred thousand dollars my sister owed him for the business my father lost his lawsuit my sister won her lawsuit and was given zero dollars as that's what she was asking for so he permanently lost one daughter and the other one myself is seriously questioning whether or not i want to talk to him ever again over the last 10 years i've maintained a relationship with my father not because it's what he wanted but because it's what i wanted now i just don't know if that's something i want anymore i don't know if i want to be around the kind of person that could suit his own child next story the entitled parent threatens to call the cops on me demands i give up my front lawn to her children to use and let her use my porch before having a total meltdown okay so this was a while ago but bear with me so during the covid lockdown in my home country i was fortunate enough not to get laid off however i was one of those people who had to work from home five days a week for eight hours a day now usually i am able to stand looking at a computer screen for a good few hours as there would be breaks in between due to meetings as such after eight hours of looking at my computer my eyes were pretty sore and i would spend my evening sitting outside the front of my house i am quite lucky that i have a really nice scenic view from my front porch my house is on a bit of a hill so sitting outside looking at the city in the bay while listening to the wind going through the trees and the birds singing was really therapeutic for me after having spent eight hours inside with limited sunlight or human contact i live with one other person who is an essential worker at the hospital we set about 150 words to each other the entire lockdown probably about two weeks into the lockdown i was sitting outside admiring the sun setting over the city i'll admit i was zoned out as i had a couple of beers before going outside i was just in my own little world when this woman came storming up to me on my porch entitled mother what do you think you're doing me huh what blinking and shaking my head to get back into the world oh my god you have gotta be kidding me you're high and you're watching my children you pervert what no i'm not high wait what are your kids doing on my front lawn well you should know they're playing and they were having great fun and i was coming out to sit up here and watch them but then you came out to watch them so go back inside now before i call the cops wait you were going to sit on my porch it's not yours it's the publix okay no you're on my property your kids are on my property you can't call the cops on anyone but yourself for trespassing and breaking social distancing so please go away no they're not trespassing they're allowed to use this area and it's not yours it's the public's so for the second time get inside now before i call the police okay 1. don't yell at me again 2. tell your kids to get off my property and 3. call the cops go on i dare you now screaming she says this man is a pervert he's come onto my property and he's watching my children and he threatened me someone called the police help my neighbor a massive islander dude who came running out of his house to see what was going on he says what the oh hey mate who is this person me honestly i have no clue the entitled mother still screaming he just grabbed me this man and his friend are trying to rape me help me call the police by now her children are all crying and she's on the ground crawling away as if i've just thrown her off my porch my neighbor dude what have i told you about keeping yourself away from crazy witches i wish there was more of a story here man but i literally don't know who this woman is she continued to scream and a few more neighbors came out to see what was happening none of us recognized this lady she clearly didn't live locally the cops did however show up due to my neighbor's partner calling the cops the entitled mother screams when the cops arrive and runs over to them help me he's tried to kill me the cops immediately thought something happened and that i was the instigator honestly i don't blame them for doing their job but i was scared as hell when they pulled their tasers on me my neighbor and his partner thankfully were able to talk to the cop who came to me so i was able to get back up off the ground cop do you know this lady she was still screaming in the arms of another officer with her kids crying me no i do not she just came up to me on my porch and started yelling at me i don't know who the hell she is okay look the entitled mother interrupts the cop he tried to assault me he grabbed me pointing at my neighbor and he held me down cop i see a camera up near your front door can you pull the footage because otherwise i'm going to have to take you to the station to answer some questions your neighbor as well my neighbor you're kidding cop it's that or the station she's making some pretty serious accusations here i took the cop inside and it took me about two seconds to pull the camera footage i had of my front porch and lawn it showed me going outside and sitting there for about 20 minutes before the kids arrived and started playing on my lawn and then the lady coming up to me screaming and faking everything cop okay we'll be back later because we will probably need to get a copy of it just get her and her kids off my property please no problem careful with the drinking it's easy at the moment to let go the cop went back to the entitled mother and told her that she had to leave to which she went absolutely crazy and accused the cop who was a guy of being sexist and for not believing her a real victim of assault one of her kids then kicked the cop and another jumped onto the hood of their car and started jumping up and down on it while he just screeched when the cop's partner grabbed the kid and pulled them off the car the entitled mother threw a punch and then started kicking the cop when he was down while screaming at him for assaulting her kid it felt pretty good seeing her get tasered end of story two more cop cars turned up each with two officers she got taken away still screaming and her kids got taken into care i spent the rest of that night sitting near the fence with my neighbor on the other side having some drinks talking about what had just happened we had to give statements about it and i made a copy of the camera footage thankfully the camera angle showed the cop being assaulted and the kid jumping up and down on the car next story my aunt demands my grandparents buy her house so this story begins many years ago back when the world was new well kinda i mean it was like 12 years ago my aunt for the sake of anonymity we'll call her helga got pregnant with her daughter peach and married her air force husband carl she was in college and she stayed there up until two years ago her loan amount was too high and they stopped providing her with loans it was over 100 grand at this point she has no degree to speak of last time she had a consistent job was 20-ish years ago well last year it came out that helga and carl were getting a divorce carl moved out of the house and moved back in with his parents in the same state as me in the pacific northwest while she stayed in the midwest carl has been doing his best to be fair with custody he was even giving my grandmother a couple weeks to have her only granddaughter he was also paying hefty alimony that was until about four months ago when it came out that she had moved her unemployed boyfriend in which meant carl no longer had to pay alimony and received near full custody this is where things get worse she went to court to try and get the alimony resumed and claimed she hadn't moved her boyfriend in but her daughter and neighbor both signed letters saying she did she is now asking our grandparents for help financially well help really isn't the right word she wants my grandparents to buy her home and pay off her student loans my grandparents agreed on the condition that she gets a job to pay them back and pay rent she found this to be an unacceptable trade-off and has not spoken to my grandparents in months which is taking a toll on my grandfather my grandfather has leukemia and the stress from this has visibly aged him not to mention ruined the relationship between my grandmother and carl i feel like the worst part is my grandparents are already struggling financially my grandmother works at a high school as a paraeducator for students with disabilities and my grandfather retired years ago due to crippling crohn's disease they really can't afford a debt like that it's been almost two months since she's spoken to my grandparents and she spent it trying to convince my mother that my grandparents are selfish and abusive i almost forgot to mention two weeks ago i got a text from my mom asking me if she'd talk to me when i asked why she said that my aunt expected her or me to take a week off work and fly down to her state with peach because my 11 year old cousin shouldn't be flying alone she expected us to pay for a round-trip flight for whoever went down the first week of july and the second week of september the week before peach goes back to school there has been so much more but it all seems small compared to this and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 42,091
Rating: 4.8803244 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: fFRClxydyPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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