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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story hey kid give me those two bikes for two bucks right now so this is a pretty recent story july this year virus restrictions had begun opening up in my country so my friend next door neighbor and i decided to take a ride on our bikes we were both wearing masks keeping the 1.5 distance we stuck clean of the main roads through the back roads we rode for about two hours not going blistering fast but at a good pace when we decided to start going back home for lunch of course so we are just pulling up in our neighborhood when this truck passes us i don't remember the make though the windows are all down the entitled kid in this story shouts from the truck daddy i want those bikes now we're both social outcasts so we knew this would be a problem plus you would imagine a normal parent won't stop for something but tell their kid maybe later pal but no this guy stopped right there entitled dad put those two bikes in the back i'll give you two bucks for them i used dollars for the sake of easy reference now our bikes aren't 500 mountain bikes are expensive and all but they are still worth more than two bucks entitled dad did you not hear what i said i don't have time to wait here me in a shaking voice sir um we are not selling our bikes clearly frustrated now he said you know back in my day if an elder told you something you would do without complaining and if you don't you would be whopped properly now here we are two socially awkward teens standing by our bikes while some random guy is yelling at us luckily a neighbor who was mowing his lawn nearby saw and came over good neighbor hey pal everything good here entitled kid daddy i want the bikes now he was starting to throw a fit these kids are disrespecting me good neighbor how entitled dad they won't sell me their bikes the good neighbor and entitled dad have a conversation and with a look of frustration the entitled dad started up his truck and left with his kid crying and screaming the neighbor then proceeded to escort us back home as we stammered our thanks next story that time i slapped an entitled kid after many warnings to his entitled mom context i at the time 15 male was at a friend's birthday party he had a bunch of his extended family and a few friends over including the entitled mother and kid and we were having an outside barbecue in his garden this took place about five years ago cast entitled mother one of my friend's mum's cousins entitled kid entitled mother's precious little angel a spoiled little brat aged six cody my friend 15 male me 15 male fresh from an hour-long walk due to not being able to get a lift story i arrived about 20 minutes late to the party due to walking from my house and underestimating how long it would take i was greeted by cody at the gate in the typical semi-awkward man hug of teenage males and was invited for a cold can of coke in a sit down after walking an hour to be there as me and cody were chatting the entitled mother was standing nearby speaking very loudly well if that's cody's best friend why is he so late and look at the way he's dressed that boy is just plain poor for context i was wearing a slightly baggy blue t-shirt and pale brown khaki cargo shorts with white non-branded trainers cody then says to her he's late because even though his dad's at work and his mum's car is in the garage he still wanted to be here so he walked from his house to be with me for my birthday and just because he's not wearing the fanciest clothes doesn't mean he's poor it's roasting and he was walking he wore clothes that'd be comfy cody then turned to me and we went to the other end of the garden where a few of our mutual friends were hanging out i thanked him for sticking up for me and assumed that was that but boy oh boy was in for a surprise not 10 minutes later the entitled kid comes charging over and starts shouting and slapping at me at first i just try to ignore him but after about five minutes of constant annoyance i politely asked him to stop hitting me and to go back to his parents entitled kid but my mummy said i could play rough with you me i'm sorry kiddo but i'm tired i don't want to play right now maybe later the entitled kid then runs off and we see him run up to the entitled mother and talk to her and point at us the entitled mother death glares us and then bends over to the entitled kid speaks to him and nudges him towards us once again the kid charges up and starts slapping at me and yelling this time on his fifth or sixth slap i block it and grab his wrist gently then tell him please stop hitting me it hurts and i don't want to play cody takes his hand and we all go to the entitled mother and cody says stop telling your kid to smack my friend please it's hurting him then we walked away this must have happened six or seven times and each time cody would get angrier with the entitled mother eventually telling her that if her kid didn't stop hurting me that he'd give me permission to fight back after a massive rant about the arrogance of today's youth she takes her kid and cody brings me and our friend group some food not five minutes later this kid is back again this time cody picks him up and carries him back to the entitled mother cody i told you we don't want to play with your kid please stop sending him to us but he's bored i don't care you're ruining my birthday party this is my final warning if your kid hurts my friend again he will be hitting back after shouting this cody storms back to us and we decide to go inside to cody's room to play on his xbox or watch a film halfway over i hear a shrill scream and the kid charges into me and punches me where it hurts with all the force in his chubby little body i shoved him away and doubled over slightly and yelled at him kid i told you i don't want to play before anyone can react the kid is back on me screaming and punching me so i did the only thing i could think of i slapped him round the face before you all get mad i didn't slap him very hard enough that it hurt and made his cheek a little pink however what i didn't think about was that my hand was roughly the size of this kid's head so when i slapped him he was thrown on the floor where he promptly began wailing at the top of his lungs drawing the eyes of the five or six people who hadn't seen him attack me the entitled mother storms over and begins screaming about assaulting a child and how you'll pay for this and he was just plain when she paused to take breath cody stepped forward you were warned your horrific brat has been hitting my friend despite being asked many times not to the kid attacked him for no reason so my friend defended himself this is your fault you've ruined my birthday cody then leads me inside for an ice pack and his parents send everyone home his dad later said to me i feel i need to tell you off because you shouldn't have smacked that kid but in your position i'd have knocked the little brat's head off long before so in the future just try to avoid him i agreed and apologized and everything was cool the entitled mother wasn't invited to any other family event involving cody so all in all a good ending next story friend takes off leg to show entitled parent so backstory my friend was born without his leg and i met him in 2010 when we were three and he got his robot leg in 2019 when we were 12 and before that he would rather use crutches than wheelchair he hated the chair so much when we went camping he got me to carry him so we would spend basically every day with each other despite him not having a leg we like to just walk around town and get food just hang out and we usually use a bus that stops near his house i go down to his house and then we ride the bus to the main part of town with the restaurant and stores characters me i'm hispanic but don't look it i also talk spanish when pissed jake robo leg i'm not being a jerk he likes that name ava my girlfriend jacob he is black which is important alex our asian friend karen a racist classist and all-around annoying witch nice kid her kid who is in my grade around 13 he is not entitled okay now all that introduction is done on to the story so me jake ava jacob and alex were on the bus and jake was in the handicapped seat because he has leg room and the rest of us were sitting in regular seats around him three stops before our stop karen and her nice kid got on right away karen pulled the i want that seat you kids don't need that handicapped seat i'm a single mother type nonsense by that time the bus already started and we were like no he actually can be in that seat and all explaining that he has a robot leg and that the extra leg room is good for him but karen was not having it this was after lockdown but we still chose to wear masks and karen saw alex was asian and was like you should not be able to be in this country your kind is the one that brought this virus here and is threatening the lives of me and my baby keep in mind karen's baby is age 13 and she is the only one not wearing a mask so me and then jacob got up and called her a witch and a racist i continue to call her a stupid witch in spanish she says how dare you speak mexican speak english you're in america then my friend has the idea to take off his leg hop up give it to karen and be like oh no my leg what a mess he took the leg back and karen just left mortified of having a leg in her hand and the nice kid started apologizing we thought it was funny and the pizza was good after that the moral of this story is karen's are witches next story i dated an entitled son and his mother was the embodiment of a entitled karen so this happened roughly about two years ago i was reminded of it when i logged into my hinge account and saw that entitled son had messaged me no i haven't responded nor intend to so we dated for about four months two years ago it wasn't the most amazing relationship in the world but i was happy in it for a time we dated for a few weeks and things seemed to be going pretty well then i was introduced to his karen mother at first she was kind and welcoming to me always offered me cigarettes and to drop me off to work every now and again but it wasn't long before the crack started to show she treated the entitled son like a slave and they were pretty close not a healthy close more like a codependent relationship she needed him to do everything for her lift up a box stir her tea do the shopping you name it she was incapable of doing anything for herself all she did was smoke and watch tv lord knows how she would cope if he were to see through her he lived with her and he was 36 or 37 at the time and when i came into the picture i'm pretty sure she was threatened by my presence i could potentially take her baby away from her talk some sense into him or something but that would mean that the entitled son had a shiny spine to speak of which he did not he wrapped around his mother's finger despite his protests to the contrary first of all she had these insane delusions of grandeur she would tell me she was a solicitor however when i asked her what her speciality was it would change every time first it was employment then it was medical malpractice you name it she knew everything about the subject when i gave her quizzical looks on the subject she tried convincing me that she was a nurse which again changed like the win first she was a midwife then a mental health nurse which she would say when i talked about work i work in a rehab and say she knew everything about the work i do then surprised when i was able to prove the contrary she had these insane views that she knew everything in the world and if you were to tell her any different then you were just arguing for the sake of it i still did and she hated me for it she also tried to convince me that she owned her home considering that she lived in a major city in one of the most expensive areas in the city when she didn't work and hadn't for at least 20 years turns out it was government housing that she never paid for and had been in government housing for years and years in fact she would put on a very posh accent tell people that she was a lot better off financially than she actually was she was living off entitled son's wages and government help she'd scream that she needed the help for her back or mysterious pain she had yet there were no medical reports to back her claims up she would scream and shout until she got her way there were a load of incidents that made me run a mile from them but here are the few that stick out one day midway through work my phone busted now i need my phone for work so i begged entitled mum and son for help this was right after work and i was due in work that night so she offered the entire time she was driving around crying it's so early i need a coffee but i need a coffee oh god i'm so tired saying this to me the woman who had just finished a 13-hour shift she was driving around for three hours all the while saying she needed a coffee me close to tears because i was so tired and she was refusing to get out of the car to get said coffee it was for her son to get eventually i got my phone in to be fixed which was a solid three hours longer than it should be because she was screaming for her coffee afterwards when i was in the car with her nearly crying she had the guts to ask me what was wrong and i told her she did not like that the most embarrassing me an entitled son were getting on his bed cuddling and such his mother was on the phone to her other son they were having a blowout argument and it ended up with her slamming the phone down she knew i was there and it only took a bit of common sense to know while we were doing but she stormed upstairs and the door flew open she needed to rant after all she saw the two of us there together and instantly went red and shut the door but then a few seconds later said no i need to rant about this and proceeded to rant and rave for ten minutes all the while i'm scrambling to cover myself up i was mortified one day i was due to go to his place right after a night shift he woke me up at 4 pm and i told him to wait for an hour or two for me to wake up he called me 20 minutes later because he wanted to see me and his mother didn't want to wait around for an hour i was annoyed and we started arguing over the phone his mother was trying to get involved in the argument and i had enough at this point and told the both of them there are three people in this relationship and i am the least important oh they did not like that in the slightest that was then she decided that the relationship was not worth it and told him to break it off with me she told him to break it off and this man actually entertained the idea he didn't listen to her but it was the beginning of the end of the relationship she would tell him over and over that i was a bad horrid witch of a woman she's a terrible influence and that witch is not welcome in my home by this time i just stopped caring we ended up breaking up maybe a month after this he did it over text when i refused to apologize to her he was on my side initially but then asked me to apologize for the sake of keeping the peace which i would not do i don't reward bad behavior i didn't care at this point i was happy for him to take himself out of my life i ended up blocking all contact and now this message over hinge i have zero interest in messaging him back and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it 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Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 25,707
Rating: 4.918303 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: OgNnY6yQtrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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