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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story me i don't work here tour manager yes you do you're now backstage security for yellow card about six years ago on a saturday night i was hitting up a concert with some friends now this venue had two parts the main part was a restaurant per bar with a big outdoor venue that could fit about 1500 people and across the street was the second venue that could fit about one thousand i got confused as to which venue i was heading to accidentally parked at the main venue saw my mistake and walked across the street to the intended venue now i had worked late that day and couldn't go home and change so i was wearing a black polo shirt and black pants after my concert ends i walk back across the street to the main venue where i had parked i try to take a shortcut around the building only to find myself blocked by temp fences and barricades i look to my left and see a couple of tour buses i walk towards those and manage to walk in between them i find myself in a loading staging area with some hospitality tents and people walking around while i'm hearing a band playing really close by i grab a snack and a drink and ask a guy how to leave and he points to the right the only way to the right is this long ramp that leads around the building so i walk up and follow it around the building literally to the side of the stage where the band yellow card was playing live i'm talking ten feet away from me tops as i walk up somewhat confused as to the scene in front of me this woman with a clipboard and a headset walks up and yells asks me where my lanyard was i kinda shrug and say i don't have one she gets pissed off and says don't move she's back in five seconds with a lanyard with an all-access pass and tells me to put it on i try telling her i don't think i'm supposed to be here but she snaps and tells me to shut it she says to stay right there to guard the ramp to make sure no one accidentally tries to come that way literally what i had just done and walks away so i spend the next 30 minutes on the side of their stage while they finish their set after their encore i head back to the hospitality area grab some food have a few drinks mingle with some folks etc after a while i see headset lady walking around so i walk up to her hand her the lanyard thank her for the drinks and the show and leave next story never judge a book i just joined the reddit family and this is my first post i'm old like in my 70s old but my wife said that some of my stories might be entertaining this is something i witnessed about 10 years ago i was shopping at a store with a big bullseye logo i noticed this old lady looked to be in her late 60s who was just going about her business i noticed because she held herself very upright and with a lot of confidence though she was only about five feet tall and 100 pounds if she was an ounce she had on a nice red blouse and tanned pants which turned out to be a bad fashion choice for this store as you will soon see as i passed by we nodded to each other and i started making my way to the luggage and bags to look for a new backpack for myself after about a couple of minutes of looking i heard raised voices and glanced over my shoulder to see the old woman in a heated exchange with a middle-aged man twice her size he was talking very loud and calling her awful names the b word and worse and telling her that just because she was old didn't mean that she could ignore customers she was i imagine trying to explain that she didn't work there but couldn't get a word in edgewise since the big bully was refusing to let her talk i started to walk over there to see if i could help but soon saw that my help was not needed the big bully actually had the gall to grab her by her shoulder and give her a shake i will never forget what happened next the old lady grabbed his wrist twisted it behind him in some kind of martial arts move kicked him behind his knee which made him collapse onto his knees she then had his arm behind his back with his hand in what looked like a very painful position that apparently he couldn't escape from by then i was close enough that i heard her softly tell him look i said i don't work here and i will break your friggin she didn't say friggin arm if you try to touch me again now do you understand he started to struggle but gave up when she elevated his pinned arm a little and he cried out in pain she said i asked if you understand he nodded his head and she said now are you going to be a good boy and leave me alone he nodded again and she released him he knelt there on the floor for a minute rubbing his wrist and looking like any full-grown man would look if they just had been beaten up by a little old lady contrite and embarrassed she simply walked away and continued shopping he finally got up and speed walked out of the store i caught up to her and asked if she was all right as if she smiled sweetly and said i can't stand bullies we talked for a minute and she told me that she took self-defense classes at a nearby senior center and she learned to take care of herself a long time ago and refuses to be bullied like the title says you can't judge a book by its cover so don't mess with harmless looking little old ladies they might just beat you up next story angry woman gets herself banned from store again my usual saturday morning thing was cancelled so i decided to do my grocery shopping with my unexpectedly free block of time i am in the cereal aisle looking to see if any of the cereal we like is on sale when a little old lady asked me politely if i could get her a big box of corn flakes from the top shelf i am much taller than her she tells me that they always put the fresher boxes on the high shelf and it takes me so long to finish a box she compares the expiry date to the one she had in her hand and keeps the one i gave her thanking me for my help seconds later i feel a sharp poke in my back and i turn around it is an angry woman and i quickly realize that i have seen her before i haven't seen her at all in the year since she last mistook me for an employee so i assume that she must now usually shop during this time and i do not i knew that you really worked here you brat thanks to you i was banned from this store you wait here while i get your damn manager i did wait in my place not because she ordered me to but because i was still choosing cereal shortly after she reappears with a manager type in tow she says your worker here was just rude to me just like last time you banned me from the store over that and i want compensation now the manager looks at me looks and her and then uses his phone to take a picture of her then he says first thing this guy is not an employee second thing if you were banned from this store you should not be here now please leave immediately and do not return if you ever do come back you will be charged with trespassing i have taken a picture of you to help enforce this ban her mouth drops open he escorts angry her all the way outside and returns after a bit to see if i am okay likely wants to prevent a negative review from me or something i let him know that i have no issues and he tells me that she was previously banned for a number of complaints not just for the events of my previous encounter next story i look like i work everywhere to people and it sucks i love to tell my husband stories of how almost everywhere i go people at one point or another assume i work at that particular place he laughs but i don't think he really believes me it has happened to me at target total wine a car wash place etc nine times out of ten i attempted to help the person because i am just a nice person and most of the time it ends with me pointing in the general direction of their inquiry and off they go then there is always that one person who can never be satisfied or i just am burnt out on being nice and wish for as little human interaction as possible my husband got to witness the latter at this last encounter we were at the grocery store with the kids this was prekovid and i was wearing a black t-shirt and some jeans nothing fancy nothing like the uniforms people at this store wear i was reaching into a cooler door to get some yogurt when i feel a tap on my shoulder turning around i am greeted with by a middle-aged woman i need to know where the hamburger buns are i take a sigh and kind of roll my eyes yes i know where the bread aisle is but i just don't have it in me to be helpful after a long week of work i politely tell her i don't know and turn back around to finish getting my yogurt i get it step around her and walk towards my cart full of food stuff children and my husband who is watching this interaction this was not the end of it i am about halfway there and the lady grabs my shoulder this time if you don't know you need to find someone who does and she keeps going i make eye contact with my husband and give him a i told you so look and walk over to my cart to place my yogurt next to my daughter who loudly asks me why that lady is talking to me the lady has a look on her face i think she knows i don't work there but she can't back down to admit she was wrong well i know you are here with your family but i know you work here so you have to help me my daughter is now super confused mommy why does that lady think you work here i just start pushing my cart down another aisle leaving the lady stammering about talking to the manager etc my husband is laughing so hard talking about how angry that woman looked because i wasn't helping her so i thought it was done nope we are checking out and bagging up our groceries and she comes in all of her pissed off glory with a poor haggard looking manager in tow she stops in front of our cart and points to me this is your lazy employee that refuses to help me the manager looks at her and looks at me having no clue who i am my kids are starting to ask more questions and my husband is no use whatsoever as he is now doubled with laughter he snorted the manager starts apologizing to me and asks if i need any help getting my stuff to our car i decline but thank him he then turns to the lady and tells her she is mistaken that i am not nor have i never been an employee of that store and she should leave me alone the lady is livid her play clearly went wrong and mumbles something about how she knows i work there and she is going to call corporate as we pass her i might have told her to have a nice day as we left with a big grin on my face my daughter told her she was weird i never saw her again at that store the manager and i did bond over this and one time when the lines were super long he opened up a register just for me to check me out he is a very nice dude and yes my daughter is that sassy next story crazy karen in training got me a date the other week i went to a local store that's like a walmart but it's not a franchise it's just one giant supermarket that's owned locally and this happened in canada i'm a young guy and there was a woman with her three small kids behind me she had care and hair but i hadn't really noticed because her mask has a cool moose logo on it and because it's just natural instinct here i grabbed the front door handle and held it open for her a common act of courtesy here there was an overweight woman in a goddamn cowboy hat bigger than texas full-on sprinting towards the door from across the parking lot screaming at me to wait and i kind of just sat there like what the hell she went in and i just sat there for a second not understanding what happened we'll call this woman karen anyways i went ahead and did my shopping and the woman and her kids came up to me and the mother started to chat with me karen comes over to me and says hey you you work here where is the milk yeah seems like a reasonable thing to ask someone and she seemed snobby but not anything i caught on to i just told her where the milk was and me and the mother laughed when karen left the employees here wore an apron with their names embroidered on the chest and i was in full camouflage and muddy boots me and the mother ended up having a really good conversation her boyfriend apparently left her and their kids a few years ago and we just talked for a good 45 minutes while we shopped before karen came back over i want to speak to your manager you have been harassing this girl and her children i was again dumbfounded like what good luck finding my manager he doesn't work here i told her i thought she would go full karen but she actually stopped for a second and noticed what i was wearing that's when the mother chimes in and says can you leave us alone please and karen now defeated slumped away i have no clue what this lady thought she was doing or was going to accomplish at all but i fear for when she becomes a full karen me and the mother exchanged phone numbers before heading our separate ways and have since been talking about going out next story rude lady at the eye surgeon office got all pissed off at me this happened monday i have cataracts and glaucoma and had an appointment to measure my eyes for corrective surgeries the office staff wear green polo shirts with the office name on it khaki pants and black sweaters i'm wearing gray yoga pants blue uggs boots a turquoise thermal shirt a black polar fleece jacket and a knitted beaded cap on my head i always arrive 15 to 30 minutes early for my appointments they gave me additional paperwork to fill out so i was sitting on the sofa minding my own business filling the health form out having to look up what my prescription and dosage is when this older woman came up and stood there staring at me i looked at her over the top of my glasses and asked if i could help her she demanded that i go get behind my computer and get her signed in no my computer isn't here at this office but about 20 minutes down the road at my husband business office really don't think it would help her at all but i was raised to be polite to my elders and i am in my 60s i'm sorry i don't work here i got up and turned in my paperwork and sat back down she followed me up to the desk demanded to speak to the office manager by george about that time i got called back for my appointment after 35 to 45 minutes mapping eyes takes a while and setting up surgery appointments even longer i am escorted to the front and this older woman is still complaining about me she points at me to the office manager her the office manager told her that i don't work here and she needs to wait in line to get signed in then the manager takes my paperwork and sets up my two-post post-operative appointments i can hear that old woman complaining that i'm probably taking her dates the office manager just shakes her head i told her it was no big deal smiled at the old woman and told her to have a nice day next story karen did you just assault me and make my baby cry this story here just happened about three days ago with me my newborn godson and my so close best friend we could be sisters let's set the scene target kinda chilly outside and somehow it's a bit cloudy so i thought we were gonna get cold rain during the time my best friend came to visit i was in the midst of getting my godbaby together to take him home his poor mom had to work that whole weekend so i told my best friend to come with me on our way my godbaby mom asked if we could pick up some things for him and her from target sure why not we pass by the target before we get to her house anyway plus i needed to get some stuff afterwards so why not get it all while we're there right plus one of my favorite cousins works there so i could see her and finally let her see my god baby from a distance you might want to remember this for later on so the mom cash app me and off we go to target so we get in target and i have my god baby in his little carrier unfortunately my friend bought the one that's too big for the front of the shopping cart so i had to put it in directly inside of the cart since he's only one month old he's too young for a mask so i cover the carrier in a thick enough blanket i asked my best friend to get another cart for the shopping and now we set now to describe what we're wearing everyone knows target's uniform as a basic red shirt with nothing on it in khaki pants my best friend wore a navy blue top with black flare pants and flats i wore a v-neck burgundy top with flare sleeves and strings to tie in a bow in the front with black flare jeans with some sneakers so we're shopping checking off things on her list and mine then i'm looking over the list on the side of the walking area so i wouldn't be in anyone's way and feeding the baby at the same time through the blanket my little nugget got fussy and i noticed i forgot something for him back a few aisles so i asked my best friend to put on a glove hold his bottle and finish feeding him while i go get the item yeah she's my best friend but he's my god baby and with this pandemic still going around i don't trust germs i go to the isle looking hard because my glasses tend to slide and fall off a lot keep this in mind too and then i hear that classic sound that irritates everyone so bad it makes them want to bang their head on the floor that classic karen ahem i turned my head and there she was pixie haircut sunglasses on top of her head with no damn sun in sight tight tank top short shorts knowing damn well it's chilly outside and flip-flops i'm thinking to myself is this the karen uniform or something but i digress so i move out the way thinking i'm in her way and continue looking for my item and she sighs and i can feel her staring burned through my skin but i wasn't letting up then she says it's hard finding good help these days everyone wants to be lazy i roll my eyes and put my head down saying not today please just not today i find my item and leave out the aisle now she's mad did i care nope and i think she could sense that then she starts y'all know how this goes karen so you're not going to help me me nope she fake gasps and why not okay i'm going to try to say this in a nice way because i see you are one of those ma'am i don't work here i give you no indication that i work here no i'm not on break and no it's not my day off i generally do not work here now i'm going to leave and put this in my shopping cart so i can pay and leave the store she stops me as i'm backing up don't you dare walk away from me i know you're lying i've seen you here before working you can't fool me you just don't want to work you will be fired when i'm done with you i'm getting the manager i look her up and down yeah you do that i went back to the carts and my best friend asked me what was taking so long i tell her everything from a to z and she chuckles i see she's trying to burp the baby so i tell her to let me try ever since this little nugget came out of the womb he's been stubborn to do everything including the burping i place the towelette on my shoulder and him and give it a try i'm two minutes in and he burps and when i lay him down my baby boy is asleep good shot so now we can leave but then i hear screaming and screeching my eyes widen and my head slowly turns to the right when i see karen coming down the wall area with a manager my best friend said is that her yes that's her so karen gets to us still screaming still screeching karen this is her she should be fired for not helping a customer and lying about not working here i'm a loyal customer i have rights me sir can you please tell her to keep it down i just put my son to sleep second i've already told the wicked witch of the north east that i don't work here what part of my clothes say i work here and even if i did and was on my day off customers are not entitled to get help from employees if they are not working but i have told her i don't work here manager ma'am she really does not work here all of this could have been avoided do you want me to help you yes i want you to fire her i know you're covering for her i've seen her plenty of times working if something doesn't happen right now i'm calling corporate then from all that hollering my god baby starts crying so i pick him up trying to calm him down now i'm mad i don't like when people disturb my son so i snapped which i told you to keep the noise down because i just put my son to sleep now look i got a hollering oswald and a crying baby shut the hell up and move on somewhere like damn how hard is it for you to comprehend that i don't work here what you're that embarrassed at the fact that you're wrong that you gotta keep up this stupid image just so you can try to be right get the hell away from us so i can calm my son down i guess all of that set her off and she paid absolutely no attention to the fact that i still had my god baby in my arms because she launched at me with her arm in the air and when it came down it looked like she hit me because i moved my face quick enough for her not to by that time my glasses slid off and fell on the floor and broke yup now i'm really pissed those were the only glasses i had too and i had just tried to make an eye doctor appointment the week prior they're full this month and next month and don't have an appointment book yet i'm beyond pissed i'm pissed to the highest level then the ultimate happened my cousin so my cousin came around the corner and when she noticed it was me now she wanted to know what was going on the manager wants to know what this had to do with her and when she said she was my big cousin both he and karen looked at us and saw we looked so much alike it was no wonder karen had us mixed up we are two sisters kids my mama is the third oldest daughter and her mama is the baby girl so the manager tells my cousin to calm me down because he sees i'm about ready to fight while he goes to call the police he didn't ask me if i wanted the police called he just said he was going to call the police oh that set karen all the way off she's kicking and screaming while he's pulling her to his office my cousin calms me down while i'm gently bouncing to put my god baby back to sleep the police came i gave them my statement my friend gave her statement my cousin gave her statement because even though she didn't see it she heard it and she's a family member manager paid for the baby stuff and the police said they'll get back in touch with me over karen after he put her in handcuffs and put her in the back of a police car now letting everyone know yes we did have our mask on and only took them off to talk to the manager during the time i was burping my god baby i had the blanket over him i still don't trust germs i told her mom everything and she died laughing i'm just surprised my best friend didn't say anything this whole time because knowing her she would have jumped in and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 35,884
Rating: 4.9279952 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, entitled, karen, entitled customer, old lady
Id: vnlNqvmQvgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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