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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story this is not okay i decided today was a great day to get my lunch from panera i felt like i deserved some yummy sandwich goodness i roll up and what do i see a postal truck parked in the handicap spot not just parked mind you this lazy bleeper backed into the spot my reasonable yet naive mind thought well maybe he's just making a quick delivery so i walk to the door of panera and pass closely by the truck nope no one inside the truck in the car isn't running i walk inside dot and that jerk is strolling down from the register to wait for his food to be ready this dude is on lunch break and he parked in the only van accessible handicap parking spot oh and there are only two handicap spaces total and the other was being used that actually had a handicapped placard displayed and there are plenty of other parking available this jerk just thought he was some sort of special unicorn so i can feel my inner current rising i pick up my rapid pickup order stroll outside and take a picture of the truck making sure to get the truck number on the front quick google search and i find a specific faq frequently asked questions on the postal service website for who to call when a courier parks their truck in handicap honestly the sheer fact that this is a faq is just flat out mind mind-blowing to me why do these people think parking in the handicapped spot is okay anyway quick call with no hold time apparently and i report that guy i'm assured that what he did was not okay and it will be addressed the lady i spoke with on the phone was also deeply dismayed hope your flagrant disregard for handicap laws was worth it dude edit to those saying how do you know he wasn't disabled obviously there is no way to tell other than him not having a placard not like i was going to confront him and demand he proves it to me if he's disabled then me reporting it will do nothing to him because his superiors will already be aware and do nothing they'll probably have a laugh about it and move on if he wasn't disabled then he needs to be held accountable simple as that next story karen tries to mess with sas vet so one day i was busy buying groceries and the like so i park in this one parking spot and not even two seconds later this other guy pulls into the space next to me i soon got out of my car hyundai gets 2008 powder blue second hand this dude shoots out of his car and scrambles to where i am looking around in my car he finds nothing wrong with it his car was a mitsubishi triton complete with front and rear bull bar something wrong i ask him no no i just thought i may have scratched her car sorry for that just kinda in a hurry this dude had the nicest attitude you'd ever expect from someone built like john cena but to me he seemed like a teddy bear with muscles i go about my shopping and he does the same not paying any mind to the strange events that happened just now so i finish my shopping and when i get to my car i find i have been parked in by a silver toyota corolla not the new one i can see that the woman is still in the car so i put my groceries in the boot of my car and tap on her window winding it down she glares at me with the eyes of a typical karen can you please move your car i want to go home now well you can wait didn't anyone teach you manners i was now agitated at this point i was not really the shopper type but this woman just snapped at me as if i was a dog i didn't wait too long as the same man was seen pushing his cart to his car the minute he got to his car karen sprang into action do you have any idea how long i waited karen asks him and you are i don't feel the need to tell you my name get out of this parking spot now well you can wait as you can see i still need to pack my stuff you can do that later i need this parking space at this point he was physically annoyed by how this karen was acting lady firstly who gave you the right to speak to me in such a manner secondly i don't see your name on this parking spot rule of law first come first serve i have been parking here for two weeks therefore this is my parking space now move or i will move you he scoffs i'd like to see you try at that moment karen decided to mess with him and pushed him i say push but more it was like pushing a brick wall this guy didn't even budge at all that was a warning don't make me call the cops on you a delinquent like you will not survive my wrath she tells him was that your best shot he asks amusingly like you can do better very well let me show you my shot and for your information i am former sas at this point he looked to see me standing there very patiently walking over to me then he cleared his throat i'll see to it that you get home sorry for what you're about to see he climbed into his car and started it up she didn't even get the chance to move her car throwing his car into reverse he slammed into her car and began to push it out the way karen freaked out as her car was pushed out the way banging on the dude's hood as she threw verbal insults at him i was already in my car before he started his car up and began this whole thing finding a big enough gap for myself i did expert driving and began moving out karen slams her hands on my hood you're not going anywhere you're now a witness he wrecked my car i didn't see anything and i drove off for your information i haven't received any court summons or anything like that so s.a.s vet put karen in her place and wrecked her car glorious next story don't abuse tech support around 15 years back i worked for a contract company that did tech support for one of the most hated isps this job made me learn a huge amount of empathy and kindness for tech support representatives as you quickly realize how little power you have if your internet is not working generally tech support cannot do much other than make sure you've paid up step-by-step troubleshooting you can find a similar one from a quick google search or dispatch an on-site tech we had no power to toggle internet on or off or any of the other stupid things people thought late one evening shift i get handed a call from a heavily accented gentleman who is on the edge of anger but he's keeping it in check his internet is out and he can't access his emails okay no payment flags on his account so we proceed to troubleshooting as we go through the steps turn off turn on his anger is slipping he gets more and more belligerent and by the end of our scripted steps he's just pissed i offer to try a few other things to see if we can't get something to work but nothing is working at this point we need to send a tech out to his home to do readings assess the modem etc residential texts can take up to two weeks to get an appointment and i tell the customer this boom switch flipped and this guy loses it i will mention that i try to be understanding as someone who lives on the internet a service interruption followed by a two-week wait would piss me off too however i understand that the poor wage slave on the line is not in control of the internet and does not have a magic wand to make it all okay threatening them is not going to help evidence me this guy starts in on me i suck i've wasted his time i'm out to get him then he starts getting flustered trying to think of what he's going to do call the police heck yeah sue me personally awesome after all he can't reach his patients that's when i was like wait what i was actually trying to de-escalate when i asked him ah what patience turns out he's a very important doctor who runs his whole practice a business through his residential not for business internet service for those of you who don't read the entirety of your terms of service agreements snore using a residential line to run a business as a violation if this guy had been a little more patient and less abusive he would have shortly found out that i could have a text sent to him the next day early morning less than 24 hours of waiting instead i got my section manager involved and got this guy's service cancelled for terms of service violations and verbally abusing tech support he wasn't banned but there was a note attached to his id to refuse residential service and only offer commercials which means he'd have to return his equipment pay another connection fee and wait guaranteed two weeks to be reconnected oh and at triple the monthly price too next story a food thief and a lesson in licorice so i was inspired by a post i saw earlier concerning jelly bellies and was going to make this a comment but decided it warrants a full post instead at one of my old jobs there used to be a serious problem with a food thief yogurt sandwiches candy ramen cups you name it nobody could get a handle on it because no one wanted to admit their culpability and manager human resources were basically powerless short of installing a video camera in the common area which pretty much all employees didn't agree to out of privacy concern one day after the theft of a particularly looked forward to lunch item one of my co-workers let's call her jen had a seriously dastardly idea jen's fiance worked at a confectionary and she would often come in with beautiful chocolates cake etc which in many cases were the victims of the burger burglar as on this particular day i'm not exaggerating when i say jen's dude was like the michelangelo of candy he could make sweets bend to his will so she asks her fiance if he can make some special chocolates for work the next day anyway without discussing this plan with any of us jen comes to work with a small box of these delicately wrapped delicious-looking chocolates and leaves them in the common area with a label do not eat you have been warned labels of property were common and were commonly ignored so the assumption here was that lasagna looters would read the label and disregard it anyway while all the normal people would heed such a warning lo and behold 11 30 am or so rolls around slightly before when most people eat lunch suspected time of the food thief's covert activities and from out of the break room we hear a rising groan followed by intense wretching noises of course we were all super curious concerned so we went investigating only to find the guilty pizza pilferer doubled over the sink desperately trying to flush out their mouth their eyes were watering and they dry heaved in between mouthfuls of water c said special chocolates appeared at first glance to be perfectly normal belgian truffles but upon biting into them one is faced with a thick inner core of globby viciously potent licorice like it made my eyes water to smell my mom who eats swedish salted licorice like it's nothing even said that she thought the chocolate was utterly inedible when i brought her one to try the outer layer of the licorice was gummy and solid and the inner layer had a small bit of pure liquid licorice extract that absolutely coats the mouth and is hard to wash out like after you use mouthwash and can't get the taste to go away so when the brunch bandit bit into the chocolate the inner core immediately jammed up their mouth and delivered the payload of impossibly bitter extract like some sort of herbal atom bomb straight to the jaw the manager and even human resources got involved due to the casserole criminal screaming bloody murder about the situation but conveniently enough nobody could seem to remember who had brought the chocolates in that day luckily the licorice was just benign enough to not cause any serious culpability issues but the food thief complained literally the entire day about the lingering awful taste appealing to our collective shotenfreuda so after sending out an all-employee notice about food safety and allergies obviously spiking food like that has potential lawsuit written all over it the soup swindler got a stern talking to about their shall we say dietary habits and just like that the pernicious swiping stopped basically overnight although we all knew it had been gen's doing it became a running joke to refer to that incident as the unsolved case of the workplace next story crow revenge one of my favorite things to do is to camp i try to go camping at least twice a year to unwind in the quiet of nature usually i go to one state park or another sometimes in other states sometimes i take a friend but usually i go solo i have a nice tent an inflatable mattress pillows and everything i need to be comfortable one day i decided to try out a state park in washington the campground had only a couple of other tents set up so i expected to have a relaxing visit i went to the very last campsite and got everything set up and spent the afternoon reading and hiking i cooked a steak on my grill and had a couple of whiskeys before bedtime i was sleeping soundly until around five in the morning when the sun was just beginning to come up i was awakened by the awful racket of screaming crows i went outside and saw that i had accidentally left a couple of slices of bread on the picnic table and the birds were attacking it fighting over the crumbs and raising hell i chased them away and swept up the rest of the bread by now i was too awake to go back to bed i was pretty grumpy all day but i knew that i had a good night's sleep still ahead that night i made sure that everything was put away and went to bed early but at one o'clock in the morning some new campers arrived they had three tents lots of children and adults and they turned their car headlights on the campsite so they could get set up meanwhile they talked and laughed and carried on as if they were all alone in the world i couldn't believe it their lights were shining into my tent and even though i put my pillow over my head i couldn't drown out the noise i'm not a confrontational sort of guy so i hoped i could wait them out thinking that they were bound to go to sleep soon they kept it up until past three and i was finally able to get back to sleep i was angry and when i got up at seven that morning i didn't bother cooking breakfast i just threw all of my stuff in the car packed up my tent and drove away but the last thing i did was to pull up alongside their tents and throw out a whole loaf of bread i threw those slices like little white frisbees all over the place as i went on i could see in my mirror the flock descending next story workers think i'm shoplifting background info i've noticed over the years that people suspect me for stealing at stores sometimes it doesn't happen frequently but maybe like 1x every couple years i'm not sure why to be honest a few times i was wearing a hoodie but today it happened to me and i was wearing tight shorts a t-shirt and some nikes what happens is an employee at whatever shopping store will ask me if i need anything and usually i don't need help so i say no thank you but then i hear that announcement that means be on the lookout for a shoplifter i know because i used to work at a drugstore and it was the same announcement then someone follows me from aisle to aisle sometimes there is no overhead announcement but i still get followed so a few years ago i decided instead of getting upset or accusing them of discrimination which would be unprovable i would instead make them regret their actions with my newly found neediness but only if they follow me i begin to ask multiple questions and their opinions on certain merchandise what do you think of these plates how does the candle smell do they think this dress looks cute i begin to talk a lot and give them information about my life that no one cares about show them pics of my dogs tell them about family disagreements etc i'll even ask them to hold my stuff if i am looking at a shampoo bottle i'll say hold this other one for me please because i'm not sure which one i want but i play sickly sweet and oblivious as i do this something the person picks up on what i'm doing and they leave but sometimes the employee doesn't know what to do so they listen to every request i make i can tell they want to leave but i'm a customer and i need more assistance it certainly doesn't stop me from being discriminated against at another store but i hope they remember me forever next story freeloader student gets gravy train cut off this wasn't a particularly grand revenge but it still made me feel warm and fuzzy inside this happened at university a couple months ago the particular class was one that had periodic tests in tutorials that counted towards your grade but you worked in groups of 2 or 3 to complete them so far i had been doing pretty well in this class and did a reasonable amount of study before the tests as they were closed book and worth a significant portion of our grade everyone who is in this tutorial usually sits in similar spots every week and i usually was beside this one guy who was notoriously useless when it came to contributing to anything he made no attempt to hide his uselessness and would often proudly announce how little zero study he had done for tests he did however know that i did prepare so would always make himself a part of my group when it came to tests so he would get a good mark without having to contribute anything while at first i didn't really care it slowly started getting on my nerves until one day in lecture before the tutorial he would not stfu about how little he had done to prepare for the test so after the lecture i literally ran to the tutorial to get there before him and quickly formed a group of three with whoever was already there when he arrived he tried his best to weasel his way into our group saying we could just do a group of four until the teacher assistant shut him down and paired him with the other most useless kid in the class the way his face fell and he babbled as he was trying to get out of the situation and when he realized he was going to fail was so delicious and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 76,865
Rating: 4.8773274 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: 8nWy9627xFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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