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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story you want to trespass on my property and call the sheriff on me for target shooting prepare to pay a hefty idiot tax i own some rural undeveloped acreage that we plan to build on someday in the meantime we would camp or drive out and spend the day target shooting the property is well posted with no trespassing and no hunting signs the main access is gated with an eight-foot metal gate there are berms ditches jersey barriers and logs at any point along the 10-mile stretch of road along where anyone would even consider accessing the property the neighboring properties have all done the same so basically there is no easy access on a 30 mile length even with all that people still cut the logs move the barriers fill in the ditches to access the property on their quads and dirt bikes last weekend a couple of friends and i decided to go out there and do some short range target shooting maybe 25 yards we are maybe two miles in the woods and suddenly a guy and his 8 to 10 year old son come up behind us on dirt bikes and the dude goes off yelling at us about shooting and endangering his young child remember we are shooting shirt range targets we have set up against a hillside so no errant bullets whizzing around and it's my property that is posted i try to explain he is actually trespassing when he says which shut up and let the men handle this my male friend says it's her property you need to talk to her so once again i try to explain to him he is trespassing he tells me to get lost and says he is calling the sheriff because we are shooting and we need to stop what we are doing and follow him out to the road to meet the sheriff since the property is gated yeah dumb jerk i gated it i said we would not leave but go ahead and call so he walked away and called while he did that i also called and told the sheriff's department the gate was unlocked and they could drive in or if they wanted to they could call me when they got close they said it would be about an hour and they would come to the site now we had probably a dozen rounds already loaded in three handguns so we figured what the hell we told the dad we were going to target and of course he flipped and called the sheriff again we fired them and then made sure all the guns were on the table so the sheriff could see they were empty and sat there talking amongst ourselves while this jerk stood with his son the sheriff shows up and the guy explains how he and his son ride there all the time describes how he cut some logs and used a small kubota to make an entrance so they could get in shows what direction he came from when he rode up and discovered those dangerous shooters the officer just lets him talk and writes it all down then he comes over to us and i show him my id and my phone where i have pulled up the tax records to show i am the owner and this fine gentleman does not have my permission to be on the property the officer goes back over to the man to get some more information for his report asks if those are the dirt bikes they were riding and the guy proudly says yes then the officer asks where the helmets are and the guy says he doesn't need them on private property officer asks if the bike's registrations are current again the guy says they don't need to be on private property so the officer asks who owns the property and that's when the guy realizes things are not going his way so far his tax has cost him a ticket for no helmet and a double amount ticket for the kid not wearing one two tickets for unregistered bikes two trespassing charges a vandalism charge for the work he bragged about to access the property and he had to push both bikes the two miles out to the road then walk another three miles to his truck plus whatever the cost is to repair the damage he did making the access and damages for the trail system he created if he hadn't been a jerk i would have just told him he couldn't ride there and blocked his access as for our illegal shooting the sheriff complimented me on my grouping which was nice next story you can absolutely wait to speak to the owner just found this sub and wanted to share my story for more than 20 years i was attending grad school at the time to finish my doctoral degree which i'm only mentioning is relevant because the customer made a crack about intelligence while working at my father's business an auto salvage yard our yard was located in new jersey and this event occurred in august so it was hot and very humid i was generally very dirty when i was at work with grease and grime all over my arms and clothes if you washed your hands and arms every time they looked dirty your skin would just get dry and irritated so with the exception of stopping to eat i was absolutely filthy all day long our yard mostly dealt with shops and small independent mechanics who came in looking just as dirty as i was so it was completely normal another point relevant to this story is this i look absolutely nothing like my father he is five foot eight and weighs at most 140 pounds and i am six foot two inches and back then i was powerlifting and weighed right around 220 pounds so here's my story a guy comes in to pick up something he bought when i was not there that had to be taken out of a car i don't even remember what it was now but it was something fairly heavy for him not for me and dirty if we had parts in our warehouse they'd get scrubbed and cleaned by me before being labeled and cataloged but parts coming right off a card just had the loose grime knocked off so the guy comes in looking very out of place for our yard wearing a button-down shirt khakis and dress shoes he hands me his receipt and i tell him i'll bring it out the side door i walk out with his item on a hand truck and the only vehicle i see parked is an acura sedan very unlike the beat-up shop vehicles most of our customers drove the guy is walking around the front of his car talking on his phone but the trunk is open so i bring the hand truck around and leave his item on the ground with a piece of cardboard to keep his trunk clean and go back inside a few minutes later he comes inside wanting to know what he is supposed to do with the part to which i facetiously reply install it i imagine he wants to know why the part is dirty i reply it's used he wants to know how he is supposed to get it home i reply in your car he wants to know why i didn't put the item in his trunk and i point to the sign behind him which admittedly is partially obscured by the open door which says that we are not responsible for loading parts due to liability for possible damage to the customer's vehicle he turns around looking pissed and shouts what am i supposed to do now genius because i must be dumb if i'm dirty right there are now two other customers by the office and i know them both well so i tell them i'll be right with them and walk around outside to the guy's car because i just want him gone i throw a blanket over the rear bumper of his car remind him that i'm not liable for damage and i lift the piece up and gently put it on the cardboard in his car to do this without damaging anything i had to put one of my hands on the side of the trunk and i left a huge greasy handprint largely on purpose while i'm loading he is standing so close to me supervising that my arm bumps his arm and his sleeve gets dirty the entire time this exchange has been going on he has been on his phone and he is now ranting into his phone about our interaction and he calls me genius again and i reply you came to a salvage yard to pick up a heavy dirty used part in dress clothes with a luxury car who's the genius at that point he also noticed the grease on his car and his dirty sleeve and he wants to know if the owner is here and i tell him bob is working out in the yard he demands to speak to him and i say fine we walk back around to the office and i point to bob who is way out in the yard on the forklift moving cars that are going to the crusher this is time sensitive because the truck will come to pick them up and block the entire street while we load so we have to be ready he starts to walk into the yard and i try to stop him and tell him it is too dangerous he keeps walking so i point out that our doberman is trotting along behind the forklift she was actually our dog from home and very friendly but we brought her with us every day because we couldn't get home to let her out he sees the dog and stops and i tell the guy he has to wait until bob is finished moving vehicles and it will be a while which he says is fine because he is going to tell bob exactly how his customers are being treated over the next 40 minutes i walk past the guy multiple times helping customers and each time i pass him he mutters something about me being fired and me being sorry finally the forklift shuts down and bob stands up and my new friend seems ecstatic banging on the counter and telling me that bob is done and he wants to speak to him immediately i walk outside with my new friend right next to me climb up on a car's fender and wave my arms to get bob's attention and scream hey dad this guy wants to talk to you and with that my new buddy says screw you turns and walks out hops in his car and guns it up the street next story want me to show your overpriced apartments to new tenants fine context my girl and i have recently moved into this new apartment complex that's definitely way overpriced compared to what you get just to find out that it's not soundproof at all i live on the second floor and on the first floor there is the motorbike garage i live in vietnam so everyone rides motorbikes here it's definitely way too loud you can hear other tenants coming in and out of the house like the doors and walls aren't even there to top it off there's a jail cell like gate at the front door every time someone in the complex comes in or out of the house it sounds like a nightmare especially at 1 to 2 am it's like having someone smash two heavy metal objects together next to your ears not to mention loud bikes others issues were like no internet for two weeks after we move in electric outlet not working etc compliance anyways after two months of nonsense we had enough and decided to move out the owner wasn't happy but she couldn't do anything because we only signed a two-month contract normally three but my gut feeling told me to sign two only paid a bit more but anyways she keeps trying to get us to show the apartment to new tenants because we work from home at first we thought what a hassle then it hit us that we should be warning these people of how bad it is living here so for the next two weeks every tenant coming to see the apartment we explained to them exactly how bad it was if no one else from the apartment complex's side comes along if there was someone coming with us we would be trying to give signs of some sort such as shaking our heads or signing no with our mouth behind the owner's back and so on most of the new tenants understood the signs straight away and walked away with a happy face the most satisfying part was when couples with newborn babies coming to see the apartment or young singles moms hell i sleep easy but with the gate situation downstairs the babies and their moms would definitely have a hard time here it was so satisfying to let them know that how much of a nightmare and overpriced this apartment is and that they are better off at other places made our day much better knowing we did something good next story karen gets upset about having to wear her mask properly the other day i had an encounter that looked like it came out of a stereotypical story i walked into a bakery right after a lady let's call her karen even though she wasn't the carinist karen ever it was a small neighborhood bakery with just the owner and no other employees the owner was outside having a coffee at that point but she walked in and grabbed her mask as soon as she saw us the owner soon realized that karen was wearing her mask under her nose and said to her excuse me lady you need to wear your mask properly otherwise i can't serve you karen scoffed a bit so the owner pointed at me and said why don't you wear your mask properly like that customer over there karen realized that the owner was very well within her rights to not serve her and there was nobody to complain to so she angrily put on her mask and ordered karen must have been so annoyed about having to put on her mask for a few seconds that she practically stormed out of her store right after she paid she even forgot her change the owner started screaming excuse me lady your change your change and she left the money on the side note that in my country's legislation she has every right to keep the change after the customer has left the store i guess she wanted to be extra polite and give her the change if she went back for it but it doesn't look like she'd swallow her pride for that next story want a curry you got it years ago i worked for a horrible boss he would do things like ask me to rewrite my handwritten notes because he could not read my handwriting and then chuck the newly written piece of paper straight in the bin other times he would forget to specify certain things and then blame me for not using my brain for example he would instruct me to contact everyone on this list who is in debt and then berate me for contacting someone and informing them that they were in debt of minus 50 pence because it made him look stupid the messages were signed in his name not mine he often asked me to get him lunch on my break and then without asking me first if it was okay he would call all of the other staff members and ask them if they want anything brought in for lunch and then instruct me to bring their items in too one day he wrote me a list of numerous people's orders including his i had to make two trips because i needed to get so much food and i couldn't carry it all at once when i got back to the office the first time he asked for his food and i told him that i was going back out to get it because i couldn't carry it all he had a go at me about wasting time reminded me that i only had x amount of time for my lunch break left and told me next time get all the food in one go back at the cafe for the second time in 20 minutes i ordered his usual curry which he always ate with rice when the chef asked me just curry or curry and rice i was about to reply curry and rice when i looked down at the paper that my boss had written and given to me he usually wrote curry and rice but this time he had just written curry cue malicious compliance just curry please i said with a smile when i got back and gave my boss his food he didn't talk to me for hours he would constantly call the receptionist with things like can you tell that jerk to do x y and z despite the fact that our desks were two meters apart and i was in earshot he fired me shortly after when i called in sick with a migraine due to me grinding my teeth at night due to the stress of the job he told me that he is no longer accepting that as a sick day excuse and told me that if i don't go into work i am fired with immediate effect meaning that i won't be required to work two weeks notice i didn't go in and i'm in a much better job now i've also stopped grinding my teeth next story the jury duty guy said people fake icu noises over the phone and wanted proof the jury duty letter came while i was in royal north shore icu in 2013 for a brain hemorrhage from an aneurysm i was four days post-surgery when the letter came and bored i read it in the hospital told them i couldn't they said no excuse do you have evidence the nurse had me hold up my license wrote a sign that said are you kidding mate and took a picture of me with 80 scalp staples black eye ivs and the spinal fluid drain in my head at my request never heard a peep after that and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 15,848
Rating: 4.943728 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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