I Paid Photoshop ‘Experts’ to edit this photo better than me

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do you remember a certain point in history in YouTube history with this channel where I did a little little photo editing and got a little bit of flack for it just a tad you see I edited a mountain into a desert I don't think I did the best job I got the shadows wrong just the idea of putting a mountain in a desert was probably wrong I think it came out you half-decent but apparently again it did not this video is sponsored by Fiverr and we're gonna go on Fiverr together as a group and we're gonna see if there's an editor on Fiverr that can do a better job [Music] [Applause] okay so the plan for this video is to log on to fiverr.com and find a bunch of people who specialized in editing photos photo manipulation Photoshop artists and we're gonna pick a few of them and we're gonna see who can edit this mountain into this photo right here now it's important to say this photo was taken originally by Gao you save UCF it's taken by Gao his Instagram is right here credit where credit is due and the photo is great it didn't even need any editing it was a beautiful capture with a great subject matter and the whole composition was was amazing we originally edited this in a video series that I do called editing your photos and I believe this was episode 1 this was the first episode we did with this format that was very very popular which we will be doing again soon so get your photos ready let's find some people on Fiverr let's go to fiverr.com I am let's start with $5 Lee 22 Leo I will edit and design anything in Photoshop in 2 hours 2 hours let's go Sachin 81 I will do professional Photoshop editing 15,000 reviews 15,000 have 5 starred this dude jr. I've got this little blurb set up for people so that when they get this image they will know let's just start moving up let's go 25 Dominic I will professionally edit your photos in Lightroom I love the title of all of these I will edit your photos fast sounds like a tutorial Peter McKinnon would have made 2 years ago this is like a self roast this is getting out of hand fast isn't it $35 right here for Maddie I will edit professional Photoshop manipulation and photo retouch that's exactly what I'm looking for we need a myriad of options we need a plethora of options here just of a bountiful selection 50 bucks let's see what this guy's got for 50 bucks looks like some kind of Final Fantasy screen login they're all pretty fast turnaround so let's just BAM $50 Ria's fifty bucks five images $80 I will create an amazing comic for you let's do it let's get this made into a comic $100 I will do anything you can throw at me on Photoshop I like that that's aggressive I will do anything you throw in the in Photoshop for a hundred bucks all right man Shadow Mountain coming at you BAM two hundred and ten dollars not just two hundred two hundred and ten dollars [Music] cube fix I will retouch high-end photography we're looking for high-end results this is a fiver verified pro so I'm expecting results where's the original for this I don't know but that's what I want people in places they shouldn't be sign me up all right and those were all about one to two day turnaround so I'll get some of them back we'll give them a couple rounds of feedback should they need feedback at all and then we'll reconvene here in a few days let's see if Shadow Mountain lives another day okay we are back folks the results are in let's start with five dollars from Li 22 Leo this is the results okay let's start with the shadows are going the right way so you've already done better than I did I will say what I like about this one is the perspective of the mountain makes way more sense I put it way too big and way too close to the subject you look at my edit and you just think why did you do that were you even thinking the fact that Lee actually Shrunk this down to a perspective where it looks like maybe that could be in the distance is good I would love to have seen it color matched a bit more it doesn't have to be a snowy mountain that's just the PNG that I gave people maybe we could have made it more like one of those dusty kind of beige khaki mountains you see when you're driving from the San Diego to Vegas something like that for five bucks that's good like I'd be happy with that for five dollars I am happy with that for five dollars Sachin 81 so Gina Sachin 81 well not the shadows are going the wrong way on this one but then we moved the shadow of the woman to the same way and it looks like we just got rid of the Sun and skin tones all together it's very corpse like I will get points for blending the mountain to the foreground it's pretty clean but again the proportions are just wrong like the mountain would never be that size with a subject that size that close it's it's hard it's take a look at our next five-dollar seller 812 reviews 4.9 stars let us take a look now you know what it is to the mountain itself doesn't even look real the mountain is too sharp there needs to be some obvious depth of field on that mound it needs to have some kind of blur on it it would never be that sharp of the subject apparently this far away being that sharp fail shadows are going the wrong way alright let's jump up let's go $25 let's see what we got here let's raise the stakes okay first instincts shadows are going the right way so we passed level one the color matches is better at least the mountain is kind of color matched to the skin tone and the overall photo itself else it looks like we got some blur on the mountain in the background again the proportions just look weird and I wish if we were doing this maybe someone had the extra effort to put a sky in or maybe make it look like there's no hidden layer that you forgot to turn back on before you've exported sandy what do you got for me bud didn't I just say that it would be great if there was some sky left over in the background we got some sky left over in the background shadows are going the right way so we passed level one the mountain is definitely blurred in the background so this is pretty good that's decent this might be one of the best one so far Sammy it seems to me like people are having a little bit of trouble blending the mountain to the foreground it's the very harsh line I I did no better job let's let's make not clear so we asked in the revision could you do a better job color matching this and maybe blending the background with the foreground this was the revision dude that's decent Sammy Sammy crushed me on this looks like he even added a whole new part to the mountain in that foreground in background it's a perfect example of it matching well if I saw that at a quick glance and I didn't know it was edited I'd probably believe that was real - one thing that I feel like a few people have missed so far there's powerlines in the top right of this photo but I don't see where those power lines connect hmm so far I'm gonna say sani takes the lead let's up the ante 35 and doesn't even come close to Sammy shadows are going the right way its color match decently proportions are wrong not enough sky bummer I was really hoping that I want to look sick we're moving into $50 let's take a look it's pretty good yeah shadows are going the right way level one past color matching could could use a little bit of work not too bad amount was shrunk down I like that it's depth of field it's not super sharp proportions are a little bit better I don't think they're as good as Sammy's power lines are gone so our boy removed them okay This Is It this is like I got probably a second place for sure we got two files in here this is a second I'm not really sure what I'm looking at here okay moving on to the next one to $80 I will create an amazing comic for you remember that dude this is awesome that's great detail shadows are going the right way oh that's awesome that's well worth the $80 that'll make a good Art Deco piece with a funky frame hanging in my office with a jar of my tears from how mean everyone was to me it's time it's time to move in to the big leagues three digits $100 [Music] the quote on the website the quote on the page was I will do anything you can throw at me on Photoshop and that's not bad that's not bad at all that's almost exactly what I saying earlier about I've kind of wanted this to look like a mountain from you know the drive from San Diego to Vegas just like one of those a drive looks like you're in the middle of a pair of khaki pants everything's beige I don't think the background was blended as well as Sammy did this background still just like a very harsh line it could look like that in real life depending on how far the mountain was back how low the photographer was the angle all those different things this this is real that could happen looks like we got a little bit of cloud potentially covering the mountain there that looks intentional but it looks a little bit like we just took a white brush in Photoshop with like a soft edge and just hit that top of the mountain there to kind of fake what a cut what a cloud cast could look like but this is probably top three you know I would say Sammy's in the lead we've got $5 Lee in second place and then I'm throw anything at me in third place right now so I am also let's let's go on record I am critiquing these heavily most people that just want a mountain in the back of a desert photo that doesn't make any sense probably don't really care about how good the Edit is because it's probably a troll or a joke anyway she makes it even worse that I did it in real life but two hundred and ten dollars [Music] we got two versions this was the first yeah definitely not my favorite mountains not even there's zero depth of field on it the sky is a bit too harsh zero color matching on it so we asked for a revision for the background to make a little more sense so a tiny bit of haze was thrown into the background I was I was I had higher hopes for 210 dollars I had higher hopes let's go back to that five dollar one at the very beginning from Lee Lee man should raise your price let's take a look at Sammy again at $25 who's the clear winner of this challenge Sammy congratulations the mountains will remember you the shadow mountain champion of 2020 goes to Sammy that looks pretty great that is it that is the conclusion of Shadow Mountain thank you to my friends at Fiverr for sponsoring this video check out the link in my description below for my curated store of my favorite Fiverr sellers and if you want to save some money you can use code Peter McKinnon at checkout to save 15% off save some monies when you go edit a mountain into the back of your photos or get business cards made or have videos edited or music written or literally anything by the way you don't just have to buy things on Fiverr if you think you can edit better than a lot of these people or you have a skill that you could market fiber is also a great place to make money as an artist put yourself out there build a portfolio and start taking orders from people like me that need graphic assistance in a multitude of different genres and different industries so don't just think of it as a place to go to get things that you need you could be the person also helping others with your craft check it out and guys I will see you in the next video [Music] guys you got needs if you got needs [Music] hi this here is a pro tech knife Pro Tech founded by Dave who used to be a middle-school teacher now makes knives they make knives for Navy SEALs for all kinds of dope military people doing cool scary things this is the closest I'll ever get to being a Navy SEAL BAM fly the flag
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 7,938,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Photoshop Experts, Photo manipulation, Fiverr, Fiverr Editors, Bad Photoshop Jobs, Horrible Photoshop, Photoshop FAILS, Editing your photos, Peter McKinnon Photo Editing, How to edit photos, How to add things to photos, Shadow Mountain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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