The Secret to getting THE BEST shots!!

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[Music] i had to go on limewire to like download it illegally and i found the episode and they just cut my scene and so that photo is literally the only proof that that day happened oh wow that was a has a whirlwind of a story what is going on everybody welcome back to episode two of photo stories with our guest chris or christopher chris chris christopher's way too formal it's just sometimes it's fun to say someone's full name christopher james eric with an h eric howe german yeah it's a long handle i knew that chris howe amazing photographer amazing friend so photo stories you guys know where we dive into the meeting behind photos we pick five photos each show them to each other and to you and go into the meeting behind them why they were shot when they were shot if there's something funny or quirky about it uh and that's that's basically what we're doing here did you bring photos i brought photos okay i brought whiskey there's only one rule bring photos so so today we're gonna we're gonna crack in have you had the woodford double oaks before not at all it tastes like pancakes like maple syrup it's so good i just imagine them making pancakes and like trying to squeeze the whiskey out all right i think we got enough oh i love that sound just a little bit there for you there you go bud sorry they're in half pine glasses uh some people made comments about that last time like don't you have your own whiskey tumblers i do i gave them all away because i'm that kind of guy you're a nice friend all right man cheers try that out it's good right um the double oat makes the difference because you can key you can buy single but it's not the same jeremy cheers buddy and that kicks things off do you want to start you want me to start um i got i got a photo for you you came prepared look at this stack like he's got a stack of goods here i'm also going to turn this monitor off he literally told me beforehand he's like pick five photos i don't care where they're from what they are they're shot on your phone the worse the better maybe yeah yeah i think that's the whole point of this right it doesn't matter if they're it's the story story matters yeah refresh let's go so i'm going to start with a drone shot i even have a little folder here peter oh boom damn this that up on the screen here right here wow so this this is shot in the azores which is an island in the middle of the north atlantic ocean the azores was the first place that ever like supported me and my career in terms of like wanting to pursue travel photography so like the tourism board was like okay we're gonna get you a hotel we're gonna do this so like i have such this like sentimental like oh you were the first person to ever be like you can do this you're like you're gonna pay for my flight yeah babe they're gonna pay for the flights i remember getting like super emotional there because of that so like i always have this like special place in my heart for the for the azores i've been four times but specifically this is another island dude in the islands of the azores and the reason why i really love this photo is because you you can't actually fly a drone off this island if you go to this island by boat you try to like launch a drone the lifeguards they're like no no no no drones no no no no zero chance so to get this photo you have to fly it from the marina which is a 10 minute drone flight away spooked now if we don't know if everyone knows the dji mavic hair pro no dji mavic pro the original pro there's so many drones there's so many um that one's battery time was about like 20 minutes so literally like i had eight minutes to fly there and then eight minutes to fly back so it means you have two minutes to get the photo that you want did you sport mode all the way there sport mode all the way there and then i planned it so that when this little boat was coming in i would also be following the boat there dude that boat is money and it's just like the only place where there's movement in the shot there's like an action going on and there's just something about like the timing with this photo so i literally took this photo and then i'll show you the second photo that i took while i was there and which is this one right here top down that's like literally the maximum height that the drone can fly i think 500 meters you just got it just got it in the frame i actually got the photo featured in a magazine and this is why dude that is so sick so this is in a far magazine which is like a travel magazine and and i actually i remember being at an airport in another country i went to the magazine stand and i like looked for it and i like opened it up and i was like sick maybe i can be a travel photographer there is something so special that very few people get to experience with having your work printed in some kind of publication okay i will start with an island shot as well it's it's no it's not really an island at all actually not even remotely close to thailand but it looks kind of island-esque so here's a shot of a specific coastline in northern ireland where a castle is located called kinbane castle i believe and there's the first time i ever spoke at the power video i took this shot and if you zoom in real close to the very tip of this little um i don't know would you call that peninsula [Music] all of us are kind of perched up there flying drones and hanging out and this is the first time i ever met shonduras and after meeting him we became super close friends and hit it off and that's what basically started my relationship with holliday who's like best friend and manager and that photo is specifically special to me because it just kind of marks the genesis of like the whole business and career taking off on youtube so i remember when they called me to speak at this again like we'll pay your flights yeah yeah oh man i get to go somewhere and people want to hear from me and i get to speak like i don't know if anyone will even care about i'm i'm down and i remember seeing sean durst there being like oh i've seen that guy yeah online yeah right i've seen him in this video so i wonder if i should say hi should i bring a skateboard yeah he's got pretty cool hair yeah i was like hey man i'm peter and then yeah we just hit it off and that's where um fun fact that's where the pirate pete uh nickname comes from really when he called his friends back home he's like i met this dude that has a bunch of tattoos and long hair and drinks beer and swears and he's like he's like he's like a pirate he's like a real life pirate pirate pete and that's for that whole brand i love how like off the cuff that is and now it's like a thing yeah that's awesome yeah super cool so that's kind of like my first little shot there little uh coastline of northern ireland [Music] links below good more in the link below for 10 off your first purchase using code mckinnon at checkout use code mckinnon at checkout to get 10 off your first purchase i'm not as good dude despite our feelings about it he's he's pretty good at it can we start over thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this video they are an all-in-one platform where you don't have to do any work to create a beautiful website seriously there's tons of platforms out there there are tons of options out there squarespace are the best by far in the easiest and fastest to use we've got award-winning templates that are constantly being refreshed so that not every single person in the world has the same looking website that is key you can sell stuff on your website ecommerce make a small business have a portfolio for your photography so that you actually have an online presence you have a home a digital home if you will so people can find you online that is very very important we've got 24 7 customer service in case you ever get stuck on some of the features and need help mind you it's pretty self-explanatory with the all-in-one platform i hon you probably don't even need the customer service can we just drop that line from the ad read because they're just great use the code below mckinnon at checkout to save 10 off your first purchase thanks squarespace for sponsoring this video uh like actually click get a website what's wrong with you okay what do you got next up okay up next i'm obviously a huge fan of car photography so boom i remember this photo you texted me this photo and i think i followed it with what a thousand emotions yeah i should go back photo is ridiculous it's mid-drift right there too right and it's like an online camera no photoshop gimli manitoba gimli manitoba right yeah i i've had the privilege of working with mercedes-benz and they have this event and gimli manitoba where they literally make the world's largest race track on a frozen lake and they bring out cars with 600 horsepower and like these crazy studs in them to just drift for like a month sounds awesome it's it's the best thing ever but the reason why this photo is special to me is because i was actually hired by the events team to go out to this to go out to this event and just document like all these people who are like enjoying the event so people who are like mercedes owners get to go out and be like they might get invited and be like you want to go drive like do you want to go drift cars for like a week or something like that so everyone comes out i was supposed to shoot people having a good time smiling photos all this stuff and i remember like thinking i was like i want to take this a step further so i remember talking to the team that's there that does all the drifting with the cars the amg driving academy and i was like hey guys do you mind if we just do like a couple other photos i'm really hoping for like sunrise and one of the guys there like pat he was like yeah like i'll take you out no problem like whatever you need so it's six in the morning i'm like i don't even need to be here how cool how cold it is so on the coldest and windiest part of it it's negative 40. so i'm wearing tons of jackets i bought these literally i bought these military um austrian military gloves that have like little spots to like take out so you can shoot photos yeah they're supposed to keep you warm but they're meant for like the austrian military to like hold guns in the mountains so like that's what i used for my photography clubs and i think in the morning it was like negative negative 30 or something like that and he just kept doing laps and laughs i think i took a thousand photos and i finally got this all in camera like this is shot at like one over 60th like a frame like a shutter one over 60th of a shutter and it's sharp two for one over and i just hit it perfectly which is going with the motion and that's like probably my favorite car photo i've ever taken super fast for people who are wondering like how you get a shot like that yeah how do you what are your settings what are your camera settings for that how would you do that like super fast like 20 second explanation of doing something yeah so i like shooting with like a 24 to 70 mil like f 2.8 lens this is probably like boosted up a little bit higher because like the light's starting to come up so maybe we're doing like f 5.6 f9 just to make sure everything's like nice and sharp and what i'm usually doing is like a slow shutter so i can get all this like nice natural motion blur so as the car is coming around the corner it looks like it's going really fast here but because it's drifting it's actually going a little bit slower so let's say it's going like 40 miles an hour i try to match like the shutter to around the speed of the car oh so maybe like this is like 60 miles 60 miles an hour like 50 miles an hour so i'm doing like one over 51 over 60 and kind of hovering in this like one over 50 to like one and over a hundred and that's when you get this like beautiful natural motion blur if you zoom in like the car is super sharp but like the wheels are spinning and you get all this nice natural blur into the ground oh that's um wind and snow just looks so tasty yeah and i remember i think i have another photo in here as well that i'll show you just from this event yeah and i remember this was really funny so this one here dude that's so cute i just think the story is like hilarious so this photo was taken from another car that i'm sitting out of the sunroof while it's drifting as well and i'm trying to hold on while shooting photos of this car drifting so think about it now there's like extra wind chill because i'm sticking my body outside of the car yeah and i could only ever do like two minute bursts before it felt like my hands were getting frostbite so i would go out and pop my head literally i'd do this i would be like dude and like warm up again and the car wasn't warm because he was letting all the coal like all the warm air out yeah through the sunroof i felt so bad it was like just one more lap they're like we gotta get started that's when you get the best stuff is when you like have these crazy conditions and it's kind of just uncomfortable and and painful at times yeah so you can get your best work yep yeah that's awesome and finland yeah it's so beautiful there it's like that part super underrated part of the world but that was just one of those things where i was like literally being paid to shoot like these other photos and i took the initiative to go and get the photos that i want because this is a super unique situation and this would be great for my portfolio and build a relationship with them and from those photos i was able to actually start working with the marketing team which led to like cool campaigns with them yeah and again that that comes right down to you you won't get it if you don't ask for it and you'll never know if you would get it yeah if you don't ask for it so sometimes it's just as simple as saying like hey can we do this yeah the worst case scenario is now yeah and like in that case i might just try to sneak my way into doing it anyway yeah yeah asking for forgiveness but yeah that's cool that's a great shot all right what do we got here's a really uh interesting photo probably not one you'd expect a couple of books stacked looked nice i think i posted that on my pirate account that's awesome um love the texture in them everyone who watches knows i'm big on texture so like the the cloth covering of these books now they're old and patinaed and like it's just the colors are so rich but what's really special about these is a really good friend of mine by the name of chris kenner um was basically very responsible for helping me get these books i've wanted one of these books for a long time and i have it right here actually so you can see it this was written by harry houdini so sick in 19 like it might have been like 1904 1903 i think it's right in here in the front 1908 so a long time ago just smelling it like smell the spine like right it just it smells like 100 years old but i think the coolest part of this is is the relationship between like the guy who helped me get these in my hands and i snapped the photo and sent it back and he was like oh that's so cool like i knew they'd find like a good home and so on and so forth but the best part is the inside of the book is signed by harry houdini wow um like by hand so wow bam right there like the harry potter and if you don't know who he is just pause google come back that guy um just gnarly a gnarly so like that's one of my favorite photos just because i think it was the only photo i've ever taken of this book but knowing like the history behind it and just trying to capture that texture i love the details yeah details for me like i love landscapes and i love epic yeah epic visuals where you just look at a photo and you think wow like they're this is perfect but i also love just the simple things like a book that can hold like there's so much story in there he wrote this book about another magician this is one of the most famous magicians who's ever lived uh the guy who who got this book for me uh so that photo is is special so that's a that's a pretty cool one super cool mediocre photo but the meaning behind it is is extraordinary yeah i think that's the best thing about certain photos is they're triggers for certain things yeah so like they have so much meaning behind them and then like for somebody it might not mean something but to another person to give me in the world which is actually a pretty good segue into like my next um set of photos oh oh the book's coming okay so i made this book for my grandmother as like a christmas present and this book sums up a trip that we did going to austria and she is currently suffering from macular degeneration and five years ago she found out that she was going to go blind so she was like what i'd like to do is i'd like to go back to austria and visit all my sisters for the last time and it was like heavy it was super heavy and i remember she was like i need someone to come and like take me along and um be my chaperone just in case i get lost in the airport and i have some issues like so i was like so i was like i'll go 100 i'll go and we were the only two people that knew that this was happening going to austria so i went to austria the front cover of this photo is my austrian uncle uh named thomas so we like hiked the mountains of austria which are like amazing he knows how to like live off of the land up there too we had like beers we checked out waterfalls and then this is like my family your grandma seeing all her sisters yeah so my grandmother's seeing all her like sisters i'm just like shooting these photos on my phone and hanging out with my uncle and like these are the mountains there it's like it's insane and then these are like the the final goodbyes they're not even like i tried to shoot them because my grandmother did like super quickly so like they're kind of like from like a technical perspective they're not great but like but i captured every moment of my grandmother saying goodbye to her sisters for the last time wow that's gnarly that is in in a sense what the whole craft is about yep is capturing time and then being able to gift it and then look back on it yeah bondness and sometimes not but that's a good story man yeah that was a good story thanks um i'm gonna follow it up with not as good of a story you know i'm synonymous with this place lake louise marine lake banff national park this is the first time i ever went out on the water there you can rent canoes and you can paddle out and check it out and i'd never been in it we were putting our camera gear in and the girl was like are you sure you want your gear in in the canoe 100 i'm sure that's the only reason i'm doing this yeah i don't really care about canoeing but i care about the images i'm going to get canoeing yep it's like okay and then that prompted my question why though yeah like do people tip do you flip and she's like no like we've literally had two people flip canoes in the last maybe five six years doing this yeah no problems there's like it never gets stormy or anything okay paddled all the way down to the end on the way back clouds shift yeah everything changes it gets way dark and you know it starts getting dark yeah it starts getting wavy to the point where the waves are starting to like splash up over the edge a little bit bags are starting to get wet next thing you know white caps not ocean white cast but you've been on a lake when it starts white capping you're like uh time to get off especially yeah if you're on a jet ski let's go full send but you're on a canoe glacier fed water with all your gear it's freezing yeah all your stuff's in the canoe it started getting super windy that like we couldn't fight the wind with like the strength of paddling so then you start getting like kind of like should i be scared right now or like it's just like louise yeah but it's cold and my gear and i can't and oh the waves were even big and then suddenly a canoe flips like 20 feet ahead of us flips they come out i've never seen a motor on that lake they come out in like a dinghy with like uh like a tinny boat yeah with the motor in the back to try to save them another canoe flips two-foot and this was like 20 minutes ago i was just told it never happened in six years two people like in six minutes two people just went down yeah so mike and i are like buddy mike we're trying to paddle back as fast as we can just i remember it was so difficult to get that canoe back crashed into the dock like coming in hot boom got in got our gear back i think there might have been a total of four or five people that ended up in their canoes they had multiple motorboats on the lake like rescuing people got back to the edge of the water opened my bag snapped a photo obviously because it looked gnarly standing beside a local who lived there and he was like i've lived here for 20 years and i've never seen the lake like this before oh man those poor people must be so cold like you come on vacation beautiful lake louise still water reflections next thing you know you're swimming around it being pulled out by staff on like a rubber dinghy like it was just like such a freak turn of weather yeah so yeah that was a cool photo just because i literally thought i was gonna lose my gear like my whole bag and that's like don't keep all your stuff in one everything i had it was in that bag and i i didn't have any sponsorships they didn't have any money like i took my friend there for his bachelor party and i used all the points that i'd been saving on my credit card for like six years and i used all my aero plan points to get him there for like two days and everything i had for like shooting weddings and all of it my macro lens everything was there so i was just super nervous that i was gonna drop it because there's no way i would have been able to get it yeah i probably would have just been so shocked with how cold it was to even think to die for or even look for it nope you're just gone like boom gone anyway i just posted this photo oh that was a great shot thank you so much where was that so this is at like a um a location that i can't disclose to you oh even better but in iceland it is in iceland so it is a hot spring in iceland oh i've never been in a hot spring it's amazing it's a natural hot spring too so it's like this is built by like the icelandic people it looks like an infinity hot spring i know right then you just walk up to it for free there's like a little spot you just walk up and lizzy and i spent the entire day here and i needed to spend the entire day there so the night before this this was shot on my birthday so this is april 8th two years ago that's cool the day before we were driving through iceland and we need to get gas so one thing i didn't know about iceland when it comes to like getting gas is that when you pay for gas on a credit card it gets seen as a cash advance rather than like this is a pumping station so really instantly my credit card got known as like oh fraud things are like full fraud cancel it and we're in the middle of nowhere no one's calling in iceland no no and like no one's calling me to be like sir are you trying to make a cash advance right now they literally just like canceled the credit card stop hard full stop i was like cool so i don't have a way to pay for anything now in iceland like i have no means of getting around with lizzy i'm like i don't want to rely on just her i feel bad like just asking her to pay for the rest of the trip so i was like i need to get this approved so now we're in this hotel in iceland it's 11 o'clock at night and my phone has no reception because they're in the middle of nowhere so like i was like oh i'll just call them real quickly from like the hotel phone and it can't do international calls of course i was like tight tight tight awesome so go to the front desk and it's 11 o'clock at night and there's just like a receptionist there i was like hey do you mind if i use your phone to do like an outbound call i need to call my credit card company to find out if i can actually get this like approved which would probably be like a tip like a i'm sure they've seen that before yeah with travelers like sure no problem just a heads up it might be a while and i was like what do you mean so like i call them and i get an estimated time to be on the phone for three hours so lizzy and i camped out front of this receptionist area april 7th going and i'm on the phone tipping over to my birthday at two in the morning and the woman felt so bad she brought me some pineapple she's like happy birthday happy birthday and we were up until two in the morning the guy called he's like all right what's wrong was like i tried to pay for gas can you just make sure that like i can use my credit card and i just was like yup no problem it's like sick it's my birthday anyway three hours for this this was the worst thanks bye yeah happy birthday i just cancelled it and then that and then they gave me a tip and they were like you should go to this place to like relax the next day since it sounds like you're stressed out so that's where it came from yeah the locals yeah man sick and that place is super special just because lizzie and i like hung out there all day shooting photos relaxed felt calm and uh yeah i just got some like my favorite photos like every time i post a photo from like that place if we're caring about likes for a second it seems like seems to bang yeah anyway um moving on to okay here's a bam so like when you see that like what is that a spaceship yeah it looks like a spaceship for sure the crazy hallway yep crazy hallway immaculate flooring looks so good that's actually a wall because i've i took this photo horizontally and flipped it to make it look like it was a hallway okay so when you're in like the where the world trade center was i think it's now that cool oculus yeah yeah spot right when you go through to like the other building when you get upstairs if you just look over to the side where all the support beams hold up like the roof the side of the wall is tiled like that so i shot that photo flipped it vertically so it looked like some crazy star wars spaceship and i always just liked it because of how deceiving it is yeah like the deception behind it uh maybe that ties into magic and what i like about you know secrets and slightly flipping perspective whatever it is yeah i feel like there's there's a little bit of magic in that photo because it most certainly looks like a hallway so for my last photo you're gonna laugh because finale it's literally arguably the worst photo in the entire world it has like an og instagram filter on it remember like the remember when you didn't take instagram seriously and you just post whatever so this was like the photo here oh is this the story is this the woman from the story yes oh that's so this is the only proof i have of the craziest and weirdest day of my entire life uh confirmed yeah so a couple years ago i i was pursuing a career as a musician i was like how do i market myself in a unique way as you might know from this channel i like to wake surf so i was like hmm why don't i wakesurf and play guitar at the same time so i made this video it went viral and it actually got the attention of japan's biggest comedy television show so it's called adq and there's this host called a moto and she does stuff where she'll like go in like a bear cage and she'll be in a box and bears will like throw her around and stuff like that so they were like we want you to teach her how to wake surf and play guitar at the same time i was like i don't think you understand how hard it is to do it it's not easy to wake surf no so she they're like no no don't worry in one of the episodes she balanced on two balls at the same time i was like that's not the same thing at all but sure whatever and they're like we'll give you money i was like let's do it so we're now planning out this whole trip it's they're like we're going to come in august it was like awesome perfect time the weather's great they're like actually we're going to push it now to september it's like all right it's going to get a bit colder and they're like all right we're going to come in october oh it's so cold it's so that's why you gotta wear freezing cold so like i'm wearing a wetsuit in this photo it's because the water is literally freezing it turns out it's also like the worst weather of the day so we set up to like do this whole shoot this crew of japanese people come in this like cargo van seven people pop out of it and then there's like a translator he comes up to me he's like all right chris we got four hours to shoot this thing let's do it the first scene is you're gonna like surf by this beach and you're gonna be playing guitar emoto's gonna run down in a school girl's outfit with crazy eyebrows on and she's gonna be jumping up and down you're gonna see her cause you love her and you're gonna throw your guitar into the boat and and then you're gonna swim to her but because we couldn't get the boat so close to the shore i like the scene is me like from a distance driving the boat and then i swam in for 15 minutes while she's literally like like this in the back right now dude like that's a that's a long swim yeah oh it's crazy i'm like i'm exhausted you're not going to beach that boat so like i so i get to the beach i'm like tired like she runs up to me and starts just yelling at me in like japanese so the translator comes out and she says a super long thing and then the trailer translator is like so what is your name it's like oh my god it's like crazy yeah so we go through this scene i was like cool scene one done they're like now we're gonna go out on the boat you're gonna teach her how to do this so like long story short we try for like an hour i'm trying to teach her all the techniques to get up on a surfboard she cannot do it was she cold she was freezing she's like literally like like blue and like all the producers are like we should get her out of the water right and i was like you know what like rather than scrapping the scene what will do because she can't surf i can surf with somebody in my arms so i was like i'll go on the surfboard i'll put her in my arms and we'll surf together did you do it yeah so the producer's like yup sounds good and i don't think he told the host oh like this was happening so i put her in my arms and now we're up surfing and then the host screams something while we're surfing now this woman's in my hands while we're surfing and the host the translator scream something at her and they both had this like that's the key word or like the code word and now she starts screaming a slipknot song at the top of her lungs and in that moment all i could think about i was like so much had to happen for this moment to be occurring right now like the world slowed down like room and this woman's like at the top of her lungs and i'm like what is happening how is this real because they thought it was funny that like i surfed and sang a song so her whole goal is that she wanted to surf and scr and sing a metal song because that's comedy it's pretty funny yeah and i just remember being like this is the craziest thing of my life so how did you surf with her in your arms i just like put her in my arms i had her stand on the baby yeah just imagine she's craving her and she's screaming isn't that hard not her first words dude i can't even wake surf with nothing in my arms it's just it was so nuts so the thing is the reason why this photo is important to me is because they never aired the episode and it's the only photo that i took with a gopro on a selfie stick hey real quick bam shoot the photo and it's the only thing to prove that that date happened why didn't they air it i don't know my guess is that like there were so many like technical failures and the weather was bad and i don't think she could do it like there was this other thing that they wanted me to sort of flew all the way here though yeah so like i think the reason why is because i had to do one last thing they're like you're gonna sing and play guitar at the same time while surfing i was like cool let's do it so this guy comes over and shoves like a lav mic down my wetsuit and i was like uh and he puts it in a little ziploc bag to waterproof it i was like this is probably not a good idea your audio's gone right so i go and surf and sing the song even though i was like mike placement come on bro like this is bad right but like i'm not gonna tell you what to do sure so i i'm surfing i sing the song and then the producer's like drop off the wave so that we know that you're not attached to the boat so i was like sure so i drop off the wave i put the guitar up in the air and i like put in the out of the water put your mic but i'm i'm miked right and then i get it i get out of the boat i take off the wetsuit and the guy grabs the audio pack and it's just drenched yeah of course right so they're like we only have 10 minutes left and it starts downpouring rain i'm like of course it's raining right now so we dock the boat and they're like we need to get the audio for it but the only place that was like dry was like a tim horton's coffee across the street from like the marina so we go over to it we i run into this i run into the bathroom with this japanese um audio engineer and i'm literally beside the toilet playing my song he has like he has a shotgun microphone pointed at me like this like this it's literally this this is the full reenactment perfectly i sing the song and then he he says like thank you in japanese and then he leaves and just exits and then i walk outside i walk outside and they all jump in the cargo van and then like the producer waves out of he's like bye i'll reach out by email and then i never saw them again and you never heard from it they didn't email me i looked it up not gonna do the episode they didn't no they didn't say anything the audio is gone i had to go on limewire to like download it illegally and i found the episode and they just cut my scene oh really yeah so like what the episode that she just did multiple things yeah in like canada and like did all these things and apparently like i guess this that scene was like a total failure the whole wakesurf thing just didn't just didn't make it and so that photo is literally the only proof that that day happened oh wow that was a has a whirlwind of a story well my next phone uh you remember the bucket shot yes i got the same bucket shot i don't think i've ever shown anyone i got the same bucket shot but from a helicopter like a few hours later and i just never never put that in the video what i had already got the shot yeah like you ended up just happened and i was like it's done yeah and they're like hey do you want to hop in a chopper like right now and get that same shot from vantage that no one ever gets to no one ever gets because no one gets clearance to hover a helicopter above moraine lake wow but like we'll do it because we'll take off outside of the park fly in and we'll doors off and it was cold it was like it was like uh september the end of september so i was like yes i flew out to this place i remember they were like yo skinny jeans aren't gonna work up there with doors off i was like don't worry i'm good trust me they're like no trust us who do it for a living skinny jeans are not going to work he's going to take photos of me in the chopper and i don't want to have snow pants on like it's got to look good for the gram and like okay and actually i was i was fine what was really garbage was the wind hitting the back of my shoulder which just got like my whole core frozen yeah yeah so i just like froze right up but my legs were no issue and i made sure to let them know that i was fine my legs were of no issue i'm strong yeah but they banked it you know that have you been to marine lake no you know it's the only spot dude it's the only spot i haven't gone what because every time i've gone it's been closed or we didn't have time i've been to every other lake in alberta except moraine lake i'll save it i'll save it to go you should go together i would love that that should be that would be a great video yeah let's do that hmm okay so they hovered the helicopter above this big rock you climbed up get out and i got it it wasn't snowing but i got the same kind of like you can see the snow in the morning had melted off these trees by then because in the film those trees are full full blanketed and it doesn't take longer so there's the photo there and i got that same shot basically doors off and it was a pretty cool experience and it was hard for me to cut it out of the film because i had all the chopper footage doing it and like all the cool like all right banking over moraine lake in two minutes coming out left side and i was like oh this looks so sick but i decided um to just cut it entirely from that and not included which was hard to do but i think sometimes as an editor for going into video yep it's to know what to cut yeah that makes something good but that shot is pretty cool because it it's like as good as the bucket shot to me yeah and i didn't use it yeah so i don't know it's just it's kind of like a cool sleeper yeah if you will it takes a lot of power to not put it in yeah kudos to you for that yeah that makes you a good storyteller thanks very much dude thanks for all your photos and all the stories and coming out here and driving up up north yeah since you're a city boy i get to visit you and i might go visit my parents too nice and uh yeah and everyone i'm sure is also thankful for all the all the that story is nuts i really wish that we should say i wish we could end this video on an end card of that scene of you holding her singing wait a second i might like email the the producer and see if i can buy the footage you should make a video about that like the hunt for the episode imagine yeah that's a good idea because it lives on a hard drive somewhere it's a yeah exactly it's it's on a random hard drive japan but yeah i hope like this is the worst delete garbage i've been fortunate so that's it for us guys thanks so much for watching uh what's my outro i never do the outros for these uh hit the like button do all those things subscribe check out chris's channel i'll link it below it's also gonna be on the end card as well if you like my videos you'll like his videos go show him some love drop him a random comment in his latest video that says um what was the song you were singing while you were wake surfing oh it was one of my own songs called uh watch your back okay everyone go comment watch your back on chris's latest youtube video that would be amazing i feel like everyone's gonna have the hunt for me there are like a hundred comments that i'll just say watch your back i'll be so pumped dude thanks so much for coming out yeah okay bye
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 890,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, The bucket Shot, Lake Louise, Moraine Lake, Peter McKinnon bucket Shot, Chris Hau, Lizzie Pierce, Chris and Lizzie, Peter McKinnon Banff, Peter McKinnon Alberta, Alberta Photos, Banff, How to shoot landscape photos, Photo Stories
Id: gwskGoK9qJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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