Photoshopping Photos From Subscribers! | S1E12

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today's video was sponsored by envato elements in this video I'll be taking your submitted photos and turn them into anything I feel like whether it's subtle dramatic adorable or badass I'll do my best to turn your images into more than just images welcome to editing your photos [Music] dead I am my fellow Mortals today I thought it'd be fun to edit some of your photos again this is the email address you can send your photos to and now let's just get straight into it hi Benny I really love your work you're very talented this is a cosplay picture of my sister dressed up as Red Riding Hood I really like to see what you can do with it thank you wondrous photo I already have some ideas so let's get this one going for this one I first needed a cave so I eat it in this image and put it right about there so The Light Came From Above I faded out the sides to make it look nice and dark and then use this hole to make it look a bit more legit that took some color correction and shadows but eventually we got there I wanted a super creepy dark cave within the cave so I literally just darkened up this area this is where the big bad wolf was gonna be now she'll just need something to stand on so to finish the cave I added this ground which guess what I also color corrected and adjusted to my own surprise that actually looked weirdly realistic considering the pathetically low amount of effort I put in moving on time to cut red riding cut out Red Riding Hood with the bentle because I'm too big of a nitpick for a quick selection now I put her right about here and made sure that all worked I quickly moved on to adding shadows and as always this is an ass load of work but I'm not gonna lie it works before after now some simple color correction and voila yeah now this uh this still needs some work more Shadows ladies and gentlemen to really make her fit in there it was a bit tricky getting it right but slowly it'll get better over time then highlights of course the light is already pretty damn accurate but making highlights is simply too much fun so leave me be all of a sudden I realize I don't even really like the composition which is well you know pretty important I would argue so I grabbed everything and just kind of well moved it around tilt it a bit and yes that is a lot better next this cave had to be hazy as hell because hazy equals cinematic equals epic so let's bloody go I use these light rays for my overlay back Optics plus Link in description down below and using that I created some nice soft lighting that alone wasn't good enough though so I put even more Haze behind her by just painting some soft brown stuff once again kind of try one error but it more or less did the job I applied some quick coloring to see if the whole thing had any potential at this point and well I guess it does so let's add the big bad wolf terrible image I know but it's really just about the pose because 99 of this is gonna be hidden anyways for spookiness sake basically I made the whole thing incredibly dark and put some Shadows here and there to have the light come from above that looked Alright and then I also made the eyes a bit brighter because big scary creepy let's go now some particles are in order because at this point what even is a Benny edit without particles so once again from my opticsplus overlay bundle link Down Below in the description I grabbed this one and blended it in there that lamp needs some litness so let's paint a little flame in it and add some nice glow of course this lamp casts some light on the surrounding area so let's take care of that too just some orange light here and there absolutely fabulous okay so now that everything looks decent as heck it's time for an absolute Magic Camera raw filter I added a shitload of effects in there with which made it look a lot better and I say that like it's a surprise but it's really not literally camera roll just magically fixes your photos now unlike usually this one actually is a quite warm look I don't know why it just seemed like a good choice for this and well there you go Red Riding Hood about to be obliterated by the big bad wolf now on to the next one but first a quick word from our sponsor of today envato elements my go-to website for digital assets of all kinds you should have a look at what they have to offer there's tons of cool Photoshop stuff like brushes actions layer Styles and of course stuck photos and Graphics even for video editors this is a gold mine but did you know they also have a YouTube channel on enfaro Dutch plus you can watch all kinds of informative content about all kinds of different software one video I particularly stumbled upon is music for videos you're choosing it wrong which I think would be a huge help to you if you edit videos often I linked it down below in the description anyways I'm also very happy to tell you I'll give away one free year subscription of envato elements so to participate simply comment below my recent Instagram story now back to the video very nice now straight from the wild west hey Benny Nikolai here from Belgium I recently became obsessed with Photoshop and your videos are a must during my breakfast beautiful work I was wondering whether you could do something with my photo taken in Cuba best Nikolai well neighbor I sure will see what I can do let's open up Photoshop ladies and Gentlemen let's get straight into it first of course the most fun part cutting this jab out boom there you go first thing we gotta do is give this man some western clothes to make him look like a true Cowboy so I found these of course it doesn't perfectly match his body so I used warp to take care of that little problem this all looks quite wonky and that arm is beyond me but I guess let's just pretend it doesn't exist and carry on I put some Shadows here and there to make it look a bit more realistic and that looks this guy needs some belts so I got some pants and same story here warp I didn't really get it done properly for this one though so I decided to switch over to my good old friend liquify instead that is good enough so once again Shadows shadows and shadows now the arm good Lord that looks strange I cut a piece of his shirt out and put that into place I again used warp to fix the shape and at this point I had accepted that this will always look weird no matter what I do so I decided to just you know leave it be some lighting for a Finishing Touch and poof now he has an arm praise the Lord Almighty I found his face looking a bit out of place so there I also put some shadowing I'm not even sure if this made it better but who really cares at this point after spending a tediously extensive amount of time looking at this jab's face I realized he needs a mustache there is the mustache I did the usual stuff to it to make it look nice and seriously dude I I mean I don't know who you are but you may want to consider you know growing your mustache because my friend this looks like it was meant to be anyways for the environment I wanted a very very hazy I'm not just hazy but like full-on Sandstorm hazy so with a few solid colors I painted some sort of Sandy gradient which I painted over using Mist brushes once that looked acceptable I did the same thing again but in front of our guide to make it look like he's in the middle of the action this game paired with some color correction mostly desaturating him as the colors were a bit too vibrant and you know me I like highlights so here I also decided to add some more making the clothes a bit more cohesive with the subject now this of course isn't nearly dramatic enough so let's add some more dust I had some of these smoke brushes lying around from brush easy so I decided to use those that had the exact look I was aiming for so that was very nice happy yay then same thing as the previous one light rays from my opticsplus library link down below very sadly I put those in there to create that really nice dramatic light effect and I know this may be a bit repetitive but come on I mean this looks freaking epic Now dust and sand means we're gonna need some particles Believe It or Not particles from my opticspla from here it is pretty straightforward so let's go and add a camera or a filter to spice things up this one had to look nice and old not too saturated the real Western type Vibe I did want to add some grass as if he's in the middle of a field like that and that made it literally 10 million times better and towards the end I realized that this is quite different from my usual style since it looks more realistic and kind of simplistic it's just a chap chilling in a sandstorm I mean never done that before now on to the next one last but definitely not least hey Benny here's my submission for editing your photos your artwork continues to be a huge inspiration for my own Journey as a digital Creator and I would love to see what you can turn this image into try whatever you like whatever I like thank you for all that you contribute to the world of digital art I hope you like Harry Potter because that's happening [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] Benny where the hell is the new studio is this new studio now this is definitely not I know I've said it would be done very soon and now it is actually done very soon there's just a few more things we need to finish which we will actually do uh in about one well for you guys probably tomorrow point is it is actually nearly finished so just a little more patience now don't forget to check out envato elements and then I guess for today that's it if you like this video make very sure to leave a like subscribe hit that Bell so you don't miss a single video and then I hope I'll see you in my next video what's going on with my hands today bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 760,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, break down, spooky, october, halloween, editing your photos, editing photos, your photos, creepy, photo editing, your images, editing your images, audience engagement, edit show, send me your photos, I edit your photos, magic, sorcerer, wand, fantasy, red riding hood, western
Id: n0HyS2CKjiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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