Editing YOUR Photos in Photoshop! | S1E1

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Perfecto magnifico!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ironmanjakarta 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
this time in editing your photos lights are turned on because that looks way cooler i've left some dark as well not everybody's home this part should be a bit darker the day has come where i finally edit your photos as highly requested i asked you guys on my community tab to send me your pictures via benny's submissions at gmail.com and you did i chose a few photos from those emails which i'm going to edit for you today if you had any specific ideas you could mention them and if not i'm doing my own thing with it and of course if you had a stupid idea i was still going to do my own thing anyway if you're new here hi my name is benny and if you enjoy my content after watching this video feel very free to subscribe and most importantly smash that bell to stay notified about future videos i'll stop wasting your time now and get right into the first photo i chose this one's from anandu from india he said hello i'm anandu from india can you please edit my photos here i'm attaching some of my pictures i don't have any suggestions do whatever you want i sure will this image has huge potential to be very cool so let's start right away so there it is the first image and before doing anything let's just first mask this guy out because obviously we're gonna replace the background and everything so i'm just gonna start and uh you know mask this guy out and that's probably gonna take way too long but i don't care just going all around the edge just like that and there you go that is the motorcycle cut out then i'm going to add a background and i thought this one looked actually pretty cool so i'm going to make that like this size maybe put that in the middle and then the one on top of it and uh so let's make this guy a little smaller then i'm going to change the levels of the main background with well with levels gonna make sure black is really black and then i'm going to change the levels of the bike too because this as you can see is not black enough then remove the highlights because it's obviously very dark there you go then i'm gonna make the shadow which is gonna be just a very dark dutch shadow the wheels and then another shadow which is gonna be a more global one wait actually first this line right here is pretty distracting let's try to remove that there you go that's better and then i'm going to make a more general shadow there you go let's just add a glow and i make a new solid color for that and just uh and put it on this blend mode then i guess i'll just uh start painting intense nice glow because i really love it when glows are very intense because it just it looks very cinematic and very you know dramatic and i love it and then the same thing for the other side except orange reddish however this isn't very bright so to make that brighter i'm gonna just make it well brighter like this you blend if to remove it from the darker areas there you go and then i'm gonna make sure it's only visible right here there you go i think there should be some kind of depth of field so i'm gonna go to filter blur gallery tilt shift and let's see i'm going to put that right below the bike just like that we can create a pretty nice depth of field really dramatic now i can also add some bokeh because that looks really cool with uh images like these there you go you can see the stuff happening right there yeah that's pretty cool so this thing should probably have a few really hard shadows so i'm gonna go and copy this one make it black with hue and saturation and light is like that and i'm going to transform this with distort and then that thing i'm gonna rasterize and then add some blur gallery too then hit okay maybe some blend if would make it look a little better then add a layer mask because it is a bit too uh too much there you go very subtle very uh you know well subtle yeah so then it is time for the highlights because uh oh wait a second first i'm gonna make sure the lights are turned on because that looks way cooler so for that i'm just gonna go oh hold on hold up hold up hold up first i should probably add some blue tones to the bike because right now does not match at all there you go that's a whole lot better look at that awesome so then as i just said i'm gonna turn on the lights make sure it's visible right at the light and then guess what i'm gonna add a glow for that one too and now we can see it should probably be just slightly brighter there you go yeah that's pretty cool so uh then we also might wanna do that right there with the front lights that's gonna be just a white glow maybe slightly bluish but mostly just white and add it right there yeah that's great so then i'm gonna add the highlights which is probably the coolest thing about all this so i'm gonna go and add a new hue and saturation adjustment layer clip it to the motorcycle and then hit colorize make it blue very bright and very you know light maybe a little blend if too like that and then i can just go ahead and start painting some beautiful highlights on this guy this is as always the most time-consuming part so then i'm gonna make another one for the second highlight because this blend if as i said isn't really working correctly for all areas so i'll just make one without blend if for the really dark areas like this right here and then maybe even another one just for an overall like sort of thing just like that that definitely looks a lot better so then we have to do that same thing except for the other side because well orange light blue light you know so that's gonna be uh some work i'm just going to take i'm just going to take the same one as before change the color to orange and then i can go start painting again because well that's the point and then as usual i'm gonna copy that thing and then uh well change the blend if sliders just like that and then i'm gonna go over it again however it should not be that bright it should probably just be like that there you go that is pretty much it then let's see wait actually right here it is maybe a bit too much now let's see what else can we do yeah but you know what probably we should probably add some lens flares that would really spice things up there you go that is a beautiful lens flare there and then another one maybe down there that is starting to look pretty pretty pretty pretty cool so uh then maybe behind the motorcycle i should add some dust and then change the right side color to uh orange again i'm just gonna paint over it like that there you go yeah so i think then it's time for a camera raw filter which hopefully is going to make the whole thing even cooler so i'm going to go to filter camera raw filter and then uh where then i'm just going to change up every slider to see if it makes it better or not first to basic then clarity make the whole thing a bit lighter with exposure and go to curves with that cinematic feeling then the color mixer which is really the most advanced thing in camera raw split toning and maybe with a bit yellow orange highlight and then a darker bluish shadow tone there then add some grain to the overall thing and then finally some calibration see what that does well i guess then that is pretty much it great i'll make sure to send this back to you as soon as i get the chance now if you're wondering where you can get some prints made by me well i only sell them in one place this plate and i know i know you're thinking in another one of these boring sponsor segments but no i'm not gonna lie i didn't even get paid for this one they just sent me some samples this is just me honestly loving this blade and yeah i think you guys should know about it anyway these plates are not normal prints no no they are metal prints isn't that epic and don't worry they ship pretty much to everywhere pause the video if you want to read all this bloody text so if you want this or this or this or this or this or this on your wall then hop over to the link in the description to check out my display profile but did you know that you can upload your artwork to display too and earn money by doing so they have this great share and earn program which gives you an even bigger cut and a print your own section where you can order your own displays for less so if you want to do that also click the link in the description now let's go edit the next picture which is from i think ellen joshua's his name edit this in a cyberpunk kind of way sure bro let's go so there we are for the second photo and this is gonna be really cool because as i just said this is going to be a science fiction cyberpunk style thing so first i'm gonna have to mask this guy out with the foreground and everything so for that i'm just gonna you know just go over the entire edge with a pen tool and i'm gonna skip this because this is very boring to watch there you go selection mask button and there you are then i'm going to copy this one and delete the mask again in the background image we need this guy gone so i'm hoping i can just do it like this oh that actually worked so now in the background plate he's gone however still having right here so now these two are separate which is exactly what we want i also need the sky to be masked away so for that i'm just gonna go and select the background then the mask button there you go now that is looking pretty good so then i can grab my first image which is this city right here that's going to be the background so i'm going to put that all the way at the back so now we can actually start doing everything first of all i'm going to darken the middle thing because that is way too light to bring down the exposure makes it really gray and really distant however the light area should remain very bright like that then to create some distance i probably can just add a solid color set that blend mode to screen now it looks really distant so that's exactly what we want now what we are gonna do is do that same thing except for the second layer same sort of color except maybe just not that intense looks pretty nice then i'll take a mist brush and just sort of paint a haze behind the guy oh and then also i probably should add some blue tones to the uh the center piece then i'm going to make a sort of highlight for this part right here because that looks really stupid and weird and not great then i will use blend if going over this right there and then maybe just on the entire thing oh wow that actually looks pretty good we really need that kind of depth you know and this is a great way to achieve that and so if i select this area right here and i'll use that as a mask for even another one probably could just do it like that but that's even another layer now it really looks like there's some kind of just clouds in between the buildings looks pretty cool if you ask me [Music] me and there you go i think that is pretty much uh most of the windows i've left some dark as well not everybody's home and i'm adding a bit of a very bright area right behind these buildings to make sort of a main light source kind of thing but then now it's kind of just a pretty regular city and we really want this to be a cyberpunk kind of futuristic city so for that i collected a few things actually just lots of logos and posters and advertisement stuff which i'm gonna spread all over the thing to hopefully make things look a bit more you know lit up and way more yeah just busier so first i'm gonna drop in some holograms and light beams for example this thing this can actually be pretty cool to just kind of put somewhere with him right there we should probably add a layer mask to this one though because this is looking really weird another one on top of this thing like that that already gives some kind of futuristic uh feeling so then i also had this uh this thing which could be just a hologram with it maybe right up here and then we can do that same thing with this one which i think is actually even cooler and you know what we're just gonna put that right on top of this building there you go that's pretty cool so then as i just said i have all these kind of posters for example this thing right here subway advertisement beautiful just put that right there and then one in the same format right here which is playstation and we got this nike poster right here i'm just gonna put on this tower really big and just like that i'm gonna add all kinds of stuff all over the place so i'll see you in a second and there you go that is uh quite a lot of stuff it's just posters and logos and but right now it looks pretty weird they're just sitting there however they should have some glow because they are light so i'm going to go all the way up and start adding some really cool glows i'm going to start with red first because there's quite a lot of red right now i'll just start adding some glows all over the red areas and as you can see that adds a lot of life to the image and the posters itself so this is what i'm gonna have to do to every single color because there's quite a lot of colors as you can see so uh this is probably gonna take a while again i'm gonna skip it because it's really boring to watch so yeah [Music] look at that that is definitely some change so now i think the most important thing is going to be the highlights this guy is not lit and he should be so i'm going to add my first highlight which is going to be blue so i'm going to go with blue and as previously i'm just gonna go around the edges to see what works best [Music] like that and then i'm gonna make another one for the bands because that's a lot darker there you go that actually looks pretty cool and i might want to make that a little brighter now that is pretty sick and then a little haze here and there then let's go and add some final effects like lens flares and some particles so this one i'm gonna put it right here that's a really bright spot right there same thing here except that one should be blue then we can also add some particles like these hide it and use a layer mask to bring some back the areas we want to see them by the way i should probably change the color of this highlight to red because this is really a bright thing and right now it's it just looks a bit weird or something there you go that's better and then guys you know what i think i think it is time for a camera raw filter so i'm going to merge everything into one layer and then go to filter and choose camera raw filter because this is going to be super epic it should probably be a bit brighter like that two curves get that cinematic feeling add some sharpening to the thing and then we can start mixing all the colors to see what works best and there you go i think that is pretty much it wait there's one thing i still want to try so then i'm going to move this here and then that should only be visible right here then add some blur to that thing so this was supposed to be a reflection but i'm not really sure that's better maybe decrease the fill yeah i guess that works yeah so then i'm gonna merge everything again and re-add that same camera raw filter and there you go that my friend is the final thing that was it for this one that is pretty cool i ended up not changing much though because i kinda just like how it looked i'll send this back to you once i got the chance on to the next and final one for today this promising picture is by abi walk hello benny i'm from india i'm also a digital artist your videos help me a lot i'm sending four pictures of mine you can do whatever you want i enjoyed your videos a lot thanks thanks man i have this great idea for this one so let's go right away so for this one i had this crazy idea but it was a bit too crazy maybe because it seemed to be pretty much impossible to make that realistic however then i searched for images and actually that might just work so for this one i already masked him out before because this is way easier like that and i did that same thing to all the other images so that means we don't have to look at me cutting things out which is great so my idea is i've got this sofa right here i'm gonna put him on the sofa right there then i'm going to put this little guy right behind him there you go then i've got another one right on his shoulders and then finally one for right about here now that was pretty much my idea and and well i mean it works also for the background i had this wood texture the ground actually sorry which i'm just gonna put right there and then distort and make it look 3d just like that for the wall i was just gonna use this uh sort of grunge except that should be very dark i'm just gonna add an exposure adjustment layer already and then also one on the floor now first things first i'm gonna make a shadow below the sofa with exposure i'm starting with the touch shadows the really black dark shadows and then secondly the more global shadow just like that there you go that looks pretty nice then i want the sofa to be black because that's way cooler there you go that's pretty cool then i'm gonna add a shadow for this guy below his feet and then the shadow below this guy there you go really dark and maybe another shadow then i'm gonna start with the first tiger this one uh let's see he should be a little darker a little more contrast maybe and then his head should be in front of this guy so for that i'm just gonna take a fur brush remove that like this there you go that is more like it then i'm gonna have to start adding shadows and maybe some slight color correction but i'm not really sure i can just start with the shadow right here just painting i'm not really sure if this is going to look great but we'll see soon enough that's a start let's see and then another one but a really dark one to uh kind of make the dark areas just well darker and then for his boss right here in the back kind of the same thing i guess there you go and then he needs a shadow under his boss and just entire body because right now it looks like he's he's floating a little and that's not what we want so i'm gonna go ahead and add another shadow to the sofa right here there you go then this part should be a bit darker i think and so should the right side of his face there you go that is actually pretty nice great i guess then that is pretty much that first one then this same process i'm just gonna have to do to the other two as well yeah i'll just speed that up for you because it's really nothing new so uh yeah let's [Music] go [Music] now that i'm looking at this i think it's a better idea to just leave this one out because i'm never going to be able to get this right too time consuming and i'm not even really sure if it's really necessary because these two are pretty cute on their own so yeah i think i'm just gonna ditch that one but we do have to fix this shadow though because right now that is looking really weird so i'm gonna go over to the shadow right there now that is looking really nice but not quite done yet because very big thing this guy has this really really vibrant red highlight which is i mean obviously coming from the right that means we need to add that to everything else too because this is just weird however maybe i want to change that color to some other color maybe just a bit more orange like that i'm pretty sure that will match the cups better too because red just doesn't really work well in my experience so now that orange color we're gonna have to add to the right sides of everything so let's start with uh with this guy up here that is kind of what i had in mind i'm not gonna lie though it could have looked a bit better but for now i guess this is pretty good so then for this one right here i guess that looks pretty cool too so then the sofa also needs this kind of orange glow so for that i'm going to the sofa and add the same sort of thing except just maybe not that bright just a tiny little touch of that orange some little detail would be to go ahead and just make a solid color in this color and then just a tiny little see that instantly creates this this illusion of light right there fantastic and then that same thing with a white one for the other side there you go isn't that amazing that is crazy so then finally it is time for a camera raw filter so i've got everything in one layer right here convert that into a smart object and go to filter choose camera raw filter and this is where the magic happens once again for the last time today i'm just gonna go over all these sliders and see what works best [Music] and there you go that is the pretty much final result i am pretty surprised honestly at the start i didn't really think this was gonna work but i mean it kinda did so that is definitely something good so uh yeah i'm honestly so surprised over this i really didn't see this one happening at first but as usual i'll send this back to you when i can then i guess that was the final one for today if you like this concept then let me know in the comments and feel very free to send your photos to benny's submissions gmail.com however do make sure to send good quality pictures photos under one or two megabytes sadly won't be good enough and therefore will not be used that means no selfies no screenshots and yeah just no bad quality photos no favorite instagram post today this video is long enough already don't forget to hop over to my display profile to buy prints but only if you're interested of course and then i guess that is it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very very free to subscribe and most importantly hit that bell to stay notified about future videos and i can tell you some very cool things are coming up anyway then i hope i'll see you in my next video
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 3,158,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, time challenge, tutorial, break down, displate, editing your photos, editing your images, photoshopping your photos, editing photos, your photos, edit show, photoshopping photos, audience engagement, send me your photos, photo editing, your pictures, your images
Id: BgiYdgzWa0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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