I Paid 5 Designers On Fiverr To Design The SAME Logo... 🧐

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I thought of felt that he was painting fiverr in too positive a light. A lot of those designs were--in my opinion--actually quite bad, and I think he was too soft on them because Fiverr was paying him to make this. I'll write my thoughts in more detail shortly, but I'm interested to hear what everyone else thought.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/o0MSK0o 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I thought he was being too positive about it and was ignoring massive problems because he had been paid by them to do this. But I don’t really do logo design (I mainly do web) so I was interested to hear what others had to say about this.

For starters, his design brief wasn’t very detailed and there didn’t seem to be any follow up questions from the designers—nothing about target audience and demographic.

Now onto the actual designs.

Designer 1:

1) It looked nice, but didn’t really give off the right vibes imo—but the design brief should have been clearer on that. To me, it looks like a generic logo for a travel company—if you google ‘travel holiday company’ you’ll see loads of very similar logos. Also not a fan of the typeface.

2) The birds were far too detailed and I don’t see any connection to meditation—it’s just an abstract mark (which can sometimes work, but I don’t think that this even gave off the right vibe). I also think that more thought should have been put into the typeface—I don’t think it worked well with the icon. As will mentioned, the kerning in the revised version was also poor.

3) This one was better. There were a few kinks in there which needed to be cleaned up but that’s no biggy. I think it could work nicer if the type had similar line weight to the drawing, but I’m not really mad at anything in this one, and with a few minor tweaks I think it could look pretty good.

Designer 2:

All of these variants used the lotus flower, which is very cliché. Even the images inside the lotus flowers look very generic—they look like they could have been taken from any stock vector site.

I feel like it was quite low-effort in the sense that the ideas were very similar—some of them looked more like iterations of the same design than completely separate logos.

The last one looked best in my opinion, but I’m not convinced that it is distinct enough for a logo—if you search ‘meditation app’ in the google play store, there are loads of other apps which look very similar.

Designer 3:

This guy was amazing. Presentation was on point. He even did customisations to type. He showed the reasoning behind it—the three stones, the meditation pose he started with. Unlike all the other designers, he also specified the typeface which shows he’s thinking about more than just the logo. He showed different applications and showed it at different sizes too.

I was super impressed—I can’t think of anything to criticize. It was very good.

Designer 4:

It was decent. Possibly a bit too detailed, as Will mentioned, and not a fan of the light colours on light background that it was presented on, but overall it wasn’t generic and thought had been put into the application. (I can see that they made notes on animation etc. in that documnt).

Designer 5:

The mark looks very nice and the gradients add nice depth. But it’s far too detailed for a logo. Those stars would scale down horribly. I’m also not a fan of the typeface—it feels dated, though this was fixed after Will asked him to change it. As Will said, it also looks like a sleeping app, but that could potentially be blamed on a poor brief or them not asking enough follow up questions. I’m also not convinced that the silhouette would be recognised as a head once scaled down, as the gradients almost disappear at small sizes and so it looses all of it’s definition.

We didn’t get a good look at the other designs so I can’t comment on those.

Some of them were decent at their price point. But I don’t think that Will should be encouraging people to go to fiverr. Firstly, being good at the price point doesn’t mean much—they still didn’t compare to what you’d get if you paid more.

But also, unless those were all students, it’s encouraging them to work for peanuts. Fiverr devalues the work that designers do and I feel like his overwhelmingly positive reaction to it is encouraging it.

This is all my opinion, so I'd be interested to hear whether you guys agree/disagree and why! Do you agree that he painted fiverr in too positive a light? Or do you think that he was fair and balanced?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/o0MSK0o 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
I paid five designers to design the same logo let's see what they did okay so fiver have come to me and asked if I'll take part in the Fiverr challenge which is where I basically have a thousand dollars to spend on Fiverr I get to choose different designers and basically get them to design a logo so I thought it would be really fun and interesting and insightful to see what would happen if I was to get five designers from different price points all the way from $40 to something like $500 and see the differences between the same logo brief that I give to them now be warned that this brief is very short and it was intentionally short to leave it kind of vague so they could have a bit more creative expression in their work so manscape a guided meditation app primarily with additional Zen music features calming sounds to help you focus and a gentle wake up alarm this is a fake app far away but there are similar ones online I'd like you to create a logo for the above company mindscape it's an app so the logo would need to be appropriate for an icon so that's a big one the logo would also have to work well outside of the app store as the idea would be to use it as the main logo on a website for mindscape so basically I've told the design is that this logo is about creating an app but it's also a website that will work standalone as well so the logo has to work really well in the app for the app store and really well online so it'd have to have basically a type of graphic element to it as well for it to work online and for it to be easily distinguished and branded this is my thought process going into it Mary Ellen let's have a look at your work so Mary Ellen sent all these so we're going to look through a couple of them we're going to first look through this one here so this is mindscape his first sort of look and there wasn't much of an explanation with this I made a few options for you to look at most of the ideas play on M or M s with relaxing or then elements I can definitely see how the M is now with the mountains which is cleverly done and it is very zen but I think in my opinion it's a bit too cliche for the market that were going with because you haven't looked at the app side to it but yes the logo does work and it's really pretty and very zen the second version that he gave was this one here which is this really kind of like futuristic look and I kind of liked this one because it is you can see the M in there as well it's a bit more modern if it would the brief ever so slightly more another one from Mario Land let's have a look he's giving us a lot of different concepts here actually which is very nice to see all these different ideas and it's an M and an S all together creating this off human that is meditating cross-legged which I really think I really liked that one I think it's very clever geometric as well I think you could have like cleaned up some of the lines here when you're doing it maybe it's the pencil and just make it so it's just ever so slightly more precise but the idea was there and the actual typeface is well it worked quite well with it I think you could have maybe gone in a different direction with the typeface but the icon the logo itself it looks really good I ended up choosing no this version here but I asked him in the actual response I said this thanks for the concept concept to would work the best for the app icon I would love to see where you can do without the birds so we can get rid of any details that would be visible inside the small app icon and I said it increased the tracking in the logo type is also I physically told him what to do I told Mario what to do with this and this is what he came up with so it looks miles west of the icon now the only problem with this logo type here is that the tracking is being tracked so much that it's not turned anymore so you know I go ahead and turn it a bit so it's a bit more together you can see this sea and the a is just way too far apart there but that icon there for what $40 is what Mario charged for this which is insane $40 you get what you're given you know it's amazing you're all these different ideas and concepts okay so number two we'll go for this guy called K fold designs and this one cost me $70 so this is a $70 logo design and it came up with concepts as well so I gave him the same exact brief answered the questions that they wanted and here's the first look at the logo concept so we've got it here what manscape in this again are a cliche look of these leaves that the user is someone you know literally meditating in the middle of it which isn't a bad thing it's just very cliche and it might not fit well in an icon well scroll down some of these are very similar this one's got like a music note in it a lot to show while as me note in there but there you go as you sort of stayed within the bounds of these sort of leaves but the one that caught my attention was this one down here because it was in an app icon and I could see it worked but the leaves are sort of sticking outside of it which doesn't work within the bounds of an app icon so I asked virtues that Apple icon and to go ahead and change a few things about it with the depth and the colors and this is what she did she created a more flat look because there was too much going on in the middle of the first one and there you go she's done it but the problem there is that it just looks she just got rid of all of the lines which is not what I was trying to explain for $70 it matches the brief really well the colors are teal which are boring they're very calm and nice they breathe an option of freshness to you when you look at it so I like the typography as well it works well so that was K fall designs with $70 the next one is a six design at a hundred and thirty-five dollars you know it doesn't sound like much so I wasn't expecting a lot but then I got this I first opened up a PDF with this shown to me which is obviously the logo which looks really cool and I'm like well is a Meyer and M and an S&M for mindscape and there's a landscape was someone sat on it which shows me instantly that this guy's instantly grabbed the attention of what we're talking about so he's grabbing with the idea that I gave to him which is good he's presenting it then not only does he just present the work just like giving me the logo he actually shows me what he did and he shows this is the muck construction and we see the meditation plus the M and he's highlighting it for us as you can see here the M plus the 3-piece Zen which is that those rocks I was talking about create this but not only that he shows the grid setup as well which is huge it shows you how he designed it and it gives you a bit more appreciation to the process and then he's also done it in negative shapes and he's gone ahead and basically giving me the actual typeface that we should be using for it as well but just putting it there even here he's showing us that changing the original type lining the height of the letters applied visual kerning Kurt fing the end points in order to create a visual balance when used in combination with the muck so not only did he create the mark he actually modified a logo type so he basically created a custom logo type to fit with the mark to make it work correctly and this is what we've done for 135 dollars that is awesome but it doesn't stop there he goes ahead and gives me this which is the app icon it shows that it works of in there with the grids and has also got the different sizing to prove that it works in different app stores and apps and fade comes then it gifts from promotional posters here as well he also shows some t-shirt designs like I'm actually blown away for 135 dollars this is insane so that was a six designed for 135 dollars which they're only getting better and better from now so the next one is from logo business at 295 dollars so you can see here on his first look he gives me this here and this shows me what he's been doing and it's in low quality mind you because obviously you don't need to be in high quality but I did give some feedback to this because this is the logo here as you can see it looks nice I like the way that he's gone in a different approach which is to do with more of like a medallion look and really focused into the idea of an app icon but not only that he shows the working here on the side as well creating symmetry and balance which he's really gone on the Zen part of this now I liked this but I said to him I really like the form the color seem to be slightly on the feminine side maybe a change from baby blue to something a bit less desaturated and in the end we got this one here so we got these different color combinations here with a little yellow pimps which is very clever to do because it gives you that idea of the brand that gives you something to market as the brand makes the logo type something that what you stand alone and we've got these different color combinations so when I asked him if you could you know change the color of it cuz I kind of liked the logo is really good he changed it you know and I liked it I think the only thing I don't like is the amount of detail inside it if you have more detail go especially something like this it doesn't work as well as something as reducing it down but at the same time it's very difficult to do because you've got to work within the app icon as well and then here we go here's the final one that he gave because I chose my color he showed me and it's full color capabilities and then he's also showing me down here the one in the negative and they both work like a charm I like them the only gripe I would have with this is when presenting the icon maybe bring the icon down a little bit so it fit in the same realm as the typography so here's the last designer and this is Donna Vega who might I remind you has designed everything on here from the same brief and he costs four hundred and fifty dollars so by now I spent like basically a thousand dollars on the platform so I give him the same brief and the same everything and this is what it comes up with you see this mindscape he created this when I first looked it I was like that is crazy amount of depth inside of an app icon which always works if you ever look at a good app icon that does well it's I've already 2d design very well it's got a bit of depth to it something that can work in an app which I thought this is insane I said it's probably a bit too sleepy it looks too much like a sleeping app because of the color tone that could you try and brighten it up or make it you know a bit more saturated so it doesn't look like a sleeping pack he also created ones like this over here which I like as well but he seemed a bit too Zen for me this one here kind of looked like an aeroplane so I didn't want to go for it but I did like the concept again all of them were really good after I tell him that I needed the color changed ever so slightly he comes ahead and it gives me five different revisions of this different choices and also he changes the typeface which I also asked for again this one's good but it does seem more sleepy which isn't something that I wanted but the app icon works really well it would look awesome in new morphic design it's insane the amount of depth and detail is actually inverted the shadows and everything from the other way to give it more of an illusion of being awake I think it looks more like morning to me now so the one thing that I'm asking myself during this process is whether their logo fits is it appropriate so does it match the goals and the brief that I've set and does it work in an app does it fit is it large enough does it compete with other app icons and designs out there and of course this one definitely does so are 450 dollars to get all of that work in just a few days without having too much conversation is pretty insane so guys there you go there you have it those are like the five designers who I gave the same brief to who designed the same thing basically but in different ways all the way from $40 to 450 in a total of me spending $1,000 to do this which is pretty insane if you'd like to learn a bit more about Fiverr and all of the different designers that I featured today then click the link down below they'll be featured there in the link click on it check them out see their work and check out five while you're at it it's an amazing place to get really affordable services for you but if you'd like to you can go ahead and do your own gigs on Fiverr if you wanted to if you're a logo designer someone who wants to share the love of creating or just gaining experience in the designer industry Fiverr is a good place to go so let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll catch you guys in the next video don't forget to Like comment and subscribe see you next week or the next video goodbye [Music]
Channel: Will Paterson
Views: 2,480,066
Rating: 4.854176 out of 5
Keywords: design, vlog, graphic, art, photoshop, illustrator, adobe, fiverr tutorial, fiverr challenge, fiverr logo design, fiverr logo, will paterson logo, is fiverr legit, how to design a logo, fiverr tips and tricks, fiverr tips, lets make art, make money online, minimal logo, gfx, fiverr graphic design, will patterson, will paterson logo design, fiverr gig marketing, design a logo, fiverr gigs, fiverr video
Id: U__YrDLoHRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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