I ordered this sawmill 15 MONTHS AGO!! It finally came in, was it worth the wait!??

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foreign good morning boys and girls welcome back to diesel Creek something exciting happened to me yesterday I got a letter in the mail the words written inside told me that finally after 15 months of waiting patiently sort of well maybe not patiently but after 15 months of waiting my wood Miser Sawmill has finally come in so I'm just loaded up in the pickup here I pulled my toolbox out and we are currently in route to shade Gap Pennsylvania and we're gonna go pick up a sawmill it's about a three hour drive so uh I'll see you guys when we get there [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] well we made it go in the office and see if we can't get this thing loaded up [Music] well we got the old girl loaded up strapped down there the best of my ability before we hit the road I gotta do one thing that ain't going nowhere all right I guess we're good let's hit the road yeehaw all right well it's only 6 30 but it's dark as dark gets out here and uh just pulling back in here now we got to get this Sawmill unloaded [Music] Sawmill time foreign [Music] [Music] I'm so excited this has been 15 months of anticipation here and uh the Mrs is expecting me at Hope for dinner I've been on the road all day but uh well there's no way I'm leaving here without unwrapping this thing now unfortunately the wind has taken away some of the fun and partially ripped the plastic over here but uh yeah I see the back of the back of the mill there so I'm going to go ahead and get out my razor knife and slice this stuff off of here we're gonna see what this beauty looks like I'll give them credit they use some good heavy plastic on here all right sawmill [Music] I can see that I don't know the colors have had their ups and downs over the years one of the first engines I really started to learn much about were Kohler K series cast iron engines that are in all the Cub Cadet garden tractors of the 60s and 70s so I've liked Kohler from then I know they went through some bad stuff but I think they're back around being pretty pretty reliable engines there um yeah I don't know I'm excited to get this thing unpacked and tested out here yeah proud to see something like that on there I was worth the wait because I could have gotten some of the chinesium saws a lot quicker but uh I didn't really want to go that route this is probably unless this blossoms into some business which I'm not foreseen um this Sawmill should be sufficient for all of my needs for my entire life the way I'm planning things but uh you know you know what they say about plans they give me a battery oh they did a deca so that's the mill but wait there's more they had these uh Camp hooks for sale there in the showroom so I picked up one of those because I don't have one yet got a big old box of saw blades blast but certainly not least in it here which I'm pretty excited about this is actually a power feed unit it's got some gravity to it but basically what that thing does is make the carriage that slides down and actually feeds the saw into the log it makes that powered and you don't have to push it which is what you have to do with some of the smaller Mills or in the case of this one if you manually crank it yeah I think it's this guy right here would be your travel if I didn't buy that power feed option it's late I gotta go eat dinner but we're gonna be back to set this up tomorrow and uh tomorrow is right now for you guys all right it is finally Sawmill time I know it's been no time at all for you guys but for me this thing's been sitting here for over a month now because I wanted to set it up on the back porch of the shop out here eventually this unit will probably get a standalone building for it I don't want to put it out in the weather but until such a Time I figure I'd set it up under the roof out here at the shop well I didn't want to set it up and be in the way until I had the ceiling done and the ceiling is finally done so me and my buddy Austin wrapped up the ceiling yesterday and that was quite a job but that is not the focus of this video so after 16 months now I am finally ready to cut some wood oh I've been wanting to do this somewhere there's a big box of directions down in here that tells you how to set this thing up we'll probably uh probably not look at those at all until we get stuck somewhere I watched half of the tutorial video online so I'm pretty much an expert now just getting this thing unpalletized and set up seems to be a bit of a process here there's all kind of shipping brackets and stuff we have to remove oh man right out of the gate the second bolt I touch here wood Miser if you're watching that was cross threaded I didn't do this first time I'm touching any of these bolts whoever ran that bolt in there it looks to me like the hole wasn't tapped all the way down I don't know if you guys are going to be able to see on camera it doesn't like to focus on this stuff the last three or four threads on this bolt look like they probably ran into some untapped hole area there and uh got wiped out but there's the shipping bracket that we have to remove and now we're supposed to reinstall the crank handle there however this Bolt's no good I'm not going to run it back in there and I'm going to have to get after these threaded holes here with a tap before I can put a bolt back in there because uh yeah I mean I need this thing to last I'm not trying to put a helical on a brand new unit so with the shipping bracket removed there's a safety pin we got to pull out here and I drop the washer and now we should be able to raise the head all the way up on the saw and unbolt it from the pallet there we go now we can pull out all the included stuff that's stored down inside the frame rails there oh I don't know what the heck is in here but it's awful heavy and last but not least our fuel tank which is bolted down we gotta pull the lag bolts out of that a couple lag bolts and our fuel tank is free [Music] yeah I believe we're going to need that later [Music] all right now that we have the weight with the forklift we can go ahead and unbolt this thing from the skid so it doesn't fall over all right let's fly this thing out of here [Music] definitely one of those times when it would be easier to have two people for this but confident it can be done okay there we go [Music] all right the next thing we got to do I believe is take off the shipping brackets here all these do is keep the bed sections nice and tightly packaged here on the pallet keep them from sliding around whoops all right I'm learning as I go here undo the top one first stupid there we go I'm gonna get a little hunk of wood to uh hold these babies up like so yeah look at that we can take that one out and nothing Falls guess it's finally time to figure out what's in this heavy box of goodies here I believe it's all our Hardware legs and whatnot We need oh yeah some rope oh man it's pretty serious Hardware there I'm guessing that's mostly four these guys which are our leveling legs for the bed sections and we got a pile of them in here and before we can set the bed sections on the ground we need to install those things so that's I think where we're at right now we need to do that [Music] all right with the bed section up in the air we can go ahead and add on our leveling legs before setting it down on the ground all right so again I haven't even looked at the directions I'm all just kind of eyeballing things and going by what they look like they should do kind of looks like this guy should go on a little something like that and sit down there and this little metal plate comes across locks it in place I think yep that's effectively locked in there oh I know what I did wrong see it might pay for you guys to look at directions if you're assembling something meow just like to struggle I think the lock nut is supposed to go underneath the leg because there's not clearance inside this little pocket to turn the the lock nut all right so with that nut spun down I should be able to thread this thing up in now so I got to do that three more times on this bed section 11 more times total and then we can adjoin all the bed sections oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign look at that huh all right this thing's starting to look like a stinking Sawmill I love it that thing's sitting down on the rail real nice it slides real nice we have to pull off this last shipping plate right there and then flip that thing around and that keeps it from potentially lifting off the rail foreign you want this thing to be close to this rail but not touching it so that's why I put us one washer behind it but anyway we'll get this fuel tank maybe maybe get this fuel tank hooked up connect all the fuel lines and whatnot before [Music] got two lines coming off the fuel tank so I guess one of those is a vent line last hose we got to deal with here is this clear one this is for our blade coolant tank up here in the summer months this will just hold water and in colder temperatures I think you put windshield washer fluid in it well I guess that's the uh the basic setup I skipped over a few of the boring things like installing the track wipers and uh I don't know level in the bed I'm still going to do a master level on the bed yet but I got it close enough just to completely set it up right now so we'll have to do all those things tomorrow which will be right about now for you guys but for me I gotta wait a day now for the exciting part time to install the power feed so it looks like we just got to unbolt this thing here and I think the power feed module bolts in up here all right so we have our power feed unit bolted on now I had to Route the wires down like so up and around I don't know seems like we should have enough Slack but anyway I got this tied onto the battery and we should have juice now the light lit up yep alrighty I think I have everything connected here I had to Route the Rope down along the frame up through these pulleys around the stepper motor for the power feed and down to the other end there and I think we should be good to test it out hopefully I routed the Rope right in front of us front and back his back but arm that guy the green light comes on there oh hey that thing runs along in a pretty good clip there look at that hands-free baby she's cutting along oh a pretty slick little system the only thing I don't like about it is that there's no way that it's going to shut itself off if it gets away from you and runs to the end of the track that is awesome you know what time it is it is time to put a blade on this thing and fire it up for the first time [Music] so I bought a bunch of extra blades with this machine when I picked it up I think I got a pack of 15 of them in there and there a different blade than this one I think they are designed for hardwood this is probably just a standard run-of-the-mill blade so I figured this one's probably a little cheaper we will uh learn a bit on the new one we're with the the cheaper one rather okay yeah so opening these things up can be a little sketchy if you've never done it before I have plenty of experience opening up Sawmill or uh blades for metal saws working in the Machine Shop they all come the same way they're all folded up like that and when they pop open they can kind of jump and scare you a little bit if you're never done it all right time to fire this baby up all right it's going to take us a minute to crank and probably to suck fuel up from the tank and get it into the carburetor all right chokes on I did check the oil we've got plenty oil anyway contact ah I'm a this little valve down here on the fuel tank was not on that'll do it I bet you it pumps fuel now I've been sitting here watching the fuel filter going man it's really still not pumping the fuel filter up yet but it does now I'm an idiot contact oh yeah yeah sounds good because this is a brand new engine I'm gonna let this thing sit and idle for a second I'm not gonna go crazy and just start winding it out because as soon as you go to engage the blade that's what it does it sets the engine to Full Throttle all right let's give this thing a go [Music] well that was close that log just started to take off on me you don't want to go slamming a log down on the deck like that [Music] it is finally time to cut some Lumber and uh here's the point where I tell you I've never done this before this is my first time I'm just out here winging it uh I've barely even watched any tutorials on YouTube about it basically my plan of approach here is that I'm just going to come in take a slab off to get a flat side roll it onto the flat side and cut it again so we got 90 degrees and we'll square the log up like that and uh yeah just kind of figure it out as we go this is a fairly even log this end is smaller but not by much it's fairly straight and fairly round so I this log has been laying around for so long that I can't even tell what it is anymore I think it might be Cherry because it's kind of Punky like Cherry but we'll know as soon as we start taking a cut out of it man I'm excited about this I think I like that right there that seems pretty good so now we uh stick our dogs up clamp this baby down all right so I'm just looking down the log now kind of getting an eyeball for the highs and lows of the log looks like about two-thirds of the way down there we have our low spot so if I take about an inch and a half or two inch cut back here it looks like we might get a clean slab and a flat area all the way across the log I'm also making sure that none of my dogs are sticking up in that range that I might get into one of those things don't drop the blade down we'll try right about there perhaps pull this guy in you always want to keep the throw to the saw narrow it up about as much as you can that'll keep your blade in its strongest position the narrower that opening the less deflection possible from the blade and don't quote me on this but I would think that that should also increase your ability to feed faster I've checked the head it is adjusted perfectly parallel to the bed I have leveled the bed prior to that I have as far as I know the power feed is all tensioned correctly the blade appears to be tracking correctly on the wheels and uh I have no Sawmill experience let's get some contact [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man it buzzed right through that thing that was awesome you guys ready for the best part the unveil and I know this is just a slab this isn't even a good cut yet but look at that this actually looks like some ash Maybe it is Punky it's been sitting here a while that is beautiful though I still like it I love the grain variation it's that's actually I don't know what you would call that that discoloring is from basically from the wood getting bad basically so yeah I think that's a good place to start though let's uh go ahead and roll this log all right let's take another cut [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at that beauty right there it's not a super pretty log by any means grab one that I figured was probably past its prime practice with here because like I said I've never done this before so I'm learning as I go and I'd hate to waste a nice log and maybe potentially screw something up but even still like I can see the beauty in this and there's a lot of really really neat coloring going on in there I love it so anyway we're getting really close to the top of our dogs now so I'm gonna have to lay those down and over and uh put them in a position where they're barely catching anything and then we can go ahead and slap this thing up whatever it is I didn't measure anything I'm just kind of having fun here playing around with the saw and whatever it is wide that'll be fine I'm going to cut them true dimensional two inches thick slabs and I can use them for sideboards for my dump truck because I think they are plenty long enough for that [Music] oh foreign look at that that is a nice looking wood right there that's beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh boy this thing is awesome oh man I've never done this like I said 20 times but that was a lot of fun I really really love how nice it is to lift up that slab and see what's underneath oh it's beautiful I don't know if it's really coming through on camera but it is some beautiful wood wow that is beautiful well I can't say it was worth the wait just because uh I like it I do like it it still seems like a ridiculous amount of time to have to wait for something but you know that was the world the last couple years I guess so hopefully we're coming out of that now um I do like it like I said I think this thing is going to be awesome to have around here I really love rustic looking stuff the wife not so much but anything that I get to build for myself is probably going to be built out of rustic rough cut Lumber off of this Mill I've been saving that big old pile of wood over there for quite a while so this old girl's got her work cut out for her I want to get that pile cut up this summer and then uh I think I got a 53 foot dry van that I'm gonna just put all the lumber in and use it to dry and keep it out of the weather believe it or not you might think I needed uh more work to do like I needed a hole in my head but uh this is something that I probably didn't need because this is something that I'm not gonna film a whole lot of probably because it's pretty repetitive unless I'm doing like a specialty job or something you guys probably won't see a ton of this machine maybe here and there but uh this is something fun for me to do it's relaxing I enjoy it I get to be outside smell the wood smell the smell the sawdust that's all something I really enjoy so you got to have things in life that you uh get to actually take a breather from I love all my heavy equipment and whatnot but uh it's become more work than I guess it used to be since it is my primary occupation now making these videos for you guys don't get me wrong I love my job I'm very fortunate but uh it's nice to just put the camera away and do something for for just me and to make a 180 on what I just said I filmed this because I figured you guys didn't enjoy it it's a departure from our normal type of videos for sure but it is something that I enjoy so I'm sure there's a good bit of you guys that will enjoy it as well if you did do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below on the videos I've said it before I'll say it every single time because there are hundreds of thousands of people that watch this Channel and only a tiny tiny fraction of you bother to hit that thumbs up button and if you like the content and you like what I'm doing it would really help me out if you hit that button more often so that's all I got guys in the meantime thanks for watching I will see you on the next one later [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 656,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woodmizer, Wood, mizer, lt15, lumber, mill, Norwood, Alaskan, portable
Id: iVLqd_eMdFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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