Auction Buy, Cable Shovel Sitting 23 Years!!! (WILL IT RUN??)

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[Music] foreign [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt behind me a very very cool piece of equipment that I just couldn't leave this auction without so this is a Bucyrus Erie 22b I believe it's a 1950 model I have it on good account that this machine has been sitting in this exact spot since 1999 and hasn't moved an inch So today we're going to try to get this thing running and operating and get this thing loaded out on a trailer as I mentioned I picked this thing up at the auction and I paid a little more than I'd like to for a machine like this but I was willing to spend the money because this thing is in Immaculate condition for the age a machine like this has got to need a restoration and if you buy one that's in much worse shape you're going to end up spending the money on it anyhow so may as well cut your losses and buy something nice in the get-go the undercarriage on this machine is in really good condition a lot of life left in it a lot of adjustment left in it somebody's kind enough to leave us a set of jumper cables in here oh and some blaster so this is a 22b as I said and I believe it's called that because it weighs approximately 22 tons less the attachment on the front so the actual crawler unit itself is 22 tons the boom whatever you have on the front is additional and in this case we're set up with a shovel the same machine could also run a cable hoe or set up with a lattice Boom for Crane operation or drag line operations so I didn't have a shovel this completes my cable machine collection so I'm pretty excited about this one and uh can't wait to get this thing running and start scooping dirt with it [Music] [Music] well my buddy Geno showed up to uh get his auction buys as well as give me a hand with a shovel he bought this 1926 Ford Model T and it's got a 1919 year model engine in it uh so it's an oldie but a goodie and it's got some sort of a kit on it that converts it to like a little bit of a tractor kind of thing some would call this a Doodle Bug but I believe somebody in the comments will tell me it's not a true Doodle Bug I don't know the difference but it's a neat little toy oh she's Cherry Bud oh yeah so if you didn't see the previous video of me inspecting this thing at the auction I know I didn't show it very in depth you're going to get a better look today if you've seen me bring back any of these other cable machines that I have you'll know that freeing up all these controls here all the levers is often a pretty tall task and takes a lot of effort and time this machine even though it's been sitting since 99 it seems like everything is still pretty free on it so that's definitely a big selling point for this machine for a power plant back here we have a Caterpillar d318 engine this is the same size engine that is in a D6 caterpillar I do believe and it's got a pony motor on it to start that engine Pony Motors can often be problematic but uh when they're running right they're running right this one here I believe has a tight spot in it I can't get it to make a full 360 degree Revolution yeah it goes to there and it stops is all the way back around and stops it's not hitting super hard so hopefully it's just a stuck valve or something we can get this thing running all right so we pulled the spark plugs out of the pony engine filling her up with some oil here Maybe [Music] plugs look good Fireball whiskey in there it's given I can feel it I didn't that wasn't a full Revolution it's like 97 there oh no it's real close though I gave the spark plugs an ether and wire brush rebuild so they ought to go it's just stuck right now I just couldn't get it to go either way there we go that's it that's the tough spot right there she is free or close to it keep running around and probably be all right I don't think it's going to start right up today but this is what's holding you off honestly it felt like a valve you know when you tap on a valve and it'll go just that teeny little bit when I'm running around it's what it felt like and I didn't force it hard enough to bend anything yeah I hear spark hitting we might not have too much of a project here yeah I can hear the mag snapping it's good yeah [Applause] I'm just checking for spark I'm 90 sure I can hear it but I have a spark tester yeah oh yeah I got sparked beautiful it's a hell of a place to be with an A40 yeah oh we just checked we have spark Dino pulled the sediment bowl off we're gonna get that thing cleaned out and we're probably about ready to put some gas in this thing and see if it's going to fire up all right well there's not exactly clearance in here for a regular gas can so I just filled up a fireball bottle that I found with gasoline we got gas coming out yet I don't have anything coming out yet maybe if you pour it in I'll blow in the tank and try to make a little pressure I'm spilling it everywhere so you're going to get high as a cake no it's running down my arm I didn't even notice it oh I don't know I got the compressor right there too because we'll pressurize these tanks are pretty hefty Peg oh area you got a little dribble not much but I was gonna say just pull off that 90 and we'll just put a wire through it yeah so we weren't getting any fuel out of the petcock I think that could be the trouble right there she is plugged up solid all the way through here too oh yeah oh right on me all right we got the fuel system back together we got the sediment bolt cleaned out all the lines cleaned out we got fuel flowing gasoline spilled everywhere it's time to do a smoke test all right well that's the closest thing to an electrical connection we got see if the old starter is going to do its thing contact oh buddy yeah we lost contact I think my crunchy oh back to hitting kind of hard again back it up and then let it that's weird that it would lock up like that after it spun something yeah I tend to agree with that okay tap number two contact [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hold on let's give it a little gonna give her a little ether ready contact [Music] foreign good that's odd odd yeah that's the word I'd use try her again ready yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it was really close yeah step number three four I don't know contact oh she's ready to run bud [Applause] [Music] well we didn't really play with the carb and from my experience of the pony Motors you start playing with choke and throttle and stuff you wind up screwing something up they seem to have their happy place and that's it [Music] that made it worse yep go the other way contact [Music] hey is this a case breather up here because it's dumping gasoline now we got to pull one of these heads off here because uh stuff ain't going real well on these Pony Motors there's a quarter turn valve that goes to the bottom of the heads and you should be able to get compression out of that head and that's like to clear it if it floods or something so you can just crack it open and blow the gas out but uh even with the valve completely removed there's no compression coming out of that Port so we're going to pull this head off and have a gander at what's going on in there God bless Electric Tools yeah the plug wires in a metal tube it runs all the way down here along the pony motor and it's also welded to the stinking bracket tree that holds the fuel valve and the plug wire it's all one stupid piece that's an ignorant setup right there I can see why everybody Cuts these things off now almost there there we go there we go no don't engage that because that's that clutch if it gets stuck in really have problems it's coming loose I gotta working Loose by hand now there we go oh it's not a compression release but a coolant drain no it's a compression release come look at my head that's not bad look at the Piston it had squirrels or mice or something in there we better pull them oh sweet it's copper head gasket we can just clean that back up yeah the reuser we better pull them both yeah yeah it's just I hope we didn't bend uh yeah connecting rod because yeah yeah I don't think we should have already got Well yeah if it's been it was bent before us yeah because I don't know like the uh the head is coming up flush with the deck so I think that it's probably or the Piston rather is coming up flush with the deck so I think it should be okay that was all soft material like compressed real easy okay oh exhaust is that's what it is they got into the exhaust the exhaust is full of stuff it's all dropping down into the thing it just made The Nutcracker routine number they had the exhaust the valves run though I tell you what that piston doesn't look like it had any time on it no carbon built up on it hardly at all like nothing all right so all that crap that was in the cylinder there was apparently some Mouse house I don't know if you guys can see peeking out from behind the exhaust valve there there is uh you know those little teeny nuts and whatnot that mice love to accumulate or squirrels one of the two I would say mice so I got the exhaust valve open all the way I'm gonna try to blow some of this stuff out oh yeah you see them all falling out of there whatever taking off head number two here coolant gasoline mixture there that'll be fine oh yeah she looks about the same as the other side and we've got compressed Mouse House in there clean that up she'll be running like new let me get up that side cleaned up as well as the other side here got this head nice and cleaned up everything looks good I think we're ready to reassemble this thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well we got the heads bolted back on here everything's torqued down to spec oh it rolls over so much easier now without all that junk in the cylinders oh who to thunk it come on Jack hey what the mag switch on yeah okay a lot more healthy popping going on now card deck I think that's this stupid yeah Bendix being engaged over here is making that noise yep come on baby all right [Music] the mag Works God damn it oh yeah I'm awake please oh dude foreign that's in yeah but honestly as easy as the Draw Works were turning it might start like that yeah well that's but if the boom hoist is in like it's just going to keep wrapping the cable in it yeah if it's stuck yeah but Billy work that clutch back and forth you said the outside that's it right yeah that's it stuck in yeah there's something man it ain't not going in yeah it that's in that's out in out so we got to figure out what's going on in there that should be all right so the pony runs but we have an issue with the main clutch here is stuck in gauge which is wanting to turn all of our Draw Works and everything and uh that could be bad because we don't know what's going on yet with the rest of the clutches if we got other stuff stuck these 22bs are notorious for uh getting the boom hoist clutch stuck and that'll just keep peeling that boom backwards on us all right we're theoretically moments away from trying to get this thing fired up I'm just going to go ahead and crack loosen these injector lines and that way we can bleed any air out of them once we start spinning the big engine over provided that we can get the master clutch free okay people It Might Get Loud fire in the hole foreign foreign the fuel rack apart or the cover off of it at least I don't think we're getting fuel is the big engine's spinning and it's just not hitting to mess it up all right well my microphone setup died so you're just gonna have to deal with the audio that we got the fuel rack was stuck we got it freed up moving but it's still not 100 it's like the uh return spring that should shove the rack to the on position isn't springing the thing in so we got to leave that cover off and we're going to control the throttle basically with that punch hanging out the side of the rack there so I'm gonna try to get this thing fired up and see if we can't get it running now thank you it's running baby it's not running the greatest right now but it is running foreign now we got to see if this thing is going to walk out of this position here we're going to have to do some fun work with the Boom all right well we got it running here now the scary part's coming up the clutches can get stuck engaged on these things so I have the master clutch disengaged right now The Next Step here is we gotta engage that clutch and hopefully none of the other clutches are stuck what happens a lot with these 22bs is the boom hoist will get stuck and as soon as you engage that Master clutch the boom will want to go Skyward so we're gonna get in here and just start bumping it [Music] that's a broken tape yep that's why it's broken all right I'm very fortunate I got some good friends here to help me out because my buddy Sam from Scrappy Industries just showed up he has a beautifully restored 22b so he's going to give me a hand here trying to get these clutches freed up it's good Derek I think we got her bud we had to get the dog off now that little dog that little round ball up [Music] look at that flipping the master foreign oh yeah bud we got swing trying to get all the functions working now we need to get this thing tracking so that we can get it walked up onto a lowboy trailer he's got her swinging a little bit we're gonna have to shut her down for the night though because the auction people are kicking us out much is engaged I believe this one here is our travel oh yeah baby she's trying oh yeah [Music] look at those tracks those haven't seen the light of day in quite some time [Music] [Music] foreign too soon to tell what the culprit is but we got a tick in here that we didn't have yesterday so the motor is making a tick now and if I crack this injector loose it kind of goes away and it pushes that big tough to air out there I think we might have a back injector [Music] good old Sam from Scrappy Industries showed up with a super dog and a lowboy we're gonna get a 22b loaded out oh boy I'm excited if we weren't kind of in a little bit of a high pressure situation here with uh needing to get this out of the auction we would probably spend a lot more time trying to get it maneuvering better and steering and probably string a new cable on it so that we could really work the boom properly but uh we're under some time constraints so we're just going to chain the uh chain the bucket how we need for right now the crowd cables busted and hopefully we can get this thing walked up on the trailer all right Sam is the 22b master and I've never even run one so he knows the controls pretty well so I'll let him try to get it up on the trailer we all saw what happened the last time I tried to walk a shovel up onto the trailer Sam knows his way around these things really well so I'll just rather him do it than fall off and screw up another trailer oh look at that bud I'm pretty happy I think this is a really nice machine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] family is way too nice we're sitting that long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right Sam got her up on the trailer for us nicely done pick it up first get it off the ground and then we'll walk it back into the position it needs to be in on the trailer I don't think what an absolute unit bud I'm gonna close up these doors and then we are Eastbound and Down that's something right there like we're loaded up ready to hit the road here starting the journey home what a sweetheart bit of a tricky turn getting out of here he's going to try to pull up that road straight away there and back back down here and then go left I probably should have been ahead of him playing blocker for him but here we are oh yeah didn't even drag the road I think he's good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] minor inconvenience but we're back on track here we're choosing a different route now because we can't get turned around here I hope you guys can hear this truck [Applause] that's Sam's restored 1992. super liner Mac with an E9 Mac engine in it she sounds ignorant well we found a good place to turn around at [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't know Sam was going to take her down in here but uh I guess we're taking it down in here [Music] nicely done [Music] man what an absolute sweetheart just listen to that old kitty purr foreign still got something going on with an injector there but I don't think it's going to be a big deal oh beautiful she runs nice and cool runs pretty smooth I think we do have one injector issue not a big deal at all but I think that's a pretty good place to leave it right now for us to string new cable got to get a manual for this thing and figure out all the cable stringing procedures these doors in the back here there's actually three doors you can only see two right now because one's behind that second door but we gotta get those freed up and working these doors over here are all pretty good she's a really straight machine for the age for a 1950 I mean she's she's darn good so so the ultimate goal for this machine of course will be to get it restored back to working condition and I'm actually going to use it around here at the farm a little bit just you know a funner a little more fun way to do something rather than just grabbing the excavator so if you like the video do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below it really helps the channel out it doesn't cost you guys a dime if you want to take a little more direct approach to helping out the channel you can head on over to pick yourself up some merchandise over there we've got hats t-shirts beer koozies all kind of good stuff over there at the store that's link is down in the description but I think that's about all I got guys so once again thanks for tagging along for as always thanks for watching I'll see you on the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 1,942,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pLstaBvF0Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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