Refurbishing an Equipment Trailer to save more Junk!

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[Music] thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign I got this hitch plate welded in here really good I welded the back of the tube to that c channel up there welded it up here I caught it on the back here as best I could but it's super hard to get in there and get that welded and then I brought some good heavy angle iron we should be able to yank on that thing pretty darn good and it should not go anywhere foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign deck didn't turn out too bad there I'm not gonna lie and tell you that was a fun job uh if this was the first deck ever put on this trailer probably wouldn't have been too bad those screws that I used were like self-tappers and then they you know anchor the boards down the problem I was running into is this deck this trailer has already had at least two decks on it previous and you know every time they come through and they just cut this old screws off flush with the deck because they're always rusted in place you're never going to get them out which I can't fault them for that I mean it's the same thing that I did problem is the old screws wind up being impossible to drill through so you know you slap your board down there you drill your couple holes and then you start trying to run yourself Tapper down through and if if you don't hit anything then it drills right through the cross member the frame and it screws right down nice and tight and quick uh but what happens is you end up running into those old cut off screws and uh you can't drill through those so yeah end up just ruining the screws which are expensive and uh fighting it the whole way through but we got her done this I wanted to use Oak for this project I ended up using silver maple that's just what I had that was easy to get to on the pile I had to really do some digging to get into any Oak so I'm hoping this holds up um after it completely dries out because it's still a little green after it completely dries out I'll probably soak it with oil used motor oil and hopefully that helps preserve it but moving on from the deck we need to turn our Focus towards stopping this beauty now the brakes I actually sandblasted and painted the wheels like two years ago and put new tires on them so that's why they're already all ugly and stained up and dirty because that was actually two years ago I did that but they're still nice underneath they're just just dirty and oil covered because I put 90 weight in these hubs and it seems like that always leaks out so I think when we put these back together we're just going to pump them full of a lightweight Grease but I'm going to go ahead and just yank this whole thing apart and start swapping out breaks [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] foreign thank you this is a pretty straightforward process with some bolts with the hardest part not hard at all but you just got to uh re-connect your wires here for the electric brake so we had to cut the old ones to get that off now we just need to crimp these ones back in foreign so with these drums on a trailer brake here like this an electric trailer brake you have two surfaces you need to look at versus just one on a standard hydraulic brake or air brake um so you have your actual braking surface here where the shoes ride this surface is worn out pitted or ridged then you should get those turned or replaced and then also we have this inner surface here this is the flat area where this magnet rides and uh if that also shows signs of wear that's another surface that is going to need attention but luckily in our case these drums look fine so I'm just cleaning them up with the wire wheels you can see they've been sitting a long time they're pretty rusted so Just Gonna Knock the heavy rust off there help not junk up the new brakes and uh we'll slap this back together [Music] foreign well there's one wheel completely done three more to go well the first one wasn't too bad aside from just being rusted up this one here ain't got no pad on it she's worn down pretty good on this side and then that side's completely gone so uh all right well I finished up all the brakes I plugged my truck into it now I'm testing all my lights I think we're all good as far as lights go I did have issue here with tires on this axle all four of these tires that I put on those freshly painted rims like two or three years ago now they were all brand new tires and they all matched the same size as we got back here now I ordered the front set based upon the size of the rear set which I had also ordered at one point in time but they've been on there for probably four or five years now so I just took the size from there punched it into the Al Gore machine came out with four new tires and uh we put them on there like two years ago like I said and they would hold air the front beads would seat so the front side of the rim no problem popped right on there the back side of the rim would never quite seed all the way there was like a 10 inch piece of a bead that was still that far away from the tire so um I took him to the tire shop and lo and behold they said I'm an idiot and I have the wrong size tires on the wrong size rims so that's a 16 inch tire on a 16.5 inch rim I don't know how the heck those ones work and the other ones that I ordered for up here don't but well leave well enough alone so those are fine but these ones wouldn't work so they're at the tire shop right now they're going to put four correct size tires on this thing and we're going to be ready for a big road trip here I also pulled the brake away disconnect and the brakes work last thing I need here I noticed our ramps are missing the retainer bolts for the pivot pins so luckily all the hardware I could ever need is at my fingertips now rather than 10 miles down the road [Music] foreign foreign [Music] well I wanted to leave at 5am this morning but uh 10 22 seems reasonable as well foreign all right y look at that she looks pretty darn good this little trailer makeover is complete for now I would like to before winter flip this thing over and completely coat the underside with the fluid film that I use on my vehicles and then soak the boards and like use motor oil or something keep those from rotting uh the winch Mount worked out perfectly the deck's looking nice got those four new tires on here actually all eight tires on this trailer are pretty close to New and those ones there I mean they only have maybe 30 miles on them all the lights work the brakes work I just stomped on them coming down the driveway here and about skidded the trailer so I got to turn the game down a bit in one heck of a trial by fire I'm about to jump on the highway here and drive this thing to Northern Michigan to pick up a machine it's almost eight hours so uh what better way to test out your trailer and make sure that it's in Tip-Top shape then just uh cranking it to 11 right out of the gate let's carry on well over eight hours later I'm in Michigan Northern Michigan and the old trailer did fantastic uh Hill trial by fire kind of paid off worked out great I stopped a couple times I was feeling uh feeling the hubs and everything nothing got hot it all stayed nice and cool the tires looked great so uh yeah happy Trucking and uh we drove all the way to Northern Michigan to pick up this gym so I've been needing to fix that trailer for a lot of years that trailer has been one of those ones that I just haven't used very much but with the new 450 that's kind of like the perfect size trailer to go with that truck and uh enables me to haul stuff like this just with a pickup truck so much more convenient and uh theoretically reliable to go on road trips like this so anyways you guys know the drill if you liked the video do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below it really helps out the channel doesn't cost you guys a dime if you'd like to help support the channel and a little more direct way head on over to the link is down in the description pick yourself up a hat a t-shirt a beer koozie a sticker pack whatever it is over there at the store and be sure to subscribe so you can see this guy in a future video that's all I got for now as always thanks and I'll see you on the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 441,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PRVxPd5pks8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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