Barn Find 1964 Jeep CJ5 (Is It Road worthy?)

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foreign foreign hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt behind me this beautiful little blue Beauty here is my 1964 CJ5 now if you haven't seen this little unit before I actually rescued this thing from a barn it had been sitting there for the Lord only knows how long probably 30 years I would guess I'm actually only the second owner of this vehicle when I got it the engine was stuck she had been sitting for quite some time and I was able to get the engine freed up and in the previous videos we got it running good enough to actually take it for a little drive we ended up having to replace the head gasket on it and in the last video the radiator just came right apart at the end of the video so in this video I'm hoping that we can tackle the radiator I've got a brake kit coming we're going to do the brakes and I believe after all that's said and done this thing might actually be ready to head down the road and I'm really excited about that because spring is well underway here and it'll be summer before you know it and this is the ultimate running around town Parts Grabber summertime ride so I want to get this thing on the road as soon as possible so the first thing I want to do here is start lightening the load as I'm sure you saw I had to push it into the shop here this thing does run but I had to push it in because in the last episode we had to put this toe strap on here and pull start the thing because the Bendix quit working on the starter so that starter is quite a pain to get out [Applause] but it looks like we're going to be pulling it out for like the fourth time here so one of the first things we're going to do today is lighten the load a little bit there's this big old honky Tonkin snow plow hoist on the front of the Jeep here and we're not going to be plowing snow with this unit anymore so we're going to take that thing off of there maybe if I found the appropriate winch to put on there I would consider putting a winch on there but right now this is just extra weight we're toting around for no good reason foreign all right so before we go ripping the original radiator out I guess we should unbox this one I just got this off of scamazon it said it would fit and it looked like it would fit in the pictures but you know how that goes all right yeah it it actually does look like it's going to fit got a nice aluminum radiator well it was a fight like you wouldn't believe to get the hose clamp broke loose down there but I got it now going to attempt to try to catch the coolant that comes out of here but I don't have great feelings about it oh yeah this radiator is junk well and the sucker's on there come on good gravy oh the wire inside the neck pulled I don't even know if I can reuse that now foreign I think this thing is free oh well I was hoping we would be able to sneak this thing out without taking the fan shroud off but now it's looking like the fan shroud's got to go so six more screws and then we should be able to pull it out well I've dealt with some old screws like this before that you think you're probably not going to get out of there but sometimes you get lucky if you use an impact with a nice fresh bit on it beat on them kind of slow at first you don't want to just go full ham there's one they're just stupid little sheet metal screws but they can make your life miserable it's so delaminated that I think I can get it out regardless yeah the vent tube is the only thing even holding it on here now break that right off and there we go core of the radiator is completely separated from the metal holding it foreign there we go that's lovely look at the big old mess that fell down out of there all that junk was trapped inside that radiator thank you so we'll hit the inside of this Grille with a compressed air real quick and then hopefully drop the new radiator right in well in typical fashion here I'm having a peek through the old front grille and if you can see the fan belt there she's pretty dry rotted cracked up and whatnot so while the radiator's out it's a really good convenient time to change that over and also it's got the old Generator on the side here rather than a modern alternator and I'm given half a thought to yanking that thing off there and just putting a 12 volt one wire alternator on there I think I have one laying around here so hmm I guess I need to stop thinking in that outdoor work mentality and start thinking about it like I'm working in a nice enclosed shop and I was just about to feed her the beans and blow all this dust all over the place and then I remembered well that'll make a big mess and you have a shop vac sitting right there foreign [Music] okay so as I believe I mentioned earlier in the video the starter Bendix was not engaging the flywheel when we would crank the starter so I got it on on the bench here I didn't bother to record pulling out because I think I've had this starter out in every single one of the videos about this Jeep um there's not much to see it's just a couple bolts so anyways we can give this thing a test run here and you can see what it's doing contact [Music] as you may or may not be able to see there the Bendix wheel is moving a little bit but it's not moving right when I got the starter out it was slid back further and I spun it a little bit by hand and it kind of popped out this is pretty much where I think it should be when it's actually starting the engine and then after the engine takes off it should retract and it's not going back now so it wasn't springing out on its own before and now it won't go back so we're going to take the starter apart I did order a Bendix we may or may not need it but it might just be some dirt built up inside of that mechanism there that's not letting it work correctly more straight screwdriver stuff oh to Joy they are mature and the commutator calm you Tater I never know if I say that right but anyway they they look pretty good all the windings and everything still look nice so that's good oh yeah look at all the junk come out of there that could have bound our Bendix Gear Up let's clean this thing up and see what happens here that might have something to do with it there's a roll pin here that retains the whole thing and it is pushed out and it's got shiny metal on it so it was interfering with something let's try and drive that back in and see what we get well I think we got that part of it fixed up but what's it's still not retracting down as it should I don't know how to fix that part well I think I found the magic to disassemble this thing there's a little snap ring here we got a pop out of the groove there we go there we go look at that something happened snap ring I've never actually taken one of these apart before oh yeah she's all greased up this thing is coated in just really sticky old grease look at that the gear teeth were actually bound up with like compressed Mouse house keeping the teeth from sliding how they're supposed to so that could have been part of our issue as well there we go look at that she slides in and out now this spring doesn't like to Spring them a thing very well inside of here because it's pretty tight tolerances and this sticky old grease is actually kind of making it bind up what else do we have going on here for some reason this piece right here is what ultimately controls the gear sliding up and down and this thing should ramp back down here to the bottom but for some reason it's not really wanting to do that all right so I had to throw this thing in the Vise to get this started but I got this locking ring coming off the top here got to cover it up with my hand so that doesn't go flying across the whole shop that comes off now that comes off Spring washer and this thing should just ramp right out of here oh spring-loaded dealio ah yeah that's what Screwed Up so this little spring-loaded deal goes down inside of this guy right so I think this little spring-loaded detent thing um well I don't know how the heck it happens but I think it wound up on the wrong little track here so you got to start it out in the right spot and then it should yep look at that winds all the way down so I don't know what causes something like that to happen but uh that's how that's supposed to work I bet you we put this thing back together it works now [Music] see what we got here you ready contact [Music] yeah now that thing uh it isn't going to return on its own right now because in operation right in this position it's engaged into the flywheel of the engine so what happens is when the engine starts it actually out speeds the starter because you just took away the voltage from the starter so the starter sits effectively but the engine's still spinning so it spins that thing and it retracts itself back down in and away from the flywheel but it's working [Music] oh yeah yeah I took the liberty of uh lubing up all the spinning components as well making sure we had some good fresh grease on everything because it was very very dried out and sticky in there compared to what it should be all right does our starter magically work now well I guess it's not magic if we fixed it does the starter work contact oh buddy works perfectly that is what I like to see might just go ahead and pull the whole generator figure out exactly how hard it's going to be to switch this over to a single wire alternator come on there we go yeah the old belt she's seen better days I'm gonna go ahead and pull this generator off of here because while I was installing the starter I noticed that the back of the generator here is open like I'm actually sticking the wrench inside the generator right now and it looked like it's full of debris and mouse house and Lord only knows what else so if the generator works it would probably greatly benefit from getting cleaned out if not then we can see what it's going to take to adapt an alternator to it a modern alternator look at that foreign look at all the goodies our furry little friends have drug in over the years got that vacuumed out come on baby you can do it here we go look at all the nastiness come out of there other than being dirty and rusted up a bit it doesn't look bad at all so I noticed that one side of the brushes moves freely like this and that's necessary because it keeps tension against your commutator up here this side here is not seized but it doesn't slide like it's supposed to I don't think it's keeping pressure like it needs to be so it's a good thing we came in here and did this there we go a little bit of oil on there and she's back in business up here on the end of the commutator one of the things I always do is I look for places like this where you got these Bridges here it's just I believe it's carbon from the brushes built up in there if you take a nice fine hook like that or a pick you can sit here and describe each one of these things out and I'm not even going to pretend to tell you I know why you need to do that but I know that people have told me you're supposed to do that so it's what I do somebody in the comments can probably tell me better why short of putting it in the lathe I found the the best way to clean this stuff up is like this I'm not going to get much better than that all right let's reassemble this guy and then we can bench test it the same way we just cleaned it up and make sure that we're getting voltage out of it all right so to test out your generator here an easy way to do it you hook up 12 volts to your Armature side there's two posts coming out here one's your field one's your Armature 12 volts to the Armature side ground it out and it should take off just like this it'll start Motoring [Music] foreign motoring nice and strong no trouble there 'll take a jumper wire from the ground up to your field and it should cut the speed way down but keep going so that's your generator under full load and it appears that we're working good belt's got some tension on it foreign guard is a very tight fit here on this radiator Moment of Truth and find out if we didn't poke a hole in this thing while we were installing it I went down to the Napa to pick up some coolant as I usually do and I came across the Rotella coolant now as you guys all know I'm a big big fan of Rotella oils and I've never actually seen their coolant before so I started reading the bottle and uh it sounds pretty darn good it's this red stuff is a nitrate free extended life coolant and it's supposed to be good for like 120 000 miles I think the back of the jug says and it's a it's a mixed use coolant so it's good for gas engines diesel engines heavy trucks light duty stuff it should work with just about everything and my fleet is definitely a mixed bag of nuts so always good to have coolant that can mix and interchange with everything else getting messy I should have got a funnel every 30 second job is one snapped bolt away from being an all-day job we had a little bit of leak down here around our gasket on this uh thermostat neck and I tightened up the bolts and I got a good couple turns out of this guy and then whoops uh so now I gotta suck the coolant back down out of here a little bit and take that neck off of there and it looks like I'm going to have to drill and hopefully easy out that Bolt all right well I got that thing siphoned out it's drawn itself down so we get to save our coolant here and not make a big mess hopefully so I always get some comments here and there people that say that I use the impact too much and I'm going to break things well I will have you know that when I snap this bolt I was using this very ratchet I was not using an impact and I broke it you could say that at this point I may have more finesse with an impact than I do a ratchet but actually looking at the the bolt here that snapped off you can kind of see it's Rusty all around the outside edge there and that's not like a thread that's rusted over and the core was still good I think that it was already had like a crack starting and just hadn't snapped off yet see what's behind door number one here [Applause] well I made it all the way through the bolt so that's good here's the hope and it's not very stuck oh look at that it spins right out of there thank goodness I was really worried that that sucker was going to be bottomed out in there and stuck tada look at that worked like a charm all right well since we have the thermostat neck off we'll just go ahead and dump some coolant straight into the block that way we can reduce the chance of getting an air bubble in the system sidebar here look how pitted and rotted out this thermostat neck is and I've already tried to get one from the local parts store they can't get it they're available online but uh probably take you a week to get one and I'd like to drive this thing like today so uh here's what we're gonna do we've got some epoxy mixed up here and we're just going to go ahead and slather a nice coat on here I think I might have mixed up way too much doesn't look like we're gonna need nearly what I thought we would and uh this stuff is a Fast cure says it's completely cured in 30 minutes so I'll see you guys in 30 minutes [Music] foreign there we go uh it's not good as new but it's good enough for who it's for now let's try to finish adding our coolant finally look at that doing it this time of course I had just shut the camera off when things went sideways here apparently we had a big air bubble in the system and when the thermostat finally opened we had a big coolant coolant went everywhere as you can probably tell and uh you know it wouldn't have been so bad except you know when it blows out of the radiator it falls right down onto the fan which just really flings are all over the place so I got misted everything under the hood here got misted but uh yeah I think I think we're still okay I think we just need to add some more coolant now and uh fire back up making me really glad I invested in the floor scrubber but uh luckily we got the pig mats down here soaking up all that stuff shouldn't be too bad to clean it up anyway let's fire this thing back up and uh put some more Cooling in it you guys have heard me flog the benefits of Rotella in plenty of videos past but while I was picking up that coolant I saw they're also running a new promotion from now until the end of June if you uh buy three gallons of Rotella T5 or T6 and upload your receipts to their website they actually send you a gift card so I'll leave a link for that down in the description seems pretty easy and a good way to get a few bucks back on your next Oil purchase foreign I saved a little bit of Headroom for expansion in there because these older vehicles don't have a coolant expansion tanks on them you can't fill it right up to the neck but I feel pretty confident that we have all the air out of the system time to see if our generator repair worked yeah 12.6 uh let me try revving it up a little bit oh look at that yeah there we go 13 13.75 Sweet Success awesome the charging system is now working [Music] I think we are finally ready to take this thing for a drive every time we've tried to drive it before it is overheated fingers crossed today is going to be the day it does not all right and we're off guys I love driving this thing temp gauge is working we're sitting right in the middle well just above just above the middle we should still be fine laughs oh man oh that was short-lived [Music] I don't know what's going on here it's acting like we're out of fuel but I know we're not because I just dumped five gallons in it I don't know it just acts like it's out of gas I I did dump it wasn't five gallons but at least a few gallons of fuel in here before we took off and she hardly sips any I'm sure this thing does pretty good on fuel up here we have a visible site Bowl on our fuel pump and I don't know if you guys can tell but it looks pretty darn low in there it's usually pretty full up to the top so I'm confident it's a fuel issue I don't know why we're not getting it to the pump we rebuilt that pump in a previous episode so hopefully it's uh didn't quit pumping on us foreign [Applause] [Applause] well I threw another five gallons of gas in it and we still weren't getting anything but it must have just been a clogged fuel line because I pulled that fuel line off the pump and nothing was really coming out and with I don't know about 10 gallons of gas in it at least maybe more it should have just been gravity flowing out and it wasn't so I just took the old Airline blew the line back out to the tank and uh now we were getting fuel so put the line back on she fired right up I guess it's time to try to take this thing for another Spin and hopefully it stays running this time oh and look at that since I put more fuel in it the gauge came alive fuel gauge is reading three quarters of a tank how about that [Music] oh yeah let's see if we can actually make it out of the driveway this time [Music] oh I love this thing yeah we just blew right past the spot where we died before [Music] thank you alrighty so with that our overheating issue appears to be fixed I ran it up and down the driveway quite a bit uh I probably put a few miles on this thing just running back and forth in the driveway and uh no overheating it never really got up much past halfway on the temp gauge the temp gauge is functioning so uh pretty happy with that fix so the next thing we need to do to get this thing barreling down the road again is to fix the brakes right now you can push that pedal as hard as you want to and ain't nothing going to happen that master cylinder is uh rusted up solid I'm sure all of the wheel cylinders are also in a terrible shape if we put fluid in them from sitting this long I'm sure they're all going to leak so I just went ahead and bought an entire kit to redo the brakes here so as you guys could probably see in the video of me driving this thing around it is still smoking an engine that's been sitting for a long time oftentimes the piston rings will seize into the Piston grooves allowing oil from the crank case that come up into the combustion chamber and be burnt off causing that white Haze to follow you around so yeah because we're smoking we are a bit low it says we can add a quart so I'm hoping that over time the smoke will kind of cut down a little bit because the more heat Cycles we subject this engine to now theoretically the Rings should kind of loosen up and hopefully take up the slack but I don't think we're ever going to get this thing back to zero smoke anyway due to the Smoke we are burning off a bit of oil so we'll go ahead and top it up with the good stuff foreign you guys see me rescue a lot of stuff that's been neglected for a long time usually so when it gets to me I like to treat it right I make sure I only buy the best oils we can get especially with a unit like this that could potentially leave us stranded on the side of the road there we go back up to where it should be on the dipstick so we know we're good for at least a few more miles well this ought to be a treat so on a little bit more modern vehicles at this point you would be able to actually just pull the entire brake drum off of there that's not the case for uh this old guy things got to be done a little bit differently pull this axle nut cover off here first now we got to remove the castle nut which is held on by a pin there foreign usually those are really stuck on there and you got to use a hub puller like this to pull that off of there and I am not believing what I'm seeing these brakes look brand new I bought a whole new brake kit to to get this thing going again because I just thought for sure these brakes are going to be cooked when I popped the wheel off there I did notice we still have some black paint uh where the the wheel covers up the Hub I thought well that's pretty strange that that paint's still you know paint and not rust like the rest of this thing and apparently that was an indicator that these brakes were fresh I'm still quite a bit leery of these wheel cylinders since they've been sitting for so long with no oil in them but um well worst case scenario I do have wheel cylinders but before we even bother to change anything we might as well give them a shot they're probably pretty fresh the rubber on you know the ends here still pretty pliable it doesn't feel like it's dry rotted or anything still nice and flexible I don't know I'm feeling pretty confident actually there we go that's how that's supposed to work and yeah that's fantastic news we have the same scenario over here on this side the brake drum looks basically brand new no Ridge in it whatsoever same can be said for the shoes they're not worn out at all they look great all the Springs are still good rubber still pliable on that master cylinder I'm not afraid of this the worst case scenario here is that we bleed the whole system out get these brakes functioning and the wheel cylinders start leaking and that would be a bummer have to rip this back apart but at the end of the day really not that huge of a deal I do have the wheel cylinders I have the whole brake kit sitting here now and uh Twitter I bought it for nothing foreign [Music] right away I'm saying the same Hallmarks as the the rear wheels we got nice looking painted drum underneath where the Wheel rides all right so the whole hub assembly comes off like that all right it's probably going to be pretty tough for you guys to see but our axle nut here is not retained with a cotter pin like the rear axles so there's a lock washer underneath of this nut and then when they got the nut to the torque that they liked then they bend over the end of the washer and Fold It Up along a flat on the nut and that retains the nut from going anywhere so just have to bend that back down probably have to hit it with a hammer a bit and then we can take this nut off all right so this nut actually is what sets the preload on the wheel bearing here so we have to make sure that we get this back installed properly all right so it definitely still doesn't look bad under here by any stretch these brake shoes are very very new as well but we've already had a failure over here I'm gonna guess what happened there is that these brakes were actually stuck on whenever I first got this thing going or maybe even before that when I drug it out of the barn the brakes could have been stuck on and in fact that that's kind of starting to ring a bell I think so what probably happened is uh me dragging it around here at the farm and once I got it running and driving that hunk a brake shoe that was stuck to the drum probably yanked off of there as you can see and uh well it's gone now it it got ate up into a thousand pieces and she's just gone so I guess for this front wheel I'm gonna go ahead and replace that I'm gonna put new new shoes on and we're gonna have a good look at that wheel cylinder before we close this up as well thank you we're just going to go ahead and replace this wheel cylinder since we already have it apart I should have the new soft line that goes over to the wheel cylinder as well so we're already going to be fiddling around taking that off the back all we'll have is two bolts and switch that out since we're in here already and it looks like either this axle seal leaked at one time and it's been repaired and not cleaned up great ore is still leaking I'm going to investigate that a little bit but we're going to clean up this backing plate real good before we reassemble everything because all this lingering grease in here if this drum gets nice and hot if we're riding the brakes down a big grade or something that heat transfers into all this grease and oil and next thing you know you have oil residue running out the bottom and it's getting in your drum and screwing up your brakes so foreign I tried to loosen the other end of the the soft brake line there and can you see what happened it just sheared just sheared that steel line right off and I mean they're Rusty but they honestly didn't look terrible I I wasn't sure if we'd be able to save them but I was I was hoping got our new wheel cylinder going in here nice new soft line here foreign drum brakes in a long time and I'm not complaining about it I'm not a big fan I also know that I have the proper tool for doing these retaining Springs yet I can't manage to find it anywhere so needle nose pliers identify as the proper tool today come on go in there go to your home go to your home spring uh-huh [Laughter] alrighty got our new soft line connected up to this nice new hard line and I decided I wasn't going to put this thing all back together with that questionable seal in there so I had to run out picked up two new seals I'll do this one and the passenger side and uh yeah swap that out and slap this back together foreign pretty tough back in the day that sucker was in there that ought to be plenty inner washer followed by Inner nut all right now to set this bearing preload we actually need the wheel on according to the manual you're supposed to have the wheel on and barely have any perceptible up and down travel in the bearing and then install your lock nut and washer so we're going to hold off on that step until we have the brakes all bled because I don't want to put the wheel in here and just get in the way of the bleeder I'm glad we pulled it same thing on this side is what happened on the other side see that chunks of brake shoe again they're they're like brand new but they just seized to the drum and uh yeah they came apart [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was able to get the front end back together here I ended up putting a new hard line from this t-block here to both front wheels both of them were rotted off and almost had an accident here I've never ever had anything like this occur and I don't understand why I don't understand why this happened I'm still sitting here scratching my head an hour later but uh I was heating up this fitting trying to remove it you know this is the hard line coming in on the left here and then this is the what's left of the soft line coming out and as you can see this is the soft line that was in there it blew apart I was heating it up with just a little propane torch there was no fluid in it it was bone dry and the end of the line was even cut so there was no pressure building up in it I can't figure out for the life of me what happened but all of a sudden Kaboom and it was about like a gunshot went off in my ear and this piece of rubber hose went flying across the shop I was laying directly underneath of it luckily if I'd have been working on it sitting here like I am right now it would have hit me in the chest I don't know that it would have hurt me but uh man scared the crap out of me you never expect something like that the wheels are all taken care of we have the master cylinder tucked in way down in there it looks like it's going to be a fun job but uh we're going to pull that master cylinder out there is an access panel here through the floor but not a lot of room to work in there either but anyway we've got to pull that master cylinder out because it is Rusted up solid and we're going to replace it with a new one well it broke loose I think it's turning at least finally stupid plate the camera died so you guys didn't get to see it but uh managed to finally get the stupid thing out of there it was uh it was quite a fight foreign bleed these Master cylinders first just fill it up with fluid take your plug out of the end there and just slowly push it and you'll be getting all kind of air bubbles up here in your Reservoir you don't even have to push it all the way you just a little bit you should start getting fluid out the end there I have a bucket down there to catch it there we go once you quit getting air bubbles out put your plug back in put your cap on you're ready to install it foreign [Music] all right so we got the master cylinder on I changed uh like almost all the brake lines in the process of bleeding the brakes and I spared you guys the boredom of watching that debacle but we got the tire mounted back up on here so now we can check the preload on this front axle bearing and basically with the tire mounted on there you should be able to shake it and according to the manual you should barely be able to perceive any slop kind of up and down slop and me I can kind of also hear like the grease popping just a little bit in the bearing as I do this so yeah we got just a teeniest little bit of a wiggle play on it so we should be pretty good there you got a locking washer here and it's got a tab that engages with a slot in the axle Hub here spindle Hub I guess it is technically and you got your locking nut that's got 65 years of farmer chisel marks on the edges of it from tensioning it so we'll just continue the tradition all right so if you're one of them highfalutin fancy types you have the proper axle nut socket that is deep enough to clear your stub shaft sticking out there but I'm not one of those people and somebody's already done this 20 times so driver you drive that thing around until it tensions you find a fresh place on your lock washer and pry that baby up into the side of the nut keep it from going anywhere you guys want to see something really cool hit it oh no buddy we got plates [Music] well the sun kind of ran away on us while we was in there working on this thing but uh luckily the headlights started working [Music] [Music] foreign foreign we just took this thing for its first maiden voyage down the road because we actually have some breaks and uh wasn't afraid to do it this time a little dark so you guys couldn't see much but it went well so we are one crucial step much much closer to this thing being completely road legal which is the ultimate goal here um one thing I noticed working on it in the shop here it's like the first time I've actually had it on hard concrete it leans to the driver's side quite a bit and I did some investigating there's a cracked spring over here and there's another cracked spring right down there so I guess in the next video you're going to be seeing this thing all the way around because it's a pretty bumpy ride the shocks they're a little past their Prime so it's a it's definitely could use some shocks anyways so I might as well get a complete suspension overhaul kit for all new leafs on it all new shocks and we'll know that this thing is truly safe for the road uh Broken Springs are nothing to play with I've had a few run-ins with those in the past so kind of learned my lessons there and uh we'll go ahead and get this thing fixed up make it safe for the wife she she wants to learn how to drive this thing so better not make it janky like everything I'm used to running so anyways guys I I think that's all I got for today this video is probably getting a little bit too long we got some more work left to do on the Jeep but very very soon we're going to be driving this thing down the road and enjoying it I think it's going to make its maiden voyage up to the steam show which is coming up very soon here with a dates Roman may 20th and 21st the Brownsville National Pike steam show so I've covered the steam show several times on the channel I always go up there and I have a great time that's where one of my cable shovels is at the old CJ5 is going to be up there and maybe Christine if she decides to play nice if you guys are interested I'll be up there for the whole weekend so come on up say hi and check out some of the old equipment anyways guys that's all for now if you liked the video do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below really helps out the channel doesn't cost you guys a dime if you're interested in helping support the channel a little more directly you can head on over to the store at pick yourself up some sweet swag over there we got hats t-shirts Koozies beer beer koozies stickers the whole nine yards over there at the link is down in the description but that's all for now so thanks for watching and I will see you on the next one later [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 714,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeep, willys, kaiser, cj, 2a, cj5, cj3, cj2, huricane, F head, 4x4, revival, barn find
Id: yU87l505FfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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