Caterpillar Road Grader, Engine Locked Up, Sitting 20+ years (Will it Ever Run Again?)

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foreign hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt behind me this Rusty Beauty right here is my 1942 caterpillar 212 motor grader if you haven't seen the previous video on this beauty I picked it up at an auction for 2500 out the door and I had visions of getting it resurrected right there in the auction yard and driving at about six miles home those Visions were quickly squashed when I found out that the engine was completely locked up in this unit and that was not a shock but I was pretty disappointed at the auction I knew this thing had been sitting outside for quite a long time with the exhaust uncovered so it was definitely a Gamble and one that I lost thanks to Sam at Scrappy Industries we were able to get this machine home here to the farm anyways and in the last video I shoved it in here in the shop and we pulled it in here I pulled the head off the engine and we found our Smoking Gun if you haven't seen that video the link is down in the description so at the end of the last video I filled up the offending cylinder with some evapo Rust type stuff and hopefully in today's video we're going to be able to get this engine rotating again and if we are successful in that we're going to put the diesel engine back together and start working on the pony engine so that we can get the diesel engine eventually hopefully fire it up anyways after all that speaking I'm about winded so let's just get into this thing alrighty here we are the next day and look at that right there huh I don't know if you guys can tell it's got a big pull a black sludgy stuff there right in the center so this stuff has been working all night I'm gonna go ahead and try to suck it down and see what it looks like in there I'm afraid if you leave this stuff in there too long you may actually end up removing material from the cylinder walls causing low compression I sucked it out there as best I could I'm going to put that absorbent pad in here this is the stuff that I used again I used this on the Jeep engine and now this engine so if it works you know what to get I have heard of people using regular brand evapo rust or that WD-40 rust remover specialist stuff I think they're all kind of the same product I think this stuff this is a concentrated version it says that you can dilute it I'm not but says you could so there's a look down inside of there that stuff kind of blackens uh blackens the metal I'm not sure why it does that what kind of chemicals we got going on here but I think this stuff's a little on the harsher side compared to in evapo Rust brand so I guess this is the Moment of Truth here I'm going to go ahead and apply some pressure to the engine I got this crank in the engine here I don't know that I'm going to be able to just pop it Loose by pushing on it it's probably going to take a little more Extreme Measures but uh there I'm jumping on the bar right now not jumping but bouncing on the bar right now and nothing's happening so the next step since it didn't magically Break Free completely I'm going to take a chunk of Oak 4x4 down there on the piston we're going to smack this thing with a sledgehammer all right we're going to start off a little smaller and gentler here just using a soft blow hammer that's why you can't use pine all right I've been going up this head here with the carbide scraper if you guys don't have one of these carbide scrapers you don't have to have one but I tell you what as somebody that's used razor blades to do this work my whole life these carbide scrapers are worth every penny it made cleaning this up a breeze it's I just saved the the worst for last for you guys uh pretty boring job otherwise but just you know this is heavy rust scale watch how easy this thing just plows through this thing it actually gets it back down looking like a true machine surface again you do have to watch and this was kind of my fault here the hardest thing to do with this is keep it flat and I don't it's not really hard you just have to pay attention basically um but you can actually if you if you lift it and drag the corner you can actually scratch the surface which is what I did there on steel you're probably not going to scratch it enough to really make any appreciable difference which that I didn't hear either this is just very very minor scratching but if you were using this on aluminum or something you could probably cut right through it foreign [Music] you're not going to do that with a razor blade that's for sure [Music] all right so if you don't know exhaust valve intake valve the exhaust valve is where the water Invasion came from because the stack was pointed Skyward and uncovered for God knows how long the water funnel right down through this valve and sat in that cylinder and caused our issues here so this valve I can already see is stuck because right now there's nothing holding it down and there's still a gap around it so that one is stuck and the intake valve may just be stuck by association on account of it looks pretty pitted around there but what I'm going to do is take a hammer and tap on the valve stems of both of these things and hopefully the exhaust or hopefully the intake valve is already free and moves easily the exhaust valve uh well we'll just see what it takes to get it moving just to be clear as well I'm not just beating on the valve stem I've got a chunk of brass here or bronze or whatever you want to call it and uh I will put this on the valve stem on the other side there and beat on this thing rather than directly on the valve stem so here we go this is the intake valve first oh yeah intake valve is just fine now for this exhaust valve wow even the exhaust valve is not stuck I can't believe that it was just rust around the exhaust valve seat that was actually holding that valve out there after driving it around a few times it actually set down in there pretty good now if I was truly trying to be as shade tree as possible I could just leave this in here and run it and it may or may not seal up enough to get combustion on this cylinder at first provided we still get the engine turning we still have to establish that fact but hypothetically you may not get combustion here because it's probably not sealing enough to build the combustion pressure you need to ignite the fuel so after this valve runs and hammers into that seat about 20 000 times though from the engine running on all the other three cylinders there's a good chance that that would eventually seal up and clean itself up enough to start running again but we got it apart it's really not hard to drop the valve clear out and uh we'll lap that seat pretty good and make sure it's sealed up nice that also gives us a better way to clean out the entire exhaust port and make sure it's free of rust and debris all right so we're ready to try to remove this valve from the head now there's a few different ways you can do that valves are held in by keeper wedges and in this particular case we have three keeper wedges around the stem of the valve and they just engage between a little lip on the underside of the valve stem and the side of this retainer ring here that holds the spring so there's a few different ways you can do this ideally you have a valve spring compressor tool and that basically clamps around the head pushes on the underside of the valve and then compresses this guy and allows you to remove those wedges I have one of those tools however mine is not nearly big enough to do this job I need to invest in one of those so there's other ways you can get them out without the tool though and this is the way that I usually end up doing if I don't have the tool even even engines that my tool works on this is just so quick and easy usually that I start with this before I break out the tool so you just take a socket that's uh going to fit you know around the outside of your spring retainer and make sure the head is sitting on something flat like your workbench and it's going to keep the valve from going down any so when we tap on our socket with a hammer what we're going to do is actually compress the spring and the wedges and the valve stem are going to stay in place so I call this bouncing out the keepers and you're just bouncing that spring a few times and when you do that a lot of times the wedges will just come flying out of there see we've got one already starting to come out there we go starting to come I guess there's probably a chance you can damage the wedges doing this too so do it at your own risk there we go one more hit and I think we're going to be golden yep got your spring retainer in this case we have our outer spring and we also have an inner spring now we can flip the head over and pull that valve right out of there oh yeah baby look at the nastiness on that valve we can easily hit that with a wire wheel clean that up nice same thing for the seat underneath here on the head what a mess I'll tell you what it really doesn't look too bad I don't think it's going to take a lot to clean up so the valve seat there actually cleaned up pretty good I think I think with a little bit of lapping it will be just fine the valve itself however though not so good I don't I don't think any amount of lapping will ever make that valve seal up properly so uh we're gonna have to probably get this thing to a grinder all right so I guess it's been a little bit more than 36 hours since I put that solution in the cylinder to try and eat that rust up the last attempt you guys just saw of me trying to get this thing freed up was about 24 hours ago back again and we're gonna give it a go here I was talking to some buddies and they said to get some mechanical advantage on it rather than just using that bar up there might be smart to engage the pony motor which I've already done but basically this lever engages the Bendix so that connects the gears from the pony motor to the flywheel of the diesel engine and then this clutch here you just push this forward that engages the clutch so now these should be locked together and I just have to spin now as I spin the flywheel on the pony engine there that's kind of trying to go back and forth on the diesel the advantage to using the pony engine is a is gear reduced so you're getting some more mechanical advantage and B with this bar here the way the flywheel engagement is it's ramped you probably can't see it in there but the bar can only turn One Direction so I can shove down on it but if I try to go backwards to turn the engine the opposite way it just pulls out of the slot that it's engaged in so that won't work for you know just trying to wiggle it back and forth because if you do get this thing to start turning a little bit it's not just going to go boom and break right loose and start spinning perfectly basically the Rings are going to have to self-clearance and cut a little bit of rust out of that cylinder so anyway I'm going to quit yakking about it and we're going to go ahead and try and shake this thing around for a little bit and see if we can't get it Loose I know this is a bit of a goofy camera angle here but uh I'm trying to give you guys a view of both cylinders so this is a good one obviously this is our bad one and this uh it's just going to be a little bit harder to see movement out of this one because we still have that solution in there whereas this one I think you could probably see it a little easier but I'm just going to start wiggling this thing and hopefully something happens oh she's totally moving yes ah this is awesome I had confidence in seeing in doing this the way that I'm doing it I'm not putting a ton of force into the piston and potentially breaking the Rings If you put too much force all at once so this back and forth like I'm doing should just kind of work things loose it's going to take a little while but I think we can get it completely turned over now watch The Fan there you'll see the fan moving yeah that's what I'm talking about oh baby this thing's gonna run I'm excited now I'm feeling very very confident that we're going to have a running grader on our hands unfortunately there's no clearance between the pony motor in the cab for me to get a wrench onto the flywheel here so I just got to keep wiggling it by hand which is probably good keeping things a little more delicate anyway all right we got this thing moving a little bit here I got it down about an inch from where we started foreign I'm trying to get it all the way to the bottom of the stroke and then we're going to put the hone in it clean all this junk out of it so that we can actually have it come back up and make a full Revolution again the rest of the cylinders look great it is just this one there we go got it past the sticky part hope you guys can tell that should be about the bottom of the stroke right there yeah right there bottom of our stroke check that out huh yeah that doesn't look too too bad at all we got a pretty serious rust ring right there at the bottom of all that gunky looking area but man it's it's good below that so I'm going to scrape it out of there as best as I can and then we're going to put the hone in there try to clean it up with a hone and then see if we can't get this thing to make a full Revolution I know a lot of you guys aren't going to like what I'm doing here right now but I'm scratching off the heaviest bits of rust here right at this ring where it was stuck and I'm doing that so that we can put the hone in there and not just junk up the hone but actually cut the cylinder if I tried to run the hone through this heavy stuff it it probably would just glaze it over and not really cut it there's probably a tool that would but I don't have one I'll soak this baby down with some real thin oil honestly I could probably just make the first few passes dry to cut as much of this crud as possible [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so I've actually done this like three times now the stones very quickly get gummed up with that crusty junk so I clean it off with a brake clean [Applause] [Applause] looks like we're almost through the glaze that's on here see this is what those stones look like after just that few passes can't even see the stone anymore it's just nastiness I can feel the cylinders definitely pitted up pretty darn good uh right there at that spot where we were scraping the crusties off but I guess that's to be expected you know as long as this thing holds combustion pressure and doesn't let combustion gases down into the crank case it should be fine and that seems to be what the scenario is looking like here the bottom of the cylinder being good in the top cylinder top of the cylinder not being as good you know it'll probably still fire and run on this cylinder but definitely going to have lower compression here than the other three if I'm starting to see some polished metal in here oh yeah she's pitted up pretty good well I don't know how well you guys can really see in there but uh I think that's about as good as we're going to get it I'm not going to pretend that that's ideal but uh well it should be good enough to run it and that's really all we're trying for here I don't think this machine is worth sinking a ton of money into you know you could put another liner and a piston and ring in this side over here but you know once you go that far you might as well replace all four of them then you might as well strip it all down to every little nut and bolt and sandblast and paint it and uh well this is really not what I had in store for this thing maybe somebody else does but uh not this guy all right we got that thing cleaned out as best as we can and it is time to see if this engine is going to make a full Revolution I'm confident that it will should be a lot easier now with that cylinder cleaned up quite a bit foreign oh yeah look at that for the first time in the good Lord only knows how long that piston all the way at the top the Piston itself looks fine I'm sure the Rings are probably stuck might take a a little bit of running and some heat Cycles to get that compression to come up at all on that middle on that that cylinder in particular oh what's going on here we just hit a wall oh I don't know what the heck's going on now but we're we're hitting up against something here I'm suspicious about because I'm driving I'm turning over this engine here using the pony engine I don't think we're having any issues with the diesel engine now it seems to be spinning fine I am concerned that maybe the pony has something wrong with it but I was able to spin it all the way over before so I don't know something is strange right now yeah see right there I don't know what that is maybe it's something maybe the the teeth on the flywheel or rusted up or something just got some debris in them but I am hitting solid up against something right now I'm gonna see if I can make a full 360 degree Revolution with the engine crank the hand crank that we tried before yep she hits solid there too what the heck is holding this thing now right there's where it locks up I'm pretty sure it's just stuff in the flywheel teeth there can you guys see that I'm actually watching this all through you guys I can't see in there at all but modern technology allows me to place the camera there and I'm watching this on my phone foreign hard to even feel in here where it's at I'm gonna try to reach up in there with a wire brush and see if I can't just clean out those uh those teeth on the flywheel because I think what it's doing right up in this corner here where my fingers wiggling that's the the Bendix gear now I have that engaged which connects the pony to the diesel but I can't disengage that manually as far as I know the only way to disengage that thing is to get the diesel engine spinning fast enough to where it pops itself back out all right I found an even better place here to get a peek in through onto the flywheel teeth so I don't know how well you guys can see this is a stretch even for me to see it we're looking through a mirror right now we're actually looking at the flywheel teeth and it appears that I found the stuck tooth or clogged tooth or other it's kind of rusted over and everything and it's full of Mouse House in there so if you don't know mouse urine especially over time builds up quite a serious rust on things it corrodes things up and uh yeah it looks like we just have some debris stuck in the flywheel tooth there hopefully I can dig at it a bit with the pick and I can get that cleaned out and then hopefully this thing's going to make a full Revolution for us you guys see that oh man that's a good feeling that took a lot of work to make this thing go 360 Degrees around all right so it took way too long to get this thing to make a full Revolution it was basically like an hour of me bent up in a weird contorted position running that uh that pick hook through the gear teeth on the flywheel uh just aimlessly because you can't you can't see in there at all I could kind of use the camera a little bit on my phone and see sort of where I was going but not really good enough at all to to be able to say well there's the tooth that's clogged up and scrape it out so I was just you know going one by one with that hook and finally got it cleaned out to where it'll make the full Revolution but anyways now that we're that far and the engine does make a full Revolution it's time to turn our attention to the pony engine and the first thing we're going to do is start ripping this carburetor apart and inspecting our fuel tank to see if it is savable The Fill cap on the pony engine gas tank is actually rusted through that's how Rusty everything is here so I'm sure that tank really needs tumbled and cleaned out good and I'm sure our carburetor is uh just yummy inside so let's go ahead and tear into this thing so I guess we just start at the top here with our air cleaner this air cleaner is only for the pony engine and I believe this is an oil bath air cleaner on this still I don't think they had paper elements very common back in the day it seems like everything that was in a Dusty condition was oil bath oh yeah look at all the Critter houses in here oh my goodness clear down in the intake on the pony too good thing we didn't try to just fire this thing up mud dauber nests it is supposed to be an oil bath oh goodness wait do you guys see this can you guys see how much crap is down inside of here about 200 dead stink bugs and all kinds of other Critters oh my goodness clear down into the carburetor they got this intake just full of spider nests and webs and everything else good gravy that's bad can you guys see all that mess down there because I thought this for sure I thought that was going to fight me and it just pulled right out of there all right got these four screws and then things should lift right up out of here and I believe we're going to stick it straight into some carburetor dip so give this some love Taps look at that I soaked this whole thing down with that furtan stuff hoping that it would free up the gasket and it did pretty impressive here the actual bowl of the carburetor like it's got some Gunk built up on it but really not that bad I if not for the air intake issues we got going on over here we might have been able to just fire this thing up there we go there's the bowl section of the carburetor there we go well luckily the intake into the block doesn't look like it's full of crap so we'll put the shop back on there and suck out what we can I just see a little bit of dust down in there it doesn't look too bad all right I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the inside of this fuel tank probably looks terrible if the fuel cap is look at that oh man I didn't even put any pressure on it I don't think any part of this is going to unscrew we'll probably just peel it up off of here maybe yep there we go there is still liquid in there no way probably all water oh yeah yeah that's water that's not good foreign [Music] that was a chore all right I would not do this if I was not confident that this was all just rusty water oh yeah doesn't even have any gasoline smell to it I actually uh my buddy Mike's dad used to run this machine I guess uh when the guy that owned it before me got it so he used to run this machine and he said from the time he got it they never ever used the pony engine they always just pull started it so it's been quite a long time since there's been gasoline in this tank so to clean that tank out this is a pretty heavy tank so I think it'll be fine we just clean it up and send it um if you're if you're a patient person you could use that same rust remover that we used to break the engine free you could use something like that you could use vinegar you know you could just put some nuts and bolts in there and Tumble it and clean it all out but if you're like me and you have no patience whatsoever I like to use muriatic acid to clean out these heavy steel tanks because it'll clean it out of here pretty darn quick we'll let that sit there a while and she's going to get spicy and it'll probably start even smoking a little bit up out of there yeah it already is smoking a little bit I need to pick up another gallon of this stuff by the looks of it next step in our Pony motor Saga here is to get spark I've installed a start a spark Checker in line here from the plug wire to the plug and uh I'm 99.9 sure that this is a futile effort here what I'm about to do but uh it's just going to demonstrate that we don't have spark when these machines sit the points in the Magneto oftentimes corrode and uh you get no spark and this machine here is exceptionally fun to rope start because you have literally I can barely get my arm in here and you have to wrap the Rope around the flywheel and then pull it doesn't have like a modern recoil start on it all right so if you can tell we got our rope wrapped up around the starting flywheel here and basically it's just time to give it a big yank I have these little petcocks at the bottom of the cylinder heads on either side in the open position and what that allows is the uh it's just basically a compression bypass and if you flood the engine that's a good way to clear it and get all the fuel out of the cylinder so you can start it easier all right do I still need to say contact I don't know contact as you can see that's kind of a bear and I don't know if you could see but there's no spark I am not surprised all right so this magical little box right here on top of the pony engine is your Magneto to get to the points uh you usually just have to pop this cover off and you can get in from the back side here and get in there and clean them up you could maybe do it on this machine like that very difficult because you have the cab on the way here um also these linkages and they're kind of in the way of taking the cap off I took the screws out and I'm probably just going to try to there we go pop the cap off and uh we'll see what I can do here might end up just taking the two bolts off that hold the whole Magneto and lift it up out of here all right so I couldn't see what I was doing on the machine so I ended up just pulling the whole Magneto off because there's just those two bolts pulled it off stuck it in the Vise here and the contacts on the points again were super dirty still I hadn't cleaned them nearly good enough so after quite a bit of cleaning we can spin it with a drill here and see the spark [Applause] you guys see that we know we got spark here now so by process of elimination if we don't have spark still once this is installed we know it's not a Magneto issue it could be a plug wire issue or whatever all right we're going to go stab this thing back in the machine but you can't put it in there all willy-nilly there's timing marks you see that little right there that looks like a m or a w and we have to line that up with corresponding tooth in inside of the uh the pony engine hopefully you guys can see in there at these timing marks looks like we got it right without electric start or another person here it is kind of difficult to verify that you do have spark to the plugs so I'm trying to create a foolproof test here giving her a good shot at ether right down the intake there we have a spark Checker in line let's pull this sucker and see if we got anything yeah we had a pop I didn't see this thing because I was working too hard to pull this thing but we definitely had a pop so that means we got spark enough to light a little bit of ether well it is the next day for our carburetor here try to fish this thing out of here and see what we're working with [Music] oh [Music] foreign ER back on the pony engine here promptly dropped one of my nuts down underneath the machine here I searched and searched for the magnet couldn't find it but luckily enough we finally have some Hardware bins in the shop thanks to bolts and so run right over to the rack and just lo and behold you pick up a nice new nut and you don't have to run to a parts store like I've been doing for my entire life until now so big thanks to those guys for not stopping progress right now and we could see nice shiny new hardware on here I'll tell you another thing too if you're planning on working on a pony engine I hope you got a set of angle head wrenches with you because some of these are absolutely horrific to get to if you don't have angle heads I don't think you're gonna I don't think you're gonna do it all right call that a success we went from a pretty darn crusty carburetor to uh pretty darn nice looking get our linkages hooked back up there and go check on our fuel tank all right now we're moving on to our fuel tank and things are not looking great for her see that spot down there and all this on the gravel we've got some holes this thing is actually and again I said it earlier this is a thick heavy metal tank this is probably made out of eighth inch steel when it was new but it's no longer an eighth of an inch thick it's a it's rusted pretty thin in some places as you can see hopefully we can uh clean this thing up a little bit though and we'll put an epoxy coating on the inside and we'll still be able to use it because it's got to be this size to fit and to work correctly plus I just like keeping everything original on these old old machines there we go there's some stuff spilling out of somewhere now oh [Music] yeah see that right there that's probably fine well on our fuel tank here we made out pretty good hard to really show you guys down inside a tank like this but uh it cleaned up pretty darn nice All Things Considered we got rid of all the heavy rust in there and if there wasn't holes in the tank I would say we could just run it it's clean enough but we've got one pretty good size pinhole right here and one good one and one little one right next to it right there so I'm going to mix up an epoxy fuel tank sealer and we'll dump it in there and coat the inside of this tank let it cure overnight all right so basically you mix Parts one and two together I stirred it until it's starting to thicken up a little bit on me now so it should be able to just pour straight in here I did tape up those pin holes as well so we're not just draining this stuff back out all over the floor all right I just can't resist the temptation at this point I've got a temporary fuel tank rigged up here I have everything pretty much ready to go on the pony engine we're going to see if this thing's gonna fire up yeah let's see what's going to happen here guys ready contact oh we got one pop that was one good puck all right this is gonna suck all right well it's time to fix up our nasty rusted pitted valve here uh forewarning I have never touched a valve grinding machine before in my life and could have and probably should have made an entire video on just getting this thing finally going here I had issues with the coolant pump and all kind of other stuff but anyway basic idea here is uh it spins the valve and it also spins the grindstone and you set the angle here of this guy and then you work it back and forth and it'll grind that valve down to a nice polished perfect angle and uh then we'll just have to lap it into the head anyway let's grind the valve some idiot didn't hit record there so you guys missed the first bit of that but uh we're close it's cleaning up here like I said never done this before I'm trying to take very small bites but uh yeah well we're getting there still definitely got some pits in it I'm wondering how much we should really go if we go too far well yeah we still have a square lip out here at our Edge so should still seal no matter what looking pretty good now there's still some really deep pits that I don't think are really going to affect us kind of don't want to take too much material here all right I'm going to call that good it's not 100 perfect but man it's a far far sight better than it was those those little pits really should not affect anything all right it's tired time to reassemble this head but before we can do that we need to lap this valve in this is the valve that we ground I took the liberty of cleaning the stem up a little bit already but basically we just put basically we just put a little bit of this valve grinding compound around this area that we ground and we'll stick it in there and uh in our case we're going to cheat and use the drill but you can also use a suction cup and just spin this valve basically just grinding it into the seat in the head there and that will kind of lap these together so that they're a perfect seal all right so we get a good bit of this compound on the valve seat there slide that into the head where it needs to be they make these little rubber suction cup deals that you stick on there and then just roll it between your fingers or your hands and that just grinds it into the head but uh we've got modern tools [Applause] all right I put that little yellow mark on the valve just so you guys can see it easier but basically I'm just pulling on the drill right now sucking the valve into the seat tight and we're giving her some turns [Music] basically what you'll start to see is a contact pattern a shiny area in the valve seat and we need to just keep doing this until the entire valve seat is nice and shiny we're alrighty we have our valve completely lapped in here these cameras do not do well with uh really close-up examination stuff but the worst area is right down through here where we had some heavy pitting and you know I didn't want to lap it to the point where that completely cleaned up because we'd probably be going too far basically and also wearing into our valve um so I've I've lapped it until the point where I can see a clear line clear through that area so we are making contact through there because I can see you know the small granular lines from the lapping compound have made a consistent impression I guess you'd call it all the way through that bad spot so it might not be uh tier one racing quality but it's going to be good enough for 1942 Tech all right so to put this valve back in there we'll just stick it in like so I got the head laid down here we just need to put our Springs back over it a retainer cap and find a way to compress this down uh and then install our three Keepers that we removed before my dad was here earlier he said I I see how you got the uh the keepers out without the proper tool but how are you going to put it back in [Music] not that hard there we go nothing to it but to do it thank you all right so I threw all the hardware on our head here all the nuts and washers and I just barely snug them down at all getting ready to do our torque sequence here got the bolts back in the gooseneck for the thermostat and the last thing I need to do before I even bother to torque the head is put this seal back in here that seals up this water jacket from the pony engine to the head of the diesel now here's the gasket that came out of there and the rubber is all really hard it's cracked you can see it's coming apart right there and luckily enough I was able to get a new one of these from Caterpillar right there baby 5B 7780 they had it for me pretty darn quick which I'm impressed about since you know these things are only found on machines that are pretty old at this point so that part was impressive what wasn't impressive was the price you see what this is take a stab at how much this cost me so pause the video go down in the comments and comment how much you think this part cost all right I'm assuming you've left your comment this part was 102 dollars and some change a hundred and two dollars all right well I hope you the viewer can really appreciate the level of sophistication I'm bringing to the table with this one here um I've kind of made some funnel strips if you will to avoid the hard edges and hopefully I can just kind of knock this seal into place and I've also lubricated everything with a water soluble lubricant uh please don't break my hundred dollar seal it's not looking good here try getting these things out of the way [Music] it's a very Square Ridge up here I really wish I could take a grindstone and roll this Edge a little bit but at this point it's just going to throw metal shavings everywhere which ain't good for nothing I think if I had two people it would have been ideal to try to install this thing while I was lowering the head down but I fly solo except for Roscoe here and I really don't want to yank this head back off because I did quite a bit of prep work to get it ready to torque down all right the head is most of the way back down the seal looks okay I guess this is this is really quite a job to get this thing in here um I just got to keep kind of tapping the head down and making sure the steel doesn't slide out of place well that's it we're down yeah I don't know all I can do is hope and pray and uh hopefully we don't see any leaks coming out of that thing because man that'd be a job to rip this whole head back off spend another 102 dollars for a seal and then try to get it right again all right so I'm back to where I was over an hour ago but I'm back we are now ready to run the torque sequence on the head bolts here so I got to look up the torque spec and we'll go from there all right so the torque spec on this head is 200 foot-pounds on each bolt but you don't want to just go diving in with 200 right off the bat you want to step it up so I usually just do a half step I'll start at 100 obviously it's half we'll run that through and then we'll go back and do 200. the other thing I don't have the actual caterpillar diagram for the sequence on torquing this head down but generally you just want to start in the center and work evenly out towards the sides so yeah here we go there's one [Music] [Music] I had to bust out the old three-quarter torque wrench here [Music] this should do it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh boy we are finally ready to get this thing fired up I hope fingers crossed got her all back together there I reset the valve lash uh put the you know put everything together pretty much uh I spared you guys the boring monotonous details of every little nut and bolt I know you guys just want to see this thing fire up as much as I do so I got a temporary fuel tank rigged up on there because that coating that we put uh in the fuel tank for the pony engine uh needs 72 hours to cure so still waiting on that time period uh I added coolant we are good to go and I am armed through creativity and stupidity with a secret weapon here this Pony engine is a bear getting these things fired up when they're running right and dialed in is you know sometimes a challenge but when they haven't been running probably 20 plus years you need you need something [Music] foreign [Applause] boy the old chop saw Pony motor starter is the way to go Bud [Music] [Applause] all right I don't understand what's going on here it's spitting and spidering and popping and backfiring like it's uh out of time I'm gonna try swapping the plug wires I'm 99.9 sure I have it uh exactly how it was when it came apart but we'll just try it quick and easy and if it works it works that is a smoother under Pony engine my goodness all right it's time to get the diesel cranking over foreign that is awesome so we got the pony engine running for the first time and like I said the good old good Lord only knows how long it has been a long while and it was actually running really good too but we started blowing a little bit of water out of the radiator which the cap is a little well very lackluster on so I wasn't surprised about that but I can just see by the paint over here things are getting pretty crispy on the pony engine and there's a bleeder here when you fill it with coolant you crack this bleeder open and then when coolant starts flowing out of there that's how you know you got all the air out of the system I did that and we didn't have any air bubbles and I shut it and finished filling the system uh but I just cracked it open and there was nothing but hot air hot steam coming out of there so yeah things there's an air bubble somewhere in here so I shut her down gonna let it cool down for a little bit and we're gonna put some more coolant in I'm just running water right now because the whole system needs flushed really really badly um but it's enough to get it going but yeah the pony actually sounds really good it sounds like it's going to run there was I I was bleeding all the fuel lines out I got those all tightened down right now so after we get this coolant issue figured out uh I should be ready to try to fire up the diesel uh everything was looking good I don't think I've told you guys but I I investigated the fuel tank which on this machine is actually underneath the seat and uh lo and behold we've got a full tank of old diesel fuel you know it it's definitely old but uh diesel fuel doesn't really have a shelf life uh like gasoline unless you get algae or water in it diesel will last for quite a long time all right that pony engine has had a chance to cool down so Let's uh see if we can't get it fired back up let me start my starter [Music] foreign [Music] look at that guys it's showing all kind of a mouse house up out of the uh inspection cover for the bell housing [Music] sounds awesome actually [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] leaking out of our seal there that we had to smash in between the head and the pony so that's great [Music] all right let's see if we can't drive this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] good news good news this is a really rewarding one coming from a completely stuck engine to running and I tell you what it actually sounds like it's running pretty darn good there's a little stumble down low but I'm sure if we uh put some fresh fuel in it first of all it's got a full tank of old diesel fuel so I'll dump some Marvel magic and maybe some ATF in that tank and uh we'll run it and that'll probably help free the injectors up get those working a little bit better what do you think Buddy Roscoe's not a big fan of pretty Smokey in here right now but uh so it runs good I'm really happy with that even the pony engine seems that like it runs really well so no nothing to complain about there the problem is in here see the clutch pedal well I don't know that the elevation of the clutch pedal is the issue but we have an issue with the clutch being stuck so I was stomping on that pedal for all I was worth trying to get it into a gear and it's not even trying it doesn't feel like the clutch is actually throwing any it doesn't look it doesn't feel like the fork is actually pushing on the throw out bearing any so I'm thinking that throw out bearing is probably seized onto the output shaft so that's a real bummer the only way that I can see to get in there to free that thing up is to yank the entire engine which it's not a fun job but I don't think it's actually going to be that bad on this machine there's a couple bolts uh yeah I think there's just a couple bolts in the mid section of the engine here and then the bell housing bolts of course your any of your hoses and uh linkages that would have to be disconnected but after that I believe the whole unit radiator and all should just swing right up out of there so that's the bad news that's a whole other video to itself so yeah thumbs up we got it running uh so I am really happy about that but like anything that's sat for this long and uh looks like this there's bound to be more issues so I'm just really happy we were able to get it running and looking forward to uh sticking this thing in the dirt and seeing what it'll do it actually sounds pretty throaty so I'm pretty excited about it I hate to break it to you guys you guys well I hate to break to you guys but that wraps this one up right here I uh as you can see the clock on the wall says 6 p.m that means I gotta go home and probably stay up most of the night getting this video put together and edited for you guys so that uh you guys got something to watch with your Saturday morning coffee it was a lot of work but uh ultimately rewarding and it's going to be even more rewarding when we get to put this thing back into action so so as always if you guys like the video do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below it doesn't cost you guys a dime and it really helps out the channel if you're not already be sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any future videos on this old grader and if you'd like to help support the channel in a little more direct way head on over to pick yourself up a hat a t-shirt sticker pack a beer koozie whatever over there at the store that's link is down in the description anyways guys that's all I got so until the next time thanks for watching I'll catch you later come on Austin let's go home [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 844,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, d3400, d311, D2, 212, motor patrol, maintainer, blade, revival, galion, huber, deere
Id: J8tKVOtT6tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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