I Got Two FREE 1960s Caterpillar Pony Engines. Will they Run??

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[Music] thank you hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt this this pile of yellow goodies over here may look like scrap to the average Layman but to the train die this is treasure this is yellow gold right here a very very generous subscriber to the channel reached out to me after the last d8 video and he said hey Matt I saw your Pony motor I had some problems there if you're interested I've got a couple of them laying here and they're yours if you want them so that was mighty generous of him I hopped in the truck and I made a trip because these Pony Motors are not impossible to come by but they're definitely getting harder to come by and they don't make parts for them anymore so the pony engine on our d8 in the last video uh it definitely had some failures something must have let loose in the gear case and caused the actual gear case itself to split and we lost all the oil out of it and it gave its dying breath to get that old girl started one last time so that we could get it loaded up and on the trailer so there's some other miscellaneous odds and ends here but the big thing here on this palette is two Pony engines one of them came off a D9 and one of them came from a D7 I don't believe that the one off the D9 will work directly for us I believe that something's a little bit different on this piece which is the piece that actually engages the flywheel on the diesel engine but I believe we could change that if needed not to mention the one from the D7 I do believe should bolt rate up and I was promised that the one from the D7 was good for sure and the one from the D9 was in unknown running condition in addition to Pony engines we found some other goodies in his yard that he was more than willing to give us for the cause this came off of a D9 G this is the dashboard with the clutch levers and everything and mainly just wanted the gauge panel out of here but he said take the whole thing with you so now we got a dash panel to a d9g I do believe the dash is the same on the the nine as the eight so you know theoretically if we ever needed the dash for some reason we would have one thing for sure it is heavy there's the good stuff right there that's what we're after so here's what we had hiding underneath that dashboard this is the pony engine from the D9 like I said this snout that actually goes into the flywheel housing on the diesel engine I don't believe that is the same as the one in R8 I believe the one in our eight looks like this which is much shorter uh theoretically you could change those out but I'm not positive on that anyway this one has been sitting in a van trailer in dry storage for a long while I would guess there's quite a bit of dust on it but he said that one was a good runner and that's why they saved it they only pulled it off of the machine because they switched out to electric start so while we were walking around their yard looking at other Treasures we came across a couple generators and a starter for the pony engine so he threw those in on the pallet as well and so that was super generous of them guys big big thanks uh and he's got some more Treasures up there that I'm sure I'm gonna end up with eventually anyways I brought these guys into the shop today because I want to get that old d8 fired up and ready for action here very soon I've got a job here behind the building that I'd like to do with the d8 just for fun and I'd like to also take that machine up to the steam show as well as I'd like to start restoring that machine at some point here but I need to prove its mechanical abilities before we even worry about Cosmetics so I brought these in here because I want to get these running I want to verify that they both function and run and after that then we can figure out which one we're going to put onto our d8 I do believe it's going to be this one but until they're both running or at least one of them is running I have no idea [Music] all right we got us a pony on a pallet here I've just clamped some angle iron to one of the mounts back here these things obviously aren't meant to sit they're always nestled up against the side of the the main engine on a dozer so they really don't have any way to sit flat so I have it anchored down here as best we can so that we can play around and try to get this thing going this is the first that I've really uh gotten to look at these things they have been sitting here for a couple months now but so back here is your high low range section of your transfer case so as you can see the case is marked high and low oh look at that though it's even labeled gear shift in case you're too dumb to figure out seems to shift in okay not a ton of backlash that's good I did break this solenoid unfortunately on the top of the starter here and of course made in the USA probably can't find any of those anymore this guy right here this guy right here is what actually engages the pony engine to the gearbox so there's probably some sort of clutch in there I've never had one apart so I can only speculate there has to be some sort of clutch though up here we got a carburetor of course they uh they taped it off for us so hopefully it's nice and clean in there still but we should probably take that down and open it up just to have a little Gander inside make sure it's not filthy back here on our exhaust side they also tape that off before they put this thing into storage which is great this guy right here is packed full of grease but this is actually where a crank starter would go and theoretically you can start up your d8 or even a D9 with nothing more than a hand crank if you don't have a battery so there's a special crank goes in there we'll have to clean that all out so you can see it but you can spin that around and that'll jump start the pony engine which can jump start the big engine on the front of the engine here we have our Magneto and what should be plug wires coming out of it but as you can see they're in pretty sad shape we're gonna have to get some new plug wires going on this guy because uh I'm betting these are no good unfortunately so these Pony engines are a water cooled engine as you can see they got water jackets all over them that circulate through the the cylinders and head so if we do get this thing running we're not going to be able to run it very long just enough to verify that it sounds like it's an okay running engine this thing's been sitting up right now for about 20 minutes see if we've got any oil well we do that's good I don't know if you guys can see that it looks like it's a fairly close although we are probably leaning a little more forward than we would be in position on the tractor back here we have oil in the gear case there's a little bit in there so where do we start well I guess we should start with some plug wires since these are completely Fubar I'm going to grab the ones that we made up for the pony that's already on the d8 since those are brand new plug wires we can just throw them on here and know that they're good I'm feeling feeling lucky today I'm going to gamble and we're just going to put fuel right to that carburetor without taking it apart so that'll either pay off or it won't and then everything else I guess is good enough to give her a go I don't remember what I absconded those uh plug wires for but there am I these plug wires that are on the other engine here don't look too bad we can try them out at least I guess we're going to have to come up with some new spark plugs for this guy too I could see that was cracked and broken and I'm sure this is far behind certainly don't want one of those little chunks of porcelain dropping down into the cylinder that could cause some serious damage I think I'm just gonna go steal the plugs out of the one that we know runs on the tractor two brand used rj8c I don't know if those are the correct plugs that are supposed to be in these or not but I do know that they made the other engine run so they ought to work on this one I pulled this small piece of old fuel line off of here and as you can see from the end of it it's got some sort of a mud dauber nest in it and they were able to get all the way into the fitting in there so we got to pull the fitting out and blow it out really good otherwise you're just going to push that nastiness into the carburetor Bowl well whoever the last person was that was in here they put PTFE tape on the threads here it's really shouldn't be necessary with a brass fitting like this and a lot of times this stuff isn't fuel rated and it'll break down and actually get into the fuel system and clog things up so we're going to peel that off of here if it leaks we can pull it back out and put some fuel rated stuff on there we blew that little critter out of there all right we got us a temporary fuel tank hooked up here a few lines plumbed into the carburetor go ahead and turn this valve on and see if it just starts pouring fuel everywhere well that looks pretty good I guess we're at the point now where we can grab a jump pack and well I guess we're gonna have to change out that solenoid too but we can grab another solenoid off the shelf and the jump pack and see if this thing is going to turn over for us got our solenoid changed I put a little jumper wire on here so we should be able to touch this wire up here to this Exciter post and it should work you guys ready contact oh come on [Music] that's exciting the exhaust is going to blow right in my face too that's going to be just perfect seems like it's got good compression sounds like it's got a nice healthy thud to it um so we didn't check for spark yet which we're gonna basically do right now if this thing doesn't want to light off and we don't hear any kind of popping sounds out of it at all probably don't have spark I'm willing to bet that we don't have it anyways but before we tear something apart might as well try I grabbed a cheater pipe too for the clutch engagement here go so the clutch is disengaged right now and the reason it doesn't have a nice handle like this guy here is because there's linkages that hook up to this thing and you're actually able to engage this from the seat of the tractor rather than doing it down here here goes nothing contact so in theory so in theory getting spark back to this thing shouldn't be a big deal usually what the problem is is the points inside of this cover here get oxidized there's a set of breaker points just like in a car ignition system only this set of points is run by a Magneto rather than a coil and condenser well there's still a condenser in there but rather than a regular 12 volt Automotive coil you have a Magneto and just like points in anything else they can oxidize from sitting a long period of time this screw is loose I think that's a kill switch you can put a ground wire on there and shut this Pony engine off from the seat you don't really need that because you're better off to run Pony engines out of fuel every time rather than grounding them out and killing them like anything else all right so this is the last screw here I'm hoping this cover isn't a bear to get off here because when we revived the d8 that we want to put this on yeah the cover was really on there I was able to get that one off without breaking it but I was really concerned and I'm starting to become starting to be concerned about this one [Applause] foreign there we go a little tappy tap all the way around fix it right up that's interesting this wheel here spins around and has contacts on it that feed out into these graphite uh deals here those are spring-loaded they're supposed to be I just pushed them in and they stuck in so I have to work on getting those see how that that's a graphite button right there I'm not sure if you guys can see that's a graphite button right there it's spring loaded you push it in it Springs right back out these guys over here are as well but I just pushed them in and they stayed in so I'm gonna have to work on getting those back out and freed up and moving right this wheel here is what feeds spark to those contact points those graphite ones and it's got a bunch of residue on it so we're gonna have to get some contact cleaner and clean that up tucked in behind that wheel though is our breaker points and I can see yeah they are very oxidized so I'm gonna grab an emery board and we're going to clean those up oh yeah these buggers are corroded up bad see how much crap's coming off onto the emery board there yep a lot of crap came off of that little disc there all right I played around and got these spring-loaded deals working in here again points are clean contact disc is clean let's put this thing back together and hope we got Spark fuel on choke later on thank you still not feeling real good about this spark issue foreign we got Spark the old girl's just not getting fuel set that choke to 100 percent try to pull some fuel up through this thing let's try that again contact well I guess the gamble didn't pay off we're not getting fuel up through this carburetor we're gonna have to tear it apart and figure out why all right well what I can see down through the throat hole there looks pretty good there we go what really doesn't look too bad in here I don't know we'll hit it with some carb cleaner clean out all the very small orifices and slap it back together you guys have seen me do that a million times so I'll keep it brief well it didn't take me very long I think I found the problem here I tried to uh blow through this tube and with the floats dangling with the floats dangling that should allow fuel to come through and down into the bowl but why not blow through it even with the valve down so got to be something in there clogging that up let's blow it out just pull the float pin out take floats off give them a little Shake make sure they're not full of fuel turn this thing over that valve comes out in your fingers I always try to look at the tips of the valve right there and make sure it's not got a wear ring around it because if it's worn too much it'll allow fuel to bypass even with the floats closed from here you could take a big screwdriver and pull out this seat for that needle but in our case I'm just going to hit it with the air compressor and see if I can blow anything out of there could be more that mud dauber Nest that we didn't get definitely took some pressure to clear it but I don't see any major chunkage oh yeah it's a lot better right there last thing I did I pulled out this little Venturi tube here out of the bottom half of the carburetor it's got a bunch of small holes on it if you can see those and they were all nice and clean didn't have to do anything to that slap that back together we'll put the whole carburetor back together and hopefully we can get this baby to run for us all right carburetor is cleaned should be ready for action now got it remounted here hook up this fuel line and we are good to try to fire this thing up again should be ready to go here keep her about mid throttle contact thank you that was a great success awesome it sounds like it runs really good I'm going to let it cool down for a little bit I mean you guys didn't see any Cuts there that was one straight through run so I don't know what was that 30 seconds or so it's not very warm yet but I don't want to overheat it either I'm going to let this thing cool down completely for a little bit I'm gonna go grab lunch we're gonna come back fire it up again and we're going to test out the high and low here and the clutch engagement and make sure everything else is ready to go before we bother switching this thing into the cap here we are about an hour later everything is nice and cold and we're gonna try to fire this thing up again and then just verify everything's good inside of here make sure we don't hear any funny noises during engagement of any of this stuff it all feels good to just do it here you know without it running but it's another thing to do it when it's actually under load and even still it's not truly under load until it's spinning over the diesel so we're just going to see what we can do here and make sure there's nothing obvious throttle about Midway we'll keep that in high to start with and contact [Music] foreign [Music] well well that's interesting I don't know if you guys can hear it there's a squeaky sound coming from right up here where my fingers are at at the carburetor connection there we go it's finally running out of fuel I I was trying to choke it out and shut it off by starving it for air but it won't shut off because it's actually getting a little bit of air sucking in that gasket right there it's about out of fuel now all right yeah I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a ground to kill this thing at least in testing the good news is it was running so slow and still wasn't that long nothing's hot yet so I'm not worried we didn't damage anything just now all good but uh this sucker runs excellent as far as I can tell the engagement I had it in my mind backwards for some reason I thought this was engaged and forwards was uh disengaged but quite the opposite so yeah it seems to be working great in fact it ran so great oh it even broke it dang it my jump pack fell off the pallet here and it broke my positive connection I lied it just popped apart and I was able to fix it right up golden I love this jump pad I am not sponsored by these guys I've never even talked to them I don't know anything about it but people do ask me all the time what jump pack I use and it is a jnc 1224 by jump and carry this thing is an absolute monster it I mean the things it can crank over just on its own with no other batteries connected quite impressive it does 12 and 24 volts hence the 12 24 and the model number but yeah there is a link to it in my Amazon store but not affiliated whatsoever with them so just running that thing that a minute or two that we ran it I can see why this thing is packed full of grease and dirt and everything there must be a seal down inside of here that's blown out because it's already dripping oil all over the place but not really a big deal for our needs I believe this thing while it's the same component as the one on rd8 this engine came off of a D7 so I think this thing's on a different angle so we can either change this one and put a new seal in it or take the one off the pony we already have installed on R8 and uh put it on there and shouldn't have any issues the one off of the one still on the pallet over there may also work so we got three engines to swap parts with and get what we need so other than a little oil drip I feel really good about this Pony engine it seems like it's a really solid the gear train and everything all sounds really good behind the Pony the pony sounds like it hits good it's got good compression runs nice and smooth so I mean I am like 90 sure this is the one that's going to go uh into our cat since I don't have to change much of anything on it we do have one more though this Pony engine here is slightly different but the actual core engine part is the same and so is the clutch and gear case housing what's different this front cover on the engine here is a little bit different it's got an oil filter on it they don't have the hand crank adapter on there although it looks like it's probably uh made so you could put it on there if you wanted to I don't know if that oil filter would get in the way for our purposes but theoretically if you had to you could switch out the whole front cover if it was an issue this part is longer than the one from the D7 I believe this one is also longer than the one from our d8 so what that would entail to change these out I'm not entirely sure definitely changing this cover the other thing with this engine is they don't know the condition of it um the guy that gave it to me had never run it I don't believe and this thing you can see it's got all this dirt laying on here it was laying out in a scrap pile for a while no I believe it probably still turns over it might still be a great engine so while we're in here playing around with pony Motors we're going to go ahead and set this one up and try to get it fired up as well and just see what we got here for the future thank you all right so after we got it flipped up on the pallet here and strapped down this Magneto is missing some parts so we're just going to rob them off of the other engine and same with the intake elbow here this one as you can see is cracked and broken so we're just going to steal the take these two bolts off the other one steal the whole elbow and the carburetor with it bring it over here and hopefully this thing's going to fire up I guess before we even bother switching any of that stuff we should see if this thing's going to turn over because I have no idea okay I've got the jump pack and what I hope is a less precarious place than the last time so we don't drop it again see if we got any connection here contact [Music] oh hmm I don't know if you guys saw that when the Bendix finally engaged in the starter there it it didn't seem to like it a whole lot foreign this one might be locked up so I just pulled the engine oil dipstick here and it's close to about the level that it should be and it doesn't look like it has any water in it but it does a reek of gasoline so I'm not sure how that would happen in this engine because it's an updraft carburetor but nonetheless it reeks of gas so this thing was laying outside looks like it was laying in the dirt Maybe it was going to get scrapped until he heard that I was looking for Pony Motors so you can see how broken this flange is here but there's a chance some water got down inside of the cylinders here although I'm feeling around I can feel the valve stems in here with my finger and it doesn't feel like they're oxidized or rusted up at all it's interesting on every pony motor I've pulled the plugs from the front spark plug has like a build up on it you know it's it's kind of like it's running rich and then the rear plug is running right so it has the right coloring the right uh build up on the plug kind of like that Rusty brownish color almost not too lean not too rich must be the natural way these things run is a little bit rich on the front cylinder oh we got the plugs out I'm gonna go ahead and spray a whole bunch of penetrating oil down in here I'm not sure if it'll work but I'm gonna go ahead and put a pipe wrench on this output shaft see if we can't turn the whole thing there we go something's happening just seems like it's slipping the clutch though in here or actually you know that's probably designed to to throw this out when the motor outspins it probably designed not to back turn because you could damage something try spinning the other way here foreign yeah I think she's turning now just a little stuck from sitting sprayed some more oil in there let's go ahead and give this another go there we go oh it locks it yeah that was better she's just a little stuck from sitting I'm gonna go ahead and kind of fog the engine here I'm going to crank it over and spray the oil straight into the intake here all right we got our mag all put together down here through some plug wires and plugs out of the other Pony motor into it I'm just going to go ahead and hit it with some ether without the carburetor on there and we're going to see if this thing pops contact did you guys see the flame balls on that that was great I'll try that again it's very interesting I think we might have a valve sticking because it kind of popped back everywhere there yeah I'm like 90 sure we have a valve hanging up or more than one valve hanging up because when I put my fingers over the plug holes I could feel it was pushing air but it didn't have that oomph that good compression would have and hitting it with ether like that you could say that it might come back a little bit and Backdraft but it kind of like poofed out of everywhere at the exact same time I even went back and reviewed the footage so the moment that it lit The Ether it popped out the exhaust is uncovered on both sides here so it popped out both sides and the intake all at the exact same time and the only way that that could happen is if you have a valve open as far as I'm concerned so and the very last reason that I'm determining there's a stuck valve is because when I put the plugs in there and completely sealed up the cylinders or what should have completely sealed up the cylinders I crank it over and it still spins over like there's no compression at all so 99.9 sure there's a valve issue [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah looks like all the valves are stuck in fact there's never a point in which all the valves should be open at the same time never ever a point let's try to see if we can't work these valves loose just wiped out the cylinders and had a little look here this is cylinder number two I don't know how well you guys can see it but it definitely had some water get into there and sit for a while and I don't think the Rings are probably seated again yet they're probably still a little bit stuck so when this thing fires up it might not run the best at first but that looks worse than it is to run your fingers over that spot you can't even feel it so hopeful on that cylinder number one looks fine definitely got some hours on it though because there's no cross hatch left in either cylinder [Music] all right we got our head torqued down got the carburetor off the other Pony installed I think we're ready to fire this thing up well try at least I am going to have to manually control the throttle on this one the governor is disconnected at the moment we got some chocolate we've got plug wires I think we should be good to go contact take two contact hmm contact [Applause] just not happy give it a width of ether see what it does contact [Music] foreign yeah this one here it runs and it would definitely work for a while and probably for as much as I'm going to end up using that Dozer it would probably be fine but I don't know if you guys can tell right now the shop is filled with smoke because this thing is Smoky now that would probably improve with some running like I said the Rings are probably still stuck and also a good heavyweight oil change would probably lessen the smoke and up the compression a bit so it does run we do have a viable candidate here however I don't think it's in as good a shape as that other one that we already played with alrighty so we got two running Pony engines this one definitely being the better of the two I have already fogged that one with oil and prepared it for long-term storage for what that's worth but there's enough Parts between this one that one and the one that's still on the tractor that we should be able to make something work here I'm really uh really hopeful of that so I really want to get that d8 back in Action because I have a little bit of work here to do at the farm with that machine and then we're going to take it up to the National Pike steam show and hopefully get to play with it up there quite a bit so so anyways guys that's all I got for today two more Cat engines resurrected from the dead and saved from the scrap Heap so if you like this video and you want to see more like it be sure to subscribe and also if you haven't already please hit that like button down below for me really helps out the channel lets me know that I'm making the content that you guys want to see and it doesn't cost you guys a dime just a second of your time that's one way to support the channel if you would like to support the channel in a little more direct way head on over to dieselcreek.com link is down in the description pick yourself up some hat t-shirts stickers beer koozies other swag and related merch over at the store that's dieselcreek.com link is down in the description but anyways that's all I've got for now so until the next time thank you for watching I'll catch you later [Music] thank you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 561,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, allis, chalmers, pony, donkey, engine, starter, conversion
Id: 14wngIdmNwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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