$500 Caterpillar Dozer sitting since 1992!!! (Will it Run!?!?)

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign what's up everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt I did something pretty uncharacteristic the other day I stumbled upon an old piece of equipment while I was out working on a little job and ended up talking to the old timer that owned it and he explained that the thing had been parked since 1992 the year I was born coincidentally and uh I said man that's that's a nice little unit there but I don't have any like that and he says it's all locked up and you know it's it's pretty much a parts machine and I said oh I can accept that some machines are just bound to be Parts machines and and those machines help keep the better machines running for perpetuity and uh I said okay well since I don't have one of these my buddy Mike he's got a bunch of them that'd be a good parts machine for him so I called up my buddy Mike and I said hey here's this uh here's this machine you might want to go check it out now I passed up on this machine because I didn't figure a parts machine could benefit me I didn't have any need for the parts he gets there and proceeds to tell me that the thing is not locked up the tracks are locked up and not the engine so here is a caterpillar D2 crawler tractor I was a nice guy and passed it along to him and he bought it but he said hey can I store it at your place for a little bit until I can take it to mine and I said yeah yeah I guess so here she sets like I said the engine is free but it has not been started since 1992 the tracks on it are completely seized up you can see looking at the tracks down there they have been sunk in the mud for quite a long time 30 years to be exact and they will not break free for nothing I actually used fat Alice to unload this thing for him he had a heck of a time getting it loaded on his own but I was able to just pick it right up with the old loader and set it down here and uh he's coming over right now I guess we're going to try to get this thing going and see if it'll break the tracks free I'm sure I'll probably have to help him a little bit with that undertaking if we can get the tracks free this thing could be a heck of a buy I don't know if he'd like me to tell you but I'm gonna he gave 500 for this thing if this machine was truly locked up the way it was described to me then 500 would have been a pretty fair price but for a running engine and the rest of the parts even even if the transmission's no good the clutchers are stuck and the tracks are stuck and and wore out junk even if all that is the case the running engine is worth more than 500 so we're gonna play around today I guess and see if we can't get this thing running and if we can get it running we're gonna like I said we're gonna try to get the tracks free if we can get this thing walking back and forth even we'll call that a win and man he made out like a bandit and I am kicking myself for turning over to him never again I'm buying everything I see so I'm not sure what brand the blade is for this machine see these early caterpillars didn't necessarily come with blades on them uh you could buy the caterpillar blades sometimes even there was times when you could buy aftermarket different brand of blades much like you can today you know you could have a caterpillar machine and put a Rockland blade on it there's different reasons you may or may not want to do that depending on your application so this one has some sort of non-caterpillar blade on it it's sitting over there we'll see in a second but it has this bumper on it which is pretty cool and the bumper is in fact the caterpillar I'm told and I think it's cut off this is supposed to extend out a little bit more over here and it's kind of like a an oil field bumper or something these look really similar to what is still on uh side Booms that you see working on Pipeline projects today just a much smaller version of it so we got the blade sitting over here as you can see by the scale on this thing this is the first time I've actually walked up close to it yeah she's pretty scaled up been sitting for quite a long time 30 years is a long time at a busy sinking into the dirt I don't think Mike wants the blade so I think the Blade's going to wind up being mine and we can use it for uh future projects if I ever have a need pretty neat very rudimentary old school tractors here you got your hydraulic pump runs right off the front of the engine here you've got your regular old black pipe like you'd run your gas line in your house runs back here to some hydraulic lines and fittings big old valve body on this unit I've never seen another hydraulic control setup like this bolted directly onto a hydraulic tank look at that big old cast iron lid on there I can't make out what it says looks like l a p l a n t oh it's a Laplante I don't know how you say that I know what I'm talking about but I don't know how to say it the plant and Chote or something like that they made a lot of aftermarket blades for early caterpillars oh there we go you know what the old hydraulic oil doesn't look bad on the back of the unit here we have a nice heister winch completely mechanical and these are even desirable really the winch is probably worth 500 to somebody so if you don't know the way these old school diesels were started was not directly with a starter they did eventually go to there but originally the Diesels the starter technology wasn't there you had what's called a pony motor which is this guy here you can see a spark plug right there so this this is an opposed piston twin cylinder gasoline engine which is mounted on top of the diesel here and basically you got to get the little gas guy running first and then you engage the Diesels and it starts spinning over the diesel engine and then you add compression and Fuel and theoretically she should pop right off so everything is free they have the Pony tied together with the diesel right now so you can see the fan blades up there spinning when I spin the pony everything is free so I'm pretty confident we're gonna be able to get this thing fired up Mike's bringing down some tools and some fuel tanks and we should be good to go all right so I guess the plan of attack here is going to be uh switch out to a fresh fuel tank since there's about an inch of crud down inside the gas tank on the pony motor gas tank on the diesel smells good well I got fuel tank on the diesel because I know everybody will be after me for that but the fuel tank smells varnished but fine so fresh diesel fresh gas oil levels I believe look good I never checked them I think Mike did there's some in there good enough to run it yep good enough to run it right there oh that is what it looks new yeah well the hood off you can have a little peek under the dress here there's the fuel tank and it is kind of a pain to remove because you got some bolts from the underside here so you have to take off the air cleaner swap those out a bunch of bolts up here and then uh if you want to take the carburetor off and clean that even more work so I don't know if Mike brought a spare carburetor just swish it out directly or if he's going to try to clean this one up he always had the stack covered but the moisture still gets in there and bugs as you can see well we're going to do everything with a wrench button see if it threes up I'm gonna be here be here until next Tuesday [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so Mike pulled the carburetor Bowl off there said it really wasn't dirty wiped her out pretty good blew it out with hair compressor put her back together I believe that's ready to go back on pulling off the fuel rack cover over here now let's make sure the rack isn't stuck tools you have all the best tools anything's a hammer if you use it wrong enough this is good it's good that's good I can't get that to move so I just said I gotta get that link it just froze here that one on the 22b was real stuck all right he's got the carburetor all back together I guess the next step here is going to find out if we have spark or not did you put that you put gas in it already too yeah we're just gonna see if they're sparked first it's not an awe-inspiring connection there oh ground contact there we go what do you think this thing's gonna fire up and take off oh boy we got dust coming out of things foreign cranks over nice engage the gauge the clutch see if we get any oil pressure going that oh I'm getting that spark well on your side yeah time to clean the points all right so there was no spark so we have to take off the air cleaner and a bunch of other stuff to get the cover off of the Magneto and under there is going to be some breaker points clean those up a little bit and I'll bet you we have spark again well we finally got the cover off that's what that looks like inside there she is a little corroded up probably had some moisture in it over the years but not terrible there's your set of breaker points right there run a nail file between those for a little bit clean it up she'll have spark contact I don't see anything [Music] almost [Applause] thank you foreign I guess it ran out of gas last time so we're back with more gasoline and uh hopefully we're gonna get this thing fired up today gonna manually uh pre-fill the fuel filter Tower there so dumps take the lid off of that thing and dump some diesel in there make sure we got fuel rate up to the pump before we sit here and crank it for an hour to build pressure foreign it's actually a rubber gasket he put in there there you go should lift up now yeah she's empty so yeah here's why we pulled that lid off there there should be fuel clear up to that bleeder hole right there so we're just gonna do that manually come up foreign with the filters pre-filled it is time to get this Pony hopefully fired up yet again and uh see if this thing's finally gonna pop off running pretty good one [Music] oh so close so what we just did there was with the engine cranking over we had to bleed out the injector lines and then once we were confident we're getting fuel to it you started to see that little Tufts of white smoke coming out of the diesel exhaust there and after you know you have fuel you basically just engage the compression and then well the way Mike does it he tuts the fuel off and then engages compression and then feeds it fuel again me I'm just a compression dump kind of guy I don't know which the preferred way actually is but uh preference yeah as long as you've got compression and fuel she should fire right up so we've got fuel we've got compression we just need to get this thing turning over fast enough now and it'll fire contact [Music] so what happened there is the diesel started to fire off and it kicked out the mendix gear engaged to the diesel [Music] all right so we're gonna help it out too much I didn't give it much I just gave it that first little initial whiff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there it goes down there we go oh yeah well I tell you what that thing was stubborn it sounds like it runs pretty good now first time since 1992. that was the year I was born this tractor was parked stubborn but it really didn't take that much to get it going that's a testament to this old stuff built to be reliable not to be replaceable all right so what happens with these old things when they sit a long time is the clutches all stick and then it won't uh it won't steer left or right and then sometimes even the master clutch sticks to the point where you can't get it in gear or out of gear it just wants to drive all the time we're gonna play around here and see if we can't get the clutches freed up [Music] the other issue with this tractor watches apparent oh yeah baby tracks are seized up bad but they're good yeah we got to beat these tracks up the sledgehammer free them all back up again it's actually driving around decently oh yeah it would take a lot of penetrating oil to get those things freed up right you just gotta work them and run them out foreign ly this thing started to move under its own power I say amazing because a the clutch wasn't messed up and stuck and B the tracks were awful seized up there but it was able to break those free and get it moving now Mike's having trouble we can't get it into reverse so we might have a transmission issue here [Applause] the fork in the transmission that engages reverse might be rusted or something all right well a little persuasion and we got it in reverse it was probably just like I said the uh slider on the shifting fork in there was probably just a little rusted up I'm really kicking myself for not buying this thing that's a nice little tractor right there Mike's trying to steer to the left right now or right rather don't hold a lot of Hope for that the tracks honestly seem like they're freed up pretty decently we're not holding their shape there's how worn out the track pins are bushings are completely gone in it thank you yeah that side loosened up a little bit really embracing the whole caterpillar thing you know [Applause] not a bad Maiden Run okay [Music] what are we pulling this off for I want to see those linkages in there [Music] all right fired it back up here we're gonna see if this winch works had to get the controls freed up oh yeah line in line out it works should just be one speed the free spool it's all the way down I'd imagine free spool [Applause] not a bad buy for 500 bucks [Applause] all right well back here the next day with this little cat D2 and what is there to really say about this thing I guess the moral of this story is uh don't pass off something to your buddy without checking it out really good yourself first I'm still really kicking myself for uh not snagging this thing up myself it does need a lot of love this is not a home run by any means as I tried to illustrate yesterday the tracks are just completely junk on this thing I mean they are War slap out there's can you guys see how bad those bushings are worn on the pins down there the bushings are completely gone off the pins the sprockets are Beyond shot so really to get this thing back up into operating condition to where you could push dirt with it I mean yes you could throw the blade on and shove some dirt right now but not very effectively as I tried to explain yesterday you can't steer the machine at all both steering clutches are frozen so to get this thing steering again at the very least you would need to remove everything off the operator's platform open up the top of the transmission get in there to work on the the steering clutches it does appear that the main clutch seems to be pretty good those tracks were really really seized up there and yet it was able to pull right through that and break those free so that's good I don't know what the future holds for this machine because it's not mine my buddy Mike said there may be a part two on this thing he's talking about coming down here for a part two and yanking the operator's platform off and doing just that fixing those steering clutches uh whether or not that happens is kind of up to what kind of condition they're in in there if he would come down here and remove all that stuff just to get to those clutches and find out that they are Beyond saving well then I don't know he has several parts machines so maybe he would scrounge some parts and fix this one as it seems to run pretty good or he has several parts machines that can maybe benefit from this good running engine and already has a machine with a bad engine and good steering clutches so so I really don't know the ultimate fate for this little D2 here my buddy Mike says that there will be a part two so stay tuned for that if you're not already subscribed make sure you're tickling that subscribe button so that you don't miss any future videos on this guy if you're new to the channel I put out a ton of videos about old antique equipment just like this as well as some of the more modern stuff and a thousand other projects anyways guys I guess that's all I've got for today if you like today's video do me a big favor and hit that thumbs up button down below the video there it really helps out the channel and doesn't cost you guys a dime if you want to help support the channel in a more direct way head on over to dieselcreek.com the link is down in the description pick yourself up some sweet swag over there we got hats t-shirts beer koozies stickers all kind of stuff over there at the store that's dieselcreek.com link down in the description but that's all I got so as always thank you guys for watching and I will see you on the next one later [Music] thank you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 1,076,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, d2, crawler, tractor, diesel, will it start, will it run, loader, dozer, machine, heavy, equipment, construction, winch
Id: HaOz4Vq0Jmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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