I Nuzlocked The Most Cursed Pokemon Game

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Pokemon snakewood is the craziest raw Mac I've ever played it's Winona stuck in a zombie apocalypse we are on a mission to save the world but there are terrifying creatures in our way and we are playing blind with hardcore Nuzlocke rules I hope you enjoy the video uh so this is definitely not Lori Town Professor Birch's house oh what is this are these my starters spinny slowly on this axis all right let's take it I found a ball toy okay Hasty nature love it say we oh my gosh what is this menu I cannot read that all right we got to help this guy oh shoot this guy uh is definitely definitely in a lot of trouble bruh it's a youngster zombie kid Leon we gotta do some digging on like what types he's okay well that was super effective okay that works do you remember anything no I did not remember anything you must have hit your head really badly don't you remember the Zombie Plague I think I remember that but no all right what about you guys we're keeping guards that I know zombies get in this Pokemon Center is probably the only totally safe place in town just a giant gate okay Aragon egg do you remember your brother three years ago he beat the Pokemon League zombie apocalypse our brother apparently beat the Pokemon League and he has the power to beat the zombies and apparently it went missing before we woke up and now we have to go find him the pose I could use the experience for trashing you oh okay so this is our rival I can only use Rapid spin what is this now the Nuzlocke starts a Zigzagoon that is amazing apparently you can't hatch oh shoot I didn't let me do that oh Grayville okay we got a C dot so it's the boy talking not the zombie right help Trader uh Polly hag rotten rot Mander if we got the running shoes okay thank goodness wait I got a good Strat you dodge this guy oh never mind the zombie crumbled into dust petalburg City okay there's no Pogo Center what is this a medical kit oh it's in here the woman appears to have had her legs nod off which accounts for why her corpse is still on this chair will you loot her corpse hello yeah sure I got the leftovers my Dell for freely wedge Shut by a mess of skulls and stuff when they pass through here now please go and oh shoot uh oh run for it oh hold them up as long as I can I said run don't worry about me [Laughter] I don't know what I expected what huh guys we found a loophole I got a Whirlpool hey we'll take that uh Hoenn The National Trust info board original site of the great wreckage of the super tanker from the Germany region the Moss petalburg Woods has since suffered from a plague of Whirlpool these Pokemon are indigenous to Germany not Hoenn and I've been steadily destroying it the ecosystem ever since their arrival we got a Shroomish levitating legless corpse huh the pain I shall possess you instead demon corpse zabalon wants to battle oh Hound sword attack pulse you got is this like berserking dirt Crow gosh everything else is level 10. heck oh no glare okay uh yeah that's not good crit okay so we're gonna sack this and then try to stunts for it it has gust and Peck all right rest in peace love it live it live it live it live it live it okay hit nice unlucky what in the world oh okay okay okay okay okay I thought that [Music] foreign dude why is this trainer so good wait what that was the gym leader all right here we go what it's literally just an egg wait what is it it's normal bug or 104 what is this a separate head of a Pikachu has been mounted on a stake deserved [Music] there's nothing in here wait no what happened to these kids they're such Bright Futures oh didn't you know hello ah no stop stop don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me no oh dude that almost killed oh my gosh the Cutter's house no no no gosh no don't battle me no for it foresight let's go egg you got it you got it you got it easy shop it oh yeah that space 20 power knock off all right fine oh that's uh that's nice recipes I guess I'll growl actually seems like a high value play gusts okay bro foreign don't enter any houses this is level 16. I'm gonna Maul dude I'm actually gonna mold uh stop okay crit nice okay if I happen to not have speed okay thank goodness dude no no no no no no no no I hate this game I hate this game I'm so mad dude like nice Flinch oh nice crit okay we're chilling all right cool you want me to go in here well there's a bunch of zombies in the backyard you guys really want me to go in here [Music] we blocked the door today with Derek's corpse but it doesn't seem to do any good however many times we block it up the demons always eat their way through again we're running out of food and guns Elise was taken today it's just me left I'm going to do it with the last bullet coming Master why are you to be at your best when we challenge them you need them I don't wish to bring down their wrath upon us before we are ready yes master be silent although I have cloaked us with a field of invisibility the Demons of this place will hear us if we do not keep our voices down I found the vessel that is summoning them however it is in the cave to the northeast of here together we will dismantle it I got tn39 I think Roxanne's dead guys this hiker is dead someone has hollowed him out with their teeth from behind so if he wanted to you could get inside him and wear him like a suits wrong yes but I am not sure you're quite up for the task may I test you first to see if you would be evade taois glyce hello oh my what is this oh no oh what that was actually a Deoxys okay pilot wait what you can't even go that way that is amazing with the demons in the pits sense their portal to this world being close they will flock towards it in hopes of getting through before it closes May oh she's gone shopping and sleepwear with her friend Elise cut man's daughter are you quite all right true you appear to be swaying slightly I sense the demon approaching what is that I could also Flinch oh wait donut speed a nut bro what a survival board yeah okay we're good astonish okay just don't attack me yeah just just don't attack me ow we take one more no we don't what are you doing here I thought you were dead as trolling along with the deadbeat town really read this text no all right Pilot's got us [Music] oh two two foot bro full restore flinch ah one more oh no that's it for what this is It's a pokedex finally what you can leave right here wait what oh what is this place I got cut welcome to endless planes thank you for visiting please stay within the force field the man has had his brains delicately scooped out through a hole in his skull the size of a 10 pence piece you're beginning to suspect that zombies have an unusual sense of style when it comes to killing people loot this corpse sure I gotta gamble fish free satellite and have got a working connection with duper down because it's an island it appears they're completely unaffected by the plague and the only trainer led to lie for a public gym that makes me the gym leader that means I need to upload an armor by TV okay I guess I guess we're fighting the gym leader okay ow ow got the damage that did a lot that's fine it's too easy guys it's too easy this dead guy's got a Pokeball on him let's see what it is yo I looted a Magikarp I wasn't able to nickname it oh we got the surfy champ two oh this is so big ape those are trainers who've escaped the zombie play TV station is no like a broadcasting I guess all the people got in or something he uses dark type Pokemon my trainers have been warning me you're strong unfortunately I can't bail you just let I need to do me a favor you see there have been rumors lately there's something that nasty at the bottom of solar cavernous let me investigate wait come back I'll fight you well exp is going to be a little tight that's for sure get that oh excuse me a ground oh not again wait what was that was that a Charizard a contract is terminated human we have joined the horsemen now we're fighting Charizard or King meteor send out dragon oh that was okay it's a dragon type yeah it makes sense dragon breath oh oh my gosh I'm so good I'm so good out [Music] foreign [Music] oh it's Secret oh that's insanely insane oh we're chilling oh we're chilling oh shoot all right just electric move [Music] oh oh my gosh thundershock bulk up thundershock oh my gosh stop oh this is not good [Music] well you can live one right [Music] [Music] I outsped come on no no Pikachu on a bite am I gonna die I'm gonna say no it only has a chance to use it too easy that does way too much okay it's fine though we soft boiled and he's gonna get fully paralyzed should be going for a bite though that's highest damage come on dude oh my gosh unlucky all right what's last what what is this no what type is this struggling stye [Music] what is this suddenly you are lasered by giant sharks with laser eyes no but seriously you should leave chance the place for hot Traders oh I'm a hot trainer let's go okay seems normal key what's my gosh former Chef all right that works for me the child has been turned inside out stuffed with salts and then turned back out again he is very well preserved corpse I got a fire stone oh gosh Keith again uh uh guessing we got okay my Sprite oh true huh wait this guy's a spinner you're at the SS con Greco lower level okay elevator is clearly broken it's not possible to go any fur bro it's a Magnemite it's a Pokeball dispenser putting some money hey it's an arc light spinner A light spatter and the edges started working again I'll drop you off on route 110. oh probably belongs to someone to sleep for survivors are clustered here in the market because these monster chefs can't stand food smaller splice keeps them that big Oddish okay oh is that sounded like a military band but the theme song was decidedly evil position is patrolling the area Beyond here what is this music hombon okay to worry about that it's a corpse its head has been completely reversed and filled with sand from the ears it appears to be no reason for this terrifying watching a battle here to join me oh it's hot bones they're the Inquisition part of the holin government since the zombies came and the government was eaten they are more or less in complete control they did a revolution guys visible he's made us invisible that's to say what Tom bones return to the boy of monsters oh these guys are insane that was Chloe she's a Taoist just like me where her personal sleigh and I just saw these though they don't have rice so this group they have control of the government they killed like everyone in the government um and then this guy and then Chloe who just had those zombies like take over this guy so they have a special powers to control zombies and now they think that this guy is the one controlling the zombies the Pokemon champion that's her brother best part is how Drew tries if they set the story I mean it's kind of the island of calm island of calm hey clear off kid this is oh it's their base it's their base okay as you can see the Inquisition is not exactly a positive influence on this region the population of Marvel have all taken Refuge here from them oh and dentures and no one exits yes someone has been murdered here oh shoot you'll help find the culprit of course I'm a member of the Hoenn Internal Affairs Army emotive and proof that means to do it I'll go arrest them are we the last people left in Holland no oh thank God there's still some survivors yeah that's what that's what a murderer would say I don't talk oh that's kind of suss Hudson has had to give up on his plan to Electrify the city and we live where all the electricity is born so he's happy she's fine but they like to be famous I can't really say Gene now that my song is number one wasn't me I'm a real Chef not a former one please believe me I'm new here question for its own sake I don't want to spam anything do you think I could sell 55 digital you're asking the wrong guy man I licked nurse Joy's male Mario and now I'm so high what's the part of a two-man band though my partner is left to be rich and famous and I'm just left with my guitar and a broken Spirit playing against a [ __ ] Checkmate no that's a pawn my king is this one oh Knight takes Bishop Knights can't move like that yes they can in fact that's the only way they can move Checkmate do you even know how to play chess no it's Hansen whoa horses okay this is the dead body are we looking for a fire type using murder okay yo it's Watson police a the officer is the investigation it's a terrible business just being you and me Watson's electricians kind of freak me out I didn't say to the officer but I'll tell you you're nice I'll tell you I saw the shift going into the storeroom the night that Mr Wilfred got killed oh it was the chef I had a witness who can place you at the scene of the crime on the night of the murder I need supplies I went in to get some honey it was dark and I didn't even see the corpse if it was there at all honest I didn't do it do you have any proof here's the honey I got look it's a Jarred nutmeg as I said it was dark I need you to talk to the officer he was at the scene of the crime about the right time and a chef would have a fire type to use as a portable oven in fact the Pokemon saw in his pocket probably contained a charmeleon why not ask Watson the chef works for him at all I think so I don't think he ever likes poor Wilfred hated Wilfred so seems like a chef is the killer what do you think is he the killer he doesn't have a seventh amendment here Mission failed are you serious Chef did it no it occurred to me when I was talking to Watson he uses the electric type am I right yes but we're looking for a fire type oh see it too we were looking for a fire type Pokemon trainer powerful electric type Scorch as much as fire does the ordinary electric attack but then power it up with a special item what do you use powerable electric type attacks electric honey precisely the chef couldn't get any honey because there wasn't any someone had already used it to power up their electric attacks and kill Wilfred but I'm gonna find out you do that I know you did it oh you do know it doesn't matter I worked with the Inquisition now oh no my trainer fills my Pokemon my electric energy it makes them impossible defeat we'll see about that okay I should have saw this coming oh but no what is this surf oh runs over guys that doesn't count I need to level up the guys real quick oh what what okay cool disgusting oh he's got a Shinx now okay I was like layout of all time I actually did spend time making we got Suns score up we got stunts bro scouty is sacred bro you never know you never know in this game first try Watson let's go so thanks for all your help that was so cool to the head of a kid we'll fix oh we got a fire stone oh we got a firestone guys we got a fire stone oh this I'm mad oh they got glaze no encounter I got a wheel attention if you see a blue-haired girl approximately 16 years old report her your superiors immediately Amber Amber Alert that's really random I do love hombone all of us inquisitions deadly seven wait what huh and the second of the deadly seven you just always go to this Max Elixir room eh this guy I got paralyzed the fourth all the way to me the seventh member the eighth wait there's eight is there anything to your numbers not entirely certain and Asimov The Leader of the deadly seven what's the word oh no that was the leader let's press it click now I'm here oh where am I going a security system that repels unwanted Intruders [Music] oh this is gonna be so bad no so it's this one it's like Morty's gym all over again wait I'm popping off I'm popping off I'm popping off I got it guys I got it wait wait was it down oh my God [Music] come on oh gosh which way was it okay oh oh I'm insane okay please tell me this is the last guy or the love of everything please two men go to a bar and there is a fish on the plate that's funny no it is I have a Rob hacker what I'm not insane the cucumbers are though you should arrest them that honestly scared me foreign okay come on right here and then down okay down here oh my gosh we made it okay what's this what's the point of this what is this employee Garden no working no battling no stress hey that's nice good working conditions no no there's no way [Music] oh no I'm gonna go crazy dude I'm actually gonna go crazy and then down here and then across and then up one and then here I get to this guy I go here here here boom Oh my dude I'm insane I'm actually insane okay so not that one we gotta go through this one oh no is this peek a patch no dude oh no okay wait let me think about this logically they'd be like oh this first one is a trap that's just gonna send you back so let's make the player want to choose this one because it's like the next one over right it's like oh first one's a trap yeah this one's the right one but they're using reverse psychology here so this one actually is the right one I think I got it right the tile flashback a faint noise in the distance set the darkest guy [Music] okay dude okay oh no that counts on geodes oh my gosh I'm having the time of my life man now we gotta go to this one no you gotta be kidding me uh bottom left oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I didn't say it's needed to progress further what not out front I trust my house oh shoot that's glice so they've used an oh orange Aid instead I'm trusting you it's time to lose it because she got me by surprise they took my Pokey gear why is there a cave on the ledge this is it get that glyces Pokey gear no way I need it for my research plus I get control of his Pokemon this way in fact let me demonstrate okay we woke up nice okay Kadabra oh gosh wait I was inflicts my curse I'm so stupid oh no [Music] okay I got the badge wait what Beast though hey hey it's hot Beast Inquisition I feel their presence disturbing the towel back in my bill oh oh egg is evolving wait what evolved into secret egg hello [Music] okay okay [Music] oh my gosh oh oh oh Rayquaza Dragoon that's pretty cool Thunderstone too oh wait I didn't even do that okay that's fine no shot oh what is this move set Brooke excuse oh my gosh this is so cringe oh I'm getting somewhere I'm getting somewhere oh I did it Sage's slope root once well whoa whoa whoa is that Reggie steel it's literally a suit topless City [Music] this young one go forward to the desert and destroy the foul monster foreign language I am sitting thanks for the Insight debate our sex believe that debating Health comprehend the dhamma of barkish oh this is famine oh it's Alicia and eruption rough [ __ ] around you every time I meet anyone there are just more Mysteries following up I have to get to the bottom of this and find my brother gosh we can enter here now let's go I'm in Mount Chimney uh wow this is actually Mount Chimney give it up demon go back to where you came from or I'll destroy you what are you doing here civilian get bad this is an extremely dangerous situation you're the bad guys glyce and I are the good guys that's how it works don't you know he's up to he's fighting The Four Horsemen there's zombie Legions right he's serving another Master ice is the Spy sent to destroy the Western forces from within the huge plot twist was he actually done true he hasn't actually given me any Aid and come to think of it he lied when he told me I would find answers in new mauville isn't this like the theme for when you beat the game or is it this like the title screen theme this is literally the title screen theme it doesn't Loop what scenes drill once again allow me to thank you for helping us with our promise now oh oh [Music] oh my gosh God please kill it please kill it please kill it please it's too easy oh shoot oh look cruising you decapitate I don't know it's like that oh shoot oh oh help me nah oh my gosh ten percent of all the money you spend is donated to the angel Laboratories charity fund for teenagers with low self-esteem this is a fall Arbor where devour to some time ago [Music] aims shotgun at opponent's face is it check me now yeah it's Hans demon my brother now dead was once a fossil mate he kills brother your way through the catacombs to find the treasure hidden within oh no oh screw this no I'm not doing this oh no why am I doing this this is not a good idea these are invisible walls dude I'm gonna get lost yeah Matt no I don't need a map I'm good oh wait I'm back to this one no no I'm done with this I'm done with this on piano or Escape rope teleporter oh shy oh dude I'm gonna go crazy dude I'm actually gonna go create a streamer just just chat while you just walk out yeah let me let me just let me just yeah you know let's go over here go through here you know down here over here across boom boom boom walk out yeah dude so let's walk out just just walk out man you know just just like the way you came yeah just just to go oh I got the treasure man oh my gosh dude I got the dick TM I'm back to this place I'm actually gonna go crazy oh easy Montreal we need to go oh hello how are the guys doing wait what I wasn't even moving anything okay what's so funny oh wait no Alicia am I getting am I getting betrayed right now there never was any Alicia everything was a lie everything I told you from the moment I Met You in Odell speech for a little kid like you I'm 16. tend to kill you oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait chill chill chill chill oh gosh no I'm dead oh I'm dead oh I'm so dead oh that sucks you're not intended to interfere with the workings of the human world so there's four horsemen and those are the three this is the fourth one I escaped into a submarine yeah cross poison all right here we go where are we at now okay we're back here the portrait fortree okay for the worst part of the game uh whether it's toots oh hello that is epic nice 75 actors so I'm fine Mike uh yo I want to fight this dude you're not on my side at all are you that's inconvenient you know far too much dude we have no allies anymore weird ow okay oh this is a dark type [Music] okay well it's got takedown as well and it Miss that's good okay confused right come on come on it missed again just hit it nice this is higher power than Shockwave nice meteor's daughter gained like an arranged marriage right now wait what oh it's talking I'm not just an egg who used Too Many long words for me I'm going to sleep talk about ungrateful gosh stop shouldn't have seen him oh what wait I can't go across [Music] I'm not pressing it right [Music] oh I know I have the I have the mock bike yo what is this I'm Gabriella it's a boat it's our troubling times please remember that in this region almost everyone will lie to you fewer than 20 oddest people left in hohen easy catch oh hey yo my type right yeah oh no oh no oh oh no what are these mods what is this Rolex broken 660 VST I ain't graspice with you gotta register one of Pokedex where my professor would kill me oh sorry man all right here we are I had heard rumors that we're trying to put is this RC's music wait no it's not this is Champion music oh this is legendary music not bad World breaker temuence storm surge that's uh hydro pump okay let's see because as strong as the master said I'll shut the link between worlds but I'll be back quite like to challenge the four Tree City gym I have a song going around in my crazy ass driving me crazy I know I'll sing it for you please don't oh no cats cats cats cats oh yeah dog stocks oh yeah mice mice mice mice or vessels but mercifully I can't remember them uh is that like Katy Perry or something eruption bro bro what's this encounter oh what it's a wonder guard I remember you oh my gosh die ah oh no stop no no don't do this to me let's drops come on oh dude don't don't kill me oh yes okay that's fine with a crit it's easy to defend there's only one ladder in and zombies can't climb a easy gym leader veracity since his sister Winona was taken by the zombies no Winona he's gone insane well yes just look into it make sure everyone's okay this is a university Hoban University of Phil from my second year here I can tell you all kinds of filtery stuff like what oh I can't remember I found out my exams only only University you know it's very prestigious oh there's so many rooms here what is this interruption or shoot actually I don't want isolations I want your blood bruh what just happened or it's psychic type order of death why is there an order of death wait oh my gosh oh my gosh dude stop ah no no no that is full of smuggled a manga from issue I can't do that your party my party's full oh a moga okay dude this is Winona's sibling Winona oh my gosh my cam uh wait did it freeze again anyway the point is that the camera is too intelligent it's because because slaughtering researchers this is unacceptable so you should go and stop it it's not wise for you to Remember full of similar men now we gotta go check it out what's going on what hello x32763 Hyper Beam [Music] oh wait okay iron slam what oh don't kill me okay ah don't kill me yes okay ah am I doing this okay this is really not good what is that okay I'm just gonna kill this wait I can't oh wait oh oh no no nice [Music] fine guys we're fine oh this is just a zombie what flashback Winona this is Winona it's Winona I'll put you out of your misery humpy's got it humpy's got it bye rights of course no stop oh zombie liver psychic okay oh gosh my Swan is my Swan nice hit myself go correct 79 to uh are you kidding me stop Flinch nice oh it's sacred let's go Jeff oh my gosh I want to let you harm my sister if they found out they they kill her let it go I'll fight for her life to the end of my own oh gosh did I get healed oh gosh I did okay so cladle's dead [Music] oh oh no okay hit the range come on hit the range hit the range hit the range yes Nisha okay that's fine nice crit keep me going two more come on okay [Music] oh you're insane [Music] please oh gosh oh dude my Gyarados is low funny move ah oh this thing's dead okay you remedy this a sack toilet because that was gonna be the play anyways yeah okay I killed a Pokemon I killed a Pokemon we're fine that's it's the same outcome ah reposition we're in position we're in position it's fine please water spell oh gosh no no don't do this don't do this no stop my guy can take two moves while we don't have speed okay no it's an outrage angle outrage has to test a Kill [Music] yes it's time for the home Beast oh wait do we even live in earthquake though if I die to an earthquake I might just wipe because I can get into him Sat Gyarados then go hombies no I believe in Hobbies man we live we live ahead I believe in my guy yes [Music] we're live oh my gosh we're alive oh my goodness I didn't know her very well I could kill her for you oh no we're gonna we're gonna kill Winona one two one two the vorpal blade went Snicker snack I killed Winona do I feel good about it I don't I know that go to the same place as the queen to the right what the oh what what oh gosh what is [Music] [Laughter] so this place I don't know where I'm going apart from the eyes drawn in the middle what the hell what is where am I going what is this huh foreign then I cut them up and glued the pieces together to make one oh he was a lion oh he was not lying no oh no no no no oh stop no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay oh God no don't no you dare foreign oh yeah okay yeah yeah that's totally fine yeah I saw that oh what the no come on bro go back yeah okay do I have to walk all the way back uh trustworthy guy [Music] [Music] thank you gosh [Music] I can't bro dude I can't talk through like every single pathway what's bro okay we're back here ah yes oh my gosh dude if I do all this just to wipe oh you don't want to know what if some cake but we ate it all wait what oh no well that's great oh no back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back oh my belly drop oh oh he missed oh I'm dead oh yeah I'm dead nothing else feeds this oh gosh yeah I'm dead I lose [Music] oh GG [Music] all right [Music] I'll never played this stupid game again oh my gosh oh oh my gosh no I'm never playing the stupid game again a back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back that was fun though this game has been fun if you're watching on YouTube make sure you subscribe if you want to watch live follow me on Twitch in the link below appreciate you guys hanging out hey this is a lot of fun I encourage you guys to play this this has been a blast I really want to see someone beat this blind because it's actually tough it's actually really tough to beat I I'm surprised on how good this wrong neck was follow me on Twitter hey guys we're almost at 1K Twitter followers if you're not following me on Twitter you're following me on Twitter
Channel: Drxx
Views: 685,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuzlocke, pokemon, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenges hardcore nuzlocke, emerald kaizo, flygonhg, smallant, freezai, freezai pokemon, flygonhg nuzlocke, wolfeyvgc, alpharad, chaoticmeatball, temp6t, pchal daily, pchal daily hardcore nuzlocke, false swipe gaming, silphspectre, antlerboyLIVE, flygonhg highlights, purplethunderNE, drxx, pokemon snakewood, vintage white, renegade platinum, volt white 2 redux
Id: -9y9-CWyTKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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