The Pokemon Challenge 99.7% of people lose

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throughout my seven trillion hours of nuzlocking I've gathered knowledge experience and expertise that have refined my skills and allowed me to play on another level ran out of earth powers haven't you no you didn't run over but no matter how good I get no matter how much experience I accumulate there's always one thing that is constant one thing that I can't get away from and that is the sheer amount of death that's gonna hurt us oh that did way too much of it Henry is dead as well no Bumper's been taken out Goodra is dead Zippy no no not again no flop flop no YouTube we just got credit again Darren no we hang on maybe live a hint no no so how do we solve this problem well just use less Pokemon idiot welcome to Kaizo ironmon a challenge so unfair so brutally addictive that after 500 runs of pain and sadness I still kept coming back for more Kaizo ironmon is built off one premise beat the game with one Pokemon if that Pokemon faints you restart the game but there is so much more to kaiso Aaron mon so many things that make this a challenge unlike anything that you've ever taken on before a challenge that kept me coming back death after death hour after hour but the best way to explain to you this wonderful tragedy is by starting at the beginning it starts like any Pokemon game you name your character name your rival grab an item out of your PC and then you pick your starter as per usual now Kaizo Ironman is always randomized which means you don't know what starter Pokemon you're going to get you could get a corsola attack Tyrannosaur or a Cloister now usually in Pokemon Challenge runs you'd pick the Tyranitar big scary High stats very good but in Kaizo ironmon you don't pick your starter a random number generator will choose a ball for you to pick but a Tyranitar would be pretty good if we just check the rules and oh oh okay the first rule of Pokemon Kaizer ironmon you can't have any Pokemon over 600 base stat total which includes pretty much every pseudo legendary almost every legendary Tyranitar Metagross Dragonite you name it you can't have it alright no good Pokemon I'm sure we can do it with some weaker ones we managed to defeat the Rival Battle which is actually very very rare because 99 of Kaizo ironmon runs end in the Rival Battle at the start of the game because if you lose it you reset and the Rival is level 8 whereas you are level five putting you in an immediate disadvantage and making you realize oh oh this game means business now if we take a look at this close we can see the things on all as they seem all these stat totals seem weird a Cloister with low defense that doesn't make any sense and why does it know Willows assist vital throw Thunderbolts and why does it have the speed boost ability well in Kaizo Iron Man the abilities are randomized the moves are randomized and yes even the stats are randomized now fortunately for all of our sanities the base stat Hall is kept the same so a Tyrannosaur that has 600 base stats will always have 600 base stats but all the individual stats will be randomized with that 600 so a Tyranitar could have 200 special attack or 500 speed with the detriment being that it would have to take those remaining points to distribute through his other stats but now we have our Cloister we've made it out of the lab and we're doing a little bit better than 90 of Kaizo Ironman runs we look for another Pokemon because while Cloister is very cool and awesome its moveset is not that great and Cloister being a stone evolution Pokemon doesn't really learn that many moves so we do a bit of perusing just before Viridian Forest we find ourselves some Atkins and a Slowbro now a level eight slow bro that's pretty good but it knows droughts hmm that's not ideal we don't want a Slowbro that has droughts fortunately most pokemon have two abilities so there's a chance we find a Slowbro with something else and we do this slow bro that I just found does not have droughts that that one did that but eventually we find a level 8 slow bro that does not have droughts we end up capturing it and fantastic we have ourselves a pivot Kaizo Aaron mon you're allowed to change the one Pokemon that you're using as long as it's below the level of the Pokemon that you are using already and it's not a banned Pokemon it's not too strong so I catch a Slowbro and not really thinking much of it I always thought Slowbro was pretty good but not the best Pokemon in the world we name it Tucker welcome to the team Tucker but as luck with habit it has volt absorb which takes one of its weaknesses electric type moves and turns it not only into an immunity but an ability that will allow me to regenerate Health when I get hit with electric type moves not only that it has incredible special attack wow look how big that 27 is let's check its randomized moves and oh my God following leech life cybeam blizzard that's an incredible moveset especially considering most Kaizo are more movesets consist of growl Screech tackle and if you're very very lucky Ember so we have a decent Pokemon a Pokemon that you can actually potentially make a good run with and now we collect the items because let's check my notes Here in the rules oh yes uh another rule of Kaizo Ironman you are not allowed to buy potions and let's keep checking here and oh yes of course you're also not allowed to grind on wild Pokemon which means the only experience you'll get in the entire game is experience gained by battle and trainers which is very limited so if you can't buy potions and you can't grind against wild Pokemon that exponentially increases the difficulty of the game because every item is incredibly important you need to scour the bins of every single City in kanzo just on the off chance you might find a disgusting rotten Harry that might increase your health by five points but with tuck of the slow bro in tow we take on our first opponents most runs that gather the lab will end right here against the first trainer that you have to battle we are hit with a massive frenzy plan but managed to take down the Flareon with a bubble beam next up a Sizzle an incredibly powerful opponents that unfortunately has water absorb making our bubble beam completely useless it looks like this might be the end of the Run are we just gonna go back to the lab like hundreds have before us Tucker says no not yet we may be hit with a shadow punch but we have a tiny amount of healing items right now very limited as we can't get them ourselves we get critical hitted by a brick break and this Sizzle has Shadow Punch If this is all uses Shadow punch now it's over for Tucker fortunately we hit another side beam he uses brick break and one more takes out this disorder meaning the first battle Tucker has won but this is the first of many Kanto region is filled with trainers and we need to fight every single one but because every piece of experience is astronomically valuable in a game where let me just check my notes here oh yes the levels are boosted by 50 so what would usually be a level 10 opponent turns into a level 15 opponent what is usually a level 50 opponent turns into a level 75 opponents so we need every single piece of experience we can get taka battles her way through the Viridian Forest meaning that now we have to go back and fight that Rival Battle we've been putting off my rival chat leads with a matang which is easily taken down with a couple bubble beams and uh-oh remember that tyrannosaura wasn't allowed to pick oh yeah we're gonna have to face this Tyranitar in every single Rival Battle because then Rivals keep the starters through the entire game which means I gave him pretty much the worst Pokemon I could have possibly have given him but with every trainer defeated we run through Viridian Forest again and end up in Pewter City Scavenging for every single hidden item that we can possibly find because they're all valuable now we arrive at the first gym usually Jim latest piss baby week don't have to worry about them but in Kaizo ironmon once you enter a gym you can't leave also you have to fight every single trainer which isn't so bad for the first gym considering there's only one but it will get much much worse later on in the game so thankfully this young child only has a four-legged demon monster supercomputer which lowers my accuracy and then makes me miss consistently and then hits me with a little psycho boost and critical hits me which is totally fine it isn't an issue whatsoever I then miss another bubble beam and uh-oh I'm in a bit of a sticky situation reminder this is the first person that we're going up against here I'm missing ball beams consistently Tucker seems to have a bit of an issue when it comes to Landing moves and now we're down to half Health before we even fight the first gym thankfully Tucker learned extra sensory the best psychic type move we could possibly learn in this entire game because of its high PP chance to Flinch in high attack but now we're up against Brock and oh we can't heal because we're not allowed to heal outside of Battle of course so we're down to half health and we Vice bro Rock which let me just check my notes oh yes all gym leaders have an additional three Pokemon added on to their usual team which is just fantastic Absol starts with a sunny day which makes my bubble beam weaker the Tucker dispatches it next up is a Blastoise who he hits and one shot with an extra sensory fantastic news Tucker then Pidgeot enters The Fray and paralyzes me thankfully Tucker is way too talented to be hit with any paralysis this time and I love disc enters gets smashed by a extra sensory it's gone down the final Pokemon a Kingdra usually a very strong Pokemon but Tucker seemingly completely uncaring extra sensory one shot and with that we gain the first gym badge and we are now in the top 0.1 percent of all the runs that I have done in this game so far in my months of running Kaizo Ironman I have beaten Brock four times oh and that's the easy part he gives this the TM for skill swap which uh let me just let me just check my notes here oh yes you can only use TM was given to you by Gym Leaders which means any that you find out in the wild yep that's bad not allowed to use it but finally with the first step of our journey done we can hear the Pokemon Center now you may think that after defeating the thing that you're safe for a bit there's nothing to worry about until probably the next gym well you'd be mistaken after barreling through a few trainers like a wrecking ball we are faced with our next challenge Mount Moon because if we just take a look at the old rule book here it says that once we enter a dungeon a cave or anything of these sorts we can't leave unless we have to come back for story reasons which means as soon as you step foot in Mount Moon you either make it to the end or you die there is no going back now so we grab as many items as we can carry trying to avoid all the trainers there is a strategy to this Mount Moon approach and that strategy involves running all the way from the start to the end of Mount moon to fight the mandatory trainers at the end then once you've done that and you defeated the grunt and scientist at the end that you have to battle only then should you backtrack and face with the other trainers and the reason for that is since you're trapped in the cave if you fight one of the earlier trainers and they poison you or they weaken you down too much you still have to fight the mandatory trainers if you fight the mandatory trainers first and then you're in a bad situation you can leave any points but Mount moon is a treasure Trove of leaf Stones TMS that you can't use and some potential helpful berries so after defeating the mandatory trainers we head back and we Face Off with all the optional ones trying to accumulate as much experience as possible a smart trainer will be around level 30 by the end of Mount Moon if they can but obviously if one of these trainers puts you in a sticky situation you'll be forced to leave with a lot less experience making you much weaker for what's coming next thankfully however Tucker is an absolute Beast a queen we can call her and destroys everything in her path you might be thinking at this point oh but you're level 30 you're gonna be so over level nothing will be a challenge but with the combination of a 50 level boost on all opposing Pokemon a lack of healing items and a seemingly never-ending Gauntlet of trainers along with the possibility of dying instantly to moves like perish song or destiny bonds along with the possibility of a shadinger popping up that will always have Wonder guards since shedinja's ability cannot be randomized in Kaizo ironmon every single battle that you enter is a risk especially since you're being constantly whittled down battle after battle but Tucker the big strong queen that she is makes out of Mount moon at level 31 and wow the trick TM unfortunately Mount moon was not gracious to us we did not get very many healing items leaving us with only two healing items which will restore cumulatively 32 of our health which is basically nothing but we track on facing off with the Rival chat again who now has a Snorlax and a Moltres of course along with his Tyranitar that is already level 27 and swords dancing thankfully this time he got two greedy and critical hits knocked him out but the only thing I could think about in the back of my mind throughout this entire experience is about the fact that I had literally nothing to attack as sheninja with I can't teach Tucker any TMS Tucker isn't learning that many moves by level up and since the only only moves that can hurt a Shedinja are flying fire ghost and dark and rock if one appears I just Auto lose there's no way I can beat it so if the randomizer wills it every single battle on this bridge could be the end of the run any Pokemon could be ninja hiding around every corner is my night terror but thankfully we'll receive a piece of good news we find one of the most valuable items in this entire run a rare candy now you might think well Daniel just use it now you could use a little bit more levels couldn't you you're only level 36 right now but no this wreck handy will stay in my bag for a very long time so once we've grabbed the SS ticket from Bill we immediately leave the town we don't have to fight Missy yet and honestly it's not worth the risk so instead we trundle along to Vermilion City where we can get a lot more training in we grab the bike voucher from the man that definitely does not want to do coitus with a Rapidash battle a few trainers to the right of Himalayan City and only once we hit Level 41 we decide that we're ready for the gym we decide to avoid going to the SSN for now because the ssan much like Mount moon is an area where once you enter you cannot leave but we miss a few blizzards against this first Lugia get hit with a Shadow Ball and our health is dropping rapidly we have to beat all the gym trainers before we can even fight Misty but we're level 41 things should be fine right just a little scissor to handle that somehow has water absorb and Giga drain on the same moveset which is just fantastic be really nice if I had a fire type move right now but nope and I'm just not able to kill it it continues to weaken us down and we go down below half Health in the first Gym trainer thankfully the second is a tad easier but I decide to use this super potion just to get myself ready for the gym leader and here she is with five Pokemon and me free damage going into the fight I was a little bit nervous pterodactyl dies to a bubble beam dust stocks get blasted by extra censoring Glalie gets smacked by extra sensory as well Lunatone goes down to a ball beam Tucker you're doing fantastic right now and the last Pokemon a Shuckle somehow out speeds me but throws the game by going for defense curl allowing us to take it out with bubble beam a tremendous second badge Victory and the icing on the cake Misty gives us the TM for Heatwave and since the TM is usually supposed to be water pulse it means Tucker can learn it all the anxieties about fighting a Shedinja all the anxieties about fighting a water absorbed scissor is gone out the window we replace psycho boost with Heatwave and we are feeling good but now it's time for the SSN a place with many many items and many trainers which can give you much experience and thankfully there's a bed at the ssan that you can sleep at to keep yourself healed up right wrong no you can't you don't allowed to use it it's banned which means once you enter the SSN you have to battle the Rival and as many trainers as possible on one bar of Health thankfully chat feeling particularly glorious today decides to go a bit easy on Tucker by having Tyranitar just use Swords Dance Again meaning it won't be an issue this time we grab cut as usual and then just try our best to fight as many trainers and grab as many items as humanly possible which thankfully due to Tucker being absolutely insanely especially strong she pretty much one shots everything on the boat allowing us to farm some delicious experience grab all the items and make it off safely giving us just slightly more healing items that we had before so we teach Cloister the cut HM and it becomes our little hm friend our little buddy or starter that's gonna help us get through the region then we pull a fun little strategy called murdering everyone between Cerulean and Rock Tunnel in order to get as much experience as humanly possible to fight Surge and once we're level 49 we enter the gym the gym trainers are no problem literally taking no damage away from Tucker at all and The Surge battle commences leading with a masquerade now fortunately masquerade is a bug type and I do have heat wave now so I can't just oh no he owned me oh no oh no oh no I'm gonna go to sleep oh no that's really bad so obviously going to sleep in Castle Ironman is very very not good you don't want to take any damage at all and taka is cursed to fall asleep the next turn being level 50 is pretty nice but doesn't really matter if you can't move thankfully I had already prepared ahead of time adding a chesto berry to Tucker not knowing that we would get yawned but preparing for just such an occasion just in case it did remember I've done 586 runs of this okay I don't want to make any mistakes in this okay the rest of Serge's team gets thoroughly dismantled by a few extra sensories and the third gym badge's claims now it's time for Rock Tunnel and listen I've been playing these games since I was about five years old I know exactly how to get through Rock Tunnel okay fine yeah I had to use a guide but there's nothing wrong with that rock tunnels a scary area but as long as we don't get any early cave status or something like that we should be absolutely fine as long as you know a Salamence doesn't appear and I don't know survive a extra sensory lower my speed and then poison sting me into poison oh oh what did that really that's crazy so I'm poisoned immediately upon entry in Rock Tunnel and in this game you take over World damage when you walk with poison also I'm not allowed to use a healing item outside of battle which means if I want to get a heal they have to be inside of a battle I have these healing items I can use but not outside of battle well that's fine Daniel just run around until you find a wild Pokemon well that would work if I didn't just put a Repel on so we decide the only viable opportunity the only good idea is to walk until I find the next trainer then immediately cure this poison I too take a bit of damage in the meantime walking over but there was really no other POS ability there was nothing else I could do so I used my One Singular full heal and pray that nothing else like that happens I use a very cool interactive map that shows me exactly where to get the items and pick up an Everstone wow that's great thanks thankfully though I only get lost a little bit with that map open and we're able to make it outside of Rock Tunnel as soon as we arrive and laugh into town where we pay respects to every single other run that we've done so far each Tombstone is a run that we've tried in Kaizer Armon and you have to immediately take on your rival chat thankfully decides to go a little bit easy on us and Tyranitar gets greedy and swords dances again this Tyranitar does not want to fight he just wants to dance unfortunately that doesn't win you battles now the cool thing about lavender Tower is since we have to come back here in the future with subscope anyway we get to go into lavender Tower twice we don't have to dedicate ourselves to just one run so the first time we come in we do our best to destroy as many of these trainers as possible so in our second run we're in less danger oh so we can accumulate a lot of experience and level up for what's to come next so we defeat the trainers grab as many items as we can avoid the ghosts because but look like already doing nothing with the ghost right now can I and once we've suitably annihilated the trainers we leave then we can kick back a bit you know we're at a decent enough level we have a nice little chill sesh where we just take out trainers in the route between saladon and Lavender Town this is probably the first point in the game where you can properly just relax and imagine yourself not dying immediately to Paris song or destiny Bond or some random critical hit getting you we can even do the double battles and since we have to have two Pokemon for a double battle to start we have to send out poor little Cloister here the starter Pokemon that has been carrying us through the region with its HMS and also unfortunately since we want soccer to get all of the experience we have to kill our own Cloister the first turn but it's alright closed as a team player it totally understands in fact I think that Cloister in the future will do even more to help the squad out but we grab all the items we can and arrive at saladon city where there's a couple of trainers that you can take on including this couple that has level 44 Pokemon before the fourth gym and trust me this 50 level boost gets even Crazier by this point Slowbro has learned all nine moves that she's gonna learn which means that the only moves that I can add to my moveset now are TMS that I acquire from Gym Leaders but thankfully we have a pretty good moveset right now anyway so we defeat A Team Rocket Grunts and decide that it's time to head downstairs now the Team Rocket Hideout actually does count as a dungeon which means that hey we're in here we're not allowed to leave until we've defeated the entire place which means that the best way to do this is to b-liner immediately for the key grab it and then try and defeat Giovanni first which sounds a bit backwards but that's the strategy we struggle a bit when we're trying to get to Giovanni we missed two heat waves in a row and then get hit with Thunder Wave but Daniel how did you get hit by Thunder Wave and created twice by the way can we just acknowledge that and I missed Heatwave twice but then that's fine how can I possibly get hit with a thunder when I have volt absorb well in Generation 3 they do this really cool thing where they imagine that thunderwave isn't actually electric I don't know what is going through their brains but Thunder Wave does not get absorbed by volt absorbed so I'm forced to use one of my lava cookies the only healing item I have that can cure paralysis to get rid of it and this Umbreon right here is immune to extra sensory and bubble beam making me use Heatwave on this too so now I'm running low on heat waves which will be an issue if the should ninja pops up and is Lockwood have it as we are fighting Giovanni that there is there is no Ginger they didn't come up thankfully it was notary though and I got to hit it with blizzard so that's fine we have a run-in with a long lost sibling that has droughts and somehow extreme speed why is he called Slowbro should be called Turbo but of course it is the inferior version of Slowbro so I grabbed the Silph Scope we clean up the rest of the team rocket grunts in The Hideout and we skedaddle because it's time to head back to Pokemon Tower which the ghost of Marowak turned out to be a spoink it's kind of hilarious and then we take down Team Rocket grunt after Team Rocket grunts until Mr Fuji is saved now's the perfect time to clear out all the trainers south of Lavender Town that I totally didn't forget about I I knew they were going to be there and Mandy you get to grind at this point in The Game Jesus you can go a cycle and road you can go down the entire route all the way to fuchsia City there's probably like 50 trainers that you can take on now so I'm feeling great me and taco were just spending the next several hours of Our Lives getting some items getting some experience and it was at this point I think or maybe we could go all the way our special attack is ginormous we have an incredible moveset good amounts to PP we're Gathering some items and then this appears this right shoe you not only has the audacity to survive an attack from Tucker it also uses Destiny bonds which means that I'm forced to waste a turn using a Pokeball and then it uses Mega horn and takes off a massive chunk of my health you'd never imagine that Raichu would be the one that really throws you off would you thankfully since I outspeed it I can finish it off with a second bubble beam but oh that's a scary Pokemon to watch out for the future really hope it doesn't come back again in the future after Tucker dominates a medium to large Town worth of trainers she develops a taste for blood that can only be clenched by one thing a gym so Tucker enters the fourth gym incredibly confidence sitting at a fantastic level 72 after all of that training in the hyperbolic Time Chamber of Pokemon all the trainers in the gym are dismantled with relative ease and surprisingly Erica puts up a fantastic fight forcing me to resort to petting my sub noodle for luck and with the power of sub noodles lock and Power on my side Tucker dismantles the rest of the team even in a thematically appropriate Venusaur Ace dies immediately to extra sensory claiming the fourth gym badge now we've cleared through what is probably the easiest bit of the game we get the tiem for earthquake which I could use in theory but I have 60 attack which is basically useless after that we gain access to Saffron City finally with the first order of business to take on the gym oh the little baby gym that no one really cares about anymore sorry fight time users but these levels increase pretty rapidly we're only fighting level 54s but we embarrassed the master of the dojo and steal our melodic which in theory Milotic is one of the best Kaizo Ironman Pokemon that you can get well if you don't have yourself a Tucker that is of course then we're faced with a quandary do we take on Silph Co or the fuchsia gym first silly convention in Fire Red Leaf Green has an enormous amount of trainers something that we really want to harvest as much experience as possible from it has so many levels it has so many items but it's a big risk going in there early because there's a guaranteed rival fights there's a guaranteed Giovanni fights we really have to be ready for that so I opt to go for fuchsia gym instead the levels in Fusion gym are already over level 50. so this level 74 is still looking pretty good but not as strong as it was literally five minutes ago forced to fight through every single trainer puts a drain on our health and our PP and by the time we start the fight against Koga we already are under half Health which means I pretty much have to heal immediately so I shove a lemonade down Tucker's throat pet my sub needle for luck and remind myself that we have to ration our healing items like it's World War II Britain I finally understand what my ancestors went through and Exploud survives the first attack and hits us with a beat up which reduces Us by a little bit Koga wastes a potion like the he is and then he tosses out a Mew that intimidates and let me just say Mew is the least intimidating Pokemon I've ever seen in my life what a cute little darling I'd pinch those little cheeks and give them head scriptures not like a nursery which I would definitely not give head scriptures or any kind of scripture items unfortunately the hail Is Gone which is reducing my health by the turn but it's only a clay doll that can't cause much of an issue surely but oh that's right it's hailing so blizzard can just land every turn right that's how blizzard works it lands every turn in hail at least that's what my chat told me we get hit with a little bit more chip damage from the hail and I think oh well I mean this is fine we'll just use a blizzard it always lands in the hail so we fire off a blizzard and oh no we missed turns out in generation three blizzard doesn't always land in the hail Amnesia is used by Swamper which boosts its special defense I'm left with 100 health lefts and things are suddenly not looking so good even Swampert looks confused so now I'm in a sticky situation I'm low on health Swampert has a special defense buff a massive special defense buff if I click blizzard again it could miss if I try and attack Swampert could attack me and take me out if I heal I'd be wasting more healing items the Swampert is now level 60 five and I'm not feeling so good I should have pet my sub noodle even more for even more luck so I decided to dump one of my hyper potions into Tucker and Swampert uses sketch which gives a blizzard the hail stops and I fire off an extra sensory to see how much we can do which we do a huge amount of damage it uses Amnesia again to boost his special offense and a potion meaning that it has plus four special defense now but we still manage somehow to two shot it meaning that I didn't actually have to use that hyper potion and I only had two so now I just have one but you know what the main thing is we got the gym badge and a TM for leaf blade now Swampert had just been a massive issue for us and Leafly would give us access to super effective damage against water types and then after I kid you not a 15 minute discussion with my chat about if I should delete blizzard for leaf blade or not I decide that the correct option is to take Leaf blade super effective damage the zero percent chance it could miss and fail me like it just did in that gym battle was just too tantalizing it allured me in it drew me in like a siren song so now my move set is complete bubble beam extra sensory Heatwave and leaf blade an unbeatable moveset unless you are a dragon type Pokemon but now the opportunity to slay swimmers has opened up to us and we start farming experience from all of those drowning denizens of the Seafoam Islands and around there I mean just look how many there are what are they even doing out here we grab as much experience as we possibly can and even visit mother it's been a while we make it down to Cinnabar Island and by the time we're done with all of these trainers we are around level 80. we thank Cloister for carrying us on its back literally it flies everywhere it surfs everywhere cloister's just been absolutely fantastic so now Tucker is feeling very strong level 80 with an incredibly good moveset I would love to teach it sir but obviously I'm not allowed due to the fact that it's not a TM that I was given by a gym leader so no surf for Slowbro of course since every single item is incredibly valuable we scour the Seafoam Islands to find everything that we possibly can and just to wet my curiosity a bit I decide to check out what the articudo was and my goodness was it big and scary but after getting lost in the sea for my lens and finding literally nothing about value seriously I didn't get a single heal on item this entire time we use the Escape rope so we can't go back in and then head over to the power plants which again gives us absolutely no healing items fantastic and again legendary bird very big and scary so there's about 20 items that could have been useful and weren't so Cloister graciously allows us to sit on its back as it flies us all the way across the entire country all the way back to Cinebarre so we could finally scour the Pokemon mansion which also wasn't super useful didn't really find anything good in there either and now the amount of items that we can find in the rest of this game is dropping rapidly but like I learned when I got the results back from my exams having one massive disappointment doesn't stop you from having another massive disappointment armed with the secret key we can finally step foot in Cinnabar gym the Pokemon we face in this gym are between level 50 level 60 which means Blaine is gonna be around level 70. there's only so far that straight up being a higher level can carry us and you might be thinking but Daniel aren't you missing something here is there not something you should have done before this no shut up I'll get to that Tucker dispatches the trainers with relative ease in the battle with blame begins we pet our sub noodle for lock as per usual and a Butterfree leaves and the Butterfree for some reason has drizzled in this generation drizzle lasts the entire game so my bubble beam just got boosted in power for the rest of the battle this is fantastic I think to myself what a tremendous situation until a Statler uses pedal dance I feel a lot better after realizing I did literally 18 points of damage but Blaine having drizzle and having the rain be constant in his own Jimbo seems quite ironic but the level 60s keep coming in oh my God it's Raichu again Raichu has come back from the dead to scare me once again a megahorn comes out instead of a destiny Bond the mega horn does massive chunk of damage to Tucker thankfully I do out speed it but I have to remember Blaine has more Pokemon coming out later should I heal now should I wait and see what comes out next this immediately turns into an incredibly scary every situation knowing that Raichu also has Destiny bond which can kill Toka and ends this entire run immediately if we misplay around it the previous Mega horn did 135 damage Tucker now has a 136 Health Blaine uses a hyper potion to heal up the Raichu as we fire off another bubble beam it does just enough damage to build a two-shot it so I decide to risk it for the biscuit it's not a speed tie Raichu goes down we'll have to wait and see what comes out next and it's a Snorlax this lacks an incredibly powerful Pokemon usually with a mountain of health and special defense with the randomized stats in this game we don't know if it's still super bulky it could also be incredibly fast it could also be incredibly offensive but the randomized stats you don't know what you're fighting against of course we do have Bubble beam boosted by drizzle but who's to say that that would actually take it out and if it didn't what if the Snorlax had a grass type move what if it had a ghost type move or a dark type move it could kill Tucker right now so I decide to risk it because I'm a big man with big balls and the ball beam doesn't take it out we are sent to sleep by sing bearing in mind I have to ration all of my healing items for this entire game we decide to use a Muma milk and the stone lacks completely recovers in health meaning that even if I wake up this Snorlax might be able to tank a hit again and we still don't know what kind of offensive capabilities it has fortunately uh the Snorlax struggles in the brain cells department and keeps just using mimic over and over again while I'm asleep Tucker takes a nice long extended nap that lasts so long I beg the Snorlax kid to keep using mimic and it does after 7 000 years Taco wakes up fires a bubble beam and just manages to not kill it but thankfully a second is enough to take it out then comes the clay doll but this time we need not be scared we know this cradle has water absorbed last time I was forced to use blizzard on a chance in a Miss but now we have Leaf blades which doesn't kill uh oops I guess blizzard would have killed oh that's kind of awkward but it doesn't do any damage and leap play takes out the last Pokemon Apollo wrath at level 71 one it tickles us Tucker laughs a little bit shortles perhaps and then an extra sensory takes out the Poliwrath given us the seventh gym badge even though we don't even have this the sixth one yet but uh the reason why is we needed to take out Blaine before we headed into silico because Blaine when you acquire his gym badge gives all of your Pokemon a special attack and special defense increase by about 10 and when that 10 could be the difference between knocking a Pokemon out and potentially avoiding status or massive damage and that's incredibly useful considering we need to farm as much experience from this entire area as possible now if we take out Giovanni all the Team Rocket garage will peepee poof Into the Wilderness never to be seen again so we do the smart thing we get the key cards we scour the area for items and we take on the only guaranteed fights before Giovanni which is of course chat once again with claydor making a reappearance I really don't know what Chad's Tyranitar is doing it's so obsessed with sword stats that he just cannot click anything else for some reason plus I'm not one to complain we defeat the Rival chats and the single mandatory Team Rocket grunts that you have to fight in this entire place after that you just have free reign you can go around collect all the items fight all the trainers float with all the hostages as long as you're confident that you can defeat Giovanni you go as far as you can and get as much experience as possible because there's like 50 000 Pokemon in here okay that's an exaggeration but there's still a lot and again you need every single experience point it is astronomically important if you fall behind in levels that could end the run immediately so I decide to turn into a corporate caretaker and I sweep all the floors clean of all the rubbish that is the Team Rocket Grunts and finally The Ripe old level of 85 we fight Giovanni who starts with another drizzle Pokemon how kind a bubble beam is enough to take out cradle but then giraffarig appears and for some strange reason girafforig is one of the scariest Pokemon that I could fight thankfully we knock it out in one hit this time but use wind seek giraffrick is a monster we're gonna very appropriate Kangaskhan I thought this game was supposed to be randomized and Altaria as his Ace misses a rock throw but does out speed Tucker that's worth remembering for the future Altaria in this game is fast so I asked the president for some full restores because that'd be really good and he gives me this useless little like purple ball thing I'm not really sure why he gave me this uh so I just kind of threw it away I I don't know what am I gonna do with that it's kind of dumb honestly and now only slightly out of order it's time to face off with Sabrina I can't do my usual tactic of going clockwise through the teleporters until you arrive at Sabrina because we need to fight every single Gym trainer but thankfully taka is big and strong enough to avoid damage we've had the sub noodle for lock as is tradition and the battle against Sabrina begins she leads with a Venusaur and now sitting at level 87 I'm feeling pretty confident about this Parasect her Ace immediately annihilated via Heat Wave that's what you get for having a Parasect as an ASU idiot Sneasel enters the arena and is immediately melted Tucker destroys walran with a leaf blade swalla goes down into an extra sensory and the final Pokemon Shuckle dies to Bubble beam two points of damage in an entire gym Tucker is looking bad just the the main event the final gym in the Kanto region Giovanni's gym usually this isn't really an issue because most people avoid the trainers in Giovanni's gym because they're all over the place just looking at walls like gauntless idiots but of course we can't do that this time we have to face every single one and all of them have more than one Pokemon which is good for experience but it's taken us so long to level up now that it doesn't really matter we take a little bit of Chip damage from this Charizard and we battle Pokemon after Pokemon fighting metagrosses cacturns and finally for the first time in the game we find ourselves a ninja it immediately goes down to Heatwave but just imagine that boy could have popped up at any time the entire reason we bought Heatwave in the first place and if we never learned a fire type move the Run would have immediately ended right there but there's no time to celebrate there's more trainers to defeat Pokemon after Pokemon murder after murder slowly the gym is dismantled trainer by trainer until eventually there are only one left the standard petting of the sub noodle ritual for a little bit of luck and the final gym battle begins with his weakest Pokemon being level 68 swallow dies to an extra sensory Persian very thematic by the way enters the arena but the funniest part about this being that Giovanni's randomized name was Leo and he had a Persian the cat Pokemon when my cat is called Leo just thought that was a bit funny honestly but we give ourselves an experienced pack renewal Rapidash hits us all the muddy water and lowers the accuracy of our moves not great thankfully we're able to land a leaf blade on this hunt tail but it doesn't take it out we take a slash but not much damage comes from that the last Pokemon is a whiscash at level 75 it hits us with an extreme speed which crits and does a ton of damage but thankfully enough since we had access to Leaf blade we were able to take it down in one hit that is every single gym badge and Kaizo Ironman obtained 0.001 of Kaizo Ironman run make it this far we could consider this a massive Victory just by itself but Tucker's story is not done yet we did one last run around the region just to gather as many potions as we possibly could but to be honest our stash is looking a little Barren we only have 11 healing items and we only have enough heels to heal us for 300 of our health that makes sense like a lot but when we're gonna go up the girls in the game against Pokemon that we're not necessarily going to even be stronger then or faster than it is really very low but now is not the time to think about that we have one last against chat before we can access the Victory Road Altaria outspeeds us like it always does and lays down a doom desire which is essentially like future sight he then makes an incredibly smart switch into his Tyranitar on my extra sensory making him Moon and Tyranitar does a bit of damage with that side wave we then take the Doom desire damage from the Altaria at taking another 50 points of Health away from us we then take another 50 points of Health from the leech life already down 150 points of Health with 5 pokemon still left to fight Gengar appears and disappears very quickly to an extra sensory and then Snorlax makes an appearance hopefully not going to sing us this time oh okay come on now really dude again oh okay maybe it'll do the mimic thing again oh no it did Memento uh-oh amento is a move that knocks out the Pokemon when it's used which sounds good but it also reduces the special attack and attack stats of your own Pokemon bite too which is really bad considering the only thing that Tucker has going for her is a really big special attack rockstar I can't use whitehurb to restore the stats because for some reason you have to be holding white herb you can't just use it like you can with every other healing item I'm also asleep at this point and Altaria lays down another Doom desire before it's killed so things are looking great right now I think we can all agree I consider healing up here it might be a good idea I don't have enough power to guarantee knockouts on Pokemon now considering the Memento but then I think nah it'll be all right you know probably and go for a bubble beam which it wasn't it wasn't all right we get hit with a Mega Punch don't know how it's punching us but we also get created fantastic news I think we can all agree the palace one goes down and Chad has one Pokemon left and Nidoking as we take the Doom desire damage leaving us with just 67 points of Health it's been a long time since we have seen taka in the red this could spell the end and I decide there's no choice we have to use a Muma milk to restore Health Needle King goes for a calm mind adding on to its special defense with my already reduced special attack it doesn't seem like I'd be oh damn that did a lot of damage wait talking did you just gonna Flinch on that too oh my God Tucker even with the odds stacked again so taka still manages to two shot the Nidoking incredibly impressive and the path is now open to Victory Road we need some good items we need to find something decent around here and Fortune oh come on really one of those stupid little purple things again all right well might as well just throw it no point carrying nothing around what am I gonna do with this Cloister carries us on its back once again in an act of gracious kindness as we try and find as many items as we possibly can and finally our prayers are answered with a Max potion the second best item that I could possibly get you don't know how happy I was to see this there there's not a whole lot of those in this game and before we enter Victory Road we find ourselves a Max elixir in the Elite Four run PP is gonna be a massively valuable resource so that's pretty good too the entirety of Victory Road is mostly spent just picking up items and avoiding trainers as much as possible oh wait no never mind but really we don't want to fight that many trainers because their levels are so high and our experience gain is so slow at this point that we're not even likely to get a level up but I had an idea I just needed to fight as many trainers as possible to get me up to level 90. because I still had that wreck handy that I'd found back in Cerulean City which would get me up to 91 which is the highest I'm gonna be able to get here when every stat point is insanely valuable I thought it was worth the risk and the fights were tough we were poisoned put to sleep we were forced to use valuable resources and risks getting poisoned again usually in Kaizo ironmon if you're one of the fated few to make it this far the general wisdom is you're not supposed to fight anyone in Victory Road because if your run ends here you'd never forgive yourself for it but I had a dream I just needed one level that's all I needed so I continued to play the incredibly risky game of fighting Victory Road trainers they all have at least three usually four or five Pokemon they're all incredibly high level so they're all incredibly strong but I knew if I could just get enough experience it would put me in a really good position for the Elite Four and thankfully after intense fights against legendaries pseudo legendaries and every scary Pokemon this game could muster I took down a level 72 wall raid and we made it tiller oh what that didn't make it are you serious I had to do another fight are you kidding me all right fine I guess I'll just do this guy I mean this will be fine right to see it he has three Pokemon oh come on he has no Toria but we take down the saltaria get to level 90 and as soon as we take down his last Pokemon I hightail on out of Victor Road not looking back for anything and finally to get the best use out of the rare candy possible after all of this time of preserving it willpower of not using it we gain another level leaving us at level 91 for the Elite Four we finally deposit Cloister in the PC it's task of carrying us through the region now complete we decide that it's job done it can go back to its family now thank you for bringing us this far we release You Into the Wilderness be free Cloister we will not kill you we're not turn you into stew thank you for all the help foreign [Music] after being our star in this entire run that made me kind of emotional for a second was it worried about you oh don't do that man come on on my birthday dude I'm 27 year old man you can't do this to me it said I wasn't worried about you you don't have to be worried Tucker's gonna be fine Cloister refuses to leave because it's worried about us I tried to reassure it that Tucker's absolutely fine nothing's gonna go wrong but a very heartfelt moment nonetheless but it was time time to enter the Elite Four I sold all the items that I didn't need leaving me with 13 healing items in total which you know isn't a lot and some of those healing items were potions berry juice and a couple of X items like an X accuracy and X speed and a dire hit that was all I had but I also had Tucker we knew this would be the hardest challenge that we had faced yet which is really saying something considering how hard the rest of the game is I was confident and ready I don't want to do this five of the toughest battles in the game back to back with one Pokemon and very few ways to heal Lorelei leads with a Hypno bubble beam reduces it down to just below half health and Hypno lands the shadow punch which on the very first turn Critical Hits bring me down to almost death on the first turn of the first Pokemon of the first trainer immediately I was distraught I knew how much every Health Point was worth I knew the value of every attack we take if Tucker died on the first Elite Four member I would be inconsolable so we Ponder do we heal on this member we know that we can take it out with a bubble beam and we do out speed if it's not a speed tie and eventually we come to the conclusion that hopefully we can heal on another Pokemon now the cool thing about Kaizo ironmon is the second Pokemon that every trainer sends out is guaranteed to have a super effective move on you Hi venomoth how are you doing so with a super effective move and Tucker and yellow health I was understandably quite scared very terrified actually the chat was going back and forth between attack heel attack and heal ultimately I decided we needed to use one of our energy routes one of our few good healing items on the second Pokemon and venomoth sends us to sleep I've absolutely no way to wake up Tucker as we don't have any four heals and no Awakenings so we just have to sit there while venomor sets up future sights Tucker is asleep for three turns but venomoth heals us with a thunderbolt the super effective move that venomoth was given was Thunderbolt but we have volt absorb so that heals us back up to full in an incredibly lucky moment Tucker wakes up and knocks out the venomoth next up it's oh no come on guy again seriously we're hit with the future sight which does about 50 points of damage and we know that we can take down this Hypno as long as it doesn't you know create us again it lands another Shadow punch and oh it didn't Crush but man that's a lot of damage to be taken right now Hypno ghost down and magma comes out next which is easily taken out by Bubble beam next up an Agron appears and since we've seen an Agron in the past we can look at the moves that we saw that it had when we fought it we last force it at level 42 and it had an explosion and if this Aggron out speeds us and explodes now well I mean that's it for taco there's no way she can survive that after giving it some thought we decide to heal with our last Mumu milk as Agron goes for mind reader thankfully not an explosion and then it goes for another mind reader but don't worry there's nothing going on in Tucker's head no thoughts head empty Agron thankfully goes down to a bubble Beam without blowing up and lorelei's final Pokemon a relicanth which thankfully due to Leaf blade we can easily destroy we've defeated the first Elite Four member but we've used many healing items next up is Bruno and we need this battle to go a lot better than the Laura life I did because the other one was too stressful and I might have a heart attack and go into cardiac arrest if that keeps happening which would prevent me from completing the challenge thankfully Tucker destroys Plusle hariyama Mantine Nidoking in what hit then the clefable comes out and kind of ruins my day by not dying immediately so that kind of sucks because smacked with a fire blast unfortunately don't get burned clefable uses endure just to PP stormy for some reason but it's taken down pretty quickly after that then Altaria takes the stage we already know Altaria is faster than me and it does have Doom desire which can become a big issue about two turns from now but as long as we can take out the Altaria before then we should be okay Altaria has a citrus Berry which pops so we just have to hope that we do enough damage with this extra sensory and we do so no Doom desire damage which is really really important now it's time for the third Elite Four member Agatha she leads with a chuckle that just defends curls for some reason I'm not really sure why it's doing that and it dies immediately to Bubble beam then pincer makes an appearance pincer with one of the only moves that can paralyze Tucker so we decide to launch a heatwave at it it doesn't miss thankfully and the heat wave brings it all the way down to basically no health and it lands the thunderwave this is not good I don't have a lot of paralysis cereals being paralyzed in this challenge is essentially a death sentence you become a person walking around with Leprosy you're not gonna last long and everybody knows it I have one Cherry Berry that can cure paralysis and two paralyzed heels we use one to kill the paralysis as an uses a full restore and really God and we fire off another Heat Wave hoping this time we'll get a Max role a really strong one that will knock out the pincer and unfortunately we don't so we get paralyzed again and I'm rapidly running out of paralysis cures so now I have to decide if Agatha is going to heal her pincer again do I cure the paralysis this turn if I kill the paralysis this turn and she heals again I won't kill with Heatwave again and then I'll get paralyzed again if I try and attack this turn she may not heal she may attack me also I can get paralyzed this is a tough decision to make because if I call this play wrong then her resources are dwindling rapidly in the end we decide to go for the paralyzed heal this turn I guess that doesn't heal but she does use a massive needle arm that does on a massive amount of damage her Ace is a scissor the rest of the team has taken out pretty much without issue we end the battle on 224 Health we pair a sub noodle for luck one more time oh okay and then we do it again we pair a sub noodle again we did a lot of that and then the semi-final battle against Lance begins and he leads with another Altaria which as we know outspeeds us and there's the Doom desire again altario does go down to a critical hit thankfully and then an old friend makes a reappearance desire [Music] oyster the first Pokemon that we took on our journey Cloister the Pokemon that we took from Professor Oak's lab Cloister the Pokemon that helped us pivot into taka in the first place Cloister the Pokemon that helps us capture Tucker close to the Pokemon that we rode on that we flew on that helped us cut down trees that guided us through the region with every single hm close to the Pokemon that we could not have made it this far without has betrayed us and now we need to kill it yeah voice of the Pokemon that comes at the end of the game to heal us and sends us on our way close to the Pokemon that gives us Health close to the Pokemon that did not betray us they came to deliver a health pack before getting hit by a critical hand dying enabling us to go to level 92 closer Cloister our starter Pokemon refused to be released because he needed to infiltrate Lance's team he was worried about us because he knew that we didn't have enough Health to win Cloister joined Lance's team an undercover agent so that he could carry us one last time so that he could provide vital Vitality to Tucker before leaving the field and giving us enough experience to level up this Cloister was not a traitor this Cloister was the only reason that we had made it this far in the game and this Cloister gave us a chance to become Champions next a girafforig hits the field we do half its Health with bubble beam and then it fires back with a mega horn doing immense amounts of damage bringing us down to just 89 points of health and then the Doom desire lands leaving us on just 29 without cloister's Thunderbolts we would have died this turn it's at this point where we use one of our Max potions and then attempt to take down this giraffe rig with a bubble beam it doesn't kill the giraffe rig and we're hit with another Mega horn left on just 31 points of Health again taka is in a bad situation we know we outspeed the giraffe rig but is Lance gonna use another potion should we use our last Max potion now or not this is a big moment Lance does go for the healing item but I decide to make what could be the riskiest play I decide to stay in on 31 points of health and fire off a bubble beam and against all of chat's recommendations to heal right now I decide that taking another megahorn is simply damage that we can't afford to have so I fire off a second bubble beam killing the girafforig we use our final Max potion against the Steelix that fires off a sludge bomb if it poisons us we're done but thankfully we get lucky enough to avoid the poison this time but this thing's gotta go we really don't have any answers to poison at this point so we have to hope and pray that the bubble beam takes out which it doesn't the Steelix uses flatter a move that boosts my special attack but also confuses me not willing to risk myself getting poisoned I trust in Tucker and Tucker uses the leaf blade on the Steelix annihilating it then ethereal enters the arena and lands a sing on us it sends us to sleep so now I'm not only confused but I'm sleeping thankfully the Pharaoh can't really do a huge amount of damage but every piece of Health counts after three turns Tucker awakens from its beauty Slumber and promptly doesn't hit itself in the face Sphero goes down and lands his final Pokemon a Breloom Tucker hasn't hit itself so far so now it launches its final oh no never mind no it hit itself okay Loom fires back with an ancient power taking more Health from us and taka finally snaps out Fusion launching one more extra sensory and ends in the battle against Lance once again we find ourselves on 224 Health points we scan our bag for items and notice we still have their X speed and dire hit from before which could be incredibly useful in the final fight Daya increases your critical hit ratio and X speed yeah you know gives you more speed makes you like Sonic and stuff so with a strategy into we pay our sub noodle one final time and Tucker launches her courageous assault against chat the champion we use the first turn activating X speed to boost our speed and Politoed lands a secret power doing a lot of damage but also chancing a paralysis I used almost all of my I paralyzed heels on the pincer fight from earlier on so if we get paralyzed now we're gonna be slowed down and potentially just not attack ever again I decide not to risk it we use a leaf blade hoping to knock this thing out in one shot but unfortunately the Politoed survives and fires off another secret power and disaster strikes were Paralyzed by it and on red Health this is already looking like a sticky situation so one hyper potion brings us up to 275 Health as chat uses a full restore and I know I can't One-Shot this Politoed anymore while also still being paralyzed the odds are stacked against us and it's only the first Pokemon we decide to use this opportunity to activate the dire hit increasing my critical hit ratio as we are slammed by a critical hit from Secret power within forced to use the last big potion I have but nothing stops this Politoed from critting us twice in a row I thought I used the diet hit not them after a lot of thinking we decide to attack we could be paralyzed this turn and it could all be over but we land the leaf blades and with dire hits we now have a 50 chance of getting a critical hit which of course we don't get it all comes down to this moment where low on health and we're paralyzed I know I can out speed the Politoed if I'm not paralyzed so we decide to use the last Cherry Berry the last item that can cure my paralysis and fortunately we don't get paralyzed by this secret power we're able to finish off the Politoed while on red Health but Chad has five more Pokemon left he tosses out in nine tails and we are running low on healing items all the big ones have been used up so now we're down to Lemonade soda pops and super potions we get hit with a Vine whip so we don't really recover all that much health after the lemonade use we could be nearing our conclusion this war of attrition is Weighing on Tucker far too much so I decide to hope and pray that I out of speed with the X speeds we fire off a bubble beam we don't manage to take out the nine tails but thankfully the nine tails has a bit of a dummy moment it uses imprison instead of Vine whip so he can finish it off with an extra sensory then end is Mantine which must be a Jehovah's Witness or from the Mormon church or something I don't know he just keeps using conversion uh it's not working but then after a few healing items our speed drops meaning the X speed has been canceled out we now just don't have any healing items and decide that we have to go on the offensive so we fire off an extra sensory we get a crit and Mankind goes down then Tyranitar appears our rival for the entire game so far a Tyranitar that chose dance over violence so many times we need this Tyranitar to choose dance again but this time Tyranitar is choosing violence he activates sidewave which just barely misses allowing us to fire off a bubble beam this tyranza also out speeds us due to the speed drop we get a crit on the bowler beam thanks to the dire hits and the Citrus Berry restores his health but we know that he is gonna heal this turn so after a full restores restores it back to full health I fire off a leaf blade hoping to get a nice little sexy crit it's a 50 chance right I mean there's a pretty good chance though no never mind okay no crit Tyron saw misses another other side waved unfortunately enough and our second bubble beam also does not crit but it does get a speed drop chat heals her with another full restore and we don't quit Leaf blade again it would be really cool if bubble beam got one this time it's where you use the dire hit nope they didn't and the side wave does land taking another 70 points off of us to fire off one final Leaf plate on Tyranitar and it goes down for goods Tucker has 100 health no healing items and a ninja ask lands on the fields and if we check the tracker we can see this Ninjask has Shadow Ball it decides not to use it and uses a sludge bomb that misses but sludge bomb has a 100 hit rate usually how did it Miss out after a bit of confusion we came to the conclusion that this Ninjask must have the hustle ability which increases your power but lowers your accuracy meaning that there is only one Pokemon between us and ultimate victory for Tucker one dodrio a Three-Headed Beast that Tucker needs to overcome we fire off an extra sensory and we're hit with a quick attack which does 21 points of damage the extra sensory does over half with a critical hit but chat uses a full restore we pet the noodle for a little bit of luck hoping for one more Chris and it comes through another critical hit for Tucker meaning if we survive this quick attack which we do on 58 points of Health we fire off another extra sensory and we defeat chat allowing sucker to become the champion of Kaizo ironmon an absolutely incredible run that could not have been completed without the use of every single resource we have without the support of cloister our starter Pokemon saving us at the end and of course without the power of Tucker the solo bro this is one of the most incredible Pokemon challenges I've ever had the pleasure of Performing afterwards we check Tucker's stats so if you can pause if you want to see those but this was an absolutely incredible experience 586 six runs and taka finally made it to the hall of fame what an amazing Pokemon
Channel: Patterrz
Views: 206,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L7SHS8rsN_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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