I Attempted The Hardest Gen 2 Nuzlocke

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I'm a maniac who tries the most impossible Nuzlocke challenges through the system of calculations team prepping and overcoming trials I know with my abilities I can overcome any challenge Crystal kaiso plus is a very hard new ROM act that makes the Gen 2 experience actually enjoyable and I decided to try nuzlocking it with hardcore rules this challenge was absolutely crazy some of the most wildest moments ever seen happened in this run and I'm so excited to show it to you guys this romac takes place in Gen 2 not the best generation as there's no abilities no Natures doll battles and limited items there aren't many moves and Pokemon as well but the game has just enough to make this challenge very enjoyable the game progressively gets very tough making you fight large gauntlets and extremely hard boss fights to make up for no dull battles the game also makes you fight trainers back to back without healing if you want to know more about the game I have another video explain everything you need to know about it and some of my opinions at first glance for a little bit of outline Crystal Kaizo limits the quality of encounters you get as well as the learn sets it makes you fight big gauntlets sometimes without being able to change your team or having to fight multiple trainers in a row with hacks items it also has 16 gym leaders and two Elite Fours and requires a lot of skill and a need to limit the RNG you have to play into as well as strategically sacrificing team members a lot of Pokemon in this game are also buffed such as a variety of Pokemon who get Evolutions in generation 4. this game is truly really fun yet insanely challenging at the same time if you like this video make sure to subscribe and comment what you want to see next when our journey starts I pick toad Isle as my starter at the time I believe this one to be the best for alligator gets some great moves and matches up well against other water types rock types and ground types it's also pretty decent for Faulkner and really good for Whitney with my knowledge now there is an argument for Chikorita but that's a conversation for another day a lot of the encounter routine in this game revolves around headbut trees these can be found in numerous areas and always have one of two encounter tables one has Spiro which is important for Bugsy Apon which has Ambi bomb stats and Heracross a necessary Pokemon for the Elite Four the other encounter table has execute and pineco which are very good Pokemon so it was important that I use headbutt a lot in my first encounter on Route 29 I get a hoot hoot the Route 46 encounters are really cool you usually get another starter Security in my case would have been the best but we get Charmander this Pokemon isn't all that useful until it gets fling through at level 52 so he won't use it much till then on Route 30 we get a Pikachu which is a really good encounter the first few trainers aren't too bad though this centered on youngster Mikey can get out of hand with rollout we take out some more trainers and get a Bellsprout on Route 31 not the best encounter in dark cave we get Delhi bird which is just about useless on Route 36 we give a reap and it ruins the Vault you either get Kabuto or ammonite and we get the latter finally in Violet City we get a sparrow from headbutt and now it's time for sprout Tower the map has changed to be pretty complicated but after getting a hang of it we knock out the first few trainers until we get to a tough trainer with an Abra and Evie my Pikachu was able to 1v1 the Abra but then I had to get my Charmeleon to lowocap to barely beat the Eevee push my XP pretty high to 15 16 so a lot of these trainers go down easily last stage on the top of the tower has a troubling team considering you have to fight us on flora and pseudo Widow this early I'd ship the yellow kid with Charmeleon and then go to Pikachu we're good guys I told you then on sunflora I chip with Delhi bird and kill with Bellsprout lastly it was Sudowoodo I go crocodile get some damage off and then pivot almanite to bait a low kick into Bellsprout and kill with Razor Leaf we go for an encounter and get snubble a really good Pokemon early on but then falls off late game a Faulkner's gym we only have two trainers the second of which can be pretty tough for the first one Spiro is easily being by Omanyte then I go Pikachu on double kick and Spark kills the Doduo then on Pidgey I switch around to split XP and kill Charmeleon on the second trainer flaffy beats the Natsu then I beat scratch into ammonite then karate chop into Delhi bird and kill with two Aurora Beams I lastly go almanite on hypnosis and bait gigadrine into Charmeleon slash for some chip then go Pikachu and kill will spark and that brings us to Faulkner a pretty tough gym leader the lead murkrow can do a lot of damage one upside is that Nightshade and moves like it cannot crit and the AI will always go for if it's the highest damage so with that size damage on you it's pretty good man sign is usually being by water type liger can be beaten by one of your water types and for Pidgeotto the general Strat is to go to a water type to bait razor wind into your fossil as you switch in it will charge up the razor wind so you can get hit by the resisted razor wind in it with a super effective Rock move the toga tick is pretty troll to say the least and then noctel can be a huge threat here's what I did I led Pikachu on murkrow I sparked took a Nightshade and then knocked it out that baited out glider so I went to almanite and killed with Aurora beam that brought out Togetic so I went Delhi bird or fire move or anything else on week two Thunderbolt oh that's bad [Music] are you serious don't you dare kill me come on okay this has a chance to kill I Mega low rolled this the last one I can get a Hyrule [Music] we got the Hyrule let's go if I got a higher roll on my first run I would have procked the berry man side then comes out so I get some chip and then go crocodile and then I get a headbutt crit but then I hit myself in confusion I want HP on crocodile but luckily I break through confusion and knock it out nice let's go Vegito comes in next and it's going for razor win so I go to omanite and clicker Rory and then I bit a ceiling into Pikachu and kill a spark lastly is noctel and because it's going for a Nightshade we stay in and Spark and we weren't at risk of a crit there then we go flaffy and Thunder Wave then we get a thunder shock and that baits quick attack into snubble we click headbutt and Dodge hypnosis easy Faulkner baby let's go giving us a deathless victory on our first ever Falconer and now this run-in is looking pretty promising before we go on let's talk about some cool features in Gen 2 there are no dull battles but to spice up some battles Crystal Kaiser plus adds gauntlets where you have to fight numerous trainers with the same party and one of those gauntlets is Route 32 where it's important to decide what you want to bring CK plus also has a lot of tough back-to-back fights we'll talk about those later before the gauntlet we get a Growlithe on Route 32 a pretty good encounter for The Gauntlet Pikachu and Flaaffy is really good for water and flying types almanite is really good for a lot of physical attackers and then noctel pharaoh and crocodile are all powerful with decent stats for this part of the game the third trainer has a tough coal fish where I have to go to ammonite on a sludge chip with rock slide and then go to flaffy and kill a spark though I was dead to some current rules the second trainer had a tough chancy but after a Thunder Wave crocodile was able to paraflenge it down the Scarlet overall isn't too bad it's a good intro to the game and it's important to push your XP a bit but we get through it pretty easily get our old rod and then fish up a Kabuto and Union Cave and that brings us to some pretty tough trainers I was looking at the wrong trainer and was in a bad position all right we just started here yep we then knock out a focus band Geodude with no proc bruh you're gonna make me walk all the way back wait no shot no shot I did it again I'm literally so stupid ah I'll make it harder than it needs to be man we knock out some more trainers without much of an issue though I did have to push my XP pretty high we get to pokemaniac Larry with the scary team this trainer is one of the hardest on the split I had to evolve my snowball to take out the Lickitung and then for it was a bit of an issue I had to risk crit on Flaaffy and then rely on some paralysis to get some damage in with noctel and my team was getting pretty low I had arranged with Kabuto submission and I had to kill with gramble which was getting really high in exp and my level cap was 25. luckily we get through the cave though we finally get to Azalea town which gives us three more headboard encounters we get Atkins Beedrill and aipon the last of which is really good we got Max attack on our A-bomb and again it has ambipom stats we will also be delaying Slowpoke well for Larvitar just about the best Pokemon in the game and now we get the first taste of Rocket grunts luckily these ones aren't too bad at least the first few but on the last grunt you have to fight it and the Rival back to back without changing your team the dabra Raticate coughing and Mr mime are all really tough Pokemon here's what I did Aipom one shot of the Kadabra and coughing is now going for random moves so I go hard Charmeleon and luckily it uses toxic get a fire punch as a toxic again and then we take Thunderbolt as we kill radicate then comes out only being able to headbutt so we go to ammonite and ballbeam and I'm dead to 40 of criticals but I had to risk it nice we do get defense drop but it can only Iron Tail still so we go firo and knock it out first one done rival fight has a ditto that has a hundred in all base stats but it's pretty easy to play around I let it transform to my A-bomb and then ominite is able to beat it Mr mime comes out going for Thunder Punch so I go to flaffy take a side beam and Thunder Wave nothing on my team has a good matchup so I gotta go crocodile as mime gets paralyzed and then I go for some pair of flinches come on let's go baby yes come on baby all right come on Dodge it baby come on Dodge it yes oh my gosh glass is bay leaf so I go to Charmeleon get a fire punch and then go to pharaoh and kill with wing attack and that brings us to Azalea gym Pharaoh is a very common encounter that makes this gym much more bearable it slams through a lot of trainers and it's a key part to the strategy for Bugsy bug types in general aren't that good but there are some pretty powerful bugs we have to fight Bugsy has a really tough Dunsparce that can be hard to knock out the battle went like this I led with fira who fortunately was able to one shot the Butterfree that baited in Dunsparce and I was relying on it to use glare as I was faster bro [Music] you have to be kidding me this is really bad I go to Arbok and use glare as it gets fully paralyzed and then I get a headbutt Flinch and then I get another headbutt Flinch I go to we build on glare to bait body slam into Granville okay die that's big that's big that brings out pincer and I don't have a great option so I gotta stand get a Flinch baby come on okay just don't quit [Music] okay my mineral is 56. kill it beautiful Arias comes out and the rock slide crit turned one made this a lot scarier so I gotta say it again so here we go we just flinched and never get crit come on baby went for Giga drain it says it can never do more okay I don't know why that was Pera [Music] yes let's go oh here's the thing I do 66 to 78 though that looks like 66 to me man come on baby no oh please please please please please please no poison no crits kill and bring out caesor we switched to kabutso on a slash crit but we thankfully don't get double crit and knock it out lastly a Shuckle so we go weaving Bell and toxic and then spam some giga drains to get us the victory so far we've had pretty good teams for Faulkner and Bugsy but this Stroke of Luck will soon fade as we enter Whitney split and a huge difficulty Spike that's it right did I get it I didn't get it I get it oh it's trapped gotcha wait what how after navigating through Alex Forest we get to Route 34 and catch my cargo an insanely good Pokemon and it gets recovered and it has great matchups against specific mods especially late game Pokemon with explosion and now we get a taste of one of the hardest aspects of this game back-to-back fights without healing the first fight on Route 34 requires you to fight three trainers with three Pokemon each without healing that's essentially a six versus nine this forces me to push my exp really high as a lot of Pokemon evolve at level 30. when the level cap is 31. we still have a ton of hard fights left before winning so here we go starting trainer leads with Staryu that Ampharos is able to knock out William Bell comes out and then we kill a fire punch a zoom world comes out so I sparked twice not so bad so far the next trainer leads with Ponyta so I go to my cargo and if for some reason went for jump kick and crit me so I gotta go to for alligator and kill with ballbeam that damage on my cargo hover is not great that brings out skiploom so I go Charmeleon and kill with two fire punches glass is Pikachu so I go wean Bill takes some damage from Iron till but Giga drain lets us easily beat it though we get it crit the last trainer LED with neat Arena and because my wien build got crit it can sometimes die to corsola so I'm in a weird spot I got a chip need arena with fire punch then I go to gramble take two sludge bombs and kill with body slam Dratini comes out next going for a random move and my team is pretty crippled plan is to go Charmeleon hope it's not waterfall and Bait A Thunder Wave but it unfortunately goes for waterfalls or dragon breath oh so unlucky dude I want for alligator but submission isn't a guaranteed kill go to Weepinbell on a Thunder Wave and I need to risk crit to chip with acid if you wave again please please please please please please if we get this acid ship we're looking good okay don't quit my cargo pivot is actually goaded here let's go don't quit let's go now I am only dead to waterfall and now submission kills oh then we knock out corsola with two submissions scan us a victory I then go back to Cherry Grove and fish for a 70 crabby I was pretty upset about this but horseland's game has buffed HP and gets recovered in early waterfall and is actually really good the rest of the trainers until Goldenrod aren't too bad there was this one trainer that gave me some issues I killed the ivy swarvin Charmeleon with ease but then this happened alright this is now always ice punch I believe foreign [Music] has a 10 chance of being thought out each time it attempts to move just uh don't freeze twice in a row and I will be satisfied [Music] my feraligator was able to knock out Wartortle however I didn't have the safest way to beat the sand slash there is a lot of attitudes that kill me but I gotta go for this foreign [Music] okay okay dude why why just why and worst of all it was back to back I was supposed to use Ampharos or for alligator for Croconaw but I had a sack B drill Beedrill can unthaw and save itself [Applause] come on big be clutch it up baby clutch it up baby come on no credit no para no parrot no credit no Para yes okay no crit no Pera No Cry No Pera eat it baby come on [Music] knocked it out then koalava got walled by McCargo and then flamethrower killed Bayleef long live the bee we get to Goldenrod and now we have all the elemental punch TMS headbutt TMS and Evo Stones keep losing in my battles and my Pokemon end up fainting maybe that's why my Pokemon don't like me much we also get to hatch Togepi in radio tower before we challenge Winnie we have to navigate the underground path starting with a really tough boom Trader all right apparently AI is very desensitive uh disincent device to go for Boom turn one foreign [Music] that happened we killed shoulder right after corsola beats grimer and Beedrill knocks out execute we knock out a few more trainers and get to Goldenrod gym which only has two fights but they are insanely hard both of them are back to backs with eight Pokemon each for the first one my met cargo was able to chip down the Furret and then I swapped to pharaoh to get a kill though we do get crit flaffy comes out and I go to Ampharos there's the pera I can make the seeking really scary that baits Fire Punch into Arbok and I use headbutt which fortunately does Flinch and we kill the sludge for Lickitung I would gramble but it used rollout for some reason on the first turn my second headbutt got a high roll which was really fortunate Bloom comes out last but because my Pharaoh got cripped by Freud I have to Pivot Vero for better odds of not switching into my cargo on a sleep powder luckily it sludges and we kill a flamethrower by anthros is paralyzed and the seeking on his next flight is really scary Air Force being paralyzed is so bad all right just don't group me please nice nice come on buddy you got it nice nice beautiful okay okay spoken into existence man you gotta be kidding me please for the love of God our box got it guys don't worry then corsola killed Ninetales Togetic and zatu gain us the win the next fight is pretty interesting two Pokemon have berserk Gene an item that raises your attack by two stages and confuses you on Switching this item basically just uses Swagger on your Pokemon and it makes things really really scary thankfully for this however Aipom is able to one shot the Meowth and then one shot the teddy Ursa back to back Arbok then kills sunflora and then corsola came out no way this is AP oh my God it's AP that's not good it never boosts here though no mirror code unlucky [Music] on the next trainer aplomb shipped then I killed with my cargo to split XP for alligator knocked out a zoom roll then last was a really scary Raichu I went to Ampharos and had to go Chester Berry for sweet kiss but I got a Thunder Wave off through para I decided to risk a crit and thankfully it paid off if I get paralyzed my body slam it's incredibly bad [Music] thank you [Music] nice it was kind of unlucky that it never went for sweet kiss but you know what happens sailor came out it has hypnosis but I went Cherry Berry on my cargo for Wigglytuff so I was in a rough spot hypnosis could really screw me over yes no so we guarantee gets shipped unless it hypnosis nice beautiful easy easy Whitney is really tough there's not much that actually beats the need of Queen miltank is a huge thread and the team overall is really tough fortunately for me for alligator and the cargo is really good for this fight being able to take multiple mods who could take is able to beat miltank with Thunder Wave soft-boiled and Encore as long as you get it in on earthquake my plan overall is to lead noctel to damage the Nidoqueen into Gator range I initially led metcargo to level it up and bait an earthquake into noctow all I had to do was Dodge freeze if he freezes me it's terrible [Music] [Music] hey whoever made this game it would be really nice if I got the equivalent of a spirit Berry so I could actually play around getting Frozen funny enough they added ass pure berries in the next patch just for this reason but now I'm in a terribly bad spot [Music] foreign [Music] nice grit you have to be kidding me dude I needed one more now for alligators and kill bro I literally need one more I have to sacked Togetic and go for alligator to knock it out the damage on for alligator is not ideal Chansey comes out so I gotta go to Arbok use glare and then go to gramble on a full para and I use two headbutts and a body slam to knock it out A-bomb comes out which is easily walled by my cargo though I did switch it in on a paralysis referee comes out and I gotta go Gator we take an earthquake and PSY Beam at risking two crits and get a crunch in because my toe tick is dead middle tank is really scary you have to be me dude I don't think I live in Milton kit now GG this formula lasted okay so what's my wincon get a burn get a burn get a burn get a burn I think this is Miracle Berry [Music] a crit okay okay kill it okay it's not over last one miltank now sees a kill and gramble so I have to get a glare with Arbok but if Arbok gets too low I'll be in earthquake range so there's only one way out of this recipes Dodge great we got a Dutch grip we got Dodge crit oh my gosh please please yes [Music] oh that's not good that's not good are you nice dude we need the Flinch para baby come on baby [Music] okay come on come on yes save yourself [Music] go baby flitch para Flint to Flinch pair up that's insane that was a huge blow to my box and Mori split isn't entirely easy we have a ton of trainers before we get to ekritique but we do get a lot of Evolutions there is one back-to-back fight with a level 80 Weedle and Caterpie with resorb nice look at that damage bro but it was the next trainer so much choke that gave me some issues I don't take so much more than I thought I would ah come on [Applause] [Music] come on no why low rolls please are you serious dude 50 chance to kill me none of the other trainers give me an issue for the time being we get a neater Reno in National Park which is pretty good but we only have two attack TVs feels so nice to be using Fuji again oh what huh confusion from pedal dance so here here's the thing about Gen 2 right it's kind of like that teacher that is uh you know very scary mean looking maybe not the most visibly present but once you get to know them and you start spending time with them they're actually pretty pretty nice and pleasant to be around ah for real 35 I get a murkrow which is a pretty bad encounter and doesn't have any Buffs there was a pretty simple trainer but after a nice beam withdrew oh no guys this is bad oh don't kill me please hit yourself please yes okay this is a raged kill what is this what why why ear what water water it says water that doesn't look right oh this is so troll dude it's like pick a pipe in Mario Maker did I never get the badge what is Wendy still crying I'm already 35 again ariados not a great Pokemon but a good dupe well you made it to ecritique let's go baby oh yo I just hopped on that guy get an Evie from egotique which I will be turning into Umbreon which was seen as one of the best at the time though Jolteon also is viable and maybe even potentially better at times on Route 42 we get a Slowpoke and an ecritique we get a lydian it was 50 50 for Heracross which is a little unfortunate but our next headblood will guarantee us a Heracross that brings us to a really tough rival fight the bright powder artillery in particular is incredibly hard the lead Arcanine I waterfall twice and then went corsola a dragoner who was able to recover through the dragon rage damage I get an ice beam and a swap to Caesar so I went to Charizard and killed with flamethrower that brought out Dragonair so I went back to corsola and knocked it out after getting paralyzed and sign out Dragon rages Emma Chan was next and my Slow Roll used cybeam twice to knock it out on Meganium I swapped to Victory Bell on a giga drain took an earthquake and sludge bombed I go Charizard on synthesis and kill a fire punch last was is artillery so I pivoted through a victory bell into Umbreon now I was in a really bad spot he got a bike Flinch but I needed to play risky come on come on don't do it yes no accuracy drop no I have to go for this [Music] let's go let's go [Applause] afterwards we get a wheezing in the tower and now it's time for the gym we have two trainers and one tough back to back can't see on the first one I got into a bit of a scary spot just uh no Egypt power please do it wait what I was calculon no we're good he collects are covering clicks recover [Music] the rest of the fight went okay though the Haunter was a little scary don't crit don't quit don't quit I'm dead to 71 of crit rules we're good we're good come on [Music] we're fine the back to back in this gym is terrifying I was able to lead corsola and take a Nightshade and rock slide but I got a little greedy and took two hypnosis in a row which was terrible I try to wake up but once I got in range I was in a dire spot no yeah I pretty much just swipe here now I had to go Gator and take half my HP I miraculously didn't get hypnosis so it wasn't quite over yet but Rapidash was a lot scarier without corsola I guess some damage on Persian then went wheezing and unfortunately got pirated but we knock it out Rapidash is next and I'm dead to three flamethrower rolls [Music] okay okay [Music] I then have to sack horsela and knock it out with kabutso on the next trainer I go Slowbro don't you dare burn me bro please are you kidding me all right I wipe but you're able to knock out nitels Umbreon comes in on Natsu and I get a huge crit with bite unfortunately it never confused raid so my HP was lower than I wanted it to be give me para give me para para para para come on okay come on full para okay don't crit don't cry don't cry don't crit don't quit okay I can now Hyrule for some pair of flushes but I decide to sack wheezing then we go kabutso foreign talk about a box check holy the last trainer was easy with only three Pokemon but now it's time for Morty who is really hard the league robot has really good coverage there's a bright powder Sandler and miservous and Gengar are extremely hard to deal with they're both really fast and have good coverage the fact that they both have hypnosis and have to be just about everything is really hard for making safe strats oh my God oh my God I got no no I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it [Music] hope doesn't work and write doesn't work so it's gotta be left I gotta hit some ranges okay I like to lead with Granville no you suck okay don't crit don't poison okay okay this has a gold Berry so this is why I have to do this [Music] okay that brings out bright powder Sandler and I was considering sacking as gramble isn't needed later but I save it for now and luckily go in on an earthquake yes okay yes yes that's so good okay just it just said just hit that's so good Lantern comes in so I go to Victory Bell take a thunderbolt and Giga drain it's underways because I'm faster and I knock it out this service is now win 105 105 105. okay just so quick just don't care just don't cry I thought that was a crib okay I go on Brianna's psychic and it's going for Nightshade so I go to back to gramble and then swap back to Umbreon to stall some toxics I then take a thunderbolt and bite it's going for Thunderbolt or Nightshade so I go to Victory Bell then swap back to Umbreon as it dies to poison Umbreon comes in and I'm baiting body slam so I stay in for a couple turns then I go slow bro and use a couple ice punches oh let's go oh wait never mind it's miracle berry wait what wait I thought I'd never recovered because I was slower oh no okay now I need to go for both beam if Arcanine gets paralyzed I can't beat Gengar so I gotta go to Gator just all para just don't Pera [Music] okay nice okay [Music] all right this is still gonna be really scary I need a sack ramble to Gengar then go to Arcanine all right this is still spooky double hypnosis I lose Thunderbolt crit Thunderbolt para there's a lot of loose cons here okay okay okay okay okay yes easy Morty baby let's go one death Morty baby it's too free getting past Morty is a big milestone because you get a lot of more evolutions and get about eight to ten encounters one of which is total Falls I do daytime to increase my odds for fampy or swine up two Pokemon that are great for the Elite Four [Music] I gotta show you guys wait just look at the stats Hilo is amazing as it has mamas white stats this also means that I can now go to Slowpoke well and guarantee myself a Larvitar another needed Pokemon for the Elite Four we also have a ton of trainers before Chuck I knock out all the kimono girls to get the surf team they gotta do a gauntlet on Route 38 though it's not that bad and I get a dodrio on Route 39 we have some Great Encounters and I get 30 Tangela who has some insane stat Buffs this Pokemon was later nerfed in future patches but for now it was absolutely broken though it was a little hard to catch any day now oh any day now [Music] dude don't scare me like that Route 38 has a gauntlet that you can't switch your team the first has a light bulb Pikachu but it's no match for tangla the next trainer has a quick claw executor but lady in and murkrow take care of it it was the last trainer after that however that was a lot scarier it only had three Pokemons I led kavitops against the plus two eradicate thankfully it is self and confusion the focus band hit Machan came out so I went to letting clicked reflect and whittled it down I killed watangela that brought out the click claw octillary who had a really good coverage I went to Gator on an ice beam click submission took a sludge bomb healed the poison submission again and I'm dead to Quick luck crit I mean everything's just said a quick Locker to this or you don't don't do it dude [Music] to be kidding me yeah that was a pretty bad loss he kidding me but at least we reached Olivine City and we have some water encounters to get on Route 40 we have Mantine quillfish or Lantern then all of my port and Route 27 we get tenta chinchu or Staryu so we want to get the lantern to guarantee ourselves Tentacruel and star me on word 40 I luckily get the 10 lantern that means I can go to all of my port and get tenta or Staryu but we get the 10 Staryu which is really good guarantees me a tentacle on Route 27 and that's three really good Pokemon out of the way my route 41 there's cool fish or Mantine it's also a backup roof for tenta or Staryu but I get a crack at catching quoi fish it's also low catch rate and has explosion however so in hindsight this was a really stupid play to try and catch it at this time it literally says 35 in the calc that literally means I'm dead to Boom crit now come on baby [Music] that sucks come on dude [Music] with these new Pokemon Slowbro Kabutops omastars Slowbro and Tangela the water Gauntlet wasn't all that bad and I didn't lose anything we get to sign with City and have to fight Eugene who has a pretty scary team I lead Raichu into zatsu then beat the Raichu with my Vic my Tentacruel beats the Arcanine Lantern slams The Vaporeon Charizard kills the jump Bluff and lastly Umbreon beats Alakazam that gives us access to strength and sidewood gym before then I go back to Matt mortar and pick up a gift High Rogue that turns into him only this Pokemon is really good because if I jump kick and you might be confused as to why her jump kick would be viable in this game but in this game high jumpic is 120 base power with a hundred percent accuracy now this later got an accuracy Nerf in future patches but for now it was insane Chuck's gym has two really hard back to backs on the first back to back I let Pharaoh for the next trainer I went to Charizard in fire punch dodging quick clock crit that baited suit Widow going for ancient power don't boost don't boost nice okay just don't boom just don't boom just don't boom [Music] good I went to Slowbro on submission and baited earthquake into pharaoh to kill on the next trainer I kill him only with dropeck I swapped his Slowbro on a rock slide and killed with surf that just left a belly drum Politoed and that was beaten by Victory Bell the other back to back was also really hard just no quick claw thank you thank you so much thank you I then went Victory build on primeape click toxic to play around a door swap back to Slowbro and to Victory Bell to split XP okay it endured anyways that's fine that should be rage wait no I'm so stupid oh God wait thank God and now I'm beating a random move from Farfetch'd but thankfully it hits itself in confusion from berserk Gene wobbuffets are easy to be in this game as it doesn't have Shadow attack and then all the consecutive trainer Aipom kills mercuro then him on top holds on with Focus man but is itself in confusion I Grable I go to tangle and kick a train then swap to omastar on double edge and kill with waterfall gain us to Chuck there's some really tough Pokemon here like quick llama champ Electabuzz and Ursaring but I have a pretty fun Strat [Music] yo just don't cry just don't cry just don't create I have to go for drill pick too just don't quit okay nice that's good that's good okay now it's a pop time this is the fun part according to my knowledge of the switch guy this should be Magmar coming in okay nice 87 range yes okay I gotta hit another 87 rage [Music] then Sorbo goes in on my champ I take an earthquake and cybeam but because of the low roll my berry didn't Rock so I have to dodge crit but please please for the love of God don't crit just don't crit yes okay okay okay that's big that's big that's big that's big oh I then go Pharaoh on earthquake kill with quick attack and hit the Earth's ring to sack then go dodrio to finish it off two and that's chunk baby two deaths let's go we're past Chuck on our first attempt for this stream a top of the crystal guys oh baby let's go let's go Pokemon challenges is trapped in Battlefront here we have the other head button counter tree and my deuce make it so it can only be execute and pineco luckily I get pineco which is a great mod with its fantastic typing unfortunately however I don't have any other chance at executor but it won't matter as much as I have other options for elite four we steal some guy Shuckle on sign would then head through Mount mortar one trainer was a little tough but two pre-damaged months let me beat it safely 99 Magikarp berserk Jade uh oh he's not nice on it we get to Mahogany town and we gotta make our way to Lake of rage on Route 43 we get the last headbutt encounter in Heracross which has some pretty solid stats two of the hardest Traders on this route include level 99 baby Pokemon the Pichu does some crazy damage and Togepi is really hard to kill luckily for me I tingle who was able to Sunsport which always hits in this game then I went to Nidoking and killed with earthquake and it was a metronome Togepi I pray pray pray pray pray okay that's fine nice okay I need to survive one more turn please please please please please please please please please please what's that what's that oh yes holy moly Loom was made in a way to where you had to fly into Lake of Rage do a fight then talk to Lance this fight however is extremely tough need to fight eight Pokemon and a triple back to back I let Raichu on the first trainer's Gyarados to kill that bait and Tentacruel I brought out Gyarados but it poisoned which was really bad for later I go Nidoking and knock it out the next trainer leads with omastar and Raichu was just able to kill the pedal dance wheezing is next my Gyarados being poisoned was pretty bad here but my plan was to use Pupitar I go to Nidoking and knock out wheezing but a burn was pretty unfortunate Kingler is next I gotta go Gyarados and Thunderbolt but we are getting really low from Poison the last trainer still has three bonds first is Kangaskhan so I go Fortress I rock slide twice to get into range of high jump kick from dodrio shekel is an ex and I'm in an awkward spot because Gyarados and Nidoking are both saddest iGo Pupitar has a sandstorms and I collect rock throw as I get poisoned what Drew I go dodrio knockout with return then click a couple high jump kicks as I take a lot of damage from rap and Sandstorm you got me you got me this has protects [Music] well that's great but now we have one of the hardest parts in the game Rocket Hideout very tough Pokemon boom trainers hacks items berserk genes and two insanely hard Executives and on top of that there's a new mechanic in here in radio tower where there's permanent spikes meaning you instantly lose 1 8 of your HP on switchin there is a good chance I lose here I do get an encounter a rocket Hideout though by carefully maneuvering through dodging the tiles for Voltorb we are able to secure a Geodude our first tough fight comes against a back to back with five self-destruct Pokemon and four quick loss on electrode I pray for no boom on my Tangela lead nice nice nice nice nice nice yes okay that's the easy part the next is a quick lock Cloister come on never crit never crit oh boy no clue claw no quick lock don't Flinch don't Flinch don't Flinch don't flinch no yes okay I'm gonna start took care of the wheezing and last was Fortress nice okay let's go holy moly there was a trainer with three Dittos but I was able to force them all to transform into my lydian the next trainer they had a berserk Gene Ursaring so I needed him only out when the earth ring came in but I forgot to go soft sand on him only so it was a 70 range but I couldn't afford to lose him only so I go to lady and ship with ice punch then I earthquake Nidoking and I jump kick Ursaring the next trainer had two more quick claw explosion mods I screenshotted the Crowbar three times with Shuckle then made its sky attack and the Golem to out speed and rock slide that beta Giga drain from muck nice come on hit the range hit the range hit the range 84 84 yes just a no quick claw for the love of God please yes yes next is the first executive and insanely our team the quicklog executor is especially hard though Fortress usually beats it mine has really bad TVs so crit would be deadly the thick Club Marowak with ancient power is also pretty crazy Starmie Houndoom against gun are all really tough Pokemon to say the least but I had a plan I was able to lead with Aipom to kill mischievous but I was hoping it would hit me so executor would see a kill to play around double sleep powder it doesn't happen so we beat in Hound doom and killed that with submission executor is next and I pivot Umbreon on Psychic then to fortress on Giga drain okay beautiful beautiful beautiful just hit three turns three turns come on come on please please just three one more yes cakescon was next so I went him only on fire blast and kill with a jump kick the Starmie came out so I went Lantern on a waterfall we take a thunderbolt and hit it with one of my own but now I was dead accurate so I go to Aipom on Thunderbolt and kill that baits in Marowak it was going for a random move and if it got an HR boost I would wipe please don't foreign deathless executive let's go baby holy moly the second executive was much harder the quicklot.fan was really hard to play around Taurus and Aerodactyl are some of the best Pokemon in the entire game no boost [Music] Heracross when Charizard a mega horn kill with wing attack Bane out Gengar and I was actually in a really tough spot because I thought Espeon would come in before Heracross but I forgot that hidden power isn't taking to account with switch AI this means that if I kill Gengar with Starmie we bid in Espeon first instead of Aerodactyl who I want to kill I also went Citrus on Starmie so I couldn't risk hypnosis this meant I had to risk Charizard come on come on you got this rope live it live it live it live it live it yes that baited Aerodactyl so I sacked Wigglytuff and went to my starvy I added to 56 which was over level capped out speed come on come on come on come on yes [Music] Espeon came out so I went Umbreon on sidewave took a scene and got a shadow ball off I then killed with one more Shadow Ball and the big Tauros came in I had a cool Strat though I went chuckle and clicked shrinkshot two times and then I rock smashed a couple times gaining one defense drop I went Tangled on earthquake and because I outspeed because the shrink shots I was able to use Giga drain and take a double ledge and kill with return super solid fights this led us to price which actually has really easy gym trainers but before that I got a Poliwrath on Route 44. rice has a lot of ice types which are known to have a lot of weaknesses though without some fast rocker fighting moves this fight can be a little tricky luckily for me I had some weapons Jinx really Aipom doesn't care about your Gene see ya Tentacruel [Music] I got a better one this is dead you guys and chat by be ready but the YouTube frogs aren't ready here we go guys ready to see pogly let's go baby let's go Articuno let's go baby got this see ya pilo swine let's go baby holy bully he then traveled to Rhode Island and snag a Kindra jazzer split is pretty short we only have the lighthouse and the Jasmine fight the first back to back in the lighthouse was pretty tough I had to pre-damage him on Lee to base sludge bomb and to Starmie to kill with psychic Umbreon beat Espeon Slowbro V primeape I stayed in on Politoed to get some psychic chip and this meant I wasn't baiting hypnosis into Gyarados I luckily got a return crit and that brings us to the next fight him only kills Bramble Gyarados kills Poliwrath and Tangela beats Raichu the next back to back had a seven Pokemon though Pidgeot pharaoh noctel and gliger were all easily being by physical walls Jasmine is really tough three quick Claws and a focus band make this fight really RNG defendant the scrumer being able set of spikes can be really troubling as well the celix is also straight up insane with quick claw explosion and ancient power I like to lead Nidoking and I miss an earthquake range but it only got a Fire Punch off I gave Arcanine any experience so I got extreme speed on level up why the F does this come in oh my God it sees spikes super effective please don't use spikes yes oh my goodness no Focus man come on yes step as he looks and I had to play risky [Music] no clue claw but yeah this is a very very awkward situation [Music] unlucky I then went him only kill with a jump kick and bait in caesor I swapped to Arcanine on metal claw and killed with flamethrower thankfully I dodged a quick claw rock slide here last was slow bro so I went on to my own slow bro with Shadow Ball to beat it that gave us a tough win as Nidoking is a really good Pokemon for radio tower and speaking of radio tower radio tower is insane 14 total fights tons of pax items tons of Boom ons a rival fight and three extremely hard executive fights before we do that though I want to run through Route 44 in order to get two encounters the first trainer has a bunch of water types that wasn't that hard the second trainer had six psychic types but shadowball Aipom Umbreon and Tyrannosaur took care of them the third trainer had some bird Pokemon I killed Skarmory then step two wait what why this come out I found out that if all the Pokemon in the back are weak to your stab and none have a super effective move it goes to a random Pokemon in the back and that happened to be Golduck when I planned on killing dotrio and Pharaoh back to back so I was in a really bad spot [Music] don't you dare [Music] it has about a 60 chance to go for quick attack you have to be kidding me dude [Music] okay oh Jesus come on come on come on yes yeah it's Christian we dodged some big bullets the next trainer had a focus band quoi fish with explosion that is really tough to deal with [Music] uh oh okay it only goes for spikes but there's still a folks fan Politoed I went Slowbro on a crit earthquake got some psychic damage I was able to go Gyarados to finish it off then Tangled a chip the Lantern and him only finish it off and finally Tentacruel beat octillary the last two trainers go alright and now we have access to ice path this cave was turned into an extremely hard puzzle and I gave myself a challenge to beat it within 45 minutes oh come on dude what the hell the next one over this one goes there to nothing okay so here here across down this way this way this way this way this way up okay oh just resets that Boulder okay so that Boulder still used to go right there well I can still push it this way and down what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you have to you have to drop on the specific tile okay oh okay no it's about to go back in my rock no chuckle chuckle has it Shuckle acid Shuckle acid Shuckle has it safe safe [Music] yeah what do you mean this will take me an hour for the encounter Sneasel has amazing stats in this game Doug Trio is actually insanely good with an attack buff and everything else is pretty decent lucky for us we get Doug Trio and it has pretty good attack at this point in the game I plan on my Elite Four team to make sure I know what I could sack and what I had to keep alive because this last stretch of the game is insanely hard for these radio tower flights we are going to need to push exp calculate well and make very little mistakes the first trainer didn't have anything too scary but afterwards we have two quick law explosion mods and there were four more mods on the fight back to back luckily a LED ditto so I was able to position my Kabutops as it transformed into my Charizard that bait and wheezing going for Thunderbolt so I went to Golem took a flamethrower and killed with earthquake Fortress was next don't you dare mommy bro okay yes okay oh then my own Gyarados beat the opposing one on the next fight Charizard killed Victory Bell and I baited Thunderbolt into Dugtrio to kill with earthquake her string was next so I went to Fortress and I saw a couple overlapping roles with earthquake and it went for it and had to get some good pin missile Hits come on more than two okay nice nice oh that's beautiful all right time to count again guys one two [Music] two as you can tell dotrio is pretty good pretty easy right well the connecting trainer had things that went wrong little awkward I guess citrus I didn't go Citrus dude so I had to go Umbreon on size of toss then go to Dugtrio on another size of toss and then made one more size of toss into Heracross to finally stall out reflects that's how you steer a baby holy moly we just got out of that lastly Tentacruel will beat Vaporeon now I just want you guys to take a long look at what the next trainer has I don't think I have to even explain why this is hard time for the first boss of radio tower it only gets harder from here though oh God here we go okay that's fine three hit come on come on come on come on come on one two come on come on one more one more one more one more yes nine yes I think that kills [Music] please [Music] yes come on you got me pollyrath come on you got me you got me bro that's a 17 chance to kill quick claw okay that's fine okay quickly equals Death yes Devil's executive baby but our radio tower was far from over next fight was a back-to-back that wasn't all that bad no quick luck crit oh my God please I swear to God [Music] that earthquake only had two out of 40 rolls that killed plus it got quick clock that was a huge loss and this fight just got a lot harder another quick claw dude you have to be kidding me oh my God lantern hit the man sign then is swapped out but I ice beamed anticipating that and I'm putting it into Charizard range we killed mad sign then for alligator came out and because my Gyarados was low I was in a rough spot I needed at least Heracross and Charizard for the consecutive trainer so it was up to Umbreon to get Gator into Lantern range no current no Flinch earthquakes oh that's overlapping range okay oh God it's overlapping between waterfall and EQ dude everything that could have went wrong went wrong bro I don't understand oh my God I didn't hit the role [Music] on the next fight Heracross had to hit a range on Kangaskhan 61 chance to kill okay then I had to risk crude on Charizard instead of Heracross because if I lose her across the run is over Charizard killed then we knocked out magazine and wanted us to fight but losing three really good Pokemon and we are far from over next was a rival fight Oak Trio killed Electabuzz Polito came in so I went Poliwrath and two Shadow with cross chop bringing out primate which Slowbro was able to kill Meganium came out baiting gigadrine so I went to Delhi bird and killed with Sky attack I swapped his slow bra on Arcanine e speed in order to make Hidden paragraphs into Kingdra to kill with waterfall and play around dodrio was last so I went to Golem on Sky attack and killed with rockslide funny enough that was probably the easiest fight in the tower the next trainer has a Pokemon and one berserk Gene and one quick claw I led Starmie and had a 60 chance to kill with psychic which I fortunately hit pincer came out going for a hidden power bugs so I went to Charizard who was able to come in and kill nidokin came out and berserking gave a plus to attack the thing is I forgot this thing had lovely kiss currently has an an 18 chance to see kill on me and if it doesn't see kill and it goes for love Lucas I potentially lose multiple mods hit yourself come on okay all right we gotta hit a range guys nine tails came out next so I went Starmie and killed the waterfall the consecutive trainer LED with Rapidash so I killed waterfall then I went to tyrants are on double edge and got some rock throw damage but I did miss a range with my rock throw nice the quick claw wheezing came in so I went to Golem on a thunderbolt and I forgot to go soft sand but I was able to use mudslap to make it less likely to Boom don't do it yes lastly Umbreon beat girafric the next fight was back to back to back I led cavatapps for a later fight went to Charizard killed with a wing attack baited and Doug Trio went to Starmie and kill with waterfall I beat the ampharosa Dugtrio and Lapras it was really hard to match up against so I had to risk my poly Wrath don't do it yes we are able to kill bringing us to the second trainer like Zara was first so I pivoted Charizard on earthquake then to victoryville on waterfall that baited wing attack from Crobat so I went to Starmie and killed with psychic the third trainer LED muck which is why I led Kabutops it luckily didn't Boom turn one so we kill baited in Dragonite and that just fell to an ancient power last was Umbreon who died to two submissions what is what is he saying [Music] what is this [Music] I did lose Beedrill on the next fight to random move Thunderbolt but it was just about a useless Pokemon so it wasn't a big deal funny enough it was only four rolls of Thunderbolt that overlapped and only two crit rolls that actually killed and that brings us to the three executive fights the first was tough I had a tough matchup against miltank with Poliwrath I need the salty don't do it nice that brought out hypnos so I went Slowbro on Psychic and luckily I got no spadef drop and it didn't go for reflect on Umbreon I went to Tyranitar you did easy yes that was 50 accurate on Fortress I went to Charizard as a light screen and I had to dodge quick claw nice shuck away luckily at toxic and synthesis on my victory bell and I decided to risk my Victorville as Sandstorm plus spikes did way too much for Tangela foreign [Music] to put it down to the red then I swapped to Poliwrath on Ice Beam to knock it out not a terrible loss in victory bill but disappointing nonetheless this next executive took over an hour to prepare for not only does Gengar have Focus band Blissey has huge defense Buffs Slowking has great coverage and it's hard to kill Tauros is one of the best Pokemon to beat the robot has insanely good coverage and bright powder but also Marowak has very few counters with thick Club Focus fan no Focus man Focus man nice I think I needed to brisket critons on this because then or else I risk wiping right here my starmy Bates and Blissey necks and I cannot allow it to reflect meaning I need to be in a range of sideways so I have a clean kill in the back but in order to get into range I need to dodge a crit on one of the most important Pokemon in the game for my Elite 4. don't do don't do it [Music] yes please TYB please t-way just please for the love of God just hewave it's like actually come on please please hit please hit please hit for the love of God please [Music] for Tauros I went to Shuckle got two screenshots off and went for a few rock smashes getting three defense drops allowing me to go tangle gain a giga drain in and killing with ancient power Marowak was last let's go baby holy moly one more executive Starmie has very few counters koika Tyranitar is one of the hardest Pokemon in the game to beat but glama champ is very tough and yeah I don't think I need to convince you as to why these fights are hard and it's all about how we play around them so let's go I led Heracross to one shot the Houndoom this made him a champ that Heracross was able to take care of with no quick Claw on the second turn that baited psychic so I went to umbriana took a waterfall collect Shadow Ball and repeated the sequence but now Tyranitar was out nice okay nice Zam came out going for psychic so I went to Tyranitar to bait Thunder Punch into a pom to kill with Shadow Ball Porygon 2 was last so I pivoted Tyranitar in try attack chipped with rock throw and went to haircross on Ice Beam and we killed with submission Executives down I did all the executive zephalus too that's pretty crazy that brings us to the end of radio tower now it's the home stretch granted an extremely hard home stretch first off we have two Encounters in Blackthorne City I get a Whooper and on Route 45 I get a Rapidash oh God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait lice bringing us to the 8th gym we had a tough back to back to start off first off was Typhlosion I baited earthquake into Charizard then Thunder Punch into Dugtrio to kill with earthquake Meganium came in a song with Charizard on leech seed and killed with flamethrower Dragonite was an X so I went to pile swine on a thunderbolt and killed with Ice Beam which allowed me to kill the next Aerodactyl with icy wind into ice beam I had time to curl out for the last fight and that let me beat the Dragonair even though I got crit I was still baiting hidden power flying from Gyarados so I went to kava tops and killed Gyarados with ancient power Aerodactyl only for earthquake so I went Quagsire and knocked it out with two ice beams after recovering some HP then there was only one more trainer before Claire who went down pretty easily the clarify however is really tough click off for alligator with ancient power is one of the most powerful mods in the game it hits really hard and it's super bulky the Kingdra is also insanely hard as octazuka has a 50 chance to lower accuracy in this game and this would turn out to be one of the craziest fights I've ever had in a Nuzlocke I let her cross and I had a two shot come on oh let's go okay but then it was Golem time let's go don't lie I got I got some of you guys with that don't lie no no don't go to YouTube no oh this is not good this was bad because I was baiting random between Ice Beam earthquake and sweet kiss and I didn't plan on needing to dodge status on starmies so I had a citrus Berry it also sees a kill 15 of the time on Golem of course I gotta go starmied to knock it out then Dragonite comes out so I killed Ice Beam but now because of my pathing gator comes in and it's going for ancient power or earthquake don't you dare dude [Music] yeah dude I don't understand dude I just don't understand bro I just don't understand that is random move AP boost [Music] are you sick dude I said no dude I I can't I just can't dude I literally just can't like [Music] that for the birthday boy baby that's for the birthday boy baby that's where the birthday boy baby oh my God I think that actually just saved me from wiping [Music] before that sequence one more all right we need to we need no I I need no accuracy drop dude like like dude like I I just I don't I don't understand dude like I I just I just literally I just don't understand I do not understand I just I just dude dude I I I I I I just don't I just don't understand like just don't do it again and this is when I found out okazuka has a 50 chance of lower accuracy [Music] okay that's really good that's really good still curvy just don't curvy just don't cry me just don't cry just don't care just occur don't cry [Music] foreign the last few routes before the league are long and extremely tough tons of hacks items and berserk jeans you probably get it by now it was only the second flight that gave me some issues hair growth selected to kill Doug Trio thankfully not creating me a zoom roll was an X so he went to Tentacruel and had to take a sizable amount of damage from double edge we knock it out and with just under half Health draft rig was next falling to my Tyranitar as you can tell tyradar is really good basically most psychic types and anything that can't hit me super effectively with stab gets beaten Ryan was next so I went Slowbro on a crit cross job so my HP was a little shaky the next fight had all hacks items the Machamp got shipped by Heracross then I went Tangled and killed with pedal dance I made a return for Ursaring but I thought for some reason it would be fire punch I had to go Tyranitar then switch to Poliwrath on earthquake and it was only quick lock grit that killed me I swear to God if I get quick lock crit one more time okay Poliwrath was last but because I got crit on Slowbro I was in a rough spot especially with focusman probability I've gotten unlucky enough today you know it's like there's no way I get even more unlucky [Music] told you the next couple trainers go all right then we Trek through dark cave and get some tough fights this back-to-back thankfully had no hacks items only a few explosion mods which actually made it really easy it's crazy just how much quick claw Focus man and bright powder make fights harder we have a pretty easy time through the rest of dark cave and we get to Dragon's Den home of some tough trainers the first one only has three Pokemon but the second one was tough I went t-tar on Focus fan Charizard things could have got really scary if the focus band propped yeah oh wait it did I swear to God dude okay the rest of the fight went fine with Heracross killing Tyranitar and being able to Pivot omastar into Starmie to kill Aerodactyl then lastly quags are killed electrode the last trainer had two Dragonites but they went down to two pile of swine ice beams that brought us to getting our Dragonite I had to carefully select my answers to these questions because if you answered wrong you wouldn't be able to get extreme speed on Dragonite and Dragonite will be a very important Pokemon not just because of its unique typing it moves but also because it's pretty necessary for the elite 4. and ours had pretty good stats just seven fights left Deli bird got the spotlight on this trainer killing Venusaur and farfetch on the consecutive trainer but it was the ditto of all things that gave me some issues nice wait what how how I didn't realize that ditto kept its own HP stat when it transformed and Ditto in this game has a hundred base stat total across the board that was a pretty harsh death the next fights had eight Pokemon and a few hacks items I led Poliwrath on quickcloth Flareon but luckily it didn't proc bright powder wheezing with explosion came out and it was up to Tyranitar there's not that oh my dude please measure 10 oh [Music] I died a boom so stupid [Music] whoa all right just don't miss thank you Arcanine lives another day but there was a focus pan Cloister next to line [Music] yes no Focus band Persian was last for the first trainer but it was now going for double edge instead of bubble beam which I would have hoped but I'm still able to Pivot Tyranitar bro stop just please don't double itch man I'm going to lose my mind bro it'd be quits me right here I'm actually gonna end stream Jesus Christ halfway done Poliwrath kill Tyranitar James was an accident Charizard and killed a flamethrower then Skyrim at the same fate and lastly Victor Bell died as well huge showing from Charizard here's the next fight we had yet another back to back Starmie killed Gengar Alakazam fell to Tyranitar porygon2 died to submission Heracross and Alma star slammed the dodria we had our star reposition into one shot the zatsu then slow Ro came out and two shot at that with Thunderbolt Focus band Jinx came out so I chip was starving and went to Umbreon to kill shadowball the last was Don fan with quick claw and ancient power luckily I was only Banning earthquake here and Tingler was swiftly able to knock it out the next fight was an insane nine Pokemon back to back and it was really hard I had to lead Pyle swine pre-damage to always bait waterfall from Politoed all right as long as I don't get like magnitude 2 here we're fine there's no way that just happened I was in a really bad spot now I'm so done with this bro I'm so dope with this game bro I'm actually done with this game like oh my goodness dude I livid like oh my God foreign [Music] as well but the damage on pile of swine was really bad I wanna be put to sleep oh my god dude I'm actually gonna go crazy dude I'm actually gonna go crazy that's the one thing that did that couldn't happen oh my goodness I swear to God do not oh dude ice dude like oh my dude I can't I just actually can't dude oh wait no I beat Mr this oh my goodness dude oh you have to be kidding me it's literally gonna see you speed kill because of that stupid exchange I'm actually so pissed right now arranged to kill I can't stand for God I swear to God bro [Music] of course he doesn't hypnosis on the next flight Dragonite is going to see extreme speed kill on power swine which is not great because of the magnitude 4 we had to switch to Charizard on Extreme Speed and Sack it but I forgot that I need Charizard for pile of swine this is gonna be so tight it didn't need speed does it not matter [Music] come on I need to kill this man [Music] come on come on come on come on okay I lift three more 93 to 54. all right just don't do it just don't don't hurt me yes [Music] foreign [Music] how did that happen what if I don't hit the range now this might save tenta because he did this this might save tenta 50 chance to kill [Music] let's go we survive on Route 26 I had a decent chance for Scyther but unfortunately we get zatsu we can get our last encounter at Victory Road this happens to be electrode which can be brought to the elite four if it has good special but mine only ended up having seven the last rival flight is insanely hard Focus band for alligator is still one of the hardest Pokemon in the game Tauros is insanely hard to beat the club Marowak is scary and focus of anti-flosion is insanely hard here's what I did Quasar LED against Ampharos to get an earthquake off then it swapped to Meganium which I was okay with at the time Heracross had hidden power bugs 70 base power which is really good Ampharos was back out so I went back to Quagsire to knock it out for alligator came in and it was up to Poliwrath okay [Music] it's a little awkward a racing chronicabu seems better here all right come on nice don't grit you gotta be kidding me dude okay thankfully it's in a focus band my hair across however now I was baiting flamethrower from Typhlosion which wasn't great don't do it [Music] thank God after some recovers we were able to earthquake then recover upped and knock out Typhlosion the scary Taurus was next so I went chuckle got two string shots off then collect rock smash three times getting one defense drop then I disabled earthquake went to omastar and killed with two waterfalls and last was Marowak one waterfall let's go baby we made it yes [Music] the first Elite Four Crystal Kaizo is insanely hard usually you need Tyranitar Dragonite Heracross and Palace line though Palestine can be replaced by another ground type and Tyranitar can be replaced by Umbreon if you're desperate I had the team of Heracross who was really important for a will Skull Fable koga's Meganium Lance's Kangaskhan and Tyranitar but especially needed for Bruno for multiple reasons Tyranitar was an insanely good pivot but also critical for Will's Alakazam kogus crowbat and Karen's Houndoom and Lance's Aerodactyl Elson was important for Koga specifically there isn't much that is good against coca's Electro and it was able to beat Muk it also was good for Bruno stelix Karen's miservous and it was a needed pivot for Lance Dragonite had good matchups against Will's executor kogas Scyther Bruno's Machamp Karen's Hypno and it was needed for the Strat I had against Aerodactyl it also beat Kingdra the next member is Starmie who is good for will Slowking koga's Tentacruel Bruno's last release and Steelix it also one shot at Karen's Gengar and it was useful for getting multiple kills on Lance the last member was Aipom who again has ambipop stats in this game also mine had Max attack devious it was mainly here to give me an easier will and be back up on Koga and Karen so here we go will was first I led Aipom against Espeon and with a spell tag I had a guaranteed OKO with shadowball we also went ex beach around pilot swine so I learned earthquake on level up we want no crit we want no crit nice Palace one all right we got a 38 chance to die to crit it's one in eight chance to crit guys heads down pray for me come on pilot slide hold it baby come on [Music] [Music] [Music] all this hard work then I had nothing in my box so I could beat this all this hard work all these calculations and hours of my life but I didn't give up A-bomb went in for the Revenge dodging a crit then I went here across Uncle Fable to kill submission exeggutor was next so I went Tyranitar on Psychic then to Dragonite on gigatrain I collect a wing attack took an ancient power and it killed with extreme speed Alakazam came in so I went to Tyranitar and clicked rest then rock throw and beat it despite getting crit twice smoking came in so I went Starmie on waterfall clicked Thunderball took an earthquake went to Eric Ross and killed with hidden Empire bug this Elite 4 was most likely over but we had a genuine Fighting Chance still on Koga I now had to use Aipom against electrode and use Tyranitar against Muk and Crobat on top of that I'd risk a crit on starring me from 10 to cruel though I was able to go King's Rock to potentially get a Flinch to increase my odds here we go don't crit nice that's fine a pawn then killed the quick attack they announced Scyther I went Dragonite I hit a power bug took a wing attack and killed with wing attack into e speed and now tentacle was out yeah drink crit [Music] okay nice Meganium was in so I went Heracross on Giga drain clicked hidden power bug took a hit at Power fire then killed with another one muck was out so now I had to use Tyranitar all right come on don't boom don't boom don't boom don't Boom come on don't boom okay beautiful tyrantern knocks it out and I had enough HP to stay out of crit range from Crobat I rest up take a giga drain rock throw take another Giga drain and kill the rock throw that's two down but now it's the hardest member I now have to dodge a crit on Snorlax and have a lot of things go right for Heracross if stormy got crit on the lead it was also bad as it was my only answer for sea looks now don't Crypt me don't crit me low roll low roll low roll low Roll come on come on come on come on don't credit me yes okay that's so good first ring all right I need as much hair across HP as I can have so I pivoted Tyranitar okay that's really bad I have to dodge a crits like quick claw and another crown hair across out because of that I need to dodge crit quick law another crit and Snorlax cannot go for lovely kiss [Music] nice okay this is oh it's gonna be sketchy all right come on just no quick claw yes okay oh my God please please for the love of God please please come on [Music] dodge it please yes yes okay okay paragraphs went crazy but Machamp was next and I can't pivot through Tyranitar to bet a cross chop so I gotta go hard Dragonite I went Citrus oh God that's not good do it for pilo come on don't pair it don't Pera no [Music] no I have to do this come on [Music] come on [Music] yes okay oh my God I think nice [Music] dead [Music] okay nice yes let's go we're past Bruno holy bully oh my goodness insane dude but it's far from over Karen is now a lot harder as Palestine was supposed to take on miservous we also no longer made an iron till from miltank into Starmie so we gotta Dodge an extra crit or paralysis here we go Starmie just occured the Gengar but now was mysterious no hypnosis here okay just don't do it again [Music] oh dude that's so bad that was insanely bad I wanted the a-pont backup for miltank if Starmie got crit or parrot it's random between Thunderbolt and psychic here if I go to Starmie on Thunderbolt I lose but I can try to wake up insanely unlucky man [Music] I don't understand man I don't understand [Music] I just don't understand bro yeah I can't I can't do this I need a sec oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God this is 183 DB by slam we don't want body slam and we switch it on earthquake or iron till we're good our tail earthquake foreign [Music] come on oh no okay wait wait wait that Pera was really bad and no I couldn't go lumbery because it was a really bad range to KO without Mystic water but I still had one more out you gotta go teach our to Heracross kill bait miservis back to teetar hit it and then I think we have a chance foreign [Music] man that's so bad [Music] are you the 50 50 you got the car until you gotta be kidding me dude okay [Music] stop crit don't Pera [Music] dude like what [Music] like dude like I don't I don't get it man like I just don't understand I just don't understand [Music] and two where's my Joker makeup at [Music] [Music] just one of those days where man my team was so good my team for the sleep four was actually so good I'll be taking a break from CK I'm gonna do a blind foreign [Music]
Channel: Drxx
Views: 233,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, crystal kaizo, Drxx, jaiden animations, alpharad, pointcrow, smallant, flygonhg, captainkidd, freezai, chaotic meatball, emerald kaizo, freezai pokemon, freezai showdown, hoodlum scrafty, wolfeyvgc, false swipe gaming, not alpharad, pchal daily, jrose11, pokeaimmd, zwiggo, ruffelrowlit plays, cjya, pokemon challenges emerald kaizo, Drxx nuzlocke, alpharad pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, cristal kaizo, pokemonchallenges kaizo
Id: fYrGSGCa8as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 20sec (5480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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