Pro Nuzlockers VS Crystal Kaizo

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today we are going to try and solve one question how do you make the Nuzlocke challenge competitive if you've seen my Emerald Kaizo draft race you might know that racing through hard nuzlocks can not only test the skill of the competitors but also create added pressure for coming up with plans and strategies quickly while playing an insanely hard game with limited resources today me and six other Pro nuzlockers are going to race through crystal kaizo's radio tower it's known as the hardest part of the game with many explosion Pokemon hacks items and worst of all permanent spikes taking 12 percent of your HP on all your Pokemon on switchin and these guys are the real deal gold on Terra red blue candy Rydia and Kevin have all beaten the entire game as a hardcore Nuzlocke godon and Terra are also Maniacs who have been the game twice that leaves me and Jackie both of which have wiped to the Elite Four granted on our first attempts but don't count us out I of course have a reputation to uphold if you will see Seventh Place baby let's go and Jackie actually made a spreadsheet to use his data analysis skills to craft a perfect box how it works is simple we go through 18 rounds in a snake draft choosing from the available Pokemon in the game afterwards we have 30 minutes to level up everything and then the race phase where we go from the beginning to fighting tough back-to-backs a variety of trainers and four Executives there's a variety of ways to build good boxes for the entirety of this section but key members we all want to have are water types fighting types ground types Pokemon take explosion and there's tons of other categories of Pokemon like Encore users Electro types high risk Pokemon with moves like hypnosis Eeveelutions Pokemon with recovery the list goes on and on the very first pick of the draft just like in Emerald Kaizo funny enough was Dragonite with Thunderbolt Ice Beam flamethrower extreme speed and High stats it can beat a variety of Pokemon golodon took starami arguably one of the best Pokemon in the game it has decent bulk and it has fast hard-hitting stab moves and that goes a long way Kevin takes a very interesting pick in Skarmory this Pokemon serves its role very well there's tons of normal types with ground and normal coverage that are incredibly hard but scarberry laughs at that I take Snorlax similar to Dragonite it can beat a variety of Pokemon especially special attackers and this plays into my strategy going in I want to play a fast high risk High reward play style opposed to an emerald Kaizo where the added prep time drag me down a lot meaning I drafted Pokemon that have a variety of uses like Snorlax Tyranitar Piloswine Slowbro and Chansey and also I utilize risky strategies like hypnosis used by polygraph yanma ninetils Persian and Golduck however hypnosis is buffed to 70 accuracy in this game moving on with the draft red blue candy selects Aerodactyl an amazing typing and has amazing offensive capabilities Meridia takes Taurus one of the best hitting normal types anterra selects Sneasel who has crazy Buffs and a great moveset and on the wheel Tara picks caesor which can utilize its typing and offense to beat a variety of Pokemon let's talk about some of the interesting picks Ghost types in Crystal Kaizo are rare but miservous with Miss maggia stats and a great move pool is one of the best the first evolution to go is Jolteon by far the best electric type with fantastic speed and this will help out Kevin a lot it's also the most popular Eevee choice and normal runs there's stuff like aerodactyls where just out speeds and one shots something that barely any Pokemon can do Meganium goes to godon by far the best starter being able to heal itself with synthesis and Giga dream Shuckle is an interesting Pokemon as well though it doesn't do any significant damage it is very valuable in Crystal Kaiser because of its utility screenshot and disable makes positioning and killing with slower Pokemon much easier the next Evolutions to go were Espeon and Umbreon and then finally Vaporeon and Flareon here is the final draft board there's much more intricate details and Analysis to go into but if you got me started on that we'd be here all day day so I'll try to sprinkle in some analysis as we go on some noteworthy Trends are that everyone besides me and Tara got an electric type everyone got a fighting type there were plenty of ground types to go around very important typing everyone made sure to get a grass type as well as a fire type and ditto really Tarot smeargle really a Pikachu what is that supposed to do well my friends this is gonna get fun and some insanely creative strategies are gonna commence in our totally legal game copies we had access to all the TMS and items available up until this point the hardest part was actually trying to find the Pokemon we drafted in the Box filled with nearly every Pokemon in the game where are my Pokemon uh oh where's the egg I can't find the mon holy these Pokemon also had a random assortment of DVS which would determine how good their stats would end up and some of these were pretty bad and so the race begins radio tower starts off with a mild four Pokemon fight with no hacks items and everyone was easily able to get through it without any trouble the second fight however was a much harder 7 Pokemon back to back with two quick claw explosion users if you guys are unaware a back to back means that you fight the first trainer and then without healing or changing your leads or items you fight the second trainer I was the first to get there but this is where I already made a crucial crucial mistake 67 I thought it was 68. yes I made the dumb mistake of not knowing what the level cap was with this I accidentally over leveled my Parasect which wasn't too crucial but Persian was a key pick for me it was a fast hypnosis user and I had a lot of plans for it out speeding and killing stuff and this was a huge loss on top of that a lot of My Pokemon were pushed to level 67 which was the level cap so the threat of over leveling was now huge and I had to take a two minute penalty but that wouldn't stop my goal of beating radio tower first with my risky play style it's a really tough back to back it's gonna be tight anyways I could just get grid here and lose my Snorlax look at this I will say today I'm not gonna be playing optimally the two quick claw explosion mods would be a huge risk for all of us Tara even used their level 2 Caterpie to bet a ditto transformation we also saw an amazing strategy from Rydia they sacrificed their dust bars but it wasn't that good anyways I do this so I don't take the addition to 16 feet to 19 from Thunderbolt for Emperors I want a really really paralyze it Run 4 offered a more tame fight with four Pokemon unfortunately though red blue candy had some Umbreon issues and it cost him quite a bit of time please please hit through oh my God we're losing time dude like like come on oh my God Radia also has some issues with the dodrio fortunately it wasn't a huge loss though and those were the only issues on this fight next up we are back at some hard fights a back-to-back six Pokemon fight with two quick cloths again with my fast and risky play style I get to the next fight first however keep in mind that my preparation for these fights are pretty limited making me more susceptible to RNG I lead with polyrth for the consecutive fight I go to nine tills on the metal claw Dodge quick claw and kill a flamethrower I throw my Snorlax at Tentacruel then my slow row gets cripped I'm a champ so I got a kill with Poliwrath Palace wine then kills Jolteon and then we go to the next fight this might get a little scary I cannot lie I will be because I had to come back oh my that's unfortunate yep that is really bad Poliwrath was my only fighting type and I plan to play it pretty safe but double crit into it not within my range and that would be a huge blow to my box thus my answers for stuff you usually use funny types for was really bad let's see how the others did that is a super body so I'm probably gonna have a status hi dude all right well I'm snacking right you I guess I'm gonna have to figure out something else for quilt fish now yeah I got a sack Big Bear unfortunately I don't think I have a better play I'm not that any Hyrule earthquake but I am dead to print that is devastating okay let's go let's go let's go brutal losses an insanely bad luck Quagsire is one of his core Pokemon and Raichu was his only electric type Tara also has been doing incredibly well so far however the replay style was more slow and steady how they usually play nuzlocks this minimized their risk very much but this will make them fall behind quite a bit but from the looks of it this playstyle might actually have some Merit by how many deaths have been being drawn and what's the next fight you guessed it another back to back this time with eight Pokemon though no hacks items this fight is the holder of the demon Chansey one of the most terrifying Pokemon in the whole game hopefully this one could go better for me I chipped the lead Gengar with nine tails then kill with Yama ancient power I then kill Zam with Titar and Mr mime with Chansey the consecutive fight was terrifying though because again my polywrath was dead thus no fighting type for Chansey this chancey's gonna own me because my polyureth God on the last word [Music] feels fun oh my God I got a boost [Music] it's still asleep [Music] shuttle ball can I kill you as well oh my God I killed this too wait no it has quick attack [Music] oh no that's quick attack [Music] unfortunate we somehow make it through but my nine tails over levels and I am bleeding very bad though I do have a solid lead the chancy is extremely bulky it also has reflects and can contribute to it's stalling you out by hitting you hard with side waves and we have some more chancy trouble thank you [Music] this is not good so he's just sideways he's just sideways thank Chris if that reflected on my floss probably got a sack D night just to keep going I don't win unless I sack I would have to get I have to get this [ __ ] or deny dies it's just faster than me so never mind but the Run stays alive as you can see a lot of us were losing Pokemon and we still have 10 fights left and they only get harder from here somehow next up we have the first executive fight also known as the Manhattan Project I hope that we can call our Pokemon moves from an underground bunker strategies for this fight revolve around can you bait kills from incoming Pokemon and minimize the risk of getting boomed on everyone everyone's gonna be banking on me wiping but we're gonna be clutching up man it's time man we got an insane lead we may have lost like six Pokemon but we still got some of the same stuff we got we got lacks we got tetar we got pilo it's okay there we go who's a good Cloister who's a good Cloister we're back on track baby no click claw boom easy all right we got rocky coming in nice [Music] one more down to point forward crit here we're sewing this man we're sewing this we're sewing this [Music] back on track and victory is looking much more possible I must say Jackie's box has been bleeding mostly due to the terrible luck on the previous fights a very unfortunate circumstance a quick clock crit plus two other crits led to his box not having enough answers for these feature fights this is very unfortunate for his current situation it's really bad for Cloister not sure Trust [Music] 50 50 to live 50 50 to die [Music] foreign at this point many people still have strong boxes though don't quickly on ice and get the range please it's a really good range it's a really good range awesome however the next section of radio tower gets a lot harder next up we got another back to back time for the final stretch I'm so happy you guys are awesome let's go okay not the best roll to get the pair we don't get the bear come on come on baby hit that let's go [Music] oh wait the rage let's go okay [Music] [Music] okay let's go going guns blazing new oh wait what I thought it was a rival what happened oh no this is bad if you don't know run into trainers you have a prep for is extremely bad especially in these types of nuzlocks where you need very specific planning and the room for error is very thin this will be scary okay good good good start fine sorry what happened please waterfall or Ice Beam nice that's the best movie could have used oh my God this guy's just getting everything to know I have to Air Blast here and hope we hit the range come on come on Pidgeot come on Pidgeot come on let's go okay okay okay one more one more one more or is he gonna Go jinx actually no he's gonna go magnaton yeah this is always Ice Beam all right I have psych Mark the ice beamed anyways exactly that was an unnecessarily loss but at least we're through this Jesus I don't even go I'm healthy we're gonna just ball hard The Fortress that crit is super brutal I didn't have a better player and nobody else had any issues next up was the Rival fight no way dude come on oh my God Jesus Is Not Dead correct here let me kill sometimes he's killed these people that'll be so perfect especially good at all Chris but we ball we ball we ball we ball we ball your ball baby let's go like so right now I must State how big my lead is the next closest player was just now entering the basement it was my race to lose the only difference was my box was getting very thin compared to the others Red Alert there's another thread right on my tail Kevin was going at a great Pace with only three non-crucial deaths and was third overall right behind Red blue candy right behind him was Rydia four deaths total but also making a decent pace the two players with a slow and steady yet consistent playstyle or godon and Terra they have been playing great with little to no death so far but the added prep time made them lag behind so who will win and this race is heating up this next fight is one of the hardest berserk Gene is an item that gives the Pokemon plus to attack but also confuses them basically it gives a Pokemon Swagger there's also eight Pokemon in this back to back this was the longest I had to spend time planning I killed the lead him on Shan with Jinx beat the Ninetales with Snorlax and then I made a huge blunder I didn't realize that my oma star actually died in the previous fight I hadn't used it since so it didn't mark for disqualification but now I was down a Pokemon as I couldn't use it my own is data wait when did it die oh okay all right I won't use it then then I had to throw my Steelix at the pincer [Music] [Music] it's about to happen it was bound to happen eventually okay rest in peace jinx [Music] van wheezing this is such a tough spot man I'll follow out speeds but I can't really go to it now I got a sack Rocky Another One Bites the Dust all right so I can't get hypnosis here I can't get crit that's a Dutch quick law again that's what has happened come on come on don't even knows the storm knows the stone hypnosis [Music] no click claw don't click don't click [Music] it was at this time that Kevin started unleashing the power of the first pick paired with rest sleep talk TM Skarmory with its stats and typing will be able to sit on a number of Pokemon come on good job I was willing to do this anyway um because I think this fight is pretty tricky with my box so I don't really feel bad I did an amazing job felt aspect by the way [Music] oh that yeah that hurt a lot [Music] hit this pumpy baby let's go oh my God I missed the range because it has leftovers and now I'm just dead to most rolls of flamethrower we hold though so I got a sack unless I get a crit here oh I killed wow holy moly I did not think I'd kill through that yeah I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to double sack here actually so it doesn't really matter and lit my way to the burglar fight Beezus you gotta hit a pretty bad range I win the fight but I have I think a three mod box now uh that's really bad actually uh so I just need to I just need to have berserk Gene clutch up for me here come on just [ __ ] yourself the Gen 2 item it boosts your attack by two but you get confused it's a consumable I'm just dead to most high rolls of both so just uh get a super low roll and hit the pumpy let's go seeking you know what seeking redeemed all right Amelie crit time uh dead to most roles of Shadow Ball here but we're just gonna hit this fatty psychic [ __ ] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] um I'm dead to most rolls of return here but we're gonna hit this fatty Thunderbolt paralyzed or Thunder Punch paralyzed it low rolls me I win this fight bam Zam almost single-handedly destroyed this entire fight dear Jackie he played well my friend you suffered some of the worst RNG I've ever seen in a fight and for that I send my condolences you may not have gone the Dub here but you will crush this game on your own runs even though you've had two late game wipes Victory is in sight and the day you finally win will be glorious stay well my friend thanks for playing at this point knowing I have a solid lead I take the time to level up my Golduck something that I struggle to find in the Box earlier as you can tell my box is running kind of thin so I'm really in a tough spot this next fight might be actually the toughest and I'm not just saying that either this time it's not only a back to back but a back to back to back with a nine Pokemon easy okay that happens or does it go for a trout that correct please get a drop okay I'm gonna drop oh man it's not gonna be enough though so I can pivot Golduck in a pilo [Music] random move Thunderbolt ah unlucky Man one and four ah that's really bad [Music] I'm over level here we can just sack this to Crobat nice we just stacked this robot that's so good because we're going over level anyways all right go over it don't draw me don't drop oh that's bad oh that drop sucks drop in the crit drop that's not good can you just outrage please Outreach please outrage [Music] that sucks we hit it still gonna be dead though wait I live I live I live I live wait wait wait no I got two turned outrage no you can take as much time as he wants [Music] ggs who's like three or four Pokemon right off the bat and just like that I was out of the race a victim to my own play style do I think I would have done much better if I didn't over level some Pokemon off the bat and my polygraph didn't die to a double crit maybe but in reality my strategy was never consistent looking back at my draft there were a few things I could have done like getting a backup fighting type in case polygrath died or realizing that Selix just wasn't all that useful to justify such a high pick and honestly this playstyle might have just been an excuse for me not to do a ton of prep for this race and for that I must accept my fate regardless I'm happy with how I played and hey maybe under other circumstances it could have ended up differently but let's give credit to where credits do and look at the rest of the competition godon eventually got to the same back to back to back but he had a surprisingly rough time himself considering how big his box was still slajwaum crit here would kill me I have to charge it come on Dodge this dodge this dodge this poison spine Dodge the [ __ ] well run over it's the one thing I need to dodge oh my God I miss this is just so dumb I misclicked to no grass type anymore I'm so dot I'm so done dude uh I took extra damage on stormy or else this would have been a little bit easier no that's not good I wanted Gator to die why no he can't what oh that's game over one terribly timed crit and a miss click later and godon meets the same fate as me a shocking result considering the state of his box at this point and honestly I think his drafts were one of the best however it's very impressive for him to get this far with only one death especially under these circumstances this just leaves four competitors Kevin ridia red blue Candy and Tara however at this point Tara was extremely far behind but don't blame them it's hard to transfer calculus nuzlocking into a race format Oregon should be fine it doesn't have a fighting type attack I can't go into anything else it has to be party gone don't create me don't I of course the mega home trade the one crit I played into in this race yeah I wish I only risked one crit up till that point all of us spending hours planning and strategizing in our own runs that is sometimes doesn't translate well into a race format however Tara did have some amazing moments I get full health if I kill this and then I have to land this report on the crowbit and not get crit this is my only win con no other play I have to land this don't correct me unless the sleeve okay okay [Music] that's a very nice crit I need to land another Sea border to win this another skip order to win this it's not over yet Mark I might actually wipe here like if I if I don't land the Sleep powder I why let's go okay okay [Music] yes I have a chance no way I have a chance I got my angle I got my angle so many things went wrong man [Music] freeze freeze man freeze [Music] Tara is down to his last Pokemon Butterfree as you can see gigatrain does maximum 17 requiring a few hits Umbreon does quite a bit of damage one crit at least and it's game over [Music] I got it if I don't get crit I got it [Music] unfortunately for our sake Terra is too far behind to catch up however if everyone loses they will have a shot at Victory so we will tune back to him later right now Kevin and red blue candy are basically on the exact same fight and Rydia is right behind and we only have five fights left after this back to back to back so let's see how they did RBC killed the lead haircross with wing attack pivoting Blastoise on rock slide into jump luff on earthquake and kill Doug Trio with pedal dance Lantern killed Lapras and dotrio killed Ampharos jump love then got the KO on Quagsire and arrow took out crowbat so I'm I'm dead to the highest role of outrage here okay don't get the roll don't get the roll don't get the roll okay hit the mega horn on Umbreon of goat what does this have it's gonna take too much time I'm gonna hit the mega horn let's go easy we are now in first place red blue Kennedy is now in the driver's seat however he has some steep competition Kevin does the fight with a tactical quillfish sacrifice and rest sleep talks Skarmory getting three kills Kevin swiftly advances radius fight also went pretty smoothly putting all three players on scientist mark this is a pretty simple five Pokemon fight and for the first time in a while hey no back-to-back trainer Kevin retakes the lead by fighting the scientists first with some careful pivoting and good team Synergy it was no issue X oh [ __ ] I actually just didn't bring a counter this I straight up left my counter in the Box whoops all right that's why we have the wheelie [Music] well I guess this solves the issue [Music] I'm gonna be dead to extreme speed what would I rather have died here I'll do more Dawn fan Dawn fan honestly doesn't do much uh for the rest of these fights I'm gonna sack it [Music] is Extreme Speed I have a citrus Berry Brenda's gonna tick before though wait I don't take burn damage because I kill I don't take burn damage because I kill holy [ __ ] I thought I flew so hard some tough losses down the stretch not gonna lie red blue candy killed the lead miservous with miltank ride on with executor zatu with arrow Raichu with Dugtrio and arrow with Blastoise doing the scientists extremely faster than Kevin and once again retaking the lead erodia also had a very fast scientist closing the Gap even more between the two but for reference the moment Kevin ended this fight with a scientist red blue candy just started the next one the final Grodd before the three terrifying Executives and some of the hardest fights in the game once again this grunt was pretty simple on paper Raichu popped off what did he counter with most likely moves thunderbunch here if this flamethrowers were still alive I do have a lum on this in case it burns me dude that's so unlucky like that's like the roles are so bad okay I live most unlucky I don't have a Gengar answer now manka Gengar is super scary the slight hope you know it had to happen at some point Christ dude combo gone all right arrow does more that's a crit it's not Shirley it's not gonna Crypt for a third time that critup Pidgey was so [ __ ] sad dude dude no shot live live live live live live live all right everything is [ __ ] mineral I got bad RNG on this grunt I got horrible RNG on this grunt those were some brutal losses and some atrocious luck at the worst possible time red blue candy has a lead he's in the driver's seat but now he has significantly less options for the executives and as he goes to the drawing board Kevin starts the grunt fight skarmy starts with a quick kill on Venusaur sulking is able to take out Magmar Jolteon takes care of for alligator he then does a chosen Delhi bird sack to Kangaskhan because this one has fire blast thus Skarmory wouldn't be able to beat it and finally noctow takes on Poliwrath red blue candy at this exact moment is about to fight the first executive but we must note that Radia has almost caught up to Kevin at this point easily being in the ground in quick fashion but the race is still red blue candies to lose the first executive on paper is usually considered the easiest of the three nil tank Umbreon Shuckle Hypno and Blastoise are relatively team threats with the right counters it is the quick claw explosion Fortress however that can give players some issues if it's not bad in last explosion at least can rustle some feathers red blue candy starts the fight as Kevin and radio work towards finalizing their teams Blastoise is bulky enough to knock you out miltank all right this should be Umbreon Umbreon comes in next not dead to crit RBC stays in to get some chip then goes to jump Bluff and clicks toxic but this turns into a lengthy toxic stall letting Kevin make his way towards the fight and radio finalizes plants RBC wanted to kill Umbreon with John Bluff to bait and Shuckle but now he has to plan this alternate path where he kills something else he decides to kill the venomoth after switching in on a rough and empowered fire this also baits in Shuckle but he hits a crucial sleep powder okay all right Blastoise got a clutch up here I think I'm dead unless I crit right here I have to crit this no we're not gonna hit this range after credit exactly come on unlucky unlucky I think I might have to keep something alive all right venomod show me where you're the goat show me why you're the goat you're not the goat thankfully it didn't explode on miltank and Umbreon was able to kill hippo now but Blastoise was looking like a big threat I get I guess I could go for crunch but death drop that also works because that way jungle just kills right but after all please I don't know man all right I'm risking this crit [ __ ] it always punished always [ __ ] punished how many times have I gotten credit I got like quick clock crit from season Hyrule quick crop quick clock red come on come on come on do it okay we never die if I go Lantern now this is random move Big Balls here waterfall waterfall waterfall please okay that's not terrible never dead to EQ please thank God okay four deaths to the first executive RBC had the lead but at what cost with only six Pokemon left in his box beating the next two Executives will be a very tall task but doable we'll get back to that in a second Kevin starts the executive fight with some unfortunate attract luck making him have to spend numerous more terms in with Skarmory Hope was fading away but there were so many turns with no attacking that the AI decided to switch to Hypno this allows mercuro to kill Baden and Shuckle [Music] yo hard Mill tank on ancient power genius play genius play there this damage was a huge time save as a dice it stands for next turn Houndoom can then take care of Umbreon and Kabutops can kill Shuckle skarmery can then sit on Fortress till it explodes bringing out the final Blastoise lydian was able to stall out with a lengthy but effective Encore toxic combo Kevin is in second place but has a much better box Radia does the fight right after Taurus takes care of miltank wrestling talk Vaporeon beats Hypno Umbreon gets toxic stalled and then Fortress came out nice I have to immediately switch here but that's fine and lastly Venusaur kills Blastoise but all eyes are on red blue candy this next executive is much harder his Dugtrio died earlier to a very unlucky overlapping range so focuspan Gengar is a lot harder the Lee crowbat is very tough to counter as well the Blissey is almost identically hard to the previous chances we saw and Tauros is always tough on this game and then thick Club Marowak hits insanely hard to top it all off he has the time Advantage he has the level 8 Pikachu as well can he do it Flinch Flinch flinch okay okay no Miss Nice Aerodactyl is kind of the reason why Flinch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch flinch okay and finally a Blum it's gonna like okay okay that that was a throw by the AI Flinch please come on dude this thing never flinches dude okay reflect is so bad Thunder Wave me don't soft boiled thunderwave me okay come on this is not gonna kill dude this thing is so annoying oh goodbye Pikachu okay good thing I didn't go hard Mill tank and greed give me a Flinch please I really need it let's go finally hit the roll so close oh God okay we live okay random move Marowak beautiful don't AP boost uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] thank you [Music] oh why now mother a little too late random move pushed by Marowak turned into ancient power and Marowak got the Boost honestly a pretty tough way to go out it would be really interesting to see if he could have done the last executive with four or five Pokemon but alas we are all victim to what the RNG gods have in store red blue candy played very well but sadly came up just short Now Kevin was in the driver's seat all he had to do was keep a steady pace and not wipe he starts with a swift Jolteon kill on Crobat Skarmory is sent out to take on Tauros Gengar this is going to take numbers from jopa the damage lets Jolteon knock it out Tauros and Skarmory then get locked into an extremely long rest sleep talk War but eventually it goes down letting noctel put Blissey to sleep and cop tops getting the kill thank you oh we got boosted on okay I think I have this in the bag I think I have this in the bag hahaha oh let's [ __ ] go second executive down one more to go and a sizable enough lead the last executive is again very tough but at this point of the race and similar to Champion fights and normal nuts locks there's nothing after this and the advantage of not needing to worry about how many Pokemon die as long as you just win plays a huge Factor as radio finished up the last Pokemon on the second executive Kevin starts his battle [Music] uncooled out no don't quit call crit or full para come on please [Music] okay um it's fine to go hard zolteon I only died at like super Hyrule waterfall crit okay I always live I always live if Machamp doesn't get QC and I get some chip off here it's always safe it's primary quick Club was on cooldown he hasn't flinched me it's [ __ ] cross drop [Music] whatever [Music] yeah yeah [Music] there's some leftovers I think black belt's submission should be a kill always or not always [Music] foreign wait that was even faster I didn't even realize GG [Music] and Kevin does it having 10 Pokemon left was definitely impressive and he kept just the right ones to have a clean end game Skarmory Jolteon Houndoom and Don fan being his top picks not only proved to be great especially in skarmy's case with teaching rest and sleep talk but they also synergize very well together right after aridia was able to beat the last executive Antero picked up their Pace doing the same shortly after very impressive on their own regards huge shout out to everyone who participated in the race make sure to check them all out in the description and shout out to Liam drazurk and Moxie for helping organize and commentate the race as well a subscription and a comment will let me know that you guys want more of these races in the future so if you like that and you want to see more let me know again thank you all so much for watching up till this point I can't thank you guys enough and I'll see you in the next one as always have a great day thank you foreign
Channel: Drxx
Views: 105,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drxx, Drxx Nuzlocke, Drxx Hardcore Nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenges hardcore nuzlocke, emerald kaizo, captain kidd, alpharad, smallant, pointcrow, hardcore nuzlocke, nuzlocke, flygonhg, flygonhg hardcore nuzlocke, freezai, wolfeyvgc, pokeaimMD, Droomish, PulseEffects, Jimothy Cool, Zwiggo, SilphSpectre, HoodlumCallum, Whacko, pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon speedrun, smallant pokemon, freezai pokemon, wolfeyVGC pokemon, pro nuzlocker, emerald kaizo nuzlock, alpharad nuzlocke
Id: xnJqpvrgKXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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