I NEVER KNEW You Could Do THIS in Minecraft Hardcore!

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so the other day I found out something brand-new about Minecraft that I had no idea you could do and I bet you guys didn't either and it's it's so helpful I've wanted this feature in Minecraft forever and it looks like we might have started the episode at sleep time but that's okay we've got room to sleep as long as these cats squidge over scooch over come on cheese is that evil cat a car remember what Cyril was evil I guess we'll find out when he plots against us to try and kill us maybe they're both in on it huh maybe both of you are anyway time to get going on this what do I need I need a map I need some banners I've forgotten how to make banners this is really embarrassing basically we need different color wool and all thinking of well you guys absolutely spammed the bejeebers out of me as to why my uh why my sheep wasn't getting shared and that's because I'm an idiot I forgot that I needed shears for it to work we can't stack these bad boys either that's annoying let me put some of this stuff back cuz there's a lot going on here I'm gonna put mine carts in the Redstone section with trap doors in the Redstone section right let's go and replace the shears because that is why this is not working no more it's all about these shears but come on let me in let me in for the chalk we'll have to break this and that's because the shears are broken so now I should be able to share him like this but stopping for eating my [ __ ] there we go shears in there I'm gonna keep these on me and then I'm gonna make some more as well see how many we can make four more shears yeah that's how we do it now we've got seven loads of shears that's perfect you're still never going to escape and you'll be shared for days right that's fixed because my dumb self didn't think of that now we need to get going on this map stuff so I need actually the cartography table I think so I'm gonna go and steal one I'm pretty sure there's gonna be one over here if not what do I need to craft one cartography table just two pieces I just know what I'm just gonna craft this I'm just gonna do it I've got tons of paper which I still haven't traded with my main man but it's okay never mind I've earned out of born out of woods have I really never mind there's one here beautiful I think we need this paper too so I want to duplicate this map actually I don't want to duplicate the map just yet I need to make a banner first I need to make a banner and then I need to right click with the map and then duplicate the map afterwards so we need to do this the right way round otherwise this isn't gonna work so we need to choose some colored banners that's why I went over to the Sheep because I needed some wool to make some banners with I don't think I'm gonna use any like super fancy ones I'm just gonna grab some different colors what color dyes do we have we have well if I make a red one we can go ahead and make some red dye I think I need 6 stone I for each panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then we just need sticks which we do have actually but we don't have many of them so this is how this is gonna work that's a red banner and then if we go ahead and name this banner this is gonna blow your mind by the way we named this banner and we need to make sure that we um we know exactly what we want to call it and where we want to keep it but I feel like I should decorate it I'm not gonna rush this I'm gonna decorate I need some black wool for this one because this one's gonna be good so let's make 6 black wool and then we're gonna need another banner just like this there we go sweets we got a black banner and a red banner next up I need like a pattern and I'm pretty sure you can get a skull and crossbones pattern but I don't know how you get it oh dude you know what you need to make it I've just looked it up and it's obscene you actually need a wither skull no kidding do i I don't have one do I let me just check I'm pretty sure I don't because I killed the wither twice do I really want to do this for this I'm pretty sure I don't I don't have a wither skull do I like anywhere I'm pretty sure I don't know I don't right I'm gonna go and look for one but not for long because I really want to make this skull and crossbones and you'll find out why it's really just for aesthetic reasons but overall it's not gonna matter that much I'm just gonna try and find one I don't find one within like five minutes I'll give up but it's gonna be cool and I've never crafted one before so I think that because I have never roof and fortress this away wait a second how have I never for doing this before you can use a map in the nether I have never fought doing that before Oh what are you doing here no you can't be here we're looking for the other ones I have no arrows on me I'm an idiot no arrow is whatsoever excuse me sir where did you go did you die hope you didn't die okay I think he died hello I need some I need some arrows from you please kind sir can I have some thank you now I can defeat your friend who's got golden armor the psycho yes oh and I got your pants boy fire protection I'm braking not too shabby right where are the wither skeletons at wheat why they all normal hello we to make way for the wither skeletons please none of this nonsense get out of here your your trash does that you kind of mean but you are a little bit trash oh there's one I see one Luther oh okay they do work ow no I'm being hurt by this I see another one's head come here come here right now where is he there he is oh there's a few of them come here punks please just help the episode help the episode out give me an extra with a scope please why are you gonna hurt me like this huh where have you been here yet that's kind of cool ah yeah come here loot degree Oh Lu take three geez you scared me we haven't got one oh where are these gold boys coming from huh you're not supposed to be here yeah you bird you better die so many normal skeletons you can't be here I need your darker variant police hahahaha bag this is where I was before looting three don't fall off please oh I thought he dropped two things he dropped three things little punk there's another friend around here somewhere where you at oh there you are come here looting three hey hey come here what no still none okay this is the gang that's got it okay I need to be careful here there's a lot going on leave the pig man oh no oh no oh no I'm in trouble I'm dead I'm so in trouble I just hit the pig man I'll blame you you idiot get up get up get up oh no oh no I blame you what are you doing okay now they're mad at me now I need to take you guys out please drop a skull otherwise I'll be so annoyed drop a skull coming up hey come here come here boy skull please I've asked nicely skull please call please no skulls you guys just don't like me do you and now those Pigman are gonna be annoyed at me ah you know madam you still are you oh great there's another blaze right there let's see if I can get him I just missed your lucky now he's coming to me oh I thought he was peaceful for a second just give me your skulls that's all I ask for there is boys and girls let's go get these leggings out here I've got myself the wither skull was it worth all that time it probably took me about oh my goodness it took me 25 minutes I'm an idiot all for a banner I'm genuinely going crazy now how on earth do I get home help me coach down here I just need to aim this properly and then I can get home that's nerve-racking okay which way do I need to go this yeah this way okay I'm gonna head this way then I'm out of here actually I don't I still don't know why I never thought of this but being able to use the map is so smart in the nether because then you can go wait is this the right way this is going to zero but it's saying I'm going down I'm slightly confused okay yeah this is definitely the right way I need to go up there then get home a cobble you just did that I don't about to use this with a skull for a singular banner but you'll see why you'll see why this is so good the wither skull maybe less so but the the banner definitely so it's gonna be cool where do I where do I go now we are victorious let us leave actually I'm gonna crop this year so I apparently if you do paper actually yeah I'm gonna crop this home so I got too much stuff that I want to keep right apparently if you put paper and a wither skull together you get these skull charged Pat's and I'm so pleased now if I put these two together it's not gonna work I need I think I need a loom for that is it a loom time to go to the village of any machine which we haven't used in ages cuz we're so pumped up now right let's do this I think it's a loom that I needs one oh this is looking dire like really bad I've stolen all the villages to my own personal gain and it looks terrible loom okay yep got it sweet so black banner goes here skull charge goes here and the color odd I go Sarah look at this through that sick and we get to reuse the banner charge because otherwise that would have been one waste all the way the scallop look how thick that is I love that okay right I need to break this real fast because I need to rename this so this is where I get back on track because I've been pretty um I've been pretty distracted not gonna lie I need to do this and I need to name it what I want it to come up on the map because I don't know if you knew I never knew this you can make waypoints on the Minecraft map in vanilla minecraft with banners so we're gonna do this skeleton farm that's what we're gonna call this and now that's called skeleton farm so now if we head over to the skeleton farm as I launched out of the water there I should be able to put this down use my map and then it should create a waypoint on the map how cool is that the thing is I don't know where I'm gonna put it do I put it here or do I put it I feel like I should put it down here I think it would still show up on the map even though you're underground and it will still show me - pretty much the direction that I need to go so if I put this above my skeleton farm this should look sick I just need to be very very careful because it's got to be skele bones everywhere I really want to put it on here yes okay next up I need to grab my map which is the main map I've been using forever and then I need to slowly creep over to this not get shot and right click oh no God swim away my pretties wow how do you get me in the toes like that swim away Suey away you don't want to get hurt here buddy ah they gone they gone I think they're gone yeah and there's more in okay we need to do this quickly right-click the banner with the map and look it's on the map how sick is that okay guys fine I'm off you're about to die and I don't even feel bad about it right how do I get out of here they almost got me but what's even better about this is that we can then go home and I want to make like a big map wall with all our waypoints and stuff on but now look how cool that is you don't have to guess anymore you can put down a banner which is really cheap you are need an anvil a guess which is maybe not so cheap if you build the iron farm I made it's not too bad and then you need one level and then you can make it I'm so glad I made that into a black banner now because the Waypoint will inherit whichever color the banner was and the reason I needed the cartography table earlier is so that I can duplicate this map because I'm pretty sure you could do that I guess the next job is we need to put one on our house so we've got one there and I still need to sort out some of the the travel system between like the skeleton farm and the base because this takes just too long I guess what it could do is make multiple beacons so it's like really fast to walk I don't even want to walk let's see I want to be super lazy so now I need my cartography table if I pop this down just here for now I think you can duplicate the map so that plus this doesn't do anything can you do it with a I've got an empty map anywhere yeah I have three empty map so I should be able to duplicate these but I just can't remember how to do it when my other map go map plus this I think that duplicates it it makes two of them there we go that should work now so these should be exactly the same exactly the same way points I don't know what happens if you duplicate it and then you add another Waypoint I don't know if it's added to it but that would be so good if they that they could be I could use these banners to put the outposts which would be awesome let's go ahead and make an item frame oh I don't have enough wood ah dude dire times dire times we don't even have wood in your let's play where you literally have unlimited almost of everything else right this amount of wood should do let's go and turn this into gold what I really mean is let's let's turn it into our item frames how much wood does this get us we don't need this duck ain't getting dark chests wait you belong you can go in there too I just want to make wood right now but that's much better okay let's make some sticks put this back and let's make an item frame the tachi make two I just need to grab another piece of leather I know I might have to access my um my have to access my cow farm soon I'm gonna feel bad about it but also kind of not um let's just grab a temporary platform for these because you can make a map room we just had a crazy idea you know we got rid of the enchanting table up here why don't we make the map room up here because what you could do is you keep an item frame here and then a map are these exactly the same and a map here how look at this I think this is awesome it's got literary way points inside Minecraft that I never even knew existed the next thing I want to try is putting another map here and seeing where it goes because you're supposed to be able to link them up let's do a quick sleep so you still got exposed villages after I eat a lucky golden carrot and I've got another map I created and I want to create like a big map wall if that's even possible oh can you put them on the floor a map room on the floor would be so good there is a map in here somewhere map 22 oh I've got a few why have I got so many 21 22 why do I have so many of these can I expand them let me see what they even are for starters that's near my stronghold I think that's even further past the stronghold these ones are really zoomed out I don't know where this one is subscribe map 22 and let's make this one bigger if we can I think it's just one piece of paper let's just keep on making it bigger and bigger and bigger wait this one's gone blank now what happens the maps gone blank I've ruined it yeah that's super weird the map has now gone completely blank let me just try and make it as big as it can be because this doesn't cost me really anything extra still go in okay that's as big as we can make it so now map 26 is now 27 what I'm so confused so I think this one actually needs to be up here it's completely blank how is that possible that is completely blank if you look here we need to go up right for this to work I see we need to go this way let me see your right sir buddy you are coming with me my friend we need to go on a little journey I'm gonna see if I can find the edge of this map so we can make this work but the waypoint to cool huh I had no idea you could make those I also want to add a couple more waypoints I want to add one for my house but I wanna make a cool banner for it and I'll just stick the I'll stick the flag on the front of the castle for now we need to try and make this map in particular have some kind of color to it because for some reason it's reset but I think we need to go to the top left of this one for it to work I'm pretty sure I'm not 100% sure but let's try it now while we're doing this journey I do need to I do need to let you guys know that this little trick with the banners this only works in the Java edition of Minecraft so PC that's not bedrock so any consoles Pocket Edition anything like that it doesn't work for some reason I don't know why they keep doing this while they're adding new features for some versions are not the others but I thought I'd warn you just in case you make it and then you blame me please don't play me it's minecraft this already works in Java but it's a flippin good edition I just realize there's like a green dot on the map as well I thought that was where I was supposed to be but apparently not maybe that's just where another map has been placed because I'm pretty sure that's my home place or is that my spawn point I think that's my spawn point I'm pretty sure that would make a lot of sense oh there's a donkey I kind of really want a donkey I want to put chests on it I'm gonna get a donkey guys I don't feel like this is working I've gone to the top left of the map Oh careful buddy when he got off the cactus you stupids what are you doing um yeah oh wait wait wait this mug yeah this is working so this does work to the top left oh that's kind of cool because that's definitely gonna connect now so what you need to do is just make a big empty map make it to the biggest that you can get it and then activate it so for example if I went to this map and then went all the way south and then activated a blank map that will activate and automatically connect because before you have to do all kinds of like weird maths and stuff to be able to get it to work but now I feel like you're okay oh my god this is a gold mine is that your gold mine isn't it ah this is great up buddy stay here stay here you punk oh it's a gold mine you know what let's put another way point down oh I haven't gone Advil I'm gonna build on me I can't do it buddy that's annoying hey you know what at least we know this works there's gonna be a gold mine right at the edge so I'm gonna head back I'll meet you guys there and then we're gonna add some more banners to our house because these waypoint things are too cool I'm on my way home and the first thing that you see is the giant spiral of doom so ugly bye buddy that was nice to stretch your legs huh finally we got you on a trip slow horse it was too far for you you're a little bit slow it's in your name um why did I do that I've completely forgotten oh oh is the map isn't it the maps I need to stay focused so this one definitely belongs up here yeah look that actually connects through that sick so eventually we could have a 3x3 map up here which is awesome I think that's gonna be cool now the other thing I need to know right now is whether this map can now add banners and then it's added on here so we need to add the next location which is going to be what what could it be on my house yeah just do the house I'm gonna try and copy this this flipping diamond again okay I need to put some of this stuff back so much nonsense on me okay that's a little bit better so I need certain dyes I need blue why don't I have that much blue on me what gives us blue dice it mrs. P blue flowers right oh no is it lapis or has it changed please that lapis give me some dye cuz I'll be so good what you got oh yeah that's what I'm talking about nobody uses lapis give me this measure if you could turn diamonds into blue dye that would be insane so we do need the flower charge banner pattern we can put this one back so we don't need it right now actually that stick back to create the base for our banner we need a white base because this is going on the front of our house so it has to look good we've got the flower charge and that's everything we need so I found a simpler little pattern to follow it should hopefully make better results than these this one ain't too bad but it's not uh it's not pristine it's not perfect and I can only go for perfect it's going on the front of my house and my friends excuse me I need this white banner and then I need to do a light blue flower charge or shall we just go just go blue now that's too dark way too dark all right light blue dyes 16 of it that'll do so first up is the flower charge there we go and then we add on a white base so I needed some white dye I'm really stupid sorry sorry buddy I'll be back in a second banner white and I need to do the I think it's this one is it like that I think it's like that so I'm gonna do that and then we need blue for the next one which is going to be cooled pale which is a thin stripe through the middle then we need a white lozenge which is the bit I always messed up before and a lozenge is this thing there we go then it's just the pink lozenge over the top yes and then one more this should allow me to do one more let's go and then this yes okay that works thank you sir appreciate you I'm out now I just need to rename this I don't know why I have those just chill in there I don't really know oh I just forgot I left my dog underneath you oh I'm an idiot and I don't have my lever on me so I go get him bless if he's stuck under there weed blows you guys commented that I spent ages saying I was gonna get a pet dog and then when I got a pet dog I left him in a one-by-one room I'm sorry so now we're gonna call this one a home and we're gonna stick this I want to stick a right at the top yeah I'm gonna stick it right at the top let's do this so this is going to go here I think that's how it's gonna go let's check it make sure it looks good because I won't be able to actually I think you can remove them don't need to go down one more I thought I could put it too high yeah we needed to go down one more okay good you're ready to lock that in right come here you don't fall don't fall off I just got up here you might pretty are gonna go right here then I get the map and right-click it and home is added dude that's super cool and let's see if it's added to the other map because if it is that'd be that'd be even better because then you don't have to keep duplicating the map all the time yes it's there oh-ho this thing is so good I love this little trick and then we need to take another banner over there to make sure that we know where the gold mine is ah this is awesome I love this it's added to both maps and it duplicates perfectly so other things I can add to this are things like the nether portal it's over there I can add that but that would need to be like a purple one what other things do I need to add in I don't really need to add any of this stuff because we've got the banner up there that doesn't really make sense I can add the pillager outposts you know what we do need to find we need to find a jungle because we haven't really done that yet and in our advancements we do need to find one of every biome and we still have nine left to find which is pretty incredible yeah I never knew that you could do that in Minecraft that is so good and for you guys that never knew before now you do I feel like I could add some even cooler banner art to that we've got the thiamin up there but I feel like we could add like at least one either side or two either side I think that'll make for a really cool pattern but I'm not sure what to put maybe I could do like a D and a as the diamond and then N but would that look like dawn would that be really awkward I need to do something I need to do something desperately I need a lever I need to remember that I need a lever on me at all times I always have to have the lever and you know what the dog can come and sleep in the house tonight because I feel bad that I left them under there dog oh no I forgot where I need to put my lever it's embarrassing there we go if you didn't see this is what we made last time there he is we made a 1x1 house come on come out come and chill with us is he gonna follow me even if he's stuck in there got what dudes oh no I don't think he's following me oh no dog unnamed dog come with me the zombies are gonna come soon you need to come with me can he get out is he stuck is he wounded is he hurt does he like in there too much oh there he is Hey let's close this up real quick because I don't want this no more and I just deactivates it which is perfect why the dog oh let's see if you can get up the elevator shall we I don't think you can you might kind of spawn in the house let's see come on yes oh this is first night in the castle with a new banner on the front a new map room upstairs oh you know what I did want to check I wanted to check first off there's no zombies around so I want my village of dying I think we're safe so my villager dies I'll be so upset I'll wait to see if we can put these on the floor so I think that'd be really cool cuz you can put item frames on the floor oh oh you can so I just keep them on the floor like this so I think that looks better it just looks a little bit quirky err okay that's not the one I want is put there there we go and that's turned around properly because otherwise we're gonna have the top aesthetic of this castle ruined but I think this looks even better we could even make it the size of the floor if we explore far enough there you go look at that way points on the map that I never even knew you could create fantastic news and we got the the skeleton charge what's it called vana charge which is sweet to be honest guys that's pretty much all I wanted to cover today so I I'm gonna leave this episode here I have big plans for this down here and I think you're gonna like it I think it's gonna be fun it's gonna be weird but it's it's mainly gonna be fun guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did and you learned something new today then leave a big fat thumbs up the be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new make sure you hit in that big fat subscribe button on the bottom right hand corner of the video to make sure that you're notified of new uploads and you can hang out with me pretty much every single day and you kept up with this series too so thank you so much for watching guys hope you and I'll see you all soon [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,196,984
Rating: 4.9381862 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: gdWm1sOxn3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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