I Made The SAME GAME in 3 Game Engines

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recently some game reviewing youtubers got twitter riled up because of some controversial takes in their videos which can be boiled down to the game feels bad because it's made with unity so while the gamers and the game developers battle it out on twitter i'm gonna take a more practical approach to the discussion by making the same game in three different engines now for the game i wanted to copy this tutorial section of fallout new vegas complete with a shooting mechanic grabbing mechanic and a bottle breaking mechanic with particle effects and then throw in an npc to try the ragdoll functions in the different game engines and i started with make some basic shapes in blender find some free textures make them worse and apply them to the models implement it into the game engines and set up some simple sky color and fog struggle with making the sky a single color in unreal give up after 20 minutes and just set the clouds to the same color as the sky unreal engine has some bloom hdr thing going on with the sky so even though i've set the sky color to be the exact same in all engines unreal looks different is there a way to fix all of this yes of course do i care enough to figure that out no [Music] implement the basic first person controller in each of the engines i used one that i made myself in unity unreal comes with a finished one when you start up your project and i used a free asset for godot which happened to come with all of the features that i wanted to implement in this game so i just deleted all of those and just kept the movement part i made a cowboy model in blender i rigged it i animated it and i made a high quality texture by painting directly on the model i dragged it into the game engines and i realized that the godot shadows are the worst thing that i've ever seen but making the ragdoll in godot was pretty straightforward kind of i think there's some weird issues with making the ragdoll when you have inverse kinematics on your model but i made some ugly in-engine workarounds until it worked properly but then i realized i could stomp him through the ground there's an easy fix for that just make the ground bigger and then learning from my mistakes with godot implementing it in unity was even simpler there's always some googling involved in doing anything when it comes to game development but implementing the ragdoll in unity took like a third of the time that it took to do it in godot not because it's easier in unity it's just that i made all the mistakes in godot so i had learned them by the time i got to unity now unreal unreal has this funny little quirky thing it does when you create a physical skeleton where it only puts a few of the bones in the skeleton so unreal thought that i should add two bones in my ragdoll thought that that was fine i i disagreed i wanted a few more but don't worry there's a simple fix just go into your model in blender scale it up by a hundred times apply the scale export it import it into unreal engine again and scale it down by a hundred times and then you'll have the colliders on the skeleton like you should simple and for now i just turn the ragdoll on and off with a key press or by shooting default balls at it in unreal until i implement the gun but first let's make some i made a bottle model and then i textured it and whatever you know the drill throw them into the game engines and it's time to make some skyrim style grabbing physics in godot we start by making a raycast in unity we start by making a raycast in unreal we start by making a line trace which is a raycast but it's unreal so it's a line trace in unreal anyway ingodo raycast check if it's a bottle add a force to the bottle to center it in front of you bottle goes crazy why i don't know bang your head on the table figure it out now it works but i want to be able to place them on the fence so we gotta add another force to straighten the bottle but this force is rotational so it's got a cooler name add that and then you've basically made skyrim now i just gotta translate this code from gdscript to c sharp and paste it into unity and everything works except the torque turns out that godot and unity handle rotations a little bit differently so i'm gonna have to dive into some scary but i'm smart so it's fine i fixed it now i just gotta translate this code from c sharp into unreal's visual scripting language which is a little bit more time consuming since they haven't added unreal blueprints to google translate yet i hear they're working on it but it's fine it's surmountable i translate the code and once again everything works except the torque i try to fix it but i struggle to make the connections so i decide to replace the physics torque in unreal with a simple slurp and i like slurp because slurp is a funny name but i couldn't find it among unreal's nodes in the blueprints turns out everyone else calls it slurp but unreal calls it rin terp 2. because oh we're on real world special we call it rin terp 2. now everything works with all the bottles and all the engines and i need a model textures animations implement copy the raycast code if the raycast hits a bottle smash it now we can destroy the bottles but i also want to trigger the ragdoll on the cowboy when we shoot him so i just checked the trigger the ragdoll on the cowboy when we shoot him copy paste these things to the other engines it was pretty straightforward in all the engines honestly now the game is finished we can shoot the bottles shoot the cowboy grab the bottles and um now that's it that's all we can do now yes there is a noticeable difference in the visual fidelity of the shadows in godot and yes unreal engine hindered my artistic vision for the sky and yes unity there's bad things about unity too my point is the game plays and feels the same in all the different engines because the feel of the movement the feel of the shooting the feel of the physics is just a number of values in the game engine and all of those values in all of the game engines are tweakable to perfection so you can't blame the game engine for that or you can if you want to but uh you're gonna look dumb on twitter [Music] foreign
Channel: velander
Views: 471,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devlog, indie, game, indie game, indie game devlog, gamedev, game development, development, solo developer, game dev, development log, video game development, making video game, unity, unity3d, blender, godot, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, dani, polymars, game jam, animal crossing, stardew valley, cozy game, flowers, inventory system, benbonk, goodgis, indie devlog, game devlog
Id: dphuMHYH_VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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