How to make YOUR dream game with no experience

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so you want to make a game you got a perfect dream game idea with everything already planned in your head but you don't know how to code let alone how to make a game well you have come to the right place I am going to share with you a few tips and tricks to help you get started on your very own dream game you ready alright here we go tip number one don't okay all right well um what I mean by that is you can't just run straight to the final boss right away you know you gotta play the tutorial first it's the same for game development every single time I've tried to learn a new game engine just so I could make a single game idea I had in mind I failed miserably instead the only times I was able to make a game was when either a I was just messing around with the engine and adding random stuff for phone or B I already knew how to use the engine and had a game idea that would work well on it you'll see game development has a steep learning curve and when you know nothing it can all seem extremely daunting not only do you need to learn how to use a game engine you need to learn some sort of programming language and basic game making Concepts and if you're one of those people who give up immediately after trying something new just because you're not super good at it right away you're gonna have a hard time if that's the case my first real tip for you is do not try to learn Unity or run real these are for the big boys only alright you should start really really small and lower your expectations on yourself in fact you'll have to start from scratch literally so scratch is a game engine that uses its very own programming or language and you can both play and make scratch games directly on the website instead of writing code you use little blocks of pseudocode and put them together to create logic and in my opinion this is the best way to learn programming and basic game logic unlike with say Unity here you don't have to worry about learning the engine everything is super straightforward and neatly organized so you can focus on learning scratch also comes with a Sprite editor that uses vector graphics which means that instead of drawing with pixels you draw using shapes which means they can be scaled and moved as much as you want without ever losing quality as you may have seen in the background I made a very simple little game as a demonstration you have red balls coming at you from both sides of the screen and you avoid them by moving the cat with the arrow keys once you get hit three times it's game over I made all of that in just under 20 minutes it's pretty simple but it just goes to show how easy to use scratch is now don't get me wrong you can make really impressive things on scratch people have made 3D games within in the past but that's more for the kind of people who do it just for the challenge you know the kind of people who put doom on any electronic device just for fun but that's not what we're here for today now some of you might be thinking why should I learn how to use scratch when I could be learning how to code instead and to that I say coding and by extension learning how to code is much much easier when you already understand a programming logic once you know how to program you basically already know how to code and all you need to learn is the structure and syntax of the language all right so you've used scratch for a little while now and made a couple little games and you're starting to get a feel for programming you're now probably ready for the next step unless you think you can make your dream game on scratch in which case I will not stop you but if that's not the case you'll be asking yourself the question that every single new game developer will ask themselves what engine should I use and that's a really good question so let's go over some popular game engines I'll start with some simpler ones and then we can work our way up in difficulty assuming you don't want to learn how to code there are codeless engines out there that you can use like gdevelop and construct I've never actually used them but I'm sure they're great for beginners also they're both free to use next up is Game Maker Studio 2. I've only ever used the OG game maker but it's probably about the same you can use both visual programming and code so I guess it's got a little something for everyone it's responsible for popular indie games like Delta Rune and pizza Tower so you can absolutely make some pretty good games with it it's also free to use but if you want to publish your game you need to pay for a subscription RPG Maker is a little more Niche I'm not gonna go into too much detail because I plan to make a video on it eventually but if you want to make a simple top-down story focused game with no major unique gameplay mechanics then yeah RPG Maker is great it's mostly codeless but you are allowed to fully customize the game if you do know how to code it otherwise the engine is pretty Limited it does cost money but there's a 30 day free trial you can use to see if you like it first click Team Fusion the engine that brought us both Five Nights at Freddy's and Baba is you it's completely codeless and can be surprisingly powerful and I really like how it lets you easily access and modify data from every object from anywhere in the code oh but it's also the engine with the highest price that I know of I mean like okay look at this base engine is 100 add-on with extra features sixty dollars 3D game tools eighty dollars what's this you wants to Port your game to something that's not a Windows computer well better pay up pal Mac exporter 50 web page exporter 70 Android and iOS exporter 100 each developer upgrade 300 dollars if you want the full complete click team experience it'll cost you 860 dollars there is a free version you can use forever but it's very limited alright now all of the engines I've looked at so far I've been primarily 2D focused but if you want something that can do 3D you'll have to use one of the big three Unity unreal and Godot now I absolutely don't recommend using any of these as your first game engine but if you really need to then godo engine is by far the most beginner friendly out of the three however it's also by far the least popular which means it's a lot harder to find help and support in contrast Unity has like a bajillion tutorials out there oh but Godot is 100 free so you can publish and monetize your game with no subscriptions or royalties whatsoever no pro version with extra features you have access to the whole thing for free so now that you've chosen your engine you can start working on your dream game right wrong don't start working on that dream game of yours unless you know for sure you know the engine well enough that it seems doable otherwise you'll just quit halfway when you realize it's harder than you expected try to remember this quote don't learn the engine to make a game make a game to learn the engine that's a quote from me I made it up but essentially the best way to learn any engine is by making very small and simple games and slowly increasing in complexity you can't just watch a tutorial and expect to understand everything about the engine right away oh yeah speaking of which let's talk about tutorial [Music] foreign ERS won't make the game for you and you shouldn't use tutorials to make your entire game if you're using a new engine for the first time or really any new program then yes you should probably watch a tutorial just to know the very Basics and see where everything is and see what each button does but beyond that you should try to learn on your own as much as possible the fun of Game Dev is experimenting and trying things out for yourself seeing what works and what doesn't because personally I learn much better from first-hand experience but I didn't always knew that when I was a kid I wanted to learn game maker and so I watched a tutorial on how to make a full game from start to finish and I followed it every step of the way but as soon as something didn't work I had no idea what to do that's because I learned nothing and I remembered nothing all I was doing was copying the video so don't do that in short when learning a new game engine don't go into it with any goals in mind just try things out and experiment start by making extremely simple and basic games and if there is one mechanic in particular that you're not able to implement and you really tried then yeah you should go look up a tutorial before I finish this video I'd like to touch on one last subject and that's why should you make games now we all have our own reasons for making games maybe you want to make a shitty mobile game for ad money or maybe you're just trying out a new hobby and making games just for yourself and that's good enough of a reason but at the end of the day games are made to be played undoubtedly my favorite part of making games is seeing people play them there is genuinely no better feeling in the world than to see a loved one play and enjoy something that you made it makes all the pain and suffering you went through while making your game feel completely worth it in the end really it's it's the best so what are you waiting for go out there and go make some games and make sure you have fun alright [Music]
Channel: BinzuDev
Views: 1,120,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, indie games, indie gamedev, game development, programming
Id: hqbmKtal_ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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