When you divide the earth by zero

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can make a bomb that can divide by zero it's universe sandbox universe sandbox is one of those games where i play around for a while and i end up finding something that's more flexibly stupid than other things like certain things are constant australia can survive damn near anything florida is always drunk and hot and i will typically rename the earth to something like kyle but since we're gonna be dividing by zero it it's negative kyle now so one of the things that you can do in universe sandbox 2 is utilize explosions and then manipulate them in ways that probably science would get pissed off at let me show you before i start exploding stuff at 1 billion times light speed you need a baseline after all i think there's supposed to be some sort of meteorite that's hitting the earth right around the election time here in the united states makes sense it's 2020 why not after all how big is the asteroid i don't know do you know who does know google etta hey google how big is the asteroid that's gonna hit the planet around the election time according to science alert asteroid 2018 vp1 is very small approximately 6.5 feet and poses no threat to earth 6.5 feet is very small eh all right i've got a new plan for today i'm going to have a 6.5 foot asteroid completely obliterate the earth actually i'm going to see if i can use it to obliterate the entire solar system alrighty so over here we have our roughly six and a half foot asteroid you can go over here you can click on explode now normally there's an area over here that gives you auto energy when you turn this off that's when the magic happens first you can choose explosion energy which goes anywhere from you know tnt to supernovas i think the thing about this i really like though is you can change the fragment speed the speed of the fragments leaving the explosion three kilometers a second rookie numbers but like i said you need a baseline okay so we're gonna take our asteroid here give it a little speed when i say little i like to start everything off at light speed also explode it remember how google said that this thing poses no threat to earth what about when it looks like a miniature sun trust me i can't wait until i start putting the explosion power up to supernova levels and have the fragments moving at a billion times slight speed all right slow things way down all right now hopefully things aren't going to move too fast here all righty speed things up a little bit i didn't do this on purpose but it kind of looks like because 2020 is starting to get close to florida they may take our lives but they'll never take our bud light oh it's starting to get pissed off all the fragments are starting to explode off and we have impact oh yeah sorry south america on the plus side it's just a tip now we're already starting to get a tidal wave of lava we're only moving at 275 milliseconds per second you understand we'll go ahead and speed things up here just to see where the engulfment of the entire planet ends how's everyone doing by the way is everyone still alive yeah we only lost 1.2 percent of the population fishing's gonna suck now because you know the temperature of the ocean is currently 2 000 degrees celsius pose no threat to earth eh jesus and florida gets barbecued and then finally the wave of fire ends right around texas so there you go besides putting a giant indentation in the ocean everything seems okay okay now that we have our baseline it's time to get stupid and i need to show you exactly where you get to divide by zero normally the average surface temperature of stuff is you know negative 270 and you can't really go below that say no matter what i do i cannot get below negative 273 degrees celsius or can i so what you do is you grab your 2020 22.0 you increase the speed by uh you know a lot we'll go 10 light speed this time turn auto energy off do a little bit of this bring it way up i may have gone a little far here but you know what this is a channel about extremes three times a supernova and the fragment speed is already at 33 times light speed i'd even touch this okay so now you explode and go ahead and slow things way down here okay understand we're at 2500 milliseconds a second and this is how fast this thing is moving okay so now it's starting to have little fragments that are exploding from it right for some reason i don't know why this is these fragments you can increase the temperature what is this right now negative 22 million degrees celsius let's just keep going you just do this until you're satisfied honestly that looks good now we go ahead and speed up here for impact as you can see having one single particulate that's negative i don't know 22 gillion degrees celsius is really bad for the planet obviously you know the earth can only get down to this temperature because for some reason kyle cannot divide by zero even though our explosions can everyone is immediately vaporized let us continue onward here go ahead and speed things up slightly all of the water vaporizes instantaneously ah our our little epicenter of destruction has finally begun to ignite the only difference is before we were moving at like 25 000 milliseconds a second right now we're moving at 87. i'm sorry kyle on the plus side it is possible that this is warming the earth back up oh see there you go i like that the earth is so cold right now normally this is the coldest part of the spectrum and this is the warmest part and the warmest part of the spectrum is still absolute zero we got our dnd spell ice fire over here continuing to eat up most of the planet you understand it we haven't even started right there are so many more zeros we can add to these bombs all right gonna go ahead and continue onward here oh there's a secondary explosion that's good don't know where that came from i like that there's basically the ice fallout ring and then on top of that there's the lava fire ring and then on top of that there's this like small sun that has appeared in the middle of the earth i want to mention too i don't actually know how this happened but our impact site was over here all this area got immediately frozen and then for some reason the back of the earth is also immediately frozen i think it was because our one tiny little meteorite may have went completely through the center of the earth and exploded out the back i'm just speeding up real quick to see if the earth can recover from this hey and the earth is back the poles are just a lot bigger but hey 72 percent of the population is there again all right so we haven't destroyed the universe yet like i wanted to with the six and a half foot asteroids so let's go ahead and make it a little bit more powerful okay now we'll start off at a nice cool 1 000 times light speed we'll take our explosion energy and add a couple more zeros our fragment speed is now 1062 light speed excellent oh i'm sorry it's whatever that is light speed i guess i should start slowing this down a little bit more okay so i'm at the absolute slowest i can get and we are moving really fast and there's the impact don't mind the beam of green lightsaber light that was just sticking out of the earth go ahead and move things along here oh or maybe it wasn't that bad never mind maybe it was bad i'm not 100 sure what just happened i think possibly the core of the earth just decided to peace out it's like i'm leaving you not really oh my god okay i'd like to take a moment um to show you what the six and a half foot asteroid is doing now to the planet i'm gonna try and slow down a little bit more uh how's everyone doing on earth you guys still alive oh 58 of you are somehow go i'm not gonna lie there's a lot of prime real estate over here that's leaving the planet how fast are these fragments moving that's not that bad they're like all florida temperature too it's always good when one single explosive asteroid creates a sun the size of the earth it looks like a pair of testicles might as well keep things moving along here god how much more does the earth have to give yeah there we go uh-huh rocks are getting bigger flying out of the earth here it's like the earth is just vomiting all of its mass into space oh i think i think it's done earth how you doing buddy kyle's been through a lot all right let me see if it can once again somehow come back to life here yeah look it's coming back to life it only has half the mass it originally had i even got some water back all right it's time to do the stupid stuff the earth still stands the universe is still in one piece it can't get much worse that's the glass is half full explosion energy i'm just gonna keep going keep that fragment speed moving at light speed hit it notice how the picture of the fragment looks normal until you see it in the preview screen and it is a convulsing globe of fire oh i'm starting to lose frame rate that's a good sign speed light speed all of it oh god finish him i don't know why but it took a while for the impact site to finally show up i think the problem is is that we're moving things so fast now okay most of the frost that was surrounding the earth suddenly disappeared that's good i just fixed the climate i stopped climate change okay now the impact is starting to show fragments are beginning to fly off of the earth oh they're not just fragments they're little suns okay now random explosions are happening around earth oh god it's so good hey it's almost like the earth is back look there's a there's an atmosphere and everything how many people are still alive 23 oh sweet jesus okay the earth is doing pretty bad but the rest of the solar system still seems okay remember how i said that things are still okay uh there's like a blue sheen around kyle that appeared and i zoomed back that was because the supernova is coming yeehaw temperatures are rising kyle looks awesome i like how at this point part of kyle is just see-through there's not even any sound in the game anymore did it did it just disappear no there's still some left it's only a third the size of earth oh oh never mind and slowly but surely the supernova is sweeping across the rest of the galaxy venus is starting to get a lot hotter like a lot hotter and there it goes jupiter is looking freaking awesome saturn is looking awesome this is like the best explosion ever what the hell is going on i like how it's just a rotation of pain neptune is burning you can see go ahead and continue to speed things up here there goes neptune i like how i always talk crap about pluto but it's actually the last one here i mean not counting the sun i guess i just said that and pluto disappears oh hold on the sun just went up and the sun looks delicious it looks like a uh like a crunch berry you know from captain crunch go ahead and speed things up here to see what happens red blood mist and there's our sun going supernova stretching outward and it took a while but um it vaporized everything this it's just a black screen now there's not even any stars left in the efforts i hit it so hard that i'm actually getting graphical glitches in a new game we did it we finally made an explosion that could divide by zero and it obliterated not just the universe but the physical game itself anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of universe sandbox until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,901,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 update, ways the world could end, greystillplays, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, black hole vs earth, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, smallest black hole possible, simulation games, god games, black hole on earth, 1mm black hole, 1mm black hole on earth, when you divide the earth by 0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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