I made Rocket League Players Prove They Can Hit Their Best Goals..

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yo guys i know we've all seen some incredible clips from players and ranks that they probably shouldn't be able to hit those shots in oh like this gold player eriksen hyper who hit a ceiling musty flick over his innocent opponent but today i want to find out if this was pure luck or pure skill by creating training packs that replicate the same exact shot and asking these players to essentially prove it we are going to be looking at various highlight clips ranging from gold and going all the way up to the final clip which features an rlcs pro to make this more interesting though each player will only have five attempts to recreate the shot here's the cool part if they nail the shot on the first try they win 100 but every attempt they fail the amount will drop by twenty dollars until they've done all five attempts and guys i love making videos like this for my community and having money challenges so if you want to join in on some of the fun consider subscribing to the channel because it's completely free and the good content won't stop let's begin with a champ clip from vicki star who begins his highlight clip with a nice and high chip shot into a spiraling aerial touch followed up by a beautiful double tap off the backboard i picasso'd this single shot and a training pack built just for our friend vicky for vicky star to recreate this shot he has to get the chip shot the aerial touch and the double tap he is allowed one bounce since he had one in the clip and on the first attempt our guy was super confident as he didn't even give me time to really explain what was going on he just thought he could do it but he does not get the height that he needs and fails and right away he goes into attempt number two for eighty dollars and it looked good at the start but he couldn't get it to the backboard oh no yeah that one was just bad but then come on hold on oh please please no oh that was such a good try oh i backflip oh the final try oh no unfortunately our champ could not repeat the shot and will not be getting any money but that fourth attempt was really close we're going to go to platinum for our second clip and we've got denier b who told me he just hit this banger of a ceiling musty yesterday he's making platinum look pretty good so let's see if he can hit this shot again i don't know about you guys but i hit my first stealing musty flick at like champ three so i don't know how you plan to do this but for his first attempt it looks like denier is too far away from the ball and his hundred dollar first attempt is a fail you think you can do it you got four attempts left i i don't know honestly okay it looks like he isn't too confident in himself so it may be clear that his clip had some luck in there but he definitely has the mechanics of the shot but unfortunately attempt number two will not be it either let's take a look at attempt number three and see if he has it now [Music] ah he just couldn't get his car moving towards the ball quick enough so no 60 today maybe 40 though ah he was actually straighter to the ball but couldn't get low enough for it and now his final attempt for just 20 looks like he's been getting better each try so maybe this is the one oh oh that was so close oh no it looks like the ceiling musty flick is a little too difficult to repeat for this guy let's jump to supersonic legend for a clip with landon a high energy supersonic legend who gets this ball airborne across the map then squishes himself against the backboard for a fancy pancake goal is this repeatable was he just peaking well i set up a training pack that mirrors the final wall touch the ball gets before hitting the ground and it definitely seems like this shot might be possible this is my closest attempt let's see if landon can do it with five okay all right i'm about to try it all right first try this the 100 attempt bro you're gonna make me a newsletter all right here we go wait i trolled no i'm hard trolling dude it's the it's the first try it's the first try oh you're just gonna like happen you gotta reset it i think here yeah got you good all right second try all right let's go good crap it's so slow oh no oh my gosh all right here we go third try there it is there's the pop oh get there get there no let's go that was a i think that's a pancake bro oh really uh i'm pretty sure was it as flush as the clip but it it definitely was a pancake and you had like the bottom of the crossbar it went in you used your flip right yeah i mean a little bit yeah i think so dude i'll count it that was good that was actually like pretty much the exact same shot oh let's go oh my god you have a heart racer there i'll be honest let's go to grand champ now and look at abba's shot and he uses the dominus so you know this is going to be good yep that was insane it did bounce at the last second so for this shot to be counted you'll need to get the aerial touch into the corner get the double tap and the ball must go in and it's allowed one bounce let's see if he can earn some money and prove that he is skillful and not just lucky if you do it on the first try you get a hundred dollars oh that's not happening so that's already ruled out okay then if you do on the second try you get 80. also ruled out yeah good luck all right oh lord of mercy i read this yeah you already have three attempts you're going quick oh my god all right you oh lord have mercy oh no all right last try oh lord have you merged oh no dude oh the rise and fall of abba just like that you can try one more time for ten i'll give you one more try for ten i'll give one more try for the pride clip number five is going to be from lyon cx and he hits a pretty gnarly double tap off the backboard while air rolling in style now i know this is training but for a gold i was pretty impressed so all he'll have to do to recreate this shot is to hit it to the backboard at least above the goal post and double tap it in so he goes up for his first attempt and gets some good power but unfortunately the ball is too low to hit now up for attempt number two with eighty dollars on the line can he do it yes he does it on the upper part of the goal too this gold is kind of cracked all right on to a clip from stance who honestly has a really impressive clip starting with a fancy air dribble into a nice flip reset into the backboard and his car nose slamming it in upside down now this begs the question can he do it again he needs the air dribble the flip reset the double tap and the no bounce goal for this account the first attempt comes quickly and honestly this diamond 3 has some really good aerial control look at him go he gets the flip reset but he will fail attempt number one let's go straight into attempt number two he pops it off the wall nicely gets underneath it correctly but will use his flip reset on nothing here goes attempt number three for sixty dollars he messes up the pop off the wall and so we will go to attempt number four for forty dollars he is spiraling his arrows really nicely but he can't get underneath it and will not get a flip reset just because someone gets a crazy clip doesn't mean they do that every time for this player he actually has some really good aerial control but he could not repeat this shot and i know i felt bad about my own game when i've seen other people in my ring hitting crazy shots but don't feel like that's what they're doing every time they touch the ball let's go back to platinum because we have a really good clip coming in from lucas where he takes the ball over to the wall pops the ball up and jumps to the ceiling then expertly air rolling into position for a powerful musty now i made a training pack that allows this same setup will he be able to do this again in five attempts was he super lucky or is he just good at rocket league take your time because every single reset i know in training packs is really easy to hit that reset button but that's 20 every time you do it so take your time breathe in breathe out this is so this is attempt number one [Music] i don't think i can do that uh i never had a clean the messy double tap attempt number two had a little bounce all right we still have three more attempts sixty dollars still in the next attempt if you end up getting it it's just a sixty dollar musty flick that's amazing that's really much setup's good setup's good oh go in well let's go it's not beautiful but it's messy i don't mind it you jump you jump to the ceiling you got the musty i'm a blood so yeah that's good oh my god nicely done dude your setups were perfect like these setups were really really good you got the ball floating exactly where you need to do it now you guys are not ready for this clip from abyss he hits a triple wave dash chain and nails a shot with some really good speed on it now this is the clip we will make him try to hit again but he can also hit penta wave dash chains too which just looks insane so let's see if he can earn some cash and hit at least three wave dash chains this is for a hundred dollars attempt number one when you're ready [Music] number two number two oh no this is gonna be so painful if the first batch that's really hard yeah for sure all right attend number three sixty dollars still no please don't do this i thought you had it all right attempt number four oh no done no all right the final attempt again get a little practicing right there [Music] abyss couldn't get the shot but honestly that would have been pretty insane of him to get the shot like that only in five attempts for our final clip we have the one and only breezy who's in rlcs and also a freestyler and of course he's going to have a crazy clip involving a wall breezy into an insane angle double tap off the back wall i made a training pack that simulates this shot and this is my best attempt let's see if breezy can hit this again with just five yeah you can just kind of see what it does so it comes at a barely normal speed kind of rounds out bounces three times are you just going to send it huh hopefully oh no all right that was temple one attempt two all right eighty dollars come on oh that's not a good one oh [ __ ] that's not good okay i gotta make sure i get power hey get there don't chance okay at number four oh oh no in the clip you do drive up with it yeah it's actually i don't know how i drive up with it like it got a little whack all right attempt five oh no [Music] okay that's good yeah oh on the final oh no he got scuffed up oh no oh man the consolation attempt let's see it no pressure oh my god what a bang oh my god you actually almost got the angle as if i got that right after it doesn't even count alright so the whole point of this video was to prove that highlight clips do not define the rank you're in and you shouldn't compare yourself to them but now i'm out like 300 and i feel like platts are better than me [Music] later you
Channel: CBell
Views: 1,074,422
Rating: 4.9490204 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Highlight Clips, Rocket League Pro, Rocket League best shots, Rocket League CBell, Rocket League, CBell, I made rocket league players, rocket league challenge, rocket league money challenge, rocket league showmatch, rocket league clips, rocket league highlight shots, rocket league platinum, rocket league supersonic legend, rocket league rlcs, rocket league freestyler shots, rocket league musty flick, rocket league ceiling shots, rocket league players
Id: eW0gYnU091g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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