Making a RESIN & ICE Lava Lamp - What Happens?

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Still waiting for the INCREDIBLE bit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/czuk 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's just stuck at the top  i've had so many requests   for this project i thought it's about  time we did it yep it's ice and resin   now you might say that's not going to work nick  the thought did cross my mind however it's an   experiment that we all want to see i mean if it  works it's gonna be pretty cool huh see what i did so now i've mixed up mixed up now i've mixed  up some entropy resins for this the key here   is we're going to leave this resin to set for  about an hour hour and a half i've used the fast   hardener so it shouldn't take too long now  we obviously don't want it to set completely   that won't work we just want it to kind of  get a lot thicker so that when we put the   ice in it it kind of stays with inside  the resin will it melt i don't know   i'm kind of thinking it will but who  knows right let's knock up some ice   so i'm going to use some of this entropy resins  vivid color tints i'm going to stick some colors   inside the ice just so that we can see the ice  cubes inside the epoxy resin if it works of course oh this is looking pretty cool so we've got some color in there  and i've left some clear as well   but this is going to look cool and hopefully these  ice cubes will really stand out inside the resin   i don't know if this is going to work it's  probably not going to work but it's worth a try   now i'm pleased to tell you that  this video is brought to you   by now manscape hooked me up  with a bunch of tools and formulations from   their all-in-one performance package kit let's  check it out let's see what we've got in here check out the lawnmower three  3.0 oh loving this light i need a good trim this sucker is waterproof as  well and it has an advanced skin safe technology   built in oh almost forgot the weed whacker  look at this thing this is absolutely awesome   the weed whacker is for those areas  that you can't reach no i'm saying now look at these the shears 2.0  love this comes in a little wallet   everything you need and a little man pack   and not only that they sent me down some  manscape colony this stuff smells gorgeous don't spray it on your neck not in your mouth   now folks for a limited time only you'll get all  this plus two free gifts on me the shed travel   bag fanny pack and the anti-chauffeur chafing  and the anti-tropher chafing pants boxer shots   i think they're briefs now folks all you've  got to do to get all this and the bonuses   is head on over to today and  you'll get 20 percent off plus free shipping   plus obviously my two free gifts and on check out  just use my promo code nick cementi no i'm saying   link in the description right now we've got  our ice cooking in the freezer and i think   these colors added in there will actually make  it look pretty cool and funky and also adding in   the colors will help us distinguish between  the ice and the resin know what i'm saying   so just gonna test the uh temperature  now uh so we put this in here and   so we've got 20 19 c 19 c 20 c at the moment  and then that will then start to kind of get   hotter and start to set and then  and then we can add in the ice cubes looking forward to this one now as you can see  it's a bit cloudy at the moment but that is just   natural that's what happens uh it gets  clearer as the resin sets huh look at that so um we just kind of gotta wait and you'll see  later on when this um cures if if it cures when we   put the the ice cubes in it that it will go clear  but um yeah it's perfectly normal if you see your   resin kind of cloudy like this initially when  you pour it out that is normal am i right folks   look at this now so this has got  really clear just like i said it would looking good billy ray so um and  now we are up to let's have a check 54 55 c so that has jumped up fair old  whack so we're getting close now to adding   the ice so it's uh but we want it to be a  lot thicker than that so still a bit runny   to be fair but she'll go straight away like  in in like you know when it's ready it'll just   go bang and it's gone so we've got a small window  right so i'm gonna go and get the ice out and um   hopefully it won't melt before we've uh  actually put this in here here is our ice so we got some colored ice cubes in here  which we use the entropy tints for um   just because oh look i might wanna put  some gloves on right so um we're gonna   mix it up a bit we can't put too much in here  um because put some clear ones in there as well because then we can see the difference  between the ice and the resin let's get all of these out there it is folks i think  we're almost ready to put this   ice into this resin here what the  french call les encompeton what okay   i think we're ready we are up to 93 now on  this let's say 65 there but inside 86 it was 86 86 what is it what is it 89 that's hot that's  hot in there now all right it's certainly going   now let's get one of these white ice  cubes in here let's see what happens   it's just sat there on the top it is not floated  to the bottom just yet but let's put some more in i'm just curious to see what's gonna happen  these should really be melting to be fair   and maybe they will but let's get a  few more in down in the bottom there that looks odd that looks really weird  let's put a yellow one in and a red one it's just stuck at the top we want  to go down in the middle really   um okay let's get a blue one  in there and another white one and a green one see if we can push it down ah this is just weird it kind of has just sort of like locked all  itself together but it is still it wants to   come to the top doesn't want to stay oh no it's  going down a bit now but i think maybe we leave   that and don't put any more in what do you think  i don't know maybe put a green one in there on top this i think it's just it's really  setting now because you can see it's   stuck it's really going off now  let's get another blue one in there quickly like that that is going off with all of the ice   in there what we could do actually is put some  more resin on top because we've got a good layer   at the bottom here and if you look around around  here let it started to start to sort of break out   but actually that's not looking it's not looking  too bad actually is it what i'm going to do i'm   going to put some resin more resin in the top  of this let's zoom out a bit for you and put   some more resin in the top and then we'll get  this in the pressure pot and then we'll leave   that overnight and just see what happens i've  no idea but we're gonna find out really soon well let's get this in the old pressure pot we've got a bit of a leakage so that's  it folks it's in there resin and ice ice   and resin is it gonna work are they all just gonna  melt but then maybe if it does melt then we will   capture the water inside but then i'm thinking  all the colors i've left in there will they stay   separated or will it just be black water well  i guess we'll have to find out in the morning   oh we're ready for this one folks  i'm excited i hope you are too lou give me a milk chocolate ugh oh oh no oh no no okay what do we have here suspense is terrible   right folks so looks like we've got a bit of a  leak but actually that might not pose as an issue   and inside let's get a closer look inside  here it looks as though the the ice has set all the resin has set around  the ice the ice is still   ice as far as i can see it hasn't kind of melted  so how weird is that so the ice is just still ice   in there now i wonder if we can make something  from this let's get it demolded and see what we   can find know what i'm saying that just literally  just dropped out of there oh look at this folks   oh wow this just looks so awesome it looks  like some kind of planet like explosion   look at all the little bubbles in the back there  and all the kind of little almost like a galaxy   i don't know actually it just looks so cool obviously all these bits are still ice so the  ice is actually set with inside the resin um we   i really want to make something with this but what  i don't want to do what i can't do is obviously   you know get inside the ice because that will just  ruin it so we've got to be really really careful   how we do this but i think we could maybe  make something with this i don't know what   but i'm thinking about a sphere but i'm not sure  if that will work unless we try and make this   bigger maybe put some more res in it but look at  the features in this this is just unreal resin and ice folks i love this so so   okay so i've kind of like just crystallized  it a bit to give it a little bit of interest   so i put a few kind of like jagged edges in it  just to make it look a little bit different i   think i was going to try and turn it into a sphere  but i was sort of fearing the fact of cutting into   the the ice in there because that is that's still  ice that is still ice in there it's not melted i   really think it's not melted it's not there it  is it's there if it was melted it would i don't   know it's just in there so anyway put a bit of  interest into this um try and make it into a   bit of a feature maybe if we can incorporate some  sort of light as well that might look really cool   so i'm going to clean this up a little bit  more and see if we can get this shining baby so all right so i've sanded this  now down to about 400 grit   gonna give this a bit of a buff with some  abalone pads and then maybe some mocha mesh this is going to be such a weird  conversation piece what's in there ice really weird so good hmm ice in resin it doesn't work but it does  wonder what this thing looks like in the dark now i have to admit i didn't think this was going  to work at all but i proved myself wrong and look   at this this is just insane i mean so the question  here is has the ice melted in there or not um because it just looks exactly the same  as it did when it went in and obviously the   resin was like at boiling point it was really  hot and obviously that the ice was ice cold   so but the resin had to kind of set  because it was at that point of setting   so it sort of capsulated the ice inside it  couldn't go anywhere we we kind of kept it really   thick so that it wasn't going to spread around but  i mean i mean that's pretty cool i really do like   that if i'm honest the features in that it's  just so unique so cool um and this was for you   folks out there that kept uh messaging me about  doing resin and ice resin and ice i've had so   many messages from people uh what a great idea um  oh wow i didn't know at the time if it was gonna   be a great idea or not but absolutely awesome idea  so thanks to everyone that's asked me to do this   i do hope that you enjoyed watching this please  share this one with your friends family and anyone   else you think may be interested to see how this  actually happened because at this moment in time   i still have no idea but definitely worth a  toot of the horn horn so i put my emblem in   there made a little spinning plate uh feature  which obviously creates some lights in it   as well and i thought that works quite well  with this because it really does incentuate   is that a word accentuate i'm going with that  anyway it really does accentuate i think i just   made that up the features in this resin and ice  sculpture well again folks thank you for watching   this thank you for joining me on this channel  if you haven't subscribed to the channel please   hit the subscribe button and we'll be doing some  more crazy experiments just like this one really   really soon please check out all my links below  where i get my music from my resin and obviously   my sponsor today i would really help me out take  care folks and i'll see you for the next one
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 199,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, resin hack, ice and epoxy, art resin, ice resin, resin experiment, casting ice in epoxy, epoxy and ice, resin & ice sculpture, resin, epoxy, epoxy ice, how to use resin
Id: qx4YcX_9_BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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