Crazy Floating Pencil AMAZON ECHO ..

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alexxa we're thinking about funking up your case today what do you reckon let's get this bad boy on chopped Nick happy days [Music] [Music] Alexa are you gonna talk to me today Nick you are a bit strange and weird but I like it [Music] this is my new resin room not many of you have seen this yet where you have now though I've kind of got a separate room in here because I kind of don't want any Duff getting into the resin so with this project what I thought we would do today is I thought that we would try to customize this now with this Amazon Alexa you can just pop the case out like so and it's quite cool because what we can do here is that think that we can customize this case and I reckon this is going to look pretty funky latigo so with my wine I don't know if it's the same with all the other Amazon Alexa cases that no some of them might be different or not sure with this one you know it comes out we could definitely replicate this in some fashion and I'm thinking maybe we can make outward but then this one's already wood but maybe a mixture of wood and resin with ah what about we chuck in some of these I'm sure they're in here any one these badges you remember these you made a project from this a little while back now it was a really large immersive pencil yep it's a big pencil and we cut up so many pencils in that project and we kept all the tips and I reckon these tips are gonna work perfectly in this project tonight this is gonna be so Funkadelic Nick I know [Music] if you're not gonna get some resin the stuff I use just head on over to resins alright calm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh this is looking good Alexa really will love whatever you make me as long as it's not made from colored pencils [Music] all right so that's the middle part of it um lat the top part of it I'm gonna split this up with wood and pencils so I thought it might be quite cool maybe have a pencil bit then a wood bit because that would be also helpful for the drilling of the holes which we need to do kind of a LOF and then we'd have another kind of like row of pencils well that's my thinking anyway now I've got this American walnut hunk of junk and I reckon this would work kind of well with the contrast of the pencils well in order to do this I'm gonna put this little badger plate on it which will fit just nice at all of slice and this will be perfect I've got this from record power and it kind of came with my chucks but you can buy these separately I'm gonna groove I'm gonna not glue on a screw that into there and then we will be able to just shimmy a little bit off [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's got this in here now and then we've so we've got we've got our little pencils and then we've got the bit of wood that we're going to mix in then we've got this other piece here which we're gonna try to attach to the top of that so Kearney you're gonna get like you know the pencils then you've got the wood which we're gonna put all the you know holes in porifera it kind of holes everywhere for the sound to come out and then we've got that to go on the top but actually that's the bottom this is the top so that should be about right as long as this kind of stays straight if that doesn't stay straight and that'll be a little bit of a bummer there not too much of a problem because we can you know we can just slice this off and then use this blank and then stick another piece of wood on I guess but mmm ideally it'd be nice if it just stays like that so let's see let's get this in the pressure pot as you probably gathered I do like working with pencils Nick stop waffling on [Music] [Applause] all right whilst that's stewing in the pressure pot it's time for us to go to bed you can I'm back in the morning Nick let's take one step at a time shall we plus I'm not that type of girl [Applause] are you ready oh okay done the Sun okay that's like do that will work for the bottom bit that we need happy days alright it's gone in a little bit wonky mmm might be alright [Music] there she blows let me go this one this is quite nice like that actually I like that where we can do another project kind of around this type of feature next that might look quite nice maybe like some coasters or something cool they look pretty neat yeah so we're gonna use that stuck on there somehow okay Fellini let's get on with it [Music] so what I'm going to try and do is I'm going to build a little casing around here and then we're going to pour another bit of resin in here so it gives it a bit more thickness to play with going up here and that should be fine you wouldn't really notice that so there's another night we're gonna have to wait see this is why these projects take me so long but so I think that's gonna be the best option so I'm gonna seal up around here I'm gonna use some of this and what of this stuff actually this is this is the stuff I'm use so like corrugated and a plastic stuff and then waste I'll just make that with where hot glue it around so that it doesn't get out bring it up to you know bring out to put about here and then just put a bit of resin in there so and then just put it back in the pressure pot and that should help us really well should help me well I hope so anyway [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it's ready now for the resident poor and you know resin can really find any little nook and cranny to come out of so you know you really want to seal this up pretty tight you know and even what do you think you sealed it seal it again so I will be putting some more hot glue on this just around here just to bulk it up a bit more a bit more down here you know just to really really secure this thing so really don't want the resin leaking out it'll be absolutely fine in the bum because it would just be an absolute pain in the bottom so that would give me a little bit more wiggle room you see around the edges that's all we want just a small amount really just to give us a bit of play or move shape yourself so right let's get pouring the resin [Music] right so we've now gotta wait another night well I have for you it will be here in a second I just gotta think about what I can do now really Nick I think it's time for you to chill up have a nice cup of tea and think about how funky this case is gonna be so anyway there we go that is so far so good what do you reckon of this selector I don't have any tips for that yet but there are a lot of topics I do know about try asking me for tips about gardening fashion art guitar relaxation all backpacking know what I'm on about is this new pencil case for you what do you reckon I know Nick I was just winding you up ha ha yes I love it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is as far as we've got this is looking pretty cool already she fits in there just about obviously a little bit there but I can't go any further in to hollow this out because it's just not feasible so but that's fine anyway because we do need we do need we do need to put this on the bottom because I want the pin saw was kind of like you know here and I want a bit here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to sort of get this on the lathe and we can use this as the bottom we're gonna just finish this part of it I've already sent it down to sort of 240 grit I'm gonna put some sand and see them on it in a minute and then finish it up but before we take this off of here we need to drill some funky-looking holes so that we can hear the funky music that comes out of Amazon Alexa isn't that right Alexa what she can't talk at the moment so we've got a bit to do so I'm gonna leave it for there for now because the end of the night for me but I'll be back obviously no time difference for you we're gonna start drilling some holes here because we need to mimic that one there that one and get some holes in there so I think we'll start you know just try and work out maybe would draw them out first pinpoint them all because I'm not sure if I want them all scared I think it'd be nice if they were uniformed I think anyway I don't know we'll see but it's looking pretty cold oh right Tommy [Music] - yeah [Music] this is pretty tedious as you can probably imagine [Music] the certainly is a la hose drill [Music] come on couple more oh yes oh I finished that took absolutely ages is a challenge for you who can tell me how many holes in it I think that's pretty impossible but if you're fancy give it a go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey what are you wrecking folks so it's not fully buffed up yet but it's pretty near I'm gonna get it on the buffing wheel once we take this off I'm gonna pop this off now and then see past here this is where it's gone into the resin and this is the wood so I'm gonna take it high actually and if we need to add in any more holes we can do it there's enough holes there for the sound to travel through anyway so I'm gonna take it off about here all the way around and then we're just gonna get that nice wood effect as opposed to the resin bit there I can't get in there at the moment to sort of clean that up so yeah looking good I reckon she's gonna love this [Music] so that's what we've got so far now we've got to put the base on this so that fits all the way in I like it this is definitely gonna be a good one not long now Alexa [Music] okay so it transpires that this is too small we need a bit more kind of bulk on the resin so I'm gonna have to do what I did before and put a bit more present in so I'm just gonna make up another little mold always forget my words and then put a bit of resin in only up to sort of here-ish so that will basically give us a little bit more thickness to play with here's one I made earlier well just a min ago so again same again got that in there middle there and then was gonna pour resin in there up to so high just to give us an extra room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there we go folks that is now carved out ready to be able to put our power in that's where the power goes fairly well I mean it's not perfect but that's good enough for Judd hey happy days [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there is my bottom without my bottom your bottom Alexa Nik that doesn't look like my bottom it does so there we go and it's still waiting a bit of a polish up but we do that on the buff and well at the end so this will get glued to this like that hey we're getting there but it certainly has taken some time you can say that again I'm so bored well I'm not I'm making this for you women can't live with him can't live without him so as you can see it's looking pretty cool and pretty funky just as I imagined it almost perfect it's always left to do now is to glue this up which we're gonna use some epoxy for this leave that to sit overnight then we come back and buff this bad boy up Nick this is taking so long I do hope your followers are going to like this one I mean it does look funky you know that [Music] [Applause] [Music] a customizable funky-looking Amazon Alexa case now this is definitely Funkadelic right come on Alexa tell me what you think Nick I don't know if you have noticed but I'm naked right now ah yes sorry about that well I guess it looks like you need a new case Alexa are you ready Alexa is the question I've waited a long time for this let's get this party started me too Oh Oh as they say as they say like a glove beautiful fit this is absolutely amazing haha cue the music [Music] well there it is folks and she fits in there perfectly I love this that was two blows there that's because it's extra special I do hope that you guys like this and you thought this was a cool project because Alexa did in there I [Music] she's sleeping it did take me quite a while this one and I kind of had to think about how to pry kind of put this together but it actually turned out pretty well actually I'm pretty pleased with it I think that's definitely a pretty cool case for your Alexa I don't know if all the cases come off there we go look there's a bottom there and then obviously got this bit where you can push that through because it's all sort of slots into place so you can push this as we did at the beginning and that just pops her out but it's got like a little suction on it and it just fits in there really nice it just as it does on the old K so you can just oh let's do that again I said again it's just beautiful the way that fits in there so snug I love it I love it absolutely love it I don't know if I'd make another one because this like everything I kind of make it they do take me quite some time and okay as you know you probably know me I kind of only make kind of one of something you know very rare I make two of them so yeah I really do like that I'm gonna keep this one in the kitchen I think it's gonna look really cool in the kitchen much better than this one I'm not actually too sure if you can buy customizable cases for Amazon Alexis or not I definitely know you can't buy one of these there wasn't really anywhere for me to fit my logo in this one so bit of a shame I might be able to maybe squeeze it in the front there as possible I could do that it's not gonna fit in there perfectly though and there's not a lot of room in there to know go in there actually I could just put one and put it in the middle there it's possible I could do that so opposite to the where the power goes I think maybe maybe in the front there what do you think that would look right I don't know I don't know whether that might spoil it or not but then I kind of do like to brand the stuff that I make even if I'm keeping it really I'll see if I can squeeze one I just really don't want to ruin this but I'll see if I can get one in there though maybe a brass one might look quite nice and the bottom looks kind of cool isn't it and if you ever get inside you know she's up or down there a minute you can see the inside sorry I'm pretty I'm pretty chuffed with that so I had this one on my mind for quite some time and it's just sort of getting around doing it I've got loads of things going on in my head as to what to make and this one has been rumbling around for months and months I was thinking you know I'll do this I'll do it customisable alexa case i think that'll be really cool pencils and I sort of just thought why I'm gonna get this done now so there we go well I do really hope that you like this one guys if you did please could you share the video that would be absolutely helpful to me and maybe it gets some more people over looking at the funky stuff I'm doing viewers a thumbs up and a comment below what your thoughts are I know it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea but what is right please don't forget to check out all the links below in my description where I get my music from a few other links in there of the kit that I use in my workshop obviously where you can buy an Amazon elixir not that this video is sponsored by Amazon Alexa whatsoever but I think it should have been well I hope you liked this one folks take care have a fab weekend and I'll see you all really soon Cheers [Music] hey Nick don't leave me here take me with you or lose me forever you [Music]
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 244,804
Rating: 4.8710294 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, Woodworking, DIY, How To Woodturn, crafts making, hobby crafting, lathes, lathetools, carbide tools, amazon alexa, alexa, amazon alexa case, customizing your amazon alexa case, Amazon, Alexa, floating pencil amazon alexa case, floating pencils, HOW TO, how to, art, handmade, amazon echo, customizing my echo
Id: Yv5MeXPmv_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
Reddit Comments

This clearly takes a lot of skill and imagination but it just doesn't look very nice. Shame.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/slightly-simian 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
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