I Remade Every Mob into Dragons

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I remade every mob into dragons in Minecraft let's turn this skeleton into a skeletal Dragon this head needs to be a giant dragon skull we'll build out that body and turn these bones into legs and then let's make these blocks into Bones the skeletal Dragon at first sort of looks like a very bony dog but once those wings start moving I'm sure this skeletal dragon is gonna look a little bit more Fierce let's throw down a bunch of husks okay he's turned towards the husks that's a good sign and what is that a flaming pillar of Doom it slowly goes out headed towards these husks a pillar has no sort of targeting uh he managed to get hit by the next one though it just sort of goes in a straight line and if these husks just walk away well then they tend to survive this creeper will be our wyvern creeper first of course is making that head into a dragon give it some flaring horns give them a body and a set of legs and a wyvern has its wings and arms combined give it back that creeper coloring and it's ready to rock now that looks a little bit more like the type of dragon I'd expect to see a slightly different species the blood inside is probably green instead of blue but wait a second when this guy walks he sort of looks like he's dancing watch him move let's turn that dancing down a bit and see what he can do okay here goes our River creeper oh he's dancing real fast before he goes for an attack here damn creeper hat exclusive another explosion bam to us that time it looks like he's not shooting quite fast enough to group him up but it is hitting directly on target let's find out which one of these guys comes out on top in a head-to-head battle one pillar comes out from our skeleton and one head was fired off by our wyvern there's the pillar but the pillar was avoided because it has no targeting ability the creeper stands two hits and gets hit by that pillar I don't think he's catching on that he should stand out of the blue fire instead of standing inside of it down goes our skeletal dragon that leaves our wyvern creeper as the standing champ so far but it's King of the Hill so we need to grab another competitor let's turn this Blaze into a blaze Dragon first a head with a bunch of horns then we'll give it a body standing up on two legs add some wings and we'll give it some armor before adding that fiery Blaze color it's our Blaze dragon is looking like a Pokemon with his bony metal head down to the back of his tail everybody hold on just a second I just realized that the legs aren't working on this guy he's walking around well more so floating The Blaze dragon is perfect attack on the classic Dragon ability fire breath of course the flame leaves a burn effect afterwards which should do extra damage seriously oh my it's gonna be the Blaze versus our explosive creeper we're gonna have to see if our Blaze dragon can leave the creeper burning enough to do enough damage to knock him out there he's on fire the fire is sticking and it is hurting that is good news for you my friend here he goes that's three heads so far that hit the blaze dragon and the entire time though this withered creeper has been burning I have a feeling that the constant burn on this guy is gonna manage to take him down first there goes the super fast breath to knock him out all over the world right there the withered creeper goes down our Blaze dragon is looking super powerful right now let's turn a chicken into an adorable baby dragon we know he needs a head with itty bitty horns and some sloppy little ears some tiny little arms and legs look at those little wings an adorable face wearing a broken eggshell on its head and this baby dragon is looking cute look at those little arms flap it's forgotten how to Flap the wings he doesn't have the total fire breath down but he's got a little bitty flame that he can fire out this little flame is sort of like a little sneeze of fire breath yeah but of course these husks aren't quite as big as a blaze dragon and this Blaze dragon is massive so let's not get our hopes up get our baby dragon looking all fresh like with those arms flapping let's see if little guy can do it that was a lot of fire breath instantaneously he's already burning up but he's tossing his little Sneezy balls of Doom out pretty consistently it hasn't stopped at all this seems to be a replay from the last matchup our King of the Hill might remain King of the Hill unless these little baby sneeze breaths are doing far more damage than I anticipate they're doing oh my word word and they are this is the upset of the century the baby dragon took the win our King is a child we're gonna have to see how long that lasts we'll make this Enderman into an Ender Hydra to be a Hydra this guy's gonna need at least three heads so we'll give it a base body with a super long tail to balance out those extra heads and add some strong legs to support that extra weight take that head and triple it look at that massive Dragon this perfectly crafted model with three heads and of course if the theories are correct these heads should grow back our baby dragon is gonna have to prove itself on this one especially when the Ender Hydra has a poison brand a constant black flame that comes out non-stop watch this oh he survived oh not long yikes that flame breath is looking magnificent and our little baby dragon doesn't quite have the same ability but the determination in this little guy might lead him to Victory but to be honest I sort of doubt it we'll see and let these two prove themselves if they can and baby dragon is the first one to go but that is a constant fire out from this Ender Hydra it looks like the Hydra is actually taking a break in between shots though leaving a chance for these little Fireball sneezes to catch up I'm sort of rooting the little guy on but that poison seems to be hurting neander Hydra is hiding in the wall for a second before coming back out though still taking hit after hit the consistency of this little guy prevails again we're gonna have to see how long this little guy remains Champion now we've gotta turn a zombie into an undead dragon some Twisted looking horns a nice thick body we'll give it a pouch on its throat to hold acid so it can shoot out then we'll make you look Undead with some gnarly Flesh and Bones super grungy this undead dragon looks absolutely filthy look at the rotten flesh down the side on the legs here disgusting in our guy here is Undead so we gotta stay consistent with a theme you see that right there that's a poison sack he's got poisonous breath oh darn it I left his front legs not working properly but the poison breath is working perfectly it is absolutely toxic watch this guy breathe it out it's not really a breath that's more of just sort of vomiting onto mobs I don't know if you heard me or not but good luck buddy this undead dragon is pretty toxic and here goes the baby again with the first fireball out and glance the first four or five hits at first and there goes the toxic pool and this baby is standing right inside of it just right inside of the puke even inside of the pool though little baby dragon is still tossing out those sneeze balls so that's good and those sneeze balls have seemed to be super effective so as long as those keep coming out it should be pretty good but not good enough oh my goodness our baby Reagan is all chicken absolutely toasted by our toxic undead dragon we've got a new King in town ladies and Gentlemen let's turn this Guardian into a sea serpent to guard the oceans we've got to build out this body into a head and a long serpent form stacking a bunch of Guardian bodies together we'll give it lots of cool spines add some giant fins to the side of its head to make it fishy and give it those Guardian orange accents and some dark scaly patterns we've got to keep everything inside of the Arena so our sea serpent might be at a light disadvantage let's see what he chooses to do though against a couple of these husks here he's targeted them and he throws out throws in water it's not sea or land it's in the middle comes right out boom freezes in place locks the mob down temporarily before exploding on top of them oh no that would land it on himself oh my gosh and putting everything together we forgot the brains of this guy he's completely cornered himself against the wall here and that will not end well if you keep up that behavior buddy let me get you back out here place you in the center we charge you to full health buddy you gotta stand your ground against the king of the undead dragon then release the first hit and it's in the right location manages to get it onto the undead dragon that's good to see so far our sea serpent is able to dodge the toxic ground the puke from our undead dragon at least roughly the ice beams are landing and he hasn't landed a single one on himself yet which is a good sign so far our sea serpent is managing to correct things from the battle against the husk and Downey goes because he cannot get out of these toxic pools here nobody has seemed to figure it out yet an iron golem is perfect to make an armored Dragon our armored boy needs to be extra thick and bulky stubby legs and Dale with a huge head and heavy body this guy's basically got a hammer for her head and armored plating all over well color him so he's like made up of rocks and ores look at this beefy boy with his little wings the beefiest dragons we've got and my hope is that this armor we can see it act as a sort of protective barrier against the toxic nature of the undead dragon he sort of wobbles side to side as he walks around ever so slowly but all that extra weight isn't useless the armored dragon has a Shockwave attack that does an insane amount of damage boom knocked that husk up and dies all the way down and the way that the armor Dragon charges to do his attack could get him out of any toxic pools that might be underneath him let's see if it pays off for him though against the undead dragon I hope that armor holds up at least a little bit the undead dranken Corners him backing the armored Dragon up but the charge comes in and the puke comes out the armor dragon backs out of it quickly though that's the most effective backup we've seen another charge comes in manages but gets stuck inside the first layer when he goes back for the charge and now the pools are everywhere no matter where he moves he seems to be climbing into a pool of some sort and the undead dragon is taking damage wait a second flame comes out of him there goes a charge as well it's not knocking knocking my goodness gracious the only thing that's left of this armor is two iron ingots Young dead Dragon manages to come out on top still let's see if we can take this slime and make a slime worm first it needs a dragon's head then a springy spiraling body like a snake give this curly worm some wings a slimy green texture all throughout and some slime dripping from his jaw all right that is a worm if I've ever seen one look at the Slime dripping off of his chin there's not a single feather on these Wings it's all juicy slippery slime if it's movement is just bouncing he looks a little bit more like a spring of some sort rather than a dragon our slime worm is gonna throw out projectiles that spread in slime locking mobs in place dealing damage to him well they're stuck look at that the Slime is slowing him down has a little bit of trouble getting out of it and two hits will do it for that guy our buddy hasn't taken a single hit so let's just bring in our undead dragon and see who can come out on top in this one it's two hits for two hits so far they've exchanged hits one to one but the Slime is standing in the Pew the range might help this guy actually keep a distance to stay away from the puke just like that but climbs back into it briefly can't decide what to do these slime balls exploding are actually making it harder for any future slimes to hit and he goes down so quickly that was one of the most decisive wins we've seen so far this on Dragon is on an absolute Bender right now taking down everything in sight deciding he wants to be the dragon king forever but I'm still going to build a better Dragon if I can this Magma Cube will be our magma Drake we'll make it low to the ground and a salamander shaped give it a curly tail and scales like magma and lava that's one hot drink our magma Dragon looks tiny sort of salamander-like the bounce in this model looks so odd he gets thinner and fatter as he moves around to watch him bounce yes magnificent of course I decided to up the fire breath on this guy this fire breath is gonna burn explode and do a bunch of damage leaving lava underneath the bombs as well this should be able to rival our undead dragon leaving pools underneath let's place our undead dragon just a little bit away from the lava we're about to see if that pool of puke is stronger than the lava pits that our magma Drake can make the pool comes out it's burning but the undead dragon Falls instantly into the lava actually taking damage as well it is working so far this could be a match-up it could be close there goes more lava that one misses unfortunately the toxic fool is hitting him left and right this is double the mail oh my goodness gracious the undead dragon eventually goes down in the lava himself but it wasn't nearly close enough to call the tie it was a decisive win for our undead dragon confusing but not confusing enough we still need a dragon that can win and lastly this wolf will be the biggest dragon yet a Titan to be a Titan this wolf needs to be huge huge it's a massive tusks spines all along the back of that big body we'll give it a ton of extra spines on its head too in all those spins and spines make this guy flare up even bigger the most massive Dragon yet the Titan Drake the hair I want some of that product and the damage of this Titan Drake is immaculate these husks don't stand a single chance a beam of Doom yellowish in color the last baby in one hit turns around for the final husk over here the first two went down on the first beam this guy's about to get blasted here we go bam and this body looks big enough to hold a brain that's smart enough to stand out of any pit of puke this could be the closest fight we've seen or it could be extremely quick here they go the Titan Drake the undead Drake The Beam lands the Pew comes out he's burning constantly the brain is not there in fact he's just standing in the puke let's see if he can actually land enough hits before he just burns to this toxic pit that he's left underneath them he's just continuously taking damage and he goes down even the Titan Drake can't win against this undead dragon that vomit snack came out for the win and the whole Arena sounds disgusting
Channel: Kipper
Views: 3,919,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i remade every mob in minecraft, custom mob, custom mobs, minecraft mob, minecraft mobs, minecraft custom, custom boss, custom bosses, minecraft video game, custom model, custom models, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, minecraft custom mod, minecraft custom mods, custom zombie, banned minecraft, minecraft mobs remade, custom minecraft mobs, minecraft, custom wither, minecraft custom bosses, custom zombies, minecraft dragon, minecraft dragons, custom dragons in minecraft
Id: ib1_Avcaj9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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