I Made NEW EXPLOSIVE Mobs in Minecraft

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Mojang hasn't added a new mob that causes explosions since 2 2009 when knots gave us the creeper well today I will be adding four new Mobs into Minecraft each with their own explosions it's more explosive than the last Santa will force some friends of mine to battle these explosive monsters [Music] let's begin I want this first one to be a cute little walking TNT block so let's start with a cube then add tiny little Cube arms tiny little Cube legs and most importantly make his face just the cutest little face your giant eyes and a teeny tiny mouth now we have the textures isn't that just the cutest little block of Destruction you've ever seen I'm gonna call you TNT Ted because you says a teddy bear I'm gonna pet it oh [Music] he doesn't like to be touched alright so let's take a look at it in game alright here we go oh look at you you little cutie even when he follows me I I kind of don't want to run away from him I just want to run over there and give him a hug you know what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it come here oh foreign yeah it seems to react to social interactions just like me and what if we just spawn a whole lot of them and just listen to them all scream at once that was terrifying what [Laughter] now this is the smallest mob that we are making today and therefore it doesn't really do that much damage yeah it's not a big hole it's a small hole it's mostly just annoying now if you want to see a big explosion just wait until you see what we got next alright on to the next one so that was the tiny explosion mob now let's go bigger for the next creature um this time I want to go a completely different route and make an explosive robot let's again start with a block that'll be painted as a TNT block later then let's add some extra detail around it to make that the head of the robot now for his chest piece and since this is a robot I want it to be edgier than a 15 year old on Twitter so I'm making sure I make a lot of sharp rotations with a block now I want to add a second TNT block as the core of its body and Surround that with a detailed casing now for the most time consuming part the mechanical legs with the Panzer bibs and Bobs and stuff and and things and boom no pun intended I think it's ready to be painted I want the color scheme to be the same as the TNT block it has encased in his body so red for the main white for the details and a Sprinkle of dark gray then do some simple highlights and shadows for the red and white bits and a bit more detail for the mechanical Parts done I'm gonna call him Boomer alright now let's take a quick little look at this robot oh oh my God he's actually pretty freaking massive hello big guy oh he's happy well let's see what happens when we go into survival what no no don't destroy don't destroy don't destroy oh wow okay now that is a large freaking explosion hold up let's see that again oh oh man all right yeah that is way bigger than the walking TNT blocks we saw earlier and what happens if we just spawn a whole lot of it oh God oh God okay that's loud that's loud that's terrifying that's terrifying girl they were all shaking in unison oh man my friends are going to hate this one I can't wait for them to actually battle these things oh all right on to the next one so we have made a small explosive mob and a big mechanized one now for the third mob of I want to again go a completely different route and make a flying mob based on the Pokemon Geodude let's add a steeper scale and start with making the basic shape of escaping mouth of fire and exclusions and little nose that makes them terrifying eyes of gloom and destruction and some pretty white now all we really have left to sculpt is his arms and there we go now let's throw some paint on there let's make the whole guy a warm gray color with a burning interior for his mouth and of course some burning eyes down with a little bit of details and then we have but we're not done no this guy definitely needs some fire particles now we're done I'm gonna call him blast all right now let's take a look at this guy in game and there we go man that is actually pretty terrifying as you can probably tell this guy is heavily based on the Phantom it even has its sound effects but what it also has is its attack oh but I modified it a little bit so basically the other mobs are based on the creeper where it sneaks up on you and explodes within a given time these guys don't give you a given time now these guys did fly towards you and Go full comic oh yeah they do that do they just they do that and they're pretty satisfying to kill as they explode when you hit them with an arrow now their explosion isn't that big but they do set everything and don't come too close to me please don't please please leave me alone as I was saying they do set everything on fire and given that they don't give you any heads up when they're see yeah this is annoying this is very annoying my friends are going to absolutely hate this one but I think they're going to hate the next one even more so we got a small mob giving small explosions we got a media mob with big explosions and now we got a flying mob with Kamikaze explosions now it's time for the big boss and when I say big I mean big this is going to be the biggest mob I have ever made if you were to stack Steves on one another you would need 12 sneeves to be as large as this mob but before we get started on it let's first thank today's sponsor fast Royale in Clash Royale players battle head to head in real time and their objective is to build a deck of characters to knock down the towers on the opposing player's side each Tower you knock down will give you one crown and the player with the most crowns when the timer runs out wins the game I've actually gotten really hooked on this game since I installed it and I figured the best way to show you why is to play it for you guys so over here we have the deck that I have made for myself so since we got our deck let's go and battle okay so not the best of cards to start with I'm going to start with the mini Pekka oh man okay this is not going great oh wait a minute it is going great wait I didn't even notice that I'd already taken down one of their towers wait this might be fantastic oh he got a Mini pack yeah I'm in the back of my own oh no we took down one of my Towers oh this is not going good this is not going good this is not going good all right so we got a bunch of goblins right now taking down their Tower and we have almost done it just one hit just one hit just one hit oh come on the Giant died right before he was gonna destroy that tower all right I think we're gonna go into sudden death meaning the first person to take down a Hut or a tower will win oh wait a minute I could just do this I can just place down a fireball and just like that baby boom I got two crowns and my opponent only got one Crown meaning I win baby now I have actually gone ahead and created my own Clan here that you guys can actually go ahead and join just click the link in the description and download the game for free and search for Tara's Topia and then we can do some Wars and stuff we can we can go out and end and fight people it would be fun it's gonna be fun go go click the link go go click the link please click the link I need I need people to play with thank you Clash Royale for sponsoring today's video now let's get started on the final mob for the day let's add a steam for scale and start by making his head this will be his bottom lip and then we can continue with downward to make his large chin now we can make his teeth and notice how they are half the size of Steve this guy is going to be massive now we can make his Angry Eyes his head is so freaking big as you can probably tell this is an ogre so let's finish the head with some ogre ears like that now let's raise him up and start working on its body I want him to have a large chest and a tiny little waist that's fit for spring break add some shoulders and start working on the large muscular arms arms baby now we do something similar to his legs legs baby now the final thing I want to add to this model is a bag on his back that we will fill with these bombs and we are done now again let's see how it compares to Steve yep that's that's a big boy keep that in mind as we start working on the textures first let's get all the right colors on there looking good out as you can see when we start painting its face the textures seem to be a very high resolution but they are actually the same resolution as everything else in Minecraft 16 pixels per meter it's just that this ogre is 24 meters tall but painting it is definitely harder as I have to paint with a lot more realism in mind as there is so much detail I need to add to not make it look flat but after hours of painting here we have the fitness model complete with detailed belts a skull belt buckle and a skirt because he fancy like that now with a bit of coating from cookie and some map making from Kevin we are finally ready to challenge our friends to battle these monsters but first if you like this video so far make sure to subscribe for more content now let's go towards your our friends hi welcome everybody Welcome to my lovely abode gorgeous I brought you here because I have a little interest ing physician problem that I need your help with taken care of so if you could please follow me over here to my living room oh boy living room wow your living room is massive very spacious the infestation that I'm speaking of I I really hope that you guys can help me out with this one because it's a bad one what oh my goodness oh are those walking TNTs I have underwater tennis game right now that I have to attend Iowa yeah I've taken out a couple of these before nothing new okay this is not a problem okay the TNTs are actually super cute if you guys look at their little eyeballs I do like them go and get them oh my goodness Terrace Terrace Health I'm dumb desk oh my God oh my God this guy doesn't damage okay wow that's not cool is he spawning guys are there a limited number yeah he has a couple of friends he likes to bring Bears we're not that close of a friend no one else I don't know if I want to help you you're not like family well you want me to come live at your place watch this guys guest I don't think we were the first people here huh oh [Music] is going to get a little bit harder as you go it's gonna get harder traversing the map is dude this guy's not taking damage look at this guy I got him I got him [Applause] let's go oh okay that was a knockback hey so here have a have a potato can we use the baby TNT's against them oh maybe we can he won't just me he doesn't see me he doesn't see me this is great oh goodness wow wait guys he blows out blocks we can make a pillar and we can go stand up above him Mr Cat we actually spend like an extra day in trying to miss the cat proofing it after the Mario Kart recording yo someone was in creative and they were punching the whole map I'm winning Mystic how are you in Creative I'm winning stop breaking the game Mystic I'm winning yet they were apparently winning I think you just didn't want me to win oh there's a dude with weird lanes over here I'm fighting like a like a Sonic robot I just want to point out that you said help you didn't say do it for me and I don't see you helping look alive I'm getting old my bag my back really hurts I don't really feel like it what is this guy I think what is this guy that's Optimus Prime oh oh you I can't help you thank you I thought about it it's the thought that counts right where's the little tiny baby TNTs oh they're all up there come here why do y'all scream no it's the bombs it's the TNT I mean the audio recording there's no recording this is real life you totally sat at your computer I'm not terrify my family what are you talking about oh wow you literally went yeah my son did come to my room and I was like are you Daddy are you okay I'm gonna hide down here nobody oh halfway in the lava again do easy for you guys so you know easy what do you mean easy pretty easy right now actually wait there's flying things too now take care of them please oh clever uh beef you hit the guys in the sky uh cookie and Kev you kill the TNTs and I'll be waiting over here but I don't have any arrows I can't hit anybody okay wait we could definitely do this with a plan but we need we need some arrows let's go farm these guys over here they're by themselves yeah we can Farm them right right yeah let's get it dude they're so obnoxious they're really annoying I just wanna died [Music] okay I got I got nearly a stack of arrows what's the plan B so okay once we have some arrows we have to split up divide and conquer so keep inventory is ons but just just keep just keep farming arrows while we can and then one person has to take out those blasts what all these guys yeah yeah I don't like this guy wait let me offer him a potato maybe maybe he'll chill oh oh another one okay okay I'm leaving I'm leaving oh oh my goodness yeah there you go got it got it wait Ellie come here I want to see if PVP is on hey PVP is on you guys are resorted to killing each other now I exterminated Ellie wait what oh those blasts are really cool looking I have to say the blasts it looks really cool if you see one up close did you get a chance to see how you close I got a chance to see it up close believe it or not they're terrifying but they look pretty cool for help can we call other people for help no you're the people for help there's no phone a friend I wanna call my mom what is that in your head what what are you holding and I got some more shots in I'm gonna attack his feet take this you're doing great cut your toes oh my God this guy doesn't like pedicures he's very sensitive about his toes I figured out a way to not die guys oh you did what did you do yeah just don't get hit I think beef is onto something yeah yeah I think if you don't get hit if you keep running it's working my strategy is sound sound strategy I gotta form some more of these arrows why are these guys screaming at me I want you to experiment them they are really cute though I kind of want one so I stop murdering them let's go give them a hug this is working he's looking right at me we're getting him we're getting them I am going in I'm going in I got his attention I went through his legs he didn't see me he's gonna do something to my face but you still haven't seen them what is this fiery Geodude no stop screaming I can't see anything all I see is fire in my face okay so wait is there a way to get it's his attention because maybe one person gets the attention and then I'll go to everybody else I mean you can try to get up if I wasn't personal with him I'm trying it doesn't work oh it'll work have you tried not asking him why he's angry yeah let's go language there's a little bit of a language barrier there oh yeah language barrier maybe that's what's making him angry he doesn't feel understood I gotta say this is a weird way to evict your roommate it's almost dead oh it is close it is close keep it going keep it going oh he's gonna throw things at me yeah oh are you dropping him one by one it's okay take your time nope well things are going to blow up things are gonna blow up hit him in the Family Jewels this is so much fire here now Eli what did you do I think he figured this out huh all right a few more arrows oh there's so many of those little guys we're so close guys I'm firing through the fire I don't even know if I'm hitting them oh hey he's dead we got him oh we got him I want to take one of these little TNT's homework wait a second what what you're not done no phase two all right there you go wow you could do that this whole time well I just I just really like the company I I just really like spending time with you I'm sorry you know you could just ask me you wanna hang out you don't have to make up excuses really oh it's so sweet but what do I do with this guy then oh no there's so much all right all right have fun subscriber be blown up choice is yours bye-bye
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 1,053,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mob, minecraft mob, mobs, custom mobs, blockbench, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, tnt, explosion
Id: wENaUn2VQNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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