I Made a Minecraft RPG game

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today I'll be making my own Minecraft from scratch as an isometric turn-based RPG [Music] this is amazing yo wait this is sick I'm playing like the better Minecraft right now my objective is gonna be to make a cool first level throwing some cave exploration and add a working quest to tie everything together for this huge project I'll be using RPG in a box which is a pretty intuitive game engine alright let's start making a model for Steve to give everything a unique and different style that didn't just look like normal Minecraft I decided to go with a Steve model that was a single block tall I immediately wanted to move on to animations and gave him a nice walk cycle to use while strolling around that looks good hell yeah since the first important goal was to make an actual custom map for Steve to move around in what we needed was some assets I started working on some grass hats Water Oak planks and Oak stairs for house roofs Cobblestone for the walls and stone to use for the cave level this looks really good let me zoom in look at that filled with excitement I immediately moved on to making Oak slabs fences doors signs and a chest which all looked really nice in game at that point I decided to work on a little draft of Steve's house which would eventually be the spawn point for the player I am physically unable to move what the heck what has happened I was feeling really good about this yo looking back to me this looks like a happy clueless child that has no idea how the harshness of adulthood will crush their soul in a few hours of developing this thing we can rotate the camera as well that looks smooth dude going back for some more assets I started making the villagers which will be the main NPCs that you'll be able to talk to in the game alright what's up buddy I also converted the grass and path models to full blocks to actually give the word floor some height and that kind of caused a little bit of a problem oh no oh no I also made dirt which honestly looks more like uh mud dude that looks so much better I really like how this is looking at this point I felt really confident uh I was ready to just delete everything that came with a demo map I had downloaded this test and start from scratch with the assets I had prepared it was time to make the actual map for this game I started replacing everything I had made around using the tools I had prepared for myself and crazy to say everything just kinda worked the map was looking pretty great oh my god dude yes I was curious to see how Steve's model looked moving around in a newly made world but I didn't really like the movement I had made for him it looks sort of clunky so I decided to add a third movement frame to make the animation look smoother and I also made my steam well better after working on Steve's butt for about 24 minutes I was finally satisfied with the result that is Art that's so good oh my god dude you send that assets right there oh damn he has a booty look at that he has a booty just zoom just zoom in a little bit on man wow my mask got a dumpy I was about to move on to one of the hardest steps actually decorating the entire map on the second day of work I started making some more blocks so I could make the village a little livelier I got to making leaves by just dragging my mouse around randomly and also made some oak wood for the trees I then moved on to the actual map design I started off by making a tree in the corner here started adding fences and size for which we'll be making a little script to add text to them I went ahead and removed the darkness of my soul from the background Skybox and instead made it sort of simulate the Minecraft sky at this point I decided that the houses need a little more decoration and started working on some glass panes not entirely sure this is right but I haven't been entirely sure any of this has been right so I added the glass to the houses and they look pretty good since the map in general was a little bit too flat I sprinkled some hills around the place which aren't really climbable yet not bad I also removed the perfect straight edges here so the map would look a little rounder this is pretty much what I level is going to be like doing a bit of back and forward between the map and the houses I wonder how to use the solid oak wood for the supporting pillars at the edges I then cleaned up the pads that made up the main road in the village started making an entrance to the cave which would later become our main combat area as the cave entrance right there and then I added the most important part of the village the pond I went back and added some initial text to the signs around the level do not enter if you enter you will die pond it's gonna just say pond it's just gonna say Pond yeah it's fun I also figured the villagers had to eat to survive so I made a little farm for which I would not model another asset just for the crops genuinely there is no way uh I'm just gonna leave dirt I also added some dialogue to the little farmer there just to test that log out since I had never done anything like that and I had no idea what I was doing but honestly I probably applies to this entire thing hey what's up man hello I'm the farmer what do you do I farm Steve nice to meet you you've lived here for 16 yes Steve what do you know okay it very much is a plan to kill that man how do I kill him how do I kill him and then I jumped in for the first big test of the new and improved Village map yo look at the nice little shade with this tree right here this is working fantastically actually I'll be honest I think my ego was getting a little bit too big here I am a god amongst man since everything worked pretty much perfectly I decided to work on a little Easter egg for the players to find by making a little island far away from the map and an invisible path that led there or not I could not for the life of me get this invisible pass to work I tried making an invisible block but that failed miserably very quickly I then realized that if the block was first placed and then made invisible the walkable bad lines would not go away oh sure it's gonna work and it still didn't work I also changed the sky to a solid color from the Shader I had before and tried to make the blocks of the bridge of the same color so they wouldn't be visible but the Shadows didn't really agree with that so I just left this whole invisible Bridge thing for later and worked on other stuff there's literally nothing fastest point the world ends here yes I know must have been psychologically traumatizing knowing that this is literally the extent of the universe but it's not my problem I'm a sign I want to make it really clear do not try and go further than this point well obviously I should go further than this point oh my God since we're working on the whole game start Zone I started giving a little cleanup of Steve's house because I want him to spawn here and then I went on to make the most frustrating and haunting thing up to that point I wanted Steve's house to be made of two floors and whenever you went up the stairs the second floor would appear uh oh oh yeah yeah those were stairs and it's and it's just insane and it never it didn't work uh Steve would just become invisible the second floor would not show up it would not work I don't this was worse than the bridge I eventually figured out I could add blocks together into groups that I could make visible or invisible whenever I wanted now this did not help at all in this problem but it did solve another issue it pretty quickly solved the invisible bridge problem I figured that all I had to do was just make a bridge out of a literally any block make that into a group and just make the group permanently invisible and yeah it was that easy I just didn't know what I was doing I still couldn't figure out what the second floor would remain hidden when going up the stairs so I just set this one aside and moved on to more stuff before that I decided the water needed a little animation so I just made it so that the texture flipped every few frames that is yeah that is literally the most lazy way to do that I wanted to make some item to add to the initial chest outside the house here so I decided to make an iron sword for Steve to use against zombies I made the item texture really quickly and then just turn that 3D and attach it to Steve's arm with a um a great result I would say oh no oh my God the sword is as big as Steve I just made a smaller model that would actually fit in Steve's hand look at that now he's got a little uh stabby stick oh there's another man is he stabable [Music] they already had the sword item in place and I now knew how to make items I went on to create some sticks and some iron which the player should be able to make into an iron pickaxe so he could then go mine diamond which would be our main objective for the game and also emeralds that you should then be able to give to a villager to complete like sort of a secondary Quest at this point we had most of everything we needed to construct the main quest in place so it was time to start developing the actual dungeon where the action would start I started making a separate cave map that the player gets teleported into whenever you access the blocks at the front of the entrance in the village map and then I started to plan out how this little dungeon of hours would work I tested out the little Kmart for the first time and it was looking pretty spectacular honestly let's try out the the map we are in and just to Decay do not go further this is where we're gonna find some um some zombies and fight them and if we go through here we should just get out this is so cool the only issue was the map being a bit too big and slow to Traverse so I fixed that rather quickly by making the character run faster on Stone compared to normal grass since I figured out how to do that I also made Steve just a little faster on paths so sprinkling a little bit of detail with my walking speed quicker on the path yeah you will quicker on the back that is a nice fine detail I appreciate that I also decided the game needed a super important element which is always very appreciated in any game social commentary so I added a homeless mans out of town and made him a little shed I'm Jerry the homeless man what Jesus a twit longer on me I didn't think he was gonna bring up traumatic experience Jerry nice to see you careful not to step in the piss corner lastly with the cave and the weapons in place I had to decide between two combat Styles classical turn-based RPG or strategic combat yeah this is literally Fire Emblem I let the chat vote and I ended up going for the third base system not only because it held the majority vote but also because it was generally simpler to make and because it held a pretty special place in my heart as all I was doing as a kid was playing every single Pixel Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy game I could get on my Nintendo DS I finished everything up for that day pretty satisfied with the results honestly see you tomorrow now work on the quests and stuff the following day I was fresh and I was ready to literally finish the game oh what a fool I was I started out by introducing a little capybara model and it's animated as well it's probably going to be some kind of an Easter egg I had originally made him as a player character to test out walk animations before starting with The Minecraft Project and also because of my girlfriend Roberto really really wanted me to make a pixely capybara for me ah okay I decided I like the little guy and that I would absolutely not dare waste a single voxel and place them in the top part of town as with everything else that might seem secondary or just a little Easter egg this little man ended up literally becoming the most important part of the game the main quest of the game would be to find diamonds and then we have the secondary quest with emeralds to give to the Villager but with the secret Island and the capybara a third secret Quest was coming together but I didn't know that yet so I moved on to making the main enemies in the game zombies I just modeled them after Steve removed the absolute payload of a butt that he had and made them green there's our zombie I'm just gonna steal the animations from Steve for the walk as well there's the walk animation right there I went on to adding some ambient fog to the cave to make it a little more mysterious and actually feel like a dungeon okay there we go I don't remember that I had left the capybara completely loose in town this guy could just go wherever he wanted to so I made a little group of a few blocks there and made him walk in that zone specifically so he wouldn't just get lost I also played the zombies I had just made in the first cave Zone here which show will be the place where you get the iron later on and I finally managed to figure out why the second floor of Steve's house was just invisible the whole time and it was literally just because the stairs themselves they had to not be part of any group God damn it that was so easy to figure out anyway at this point I hopped into the game so I could test out the second floor which worked really well and also the combat which looked amazing very easy very nice and he is gone I started working on the HUD to make it as close as possible to Minecraft I used the Minecraft font which apparently Tommy didn't really appreciate do you steal your mouse box and try by clicking nothing to booming into them I can't believe you used the Minecraft fun I kept some things a little different to give them a little personality and also because I had literally zero idea how to change them I then worked on the secondary quest for the game finding emeralds I made a dialogue for this villager right here with multiple choices that was the first time I was doing that and I didn't know how that works but it sort of just did I made the game check for emeralds in the player's inventory so you would only get the option to finish the quest if you had them I'm pretty much out of money I don't want to end up homeless like I go south of town Jesus Republican villager could you go get me an emerald from the cave I have a pretty nifty reward if you do West added to your Journal Emerald moment find a way tips in an emerald from the cave all right let's do it and then I had to think of our award for the quest so I started making a gun in much higher resolution than anything else mind you you know the saying the more pixels it has the deadlier it is um this further element of absolute chaos would also tie in in a really unexpected way into our third secret quest which at this point was still a secret to me as well because I hadn't thought of making it yet we have the Glock now here it is oh okay oh okay yeah right the Villager has given you a gun Steve in Detroit completely glossing past that I made these zones in the cave into groups for the zombies to spawn in I added the option for the player to patch the capybara because you know let's be honest people are gonna want to be able to pet the Dan capybara it's a capybara there you go you gently pet the capybara I'm going to call you to Tom and then worked on making the ore blocks that would give us iron emerald and diamond essentially ending two quests of the game just by obtaining them I then attempted to make UI for an actual crafting menu but gave up almost instantly because I could not be bothered to potentially add another day of work just for a dumb little stupid menu instead I just made a crafting table model and made it remove two sticks and two iron bars from your inventory when used and made it give you the iron pickaxe as a result crafting table do your work yes yes and then I walked Steve's absolute unit of an ass over to the cave to test out mining yours and that cave was loading infinitely it's loading the map infinitely why is it doing this something had happened within the cave level which caused the game to go into a permanent loading screen that would force you to quit the game are you joking I didn't know if it was the map just not being able to load the entirety of Steve's dump truck or something else why does it not load but after hours of tries to fix it I just had to remake the whole thing from scratch we'll just make a new cave new map this was the absolute worst and most frustrating part of the entire thing after a whole day of high productivity I felt like I was actually close to finishing everything but I had I just had to waste a few hours just carefully remaking the cave and once that was pretty much done I closed the program and begrudgingly went to bed for an unexpected fourth day of work the next morning on the fourth day I was ready to finish this thing since I had the whole extra day I decided to go overboard I'm at a level for this villager house and moved the whole Emerald Quest prompt inside there amazing okay then I caught our rodent that was cooking around in my basement and then I worked on an idea that I had the game had to have a nice proper final secret boss so I got to work and modeled a fully functioning but having Among Us imposter I would spawn whenever you interacted with the sign on the secret Island play a Vine boom sound and start a secret at boss battle too difficult to beat with normal weapons prepared to be vaporized what dude I got a gun I also figured out how to make character portraits and I made it so they would just show up during dialogue I also made a stone pickaxe for Steve to find in his house so he'd have something to mind the initial iron with taking down a tree with punches is fine but I felt like being able to obliterate literal rock with your fist would put him on a Godly level that I'm honestly kind of afraid to imagine so you know I just gave him a pickaxe everything was finally ready and in place I tested the game out a few times to absolutely decimate the remaining bugs and missing features I then decided the game that are real ending sure finding diamonds was the main quest and all but the game needed a proper send-off after finishing all the side contents and beating the secret final boss using the literal firearm so I made an apple assigned it as a drop for the Imposter and added an interesting little description to it you'll find out quite soon what that does I cannot move I am forever locked in this state I guess we're done now everything was actually done and I was ready to let my dear fellow creators and Friends through try it out another day another opportunity to look for diamonds this is a oh dude I'm not even you send that to assets right there oh damn he has a booty look at look dirty my man's got a dumpy Jazz jet there you go yes whoa oh here we go hey Steve are you thinking of going into the cave I wouldn't do that my buddy Eric died shut up right is this the cave no this is someone this is just someone's home just to enter the man's house with a sword yo could you go get me an emerald from the cave cave super dangerous do not enter if you enter you will die do not go further shut up sign [Music] yo wait this is sick whoa okay attack what should I do do nothing bro Jesus why would you even put that in the game click on those because there is some issue with okay is there an issue with them there no no no no the sound effect for mining iron is just yeah you know it kind of is have you noticed uh Steve's walk like up close just zoom just zoom in a little bit on man have you notice man yeah he's got some of that some of that juice in there oh Jesus tell you pull yourself together I'm gonna take the right path because it's obviously the right one the right path I guess is the right one yeah we're gonna dig it on in iron pickaxe all right I need nine pickaxe oh you're kidding me yeah how could I have been so blind how could you tell me you're sharing were you shaving me I'm gonna forget the first step of Minecraft punch one you punched the wood almost broke your wrist I love this I should be doing this more now I got two sticks no wait just a minute I need iron pick I need oh it just autocrafted yeah of course my God it's uranium no it's Emerald nice you beat the game it's like we're cycling it's a capybara oh it's like capybara at the capybara he seems to like it oh love you I love you little friend great to see you again Steve do you have the emerald here it is oh hey that Republican great to see you again worker oh my God there's actually nothing at this point the world ends here oh my God oh my God you're gonna go here you're going for it huh you really thought you did something huh going out of the map like that prepare to be vaporized what dude I got a gun you got a gun are you are you okay [Music] oh let's go you beat the amulgas congrats you actually beat the game now this is it among us this is it now have this apple as a reward seems like a perfect food for cuppy I go I go how this apple is a reward now if I give the Apple to the capybara give the Apple what happens now oh transform it yo that's it just like a normal Minecraft what that is so cool oh Jimmy this is so good I'm glad you enjoyed it man Mojang wishes they made a game like that bro guys this is an epic gamer moment plus one sub well there it is if you'd like to have a copy of the game you can find that over on my patreon it's gonna be slightly different so that Mojang doesn't zoom into the ground over there you can also find the extended gameplay Cuts with Tommy and Fundy and some other really cool stuff for the full background on how the game was made you can go over to my twitch Channel where I streamed the entire process and right now the coolest thing you can do is watch another video of mine so YouTube is Happy alright that's it click on this other video watch another one thank you very much ciao
Channel: Toiu
Views: 2,565,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toiu, minecraft, i made a minecraft rpg, minecraft rpg game, rpg craft, isometric minecraft, turn based minecraft, turn based isometric rpg minecraft, i remade minecraft, i made minecraft isometric, i made minecraft turn based, minecraft mods, minecraft rpg, rpg minecraft, minecraft rpg mods
Id: tAr8zYDdI8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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